How many anatomically different kinds of malformation can befall the tricuspid valve? Our database suggests that the answer is at least 12 ( Table 13.1 ).
Tricuspid Valve Anomaly | No. of Cases | Percent of Series ( n = 3216) |
| 80 | 2.49 |
| 94 | 2.92 |
| 78 | 2.43 |
| 70 | 2.18 |
| 12 | 0.25 |
| 8 | 0.25 |
| 6 | 0.19 |
| 4 | 0.12 |
| 3 | 0.09 |
| 2 | 0.06 |
| 1 | 0.03 |
| 1 | 0.03 |
∗ Also known as Ebstein’s anomaly with imperforate tricuspid valve.
We also encountered 41 cases of acquired tricuspid regurgitation (1.27%) and one patient with nonspecific tricuspid valvulitis (0.03%) that are not included in Table 13.1 .
It is widely thought that congenital tricuspid regurgitation is very uncommon, except for patients with Ebstein’s anomaly of the tricuspid valve. Consequently, we were surprised to find that our database ( Table 13.1 ) suggests that non-Ebstein congenital tricuspid regurgitation (80 cases, 2.49% of 3216 cases of congenital heart disease) may be about as common as Ebstein’s malformation (78 cases, 2.43% of this series of autopsy-proved congenital cardiac malformations). In order to clarify this situation, we realized that we had to do a detailed study of Ebstein’s malformation, and of non-Ebstein’s congenital tricuspid regurgitation. At the outset, we knew, of course, that Ebstein’s malformation does not always have tricuspid regurgitation. Ebstein’s anomaly can also have congenital tricuspid stenosis, or tricuspid atresia (imperforate Ebstein’s malformation). Thus, the 78 patients in Table 13.1 with Ebstein’s anomaly should not be misunderstood as all having congenital tricuspid regurgitation.
Ebstein’s Malformation
Ebstein’s malformation of the tricuspid valve and right ventricular sinus (body, or inflow tract) turned out to be much more interesting and complex than is generally understood.
This fascinating anomaly was first described by Wilhelm Ebstein (1836–1912) in 1866. Ebstein was a student of Rudolph Virchow (1821–1902) and Moritz Heinrich Romberg (1795–1873). Virchow, of course, was an eminent German pathologic anatomist who, working in Berlin, established the cellular basis of pathology ( Die Cellular pathologie, published in 1856). Thus, one may assume that Ebstein had received training in pathology, which helps to explain why at the age of only 30 years he was able to publish a definitive description of a newly discovered malformation of displacement of the tricuspid valve into the right ventricle, which is how Ebstein’s anomaly is often briefly described. Later, Ebstein became a distinguished professor of medicine at Göttingen.
Ebstein’s famous patient, Joseph Prescher, was a 19-year-old laborer with marked cyanosis. He had been short of breath, particularly with exertion, since childhood and had always been troubled with palpitations. Since the age of 17 he had been sick, but not bedridden. Eight days prior to admission to All Saints’ Hospital in Breslau, Prussia (which is now Wroclaw, Poland), swelling of his lower legs had appeared. In hospital, he was treated with bed rest and morphine to quiet a troublesome cough. He seemed to be improving, but then suddenly collapsed and died. It is thought that the causes of his death were a cardiac arrhythmia and congestive heart failure, complicating Ebstein’s anomaly.
Wilhelm Ebstein did not take care of the patient clinically, but he did perform the autopsy. A physician colleague, Oskar Wyss, made two excellent drawings of the cardiac anomalies ( Fig. 13.1 ).

Ebstein’s anomaly of the tricuspid valve and right ventricle is characterized by the following features ( Figs. 13.2 , 13.3 , and 13.4 ):
- 1.
The septal leaflet is downwardly displaced; that is, its origin is variably below the right atrial–right ventricular junction. When discordant L-loop ventricles coexist with visceroatrial situs solitus, that is, when the segmental anatomy is {S,L,-}, the septal leaflet of the left-sided tricuspid valve is displaced below the left atrial–right ventricular junction ( Fig. 13.4 ).
- 2.
The anterior leaflet is deep and curtain-like. It originates normally from the right atrioventricular junction; that is, typically its origin is not downwardly displaced. The tensor apparatus of the anterior leaflet has few (or occasionally no) interchordal spaces ( Figs. 13.2 , 13.3 , and 13.4 ). (Normally, there are abundant, well-formed spaces between the chordae tendineae.) The lack of interchordal spaces—which are filled with fibrous leaflet tissue—makes it look as though the anterior leaflet is inserting directly in the papillary musculature or directly in the right ventricular free wall. However, transillumination of the anterior tricuspid leaflet makes it clear that the chordae tendineae are in fact present; but they are not immediately obvious—because what should normally be the interchordal spaces are filled with fibrous leaflet tissue. This is also why the anterior leaflet of the tricuspid valve in Ebstein’s anomaly looks so deep, extending as it does from its origin at the right atrioventricular junction to its insertion into the small anterior papillary muscle of the right ventricle or directly into the right ventricular free wall. The lack of normally formed interchordal spaces also explains why this very deep anterior leaflet appears to “wave” at the imaging observer (for example, on two-dimensional echocardiography).
- 3.
The posterior leaflet of the tricuspid valve in Ebstein’s malformation typically arises from the right atrioventricular junction laterally, adjacent to the right ventricular free wall. But as the origin of the posterior leaflet approaches the right ventricular septal surface, its origin becomes progressively displaced below the right atrioventricular junction.
- 4.
Deficiency of leaflet tissue is frequent with Ebstein’s anomaly, often involving the septal leaflet, as in Ebstein’s patient ( Fig. 13.1A ), and quite often also involving the posterior leaflet. Absence of tricuspid valve leaflet tissue, that is, a partial form of congenitally unguarded tricuspid orifice, means that the tricuspid valve’s leaflets cannot effectively coapt, typically resulting in tricuspid regurgitation.
- 5.
Downward displacement of the origin of the tricuspid valve septally and posteriorly subdivides the right ventricle into an “atrialized” right ventricle (above the tricuspid leaflets) and a “ventricularized” right ventricle (below the tricuspid leaflets). The “atrialized” right ventricle has atrial hemodynamics (e.g., right atrial pressures), whereas the “ventricularized” right ventricle typically has ventricular hemodynamics (e.g., right ventricular pressures).
- 6.
Deficiency or absence of right ventricular musculature is an integral part of Ebstein’s anomaly. The septal surface of the “atrialized” right ventricle (between the right atrioventricular junction above and the tricuspid leaflet tissue below) is typically smooth or nontrabeculated ( Figs. 13.1A , 13.2A , 13.3A , and 13.4A ). This usually is not because the tricuspid valve’s septal leaflet has been plastered down on the right ventricular septal surface, thereby obscuring the coarse underlying trabeculae carneae of the right ventricular septal surface myocardium. Surprising though it may at first seem, the right ventricular septal surface myocardial above the downwardly displaced septal leaflet is really absent. One is looking at the featureless (smooth), normally hidden, left ventricular component of the interventricular septum. This surface is what electrophysiologists call “the barrier,” the normal junction between the left ventricular component (which is present) and the right ventricular component (which is absent in typical Ebstein’s malformation). This junction between the left and right ventricular components of the normal interventricular septum is well seen histologically in cross sections of the ventricular septum.

How far down may the septal leaflet of the tricuspid valve be displaced in Ebstein’s anomaly? The degree of “downward displacement” below the right atrioventricular junction is variable. But when Ebstein’s anomaly is severe: down to where the infundibulum begins. Where is that? The septal band and the moderator band demarcate the beginning of the infundibulum (or right ventricular outflow tract) ( Fig. 13.5A ). Thus, in a typical severe case of Ebstein’s malformation, the septal leaflet may be displaced all the way down to the septal and moderator bands (also known as the septomarginal trabeculation). In less severe cases, the septal leaflet is displaced only part of the way down toward the septal and moderator bands.

In fact, the very worst case is far more extreme than displacement of the septal leaflet of the tricuspid valve down to the level of the septal and moderator bands. In the extreme case, often with pulmonary valvar atresia or severe stenosis and intact ventricular septum, a tricuspid leaflet remnant is found just below the pulmonary valve. At first glance, it looks as though the patient has no tricuspid valve and two pulmonary valves, one above the other. The upper one is the real pulmonary valve. The lower one is a markedly displaced tricuspid valve leaflet remnant. It looks as though the tricuspid valve has been rotated down into the right ventricular cavity and then upward to just under the pulmonary valve. The axis of this apparent tricuspid valvar rotation is its anteroseptal commissure. This is the point around which the downward, anterior, and then the upward rotation of the tricuspid valve appears to have occurred.
It should be understood that our conventional description of downward displacement of the septal leaflet of the tricuspid valve (compared with its normal location) is exactly backwards, from a developmental or embryologic standpoint. In normal development, the septal leaflet delaminates or separates from the underlying ventricular septum and ascends toward the right atrioventricular junction. This upward ascent of the septal leaflet of the tricuspid valve is normally associated with the laying down of right ventricular septal surface myocardium beneath the delaminated and ascending septal leaflet of the tricuspid valve. , This is why there is no right ventricular septal surface myocardium above the unascended septal leaflet of the tricuspid valve in Ebstein’s anomaly. Thus, it should be understood that in typical Ebstein’s malformation, the septal (and often the posterior) leaflets are not really downwardly displaced; instead, they have failed to ascend.
Deficiency of right ventricular myocardium in Ebstein’s malformation is not confined to the septal surface (of the “atrialized” right ventricle). Right ventricular myocardial deficiency also typically involves the diaphragmatic surface of the “atrialized” right ventricular free wall, where it forms an aneurysm that can be progressive and that may be associated with a characteristic right intraventricular block pattern electrocardiographically.
Right ventricular free wall myocardial deficiency or absence can also involve the anterior wall, where it forms the picture known as Uhl’s disease (parchment right ventricle).
Thus, Ebstein’s anomaly is a tricuspid valvar, an atrioventricular junctional, and a right ventricular (sinus) malformation. The infundibulum typically is not malformed, as in Ebstein’s original patient ( Fig. 13.1B ).
Ebstein’s anomaly clearly indicates the important distinction between the right ventricle (i.e., the right ventricular sinus, body, or inflow tract) on the one hand, and the conus arteriosus (infundibulum or outflow tract) on the other. Ebstein’s malformation is a dysplasia of the tricuspid portion of the atrioventricular canal ( Fig. 13.5A , component 1) and of the right ventricular sinus ( Fig. 13.5A , component 2), but typically not of the proximal or distal parts of the conus ( Fig. 13.5A , components 3 and 4, respectively). Ebstein’s anomaly also indicates the very close relationship that exists between the development of the right ventricle (i.e., the right ventricular sinus) and the tricuspid valve (and vice versa).
The tricuspid valve may be described as myogenic, whereas the mitral valve is fibrogenic. It is worth recalling that in many birds, the tricuspid valve consists of a muscular strap (a free wall “leaflet”) with no septal leaflet.
In this sense, birds normally have something akin to Ebstein’s malformation in man. However, birds are much more left ventricular dominant than we are. Flying appears to be much harder work than walking. Consequently, the avian interventricular septum bulges into the right ventricular cavity much more than it does in man. Hence, the free-wall tricuspid leaflet in birds (corresponding to the anterior and posterior tricuspid leaflets in man) coapts against the ventricular septum, resulting in a competent “tricuspid” (i.e., right atrioventricular) valve. Hemodynamically, therefore, birds do not need a septal leaflet of the right atrioventricular valve, whereas humans usually do. (Anecdotally, some drug addicts have survived, despite loss of the septal leaflet of the tricuspid valve because of bacterial endocarditis. Nonetheless, a normal septal leaflet and a competent tricuspid valve are highly desirable hemodynamically for most humans, as Ebstein’s anomaly indicates.)
The atrioventricular endocardial cushions, which may be regarded as fibrogenic, initially open only into the left ventricle and they form the mitral valve. Rarely, a primitive tricuspid valve can be an entirely muscular structure in human beings ( Fig. 13.6 ). Normally, the tricuspid valve undergoes demuscularization, resulting in a fibrous tricuspid valve. But this process of tricuspid demuscularization is often incomplete, particularly high up, close to the origins of the anterior and posterior leaflets.

Thus, Ebstein’s anomaly suggests that we do not fully understand the normal and abnormal morphogenesis of the atrioventricular canal or junction. In our considerations of the embryology of the malformation known as common atrioventricular canal (also known as atrioventricular septal defect), we usually assume that everything can be understood as various kinds of defects of the atrioventricular endocardial cushions. But Ebstein’s anomaly is telling us that our conventional understanding of the morphogenesis of the atrioventricular canal region is oversimplified. There is more to it than just the atrioventricular endocardial cushions. The tricuspid valve has an important myogenic component, as Ebstein’s anomaly dramatically illustrates and as the rare anomaly of muscular tricuspid valve ( Fig. 13.6 ) also indicates.
- 7.
From a functional standpoint, Ebstein’s anomaly can result in congenital tricuspid regurgitation (insufficiency), or congenital tricuspid stenosis, or tricuspid atresia (when the tricuspid valve is imperforate), as will be seen.
- 8.
Ebstein’s anomaly occurs in various different settings or complexes, as Dr. Maurice Lev would say. Ebstein’s anomaly may or may not be an isolated malformation. These various different settings are of great clinical, diagnostic, and surgical importance, as will be seen.
Study of Ebstein’s Anomaly of the Tricuspid Valve and Right Ventricle
This study of the pathologic anatomy of all forms of Ebstein’s malformation was based on 78 postmortem cases, which constituted 2.43% of the 3216 autopsied cases of congenital heart disease in this series as a whole (the database on which this book is based). (Note: 184 postmortem cases of acquired heart disease bring the total database to 3400 cases.)
Gender: males = 39; females = 35; and not known = 4. Thus the male/female ratio = 39/35 = 1.11/1. Hence, no significant gender preponderance was found.
Age at death ( n = 69) or cardiac transplantation ( n = 4): mean = 3.92 ± 6.77 years; range = 0 (abortus or stillborn) to 25 years; and median = 2.5 months (10 weeks). The median age at death was surprisingly young, indicating that Ebstein’s anomaly with or without associated malformations in our pediatric population of patients was often a lethal, rapidly fatal anomaly.
Only 4 of 78 heart specimens were explants following cardiac transplantation (5%). Consequently, the above-mentioned statistics do indeed refer almost always (95%) to the age at death, not to the age at cardiac transplantation.
Is this a Children’s Hospital Boston series of cases, that is, a single-institution series? No, in the sense that 27 of these 78 cases (35%) were consultations from other institutions from as far away as Marseille, France; but yes in the sense that all of these cases were studied in the Cardiac Registry of Children’s Hospital Boston.
The anatomic settings in which Ebstein’s anomaly occurred are summarized in Table 13.2 .
TABLE 13.2
Ebstein’s Anomaly: The Anatomic Settings ( n = 78)
No. of Cases
% ∗ of Series
- 1.
Ebstein’s anomaly (not otherwise qualified)
- (a)
With tricuspid regurgitation
- (b)
With tricuspid stenosis
- (c)
With tricuspid atresia
- (d)
With tricuspid regurgitation and tricuspid stenosis
- (e)
Without tricuspid regurgitation or tricuspid stenosis
- (a)
- 2.
Ebstein’s anomaly with pulmonary atresia or severe stenosis and intact ventricular septum
- (a)
With tricuspid regurgitation
- (b)
With tricuspid stenosis
- (a)
- 3.
Left-sided Ebstein’s anomaly
- (a)
With tricuspid regurgitation
- (b)
With tricuspid stenosis
- (a)
- 4.
Ebstein’s anomaly with incompletely common atrioventricular canal
- (a)
With tricuspid atresia (4) or tricuspid stenosis (2)
- (b)
With tricuspid regurgitation
- (a)
∗ All percentages are rounded off to the nearest whole number.
- 1.
As Table 13.2 indicates, Ebstein’s anomaly occurs in (at least) four different settings:
- 1.
Ebstein’s anomaly (not otherwise qualified). We could not call it “isolated” Ebstein’s malformation because, as will be seen, this—the most common form of Ebstein’s (53%)—was often associated with additional anomalies (tricuspid regurgitation, stenosis, atresia, regurgitation and stenosis, secundum atrial septal defect, etc.).
- 2.
Ebstein’s anomaly in the setting of pulmonary valvar atresia or severe stenosis with intact ventricular septum occurred in 14 patients (18%, Table 13.2 ).
- 3.
Left-sided Ebstein’s anomaly with discordant L-loop ventricles was found in 14 patients (18% of this series, Table 13.2 ).
- 4.
Ebstein’s anomaly with the incomplete form of common atrioventricular canal was present in 9 patients (12%, Table 13.2 ).
Now let us consider each of these four groups in detail because, as will be seen, each is clinically and surgically very different from the others.
Ebstein’s Anomaly With Tricuspid Regurgitation
Ebstein’s anomaly of the tricuspid valve and right ventricle with tricuspid regurgitation was the single largest group in this study, although it comprised only 25 of 78 cases (32%) ( Table 13.2 ). This is what most people mean when they speak of “typical” Ebstein’s anomaly, even though this subset constituted only slightly less than one-third of all of our cases.
Gender: males, 10; females, 13; and unknown, 2. The male/female ratio in this subset was 0.77/1.
Age at death ( n = 24): mean, 6.26 years ± 7.48 years; range, 0 to 20 years; and median, 1.67 years. There were 3 abortus, who were regarded as having a postnatal life = 0. The foregoing data refer only to ages at postnatal death.
Language note: Abortus is a fourth declension, masculine Latin noun: abortus, -ūs, meaning a miscarriage. Consequently, the correct plural of abortus is abortūs , or simply abortus (without the macron).
The foregoing concerns only the ages at death; that is, there were no cardiac transplants, leading to living patients, in this group.
Important associated findings: Clinically and surgically important findings that were associated with these 25 postmortem cases of Ebstein’s anomaly of the tricuspid valve and right ventricle with tricuspid regurgitation are summarized in Table 13.3 .
Associated Findings | No. of Cases | % ∗ of Series |
Secundum atrial septal defect | 13 | 52 |
Cyanosis | 7 | 28 |
Partial absence of tricuspid leaflets | 6 | 24 |
Ventricular septal defect Conoventricular Muscular | 6 5 3 | 24 20 12 |
Heart failure | 6 | 24 |
Pulmonary stenosis, valvar | 6 | 24 |
Sudden arrhythmic death | 5 | 20 |
Biventricular pathology | 4 | 16 |
History of paroxysmal atrial tachycardia/supraventricular tachycardia/Wolff-Parkinson-White syndrome | 3 | 12 |
Uhl’s disease of the right ventricle (parchment right ventricle) | 2 | 8 |
Prominent right ventricular diaphragmatic aneurysm | 3 | 12 |
Prominent Eustachian valve of the inferior vena cava | 3 | 12 |
Multiple congenital anomalies (cardiovascular and noncardiovascular) | 3 | 12 |
Chromosomal anomaly | 2 | 8 |
Left superior vena cava to coronary sinus to right atrium | 2 | 8 |
History of prior syncope | 1 | 4 |
Tetralogy of Fallot {S,D,S} | 1 | 4 |
Transposition of the great arteries {S,D,D} | 1 | 4 |
Double-outlet right ventricle {S,D,D} | 1 | 4 |
Congenital mitral stenosis | 1 | 4 |
Subacute bacterial endocarditis of stenotic mitral valve | 1 | 4 |
Double-orifice mitral valve | 1 | 4 |
Mitral atresia with hypoplastic left heart syndrome | 1 | 4 |
Dysplasia of left ventricle | 1 | 4 |
Aortic stenosis, supravalvar | 1 | 4 |
Aortic atresia, valvar | 1 | 4 |
Pulmonary regurgitation | 1 | 4 |
Myxomatous change of all four cardiac valve leaflets | 1 | 4 |
Aneurysm of the right horn of the sinus venosus | 1 | 4 |
Diverticulum of right atrioventricular junction | 1 | 4 |
∗ All percentages are rounded off to the nearest whole number.
A secundum type of atrial septal defect was the most common associated malformation (13 cases, 52%, Table 13.3 ), as in Ebstein’s original patient ( Fig. 13.1A ) and as in Case 1 of our series ( Fig. 13.7A ).

Partial absence of the tricuspid valve leaflets was one of the second most common associated anomalies (6 patients, 24%, Table 13.3 ). The septal leaflet of the tricuspid valve may be partially absent ( Fig. 13.1A ) or totally absent; and the posterior leaflet of the tricuspid valve can be deficient or absent, particularly adjacent to the septal surface of the atrialized right ventricle.
This deficiency or absence of the septal and posterior leaflets of the tricuspid valve is associated with downward displacement of these tricuspid leaflets, or leaflet remnants, toward the septal and moderator bands, and away from or beneath the right atrial–right ventricular junction. Downward displacement and leaflet deficiency or absence of the septal and posterior leaflets of the tricuspid valve are integral parts of Ebstein’s anomaly.
Indeed, if the origins of the septal and posterior leaflets of the tricuspid valve are not downwardly displaced below the right atrioventricular junction, that is, if there is no atrialized right ventricle, then we do not make the diagnosis of Ebstein’s anomaly. An Ebstein’s-like anomaly may be present, but not typical Ebstein’s malformation.
Deficiency or absence of the septal and posterior leaflets of the tricuspid valve in typical Ebstein’s malformation often means that the deep curtain-like anterior leaflet has no leaflet against which it can coapt, resulting, as noted heretofore, in tricuspid regurgitation.
Although the origin of the anterior leaflet of the tricuspid valve typically is not downwardly displaced beneath the right atrioventricular junction, this leaflet is very abnormal in other respects: it is deep, curtain-like, myxomatous, and with reduction of interchordal spaces. The anterior papillary musculature is much smaller than normal. The insertion of the anterior leaflet can be broad, right into the right ventricular free wall ( Figs. 13.2 and 13.3 ).
The normal origin of the anterior tricuspid leaflet and the very low origins of the septal and posterior leaflets means that the atrialized right ventricle is bizarrely asymmetrical: high laterally and low medially. Consequently, the annulus of the tricuspid leaflets in Ebstein’s anomaly is much larger than normal and is at very different levels, which often predisposes to tricuspid regurgitation. So, too, does functional hypoplasia or absence of the septal and posterior leaflets.
The heart of an 8-month-old girl with typical Ebstein’s malformation is shown in Fig. 13.2 . Note the small secundum atrial septal defect or stretched patent foramen ovale ( Figs. 13.2A and 13.7A ); the downward displacement of the septal leaflet of the tricuspid valve ( Fig. 13.2A ); the atrialized right ventricle between the downwardly displaced septal leaflet below and the atrioventricular junction above ( Fig. 13.2A ); the smooth septal surface of the atrialized right ventricle—smooth because it is covered by no trabeculated right ventricular septal surface myocardium above the downwardly displaced septal leaflet of the tricuspid valve ( Fig. 13.2A ); and the very deep curtain-like anterior leaflet of the tricuspid valve ( Fig. 13.2A ).
The malformation of the anterior leaflet of the tricuspid valve is also functionally important. This large and deep anterior leaflet appears to insert directly into the right ventricular free wall ( Figs. 13.2A , 13.4 , and 13.7 ). Why? Because there are few or no interchordal spaces. Consequently, the chordae tendineae are not apparent. They are not free, readily visible structures. Although present, they are abnormally surrounded by leaflet tissue and hence at first glance appear to be absent. The surrounded chordae tendineae are thus disguised as leaflet tissue; but the chordae are revealed by careful inspection and by transillumination.
The right ventricular free wall papillary muscles are very small, numerous, and spread out. The papillary musculature is thus diffuse, instead of being normally concentrated to form the anterior papillary muscle of the right ventricle.
The lack of free chordae tendineae of the anterior (and posterior) leaflets of the tricuspid valve means that in Ebstein’s anomaly, the parietal leaflet of the tricuspid valve (i.e., the anterior and the posterior leaflets) are tethered to the right ventricular parietal or free wall. The failure of formation of interchordal spaces explains why the chordae tendineae of the anterior and the posterior leaflets seem to be so short.
The “free” margin of the anterior and posterior tricuspid leaflets may be attached to the right ventricular free wall ( Fig. 13.2A ); that is, there really may be no free leaflet margins. Or, the free margins of the anterior and posterior leaflets may be much too close to the right ventricular free wall—tethered to the right ventricular free wall, but not fused with it.
Both situations are functional disasters. The fused or tethered free margins of the anterior and posterior leaflets cannot move normally toward and coapt with the septal leaflet (if functionally present) of the tricuspid valve.
Thus, the downward displacement of the deficient or absent septal and posterior leaflets, and the tethering or fusion of what normally should be the free margin of the anterior leaflet of the tricuspid valve combine to result in tricuspid regurgitation that is often severe in typical Ebstein’s anomaly. Hence, all three leaflets (septal, posterior, and anterior) can be involved in the production of tricuspid regurgitation.
As mentioned heretofore, it should be reiterated that the origin of the anterior tricuspid leaflet is from the right atrioventricular junction; that is, the origin of the anterior leaflet of the tricuspid valve in Ebstein’s’ anomaly is not downwardly displaced in typical cases. But this, too, results in another geometric problem in typical Ebstein’s malformation. The origin of the tricuspid valve, that is, the tricuspid “ring,” is at very different levels, and is both deformed and enlarged. The origin of the anterior leaflet laterally is at the normal height, that is, at the right atrioventricular junction. But as one goes posteriorly, the origin of the posterior leaflet often dips down well below the right atrioventricular junction; or part of the posterior leaflet can be absent (the origin can be broken, or cease to exist, at this point). When one reaches the ventricular septum medially, the origin of the septal leaflet is often displaced markedly downward to the level of the septal and moderator bands, or the septal leaflet can be partially or totally absent ( Fig. 13.1A ).
Thus, the tricuspid valve in typical Ebstein’s malformation is seated very abnormally into the right ventricle: Normally high laterally (anterior leaflet); very low or absent medially (septal leaflet); with the high and low levels of leaflet origin being joined posteriorly (posterior leaflet).
The abnormal locations of the origins of the septal and posterior leaflets of the tricuspid valve in Ebstein’s anomaly indicate where the right ventricular sinus myocardium is (or is not).
Explanation: How far down is the septal leaflet of the tricuspid valve in Ebstein’s anomaly? The septal leaflet is displaced down to where the right ventricular myocardium has formed. In severe cases, the septal leaflet is displaced all the way down to where the infundibulum begins, that is, down to the septal and moderator bands (that are proximal infundibular structures).
When there is partial absence of septal leaflet or posterior leaflet tissue, this means that both the right ventricular myocardium and the tricuspid leaflet tissue have focally failed to form. This closely interrelated developmental process involves the so-called delamination of the tricuspid leaflet tissue, and immediately below that the laying down of right ventricular sinus myocardium septally and posteroinferiorly. , The downwardly displaced septal and posterior tricuspid leaflet tissue in Ebstein’s anomaly is an eye-catching marker of the failure of ascent of these tricuspid leaflets and of the related failure of right ventricular myocardial morphogenesis above these unascended tricuspid leaflets.
Sudden arrhythmic death was also relatively frequent in this subset: 5 of 25 patients (20%, Table 13.3 ). As mentioned above, this is what happened to Ebstein’s patient: sudden, unexpected arrhythmic death.
Ebstein’s anomaly is a well-known and important cause of electrocardiographic and electrophysiologic abnormalities, including right ventricular conduction delay, P-R interval prolongation, and Wolff-Parkinson-White (WPW) syndrome (in 10% to 25% of patients). Arrhythmias with Ebstein’s malformation are common, increase with age, and include supraventricular tachycardia, atrial flutter, and atrial fibrillation. , When present, accessory conducting pathways are usually single (62%). Such accessory pathways can be located in the right atrioventricular free wall, or they can be right septal in 34%, or atrioventricular nodal, or multiple in 29%.
Ebstein’s anomaly is an important cause not only of supraventricular tachyarrhythmias, but also of sudden, unexpected, arrhythmic death presumably related to ventricular tachycardia progressing to ventricular fibrillation (20%, Table 13.3 ).
The lack of a normally formed, fibrous, right atrioventricular junction that normally insulates and separates the right atrium from the ventricles—except at the penetrating atrioventricular bundle of His—is thought to provide an anatomic substrate that is vulnerable to ventricular preexcitation (WPW syndrome) and to catastrophic ventricular tachyarrhythmias. Hence, sudden unexpected arrhythmic death is an important part of the natural history of Ebstein’s malformation of the tricuspid valve, right atrioventricular junction, and right ventricular sinus.
Ventricular septal defect was also a frequent abnormality associated with Ebstein’s anomaly with tricuspid regurgitation: 6 of 25 patients (24%, Table 13.3 ) ( Fig. 13.2B ). High conoventricular ventricular septal defects (between the conal septum above and the ventricular septum below) were slightly more common (5) than muscular ventricular septal defects (3) ( Table 13.3 ) that were often midmuscular—between the smooth nontrabeculated left ventricular septal surface superiorly and the finely trabeculated more apical left ventricular septal surface inferiorly.
Heart failure was a prominent clinical feature in 6 of these patients (24%) ( Table 13.3 ). The mean age at death of these patients in which heart failure was reported was 6.96 years ± 8.24 years, ranging from 14 hours to 17 4 12 years. The median age at death was 4 2 12 years.
We regard the median age at death, as opposed to the mean age at death, as more accurately indicative of the true situation. The mean age at death was skewed to an older age by the presence of two teenagers in this series (16 2 12 years and 17 4 12 years). Thus, Ebstein’s anomaly with tricuspid regurgitation and congestive heart failure is a serious situation, accurately reflected by the young median age at death (4 2 12 years).
One of our youngest patients with congestive heart failure was a 2-day-old female infant who presented with hydrops fetalis. She had congestive heart failure both prenatally and postnatally. Autopsy (in 1992) revealed ascites and bilateral pleural effusions. Her Ebstein’s anomaly was characterized by a deep, curtain-like anterior leaflet with reduction of interchordal spaces, marked downward displacement of the origin of the septal leaflet (maximal downward displacement = 17 mm), and functional absence of the septal and posterior leaflets. The pulmonary leaflets were thickened and myxomatous, and had a blood cyst. Tricuspid regurgitation was very marked. Right atrial hypertrophy and enlargement were severe and a relatively large ostium secundum type of atrial septal defect (7 mm in diameter) coexisted. A prominent Eustachian valve of the inferior vena cava was also noted and was thought to be of no functional significance.
Thus, heart failure was even more important as an immediate cause of death (24%) than were arrhythmias (20%) ( Table 13.3 ).
Cyanosis was reported in 7 of these 25 patients (28%, Table 13.3 ). This finding was eye-catching because one does not ordinarily think of Ebstein’s anomaly as a form of cyanotic congenital heart disease; and usually it was not (72%, Table 13.3 ).
The ages at death of these patients with Ebstein’s malformation, tricuspid regurgitation, and cyanosis were older than in the previous group with congestive heart failure. In the 7 patients with cyanosis, the ages at death were as follows: mean, 9.88 years ± 6.84 years; range, 4 months to 17 8 12 years; and median 11 years.
Why were these patients with Ebstein’s anomaly and tricuspid regurgitation cyanotic? ( Table 13.3 .) There appeared to be four different groups:
- 1.
Isolated Ebstein’s anomaly, as in Case 6 ( Fig. 13.3A and B ). This 8 3 12 -year-old girl was found at autopsy to have marked cardiomegaly. Her heart weighed 322 grams, compared with normal controls for the age of 160 grams (2.01/1, or 101% greater than normal). Cyanosis had appeared at 4½ years of age because of right-to-left shunting through an ostium secundum atrial septal defect (a 10 × 3 mm defect). Congestive heart failure appeared at 6 years of age. The patient died at 8 3 12 years of age during cardiac catheterization (in 1951) from a ventricular tachyarrhythmia.
Thus, typical isolated Ebstein’s anomaly ( Fig. 13.8 ) can develop cyanosis when/if right-to-left shunting occurs at the atrial level through a secundum atrial septal defect or a stretched patent foramen ovale. This phenomenon also occurred in our Case 24 (2 of 7 patients, 29%).
- 2.
Ebstein’s anomaly with pulmonary stenosis , as in our Case 1 ( Fig. 13.7 ). This 11-year-old boy with Ebstein’s malformation, tricuspid regurgitation, a secundum atrial septal defect, supravalvar pulmonary stenosis, and supravalvar aortic stenosis was cyanotic at birth. He developed intraoperative ventricular fibrillation leading to death in 1962. Chronic cyanosis was associated with marked clubbing (digital osteoarthropathy). Cyanosis at birth was thought to be due to the coexistence of congenital pulmonary stenosis, most marked at the top of the pulmonary sinuses of Valsalva, hence often called “supravalvar” pulmonary stenosis. This is really a form of pulmonary valvar stenosis, the tops of the pulmonary sinuses of Valsalva being part of the pulmonary valve (the so-called “annulus” or “ring,” as opposed to the leaflets).
- 3.
Ebstein’s anomaly with Uhl’s disease , that is, parchment right ventricle that is marked and widespread, often involving the anterior and the diaphragmatic portions of the right ventricular free wall, as in our Cases 47 and 75 ( Table 13.3 ).

