Uncomplicated Essential Hypertension

Uncomplicated Essential Hypertension


Treatment of patients with essential hypertension has been tremendously successful since publication of the landmark Veterans Administrative Cooperative Study reports. With this impetus, guidelines for the detection, evaluation and treatment of hypertension were issued initially in 1970 by the National High Blood Pressure Education Program (NHBPEP) and were subsequently published by the first Joint National Committee Report (JNC-I) in 1972. The seventh of these guidelines was published in 2003; similar reports have been released by many other national and international consensus committees on the basis of advice from their respective expert organizations. Although these recommendations have been quite clear, they are also highly flexible and deal with uncomplicated essential hypertension as well as specific complications, target organ involvement, comorbid diseases, and other cardiovascular risk factors. Moreover, they are also applicable for patients with other (secondary) forms of systemic hypertension.

Following publication of JNC-I, the NHBPEP learned that only one-half of all people with hypertension were aware that their blood pressure was elevated. Of those who were aware that they had hypertension, one-half had received antihypertensive therapy and, of these, one-half had their blood pressure controlled. Thus, only 12.5% of the population with hypertension had optimal pressure control. Over the ensuing years there was progress in awareness, treatment and control of blood pressure. However, the most recent JNC-VII indicated real concern as the numbers of hypertensive patients detected, treated and controlled in 2003 had not improved satisfactorily (Table 4.1). The story elsewhere around the world is no better. Thus, the implications are clear: not enough is being done to control this major cardiovascular disease and risk factor underlying coronary heart disease.

Table 4.1 Trends in awareness, treatment and control of high blood pressure in adults aged 18-74 years

National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (%)

II (1976-1980)

III (Phase 1) (1988-1991)

III (Phase 2) (1991-1994)

















In addition to disseminating the periodic JNC reports, the NHBPEP has promulgated many working group reports concerning specific hypertension-related problems. Among these are reports dealing with systolic hypertension; the heart, kidney, stroke and diabetes mellitus; hypertension in blacks, the elderly and paediatric and pregnant patients;
non-pharmacological treatment; primary prevention; adherence; hypertension in the work setting; and others. Each report has been an important resource document for all health care professionals, the community, and third-party reimbursement organizations (see Further reading).

Classification and management of hypertension

At present, normal blood pressure is considered to be <120/<80 mmHg, systolic and diastolic, respectively (Table 4.2). Despite the normal, ‘prehypertensive’, or hypertensive ranges, all people should be encouraged to pursue healthy lifestyle patterns (see below).

Those individuals whose systolic and diastolic pressures range from 120 to 139 mmHg or from 80 to 89 mmHg, respectively, are said to have prehypertension. This range of pressure was formerly termed ‘high normal’ pressures. The choice of the term prehypertension has been strongly encouraged by epidemiologists and some others to help individuals to pursue lifestyle modification measures in order to prevent established or sustained essential hypertension from becoming manifest. However, the use of this term may serve to label normal individuals inappropriately as having hypertension. This has already prompted third party reimbursers to increase the insurance rate of some normotensives and even to reject some potential individuals from serving as renal (or other organ) donors.

Table 4.2 Classification of blood pressure


Systolic (mmHg)

Diastolic (mmHg)

Lifestyle modifications

Initial drug therapy without compelling indications


<120 and






or 80-89



Stage I

140-159 hypertension

or 90-99


Thiazide-type diuretic and/or beta-blocker; may consider ACE inhibitor, angiotensin receptor blocker, renin inhibitor, calcium antagonists or combination

Stage II hypertension


or ≥100


Usually two-drug combination or any of the above with more frequent follow-up and additional agents to the initial selection until blood pressure is controlled

Treatment of stage I and II hypertension

Patients with stage I hypertension (systolic pressures ranging from 140 to 159 mmHg or diastolic pressures from 90 to 99 mmHg documented on at least three separate occasions) should have their elevated pressures brought under control (<140 mmHg and <90 mmHg, systolic and diastolic, respectively). This may be approached initially with lifestyle (i.e. non-pharmacological approaches) modifications. If the elevated diastolic or systolic pressures are not controlled within a reasonable time (e.g. perhaps after 3-6 months but certainly less if the pressure elevation is associated with evidence of target organ involvement or a strong family history of premature cardiovascular death and disability), drug treatment is clearly indicated. In these individuals, particularly if significant demographic factors and comorbid diseases are present, vigorous antihypertensive treatment should be actively pursued (Table 4.3).

In patients with stage II hypertension (systolic pressure ≥160 mmHg or diastolic pressure ≥100 mmHg), pharmacological therapy should probably be initiated at the outset (after satisfactory confirmation), together with specific and detailed advice to modify lifestyle practices. As indicated below, many reports have demonstrated not only that lifestyle modification measures may provide control of low-grade pressure elevations but also that in patients with
higher pressure elevations lifestyle changes will reduce the number of drugs (or their doses) required. By the same token, many other studies have demonstrated that most patients with hypertension who have discontinued therapy must subsequently resume pharmacological therapy.

