VP-001 Percutaneous Closure of Gerbode Defect in a Pediatric Case


Gerbode defect is a special type of VSD that has a shunt between left ventricle and right atrium We aimed to report successful percutaneous closure of an acquired Gerbode defect after surgical repair of VSD. To our knowledge this is the first reported pediatric case in Turkey.


Ten years old boy, operated for ventricular septal defect 3 years ago. He was presented with shortness of breath, getting tired early and grade 3 of a holosystolic murmur was detected. His chest X-ray showed moderate cardiomegaly. Two dimensional echocardiography demonstrated a large amount of shunt from the left ventricle to the right atrium. Left ventricle was dilated, therefore we decided to close the defect but the family refused to have a second surgery. Then we explained the percutaneous closure procedure to the family and they accepted. In catheterization; hemodynamic measurement showed an increase of oxygen saturation from the superior vena cava to the RA with a Qp/Qs ratio of 1.9. Left ventriculogram was done, Gerbode defect (LV to RA shunt) was shown. Narrowest diameter of the defect was 2mm, distance from aortic valve were measured as 6 mm. We have closed the defect with 4×4 Amplatzer duct occluder II(AGA Medical) device. Control LV angiogram was done, no residual defect was seen (Figure 1). Device location and its relation to aortic valve were also checked with transthoracic echocardiography. No rhythm disturbance was noticed during the procedure.

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Nov 27, 2016 | Posted by in CARDIOLOGY | Comments Off on VP-001 Percutaneous Closure of Gerbode Defect in a Pediatric Case

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