Case 47 was a 1 8 12 -year-old boy with Ebstein’s and severe tricuspid regurgitation. The right ventricular free wall was almost paper thin (2 mm). A secundum atrial septal defect measured 7 × 4 mm. In addition to Uhl’s disease, this boy also had “supravalvar” pulmonary stenosis; the top of the pulmonary sinuses of Valsalva had an internal diameter of 9 mm, while the bottom of the pulmonary sinuses of Valsalva had an internal diameter of 12 mm. Right-to-left atrial shunting resulted in cyanosis and clubbing.
Case 75 was a 14 1 12 -year-old girl who also had marked and widespread Uhl’s disease. Her secundum atrial septal defect was small and her pulmonary valve leaflets and annulus were mildly hypoplastic, but not otherwise malformed. Right atrial hypertrophy and enlargement were moderately marked. Left atrial hypertrophy and enlargement were mild to moderate.
Left ventricular hypertrophy was very marked, so much so that this young woman had a form of hypertrophic cardiomyopathy of the left ventricle, but without asymmetric septal hypertrophy and without idiopathic hypertrophic subaortic stenosis. Given that this teenager had widespread Uhl’s disease of the right ventricle, she had a functionally single left ventricle, which may explain her marked concentric left ventricular hypertrophy (hypothesis). It is also noteworthy that patients with Ebstein’s anomaly can have significant biventricular pathology .
At 9 9 12 years of age, the patient underwent a classical Glenn anastomosis between the right superior vena cava and the right pulmonary artery. This anastomosis remained large and unobstructed.
After dancing, she suffered syncope because of documented ventricular fibrillation leading to death (in 1979). Subpleural venous lakes were found at autopsy in the right lung. Such pulmonary venous “lakes” are associated with systemic venous blood flow that goes directly to the lungs, bypassing the liver. Lack of hepatic venous blood flow to the lungs may lead to the formation of pulmonary venous lakes, perhaps because of the lack of a still mysterious “hepatic factor.” Systemic venous blood going directly to the lungs (as in Glenn shunts or Fontan operations) also is nonpulsatile, which also may predispose to pulmonary venous lakes. Such lakes are not fully understood at the present time.
This case illustrates that typical Ebstein’s with Uhl’s disease is compatible with life into the teenage years. Note how thin the right ventricular free wall can be in patients with Ebstein’s anomaly even when we did not make the diagnosis of Uhl’s disease ( Fig. 13.7 ). This is the heart of a 25-year-old man (Case 19) who died in 1974. He had WPW syndrome, with a history of many episodes of paroxysmal atrial tachycardia with atrial flutter. Treatment with quinidine was followed by ventricular fibrillation and death. Despite the thinness of his right ventricular free wall, his problems were electrophysiologic, not hemodynamic.
- 4.
Ebstein’s anomaly with cyanotic congenital heart disease ( Table 13.3 ) was illustrated by Case 43, a 4-month-old boy with tetralogy of Fallot ( Fig. 13.9 ), and by Case 45, a 16 2 12 -year-old young woman with D-transposition of the great arteries ( Fig. 13.10 ).
Fig. 13.9
This is the heart of Case 43, a 4-month-old boy with Ebstein’s malformation of the tricuspid valve (TV) and tricuspid regurgitation, with pentalogy of Fallot {S,D,S} and multiple congenital anomalies. (A) The opened right atrium (RA) and right ventricular inflow tract (RV). (B) The stenotic right ventricular outflow tract (RVOT). (C) The opened left ventricle (LV) and the ventricular septal defect (VSD). This patient with Ebstein’s anomaly and tetralogy of Fallot had a large (10 × 4 mm) secundum atrial septal defect (hence pentalogy of Fallot), a persistent left superior vena cava to the coronary sinus to the right atrium, a thick bicuspid pulmonary valve (PV) 4 mm in diameter, congenital absence of the left kidney, bilateral undescended testes, absence of the distal portion of the vas deferens, lissencephaly (familial), subnormal brain weight (350/510 grams) and thrombosis of an end-to-end left Blalock-Taussig anastomosis (in 1961), which led to death 2 days postoperatively. These photos were taken at the time of autopsy.
Fig. 13.10
This is the heart specimen of Case 45, a 16 2 12 -year-old woman with Ebstein’s anomaly, severe tricuspid regurgitation, transposition of the great arteries {S,D,D}, ventricular septal defect (conoventricular type), bicuspid pulmonary valve with pulmonary regurgitation, slit-like secundum atrial septal defect (8 × 2 mm), and enormous cardiomegaly (cardiothoracic ratio = 18/19.5 cm, or 92%). She had a long history of cyanosis and severe clubbing. One year prior to death, at 15 years of age, pedal edema and congestive heart failure appeared. Congestive heart failure progressed and she died, without surgical treatment, in 1959. (An atrial switch operation that surgeons were able to perform, i.e., the Mustard procedure, was not introduced until 1964.) (A) Opened right atrium (RA), tricuspid valve (TV), and right ventricular inflow tract (RV). The septal and posterior leaflets of the TV are displaced well below the right atrioventricular junction (AVJ). (B) Opened right ventricular outflow tract and D-transposed aorta (Ao). The nondownwardly displaced anterior leaflet (AL) and downwardly displaced septal leaflet (SL) of the TV afflicted with typical Ebstein’s anomaly is well seen. The subaortic conus arteriosus (C) separates the D-transposed aortic valve from the TV. The downwardly displaced SL of the TV separates the “atrialized” RV above the SL (to the viewer’s left) from the “ventricularized” RV below the SL (to the viewer’s right). (C) Opened mitral valve (MV), left ventricle (LV), and transposed pulmonary artery (PA). These photos were taken at the time of autopsy.
In somewhat greater detail, the patient with tetralogy of Fallot {S,D,S} also had a large secundum atrial septal defect (10 × 4 mm) and hence had pentalogy of Fallot . In addition to Ebstein’s anomaly with tricuspid regurgitation and a persistent left superior vena cava to the coronary sinus and thence to the right atrium, he also had multiple congenital anomalies: congenital absence of the left kidney; bilaterally undescended testes with absence of the distal vas deferens; and familial lissencephaly. The patient’s brain weighed less than normal for his age (370/510 grams).
The pulmonary valve had thick myxomatous leaflets (1.5 mm); this valve was bicuspid and 4 mm in internal diameter.
The tricuspid valve displayed marked downward displacement of the septal and posterior leaflets (10 mm down, Fig. 13.9 ). The septal leaflet was very small, with warty growths at its margin, and was nonfunctional (noncoapting). The anterior tricuspid leaflet was curtain-like, with a wide attachment to the right ventricular free wall, instead of a normal discrete focal attachment by chordae tendineae to a well-formed anterior papillary muscle ( Fig. 13.9 ). The right ventricular free wall was 6 mm thick; that is, Uhl’s disease was not present.
Our patient (Case 45) with Ebstein’s anomaly and severe tricuspid regurgitation who also had transposition of the great arteries (TGA) {S,D,D}, a conoventricular type of ventricular septal defect, and a bicuspid pulmonary valve with pulmonary regurgitation ( Fig. 13.10 ) was a remarkable example of the natural history of complex TGA. Briefly, she was a 16 2 12 -year-old young woman with cyanosis and severe clubbing who had enormous cardiomegaly. Her heart almost completely filled her chest, her cardiothoracic ratio being 18/19.5 cm (92%). A secundum atrial septal defect was relatively small, just a slit (2 × 8 mm). Congestive heart failure with pedal edema appeared at 15 years of age, 1 year before she died (in 1959).
To summarize, cyanosis can be present in patients with Ebstein’s anomaly and tricuspid regurgitation, 7/28 (28%), in at least four different settings:
- (1)
isolated Ebstein’s malformation, 2/7 patients (29%);
- (2)
Ebstein’s with pulmonary stenosis, 1/7 cases (14%);
- (3)
Ebstein’s with Uhl’s disease, 2/7 patients (29%); and
- (4)
Ebstein’s with cyanotic congenital heart disease, that is, tetralogy of Fallot or D-transposition of the great arteries, 2/7 patients (29%).
Biventricular pathology can be prominent in patients with Ebstein’s anomaly and tricuspid regurgitation, as in 4 of these 25 patients (16%, Table 13.3 ):
Case 75, a 14 1 12 -year-old girl with widespread Uhl’s disease of the right ventricle and marked concentric left ventricular hypertrophy, has been mentioned heretofore.
Congenital mitral stenosis with absence of interchordal spaces was found in a 15-year-old boy (Case 37). He also had subacute bacterial endocarditis with vegetations on his stenotic mitral valve. This boy had the daunting combination of severe tricuspid regurgitation (Ebstein’s anomaly), congenital mitral stenosis, a hypoplastic right ventricle, and pulmonary annular stenosis. He was treated with a Brock pulmonary valvotomy at 2 years of age, tricuspid valvuloplasty and pulmonary valvotomy at 8 years of age, and a Glenn anastomosis at 15 years of age (in 1965). He did not survive the latter procedure because of the coexistence of congenital mitral stenosis.
Familial biventricular myocardial dysplasia was found in a boy who died at 4 years of age (Case 51). In addition to Ebstein’s malformation with tricuspid regurgitation and a small-chambered and dysplastic right ventricular sinus (typical of Ebstein’s), he also had bizarre left ventricular myocardial architecture and double-orifice mitral valve . There was a small anterolateral accessory orifice and a larger posteromedial main orifice—typical of double-orifice mitral valve. There was also a large conoventricular type of ventricular septal defect.
A final rare anomaly in this patient was an aneurysm of the right horn of the sinus venosus that underlay the right ventricular sinus and that communicated with the right atrium via two nonvalved openings. (Aneurysms of the sinus venosus are considered in detail in Chapter 6 concerning systemic venous anomalies.) Although most patients with Ebstein’s malformation have what may be called “isolated” Ebstein’s anomaly, occasionally we encountered patients such as this with multiple congenital cardiovascular anomalies, who may be regarded as having non-isolated Ebstein’s malformation.
A 27-week-old aborted female fetus (Case 60) from Paris, France (Courtesy of Dr. Lucile Houyel) also had a rare form of nonisolated Ebstein’s anomaly with tricuspid regurgitation. Double-outlet right ventricle {S,D,D} was associated with the hypoplastic left heart syndrome. The fetus had mitral atresia with a tiny left ventricle, and a relatively small muscular ventricular septal defect.
It should be understood that double-outlet right ventricle (DORV) with hypoplastic left heart syndrome is a special type of DORV that typically has a unilateral conus (a subpulmonary conus, with aortic valve–tricuspid valve fibrous continuity, or a subaortic conus with pulmonary valve–tricuspid valve fibrous continuity), rather than a bilateral conus (subaortic and subpulmonary, and consequently with no semilunar valve–atrioventricular valve direct fibrous continuity), which is usually present when DORV is associated with two well-developed ventricles. (For more information about DORV, see Chapter 23 .)
Hence, in this patient, it was no surprise that there was a subpulmonary conus (only, not a bilateral conus) with aortic valve–to–tricuspid valve direct fibrous continuity. The rightward and posteroinferior aortic outflow tract was squeezed between the conal septum anteriorly and somewhat to the left and the tricuspid annulus and leaflets posteriorly and to the right. As usual, this posteroinferior outflow tract was stenotic. The tight subaortic outflow tract was associated with aortic valvar atresia. DORV with aortic valvar atresia is rare. Aortic valvar atresia almost always occurs with normally related great arteries. As is usual with aortic valvar atresia, the ascending aorta was markedly hypoplastic (1 mm in internal diameter). The unobstructed pulmonary outflow tract led to a good sized main pulmonary artery and a large patent ductus arteriosus.
The right ventricular sinus (body, or inflow tract) was underdeveloped, and the septal and posterior tricuspid leaflets were downwardly displaced, typical of Ebstein’s anomaly.
Thus, biventricular pathology was present. A persistent left superior vena cava connected with the coronary sinus and flowed in the right atrium (not an unusual finding).
However, this feature had one other rare anomaly: a diverticulum at the right atrioventricular junction that communicated with the right atrium via a circular orifice in the leftward (medial) portion of the posterior leaflet of the tricuspid valve.
Thus, the pathology associated with Ebstein’s anomaly can be biventricular, complex, and rare.
Finally, a 1-day-old female infant with Ebstein’s anomaly and severe tricuspid regurgitation (Case 64) had a hypoplastic but patent right ventricular outflow tract to the pulmonary artery. However, at the time of study, echocardiography showed that there was no antegrade blood flow from the right ventricle into the pulmonary artery. The right ventricle and right atrium were severely dilated. The ductus arteriosus was patent, and a secundum atrial septal defect was present. Moderate global left ventricular dysfunction was observed echocardiographically. This newborn girl was in low cardiac output, had metabolic acidosis, and died on the first day of life.
This patient had no detectable anatomic abnormality of the left ventricle; hence, we did not include this case as an example of biventricular abnormality. This patient’s left-sided abnormality was physiologic not anatomic. Nonetheless, we think that physiologic dysfunction can be as important as anatomic malformations. This is why Table 13.3 is titled (in part): “Important Associated Findings” (not “Important Associated Anomalies/Malformations”). In this way we were able to include important physiologic events such as sudden arrhythmic death, heart failure, and cyanosis. That said, this patient’s echocardiographic study was performed when she was moribund and dying; hence the finding of left ventricular functional abnormality is not surprising. (Not many of our patients were studied echocardiographically while they were dying; but had they been, probably a high percentage would have revealed left-sided functional abnormality, as in this patient.)
To summarize, biventricular anomalies were found in 4 of these 25 patients with Ebstein’s anomaly and tricuspid regurgitation (16%):
- 1.
congenital mitral stenosis with absence of interchordal spaces plus subacute bacterial endocarditis and mitral vegetations in a 15-year-old boy (Case 37);
- 2.
familial biventricular dysplasia with double-orifice mitral valve and a dysplastic left ventricle in a 4-year-old boy (Case 51);
- 3.
hypoplastic left heart syndrome, that is, aortic atresia, mitral atresia, tiny left ventricle, and small muscular ventricular septal defect, in a 27-week-gestation female fetal abortus (Case 60); and
- 4.
very marked left ventricular hypertrophy, resembling left ventricular hypertrophic cardiomyopathy, in a 14 1 12 -year-old girl (Case 75).
Other Less Common Associated Findings
Table 13.3 provides our best attempt to answer many other clinically and surgically important questions regarding typical Ebstein’s anomaly with tricuspid regurgitation.
How common was pulmonary outflow tract stenosis (excluding atresia)? 24%.
How often did we find a prominent right ventricular diaphragmatic aneurysm? 12%.
A prominent Eustachian valve of the inferior vena cava? 12%.
Multiple congenital anomalies (cardiovascular and noncardiovascular)? 12%.
Uhl’s disease of the right ventricle (parchment right ventricle), involving the anterior and diaphragmatic surfaces of the right ventricular free wall? 12%.
Left superior vena cava to coronary sinus to right atrium? 8%.
Known history of supraventricular tachycardia, including paroxysmal atrial tachycardia and WPW syndrome? 12%.
History of syncope prior to death? Only 1 patient (4%).
Fifteen other important findings (mostly malformations) occurred in only 1 patient each, or 4% ( Table 13.3 ).
Ebstein’s Anomaly With Congenital Tricuspid Stenosis
Ebstein’s anomaly with congenital tricuspid stenosis was the second most common type of “typical” Ebstein’s malformation, being found in 11 of 78 postmortem cases (14%, Table 13.2 ).
By “typical” Ebstein’s, we mean that other major forms of congenital heart disease were not present, such as pulmonary atresia with intact ventricular septum, typical congenitally corrected transposition of the great arteries {S,L,L}, or common atrioventricular canal ( Table 13.2 ).
Gender: males, 5; and females, 6. The male/female ratio in this subset was 0.83/1.
Age at death: mean 4¾ months ± 7½ months, ranging from 2.5 days to 2 10 12 years in these 11 patients. The median age at death was 27 days.
It is noteworthy that the median age at death in Ebstein’s anomaly with tricuspid stenosis (27 days) was much younger than with tricuspid regurgitation (1 8 12 years), consistent with the view that Ebstein’s anomaly with tricuspid stenosis is a more lethal subset than is Ebstein’s anomaly with tricuspid regurgitation .
Severity of tricuspid stenosis. At autopsy, the degree of tricuspid stenosis was regarded as severe in 6 of 11 (55%) (Cases 18, 22, 39, 57, 66, and 76) and as moderate in 5 (45%) (Cases 12, 24, 25, 70, and 71). In an effort to describe what these two different degrees of severity are like, I will present several of these patients in detail.
Severe Tricuspid Stenosis With Ebstein’s Malformation
Case 66 was a 9-day-old boy. The septal and posterior leaflets of the tricuspid valve were largely absent. Cauliflower-like excrescences of tricuspid valve tissue were found anterosuperiorly, just beneath the pulmonary valve. It looks as though there were two valves in the right ventricular outflow tract: the true pulmonary valves above (normally located), and a short distance below the dysplastic and very stenotic tricuspid valve, with an orifice of only 3 to 4 mm in diameter. There was one patent interchordal space (1 mm in width). All of the other interchordal spaces were closed by dysplastic leaflet tissue.
Thus, compared with a normal tricuspid valve, this highly stenotic Ebstein tricuspid valve was displaced inferiorly, anteriorly, and superiorly, so that it lay just below the pulmonary valve.
As mentioned earlier, we said that the septal and posterior leaflets of the tricuspid valve in severe Ebstein’s anomaly can be displaced down to the septal and moderator bands, and that the anterior tricuspid leaflet originates from the right atrioventricular junction. Please note that the case we are now describing is far worse. There is only a small amount of tricuspid valve tissue at the anterosuperior commissural region of the tricuspid valve that is highly obstructive (stenotic), and that is associated with a major degree of absence of all three tricuspid leaflets.
The atrialized right ventricle was large, with diffuse white thickening of the endocardium. Septum primum was muscularized and bulged aneurysmally into the left atrium. There was a blood cyst of the rudimentary septal leaflet ( Fig. 13.3A ) and there was also a small blood cyst of the mitral valve, less than 1 mm in diameter.
Other cardiac anomalies included a high small membranous subaortic ventricular septal defect, a bicuspid aortic valve (because of rudimentary development of the intercoronary commissure), and a diminutive right coronary ostium (resulting functionally in a “single” left coronary artery). Thus, this was a case of nonisolated Ebstein’s anomaly with severe tricuspid stenosis.
In Case 70, an 11-month-old girl, again the dysplastic, severely stenotic tricuspid valve was located at what would normally be the anterosuperior commissure of the tricuspid valve. The stenotic tricuspid valve opened upward toward the pulmonary valve. The septal and posterior tricuspid leaflets were absent. Right-to-left shunting through a secundum atrial septal defect was associated with cyanosis (systemic arterial saturation 72% to 74%) and polycythemia (hemoglobin 20 gm% and hematocrit 60%).
At 4½ months of age, a right Blalock-Taussig (subclavian-pulmonary) anastomosis was performed (in 1983); the systemic arterial saturation improved somewhat (to 80%), but congestive heart failure appeared that gradually responded to decongestive therapy. This patient had the characteristic abnormal “wrap-around” left ventricular shape, caused by the large left ventricle wrapping around the small, dysplastic right ventricle. The left ventricular septal surface bulged with abnormal convexity into the left ventricular cavity.
Then acute meningitis (Haemophilus influenzae) occurred, with focal grand mal seizures. Subsequently, arrhythmias appeared, leading to hypotension and death.
In addition to the above-mentioned cardiovascular anomalies, autopsy revealed multiple infarcts of the brain. Hence, this case illustrates some of the important risks of right-to-left shunting at the atrial level caused by Ebstein’s anomaly with severe tricuspid stenosis associated with a secundum atrial septal defect.
Moderate Tricuspid Stenosis With Ebstein’s Malformation
Case 12 was the explanted heart specimen from a boy who underwent cardiac transplantation at 2½ years of age in 1986. His anterior tricuspid leaflet was curtain-like, with extreme reduction of the interchordal spaces, and the septal and posterior leaflets were present but downwardly displaced. The tricuspid valve had a high small opening anterosuperiorly (3 mm in maximal dimension) and a larger inferior opening (16 × 5 mm).
Other cardiovascular anomalies included a subaortic membranous ventricular septal defect, a high large muscular ventricular septal defect (20 mm), a noncanal cleft of the mitral valve, pulmonary stenosis (5 mm) with a bicuspid pulmonary valve (poorly developed right septal-nonseptal commissure), and with the left bundle branches of the conduction system running freely—creating a space between the conduction system to the left and the rightwardly deviated ventricular septum. Thus, Ebstein’s anomaly with moderate tricuspid stenosis was associated with multiple other cardiac anomalies in this explanted heart specimen. Other important findings associated with Ebstein’s anomaly and congenital tricuspid stenosis are summarized in Table 13.4 .
Associated Findings | No. of Cases | % ∗ of Series |
Ventricular septal defect Conoventricular Muscular | 7 4 3 | 64 36 27 |
Secundum atrial septal defect | 5 | 45 |
Pulmonary stenosis | 4 | 36 |
Uhl’s disease (parchment RV) | 2 | 18 |
Congestive heart failure | 2 | 18 |
Left superior vena cava to coronary sinus to right atrium | 2 | 18 |
Prominent right venous valve remnants Eustachian valve of IVC Chiari’s network | 2 1 1 | 18 9 9 |
Cleft of mitral valve (non-AV canal type) | 1 | 9 |
Double-orifice tricuspid valve | 1 | 9 |
Triple-orifice mitral valve | 1 | 9 |
Polyvalvar disease (all myxomatous) | 1 | 9 |
Aneurysm of right sinus horn | 1 | 9 |
Down’s syndrome | 1 | 9 |
DiGeorge syndrome with marked thymic hypoplasia | 1 | 9 |
Multiple congenital anomalies (cardiac and noncardiac) | 1 | 9 |
History of WPW syndrome | 1 | 9 |
Moderator band of left ventricle | 1 | 9 |
Hyposplenia without visceral heterotaxy | 1 | 9 |
Abnormal left ventricular architecture (posteroinferior recess) | 1 | 9 |
Absent left coronary ostium (“single” right coronary artery) | 1 | 9 |
Hypoplastic right coronary ostium (functionally “single” left coronary artery) | 1 | 9 |
Absent ductus arteriosus | 1 | 9 |
Double-outlet left ventricle {S,D,D} | 1 | 9 |
Blood cyst of septal leaflet remnant of tricuspid valve | 1 | 9 |
Blood cyst of mitral valve | 1 | 9 |
Bicuspid aortic valve | 1 | 9 |
Cyanosis | 1 | 9 |
Meningitis, acute | 1 | 9 |
Central nervous system infarcts | 1 | 9 |
Periventricular telencephalic leukoencephalopathy | 1 | 9 |
∗ All percentages are rounded off to the nearest whole number.
Ebstein’s Anomaly With Tricuspid Atresia (Imperforate Ebstein’s)
There were two patients with Ebstein’s anomaly of the tricuspid valve and right ventricle who had tricuspid atresia (Cases 5 and 64), comprising 3% of this series ( Table 13.2 ). This malformation is also known as imperforate Ebstein’s anomaly, in order to indicate that it is anatomically and developmentally different from typical tricuspid atresia, although physiologically the same.
Atresia is derived from two Greek words: a, the privative prefix meaning the want or absence of; and tresis, meaning hole. Thus, atresia literally means “no hole.” Consequently, imperforate Ebstein’s and typical tricuspid atresia have no opening at the junction between the right atrium and the right ventricle and hence are functionally identical in this respect.
But what are the anatomic and the embryologic differences?
In typical tricuspid atresia, the floor of the right atrium is relatively flat ( Fig. 13.11 ). There is often a very small little dimple at the expected site of the tricuspid valve, which really is the atrioventricular portion of pars membranacea septi (the AV portion of the membranous septum). In typical tricuspid atresia, the tricuspid valve usually is absent, and the right ventricular sinus (body, or inflow tract) characteristically is small, tiny, or apparently absent, that is, unexpanded or atretic—with little or no lumen of the right ventricular sinus, body, or inflow tract.

In Ebstein’s anomaly with tricuspid atresia, the floor of the atretic right atrium is not flat. Instead, there is a blind, downwardly depressed hole—reminiscent of a hole on a golf course ( Fig. 13.12 ). The downward depression is the atrialized right ventricle. The atrialized right ventricle is blind (atretic), with no outlet, because the small opening at the anterosuperior commissure of the tricuspid valve is sealed closed (instead of having a small opening, as is typically found in Ebstein’s with severe tricuspid stenosis). Also, the interchordal spaces are occluded with leaflet-like tissue. And all three leaflets—anterior, septal, and posterior—are fused. Consequently, there is no opening through this imperforate tricuspid valve ( Fig. 13.13 ).