Table 4.3 Indications for initiating pharmacological therapy in patients with prehypertension or stage I hypertension

Positive family history of cardiovascular disease with premature death

Failure of pressure to respond to lifestyle modifications

Evidence of target organ involvement:



Left ventricular hypertrophy


Cardiac failure


Cardiac dysrhythmias


Electrocardiographic changes


Angina pectoris


Myocardial infarction



Renal functional impairment


Persistent proteinuria


Possibly polycystic renal disease


Possibly occlusive renal arterial diseases (fibrosing, atherosclerotic)



Hypertensive retinopathy


Transient ischaemic attacks



Related comorbid diseases or cardiovascular risk factors:

Carbohydrate intolerance/diabetes mellitus


Exogenous obesity


Tobacco addiction

Significant demographic factors:

Male gender

Black race

Selection of initial therapy

Non-pharmacological (lifestyle modification) approaches

Since publication of JNC-III, non-pharmacological approaches have been recommended as a basis upon which further (pharmacological) therapy is prescribed (Table 4.4). Many studies have demonstrated clearly that with weight control (to ideal body weight levels; BMI, 18.5-24.9), sodium restriction (<100 mmol [mEq] daily), alcohol moderation (<1 oz ethanol or its equivalent daily), aerobic exercise (at least 20 minutes, 3 days a week), and adequate dietary intake of potassium, blood pressure might be fully controlled in patients with small pressure elevation. Smoking cessation promotes good overall cardiovascular health and effectiveness of prescribed antihypertensive therapy. Indeed, several studies have shown that the smoker does not have the same protection from death, stroke or coronary heart disease as the non-smoker, nor does the smoker who is receiving a diuretic and whose blood pressure level is similarly controlled.

Pharmacological therapy

Any of the currently recommended classes of drugs may be chosen for initial antihypertensive therapy.

Table 4.4 Lifestyle modifications for hypertension

For prevention and management

  • Lose weight if overweight or obese

  • Reduce sodium intake

  • Limit alcohol intake

  • Increase aerobic physical activity.

  • Maintain adequate potassium intake

For overall and cardiovascular health

  • Stop smoking (see text)

  • Reduce dietary saturated fat and cholesterol

  • Maintain adequate intake of calcium and magnesium


The term ‘factors of risk’ was first introduced by the Framingham Heart Study almost five decades ago to identify demographically specific clinical characteristics that confer increased risk of cardiovascular morbidity and mortality. Initially encompassing only four risk factors, the factors of risk comprise hypertension, hyperlipidaemia, left ventricular hypertrophy, diabetes mellitus, smoking, exogenous obesity, several non-modifiable factors including age, black race and male gender, some less established factors that include hyperuricaemia and hyperfibrinogenaemia, and certain currently investigated ‘biomarkers’ that are end-points of cardiovascular diseases. Obesity is associated with increased intravascular (plasma) volume, which in turn is associated with increased venous return to the heart and cardiac output and increased blood flow and cardiac output to kidneys and other organs in both normal and hypertensive subjects. These haemodynamic derangements are associated with structural changes that include deposition of fat around the major organs such as the heart and kidney. Thus, and most importantly, obesity results in an increased intravascular volume and pressure overload on the heart, which increase the risk of hypertension.


Salt has played an important role in the social, economic and other aspects of human existence for millennia. However, over the past 100 years, medical practitioners have become increasingly interested in the role of salt excess in disease. More specifically, the adverse effect of salt or sodium excess has captured broad attention because of its direct role in cardiovascular and renal diseases and their outcomes. Stimulated by repeated epidemiological studies that have shown a strongly positive association between the magnitude of salt consumption and the prevalence of hypertensive diseases, many fundamental and clinical studies have focused on the potential mechanisms that might explain this association. However, only about one-third of patients with essential hypertension demonstrate increased ‘salt sensitivity’. Our imagination has been provoked by the possibility that salt excess might not only increase arterial pressure, but might even enhance the pathophysiological changes of hypertensive disease in addition to, and independent of, its effect on arterial pressure. Thus, we have demonstrated experimentally in our laboratory that salt excess produces diastolic dysfunction associated with deposition of collagen in the extracellular matrix and perivascularly in the ventricle; diminished aortic distensibility; and, in renal failure associated with diminished renal blood flow, afferent and efferent glomerular arteriolar constriction with increased glomerular hydrostatic pressure and severe arteriolar and glomerular injury. Most of these findings have been confirmed in humans.


The thiazide diuretics have been recommended for initial pharmacological monotherapy of hypertension ever since promulgation of the very first guidelines were published. The rationale for their use was not based solely on clinical empiricism, but on strong clinical evidence and, just as important, on sound physiological rationale. Were antihypertensive treatment to be initiated with either of the two oldest antihypertensive drug classes (i.e. adrenergic inhibitors, smooth muscle relaxants), following an initial reduction in the blood pressure, the pressure would most likely return to on or around pretreatment values. The mechanism for this is not ‘drug tolerance’ to these agents; intravascular (i.e. plasma) volume expands as a consequence of pressure reduction (‘pseudotolerance’). Diuretic monotherapy has its own intrinsic ability to reduce (if not control) arterial pressure in 15-50% of patients with essential hypertension (depending upon the initial pressures of the population group studied).

