VP-002 Percutaneous Treatment of Mesenteric Vascular Disease

Fourty-five years old male patient admitted with abdominal pain. Patient was suspected for mesenteric vascular disease by general surgeans. Mesenteric angiography was done. Anjiography was showed that superior mesenteric artery subtotal occlusion. We passsed the occlusion with 0.14 mm coronary guide wire and we done predilation with 4.0*30 mm coronary balloon. After predilatation 7.0*59 mm baloon expandaple perpheral stent implantated. Superior mesenteric artery flow was provided. And the patients abdominal pain was realased.

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Nov 27, 2016 | Posted by in CARDIOLOGY | Comments Off on VP-002 Percutaneous Treatment of Mesenteric Vascular Disease

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