The anatomic differences between imperforate Ebstein’s and typical tricuspid atresia may be summarized as follows:
- 1.
In imperforate Ebstein’s, the tricuspid valve leaflet tissue, although very abnormal, is present; whereas in typical tricuspid atresia, the tricuspid valve leaflet tissue is largely or totally absent.
- 2.
In imperforate Ebstein’s, the right ventricular inflow tract (the atrialized right ventricle) is present, forming a blind depression (like a hole on a putting green of a golf course); whereas in typical tricuspid atresia, the right ventricular sinus, body, or inflow tract is largely or perhaps totally absent (it may be present, but unexpanded).
- 3.
Ventriculoatrial malalignment typically is not present (or not at all prominent) in imperforate Ebstein’s, that is, the ventricular septum underlies the atrial septum ( Fig. 13.12 ); whereas with typical tricuspid atresia ( Fig. 13.14 ) and with straddling tricuspid valve ( Fig. 13.12 ), the ventricular septum underlies the tricuspid valve (in straddling tricuspid valve), or the ventricular septum underlies the expected site of the tricuspid valve (in typical tricuspid atresia) ( Fig. 13.14 ).
Fig. 13.14
Malalignments of the ventricular septum and the tricuspid orifice. (A) In the normal heart, the ventricular septum (VS) lies slightly to the right of the plane of the atrial septum (AS). Consequently, the atrioventricular portion of the membranous septum (pars membranacea septi, PMS ) normally separates the morphologically left ventricle (LV) from the morphologically right atrium (RA). A defect in the atrioventricular portion of the PMS results in a left ventricular–to–right atrial shunt (a Gerbode shunt). (B) With single left ventricle (LV) caused by absence of the right ventricular (RV) sinus, double-inlet LV is typical. Why? Because absence of the RV sinus results in the ventricular septal remnant being displaced to the right—toward the absent RV sinus. Consequently, the ventricular septum is markedly malaligned relative to the atria and the atrioventricular valves. With a ventricular D-loop, the VS remnant and the infundibular outlet chamber lie to the right of the tricuspid valve; hence double-inlet LV is typical of single LV with an infundibular outlet chamber. (C) If the RV sinus is not absent, but just hypoplastic, the ventricular septum can be moved somewhat further to the left than it is in (B). Consequently, the result can be double-inlet left ventricle, but with congenital tricuspid stenosis (TS) due to crowding of the tricuspid valve, resulting in tricuspid hypoplasia. (D) In typical tricuspid atresia, the ventricular septal remnant often underlies the expected site of the tricuspid orifice. This type of ventriculoatrial malalignment, in which the ventricular septal remnant appears to obstruct the potential tricuspid orifice, may be important in the morphogenesis of typical tricuspid atresia. This is the usual muscular type of typical tricuspid atresia, meaning that the floor of the right atrium—in the expected site of the tricuspid valve and orifice—displays a flat muscular appearance, often with a fibrous dimple that is thought to be fibrous membranous septal tissue. (E) The typical or classical form of tricuspid atresia occasionally can be membranous (not muscular). The floor of the right atrium displays smooth, flat, fibrous tissue that we interpret as a larger than usual membranous septal component. Typical membranous tricuspid atresia transilluminates brilliantly, can occur quite frequently with left-sided juxtaposition of the atrial appendages (for reasons unknown), and this membranous right atrial floor does not resemble tricuspid leaflet tissue. (F) Tricuspid atresia (TAt) can occur with common atrioventricular canal with a common atrioventricular valve (CAVV) and an atrioventricular septal defect. When the right ventricular sinus (RV) is quite markedly underdeveloped, the ventricular septum (VS) can be displaced far to the right relative to the plane of the atrial septum (AS). The CAVV can open entirely into the morphologically left ventricle (LV), resulting in common-inlet LV. If the right corner of the common AV valve becomes attached to the ventricular septal crest, then the right atrium cannot open directly into the small right ventricle, resulting in a form of tricuspid atresia. This is what Dr. Maurice Lev and his colleagues called the left ventricular type of common AV canal (or orifice), meaning that the common AV orifice and valve open entirely (or almost entirely) into a large LV, and little or not at all into the small RV. Hypothesis: Ventricular septal tricuspid valve malalignments appear to be an important mechanism leading to tricuspid valve anomalies. Often, the tricuspid valve appears to be the “victim,” not the “villain”; i.e., tricuspid valve anomalies often appear be secondary to ventriculoatrial malalignment. For example, variable degrees of underdevelopment of the RV sinus (hypoplasia to asplasia) may play an important role in the pathogenesis of ventricular septal–to–tricuspid valvar malalignment mentioned above. Other similar anomalies include straddling tricuspid valve ( Fig. 13.12 , Left ) and double-outlet right atrium.
In typical tricuspid atresia, take a long straight needle and stick it straight down through the expected site of the atretic tricuspid valve. Then look at the ventricular part of the heart. Where did the needle come out? Typically, the point of the long straight needle emerges out of the posterior portion of the rightwardly deviated ventricular septum. This finding indicates that in typical tricuspid atresia, the posterior portion of the ventricular septum underlies the expected site of the tricuspid valve. The posterior portion of the ventricular septum is displaced to the right relative to the atrial septum.
Why? Our hypothesis is that when the right ventricular sinus (body or inflow tract) is underdeveloped, then the muscular ventricular septum is not moved normally to the left by expansile growth of the right ventricular sinus and consequently does not underlie the atrial septum, as the ventricular septum does normally, and as it does even with Ebstein’s anomaly of the tricuspid valve and right ventricle with tricuspid atresia (imperforate Ebstein’s anomaly) ( Fig. 13.12 , right). Thus, in typical tricuspid atresia there is an important rightward malalignment of the ventricular part of the heart relative to the atria that is not present in Ebstein’s anomaly with tricuspid atresia ( Fig. 13.14 ). In typical so-called tricuspid atresia, the floor of the right atrium is not only flat, it is also muscular. One does not see an atretic tricuspid valve, as one does in imperforate Ebstein’s anomaly. Instead, one sees a flat muscular right atrial floor, with little or no evidence of a tricuspid valve. Typically, the tricuspid valve is largely or totally absent, not atretic. The right ventricular sinus (inflow tract) is also largely or totally absent in so-called typical tricuspid atresia. Note again the very close relationship between the development of the right ventricular sinus and the tricuspid valve. This interrelationship is also evident in typical Ebstein’s anomaly, as noted heretofore.
Ironically, typical tricuspid atresia does not really have an atretic tricuspid valve — a tricuspid valve with no hole through it. Only imperforate Ebstein’s anomaly really has tricuspid atresia. This insight is recorded here in the interests of understanding. I do not wish to change conventional terminology.
Diagnostically, the blind atrialized right ventricle is typical of imperforate Ebstein’s anomaly, but this diagnostic finding is not seen with typical tricuspid atresia because anatomically and developmentally, these are two very different malformations (as above).
Data concerning our two patients with imperforate Ebstein’s anomaly follow:
Sex: both females.
Age at death: 1 10 12 years (Case 5) ( Fig. 13.13 ) and 2½ years (Case 64).
Associated malformations: secundum atrial septal defect in 1 (6 × 4 mm); ventricular septal defect in both, muscular in Case 5 (3 mm), and membranous (conoventricular, subaortic) in Case 64. The latter patient also had conspicuous endocardial thickening of the atrialized right ventricle, right atrium, and left ventricle. Cyanosis appeared at 4 months of age and was associated with frequent squatting. (Note that squatting does not occur only with tetralogy of Fallot.)
Management: Case 5 was treated with a left Blalock-Taussig anastomosis at 3 months of age. Subsequently, this anastomosis closed, and consequently a Waterston anastomosis (between the posterior side of the ascending aorta and the anterior side of the right pulmonary artery) was done in 1966. Postoperatively, a massive right pulmonary hemorrhage developed, leading to death.
In Case 64, a Waterston anastomosis was also performed (in 1968) and the patient died 3 weeks postoperatively.
Historical Note: It should be recalled that the Fontan procedure for the physiologic correction of tricuspid atresia was not published until 1971 , and was not widely utilized surgically until later in the 1970s.
Ebstein’s Anomaly With Tricuspid Stenosis and Tricuspid Regurgitation
Is it possible for Ebstein’s anomaly of the tricuspid valve to have both severe tricuspid stenosis and severe tricuspid regurgitation? We found one such patient in this series of 78 postmortem cases (1%, Table 13.2 ). Case 50 was a 48-hour-old black female who was thought to have both marked stenosis and marked regurgitation of her very abnormal tricuspid valve that had a curtain-like anterior leaflet, a downwardly displaced and very deficient septal leaflet, and an absent posterior leaflet. She also had a secundum atrial septal defect.
Ebstein’s Anomaly With a Normally Functioning Tricuspid Valve
Fascinating to relate, it seems to be possible to have Ebstein’s anomaly of the tricuspid valve and right ventricle without either tricuspid stenosis or tricuspid regurgitation, as is thought to have occurred in 2 patients (3%) in this series ( Table 13.2 ). Case 13 was an entirely asymptomatic 21 8 12 -year-old young man, a ski instructor at North Conway, New Hampshire. He died a sudden, apparently arrhythmic death following a day of skiing, while taking off his ski boots, just before Christmas in 1978. The anterior leaflet of his tricuspid valve was deep and curtain-like, with obliteration of the interchordal spaces. The septal and posterior leaflets of the tricuspid valve were displaced inferiorly and anteriorly, toward the right ventricular apex. The orifice of the tricuspid valve pointed superiorly toward the pulmonary artery. The maximal dimension of the tricuspid orifice was 25 mm (0.98 inch). There was no thickening or rolling of the free margins of the tricuspid valve (as one ordinarily sees either with tricuspid stenosis and/or regurgitation). The right ventricular free wall was extremely thin (0.75 to 1 mm in thickness); that is, he also had Uhl’s disease.
The mitral valve showed thickening of the raphé between the superior endocardial cushion component and the inferior endocardial cushion component of the anterior mitral leaflet. This linear ridge of thickening was thought to be of no functional significance. He also had a patent foramen ovale (but not a secundum atrial septal defect). The ski instructor had had an echocardiogram (we do not know what the interpretation was), but he never had a cardiac catheterization or an angiocardiogram. I saw this heart as a consultation in 1979.
What do I really think about this remarkable case? I thought that the tricuspid orifice was too small, that is, that congenital tricuspid stenosis was present. However, we had to accept the history that he had been apparently entirely asymptomatic and that there were no morphologic signs of tricuspid stenosis or regurgitation. As mentioned above, the tricuspid leaflet margins were thin and delicate without thickening or rolling. Although this young man was a ski instructor, as sports medicine specialists know, it is amazing how well the hearts of athletes can adjust to obstructive forms of congenital heart disease. Coarctation is another example. My skepticism notwithstanding, the history was that this young athlete was “entirely asymptomatic.” Hence, his case is so recorded here.
Case 19 ( Fig. 13.8 ) was a 25-year-old man with no hemodynamic symptoms whatsoever: no evidence of tricuspid regurgitation or tricuspid stenosis. However, he did have a history of many episodes of paroxysmal atrial tachycardia, WPW syndrome, and atrial flutter. The patient was treated with quinidine for his arrhythmias, which unfortunately led to ventricular fibrillation and death (in 1974).
This patient also had isolation of the left atrial appendage. The cavity of the left atrial appendage and of the main portion of the left atrium did not connect; that is, these two separate cavities were nonconfluent. To the best of our knowledge, this rare anomaly was of no clinical significance.
The Problem of Borderline Cases
Perhaps somewhat arbitrarily, we decided not to make the diagnosis of Ebstein’s anomaly unless the septal leaflet of the tricuspid valve was downwardly displaced below the right atrioventricular junction. This is why we began this study thinking that we had 79 cases of Ebstein’s anomaly, not the 78 cases ( Table 13.2 ) that we ended up with. For example, a 32-hour-old newborn infant boy had a deep curtain-like anterior leaflet of the tricuspid valve, with extensive obliteration of the interchordal spaces. The septal leaflet of the tricuspid valve was bound down, with little functional free leaflet tissue; but the origin of the septal leaflet was not downwardly displaced . There was partial absence of tricuspid valve leaflet tissue beneath the anterosuperior commissure. Double-orifice of the tricuspid valve involved the posterior leaflet. All of the tricuspid leaflets were thick and myxomatous. Additional findings include marked pulmonary valve stenosis with a bicuspid pulmonary valve, an intact ventricular septum, and severe tricuspid regurgitation (confirmed by echocardiography and cardiac catheterization). The patient also had a history of fetal tachycardia (190 beats/min).
We concluded that this patient certainly had an Ebstein-like anomaly of the tricuspid valve; however, we did not make the diagnosis of Ebstein’s anomaly (unqualified) because Ebstein’s is generally understood to have downward displacement of the septal leaflet, and of at least part of the posterior leaflet of the tricuspid valve into the right ventricle, resulting in an atrialized right ventricle—which this patient did not have. Nonetheless, we now seek to focus attention and understanding on the arbitrary and artificial nature of classification, which is highlighted by borderline cases such as this. The abnormal septal leaflet underwent delamination and ascent up to the right atrioventricular junction.
All anomalies form a spectrum —from the most severe, to the mildest forms of disease. So that the accuracy of our diagnoses can be relied on, we have excluded borderline cases like this. But it must also be understood that such borderline cases— Ebstein-like or “Ebsteinoid” cases —do indeed exist, as is to be expected because all anomalies are parts of a spectrum of malformation.
Ebstein’s Anomaly With Pulmonary Valvar Atresia or Severe Stenosis and Intact Ventricular Septum
This was the second largest group of Ebstein’s patients (14 patients, 18%, Table 13.2 ). Most patients with Ebstein’s anomaly and pulmonary atresia/severe stenosis with intact ventricular septum had tricuspid regurgitation (12 patients, 15%, Table 13.2 ), although a few had tricuspid stenosis (2 patients, 3%, Table 13.2 ). Of these 14 patients, 12 had pulmonary atresia (86%) and 2 had severe pulmonary valvar stenosis (14%).
(As will be seen, left-sided Ebstein’s anomaly also was tied for second in prevalence, being found in 14 patients, or 18% of this series, Table 13.2 .)
With Tricuspid Regurgitation
Of these 12 patients, the age death was known in 11.
Age at death: mean = 11.4 ± 15.3 days; the range was 0 (stillborn) to 45 days; and the median was 5 days.
In terms of natural history, the age at death of Ebstein’s anomaly with pulmonary atresia or severe pulmonary stenosis, intact ventricular septum, and tricuspid regurgitation is much the youngest of any Ebstein’s group encountered to date. The median ages at death were as follows:
- 1.
series as a whole, 10 weeks;
- 2.
Ebstein’s with tricuspid regurgitation, 1 8 12 years;
- 3.
Ebstein’s with tricuspid stenosis, 27 days;
- 4.
Ebstein’s with tricuspid atresia (imperforate), n = 2, average = 2.16 years or 26 months; and
- 5.
Ebstein’s with pulmonary atresia or very severe stenosis, intact ventricular septum, and tricuspid regurgitation, 5 days.
These data suggest that pulmonary atresia with intact ventricular septum and tricuspid regurgitation may well be one of the most lethal forms of congenital heart disease.
Sex: Of these 12 patients, the gender was known in 11: males, 9; and females, 2. The male/female ratio was 9/2 (4.5/1). This is the first time in studying Ebstein’s anomaly that we have encountered a strong gender preponderance, suggesting that perhaps this strong male preponderance may be related to pulmonary atresia with intact ventricular septum, rather than to Ebstein’s anomaly (speculation).
Of these 12 patients, 2 (Cases 35 and 52) had very severe pulmonary valvar stenosis (17%) ( Fig. 13.15 ), rather than pulmonary atresia (10 of 12, 83%). The anatomy of the Ebstein’s anomaly of the tricuspid valve with tricuspid regurgitation was similar to that in previous settings ( Fig. 13.15 ). Other findings are summarized in Table 13.5 .

Associated Abnormalities | No. of Cases | % of This Group |
Secundum atrial septal defect | 8 | 67 |
Pulmonary hypoplasia, bilateral | 2 | 17 |
Prominent Eustachian valve | 1 | 8 |
Incomplete form of common AV canal with ASD I and cleft MV | 1 | 8 |
Parachute mitral valve (all chordae tendineae to anterolateral papillary muscle) | 1 | 8 |
Double-orifice mitral valve | 1 | 8 |
Mitral regurgitation, severe | 1 | 8 |
Uhl’s disease (parchment right ventricle) | 1 | 8 |
Atrial flutter | 1 | 8 |
Right atrial aneurysm | 1 | 8 |
Heart failure | 1 | 8 |
Multiple congenital anomalies (i.e., cardiovascular and noncardiovascular: hypospadias) | 1 | 8 |
Atresia of main pulmonary artery (cord-like) | 1 | 8 |
Brachiocephalic artery † | 1 | 8 |
“Single” coronary artery ‡ | 1 | 8 |
Pulmonary atresia, valvar and infundibular | 1 | 8 |
Partially anomalous pulmonary venous connection (all right PVs to RSVC) | 1 | 8 |
Sinus venosus defect (between RSVC and right pulmonary veins, 6 × 4 mm) | 1 | 8 |
∗ Severe pulmonary valvar stenosis ( n = 2, Cases 35 and 52).
† Innominate artery and left common carotid artery both arising from single brachiocephalic artery; typically only two brachiocephalic arteries arising from aortic arch, unless the right subclavian artery originates aberrantly.
‡ Quotation marks indicate that the coronary arterial blood supply is not really single; two coronary arteries typically are present, but one coronary ostium is absent: “single” coronary artery usually really means single coronary ostium.
Ebstein’s Anomaly With Pulmonary Atresia, Intact Ventricular Septum, and Tricuspid Stenosis
Only two patients had Ebstein’s anomaly, pulmonary atresia, intact ventricular septum, and tricuspid stenosis (3%, Table 13.2 ).
Case 59 was a 14 3 12 -year-old girl at the time of her heart transplantation. The explanted heart specimen revealed severe congenital tricuspid stenosis, immediately beneath her atretic pulmonary valve. The opening in the stenotic tricuspid valve measured only 5 × 2 mm. In the right atrioventricular junctional region, there was no tricuspid valvar tissue. Tricuspid leaflet tissue was located only in an immediately subpulmonary site.
Case 74 was a 3¾-month-old girl (17 weeks). The expected main orifice of her tricuspid valve was atretic. However, she had several patent interchordal spaces on the diaphragmatic surface of the posterior leaflet ( Fig. 13.16 ) and of the anterior leaflet; hence, she had severe congenital tricuspid stenosis. The tricuspid leaflets were thick and myxomatous with a blood cyst.

The right coronary arterial ostium was absent, resulting in a “single” left coronary artery. The left anterior descending coronary artery was markedly enlarged, with three sinusoidal connections between the left anterior descending coronary artery and the right ventricular apical region ( Fig. 13.17 ). Sinusoids were also present between the right coronary artery and the right ventricular cavity on the diaphragmatic surface of the right ventricle. Widespread coronary arteriopathy was present.

Many of these features are characteristic of what has been called the venous valve syndrome. We think that this syndrome is better understood as the pulmonary atresia with intact ventricular septum syndrome. Characteristic features include not only pulmonary atresia or very severe pulmonary valvar stenosis with intact ventricular septum, but also coronary-cameral sinusoids ( Fig. 13.17 ), coronary arteriopathy with luminal narrowing or occlusion, prominent venous valve remnants (in particular a prominent Eustachian valve of the inferior vena cava), Uhl’s disease, Ebstein’s anomaly, and partial or total absence of the tricuspid valve leaflets (i.e., partially or totally unguarded tricuspid orifice). Thus, pulmonary atresia with an intact ventricular septum often involves much more than just these two features.
As we noted in 1970, there appears to be an anatomic and developmental relationship between Ebstein’s anomaly, Uhl’s disease, and absence of tricuspid valve leaflets. As will be seen later, these three anomalies also occur together in the setting of pulmonary atresia with intact ventricular septum.
This is why we have been emphasizing from the beginning of this chapter that Ebstein’s anomaly is about much more than just a tricuspid valve anomaly. There is a major right ventricular myocardial component, involving the right ventricular septal surface with the downward displacement of the septal leaflet, creating the “atrialized” right ventricle; plus involvement of the right ventricular free wall surface with the aneurysm of the right ventricular diaphragmatic surface, or, if more extensive, Uhl’s disease or parchment right ventricle involving much or most of the right ventricular free wall anteriorly.
Now, in the present group, we are seeing the association between the Ebstein’s anomaly of the tricuspid valve and pulmonary valvar atresia or extreme stenosis, with intact ventricular septum, and also prominent venous valves.
How does this all make sense anatomically and developmentally? Ebstein’s anomaly is often only a part of something larger—that may be regarded as the tricuspid and right ventricular dysplasia syndrome that can also be associated with right ventricular outflow tract pathology (pulmonary atresia or extremely stenosis) as well as right ventricular inflow tract pathology —prominent right and left venous valve remnants, Ebstein’s anomaly of the tricuspid valve, right ventricular aneurysm inferiorly, or Uhl’s disease (parchment right ventricle) globally.
The foregoing is not merely a developmental hypothesis. Instead, as we are seeing, these are the anatomic facts. These findings, of course, require a developmental explanation. My task here is to try to present the anatomic data as clearly as possible. Briefly, Ebstein’s anomaly, not rarely, is part of something larger, the Ebstein tricuspid valvar and right ventricular dysplasia syndrome. What does “not rarely” mean? In the 50 cases of Ebstein’s anomaly considered in detail thus far ( Tables 13.3 , 13.4 , and 13.5 ), there have been 6 cases of Uhl’s disease (12%), 3 patients with a prominent diaphragmatic right ventricular aneurysm (6%), and 5 cases with a prominent right venous valve remnant or Eustachian valve (10%). If one combines the case of Uhl’s disease with those having a prominent aneurysm, the prevalence of striking right ventricular free wall thinning is 9 patients (18%). This may well be an underestimate because we have only counted cases in which these findings were prominent . (Our impression is that the majority of adult patients with Ebstein’s anomaly have a diaphragmatic surface right ventricular free wall aneurysm that tends to become more and more prominent over time.)
Left-Sided Ebstein’s Anomaly
Wherever the morphologically tricuspid valve and the morphologically right ventricular sinus, body, or inflow tract (the true morphologically right ventricle, as opposed to the conus or infundibulum) are located, one would anticipate that there, Ebstein’s anomaly should also occur. Hence, one would expect to find left-sided Ebstein’s anomaly in association with discordant L-loop ventricles, as in classical congenitally physiologically corrected transposition of the great arteries {S,L,L} and as in double-outlet right ventricle {S,L,L}. As will soon be seen, these expectations are correct. However, to the best of my knowledge, we have never seen Ebstein’s anomaly with concordant L-loop ventricles, as in situs inversus totalis {I,L,I}. However, our failure to observe such a case may simply reflect the rarity of concordant L-loop ventricles. In principle, Ebstein’s anomaly “should” also occur in this situation.
Age at death or cardiac transplantation (in 12 patients, unknown in 2): mean = 6 3 12 ± 7 11 12 years; range from 0 (stillborn) to 19 2 12 years; and mean = 1 8 12 years.
Sex: males = 8; females = 4; unknown = 2. The male/female ratio was 2/1. Such a strong preponderance of one gender (males) was not found in our cases of Ebstein’s anomaly without other major associated cardiovascular anomalies, suggesting that this strong male preponderance may be related to the coexistence of discordant L-loop ventricles and/or major conotruncal malformations (such as L-transposition or double-outlet right ventricle with L-malposition of the great arteries) (hypothesis). However, the series is very small ( n = 12, in which the gender is known); hence no firm conclusion is drawn.
All 14 cases had Ebstein’s anomaly of the left-sided tricuspid valve and morphologically right ventricular sinus ( Figs. 13.18 , 13.19 , and 13.20 ). The downward displacement of the septal leaflet of the inverted (left-sided) tricuspid valve is well seen in Fig. 13.18 and in Fig. 13.20 .

Transposition of the great arteries {S,L,L} (classical physiologically “corrected” transposition) was present in 12 of 14 patients (86%), whereas DORV was found in 2 (14%). The segmental anatomy was DORV {S,L,L} in one, and DORV {S,L,D} in the other. The patient with DORV {S,L, L } indicates that the aortic valve lay to the left (levo, or L) relative to the pulmonary valve; whereas DORV {S,L, D } means that the aortic valve lay to the right (dextro or D) relative to the pulmonary valve.
In TGA { S,L, L}, DORV { S,L, L}, and DORV { S,L, D}, the S,L part of the segmental anatomy indicates that visceroatrial situs solitus {S,-,-}—the usual or normal pattern of anatomic organization—coexisted with L-loop ventricles, {S,L,-}. Hence, discordant or inappropriate L-loop ventricles were present in patients with visceroatrial situs solitus. (In visceroatrial situs solitus, D-loop ventricles “should” be present, as in the solitus normal heart, { S,D, S}.)
Many of the important findings in these 14 patients with discordant L-loop ventricles in visceroatrial situs solitus are summarized in Table 13.6 .
Findings | No. of Patients | % † of Group |
Ventricular septal defect Conoventricular Muscular AV canal type | 12 | 86 |
9 | 64 | |
1 | 7 | |
2 | 14 | |
Tricuspid regurgitation (L) | 12 | 86 |
Tricuspid stenosis (L) | 2 | 14 |
Coarctation of the aorta | 4 | 29 |
Pulmonary outflow tract atresia | 4 | 29 |
Pulmonary outflow tract stenosis | 2 | 14 |
Secundum atrial septal defect | 2 | 14 |
Congenital complete heart block | 2 | 14 |
Straddling mitral valve (R) | 2 | 14 |
Coronary sinus ostial atresia | 2 | 14 |
Aortic stenosis Valvar Subvalvar | 2 1 1 | 1477 |
Superoinferior ventricles | 2 | 14 |
Aortic atresia, valvar | 1 | 7 |
Uhl’s disease of the RV (L) | 1 | 7 |
Crisscross AV relations | 1 | 7 |
Pulmonary hypoplasia, bilateral | 1 | 7 |
Right coronary artery (L) running between Ao and PA | 1 | 7 |
Dextrocardia | 1 | 7 |
Straddling tricuspid valve (L) | 1 | 7 |
Straddling of both AV valves | 1 | 7 |
Double-orifice tricuspid valve | 1 | 7 |
Mitral regurgitation (R) | 1 | 7 |
Cleft of mitral valve (R), without MR | 1 | 7 |
Double-outlet left atrium, with both orifices (to RV and to LV) stenotic | 1 | 7 |
Multiple congenital anomalies | 1 | 7 |
Hypoplastic aortic isthmus | 1 | 7 |
Left superior vena cava to coronary sinus to right atrium | 1 | 7 |
Congestive heart failure | 1 | 7 |
Brain abscess | 1 | 7 |
Heart transplantation | 1 | 7 |
∗ n = 14: TGA {S,L,L} = 12; DORV {S,L,L} = 1; and DORV {S,L,D} = 1.
† All percentages are rounded off to the nearest whole number.
One of our patients with transposition of the great arteries {S,L,L} had the very rare findings of aortic valvar atresia with left-sided Uhl’s disease, left-sided Ebstein’s anomaly with extreme tricuspid regurgitation, and atresia of the right atrial ostium of the coronary sinus ( Fig. 13.21 , patient of Dr. Ghislaine Gilbert, Institut de Cardiologie de Montreal, Canada, our Case 53). Valvar aortic atresia occurs almost always with normally related great arteries, almost never with transposition of the great arteries. Uhl’s disease almost always involves the ventricle of the pulmonary or lesser circulation, almost never the ventricle of the aortic or systemic circulation. So this is a very rare and noteworthy case ( Fig. 13.21 ).