The various options for diuretic agents are:

  • Thiazides.

  • Thiazide congeners.

  • Potassium-retaining agents.

  • Loop-acting agents.

Generally, the thiazide agents (e.g. chlorothiazide, hydrochlorothiazide) are recommended, and the thiazide congeners (e.g. chlorthalidone) have also been used for several decades and in several multicentre studies. Table 4.5 presents patients who might be selected for initial thiazide monotherapy.

The more common biochemical effects of the drugs are listed in Table 4.6; but, as discussed in Chapter 4, they are less likely to occur with a low initial dose (e.g. hydrochlorothiazide 12.5-25 mg daily), which can be increased to 25 or even 50 mg. These considerations and other details are discussed in Chapter 5, including the risk of hypoglycaemia and sudden cardiac death. With the addition or initial selection of agents from other antihypertensive drug classes, effective pressure control may be expected in upwards of 85% of patients with lower doses of diuretics. This therapeutic manoeuvre serves to reduce the development of side-effects from other agents or even higher doses of the added agent. It is noteworthy, however, that the addition of a diuretic to a calcium antagonist may not be very effective in reducing pressure further. Perhaps this explains why these two classes of drugs are not available as combination therapy.

Table 4.5 Selection of patients for initial treatment with thiazides

  • Elderly

  • Black race

  • Obese

  • Female

  • Volume dependent

  • Low plasma renin activity

  • Steroid dependent

  • Renal disease

  • Isolated systolic hypertension

Table 4.6 Biochemical effects of thiazides

  • Hypokalaemia

  • Hyponatraemia

  • Carbohydrate intolerance

  • Impaired renal function

  • Hyperuricaemia

  • Hyperlipidaemia

  • Hypocalcaemia

  • Hypomagnesaemia

Table 4.7 Beta-blockers for use in uncomplicated essential hypertension



Intrinsic sympathomimetic activity










Esmolol (i.v. only)



Alpha-1 and beta-adrenergic receptor inhibitors



Beta-adrenergic receptor inhibitors

This class of antihypertensive agents has been recommended for initial therapy because abundant experience has indicated that beta-blockers can be prescribed without the likelihood of intravascular volume expansion, loss of arterial pressure control, and with predictable effectiveness in a significant population (but not all) of hypertensive patients. Moreover, their antihypertensive effectiveness may be increased further with the addition of a diuretic. The various options of beta-blockers (Table 4.7) and the patients most likely to be selected for therapy (Table 4.8) are presented.

In recent years some authorities have expressed their opinion that these beta-blockers do not merit consideration for prescription as initial therapy. However, we do not accept this concept. The arguments advanced by the former thought-leaders are based upon experiences derived from groups of patients or by meta-analysis. In our experience there are individual patients who are more likely to respond to beta-blockers alone (see 4.8). In particular, they include patients with a hyperdynamic circulation; younger patients with a lesser degree of blood pressure elevation; and patients with certain cardiac dysrhythmias, mitral valvular prolapse (idiopathic), angina pectoris or prior myocardial infarction.

Table 4.8 Selection of patients for initial treatment with beta-blockers

  • White race

  • Male

  • Hyperdynamic circulation

  • Angina pectoris

  • Prior myocardial infarction

  • Mitral valve prolapse (idiopathic)

  • Cardiac dysrhythmias (responsive to beta-blockers)

  • Migraine headaches

The clinical pharmacological characteristics of this class of agents are discussed in greater detail in Chapter 5; a summary of the mechanisms of action (Table 4.9) and side-effects (Table 4.10) are presented in Tables 4.9 and 4.10.

Alpha-1-adrenergic and alpha-beta adrenergic receptor inhibitors

Although suggested in earlier JNC reports, the alpha-1-adrenergic and the alpha-beta adrenergic receptor inhibitors have been recommended for initial monotherapy. These agents are effective in controlling arterial pressure but may be associated with expanded intravascular (plasma) volume (i.e. pseudotolerance). Because of this, peripheral oedema may occur and could be associated with symptoms suggesting cardiac failure. For this reason, doxazosin was removed from the ALLHAT study, with the statement that cardiac failure occurred with increased frequency compared with the other agents in that study (i.e. chlorthalidone, lisinopril and amlodipine). Nevertheless, alpha-1-adrenergic receptor inhibitors have continued to be used by patients with prostatic hyperplasia; concerns regarding further blood pressure reduction or postural hypotension have been raised, and falls with possible bone fractures have occurred. An alpha-1-adrenergic inhibitor has been made available (relatively recently) for normotensive patients with benign prostatic hyperplasia, which does not seem to be as potent in reducing arterial pressure.

Table 4.9 Mechanism of action of beta-adrenergic receptor inhibitors

  • Reduced heart rate and cardiac output

  • Varying effects on organ blood flows:

    – Depending on beta-receptor density

  • Reduced plasma renin activity

  • No expansion of plama volume

  • Reduced left ventricular mass

  • Protection against second myocardial infarction

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