Ebstein’s Anomaly With Common Atrioventricular Canal
Ebstein’s anomaly with common atrioventricular (AV) canal (also known as atrioventricular septal defect) may sound like an anatomic and developmental impossibility. One is tempted to think, “One can have common AV canal, or Ebstein’s anomaly, but surely not both at the same time.” Remarkably enough, they can coexist. Common AV canal is probably one of the least well known settings in which Ebstein’s anomaly can occur ( Table 13.2 ).
Ebstein’s anomaly with common AV canal occurred in 9 cases (12% of the series as a whole); 6 patients had tricuspid atresia or stenosis (8%), while 3 had tricuspid regurgitation (4%) ( Table 13.2 ).
Ebstein’s Anomaly With Common AV Canal and Tricuspid Atresia or Stenosis
Age at death ( n = 5; 1 unknown): mean = 2 months and 24 days ± 2 months and 23 days; range, from 18 hours to 6 months; and median = 2 months.
Gender: males, 3; females, 2; unknown, 1. The male/female ratio was 3/2 (1.5/1).
Findings: The segmental anatomy was normal, that is, {S,D,S} in 4 of these 6 patients (66.7%) ( Figs. 13.22 and 13.23 ), but was abnormal in 2 patients with visceral heterotaxy and asplenia.
Fig. 13.22
Case 9 was a 2-month-old girl with normal {S,D,S} segmental anatomy; Ebstein’s anomaly with extremely severe tricuspid stenosis (only a pinhole opening at the superior commissure of the tricuspid valve, i.e., nearly imperforate Ebstein’s anomaly); a very small conoventricular type of ventricular septal defect, which contributed to severe subpulmonary stenosis; Uhl’s disease of the right ventricular free wall (transilluminates brilliantly); and incompletely common atrioventricular canal with an ostium primum type of atrioventricular septal defect, no ventricular septal defect of the atrioventricular canal type, and a cleft anterior mitral leaflet. (A) Opened right atrium and right ventricular inflow tract. (B) Opened left ventricle and ascending aorta. In (A), note the ostium primum type of atrioventricular septal defect (ASD 1°), the ostium secundum type of atrial septal defect (ASD 2°), and the atrialized right ventricle (RV) or right ventricular inflow tract. The septal leaflet of the tricuspid valve was absent and the posterior leaflet was very deficient. A small amount of tricuspid valve leaflet tissue was present only at the superior commissure of the tricuspid valve (TV), where it constituted very severe congenital tricuspid stenosis (almost imperforate Ebstein’s anomaly). RAA, Right atrial appendage. (B) Note the cleft anterior leaflet of the mitral valve (MV Cleft), no ventricular septal defect of the atrioventricular canal type, and only a very small ventricular septal defect (VSD) of the conoventricular type (between the conal septum above and the ventricular septum below). Note the wraparound shape of the left ventricle: the left ventricular septal surface wraps convexly around the small and dysplastic right ventricular inflow tract (the atrialized right ventricle). Ao, Ascending aorta; RCC, right coronary leaflet of the aortic valve. This case illustrates what may be regarded as the tricuspid and right ventricular dysplasia syndrome that combines features of the following entities (that may occur together or separately): Ebstein’s anomaly of the tricuspid valve and right ventricle, Uhl’s disease, severe tricuspid stenosis, and an incomplete form of common atrioventricular canal.
Consultation courtesy of Prof Dominique Metras, Marseille, France. Photographs in 1988 by Dr. Stella Van Praagh.
Fig. 13.23
Imperforate Ebstein’s anomaly with very thin aneurysm of diaphragmatic surface of atrialized right ventricle, incomplete form of common atrioventricular canal (ostium primum type of atrioventricular septal defect, incomplete cleft of anterior mitral leaflet, no ventricular septal defect of the atrioventricular canal type), small subcristal ventricular septal defect of the conoventricular type, severe pulmonary valvar stenosis, normal segmental anatomy {S,D,S}, large ostium secundum type of atrial septal defect, and persistent left superior vena cava to coronary sinus to right atrium. (A) External frontal view of the heart. (B) Opened right atrium and atrialized right ventricle. (C) Diagram of this type of anomaly, viewed from posteriorly, looking through a “window” in the posterior left atrial free wall. In (A), note the normal segmental anatomy. The right atrial appendage (RAA) is right-sided, hypertrophied, and enlarged. The small right ventricle is also right sided. The great arteries are solitus normally related. The pulmonary artery is much smaller than the ascending aorta (Ao). The tricuspid valvar atresia (TV At) is seen from the distal or downstream aspect. The conoventricular ventricular septal defect (VSD) is small, constituting subpulmonary stenosis. The infundibular septum (IS) is well seen. The pulmonary valve (PV) is tightly stenotic. Thus, there was both valvar and subvalvar pulmonary stenosis. In (B), one can see the atretic markedly downwardly displaced tricuspid valve (TV At), the ostium primum incomplete atrioventricular septal defect (ASD 1°), the enlarged right atrial ostium of the coronary sinus (Co S), the secundum atrial septal defect due to deficiencies of septum primum, and the normally connected inferior vena cava (IVC) and superior vena cava (SVC). (C) The Ebstein’s anomaly with tricuspid atresia (Eb TV At), the ASD 1°, the cleft anterior leaflet of the mitral valve (MV) (the cleft was incomplete in Case 10, but complete in Case 9), the ASD 2°, the IVC, and the SVC. This case was a consultation from Abidjan, Côte d’Ivoire (Ivory Coast). The patient’s age and gender are not known by us.
Case courtesy of Dr. Dominique Metras. Photographs in 1984 by Dr. Stella Van Praagh.
A 16-day-old boy (Case 11) with the asplenia syndrome had dextrocardia (a predominantly right-sided heart as seen in a posteroanterior chest X-ray), single left ventricle (absent right ventricular sinus) with infundibular outlet chamber and double-outlet infundibular outlet chamber (DOIOC). This designation, DOIOC, indicates that both great arteries arose above the infundibulum or conus, one might say per force, because the right ventricle (the right ventricular sinus or inflow tract) was absent. ( “Per force,” above, is not entirely correct because rarely, both great arteries can originate above the left ventricle, resulting in double-outlet left ventricle, which is presented in Chapter 24 .) However, the real point is that when the right ventricular sinus is absent (resulting in single left ventricle) and when a bilateral conus (subaortic and subpulmonary) is present, this combination of malformations usually results in double-outlet infundibular outlet chamber.
The segmental anatomy in this patient was DOIOC {A(I),D,D}. {A-,-.-} indicates that situs ambiguus of the viscera was present, typical of the asplenia syndrome. {-(I),-,-} denotes that we thought that the situs of the atria was inversus. {–,D,-} indicates that a discordant ventricular D-loop was present. {–,-,D} signifies that D-malposition of the great arteries (aortic valve to the right [dextro or D] relative to the pulmonary valve) was present. Hence, the tricuspid valve component of the common AV valve was to the right of the mitral valve (component) because the situs (pattern of anatomic organization) of the atrioventricular valves corresponds to that of the ventricle(s) of entry, not to that of the atrium (atria) of exit.
This 16-day-old boy had an incomplete form of common AV canal with an ostium primum type of atrial septal defect (an incomplete atrioventricular septal defect). We classified this as an incomplete form of common AV canal because of the coexistence of an imperforate Ebstein’s anomaly of the tricuspid valve, that is, Ebstein’s with tricuspid atresia. In other words, the AV valve was not in common: the mitral and tricuspid components of the common AV valve were not confluent or in common—because of the coexistence of tricuspid atresia. The tricuspid component of this atrioventricular valve was not confluent with the mitral component because the tricuspid component lacked a patent orifice.
However, it is noteworthy that a bulboventricular foramen was present, as is almost always the case with single left ventricle and an infundibular outflow chamber. It should be understood that a bulboventricular foramen is a ventricular-septal-defect-like communication between the single left ventricle and the infundibular outlet chamber. A bulboventricular foramen (BVF) is usually not called a ventricular septal defect (VSD) for the following reason. VSD is really a short form for interventricular septal defect (IVSD), meaning a defect between the ventricles (plural). But when there is only one ventricle, as with single LV, it is illogical and anatomically inaccurate to speak of a VSD, meaning I VSD. The infundibulum is not a ventricle, meaning ventricular sinus. Hence, BVF is anatomically accurate, whereas VSD is not. In this patient there was no ventricular septal defect of the atrioventricular canal type—only an ostium primum type of defect. Hence, the atrioventricular septal defect was partial (not complete); and the atrioventricular valve was not in common because of atresia of its tricuspid valve component. For these two reasons we made the diagnosis of partial (not complete) common AV canal.
Accurate diagnosis and classification requires careful consideration of all aspects of the anatomy, not of just one feature only. Common AV canal is really more than an atrioventricular septal defect—because of its atrioventricular leaflet component. Similarly, as in this patient, it is often possible to diagnose the situs of the atria, even when visceral heterotaxy and asplenia or polysplenia coexist. But is necessary to consider carefully not just one anatomic feature—such as the pattern of the pectinate musculature. Instead, in order to reach an accurate anatomic diagnosis, it is necessary to consider all relevant anatomic features (see Chapter 29 ). For example, in this patient, the atrial situs was diagnosed as situs inversus. This revealed that atrioventricular discordance was present, as the segmental anatomy indicates: DOIOC {A(I),D,D}.
The concept of isomerism (mirror-imagery) as applied to the atria (to the atria as a whole, or to the appendages only, or to the pectinate muscles only) is considered to be anatomically erroneous. Instead, visceral heterotaxy with asplenia, polysplenia, or a normally formed but often right-sided spleen is characterized by visceral anomalies of asymmetry (not anomalies of symmetry), and by malformations of midline-associated structures (the midline being the axis about which right-left asymmetry normally develops) (see Chapter 29 ).
Case 11 had other noteworthy findings: double-orifice mitral valve; a large secundum atrial septal defect; pulmonary atresia (infundibular and valvar); a bicuspid aortic valve (underdevelopment of the right coronary/left coronary commissure); right-sided patent ductus arteriosus from the innominate artery to the proximal right pulmonary artery, with a left aortic arch; totally anomalous pulmonary venous connection to the left superior vena cava via a small orifice, resulting in supracardiac pulmonary venous obstruction; and atresia of the right superior vena cava below the level of the innominate vein.
Visceral heterotaxy with asplenia, Ebstein’s anomaly, and tricuspid obstruction occurred in 3 of these 6 cases (50%): tricuspid atresia in 2 of 6 (Cases 11 and 17), and severe tricuspid stenosis in 1 of 6 (Case 21).
The segmental anatomy in all three cases of heterotaxy with asplenia and Ebstein’s anomaly with tricuspid atresia (imperforate Ebstein’s) or severe tricuspid stenosis was essentially the same: DOIOC {A(I),D,D}, Case 11; DORV {A(I),D,D}, Case 17; and DORV {A(I),D,D}, Case 21. If you would prefer to simplify the segmental anatomy as much as possible, one could omit the A as unnecessary, since it is understood that all three patients had visceral heterotaxy with situs ambiguus (A) and asplenia. Focusing on the cardiac segmental anatomy only, all three asplenic patients had {I,D,D} segmental anatomy—which is what one sees in the infrequent form of congenital physiologically corrected transposition of the great arteries: TGA {I,D,D}. But all three had a bilateral conus (subaortic and subpulmonary), resulting in DORV in two, and in DOIOC in one.
Down syndrome was present in 1 of these 6 patients (Case 28), who had tricuspid atresia {S,D,S}.
Incompletely common atrioventricular canal was present in all 6 patients with Ebstein’s anomaly and tricuspid stenosis or atresia (100%) ( Figs. 13.22 and 13.23 ). Other salient findings are summarized in Table 13.7 .
Finding | No. of Cases | % ∗ of Group |
Tricuspid atresia (imperforate) | 4 | 67 |
Tricuspid stenosis, extreme | 2 | 33 |
Incompletely commonly AV canal | 6 | 100 |
Secundum atrial septal defect | 4 | 67 |
Double-orifice mitral valve | 4 | 67 |
Heterotaxy syndrome with asplenia | 3 | 50 |
Pulmonary outflow tract atresia | 2 | 33 |
Uhl’s disease of RV free wall | 3 | 33 |
Posterior leaflet of TV partially absent | 2 | 33 |
Double-outlet right ventricle {A(I),D,D} | 2 | 33 |
Ventricular septal defect, conoventricular | 2 | 33 |
Septal leaflet of TV absent | 1 | 17 |
Bicuspid aortic valve | 1 | 17 |
Single LV with IOC | 1 | 17 |
Aneurysm of diaphragmatic RV | 1 | 17 |
Atresia of RSVC below innominate vein | 1 | 17 |
TAPVC to LSVC with stenosis | 1 | 17 |
Right PDA with left aortic arch | 1 | 17 |
Pulmonary stenosis, valvar | 1 | 17 |
LSVC to CoS to RA | 1 | 17 |
DOIOC {A(I),D,D} | 1 | 17 |
Dextrocardia | 1 | 17 |
Down syndrome | 1 | 17 |
Anomalous muscle bundles of the RV | 1 | 17 |
Multiple congenital anomalies (hydrocephalus) | 1 | 17 |
∗ All percentages are rounded off to the nearest whole number.
Ebstein’s Anomaly With Incompletely Common Atrioventricular Canal and Tricuspid Regurgitation
Three patients had Ebstein’s anomaly with incompletely common atrioventricular canal and tricuspid regurgitation ( Table 13.2 , 4%): Cases 15, 48, and 78.
Age at death: mean = 5.92 ± 8.77 months; range, 9 hours to 1 4 12 years; and median = 7 weeks.
Gender: males, 2; female, 1; male/female = 2/1.
Findings: All three patients had tricuspid regurgitation. The anterior leaflet of the tricuspid valve was deep, curtain-like, with obliteration of the interchordal spaces, very small anterior papillary muscle of the right ventricle, and with or without direct attachment of the anterior tricuspid leaflet to the right ventricular free wall. The posterior tricuspid leaflet was similar to the anterior leaflet. The septal leaflet of the tricuspid valve appeared downwardly displaced and very deficient or absent, functionally permitting severe tricuspid regurgitation. One newborn girl (Case 48) died at 9 hours of age from hydrops fetalis (massive prenatal and postnatal congestive heart failure).
All three of these patients also had the incomplete form of common AV canal with an ostium primum defect, a cleft anterior leaflet of the mitral valve, and no ventricular septal defect of the AV canal type. Hence, all of these patients had major anomalies of both the tricuspid and the mitral valves. Two patients had congenital mitral stenosis with parachute mitral valve, while the other had severe congenital mitral regurgitation.
One of these patients (Case 78) had tetralogy of Fallot {S,D,S}, a secundum atrial septal defect (hence pentalogy of Fallot), an incomplete form of common AV canal with an ostium primum defect, congenital mitral stenosis with parachute mitral valve (all chordae tendineae inserting into the posteromedial papillary muscle of the left ventricle, the anterolateral papillary muscle of the left ventricle being absent, the mitral cleft being the only orifice of the mitral valve), and severe tricuspid regurgitation with obliteration of the interchordal spaces and muscularization (or failure of demuscularization) of the anterior tricuspid leaflet.
The foregoing little boy, who died at 7 weeks of age (in 1976), had a rare quartet of anomalies that, to best of our knowledge, is a previously undescribed constellation of malformations:
- 1.
tetralogy (pentalogy) of Fallot;
- 2.
the incomplete form of common AV canal;
- 3.
Ebstein’s anomaly with severe tricuspid regurgitation; and
- 4.
parachute mitral valve with marked congenital mitral stenosis.
The anomalies found in this group are summarized in Table 13.8 .
Finding | No. of Cases | % of Group |
Incompletely common AV canal | 3 | 100 |
Congenital tricuspid regurgitation | 3 | 100 |
Secundum atrial septal defect | 2 | 67 |
Parachute mitral valve with MS | 2 | 67 |
Congenital mitral regurgitation | 1 | 33 |
Down syndrome | 1 | 33 |
Hydrops fetalis | 1 | 33 |
Double-orifice tricuspid valve | 1 | 33 |
Tetralogy of Fallot (pentalogy) | 1 | 33 |
It should be recalled that there was one other patient (Case 38), a 2-day-old boy, who had incompletely common AV canal with an ostium primum type of defect, a cleft anterior leaflet of the mitral valve, a parachute mitral valve with all chordae inserting into the anterolateral papillary muscle group of the left ventricle, with double-orifice of the mitral valve (a small accessory posteromedial orifice thought to be of little or no functional significance), severe mitral regurgitation with thickened and rolled margins of the main mitral orifice, Ebstein’s anomaly with severe tricuspid regurgitation of the tricuspid valve (deep curtain-like anterior tricuspid leaflet, without papillary muscles, with marked reduction of interchordal spaces, and with absence of the septal and posterior tricuspid leaflets, accounting for the severe tricuspid regurgitation), Uhl’s disease of the right ventricle with parchment-like thinning of the entire right ventricular free wall, a secundum type of atrial septal defect (multiple fenestrations of a very thin septum primum), partially anomalous pulmonary venous connection (right pulmonary veins connecting with the right superior vena cava), stenosis of the proximal left pulmonary artery, an aberrant right subclavian artery, a brachiocephalic artery (both the right common carotid and the left common carotid arteries originating from a single orifice), and multiple congenital anomalies (hypospadias, a noncardiovascular anomaly). This patient also had valvar pulmonary atresia with an intact ventricular septum . Hence, Case 38 was presented above as one of the 12 patients with Ebstein’s anomaly, pulmonary atresia/severe stenosis with intact ventricular septum, and tricuspid regurgitation ( Table 13.2 ).
In other words, Ebstein’s anomaly with tricuspid atresia and the incomplete form of common AV canal did not have pulmonary atresia or severe stenosis with intact ventricular septum in three patients (Cases 15, 48, and 78), but did have pulmonary atresia with intact ventricular septum in one patient (Case 38) ( Table 13.2 ).
Ebstein’s anomaly with the incomplete form of common AV canal was the least frequent of the four main subsets of Ebstein’s anomaly (9 patients, 12% of this series, Table 13.2 ). Consequently, this anatomic subset of Ebstein’s malformation is not well known. Indeed, in December 1970, Dr. Stella Van Praagh and Dr. Masahiko Ando thought that our Case 28 might well be the first autopsy-proved case of the incomplete form of common AV canal with imperforate Ebstein’s anomaly of the tricuspid valve. But further investigation revealed that the combination of Ebstein’s anomaly and common AV canal had first been reported in 1956 by Kilby, DuShane, Wood, and Burchell from the Mayo Clinic in Rochester, Minnesota.
Literature Review and Discussion Concerning Ebstein’s Anomaly
In addition to the references that have been cited heretofore, much more has been written about Ebstein’s anomaly. One of the more striking features of the literature concerning this anomaly is that it focuses very largely on Ebstein’s anomaly with tricuspid regurgitation. While this is a very important subset, it constituted only 25 of our 78 autopsy proved cases, that is, only 32% of this series ( Table 13.2 ). Seldom mentioned are patients with Ebstein’s malformation and tricuspid stenosis (11 cases, 14%), or tricuspid atresia (2 cases, 3%), or with both significant tricuspid regurgitation and tricuspid stenosis (1 case, 1%), or those rare and fortunate individuals with neither significant tricuspid regurgitation nor tricuspid stenosis (2 cases, 3%) ( Table 13.2 ). All of the foregoing patients had relatively isolated Ebstein’s anomaly, that is, without other major forms of congenital heart disease (53%, Table 13.2 ).
Ebstein’s malformation with other major forms of congenital heart disease constituted almost half of this series (48%, Table 13.2 ). These are the largely “forgotten” forms of Ebstein’s anomaly ( Table 13.2 ):
- 1.
with pulmonary valvar atresia or severe stenosis and intact ventricular septum (14 cases, 18%);
- 2.
left-sided Ebstein’s anomaly with classical congenitally physiologically corrected transposition of the great arteries {S,L,L} or with double-outlet from the left-sided morphologically right ventricle {S,L,L} (14 cases, 18%); and
- 3.
with the incomplete form of common AV canal (9 cases, 12%).
When describing Ebstein’s malformation, the authors of excellent and prestigious textbooks often exclude Ebstein’s anomaly with tricuspid stenosis, tricuspid atresia, pulmonary atresia with intact ventricular septum, left-sided Ebstein’s malformation, and Ebstein’s with common AV canal, consigning these types to other chapters. The effect is that many well-informed pediatric cardiologists and cardiac surgeons do not know that Ebstein’s anomaly can complicate pulmonary atresia with intact ventricular septum and the incomplete forms of common AV canal. Left-sided Ebstein’s with corrected L-transposition and double-outlet right ventricle with atrioventricular discordance is better known.
This is why Ebstein’s anomaly is presented “whole” in this chapter, in all of its forms, so that the full spectrum of this malformation can be clearly seen, as it really occurs.
This understanding is very relevant to accurate diagnosis and successful surgical management because these four major subsets of Ebstein’s anomaly are distinctive and very different from each other ( Table 13.2 ).
Perhaps it should be added that congenital heart disease is classified in terms of its pathologic anatomy, not in terms of its clinical symptoms or physiology, and not in terms of its current interventional or surgical management, because all of the latter are variables in congenital heart disease. The pathologic anatomy is relatively constant in comparison with these other admittedly very important variables. Hence, classification is based on anatomy, but also with full awareness of the importance of symptoms, physiology, and therapeutics. The aforementioned anatomic method of classification is the essence of the morphologic (anatomic) approach to the diagnosis of congenital heart disease.
As a practical matter, our approach to diagnostic classification has always been inclusive, not exclusive. As far as Ebstein’s anomaly is concerned, our suggestion is that this malformation should be included in whatever chapters, or sections, or papers to which it is diagnostically and therapeutically important. Specifically, Ebstein’s malformation should be included in considerations of tricuspid atresia, tricuspid stenosis, tricuspid regurgitation, pulmonary atresia or severe stenosis with intact ventricular septum, discordant L-loop ventricles, common AV canal, and perhaps in other settings not found in our series. But in chapters, sections, or papers on Ebstein’s anomaly, all of the major settings or subsets should also be included, so that all concerned will become familiar with the full spectrum of Ebstein’s malformation, the relative frequencies of each ( Table 13.2 ), and the associated cardiac anomalies that are typically found with each major Ebstein subset ( Tables 13.3 to 13.8 ).
Tricuspid Valve Function in Ebstein’s Anomaly
Tricuspid valve function in these 78 postmortem cases of Ebstein’s malformation is summarized in Table 13.9 .
Function | No. of Cases | % of Series ∗ |
Tricuspid regurgitation (TR) | 52 | 67 |
Tricuspid stenosis (TS) | 17 | 22 |
Tricuspid atresia (imperforate) | 6 | 8 |
TR and TS | 1 | 1 |
“Normal” function (no TR or TS) | 2 | 3 |
In this series as a whole, tricuspid regurgitation (67%) was much more common than tricuspid stenosis (22%) or tricuspid atresia (imperforate Ebstein’s) (8%). Essentially normal function (no significant tricuspid regurgitation or stenosis) (3%) and noteworthy tricuspid regurgitation plus tricuspid stenosis (1%) were both infrequent ( Table 13.9 ).
Tricuspid regurgitation was more common than tricuspid stenosis or tricuspid atresia, not only in the series as a whole ( Table 13.9 ), but also in each of the four major Ebstein’s subsets, except for Ebstein’s anomaly with incompletely common atrioventricular canal ( Table 13.2 ). In the latter infrequent and consequently unfamiliar Ebstein’s subset ( n = 9), only 3 patients had tricuspid regurgitation (4%), while 4 patients had tricuspid atresia (5%) and 2 had tricuspid stenosis (3%). Thus, 6 patients had tricuspid obstruction (atresia in 4 and stenosis in 2) (8%), while only 3 had tricuspid regurgitation (4%) ( Table 13.2 ). Because the numbers are so small, no conclusion is drawn.
The Ebstein subset with an incomplete form of common AV canal was also interesting in terms of associated anomalies. Congenital asplenia was present in 3 of the 6 patients with tricuspid obstruction: 2 with tricuspid atresia and 1 with tricuspid stenosis (Cases 11 and 17, and Case 21, respectively). One patient with tricuspid atresia (Case 28) had Down syndrome , and another (Case 9) had Uhl’s disease. One patient with Ebstein’s, common AV canal, and tricuspid regurgitation (Case 78) also had coexisting tetralogy of Fallot .
Types of Literature
There are many different kinds of published studies concerning Ebstein’s anomaly:
Pathologic anatomy. Investigations that focus importantly on the pathologic anatomy include the following references: 1, 2, 4, 8, 9, 20, 25, 28, 37, 38, 47, 55, 59, 61, 70, 75, 78, 79, 85, 86, 88, 90, 94, 101, 102, 111, 113, 114, 115, 118, 119, 126, 127, 138, 140, 141, 146, 155, 168, 175, 176, 177, 194, 197, 206.
Clinical profile and natural history. Studies that focus mainly on the clinical profile and natural history of prenatal and postnatal patients with Ebstein’s anomaly include the following: 12, 13, 14, 24, 30, 35, 41, 44, 46, 49, 50, 51, 54, 62, 76, 83, 87, 100, 121, 122, 125, 132, 134, 135, 137, 141, 143, 145, 147, 149, 152, 154, 158, 161, 165, 172, 175, 187, 189, 195, 211.
Imaging studies. Investigations that focus on diagnostic imaging studies (angiocardiography, echocardiography, magnetic resonance imaging, and other modalities) are also very important: 1, 12, 38, 40, 52, 56, 58, 60, 61, 64, 66, 67, 74, 77, 83, 91, 93, 96, 107, 108, 112, 113, 115, 116, 124, 126, 131, 132, 134, 135, 137, 140, 144, 153, 156, 157, 159, 167, 168, 200, 207.
Electrophysiologic studies. Investigations of arrhythmias, their anatomic basis, and their management have also been of considerable importance in patients with Ebstein’s anomaly: 15, 32, 36, 42, 43, 53, 55, 58, 68, 80, 91, 103, 114, 120, 123, 130, 145, 163, 177, 180, 182, 190, 191, 202, 204, 205, 210, 211, 216.
Pregnancy and delivery. The management and outcome of the pregnancy and delivery of mothers with Ebstein’s anomaly have also been studied with care: 46, 143, 152, 211.
Who was Wilhelm Ebstein? A few papers have told his story: 3, 5, 6.
Etiology. What are the basic causes of Ebstein’s anomaly? Several investigations have attempted to address this important question: 31, 41, 65, 71, 119, 120, 141, 155, 203. There appear to be genetic, familial, , embryologic, and teratogenic (i.e., lithium) , aspects to this question.
Cardiovascular support. The use of extracorporeal membrane oxygenation (ECMO) as a postnatal rescue technique has been advocated. Balloon pulmonary valvuloplasty has been helpful when significant pulmonary valvar stenosis coexists. The use of prolonged prostaglandin therapy (PGE) to keep the ductus arteriosus open has been advocated, until the neonatal pulmonary resistance falls sufficiently to permit adequate pulmonary blood flow (Qp) at subsystemic right heart pressures. On the other hand, it has been pointed out that limiting ductal patency can be very helpful in avoiding deleterious “circular” shunts that promote right heart failure. So the medical aspects of management can be delicate and difficult. , ,
Surgical management. How should patients with Ebstein’s anomaly be managed surgically?
First, perhaps not everyone with Ebstein’s anomaly requires cardiac surgery. For example, Seward and his colleagues reported Ebstein’s anomaly in an unoperated 85-year-old man, the longest known survival in the natural history of this malformation. But what happened to this man? He had tricuspid regurgitation leading to congestive heart failure and death. Despite his “great age,” he might have lived a healthier and longer life had he not had the Ebstein-related tricuspid regurgitation that led to his death. Bearing in mind that the human longevity limit is about 120 years, and 85 is no longer considered all that old.
Although patients with “mild” Ebstein’s (i.e., with little tricuspid regurgitation, no arrhythmias, and no associated malformations) may never require surgery, many do. The worst group is those who present in utero. The dilemma of these patients is presented in several studies. These are the “presurgical” patients, too young (in utero) to be helped by currently available surgical procedures. For example, in the ultrasound (two-dimensional echocardiography) study by Hornberger, Sahn, Kleinman, Copel, and Reed (1991), there were 26 fetuses, 17 with Ebstein’s (63%) and 7 with tricuspid valve dysplasia with normally attached but poorly developed leaflets (27%). Two patients had congenitally unguarded tricuspid orifice (8%). All of these patients had massive right atrial dilation (100%). Hydrops fetalis (massive congestive heart failure) was observed in 6 of 26 (23%). Atrial flutter was present in 5 (19%). Pulmonary outflow tract obstruction coexisted in 11 of 26 (42%): stenosis in 5 and atresia in 6.
The clinical course of 23 patients tells the story: death in utero, 48%, and live born but died, 35%. Hence, the prenatal plus the neonatal death rate was 83%—a devastating natural history. Significant lung hypoplasia—probably secondary to massive cardiomegaly—was found in 10 of 19 autopsied cases (53%).
It is not widely understood that Ebstein’s malformation is a much more malignant disease than are most other forms of congenital heart disease that we think of as being very bad (e.g., transposition of the great arteries), because Ebstein’s anomaly is associated with a high intrauterine death rate, whereas transposition of the great arteries is not.
This grave conclusion was also reached by McElhinney, Salvin, Colan, Thiagarajan, Crawford, Marcus, del Nido, and Tworetzky (2005). Fetal death occurred in 9 of 25 (36%). Of the prenatally diagnosed patients (excluding 8 abortions or terminations), only 7 of 25 survived beyond the neonatal period (28%); that is, the fetal plus neonatal mortality rate was 72%. Independent predictors of death (by multivariable logistic regression analysis) included the following:
- 1.
a right atrial (RA) area >1; and
- 2.
absence of anterograde blood flow across the pulmonary valve.
(The RA area index = the ratio of the RA area/the area of the “ventricularized” right ventricle + the area of the left atrium + the area of the left ventricle.)
These authors concluded that although outcomes in fetuses and neonates with Ebstein’s anomaly have improved, survival at the severe end of the spectrum remains poor. As a novel approach to management, McElhinney and his colleagues suggested the possibility of giving corticosteroids to ensure fetal pneumatocyte maturity, followed by elective mid–third trimester delivery and then intensive postnatal care.
Thus, at the present time, the surgeons are meeting only the “winners”—the survivors of the often devastating prenatal and neonatal periods.
So this, then, is the current surgical question: how best to treat those Ebstein patients who require (postnatal) surgery? (Prenatal surgery is, of course, the dream. But we’re not there yet.)
Repair. Investigators who favored repair, that is, tricuspid annuloplasty and valvuloplasty typically with plication or exclusion or the atrialized right ventricle, include the following: 27, 45, 69, 73, 87, 97, 105, 106, 110, 129, 131, 142, 144, 150, 160, 166, 169, 173, 174, 178, 180–186, 188, 190, 192, 193, 198–201, 208, 212, 213.
Replacement. Investigators who favored tricuspid valve replacement include the following: 26, 29, 34, 39, 48, 57, 72, 81, 82, 89, 95, 98, 99, 104, 109, 110, 117, 128, 162, 171, 179, 199.
Fontan. Ebstein’s anomaly with severe tricuspid stenosis has been treated with a Fontan procedure: 92, 148.
Creation of tricuspid atresia with central shunt. Another approach to the almost imperforate Ebstein’s anomaly has been pericardial patch closure of the tricuspid orifice and aortopulmonary central shunt (Gore-Tex conduit, 4 mm in diameter).
Which is the best surgical approach? As the aforementioned references indicate, there is still considerable disagreement concerning the best surgical approach to the management of Ebstein’s anomaly. I am now more than old enough to know that a cardiologist-pathologist-embryologist (like me) should never try to tell a surgeon how to do the operation. However, a few anatomic hints may be helpful.
First, read all the references, think about them, and then make up your own mind, as a surgeon. What can you do technically? What do you feel about the various options? You should like the operation that you are going to do.
I favor repair (as opposed to tricuspid valve replacement). As Carpentier and his colleagues have repeatedly emphasized (correctly, I think), the surgical operation should be tailored to the patient’s function and anatomic status. , ,
I like the posterior annular plication technique used by Hancock Friesen and her colleagues (2004). It is elegant, it is simple, and it worked well. One ends up with a bicuspid right atrioventricular valve. However, this was a small series ( n = 7) and the ages of the patients ranged from 3.6 to 63.8 years, the mean being 39 years. Hence, this was not a neonatal series, even in part. Mortality was 0 and long-term follow-up will be necessary.
The report by Chauvaud and colleagues (2006) is another excellent example of where we are surgically at the present time. In a series of 26 consecutive patients, mean age 30 ± 16 years (a postneonatal series), the surgeon mobilized the anterior tricuspid leaflet, did a longitudinal placation of the atrialized right ventricle, reduced the size of the tricuspid annulus, closed the secundum atrial septal defect or patent foramen ovale, and performed a bidirectional Glenn procedure in 54% of cases (14/26) to reduce right ventricular preload. Chauvaud et al thought that the indication for plication of the atrialized right ventricle is dyskinesis of this structure. In all cases (mortality = 0), the left ventricular ejection fraction and stroke volume index increased postoperatively.
But now let us consider the more difficult problem: neonatal Ebstein’s . For example, Reemtsen, Fagan, Wells, and Starnes (2006) published their experience with 16 neonates who all had profound heart failure. The indications for surgery were overt heart failure, cyanosis, acidosis, tricuspid regurgitation, depressed right ventricular function, and severe cardiomegaly.
The operative strategy began with an assessment of the possibility of tricuspid valve repair, with or without right ventricular outflow tract reconstruction. If the tricuspid valve was thought to be repairable, this was done ( n = 3, 19%).
If tricuspid valve repair did not seem feasible, then the tricuspid valve was oversewn with a pericardial patch; the tricuspid patch was fenestrated (in 10 of 13 patients) to decompress the right ventricle; reduction atrioplasty was performed; if extensive, the atrialized right ventricle was plicated; and a modified Blalock-Taussig shunt was established to guarantee adequate pulmonary blood flow. Heart transplantation was the initial therapeutic option in 1 patient (6%). Early (hospital) mortality was 31% (5 of 16 patients). Late deaths were 0 of 11 survivors.
In the discussion that followed Dr. Reemtsen’s presentation, Dr. Knott-Craig, who has championed the repair of Ebstein’s malformation to create a competent monocusp valve, noted that his mortality was less than 30%. (In fact it was 12.5%, 1/8.)
Then Dr. Sano, who has advocated total right ventricular exclusion for isolated congestive right ventricular failure, said that he excises the right ventricular free wall, instead of plicating it, in order to reduce the size of the right ventricle and the right atrium. He reported that immediately postoperatively, the cardiothoracic ratio was reduced to 52%; the left ventricular ejection fraction increased from 27% to 62%; and the cardiac index increased from 2.1 to 3.5. Dr. Sano’s mortality with this operative approach has been zero (early = 0; late = 0).
The foregoing are just a few of the many promising surgical studies concerning the surgical therapy of Ebstein’s anomaly. If time, strength, and space permitted, many other investigations would merit discussion. But this I must leave to the reader. I have only three general comments:
- 1.
We should distinguish between studies of the surgical management of neonatal Ebstein’s anomaly, and those that deal with postneonatal Ebstein’s malformation. The difference in severity is huge.
- 2.
We should be in favor of whatever works best. Although my present bias is in favor of repair rather than replacement, it must be understood that there are many examples of successful results following tricuspid valve replacement (see the above-cited references). At the present time, we simply do not know what the conclusions of the future will be. The optimal medical and surgical management of Ebstein’s anomaly is still evolving. As my old friend and teacher, Dr. Maurice Lev, used to say, “It’s a research problem.” I agree and I would like to add that we are making progress. As mentioned heretofore, I think that repair of the tricuspid valve and of the atrialized right ventricle may well ultimately be accepted as preferable to tricuspid valve replacement; but only time will tell.
- 3.
Most of the references concerning Ebstein’s anomaly are presented in chronological order (from references 24 onward). This makes it readily possible to comprehend our growth in the understanding of this malformation. In-depth understanding, facilitated by a historical approach, is much better than memorizing a few rules or criteria.
Non-Ebstein Tricuspid Regurgitation
First, it is noteworthy that we have in our database approximately as many cases of congenital non-Ebstein tricuspid regurgitation ( n = 80) as we have of all types of Ebstein’s anomaly ( n = 78, Table 13.1 ). So, non-Ebstein tricuspid regurgitation is not rare (80 of 3216 cases of congenital heart disease, i.e., 2.49%), at least when compared with Ebstein’s anomaly.
But the question remains: What is so-called congenital non-Ebstein tricuspid regurgitation? Before doing this study, I really had no clear idea what the answers were. For me, this was a surprising terra incognita . In retrospect, the answers may seem obvious; but prospectively, they were not ( Table 13.10 ).
Associated Findings | No. of Cases ( n = 80) | % of Series |
| 18 | 22.5 |
| 13 | 16.25 |
| 12 | 15 |
| 9 | 11.25 |
| 5 | 6.25 |
| 4 | 5 |
| 3 | 3.75 |
| 3 | 3.75 |
| 3 | 3.75 |
| 2 | 2.5 |
| 2 | 2.5 |
| 2 | 2.5 |
| 1 | 1.25 |
| 1 | 1.25 |
| 1 | 1.25 |
| 1 | 1.25 |
Just a glance at Table 13.10 indicates that congenital non-Ebstein tricuspid regurgitation is more complicated and variable than Ebstein tricuspid regurgitation. Indeed, there were 16 different anatomic types of non-Ebstein congenital tricuspid regurgitation ( Table 13.10 ). Let us look at each in turn.
Tricuspid Regurgitation With Pulmonary Atresia and Intact Ventricular Septum
It will perhaps come as no surprise that tricuspid regurgitation (TR) with pulmonary atresia (or extremely severe pulmonary valvar stenosis) and intact ventricular septum (or with one or more very small ventricular septal defects) ( Fig. 13.24 ) was the most common anatomic type of congenital TR without Ebstein’s anomaly ( Table 13.10 ). It should be recalled that Davignon, Greenwold, DuShane, and Edwards described two anatomic types of pulmonary atresia with intact ventricular septum in 1961. When the tricuspid valve was competent, allowing little or no tricuspid regurgitation, then the right ventricular cavity was small, with a very thick-walled right ventricle. However, when the tricuspid valve was regurgitant or incompetent, then the right ventricular cavity was much larger ( Fig. 13.25 ). A competent tricuspid valve permitted the right ventricle (RV) to do pressure work, but little or no flow work; hence the RV was thick-walled and small-chambered. By contrast, an incompetence or regurgitant tricuspid valve allowed the RV to do both pressure work and flow work (even though the flow was largely retrograde into the right atrium). Thus, severe tricuspid regurgitation was associated with an RV that was larger-chambered and thinner-walled. The importance of tricuspid regurgitation in association with pulmonary atresia and intact ventricular septum has been known for almost 50 years (time of writing, 2007).
Age at death ( n = 18):
mean = 191.153 ± 280.159 days (6.37 ± 9.34 months);
range = 1.25 to 850 days (1.25 days to 2.33 years); and
median = 43.5 days (1.45 months).

As you can see, the mean age at death in this anatomic type of non-Ebstein tricuspid regurgitation was young (6.37 ± 9.34 months). However, the median age at death, which more truly reflects the real situation, was even younger (1.45 months). Thus, pulmonary atresia with an intact ventricular septum and non-Ebstein tricuspid regurgitation was a rapidly fatal combination of anomalies.
Gender: males = 10, females = 8; male/female ratio = 1.25/1.0.
Death related closely in time to surgery: In these 18 patients, death was closely related in time to surgical intervention in 13 (72%). In another patient (Case 17, in 1977), death occurred 6 weeks postoperatively (more than 30 days postoperatively; so we did not regard it as “hospital” death, occurring soon after surgery). An additional case (Case 50, in 1969) died from severe intractable congestive heart failure and supraventricular tachyarrhythmia related to an excessively large Waterston anastomosis (5 × 4 mm). None of these fatalities occurred following a Fontan or Fontan-like procedure.
Anatomic variations: One of these patients (Case 37) had multiple very small ventricular septal defects (not an anatomically intact ventricular septum). Two of these patients had extremely severe pulmonary valvar stenosis (Cases 50 and 60), not a totally atretic pulmonary valve.
Non-Ebstein Tricuspid Regurgitation With Double-Inlet Left Ventricle
Congenital tricuspid regurgitation with double-inlet left ventricle was the second most common anatomic type of tricuspid regurgitation in patients who did not have Ebstein’s anomaly: in 13 of 80 patients (16.25%) ( Table 13.10 ).
Age at death: ( n = 13):
mean = 9.65 ± 9.66 years;
range = 0 (18-week fetus) to 31 years; and
median = 4.67 years (4 8 12 years).
Gender ( n = 12): males = 6, females = 6; male/female ratio = 1. The gender of the 18-week fetus was unknown to us.
Segmental anatomy ( n = 13): Four different segmental anatomic sets ∗ (or combinations) were found:
- 1.
TGA {S,L,L} = 6 (46%) ( Fig. 13.26 );
∗ TGA {S,L,L} means transposition of the great arteries with the segmental situs set of situs solitus of the viscera and atria, ventricular L-loop, and L-transposition of the great arteries. TGA {S,D ,D} means TGA with solitus atria, ventricular D-loop and D-TGA. {S,D,S} denotes solitus atria, ventricular D-loop, and solitus normally related great arteries. DORV {S,L,L} indicates double-outlet right ventricle with solitus atria, ventricular L-loop, and L-malposition of the great arteries. The atrioventricular alignments were double-inlet into the morphologically left ventricle in all ( Table 13.10 ). The ventriculoarterial alignments are indicated by the segmental anatomy: L-TGA in 6, D-TGA in 3, solitus normally related great arteries in 3, and DORV with L-malposition of the great arteries in 1.
Fig. 13.26
The most common anatomic type of single left ventricle (LV) with an infundibular outlet chamber (Inf) and L-transposition of the great arteries. The aortic valve (Ao) is anterior and to the left of the pulmonary valve (PA). The segmental anatomy is TGA {S,L,L}. The angulation of the atrial septum (AS) 30° to the left of the anteroposterior plane (AP) is typical of solitus atria. The morphologically right atrium (RA) (not drawn) lies to the right of the AS, and the morphologically left atrium (LA) (not drawn) lies to the left of the AS. Double-inlet LV is present because the RA opens through the right-sided mitral valve (MV) into the LV, and the LA opens through the left-sided tricuspid valve (TV) also into the right-sided LV and a little bit into the left-sided and anterior infundibular outlet chamber. The ventricular septal remnant (VS) is located anteriorly and to the left relative to the AS. Why? Because the right ventricular sinus (body, or inflow tract) is absent. The VS is displaced toward the location of the absent RV sinus. Absence of the RV sinus is why the LV is regarded as single (or unpaired), even though an infundibular outlet chamber (which is not a ventricle) is also present. Displacement of the VS to the left and anteriorly is also why there is double-inlet LV. Why is the TV regurgitant? Because of its abnormal insertions, both into the large LV and also into the Inf. Although the TV opens mostly into the right-sided LV, it also opens to a small degree into the left-sided and anterior Inf; consequently the left-sided TV straddles the VS. The abnormal bicameral insertion of the straddling TV appears to be the most important factor predisposing toward tricuspid regurgitation (left-sided). Note the thickening and rolling of the tricuspid leaflet margins (depicted diagrammatically). Geometrically, the AS lies 30° to the left of the anteroposterior (AP) plane. The VS is 20° to the right of the AP plane. The semilunar valves show 40° of rotation to the left of the AP plane.
Reproduced with permission from Van Praagh R, Ongley PA, Swan HJC: Anatomic types of single or common ventricle in man. Morphologic and geometric aspects of 60 necropsied cases. Am J Cardiol 1964;13:367.
- 2.
TGA {S,D,D} = 3 (23%);
- 3.
{S,D,S} = 3 (23%) ( Fig. 13.27 ); and
Fig. 13.27
Holmes hearts, without pulmonary outflow tract stenosis (A), and with pulmonary outflow tract stenosis (B). Single left ventricle (LV) with infundibular outlet chamber (Inf) and normally related great arteries was first described in 1824 by W. F. Holmes, the first Dean of Medicine at McGill University in Montreal, Canada. The right ventricular sinus (RV) is absent; hence the LV is single or unpaired. Absence of the RV inflow tract is also why there is double-inlet LV: there is no RV sinus for the tricuspid valve (TV) to open into. The ventricular septum is displaced to the right—in the direction of the absent RV inflow tract. Although the TV opens mostly into the LV because of the rightward displacement of the VS, the TV straddles the VS remnant to a small degree and opens into the infundibular outlet chamber. Tricuspid regurgitation is frequent, apparently because of the bicameral insertions of the TV associated with straddling of the TV. Tricuspid regurgitation is suggested diagrammatically by the thickening of the tricuspid leaflet margins and by the incomplete coaptation of the TV leaflets. In (B), pulmonary outflow tract stenosis is suggested by the relative smallness of the pulmonary artery (PA) compared with the aorta (Ao) and by the fact that the pulmonary valve is bicuspid. The distinctive and unusual feature of the Holmes heart is that the great arteries are normally related; single LV with infundibular outflow chamber is usually associated with abnormally related great arteries, such as transposition of the great arteries. The segmental anatomy in the Holmes heart is {S,D,S}. In (A), the anatomic geometry is as follows: The atrial septum (AS) is angulated 30° to the left of the sagittal plane (if the AS is considered to be hinged posteriorly to the sagittal plane); this angulation is normal for solitus atria. The ventricular septal remnant (VS) is displaced far to the right of the AS, and the VS is 40° to the left of the sagittal plane (if the VSD is considered for the purposes of measurement to be hinged posteriorly to the sagittal plane). The semilunar valves display 150° dextrorotation relative to the sagittal plane, which is normal (for solitus normally related great arteries). In (B), the anatomic geometry is as follows: atrial septum, 30° to the left (normal); ventricular septum, marked rightward displacement and angulated 60° to the left; and the semilunar relationships as in tetralogy of Fallot (TOF), the aortic valve 100° dextrorotation (subnormal). Even though the dextrorotation of the aortic valve is subnormal (150° is normal), nonetheless this TOF-like semilunar interrelationship is considered to be within the normal range (but at the subnormal end of the range) because there is aortic valve–to–mitral valve direct fibrous continuity (typical of normally related great arteries). MV, Mitral valve.
Reproduced with permission from Van Praagh R, Ongley PA, Swan HJC: Anatomic types of single or common ventricle in man. Morphologic and geometric aspects of 60 necropsied cases. Am J Cardiol 1964;13:367 and from Van Praagh R, Plett JA, Van Praagh S: Single ventricle: pathology, embryology, terminology, and classification. Herz 1979;4:113.
- 4.
DORV {S,L,L} = 1 (8%).
- 1.
State of the Right Ventricular Sinus
All 13 patients had double-inlet left ventricle because the RV sinus (body, or inflow tract) was either very underdeveloped ( n = 4, 31%) or absent ( n = 9, 69%). All had functionally single left ventricle because none had a physiologically adequate RV sinus (body, or inflow tract). Of these 13 patients, 9 (69%) had no anatomically demonstrable RV sinus. Hence, the RV sinus was considered to be absent, resulting in an anatomically single LV in these 9 patients. Thus, double-inlet LV indicated (1) that the atrioventricular canal was divided into two AV valves, that is, that the AV canal was not in common (undivided), and (2) that anatomically single LV (absent RV sinus) or functionally single LV (marked hypoplasia of the RV sinus) was present. From a physiologic and/or surgical standpoint, there is no practical difference between functionally and anatomically single LV. Both types of patients must be treated as having univentricular hearts (i.e., single LV), because the RV inflow tract (the main pumping portion of the RV) is functionally useless or absent.
Why was tricuspid regurgitation present in all? Typically, because the tricuspid valve was abnormally attached, opening into both the morphologically left ventricle (the LV) and into the infundibular outflow chamber (when the RV sinus was absent), or into the infundibular outlet chamber and into the diminutive RV sinus (when the latter was present). Consequently, the tricuspid valve typically straddled the ventricular septal remnant because of its bicameral insertions, resulting in tricuspid regurgitation that was right-sided relative to the mitral valve with a ventricular D-loop, or left-sided relative to the mitral valve when a ventricular L-loop was present ( Figs. 13.26 and 13.27 ).
Let us examine this important question (why TR?) on a case-by-case basis.
Case 7: An 11-year-old girl, with normal segmental anatomy, that is, {S,D,S}, had double-inlet LV because the RV sinus was extremely underdeveloped, but not absent. She had congenital mitral stenosis (supravalvar and valvar). The tricuspid valve was straddling through a ventricular septal defect of the AV canal type with biventricular insertions into the large LV and the diminutive RV. The tricuspid leaflets were thickened and rolled, typical of tricuspid regurgitation. This patient also had severe pulmonary outflow tract stenosis involving marked narrowing of the subpulmonary os infundibuli. She died 3 days following a modified Fontan procedure.
Thus, the most important factor predisposing to tricuspid regurgitation appeared to be the abnormal tensor apparatus: the straddling tricuspid valve inserting into the large LV and the diminutive RV; the tricuspid valve straddled through a VSD of the AV canal type (typical of straddling tricuspid valve). In association with marked underdevelopment of the RV sinus, there was marked ventriculoatrial malalignment, because the ventricular septal remnant was displaced in the direction of the small or absent right ventricular sinus—to the right with a ventricular D-loop, or to the left with a ventricular L-loop ( Figs. 13.26 and 13.27 ). Congenital mitral stenosis was also present. Thus, both AV valves were dysfunctional.
From a physiologic and surgical standpoint, this patient did have a functionally (if not anatomically) Holmes heart , that is, a functionally single LV (because the RV sinus was uselessly small), with an infundibular outlet chamber and normally related great arteries. The presence of double-inlet LV helpfully indicates that a functionally single LV is present.
Case 8, a 4-year-old girl with normal segmental anatomy, that is, {S,D,S} and extreme hypoplasia of the RV sinus, also had a tricuspid valve that straddled through a VSD of the AV canal type. The tricuspid valve inserted into the infundibular outlet chamber and into the large left ventricle. The tricuspid valve leaflets were thickened, consistent with tricuspid regurgitation, and mitral regurgitation was also present. Double-inlet left ventricle indicated that from the functional standpoint, a Holmes heart was present. Again, both AV valves were dysfunctional (both regurgitant). This patient died after a Fontan takedown.
Case 10, a 21-year-old man, had TGA {S,D,D} (TGA {S,D,D} indicates that transposition of the great arteries is present with situs solitus of the viscera and atria, ventricular D-loop, and D-TGA), double-inlet left ventricle, marked hypoplasia of the RV sinus, and two ventricular septal defects (of the AV canal type and of the conoventricular type). The regurgitant tricuspid valve straddled through the VSD of the AV canal type. A persistent left superior vena cava drained into the coronary sinus and opened into the right atrium. Pulmonary stenosis (valvar and subvalvar) coexisted. The patient also had Leopard syndrome. Atrial flutter-fibrillation, congestive heart failure, and left ventricular dysfunction led to terminal ventricular fibrillation. Tricuspid regurgitation was moderate in severity and was only one of this young man’s many cardiovascular problems.
Case 13, a 2 5 12 -year-old boy, had TGA {S,L,L} (TGA {S,L,L} means transposition of the great arteries with situs solitus of the viscera and atria, ventricular L-loop, and L-TGA) with double-inlet into the right-sided LV, single LV (no RV sinus found), and infundibular outlet chamber. The left-sided tricuspid valve leaflets opened into the LV free wall, without well-formed chordae tendineae or papillary muscles. This myxomatous tricuspid valve was both regurgitant and stenotic. A blood cyst of the pulmonary valve resulted in pulmonary valvar stenosis. Congestive heart failure appeared at 3 months of age.
At 22 months of age, atrial septectomy was performed, followed by a modified Fontan procedure at 2 5 12 years. A subsequent Fontan takedown was followed by intraoperative death. This patient illustrated tricuspid regurgitation and stenosis occurring together, the left-sided tricuspid valve having congenital absence of tensor apparatus (no chordae tendineae and no papillary musculature). Congenital absence of the tricuspid tensor apparatus (chordae tendineae and papillary muscles) is a rare and largely unknown anomaly.
Case 15, a 31-year-old woman, had TGA {S,L,L} with double-inlet LV, single LV with infundibular outlet chamber, moderate fibrous subvalvar pulmonary stenosis, and straddling of the left-side tricuspid valve through the bulboventricular foramen into the infundibular outlet chamber. The tricuspid valve did not obstruct the bulboventricular foramen. The left-sided tricuspid valve was basket-like and was associated with only mild tricuspid regurgitation. The Eustachian valve of the inferior vena cava was prominent. Complete heart block appeared spontaneously postnatally. Ventricular premature beats and atrial flutter—fibrillation occurred later. There was one episode of syncope. A pacemaker was inserted at 22 5 12 years. The pacemaker generator was changed at 24 8 12 years. Another pacemaker was inserted at 30 7 12 years of age. Sudden death occurred 10 months later at age 31 5 12 years of age, thought to be secondary to a ventricular tachyarrhythmia.
This patient, with the most common form of single ventricle (i.e., single LV with an infundibular outlet chamber and TGA {S,L,L}) demonstrates a situation in which ectopy was predominant and led to death. Tricuspid regurgitation (left-sided) was only mild in severity and was regarded as of relatively minor clinical importance.
Case 27, a 3 11 12 -year-old boy, had TGA {S,D,D}, double-inlet LV, single LV with infundibular outlet chamber, and thickening and rolling of the right-sided tricuspid valve indicating tricuspid regurgitation. At 1 month of age, he had banding of the main pulmonary artery. At 1 year, he had a modified right Blalock-Taussig anastomosis. By 3 11 12 years of age (in 1987), he underwent a Stansel procedure (anastomosis of the proximal main pulmonary artery to the ascending aorta to bypass developing subaortic stenosis at the bulboventricular foramen) and a modified Fontan procedure (anastomosis of the right atrium to the distal main pulmonary artery, to reestablish pulmonary arterial blood flow); he died intraoperatively.
This patient exemplifies the problem of achieving optimal pulmonary blood flow, and managing the development of subaortic stenosis in TGA {S,D,D} with single LV and double-inlet LV. Tricuspid regurgitation was present, but was not the main clinical problem.
Case 28, a 22-day-old boy, had TGA {S,L,L} with double-inlet LV, single LV and infundibular outlet chamber, and subaortic stenosis because of a restrictively small bulboventricular foramen. There was mild stenosis of the right atrial ostium of the superior vena cava. The leaflets of the left-sided tricuspid valve were thickened, nodular, regurgitant, and stenotic. The tricuspid chordae tendineae inserted directly into the left ventricular septal surface; the tricuspid valve had no papillary muscles. Death at 22 days of age occurred in 1967.
This patient illustrates the general problem of all of these patients with double-inlet LV: marked ventriculoatrial malalignment, resulting in abnormal tensor apparatus of the tricuspid valve—when the right ventricular inflow tract is diminutive or absent (absent in this patient) ( Figs. 13.26 and 13.27 ). Tricuspid regurgitation (with or without tricuspid stenosis) is a sequela of ventriculoatrial malalignment and right ventricular sinus malformation. In other words, congenital tricuspid regurgitation (with or without congenital tricuspid stenosis) is not really a primary diagnosis; instead congenital TR (with or without tricuspid stenosis) is a secondary effect of the malformations of the tricuspid tensor apparatus, the small or absent RV sinus, the very abnormal location of the ventricular septal remnant, the abnormally hypertrophied and enlarged LV, and the associated ventriculoatrial malalignment.
Case 36, a 15 7 12 -year-old boy with TGA {S,L,L}, had absence of the left-sided right ventricular sinus, single left ventricle (right-sided) with infundibular outlet chamber (left-sided), double-inlet left ventricle (right-sided), with straddling of the left-sided tricuspid valve, and tricuspid regurgitation (left-sided) with left atrial jet lesions.
This patient underwent banding of the main pulmonary artery at 18 months of age. At 4 1 12 years of age, he developed acquired complete heart block. In 1980, at 15 7 12 years of age, the patient had a Fontan type of procedure. His right-sided normally functioning mitral orifice was closed with a Dacron patch. The band of the main pulmonary artery was removed. The pulmonary valve was sutured closed. A 20 mm nonvalved conduit was placed from the right atrium to the distal main pulmonary artery. The patient died soon postoperatively.
Enthusiasm at our institution soon waned for the surgical creation of “tricuspid” atresia to facilitate a Fontan type of procedure, particularly when it involved patching closed the patient’s only normally functioning atrioventricular valve, the only postoperatively patent atrioventricular valve being malfunctional (in this case, regurgitant).
Case 58, a 4 8 12 -year-old boy, had TGA {S,D,D} with single left ventricle and infundibular outlet chamber. There was double-inlet left ventricle with tricuspid regurgitation. The tricuspid leaflets were thickened and rolled, whereas the mitral leaflets were unremarkable. The right superior vena cava was absent. A persistent left superior vena cava drained into the coronary sinus and thence into the right atrium, where a prominent Chiari’s network (remnants of the right sinoatrial valvar leaflet) was present.
Case 65 was an 18-week-old fetus with complex congenital heart disease. We examined the heart of this patient as a consultation; we do not know the gender of this fetus.
The heart displayed double-outlet right ventricle {S,L,L} with mitral atresia (right-sided), a large and functionally single left ventricle (right-sided), an almost absent right ventricular sinus (left-sided), and a secundum type of atrial septal defect. The leaflets of the left-sided tricuspid valve were myxomatous, with attachments to the left ventricular free wall (right-sided), to the ventricular septal crest, and to the right ventricular free wall (left-sided). This left-sided tricuspid valve straddled the ventricular septum and severe tricuspid regurgitation was thought to have been present in utero because of noncoaptation of the leaflets.
In order to understand this case it is necessary to know that mitral atresia rarely can be associated with a large left ventricle. Usually with mitral atresia, the left ventricle is small to tiny. Mitral atresia with a large left ventricle also is typically associated with a small (or absent) right ventricular sinus. Hence, mitral atresia with a large left ventricle is an anatomically or functionally single left ventricle (depending on whether the right ventricular sinus is absent, or very small as it was in this patient) with an infundibular outlet chamber. Both great arteries originated above the diminutive right ventricle in this patient; hence the diagnosis of DORV {S,L,L}—with mitral atresia (right-sided), tricuspid regurgitation (left-sided), large left ventricle (right-sided), diminutive right ventricle (left-sided) and straddling tricuspid valve (left-sided). To the best of our present knowledge, mitral atresia with large (or single) left ventricle was first reported by Quero in 1972.
Case 68 was a 12-year-old girl with dextrocardia, TGA {S,L,L}, single left ventricle with infundibular outlet chamber, double-inlet left ventricle, extreme mitral stenosis (right-sided) with parachute mitral valve and all chordae tendineae inserting into the anterolateral papillary muscle of the left ventricle, tricuspid regurgitation (left-sided) with marked left atrial hypertrophy, enlargement, and jet lesions. The regurgitant tricuspid valve was replaced with a Björk-Shiley valve in 1985 at another institution. Postoperatively, there was severe pulmonary outflow tract obstruction related to the tricuspid valve prosthesis. A modified Fontan procedure had also been performed.
Case 70 was a 9-month-old girl with a Holmes heart. She had a single left ventricle with double-inlet left ventricle, an infundibular outlet chamber, normally related great arteries, normal segmental anatomy—{S,D,S}, tricuspid regurgitation, and subaortic stenosis (related to abnormal insertion of the septal leaflet of the tricuspid valve). The anterior papillary muscle was absent from the infundibular outlet chamber. The superior commissure of the tricuspid valve inserted abnormally into the conal septum.
Case 71 was a 19-year-old woman with TGA {S,L,L}, a single left ventricle with infundibular outlet chamber, double-inlet left ventricle, straddling of both atrioventricular valves with tricuspid regurgitation (left-sided) and mitral regurgitation (right-sided). Both AV valves inserted into the single left ventricle and into the infundibular outlet chamber. Both AV valves had thickening and rolling of the leaflet free margins. There was mild to moderate subaortic stenosis caused by narrowing of the bulboventricular foramen, with a fibrous rim of endocardial sclerosis surrounding the bulboventricular foramen. Subpulmonary stenosis was also present because the pulmonary outflow tract passed between the medial leaflets of both AV valves as they entered the left ventricle. Hence, this 19-year-old woman had the devastating combination of regurgitation of both atrioventricular valves and stenosis of both great arterial outflow tracts.
Non-Ebstein Regurgitation Associated With Hypoplastic Left Heart Syndrome
Although the two most common anatomic types of non-Ebstein tricuspid regurgitation are, on reflection, not too surprising (pulmonary atresia with intact ventricular septum in 22.5%, and double-inlet left ventricle in 16.25%, Table 13.10 ), the third most common anatomic type—with hypoplastic left heart syndrome in 15% ( Table 13.10 )—is not as intuitively obvious. One wonders, why may the hypoplastic left heart syndrome have tricuspid regurgitation? This is the question that we must now explore. To avoid vague generalizations let’s examine these patients case by case.
Case 34 was an 8-month-old girl with double-outlet right ventricle {S,D,D} with a subpulmonary conus and aortic valve–tricuspid valve fibrous continuity, mitral atresia, a subaortic conoventricular type of ventricular septal defect, subaortic stenosis between the conal septum anterosuperiorly and the tricuspid valve posteroinferiorly. There was tricuspid regurgitation with thickened and myxomatous tricuspid leaflets. The aortic valve was bicuspid (bicommissural) because of absence of the right coronary–left coronary commissure, the aortic isthmus was hypoplastic, and the ductus arteriosus was patent. At 12 days of age, the main pulmonary artery was banded, the patent ductus arteriosus was ligated, and the hypoplastic aortic isthmus was amplified with a subclavian flap angioplasty. Congestive heart failure postoperatively was associated with ineffective main pulmonary artery banding. Consequently, at 1½ months of age (in 1983) the main pulmonary artery was rebanded and an atrial septectomy was performed. Sudden unexpected death occurred at home at 8 months of age. The immediate cause of death was thought probably to have been a ventricular arrhythmia.
Why did this patient have congenital, non-Ebstein, tricuspid regurgitation? We think that the answer may involve two factors: (1) the thick and myxomatous tricuspid valve leaflets; and (2) the coexistence of double-outlet right ventricle with aortic outflow tract stenosis, plus main pulmonary artery banding.
Again, it is noteworthy that this patient had a specific type of DORV associated with hypoplastic left heart syndrome , that is, DORV with a subpulmonary conus (only)—a unilateral (not a bilateral) conus, with aortic-tricuspid fibrous continuity, and aortic outflow tract stenosis between the conal septum anterosuperiorly and the tricuspid valve posteroinferiorly, with a somewhat hypoplastic and bicuspid aortic valve and a hypoplastic (low-flow) aortic isthmus.
Some of the problems associated with DORV plus hypoplastic left heart syndrome are illustrated by this case: an abnormal and myxomatous tricuspid valve and double-outlet right ventricle with obstruction of both great arterial outflow tracts (congenital aortic outflow tract narrowing, and banding of the main pulmonary artery).
Case 46 was a 1 8 12 -year-old boy with mitral atresia {S,D,S}. Tricuspid regurgitation was observed both echocardiographically and angiocardiographically. A Norwood procedure was performed at 21 days of age (in 1986). The postoperative course was characterized by otitis media and upper respiratory tract infections. The clinical picture of congestive heart failure appeared. The modified Blalock-Taussig anastomosis was thought to be excessive. At autopsy, the tricuspid valve appeared to be morphologically unremarkable.
How should we interpret this case? Certainly the tricuspid regurgitation, although well documented, did not appear to be the patient’s only hemodynamic problem. This may well be the type of patient that may have done better with a Sano shunt from the right ventricular infundibulum to the pulmonary artery bifurcation, rather than having a modified Blalock-Taussig shunt as in the original Norwood procedure.
This case also reminds one that the tricuspid valve is not designed to occlude an approximately circular systemic atrioventricular orifice. This task is well performed by the deep anterior leaflet of an uncleft mitral valve. The tricuspid valve is designed to occlude the elliptical pulmonary atrioventricular orifice, not the nearly circular systemic atrioventricular orifice; and the tricuspid valve is normally cleft (between the anterior and the septal tricuspid leaflets). So, when the tricuspid valve is required to serve as the systemic atrioventricular valve it is not surprising that it may prove to be regurgitant. The papillary muscles of the tricuspid valve also are not the large, well-balanced pair that the mitral valve normally has. The right ventricle has only one radiation of the conduction system: the right bundle branch is the superior radiation. The right ventricle normally does not have an inferior radiation of the conduction system, whereas the left ventricle normally does. The right ventricle normally is supplied mainly by only one coronary artery branch (the right coronary artery), whereas the left ventricle is normally supplied mainly by two coronary artery branches (the anterior descending and the circumflex branches).
Hence, there are a lot of anatomic reasons why the tricuspid valve and its tensor apparatus and ventricle may not perform as well as the mitral valve and its tensor apparatus and ventricle.
Nonetheless, it is still sobering to see that significant tricuspid regurgitation can and does occur through a morphologically normal tricuspid valve in the setting of typical hypoplastic left heart syndrome (as in this case of mitral atresia).
Case 48 was a 36-day-old black boy with aortic valvar atresia, mitral atresia, intact ventricular septum, a restrictive patent foramen ovale, and normal segmental anatomy, that is, {S,D,S}. At 14 days of age the patient underwent a Norwood procedure (in 1985). The postoperative course was characterized by supraventricular tachycardia, and mild coarctation of the aorta was noted at the distal end of the aortic arch reconstruction. Mild to moderate tricuspid regurgitation was observed both by angiography and by echocardiography. At autopsy, tricuspid regurgitation was thought to have been significant because the tricuspid leaflets were unable to coapt completely. Right ventricular hypertrophy and enlargement were very marked, as were right atrial hypertrophy and enlargement.
Thus, in this 36-day-old post-Norwood patient, significant tricuspid regurgitation was confirmed at autopsy because of incomplete tricuspid leaflet coaptation associated with very marked right ventricular hypertrophy and enlargement. This case again illustrates that the tricuspid valve is not designed to occlude the approximately circular systemic atrioventricular orifice that is associated with mitral and aortic valvar atresia.
Case 49 was at autopsy a 1 1 12 -year-old-boy with aortic valve atresia {S,D,S} and intact ventricular septum. There was also fibrous subaortic stenosis produced by adherence of the anterior mitral leaflet to the left ventricular septal surface. A Norwood procedure was performed at 5 days of age (in 1985). Postoperatively, a residual coarctation was found at the distal end of the aortic arch reconstruction with a gradient of 70 mm Hg. Attempted balloon dilation of the coarctation site was ineffective. Sudden unexpected death occurred 12¾ months postoperatively. Autopsy revealed partial obstruction of the modified right Blalock-Taussig shunt. Thickening and rolling of the anterior tricuspid leaflet was also found, consistent with tricuspid regurgitation. However, tricuspid regurgitation was not regarded as the patient’s most important disability. Instead, the coarctation of the aorta and the partially obstructed Blalock-Taussig shunt were thought to be the patient’s main hemodynamic problems.
This patient illustrates the important point that tricuspid regurgitation is not necessarily the patient’s most important hemodynamic problem; instead, tricuspid regurgitation may be only part of the hemodynamic handicap—and not necessarily the most important part. Hemodynamic problems are often multiple.
Case 51 was a 3½-year-old girl with aortic valve atresia, extreme mitral stenosis, intact ventricular septum, and {S,D,S} segmental anatomy who underwent a Norwood procedure in 1985 at 3½ days of age and who died intraoperatively. Autopsy revealed precoronary stenosis, that is, kinking of the neoaortic root such that the coronary ostia were nonpatulous. Echocardiography preoperatively had shown moderate tricuspid regurgitation, but at autopsy the tricuspid valve appeared morphologically normal. This case again illustrates that in hypoplastic left heart syndrome, tricuspid regurgitation can occur through an anatomically normal tricuspid valve.
Case 53 was a 43-day-old boy with aortic valvar atresia, mitral atresia, and {S,D,S} segmental anatomy who had tricuspid regurgitation with marked hypoplasia of the right ventricular papillary muscles, and very abnormal chordae tendineae. The chordae were reduced in number and were long and redundant. Thus, tricuspid regurgitation in this patient was related to very abnormal tricuspid tensor apparatus (papillary muscles and chordae tendineae).
This patient illustrates how difficult it is to generalize about the tricuspid regurgitation that may be associated with hypoplastic left heart syndrome. The tricuspid valve can be morphologically unremarkable (as above), or very abnormal (as in this patient).
This patient with hypoplastic left heart syndrome had additional cardiovascular abnormalities. There was atresia of the right atrial ostium of the coronary sinus. A small persistent left superior vena cava was confluent with the coronary sinus. Because the right atrial ostium of the coronary sinus was atretic, we thought that the blood flow in the coronary sinus may well have been retrograde—into the small left superior vena cava.
This patient died in 1984. One wonders, was there trisomy 18, or some other trisomy? We don’t know the answers to these questions. (One may assume that if we do not mention an abnormal finding, either it was not present, or we do not know. All relevant findings of which we are aware are included here.)
Case 57 was a stillborn male fetus. (The intrauterine demise was natural, not induced by abortion.) This fetus had DORV {S,D,D}, that is, double-outlet right ventricle with solitus viscera and atria, D-loop ventricles, and D-malposition of the great arteries. The infundibulum was subpulmonary, with aortic valve-to-tricuspid valve direct fibrous continuity.
It should be recalled at this point that DORV with a unilateral (as opposed to bilateral) conus, either a subpulmonary infundibulum with aortic-tricuspid fibrous continuity or a subaortic conus with pulmonary-tricuspid fibrous continuity, is typical of DORV with hypoplastic left heart syndrome. So, one should be wondering at this point, What kind of hypoplastic left heart syndrome did this fetus have?
Septum primum was redundant and spinnaker-like, reducing the via sinistra into left atrium which was small. The mitral valve was hypoplastic and was abnormally attached both to the left ventricular septal surface and to the left ventricular free wall. Hypoplasia of the left ventricle was marked.
There was a patent foramen ovale, as was suggested above. Tricuspid regurgitation was severe. The anterior tricuspid valve was deep and curtain-like, tethered to the right ventricular free wall, and this leaflet was nonfunctional. The septal leaflet of the tricuspid valve was not downwardly displaced. Hence, Ebstein’s malformation of the tricuspid valve was considered not to be present. The pulmonary valve was bicuspid (bicommissural). This fetus also had a small ventricular septal defect of the conoventricular type (between the conal septum above and the ventricular septum and septal band below).
Thus, this fetus died in utero because of the combination of hypoplastic left heart syndrome with severe tricuspid regurgitation through a dysplastic tricuspid valve with a tethered and nonfunctional anterior leaflet.
Case 62 was a 19-month-old boy whose hypoplastic left heart syndrome consisted of marked congenital mitral stenosis (thickening of leaflet tissue, with a small anterolateral papillary muscle, but not parachute mitral valve, and not Shone syndrome), mild valvar aortic stenosis with a hypoplastic and bicuspid (bicommissural) aortic valve, and preductal coarctation of the aorta. This patient also had pulmonary artery hypertension, severe congenital tricuspid regurgitation (with thickening, rolling, and redundancy of the anterior and septal leaflet), massive right ventricular hypertrophy and enlargement, and marked right atrial hypertrophy and enlargement. This patient, who died in 1992, had polyvalvar disease (mitral, aortic, and tricuspid). His karyotype is unknown; hence we cannot establish or exclude the possibility of a trisomy.
Case 72 was a 12-year-old boy with DORV {S,L,L}, that is, double-outlet right ventricle with situs solitus of the viscera and atria, a discordant ventricular L-loop, and L-malposition of the great arteries. His hypoplastic left heart syndrome consisted of membranous right-sided mitral atresia, very marked hypoplasia of the right-sided left ventricle (the left ventricular cavity was 1 to 2 peas in size, with endocardial fibroelastosis), with an intact ventricular septum. The patent foramen ovale was restrictive. Left-sided tricuspid regurgitation was marked, with thickening and rolling of all leaflet free margins. Congenital absence of pulmonary valve leaflets was associated with marked pulmonary outflow tract stenosis (3 to 4 mm in diameter). This patient had a functionally single right ventricle (because the diminutive left ventricle was functionally useless).
This patient, who died in 1978, illustrates that severe congenital left-sided tricuspid regurgitation can be associated with right-sided hypoplastic left heart syndrome in discordant L-loop ventricles.
Case 75 was a 5-day-old girl with mitral atresia, aortic atresia, intact ventricular septum, and {S,D,S}. She had a truly hypoplastic left heart syndrome with a tiny left ventricle that was both small-chambered and thin-walled .
It should be understood that many patients with so-called hypoplastic left heart syndrome may in fact not have a hypoplastic left ventricle. Consider aortic valvar atresia with intact ventricular septum and a patent mitral valve. The left ventricle typically is small-chambered, but it is also thick-walled . This is the so-called peach-stone left ventricle: the left ventricle resembles a thick-walled peach from which the peach stone has been removed. When pulmonary valvar atresia is associated with an intact ventricular septum and a patent tricuspid valve, the same analogy pertains: this is a peach-stone right ventricle, resembling a thick-walled peach from which the peach stone has been removed.
In both situations, the same question remains: Is the ventricle truly hypoplastic? Yes, the cavity is small because the ventricle can do little or no flow work (assuming that the atrioventricular valve is competent). But the wall is thick, because the ventricle can do pressure work. Are such ventricles really hypoplastic? Do they weigh significantly less than normal? This question has proved difficult to answer with certainty because each ventricle makes a contribution to the ventricular septum. To get an accurate weight of the left ventricle, one would have to weigh not only the left ventricular free wall, but also the left ventricular component of the interventricular septum . It is the latter—the ventricular septal component—that has proved difficult to weigh with precision. This understanding, or mental reservation, concerning hypoplastic left heart syndrome applies to this entire section concerning congenital tricuspid regurgitation with hypoplastic left heart syndrome. Patients with mitral and aortic valvar atresia and intact ventricular septum have truly hypoplastic left ventricles (like Case 75). However, patients with aortic atresia, intact ventricular septum, and patent mitral valves may or may not in fact have truly hypoplastic left ventricles.
To summarize, there are two very different anatomic types of hypoplastic left heart syndrome: (1) those with mitral and aortic valvar atresia and intact ventricular septum with very thin left ventricular free walls; and (2) those with aortic atresia with intact ventricular septum and patent mitral valve with thick left ventricular free walls, and often with endocardial fibroelastosis. We call these patent mitral valves “hypoplastic.” Often they are as normal as they can be, but these mitral valves have to be small in order to open into these small left ventricular cavities.
So Case 75 had a truly hypoplastic left ventricle. The secundum atrial septal defect measured 5 × 8 mm. Echocardiography revealed moderate tricuspid regurgitation, confirmed at autopsy by thickened and myxomatous tricuspid leaflets. Dextrocardia was present. A ventricular malposition similar to crisscross atrioventricular relations was also found. Compared with normal, the ventricles were rotated 90°. The rotation was 90° in a counterclockwise direction as viewed from the atria, or 90° in a clockwise direction as seen from the ventricular apex. The ventricles were superoinferior with a horizontal ventricular septum, large right ventricle superiorly and small left ventricle inferiorly. The appearance of crisscross AV relations is better seen when both AV valves are patent. In typical crisscross AV relations, which this patient did not have, the ventricular malposition, as measured by the ventriculoatrial septal angle, often is greater than 90°.
Case 76 was a 17-day-old girl with membranous mitral atresia, subaortic narrowing, a bicuspid aortic valve with underdevelopment of the right coronary/left coronary commissure, tubular hypoplasia of the transverse aortic arch, preductal coarctation of the aorta, a large patent ductus arteriosus, a small secundum type of atrial septal defect consisting of multiple small restrictive foramina in septum primum, and tricuspid regurgitation with thickening and rolling of the free margins of the anterior and septal leaflets. Therapeutic interventions in 1993 included a balloon atrial septostomy and a Norwood procedure.
So, this is another patient with significant non-Ebstein tricuspid regurgitation associated with hypoplastic left heart syndrome.
Case 77 was a 1½-month-old girl with a small-chambered left ventricle, with a left ventricular free wall that was 4 to 6 mm thick. There was diffuse endocardial fibroelastosis of the left ventricular endocardium. Remarkably, the mitral valve was a normal miniature, and the aortic valve was also a normal miniature.
Consequently, we concluded that the patient had primary hypoplasia of the left ventricle with endocardial fibroelastosis; in other words, the left ventricular hypoplasia did not appear to be secondary to mitral or aortic valve pathology. In this sense, the left ventricular hypoplasia and the left ventricular endocardial fibroelastosis were both regarded as “primary,” that is, idiopathic, of cause unknown—not apparently secondary to (or associated with) mitral and/or aortic obstructive pathology, as left ventricular hypoplasia usually is.
A secundum type of atrial septal defect (6 × 2 mm) was present. Right ventricular hypertrophy and enlargement were massive. Right atrial hypertrophy and enlargement were marked. Tricuspid regurgitation was described as moderate by two-dimensional echocardiography.
Autopsy revealed thickened, myxomatous nodules of the septal leaflet of the tricuspid valve. However, the anterior and posterior leaflets were morphologically unremarkable. The papillary muscles of the right ventricle were very small. Diffuse jet lesions were present of the right atrial endocardium.
In 1993 it was decided not to perform a Norwood procedure because of the presence of significant tricuspid regurgitation. Instead, the therapeutic plan was cardiac transplantation. However, this patient died waiting for a donor heart.
Non-Ebstein Tricuspid Regurgitation With Transposition of the Great Arteries {S,L,L}
TGA {S,L,L} is the classical form of congenital physiologically “corrected” transposition of the great arteries with visceroatrial situs solitus, discordant L-loop ventricles, and L-transposition of the great arteries with discordant atrioventricular (AV) and ventriculoarterial (VA) alignments (i.e., double discordance). We put physiologically “corrected” transposition in quotes because the potential physiologic corrections of the systemic venous and pulmonary venous circulations often are vitiated by associated malformations, as will be seen. Patients with single LV and infundibular outlet chamber with TGA {S,L,L} are not included here because they were presented in Group 2 above with double-inlet or common-inlet left ventricle (13 patients, 16.25%, Table 13.10 ).
Non-Ebstein tricuspid regurgitation with TGA {S,L,L} was fourth in frequency in this series of 80 postmortem cases, occurring in 9 patients (11.25%, Table 13.10 ).
Gender: males/females = 6/3 (2/1).
Age at death: mean = 9.75 ± 8.29 years; range from 3 months to 25.33 years; and median = 8.67 years.
Case 1 was a 3-month-old boy with TGA {S,L,L} and left-sided tricuspid regurgitation and double-orifice of the left-sided tricuspid valve. The patient also had WPW syndrome with paroxysmal atrial tachycardia (250/minute). Congestive heart failure appeared at 2 weeks of age. The respiratory rate was 60 to 80 breaths/minute.
The patient died at 3 months of age in 1961. Autopsy revealed massive left-sided cardiomegaly with very marked hypertrophy of the left-sided right ventricle and left atrium. There was a patent foramen ovale and an intact ventricular septum.
We concluded that the main immediate causes of this patient’s death were the combination of the WPW syndrome with paroxysmal atrial tachycardia and left-sided tricuspid regurgitation associated with double-orifice of the left-sided tricuspid valve.
It should be understood that left-sided tricuspid regurgitation in TGA {S,L,L} is tantamount to mitral regurgitation in a segmentally normal heart, that is, {S,D,S}, because in TGA {S,L,L} the left-sided tricuspid valve is the systemic atrioventricular valve (not the pulmonary atrioventricular valve).
Case 6 was a 14-year-old girl with TGA {S,L,L}, a ventricular septal defect of the AV canal type, mild left-sided tricuspid regurgitation as judged by cardiac catheterization and angiocardiography and confirmed at autopsy by left atrial jet lesions, cleft right-sided mitral valve but without mitral regurgitation, abnormal insertions of the mitral valve into the crest of the ventricular septum, no ostium primum atrial septal defect, separate tricuspid and mitral annuli, subpulmonary stenosis produced by a spinnaker of accessory mitral valve tissue, spontaneous development of complete heat block, and premature ventricular contractions.
At 14 years of age in 1975 she underwent surgical closure of the ventricular septal defect, closure of a patent foramen ovale, and excision of subpulmonary stenosis. Postoperatively she developed ventricular fibrillation that led to sudden unexpected death. She also had kyphoscoliosis and lymphocytic thyroiditis.
Thus, non-Ebstein left-sided tricuspid regurgitation was present, but was regarded as a relatively minor hemodynamic problem. The main cause of death was thought to be electrophysiologic: the development of complete heart block with ventricular premature contractions, leading to fatal ventricular fibrillation.
Case 14 was a 25 4 12 -year-old man with TGA {S,L,L}, a ventricular septal defect of the atrioventricular canal type, and pulmonary outflow tract atresia (infundibular and valvar). He had a secundum atrial septal defect. Subacute bacterial endocarditis led to calcified vegetations of his right-sided mitral valve leaflets. Angiocardiography revealed moderate left-sided tricuspid regurgitation.
Surgical interventions included a left-sided Blalock-Taussig anastomosis at 5½ years of age and a right-sided Blalock-Taussig anastomosis at 13 7 12 years of age. In 1978 at 23 5 12 years of age, a complete surgical repair was undertaken. His ventricular septal defect and atrial septal defect were closed. Both Blalock Taussig anastomoses were taken down, and a valved conduit was placed from the right-sided left ventricle to the main pulmonary artery. Complete heart block appeared postoperatively, treated by pacemaker implantation 1 week postoperatively. Sepsis then developed, with blood cultures positive for Enterobacter. Left-sided tricuspid regurgitation was then described as “free,” that is, severe, and was associated with pulmonary hypertension.
At 23 9 12 years of age, left-sided tricuspid valve replacement was done using a 31 mm porcine Hancock valve. The postoperative course was characterized by ventricular ectopy and the appearance of serum hepatitis. Progressive biventricular congestive heart failure developed leading to death at 25 4 12 years of age.
In this patient, left-sided tricuspid regurgitation was a very important factor leading to death. Moderate non-Ebstein tricuspid regurgitation progressed to severe regurgitation, forcing tricuspid valve replacement. (Was the left-sided tricuspid valve involved by bacterial endocarditis when Enterobacter septicemia occurred? We don’t know. We have no history that this was the case, but we did not have the privilege of examining the native tricuspid valve ourselves. The information that we have leads to the conclusion that bacterial endocarditis of the left-sided tricuspid valve was not present prior to its surgical removal.)
Hence, our conclusion is that non-Ebstein tricuspid regurgitation in the setting of TGA {S,L,L} can be moderate in severity, and that over time it can become very severe, necessitating tricuspid valve replacement.
Case 16 was a 14 9 12 -year-old boy with TGA {S,L,L} with intact ventricular septum, probe patent foramen ovale, severe left-sided non-Ebstein tricuspid regurgitation, and marked cardiomegaly. Pulmonary congestion and edema with Kerley B lines were noted radiologically at 10½ years of age.
Left-sided tricuspid valve replacement was performed in 1980 using a 31 mm porcine Hancock prosthesis. Sydenham’s chorea appeared 1 month postoperatively.
Four years postoperatively, stenosis of the left-sided tricuspid valve prosthesis was identified, with a 20 mm Hg end-diastolic gradient across the prosthesis and a left atrial mean pressure of 25 mm Hg.
Consequently, in 1980 at the age of 14 8 12 years, the stenotic Hancock tricuspid prosthesis was surgically replaced with a 29 mm St. Jude prosthesis, and a pacemaker was implanted into the epicardial surface of the right-sided left ventricle.
Sudden unexpected death occurred 1 month postoperatively, presumably from ventricular fibrillation. At autopsy, the left-sided tricuspid St. Jude prosthesis appeared unremarkable.
This case illustrates that left-sided non-Ebstein tricuspid regurgitation with TGA {S,L,L} can be extremely important. In this patient, non-Ebstein tricuspid regurgitation dominated the clinical picture, necessitating two tricuspid valve replacements.
Just in case you may have been wondering, how can we be sure that this is non-Ebstein tricuspid regurgitation when the tricuspid valve has been surgically removed? There are many clues that permit this differential diagnosis: What did the preoperative echocardiograms and angiocardiograms show? Was there a deep curtain-like anterior leaflet? Was the septal leaflet downwardly displaced? What did the surgeon think? Were the septal and posterior leaflets downwardly displaced or not?
Can the pathologic anatomy permit an accurate diagnosis, even when the left-sided tricuspid valve has been surgically removed? Yes. One can see whether or not the septal (and posterior) leaflets were downwardly displaced. Does the morphologically right ventricular septal surface myocardium extend up to the atrioventricular junction? If the answer is yes, then Ebstein’s anomaly was not present. If the answer is no, then Ebstein’s was present. Remember that in Ebstein’s anomaly, not only is the septal leaflet downwardly displaced, but so too is the right ventricular septal surface myocardium. In Ebstein’s malformation, above the downwardly displaced septal leaflet of the tricuspid valve, the septal surface of the atrialized right ventricle is “smooth as a baby’s bottom”—because there is no right ventricular septal surface myocardium above the downwardly displaced septal leaflet. In Ebstein’s, the failure of delamination and the failure of ascent of the septal and posterior tricuspid leaflets involves not only failure of these leaflets to ascend normally to the atrioventricular junction, but also involved is failure to lay down right ventricular septal myocardium . So, even when the tricuspid leaflets are excised, the right ventricular myocardium of the septal and posterior right ventricular surfaces tells the story, because Ebstein’s is a malformation not only of the tricuspid valve leaflets, but also of the right ventricular myocardium.
Case 38 was a 6½-year-old boy with TGA {S,L,L}, intact ventricular septum, valvar aortic stenosis with a bicommissural (bicuspid) aortic valve, severe non-Ebstein left-sided tricuspid regurgitation, left atrial hypertrophy and enlargement, and a patent ductus arteriosus (6 mm in internal diameter). In 1965, he underwent tricuspid valve replacement, the valve being placed within the left atrium 1 cm above the atrioventricular junction. Left-sided tricuspid regurgitation was this patient’s dominant hemodynamic problem.
Case 47 was a 3½-month-old boy with TGA {S,L,L} with ventricular septal defect and severe left-sided non-Ebstein tricuspid regurgitation. The tricuspid valve had abnormally short chordae tendineae and impaired leaflet mobility. The left-sided right ventricle was markedly enlarged. This patient also had a bicommissural (bicuspid) pulmonary valve with subpulmonary stenosis produced by redundant right-sided mitral valve tissue. This pulmonary outflow tract stenosis may well have contributed to the severe anoxic (blue) spell that led to death. The non-Ebstein severe tricuspid regurgitation was thought to be of major clinical importance.
Case 61 was an 8 8 12 -year-old girl with TGA {S,L,L}, intact ventricular and atrial septa, and severe left-sided non-Ebstein tricuspid regurgitation. Left-sided right ventricular hypertrophy and enlargement were severe, and left atrial hypertrophy and enlargement were massive. In 1968 the left-sided tricuspid valve was replaced with a #7 Shiley prosthesis. Right-sided mitral regurgitation was observed at surgery, but at autopsy the right-side mitral valve appeared morphologically unremarkable. In this patient, non-Ebstein left-sided tricuspid regurgitation was the major hemodynamic problem.
Case 67 was a 3-year-old girl with TGA {S,L,L}, a ventricular septal defect, and severe left-sided non-Ebstein tricuspid regurgitation that we saw in consultation in 1985. The ventricular septal defect was of the conoventricular type and it had been surgically closed with a patch. The left-sided tricuspid valve had been replaced with a Bjork-Shiley prosthesis. The congenital tricuspid regurgitation was a major part of this patient’s hemodynamic handicap.
Case 78 was a 14 11 12 -year-old boy with TGA {S,L,L}, a small conoventricular type of ventricular septal defect, complete heart block with a heart rate of 60 beats/minute, and marked left-sided non-Ebstein tricuspid regurgitation. In 1993 he was treated surgically with left-sided tricuspid valve replacement using a #33 St. Jude prosthesis, and permanent epicardial pacemaking leads were placed. Again, the congenital left-sided non-Ebstein tricuspid regurgitation was regarded as a very important part of this patient’s cardiac disability.
Conclusions. Patients with discordant L-loop ventricles in visceroatrial situs solitus, as in TGA {S,L,L} and DORV {S,L,L}, can have significant congenital left-sided tricuspid regurgitation either because of left-sided Ebstein’s malformation ( Tables 13.2 and 13.6 ), or because of left-sided non-Ebstein congenital tricuspid regurgitation ( Table 13.10 ).
Does congenital tricuspid regurgitation occur with discordant D-loop ventricles in visceroatrial situs inversus, as in TGA {I,D,D} and DORV {I,D,D}, either because of right-sided Ebstein’s malformation or because of right-sided non-Ebstein tricuspid regurgitation? At present, we do not know the answers to these questions. It is noteworthy that none of these mirror-image possibilities was found in our data. We speculate that these anomalies may well exist, and that our failure to document them may be related to the rarity of visceroatrial situs inversus.
Congenital Non-Ebstein Tricuspid Regurgitation Associated With Trisomies
Tricuspid regurgitation associated with trisomies and having nothing to do with Ebstein’s anomaly was found in 5 of these 80 patients (6.25%, Table 13.10 ): trisomy 18 in 3 patients ( Fig. 13.28 ), and trisomy 13 in 2.

Trisomy 18
Case 39 was a 1-day-old boy with trisomy 18, karyotype proved. His problems included prematurity (33 weeks of gestation, birth weight 1300 grams) and multiple congenital anomalies: bilaterally small palpebral fissures, down-slanting eyes, micrognathia, retrognathia, absence of the left half of the vertebral body of the seventh thoracic vertebra, camptodactyly (bent or flexed fingers, irreducible), absence of distal flexion creases of the hands, nail hypoplasia of fingers and toes, low-arched dermal ridges in 8 of 10 fingers, syndactyly of toes 2 to 4 bilaterally, equinovarus deformity of the right foot, and absence of the right adrenal gland.
His congenital heart disease consisted of a ventricular septal defect of the conoventricular or membranous type and polyvalvar disease: multiple blood cysts of the atrial surface of the tricuspid valve leaflets, myxomatous thickening and redundancy of tricuspid valve leaflets, elongation and redundancy of tricuspid valve chordae tendineae and of the anterior papillary muscle of the right ventricle, mild to moderate tricuspid regurgitation with tricuspid valve prolapse (echocardiography), redundant pulmonary valve leaflets, redundant mitral valve leaflets, with an underdeveloped intercoronary commissure of the aortic valve (“pseudo-bicuspid” aortic valve, that is, only two well formed aortic valve commissures), a common brachiocephalic trunk (an aortic arch artery that gives rise to the right subclavian, the right common carotid, and the left common carotid arteries, there being only two branches from the aortic arch—the common brachiocephalic trunk and the left subclavian artery), and a patent ductus arteriosus with bidirectional blood flow (echocardiography) indicating elevated pulmonary artery resistance (not unusual during the first day of postnatal life).
Case 40 was a stillborn black male fetus, who died spontaneously in utero at 37½ weeks of gestation (not a medically induced abortion). Trisomy 18 was karyotype proved. His congenital heart disease consisted of a large conoventricular type of ventricular septal defect (10 × 6 mm) and polyvalvar disease. He had congenital mitral stenosis with hypoplasia of the anterolateral papillary muscle of the left ventricle and absence of the posteromedial papillary muscle. All of the mitral chordae tendineae inserted into the small anterolateral papillary muscle, and there was absence of the mitral interchordal spaces. Hence, this fetus with a divided atrioventricular canal (not a common atrioventricular canal) had a rare form of parachute mitral valve. Usually with parachute mitral valve and a divided atrioventricular canal, it is the anterolateral papillary muscle group that is absent, and typically all of the mitral chordae tendineae insert into the posteromedial papillary muscle. This patient had the reverse, as above. When the atrioventricular canal is in common, usually all of the mitral chordae tendineae insert into the anterolateral papillary muscle group, resulting in potentially parachute mitral valve (after the atrioventricular canal has been divided surgically). Hence, this patient had the kind of potentially parachute mitral valve that occurs with common atrioventricular canal—except that this fetus did not have common atrioventricular canal.
The tricuspid valve was abnormal with redundant elongated chordae tendineae and hypoplastic papillary muscles of the right ventricle. Congenital tricuspid regurgitation was thought to have been present in utero.
The pulmonary valve was bicuspid (bicommissural) and redundant. The aortic valve was also bicuspid (absence of the right coronary-noncoronary commissure) and redundant. Septum primum (the flap valve of the foramen ovale) was also redundant, but the patent foramen ovale nonetheless appeared to have been valve competent (it would have prevented left-to-right shunting at the atrial level).
Thus, all five of this fetus’s cardiac valves were abnormal: mitral, aortic, tricuspid, pulmonary, and atrial septum. One should not forget that the atrial septum (septum primum and the superior limbic band of septum secundum) constitute a unidirectional flap valve in utero, permitting right-to-left atrial blood flow (the via sinistra ), but normally preventing left atrial-to-right atrial regurgitation. Embryologically, septum primum is thought to be the major component of the left sinoatrial venous valve mechanism, which is bifid consisting of a small left venous valve to the right and a large septum primum to the left. In visceroatrial situs solitus, the interoseptovalvular space lies between septum primum (to the left) and the left venous valve (to the right), and both the left venous valve and septum primum are directly continuous with the left wall of the inferior vena cava (see Chapter 2 for more information and embryonic photomicrographs). Normally, septum primum is the largest and one of the most hemodynamically important venous valves in the human body.
The presence of polyvalvar disease should immediately raise the diagnostic question: Is a trisomy present? Once one realizes that septum primum really is a venous valve, the presence of a redundant septum primum along with redundancy of the other four cardiac valves becomes easier to understand. Indeed, one should expect redundancy of septum primum along with redundancy of the other four cardiac valves in trisomy 18.
There are really five cardiac valves: septum primum, plus the other four.
Why not six? Aren’t we forgetting the thebesian valve of the coronary sinus? Yes, we are, intentionally. We are “forgetting” the thebesian valve because it is so often incompetent (i.e., small or absent) and thus is not known to matter hemodynamically. (We could be wrong about this. Regurgitation of the thebesian valve may be of hemodynamic importance; but this has not been discovered as yet, to the best of my knowledge.)
So, suffice it to say that regurgitation of at least five of the cardiac valves are now definitely known to be of hemodynamic significance: aortic regurgitation, mitral regurgitation, pulmonary regurgitation, tricuspid regurgitation, and atrial septal regurgitation, that is, ostium secundum atrial septal defect caused by deficiency of the major left sinoatrial valve leaflet component—septum primum. It is not generally understood that a secundum ASD is really a cardiac valvar regurgitation. This clearly is the situation in utero. Regurgitation of blood from the left atrium into the right atrium decreases left-heart block flow (the via sinistra ) and increases the right heart blood flow (the via dextra ).
Case 56 was a 42-week-old stillborn female fetus with karyotype-proved trisomy 18. This fetus had multiple congenital anomalies including lobster claw feet, short thumbs, syndactyly involving fingers 2 to 4, left diaphragmatic hernia with abdominal organs in the left chest, severely hypoplastic lungs, large conoventricular type of ventricular septal defect, high origins of the coronary ostia above the aortic sinuses of Valsalva, a small persistent left superior vena cava to the coronary sinus, and polyvalvar disease involving the tricuspid, mitral, pulmonary and aortic valves. The tricuspid valve leaflets were redundant and myxomatous, with blood cysts involving the leaflets, and the right ventricular papillary muscles were hypoplastic. Tricuspid regurgitation was thought to have been present in utero. The posteromedial left ventricular papillary muscle of the mitral valve was very hypoplastic, and there were blood cysts of the mitral leaflets. The aortic and pulmonary valve leaflets were redundant. Thus, this fetus displayed a very severe trisomy 18 phenotype with multiple congenital anomalies (noncardiovascular and cardiovascular), again with a large ventricular septal defect, and polyvalvar disease involving all four of the postnatally functional cardiac valves.
In a review of 16 cases of full trisomy 18, and of 21 patients with partial trisomy 18, Matsuoka and colleagues found no differences in cardiac pathology between partial and full trisomy 18. The salient congenital heart disease findings in patients with trisomy 18 were as follows:
- •
dysplastic tricuspid valve, 100% ( Fig. 13.28 );
- •
polyvalvar disease, 100%;
- •
ventricular septal defect, 87%;
- •
high takeoff of right coronary ostium, 80%;
- •
patent ductus arteriosus, 73%;
- •
common brachiocephalic trunk, 47%;
- •
coarctation of the aorta, 20%; and
- •
mitral atresia with hypoplastic left ventricle, 7%.
Thus, our three patients with trisomy 18 and non-Ebstein congenital tricuspid regurgitation were characteristic of trisomy 18. Ebstein’s anomaly and trisomy 18 are not associated, to our knowledge.
Trisomy 13
Case 35 was a 16-day-old girl with trisomy 13 (caused by a 13/13 translocation, karyotype proved). She had multiple congenital anomalies including a cleft palate, double phalanges of the great toe bilaterally, malformed external ears (pinnae), down-slanting eyes, small forehead, large occiput, extra digit of the right hand, café-au-lait spot above the labia, prominent nasal bones, and agenesis of the corpus callosum.
Congenital heart disease consisted of secundum atrial septum defects (four small fenestrations of septum primum), tricuspid regurgitation with myxomatous and redundant tricuspid valve leaflets, a small and poorly formed anterior papillary muscle of the right ventricle, and the other right ventricular papillary muscles also being abnormally small. The immediate cause of death at 16 days of age was necrotizing enterocolitis.
Case 79 was a female fetus with a gestational age of 26 weeks who had karyotype proved trisomy 13. This fetus had a bicommissural (bicuspid) aortic valve because of marked underdevelopment of the left coronary-noncoronary commissure. (This is a rare form of bicuspid [bicommissural] aortic valve. Even in unicuspid [unicommissural] aortic valves, the left coronary-noncoronary commissure is almost always preserved and relatively well formed.)
Tricuspid regurgitation was thought to have been present in utero because of the abnormal attachments of the chordae tendineae to the underside (ventricular surface) of the anterior tricuspid leaflet, rather than to the free margin of this leaflet. Right ventricular enlargement was associated with marked right atrial hypertrophy and enlargement. Hence, in this fetus, non-Ebstein congenital tricuspid regurgitation was thought to be related to the above-described abnormality of the tensor apparatus (the chordae tendineae) of the anterior tricuspid leaflet.
The above-described cases of trisomy 18 and trisomy 13, all karyotype proved, illustrate an interesting generalization. Individuals with a trisomy (18, 13, or 21) seem always to have normal segmental anatomy, that is, {S,D,S}. To our knowledge, trisomic individual always have situs solitus of the viscera and atria—never visceroatrial situs inversus, or visceroatrial heterotaxy with or without congenital asplenia or polysplenia. Similarly, trisomic patients seem always to have D-loop (noninverted) ventricles, never L-loop (inverted) ventricles. Trisomic individuals always have essentially solitus normally related great arteries (including tetralogy of Fallot), never typical transposition of the great arteries with a subaortic conus, or double-outlet right ventricle with a bilateral (subaortic and subpulmonary) conus, and so on.
Exceptions to these generalizations should be sought and, if found, well documented.
Trisomies may be regarded as genetic “overdoses.” Despite their many deleterious effects, trisomies appear to guarantee cardiac segmental situs normalcy, that is, {S,D,S}.
We speculate that abnormalities of visceral and cardiac segmental situs (situs inversus, and heterotaxy) may represent genetic “underdosage,” that is, a lack of the normal controlling genetic information, permitting segmental situs discordance (as opposed to the normal segmental situs concordance). Our hypothesis is that when the normal controlling genetic information (genes, or gene regulators) is missing, then the four independent cardiac segments (atria, ventricular sinuses, conus, and truncus) may develop their patterns of anatomic organization (or situs) in an unregulated, uncoordinated way, resulting in a segmental situs “salad” or mixture that we call complex congenital heart disease. If unregulated, segmental situs may develop at random, by chance. The phenotypic segmental result may appear either normal, or abnormal, when segmental situs develops at random or by chance. It is hoped that it soon may be possible to test this stochastic hypothesis by molecular genetic techniques.
It should be added that the fifth diagnostically and surgically important cardiac segment, the atrioventricular canal or junction, appears not to be an independent variable. The pattern of anatomic organization (the situs) of the atrioventricular valves appears to correspond to that of the ventricular loop. Hence, we regard the atrioventricular canal as a dependent variable, not as an independent variable.
The five trisomic cases presented above all had normal cardiac segmental anatomy, that is, {S,D,S}, despite their many cardiac anomalies, and hence they conform to the foregoing hypothesis that trisomies “guarantee” segmental situs concordance (all solitus, that is, usual or normal in their pattern of anatomic organization, not inverted, and not indecipherable).
Non-Ebstein Congenital Tricuspid Regurgitation in Marfan Syndrome
The sixth most common cause of non-Ebstein congenital tricuspid regurgitation in this series of 80 postmortem cases was Marfan syndrome: n = 4 (5%, Table 13.10 ), Cases 2, 31, 55, and 66 ( Figs. 13.29 and 13.30 ).

Case 2 was an 11-month-old girl with infantile Marfan syndrome. The right atrium was huge. Both the tricuspid valve and the mitral valve were redundant and regurgitant ( Fig. 13.29 ). Dilation of the aortic and pulmonary valves was characterized by aneurysmal dilatation of the sinuses of Valsalva of both semilunar valves ( Fig. 13.29B ). Congestive heart failure was present with dilation of all cardiac chambers. Cardiomegaly was marked; the heart weighed 80 grams (normal = 40 grams), 100% greater than normal. Marfan lung disease was also observed, with marked lobular emphysema. High origins of the coronary ostia were noted.
This patient with infantile Marfan syndrome also had numerous additional congenital anomalies: small cranium, right coronal synostosis, loose skin, poor muscle development, bilateral wrist drop, bilateral dislocation of the hips, high-arched palate, arachnodactyly, lenticular densities (but without ectopia), esphoria, delayed dentition, arthrogryposis, and osteochrondrodystrophy.
Case 31 was a 13-year-and-21-day old girl with a familial connective tissue disorder (present in one other sibling) that was considered to be Marfanoid. She had arachnodactyly, an increased lower body segment, hyperextensible joints, contractures of the toes, kyphosis, osteoporosis, and wedged dorsal vertebrae. Chronic congestive heart failure was present. Echocardiography revealed moderate tricuspid regurgitation and severe mitral regurgitation with a flail mitral valve. This cachectic young girl underwent mitral valve replacement in 1988 with a #29 St. Jude prosthesis. Postoperatively, acute aortic dissection and a massive right hemothorax resulted in death.
Case 55 was a 10-month-old boy with infantile Marfan syndrome that was characterized by marked hyperextensibility of the joints; bilateral inguinal hernias treated with herniorrphaphies; hypertrophic pyloric stenosis treated with pyloromyotomy (Ramstedt operation) at 7 weeks of age; progressive congestive heart failure that appeared at 5 months of age; severe mitral regurgitation with marked mitral valve prolapse; marked left atrial enlargement; clinical and angiocardiographic evidence of tricuspid regurgitation, with hemorrhoidal anatomic appearance of the atrial surfaces of the tricuspid valve leaflets, tricuspid valve prolapse with thickened leaflets, and elongated redundant tricuspid chordae tendineae; secundum atrial septal defect; moderate left ventricular enlargement; severe failure to thrive; pectus excavatum; arachodactyly; high-arched palate; ventricular arrhythmias at 10 months of age consisting of ventricular premature beats with bigeminy and trigeminy; contractures of the elbows, knees, and ankles; and upward eventration of the right-sided portion of the central fibrous tendon of the diaphragm.
At 10 months of age in 1978, the patient underwent mitral valve replacement with a #19 Hancock prosthesis. Cardiac arrest and death occurred on the second postoperative day.
Autopsy revealed infarction of the posterior papillary muscles of the right ventricle. Severe bilateral pulmonary emphysema with blebs was found. The aortic and pulmonary valve leaflets and sinuses of Valsalva were redundant and enlarged, but without evidence of aortic regurgitation or pulmonary regurgitation. Dilation and thinning of the walls of the ascending aorta and main pulmonary artery were also observed.
Case 66 was a 1-day-old boy with infantile Marfan syndrome. Salient features included arachnodactyly, contractures, and massive cardiomegaly. Marked regurgitation of all four cardiac valves (tricuspid, mitral, pulmonary, and aortic) led to fatal congestive heart failure. There was tricuspid valve prolapse with focal absence of tricuspid leaflet tissue in the region of the anterosuperior commissure. A large secundum atrial septal defect was caused by deficiency and fenestration of septum primum.
Three of these four patients had the more severe infantile form of the Marfan syndrome (Cases 2, 55, and 66) that was described by Geva and his colleagues in 1990, while one patient (Case 31) had the somewhat milder adolescent-adult form of the Marfan syndrome. None of these four patients had isolated tricuspid regurgitation; on the contrary, all had multiple other important congenital anomalies, which makes sense when one considers what is now known about Marfan syndrome. ,
Marfan syndrome is caused by mutations in the gene that encodes fibrillin-1 (FBN1) . , Fibrillin-1 is the major constituent of microfibrils that are one of the main components of the extracellular matrix. Elastic fibers are composed of microfibrils and tropoelastin. Fragmentation and disorganization of elastic fibers, for example, in the aortic media (so-called cystic medial necrosis), are characteristic of Marfan syndrome ( Fig. 13.30 ). However, similar microscopic pathology also occurs in other conditions, such as in familial aortic aneurysms and the aging process. All of the many different manifestations of Marfan syndrome are now believed to be due to a defect in microfibrils. More than 100 different mutations have been identified in FBN1, the gene that encodes fibrillin-1. FBN1 is a large gene with approximately 9000 nucleotides in its mRNA. Unfortunately, molecular genetic diagnosis of Marfan syndrome is complicated by the fact that mutations in FBN1 also cause other (different) clinical syndromes: autosomal dominant ectopic lentis, familial tall stature, the MASS phenotype ( m itral valve, a orta, s kin, s keletal), and familial aortic aneurysm.
Thus, Marfan syndrome is one of the fibrillinopathies, that is, a widespread abnormality of fibrillin-1, caused by mutations of the gene FBN1 , that result in a distinctive clinicopathologic phenotype. Hence, at least at the present time, Marfan syndrome remains a clinicopathologic diagnosis. But our understanding of its genetic etiology is rapidly improving.
Historical question. As noted by Geva and colleagues, the question arises: Did Marfan really report the first case of Marfan syndrome in 1896? In the original case report of Gabrielle P, a 5½-year-old girl, Marfan described in detail the characteristic musculoskeletal anomalies that he called dolichostenomelia ( dolichos = long, stenosis = narrow, melos = limb, all Greek), not arachnodactyly ( arachne = spider, daktylos = finger, Greek). Marfan did not mention cardiovascular or ocular abnormalities in his patient. Later investigators have therefore suggested that Marfan’s patient may really have had what is now called congenital contractural arachnodactyly . In 1912, Salle —a German pediatrician—described the first case with cardiac involvement, an infant who died at 2½ months of age with failure to thrive and progressive dyspnea. Autopsy revealed massive cardiomegaly with redundant and thickened mitral and tricuspid leaflets, similar to our Case 2 ( Fig. 13.29 ). Thus, Salle’s report appears to be not only the first documented case of what is now known as Marfan syndrome with cardiac involvement, but also the first known case of infantile Marfan syndrome (as opposed to the better known adolescent-adult form of Marfan syndrome).
In our 9 cases of infantile Marfan syndrome reported by Geva et al, tricuspid valve prolapse was present in 8 (89%), with tricuspid regurgitation in 6 (67%). Mitral valve prolapse was present in all (100%), with mitral regurgitation in 8 (89%).
Congenital Non-Ebstein Tricuspid Regurgitation With Uhl’s Disease
Congenital tricuspid regurgitation with Uhl’s disease was found in 3 of these 80 postmortem-proved cases (3.75%, Table 13.10 , Cases 59, 74, and 80) ( Figs. 13.31 and 13.32 ).

Case 59 was a 40-year-old woman with Uhl’s disease. Autopsy revealed marked thinning of the right ventricular free wall that measured approximately 1 mm in thickness. The right ventricular free wall transilluminated brilliantly, particularly the diaphragmatic surface of the right ventricular free wall. The right ventricular free wall consisted mostly of subepicardial fat. Although the tricuspid valve was structurally normal, tricuspid regurgitation had developed because of gradual right ventricular dilation secondary to Uhl’s disease. The presence of tricuspid regurgitation was confirmed anatomically by right atrial jet lesions above the septal and posterior leaflets of the tricuspid valve.
In 1967, this patient was treated surgically with tricuspid annuloplasty (plication) in an attempt to reduce her tricuspid regurgitation. She had a history of peripheral thromboembolism to the first and fifth toes of the right foot. She also had a history of severe cardiac arrhythmias, with an episode of cardiac standstill, which she survived. The clinical picture of congestive heart failure developed and she died suddenly because of ventricular fibrillation that was documented electrocardiographically.
In 1952, Uhl published a previously undescribed congenital malformation of the heart, namely, almost total absence of the right ventricular myocardium. Consequently, in 1967 when this patient (Case 59) was studied, we made the diagnosis of Uhl’s disease, as above.
However, looking back from the vantage point of 2007 (present time of writing), our question now is: Why shouldn’t this case be diagnosed as an example of arrhythmogenic right ventricular dysplasia, of which we were not aware in 1967? We think it probably should be diagnosed as arrhythmogenic right ventricular cardiomyopathy/dysplasia. However, our diagnosis confusion/uncertainty is instructive, which is why we are publishing both diagnoses.
Our present conclusion is: When an infant or young child presents with little or no right ventricular free wall myocardium, the correct pathologic anatomic and clinical diagnosis is Uhl’s disease. However, when an adolescent or adult presents with marked right ventricular free wall thinning, with fatty or fibrofatty infiltration, and prominent ventricular arrhythmias, then the appropriate pathologic and clinical diagnosis is right ventricular arrhythmogenic cardiomyopathy/dysplasia. One should be aware both of the similarities and of the differences concerning these two similar but somewhat different phenotypes.
From the etiologic perspective, it is now known that arrhythmogenic right ventricular dysplasia can be sporadic (nonfamilial) or familial. When familial, genetic abnormalities have been mapped to chromosomes 1 and 14q23-q24, , and also to chromosome 10.
When the genetic etiologies of Uhl’s disease and arrhythmogenic right ventricular dysplasia are fully known, then the similarities and the differences of these two phenotypes will be more reliably understood.
Case 74 was a female fetus of 20 weeks gestational age. The right ventricle was markedly dilated, with a very thin and wrinkled free wall. The septal leaflet of the tricuspid valve was absent, congenital tricuspid regurgitation was massive, and right atrial hypertrophy and enlargement were marked. The anterior leaflet of the tricuspid valve was deep, with a thickened and rolled free margin confirming tricuspid regurgitation. The tricuspid annulus was not downwardly displaced; hence we did not make the diagnosis of Ebstein’s malformation. Our diagnoses were as follows: Uhl’s disease (virtual absence of right ventricular free wall myocardium), with partially unguarded tricuspid orifice (congenital absence of the septal leaflet of the tricuspid valve), and severe congenital tricuspid regurgitation without downward displacement of the tricuspid ring.
Are we happy with this diagnosis? No, not entirely. Why not? Well, in Uhl’s original case, the tricuspid valve was structurally normal; not so in this patient (as above). The problem is that many clinicopathologic diagnoses have uncomfortable partial forms, such as Uhl’s disease with an anomalous tricuspid valve, and congenitally unguarded tricuspid orifice that is only partial, not complete (with functional absence of all three leaflets). This is why we present the conventional diagnoses (such as Uhl’s disease, or congenitally unguarded tricuspid orifice) and also describe the pathologic anatomy—particularly when partial forms, so-called formes frustes, are present. ( Forme fruste literally means a worn form. Fruste denotes worn by rubbing, and hence literally defaced—as with an old coin. French.)
Case 80 was sent to us as a consultation in 1992; unfortunately we do not know the patient’s age or sex. The heart specimen has pulmonary atresia (valvar and infundibular) with intact ventricular septum and a dysplastic tricuspid valve. The anterior tricuspid leaflet was deep and curtain-like. The septal leaflet of the tricuspid valve was muscular (not membranous) and was normally attached at the atrioventricular junction. The posterior leaflet of the tricuspid valve was muscular and was also normally attached at the atrioventricular junction. Congenital tricuspid regurgitation was thought to have been present because of the immobility of the muscular septal and posterior leaflets of the tricuspid valve. Muscular tricuspid valve is a rare and little known congenital malformation.
The anterior right ventricular free wall was thin and parchment-like, characteristic of Uhl’s disease.
Again, this was not a typical case of Uhl’s disease because pulmonary infundibular and valvar atresia coexisted, as did muscular tricuspid valve involving the septal and posterior leaflets (which were not downwardly displaced beneath the right atrioventricular junction).
Looked at in another way, it is helpful to know that pulmonary atresia with an intact ventricular septum occasionally can have much more than these two features. A parchment right ventricular free wall (Uhl’s disease), a muscular tricuspid valve (failure of demuscularization), and congenital non-Ebstein tricuspid regurgitation can all coexist.
Thus, parchment right ventricular free wall (Uhl’s disease) can occur in isolation, as in Uhl’s original case, or with other associated anomalies (such as pulmonary outflow tract atresia and muscular tricuspid valve with congenital tricuspid regurgitation, as in this patient).
Congenital Polyvalvar Disease With Congenital Non-Ebstein Tricuspid Regurgitation
This group of anomalies also occurred in 3 of these 80 patients (3.75%, Table 13.10 , Cases 12, 30, and 41).
Case 12 was an 11-month-old girl with a redundant tricuspid valve and mild tricuspid regurgitation (documented by two-dimensional echocardiography), a redundant mitral valve without mitral regurgitation, and a mildly redundant aortic valve with mild aortic regurgitation; thus, congenital polyvalvar disease was present. But, as will soon be seen, mild congenital tricuspid regurgitation with congenital polyvalvar disease was not the patient’s main hemodynamic problem. She had multiple congenital anomalies (karyotype unfortunately unknown) with a conoventricular paramembranous ventricular septal defect, a secundum atrial septal defect, and a moderate-sized patent ductus arteriosus. A posterior fossa subdural hematoma was diagnosed at 8 days of age in 1991. Ligation of the patent ductus arteriosus and banding of the main pulmonary artery were performed at 17 days of age. Microcephaly with developmental delay gradually became apparent.
At 5 months of age, stenosis of the left pulmonary veins was diagnosed, followed by diagnosis of stenosis of the right pulmonary veins. Thus, the clinical diagnosis was made of idiopathic stenosis of individual pulmonary veins, which at the present time remains a dreaded diagnosis with an exceedingly poor prognosis (virtually 100% fatal, despite all therapeutic efforts). Hydrocephalus appeared and increased, and was associated with premature closure of the cranial sutures.
At 6 months of age, a gastrostomy was performed. At 7 months of age, patch closure of the ventricular septal defect was performed. The main pulmonary artery band was removed, following which the band site was resected, with end-to-end anastomosis of the main pulmonary artery. Fibrous tissue was resected from the orifices of the left pulmonary veins, and the secundum atrial septal defect was closed primarily (without a patch).
At 10 months of age, pulmonary venous dilation and stenting were undertaken: A 7 mm stent was placed into the right upper lobe pulmonary vein; and dilation and stenting were also performed of the left lower lobe pulmonary vein. At 11 months of age, inexorable pulmonary distress led to death. Autopsy confirmed all of the above-mentioned findings and established that the tricuspid leaflets were redundant and thickened.
This patient illustrates that congenital non-Ebstein tricuspid regurgitation can indeed be associated with congenital polyvalvar disease. But perhaps more important, this case shows that congenital tricuspid regurgitation, although present, was of minor clinical importance in a clinical picture dominated by other more important associated anomalies, most notably by severe and ultimately fatal idiopathic stenosis of individual pulmonary veins.
In a well-formulated diagnosis, not only should all findings be listed, but the relative importance of each should also be indicated or understood. This little girl illustrates that congenital non-Ebstein tricuspid regurgitation can be present, but of little clinical importance.
Case 30 was a 5 6 7 -week-old boy with significant congenital tricuspid regurgitation (documented by two-dimensional echocardiography, cardiac catheterization, and angiocardiography), mild thickening of the pulmonary valve leaflets (with an 8 mm Hg gradient), and with obliteration of some of the interchordal spaces of the mitral valve. Hence, this patient did have polyvalvar disease, unrelated to Ebstein’s anomaly. Unfortunately, the karyotype of this patient is not known. (We say “unfortunately” because polyvalvar disease suggests the possibility of a trisomy, as in item 5 of Table 13.10 .)
Other associated findings included a secundum atrial septal defect, a conoventricular type of ventricular septal defect, marked right ventricular hypertrophy and enlargement, right ventricular endocardial sclerosis, unusual and abnormal right ventricular myocardial architecture, and a left ventricular moderator band (an abnormal band of left ventricular myocardium running from the left ventricular septal surface anteroseptally and then proceeding to, or toward the anterolateral papillary muscle of the left ventricle). This patient also had a positive family history of congenital malformations. The previous pregnancy ended with a spontaneous abortion at 6 months’ gestation, the fetus having hydrocephalus.
The congenital tricuspid regurgitation in this patient was clinically important, but the polyvalvar disease was far from isolated, similar to the previous case.
Case 41 was a 15½-year-old girl with congenital polyvalvar disease (unrelated to Ebstein’s anomaly) with intellectual disability and a seizure disorder. There was marked thickening and myxomatous change of the tricuspid valve (congenital tricuspid regurgitation was thought to have been present); the right atrium was hypertrophied and enlarged. The pulmonary valve leaflets were thick and myxomatous (but we thought the pulmonary valve was probably normal functionally). The mitral leaflets were thick and myxomatous. (We were not sure whether some degree of mitral stenosis and regurgitation had been present in life.) The aortic valve was quadricuspid, with thick and myxomatous leaflets. (We thought that aortic stenosis and regurgitation probably had been present in life.)
The ventricular septum was intact. Left ventricular hypertrophy and enlargement were present, as was marked left ventricular endocardial sclerosis. Again, the karyotype was not known.
As far as the patient’s heart is concerned, congenital myxomatous polyvalvar disease was isolated. However, this patient also had an intellectual disability and seizures.
Thus, in these three cases, congenital myxomatous polyvalvar disease with tricuspid regurgitation was never isolated; instead, it was always associated with other cardiovascular or noncardiovascular abnormalities. It always appeared to be part of something bigger.
Congenital Tricuspid Regurgitation Associated With Transposition of the Great Arteries {S,D,D} and (Usually) Dysplastic Tricuspid Valve
This defect occurred in 3 of these 80 patients (3.75%, Table 13.10 , Cases 5, 11, and 21).
Case 5 was a 7-day-old girl with transposition of the great arteries {S,D,D}, that is, with situs solitus of the viscera and atria ({ S ,-,-}), D-loop ventricles ({S, D ,-}), and D-transposition ({S,D, D }). There was atrioventricular AV concordance, with the right-sided morphologically right atrium (RA) opening appropriately or concordantly into the right-sided morphologically right ventricle (RV), and the left-sided morphologically left atrium (LA) opening concordantly or appropriately into the left-sided morphologically left ventricle (LV). But there was ventriculoarterial (VA) discordance with the right-sided RV ejecting inappropriately or discordantly into the right-sided transposed aorta (Ao) and the left-sided LV ejecting discordantly or inappropriately into the left-sided transposed pulmonary artery (PA). All of the foregoing is to be expected in TGA {S,D,D}, unless specifically stated to the contrary. For example, if there is straddling of the tricuspid valve or double-inlet LV with TGA {S,D,D}, this is stated so that one immediately understands that the usual AV concordance is not present. Hence, saying that Case 5 has TGA {S,D,D}, without further qualification of the atrioventricular alignment, means that the usual segmental anatomy ({S,D,D}) and segmental alignments (AV discordance with VA discordance, and hence physiologic uncorrection of the systemic venous and the pulmonary venous circulations) are present. All of this should be immediately understood, unless qualified to the contrary.
But now here comes the interesting part. This newborn girl with TGA {S,D,D} had a hypoplastic RV. Consequently, the tricuspid annulus was also hypoplastic. Hence, the patient had one type of congenital tricuspid stenosis—because of the hypoplastic tricuspid valve and right ventricular sinus. In addition, there was a small membranous ventricular septal defect, a hypoplastic transposed aortic valve, a hypoplastic aortic arch, coarctation of the aorta, and a patent ductus arteriosus.
Surprisingly, cardiac catheterization and angiocardiography (in 1988) revealed moderately severe tricuspid regurgitation. Mystified, we reexamined this heart specimen and found that the tricuspid valve was small (i.e., hypoplastic). But otherwise it was a well-formed, undeformed tricuspid valve: a beautiful, normal miniature.
This cardiac catheterization was performed when the patient was moribund (dying). Our conclusion is that marked tricuspid regurgitation can occur through an intrinsically normal (although small) tricuspid valve, if the patient is moribund at the time of the study, and if TGA is present, that is, if the tricuspid valve is functioning as the systemic atrioventricular valve. Suffice it to say that we were surprised to learn that moderately severe tricuspid regurgitation can occur through a normal (if miniature) tricuspid valve, under the aforementioned conditions. We expected to find some anatomic anomaly of the tricuspid valve (apart from hypoplasia), but we did not. We think that this is a lesson to be remembered.
Case 11 was an 8-month-old boy with TGA {S,D,D}, intact ventricular septum, and pulmonary valvar stenosis (bicuspid, myxomatous, with a 40 to 50 mm Hg gradient). This patient had mild tricuspid regurgitation, but without right atrial jet lesions. The tricuspid valve was abnormally formed, the anterolateral papillary muscle of the right ventricle inserting directly into the tricuspid leaflet tissue, without intervening free chordae tendineae or interchordal spaces. There was mild thickening and rolling of the free margin of the anterior tricuspid leaflet. This little boy’s mild tricuspid regurgitation was thought not to be one of his main clinical problems.
He also had stenosis of the left upper lobe pulmonary vein. A balloon atrial septostomy was attempted on the first day of life (in 1974), but it failed. Consequently, a Blalock-Hanlon surgical atrial septectomy was performed on the first day of postnatal life. Postoperatively, a wound infection of the median sternotomy developed. Subsequently, a Mustard procedure was performed in this patient with TGA {S,D,D} and unrelieved valvar pulmonary stenosis (40 to 50 mm Hg gradient). Following this atrial switch operation, low cardiac output developed, leading to death 13 hours postoperatively.
Our conclusion was that this patient’s mild congenital tricuspid regurgitation related to tricuspid valvar dysplasia did not help hemodynamically, but this little boy had other more major problems. In other words, mild congenital tricuspid regurgitation was present, but was not the major problem. We now know that an atrial switch operation such as the Mustard procedure is contraindicated in a patient with TGA {S,D,D} if significant pulmonary outflow tract stenosis coexists and cannot be relieved.
Case 21 was a 9 1.5 12 -year-old boy with TGA {S,D,D}, a small to moderate-sized conoventricular type of ventricular septal defect, a bilateral conus (subaortic and subpulmonary), pulmonary stenosis (infundibular and valvar, with a bicuspid pulmonary valve), and congenital tricuspid regurgitation because of a dysplastic tricuspid valve. The tricuspid valve had an accessory right ventricular papillary muscle arising from the right ventricular free wall, with multiple fenestrations in the anterior tricuspid leaflet. Moderately marked congenital tricuspid regurgitation occurred through these multiple fenestrations, and multiple jet lesions were present of the right atrial endocardium.
This patient, who died in 1979, had additional problems. The left coronary artery originated from the right coronary ostium. The left coronary artery then ran posteriorly to the transposed main pulmonary artery and then appeared anteriorly and to the left as a preventricular branch. There was a small communication between this preventricular termination of the left coronary artery and the LV cavity. This left coronary artery–to–left ventricular communication was 2 mm in diameter and was probe patent. This left coronary artery–to–left ventricular fistula created the unusual angiocardiographic picture of “aortic” regurgitation between the right-sided D-transposed aorta and the left-sided left ventricular cavity.
A balloon atrial septostomy was performed when the patient was 2 months of age. At 3 3 12 years of age, a right Blalock-Taussig anastomosis was done to the upper lobe branch of the right pulmonary artery. When the patient was 8 9 12 years old, an anatomic repair was performed (in 1979). Intraventricular rerouting was done between the left ventricle and the D-transposed aorta via a tunnel-like patch. The ventricular septal defect was enlarged by excision of the conal septum superiorly. The pulmonary valve was closed. A 20 mm valved Hancock conduit was placed externally from the right ventricle to the distal end of the main pulmonary artery. Hence, this anatomic repair involved both intraventricular (LV-to-Ao) and extraventricular (RV-to-PA) rerouting. Left ventricular pump failure appeared 4 months postoperatively. A surgical attempt to close a residual ventricular septal defect was associated with intraoperative death.
Our conclusion was that moderately marked congenital tricuspid regurgitation was present because of a dysplastic tricuspid valve, but that this was only one part of a complex clinical and surgical management problem. Again, it is essential to understand the presence of significant congenital tricuspid regurgitation in context with everything else that was a hemodynamic problem for the patient.
Tricuspid Valve Prolapse Causing Congenital Non-Ebstein Tricuspid Regurgitation
This defect was found in 2 of these 80 patients (2.5%, Table 13.10 , Cases 22 and 25).
Case 22 was a 9¾-month-old black girl with Down syndrome. Echocardiography revealed mild to moderate tricuspid regurgitation with tricuspid valve prolapse. The anterior leaflet of the tricuspid valve had a hooded and redundant appearance. The anterior tricuspid leaflet was also deep and curtain-like, but the septal leaflet was not downwardly displaced (and hence Ebstein’s anomaly was not diagnosed). The atrioventricular canal was normally divided into mitral and tricuspid valves. The ventricular septum was intact, but the patient had a large secundum atrial septal defect (14 × 7 mm) because of deficiency of septum primum; and a patent ductus arteriosus (3 mm in internal diameter) was also present. Heart block with bradycardia appeared 4 days prior to death. Thrombus with almost completely luminal occlusion of the superior vena cava was found at the superior vena caval–right atrial junction. She had diffuse pulmonary alveolar disease that was thought probably to be caused by respiratory syncytial virus pneumonia (not virologically proved).
To summarize, diffuse syncytial pneumonia was the principal cause of death. Tricuspid valve prolapse with congenital mild to moderate tricuspid regurgitation was present, but was thought not to be a major cause of disability or death.
Case 25 was a 12-year-old boy with tetralogy of Fallot {S,D,S}, a bicuspid pulmonary valve, and tricuspid valve prolapse with mild to moderate tricuspid regurgitation. In 1962, he developed a right frontal brain abscess caused by Staphylococcus aureus that led to cerebral edema, hemorrhage, and death.
Thus, tricuspid valve prolapse and tricuspid regurgitation were present. But these problems were overshadowed clinically by the congenital heart disease (tetralogy of Fallot) and its complication (brain abscess).
In both of these patients, tricuspid valve prolapse and tricuspid regurgitation were present; but in neither were these problems the main causes of disability and death.
Dysplastic Right Ventricle and Tricuspid Valve
These defects were present in 2 of these 80 patients (2.5%, Table 13.10 , Cases 19 and 64).
Case 19 was a 10-month-old girl with a ventricular septal defect of the atrioventricular canal type, without mitral or tricuspid valve clefts. There was dysplasia of the right ventricular sinus (body or inflow tract) with anomalous muscle bands, abnormal papillary muscles, and abnormal tricuspid chordae tendineae. All of the foregoing was associated with congenital tricuspid regurgitation. The papillary muscles of the right ventricle were short and very hypertrophied. The tricuspid chordae tendineae were also very short and thick. The leaflets of the tricuspid valve were extremely thickened with rolled edges (consistent with tricuspid regurgitation). An enlarged right ventricular cavity was associated with marked right ventricular hypertrophy. Right atrial hypertrophy and enlargement coexisted. An abnormal muscle band of the right ventricle ran from the septum to the right ventricular free wall. This anomalous right ventricular band did not resemble the moderator band; it appeared to be truly anomalous. This patient died in 1976. Ebstein’s anomaly was not present.
Our assessment was that in this case, congenital tricuspid regurgitation was exceedingly important—the most important anomaly in this patient. Note that all levels of this tricuspid valve were anomalous: the leaflets, the chordae tendineae, the papillary muscles, and the underlying right ventricular myocardium. It should be recalled that there is an important right ventricular myocardial component in the development of the tricuspid valve, as is indicated by Ebstein’s anomaly and by muscular tricuspid valve.
Case 64 was a 3-day-old boy with severe congenital tricuspid regurgitation. The tricuspid leaflets were nodular and myxomatous. There was also dysplasia of the right ventricular sinus. The septal surface of the right ventricular sinus (inflow tract) was smooth (nontrabeculated). A small muscular ventricular septal defect was present anterosuperiorly, half way between the ventricular apex and the base, at the junction of the ventricular septum and the anterior free walls of the right and left ventricles. There was also a large secundum atrial septal defect because of a deficient septum primum; and a patent ductus arteriosus was also present.
Thus, severe non-Ebstein congenital tricuspid regurgitation was considered to be this newborn’s main hemodynamic problem.
In both of these patients, severe congenital tricuspid regurgitation was considered to be the main cause of death.
Double-Inlet and Double-Outlet Right Ventricle (DIDO RV) With Congenital Non-Ebstein Tricuspid Regurgitation
This defect occurred in 2 patients (2.5%, Table 13.10 , Cases 24 and 69).
Case 24 was a 1-year-old boy with DORV {S,L,L}, that is, double-outlet right ventricle with situs solitus of the viscera and atria, L-loop ventricles, and L-malposition of the great arteries. The morphologically left ventricle (LV) was absent; that is, following a very careful search, no vestige of the LV was identified. Consequently, single right ventricle was present. There was a double-inlet right ventricle (DIRV) with congenital tricuspid regurgitation of the left-sided tricuspid valve and congenital mitral stenosis of the right-sided mitral valve. Thickening and rolling was present of the tricuspid leaflet margins and there were jet lesions of the left atrial endocardium, both confirming the presence of left-sided tricuspid regurgitation. Dextrocardia was present (usual for a ventricular L-loop). This patient also had pulmonary outflow tract atresia.
To summarize, this patient with complex congenital heart disease had DIDO RV {S,L,L} with single RV (L), absent LV (R), congenital TR (L) and congenital MS (R), with PAt and dextrocardia.
Therapeutic interventions in 1983 included a right-sided Blalock-Taussig anastomosis at 2 days of age, a central shunt at 9 months of age using a 4 mm Gore-Tex conduit between the ascending aorta and the left pulmonary artery, plus a Gore-Tex patch plasty of a stenosis between the left and right pulmonary artery branches and of the right Blalock-Taussig anastomotic site. Failure of the single right ventricle occurred, with right ventricular end-diastolic pressures of 23 to 30 mm Hg, leading to death at 1 year of age.
Thus, congenital non-Ebstein tricuspid regurgitation was considered to be one important hemodynamic handicap that led to the death of this patient with DIDO RV {S,L,L} and pulmonary atresia.
Case 69 was a 15-year-old girl with congenital heart disease that was similar to that of the previous patient. This teenager had a single RV (absent LV), DIRV, DORV {S,L,L}, bilateral conus (subaortic and subpulmonary), mild pulmonary stenosis with a bicuspid pulmonary valve, severe TR (L), left atrial hypertrophy and enlargement with jet lesions, and two coronary ostia originating from the left septal sinus of Valsalva of the aortic valve. The left-sided tricuspid valve had thickened and rolled margins, confirming the presence of severe left-sided TR.
It is noteworthy that both of these patients with double-inlet right ventricle and double-outlet right ventricle had single right ventricle (absent left ventricle) with {S,L,L} segmental anatomy (without visceral heterotaxy or splenic anomaly), and with significant congenital left-sided tricuspid regurgitation without Ebstein’s anomaly.
Congenitally Unguarded Tricuspid Orifice
Absence or very marked underdevelopment of the tricuspid valve leaflets, but with a widely patent tricuspid orifice, was the cause of very severe congenital non-Ebstein tricuspid regurgitation in 1 case (1.25%, Table 13.10 , Case 18). This was a male fetus, 29 weeks gestational age, who was a stillborn macerated abortus weighing 2.75 lb (1247 grams). Intrauterine death was spontaneous (natural), not medically induced. Fetal echocardiography had revealed free tricuspid regurgitation, with intrauterine congestive heart failure (hydrops fetalis). Thus, congenital tricuspid regurgitation was very important as a cause of intrauterine death. The anterior leaflet of the tricuspid valve was very hypoplastic. The posterior leaflet was slightly better developed, but it too was also very hypoplastic. The septal leaflet of the tricuspid valve was virtually absent, just a minimal vestige being present. Right atrial hypertrophy and enlargement were marked. The segmental anatomy was normal, that is, {S,D,S}, and apart from the marked hypoplasia of the tricuspid leaflets, the heart was otherwise structurally normal. (Note that pulmonary valvar atresia with intact ventricular septum was not present, as it was in the previously presented cases of congenitally unguarded tricuspid orifice ( Figs. 13.31 and 13.32 ).
Multiple congenital anomalies were present: hypertelorism, microphthalmia, micrognathia, bilateral epicanthal folds, widely spaced nipples, low hairline posteriorly, posterior displacement of the anus, and talipes equinovarus (typical club foot).
This was also a case of familial congenital heart disease. An older brother had tetralogy of Fallot with pulmonary outflow tract atresia and severe tricuspid regurgitation (but with a well-formed tricuspid valve). We could find no evidence that a karyotype had been done.
Thus, congenitally unguarded tricuspid orifice in the setting of multiple congenital anomalies was yet another cause of very severe congenital non-Ebstein tricuspid regurgitation—so severe that it led to fatal intrauterine congestive heart failure and death.
Downward Displacement of the Anterior Tricuspid Leaflet With Blood Cysts of the Tricuspid Valve Leaflets
These anomalies were associated with massive tricuspid regurgitation in 1 patient (1.25%, Table 13.10 , Case 3). This patient was a 3-year-old boy who died in 1961. There was marked dilation of the right atrium that almost filled the entire thorax. The right atrium measured 12 × 9 × 9 cm (i.e., 4.7 × 3.5 × 3.5 inches). There was a pronounced bulge of the anterior chest wall because of the enormous right atrial enlargement. The heart weighed 95 grams. The tricuspid annulus was enlarged with a circumference of 14 cm (5.5 inches). The right ventricle was hypertrophied and enlarged with a thickness of 6 mm. Histology showed myocardium in all sections of the right atrium.
The conclusion following postmortem examination was that this patient had massive congenital tricuspid regurgitation because of dysplasia of the tricuspid leaflets, not idiopathic dilation of the right atrium (as had been thought clinically). In other words, the basic anomaly was thought to be at the level of the tricuspid valve leaflets, resulting in massive tricuspid regurgitation, the very marked right atrial enlargement being regarded as secondary to tricuspid regurgitation. Following autopsy, the right atrial enlargement was no longer considered to be idiopathic.
Congenital Mitral Regurgitation With Pulmonary Hypertension, Pulmonary Vascular Obstructive Disease, and Tricuspid Regurgitation
This combination of abnormalities was associated with tricuspid regurgitation in 1 of these 80 patients (1.25%, Table 13.10 , Case 4).
Case 4 was a 15 8 12 -year-old girl with congenital mitral regurgitation, ventricular septal defect, secundum atrial septal defect, pulmonary hypertension, mild valvar pulmonary stenosis, and aberrant right subclavian artery. At 10 years of age in 1960, she underwent mitral valvuloplasty for congenital mitral regurgitation (“reefing” of the annulus) and atrial septal defect closure. Pulmonary artery hypertension and severe pulmonary vascular obstructive disease (Heath and Edwards grades III and IV) were also found to be present. Left ventricular hypertrophy, right ventricular hypertrophy, tricuspid regurgitation, and right atrial enlargement were also found.
At 12 years of age, atrial fibrillation appeared that was quinidine resistant. Congestive heart failure appeared. The patient was cyanotic, dyspneic, and had a pulsatile hepatic margin 3 cm below the right atrial margin.
Cardiac catheterization at 15 5 12 years showed a ventricular septal defect with bidirectional shunt, pulmonary artery hypertension (106/24 mm Hg), pulmonary vascular obstructive disease, marked dilation of the pulmonary arteries, and tricuspid regurgitation.
At 15 8 12 years of age (in 1965), she underwent surgical ventricular septal defect closure, mitral valve replacement with a Starr-Edwards ball-valve prosthesis, and tricuspid annuloplasty. Postoperatively, she received a tracheostomy and her clinical condition deteriorated, leading to death 2 days postoperatively. Autopsy confirmed all of the foregoing findings and also revealed 6 accessory splenuli and a common mesentery, but without visceral heterotaxy. She also had talipes cavus—an abnormally high arch of the foot. Mild cardiac cirrhosis and widespread phlebosclerosis were also noted.
Thus, this patient illustrated that tricuspid regurgitation can be associated with congenital mitral regurgitation, ventricular septal defect, and secundum atrial septal defect when pulmonary hypertension progresses to pulmonary vascular obstructive disease and congestive heart failure.
Was this patient’s tricuspid regurgitation truly congenital, that is, was it present at birth? The answer to this question is not known to us. All that we can say with confidence is that this patient’s tricuspid regurgitation was based on the deleterious hemodynamic effects of her other forms of congenital heart disease (congenital mitral regurgitation, ventricular septal defect, atrial septal defect) and her acquisition of pulmonary vascular obstructive disease. Thus, her tricuspid regurgitation may have been acquired—appearing postnatally—but based on her other congenital heart disease. We simply do not know the answer to this question with certainty. So the reader may prefer to delete this case from our list of congenital non-Ebstein tricuspid regurgitation ( Table 13.10 ). However, this tricuspid regurgitation has a congenital basis in the sense that it is based on her other congenital heart disease, as above. Congenital heart disease can predispose to other abnormalities with variable times of clinical appearance.
Hypoplastic Pulmonary Arteries With Pulmonary Artery Hypertension and Congenital Tricuspid Regurgitation
This rare combination of abnormalities occurred in 1 of these 80 patients (1.25%, Table 13.10 , Case 54). This patient was a 29-day-old girl with severe pulmonary artery hypertension that was unresponsive to vasodilators. Two-dimensional echocardiography revealed tricuspid regurgitation.
Differential diagnoses included persistent pulmonary hypertension of the newborn, and primary pulmonary hypertension.
However, postmortem examination in 1984 revealed that the pulmonary intraparenchymal arteries all were markedly hypoplastic, more so than were the extraparenchymal pulmonary artery branches that accompanied the bronchi. Postmortem pulmonary arteriography showed that the branching pattern was normal, but that the arterial luminal diameters were much smaller than normal relative to the lung volume. There was also minimal background haze because the intraparenchymal arteries seen histologically were markedly hypoplastic.
Although anatomically normal, the tricuspid valve permitted significant tricuspid regurgitation (documented echocardiographically) in association with severe pulmonary artery hypertension. In turn, the pulmonary artery hypertension was caused by the marked hypoplasia of the pulmonary artery branches that was most marked within the pulmonary parenchyma. Goldstein, Rabinovitch, Van Praagh, and Reid published another very similar case in 1979. This is a rare cause of significant congenital tricuspid regurgitation associated with an anatomically normal tricuspid valve.
Apart from Ebstein’s anomaly, there are many other situations in which congenital tricuspid regurgitation can occur ( Table 13.10 ). To our knowledge, these other settings in which congenital tricuspid regurgitation can take place have never been presented in detail, and consequently are not widely recognized.
To summarize, our database revealed that congenital non-Ebstein tricuspid regurgitation ( n = 80) occurred in the following settings ( Table 13.10 ):
- 1.
pulmonary atresia with intact ventricular septum (22.5%);
- 2.
double-inlet left ventricle (16.25%);
- 3.
hypoplastic left heart syndrome (15%);
- 4.
transposition of the great arteries (11.25%);
- 5.
trisomies 18 and 13 (6.25%);
- 6.
Marfan syndrome (5%);
- 7.
Uhl’s disease (3.75%);
- 8.
myxomatous tricuspid valve with polyvalvar disease (3.75%);
- 9.
transposition of the great arteries with dysplastic tricuspid valve (3.75%);
- 10.
tricuspid valve prolapse (2.5%);
- 11.
dysplastic right ventricle and tricuspid valve (2.5%);
- 12.
double-inlet and double-outlet right ventricle (2.5%);
- 13.
congenitally unguarded tricuspid orifice (1.25%);
- 14.
downward displacement of anterior tricuspid leaflet and blood cysts (1.25%);
- 15.
with congenital mitral regurgitation, ventricular and atrial septal defects, and pulmonary vascular obstructive disease (1.25%); and
- 16.
with hypoplastic pulmonary artery branches and pulmonary hypertension (1.25%).
There may, of course, be other anatomic types of congenital non-Ebstein tricuspid regurgitation that are not represented in our database.
Tricuspid Atresia
Although we have described tricuspid atresia in association with Ebstein’s anomaly (imperforate Ebstein’s malformation), now we must consider the more common forms of tricuspid atresia.
The earliest known definite description of tricuspid atresia was by F. L. Kreysig in Berlin in 1817. This reference was kindly sent to me by Dr. William J. Rashkind, whose translation from German is as follows:
“Opening of the right atrium showed much more solid construction than usual; the trabeculae of the auricle were hypertrophied and in the place where the opening into the right ventricle should have been, but was absent, instead there was convergence to a dimple.”
(Dr. Bill Rashkind, as he was known to all of his many friends, was not only the father of interventional cardiology because of his invention of balloon atrial septostomy to improve mixing in patients with transposition of the great arteries. He was also an expert in medical history and in medical art.)
There is an even earlier publication, also sent to me by Dr. Bill Rashkind, that dates to 1812, which reports a newborn infant who died at 7 days of age. This neonate definitely had pulmonary atresia and probably had tricuspid atresia. Published by the editors of the London Medical Review, these authors stated (in part): “Upon dissection the pulmonary artery was found to be deficient, and instead of it there was a slender impervious ligament, extending from the situation of the right ventricle to the ductus arteriosus. The right ventricle was nearly obliterated. There was a mere depression in its situation. The right auricle was large, and communicated by an extensive foramen ovale of which the valve was very imperfect, with the left auricle. The left ventricle and the aorta were natural. The ductus arteriosus was very large and divided into two branches, which entirely supplied the lungs, without receiving any blood from the pulmonary artery.”
So, what do you think? My interpretation is: atresia of the pulmonary valve and main pulmonary artery; and an ostium secundum type of atrial septal defect because of deficiency of septum primum. I think the right ventricle was present, but very small (“nearly obliterated”). If there had been any communication between the right atrium and the right ventricle, the authors would have described it; but they did not. In a good pathologic anatomic description, one can safely assume that if something is not mentioned, it is not present; one describes what is there, not what is not there. Nonetheless, I agree that brevity can be overdone. That may have been the case here. The problem with this report is that the evidence is negative . A failure to describe something is less persuasive than is a positive description of the abnormal findings. This is why I have some hesitation in asserting with certainty that what these authors in 1812 called “a singular malformation of the heart” is the earliest known description of tricuspid atresia. But I think it probably is, and so did Dr. Bill Rashkind. I think that this is what Dr. Jesse Edwards and his colleagues about 140 years later would call tricuspid atresia type Ia. ,
After these initial case reports from London and Berlin, other definite early reports of tricuspid atresia followed.
Edwards and colleagues , introduced in 1949, and later, an influential classification of tricuspid atresia ( Fig. 13.33 ). Although used less now than formerly, this classification should be understood as an aid to the comprehension of the literature on tricuspid atresia. Type I means that the great arteries are normally related, and type II indicates that transposition of the great arteries coexists. Type a means that pulmonary atresia is present, typically with no ventricular septal defect (VSD). Type b denotes that a small VSD is present, while type c denotes that a larger unrestrictive VSD coexists. See the legend to Fig. 13.33 : the meanings of subtypes a and b are different, depending on whether the great arteries are normally related or transposed. ,

The advantages of this classification are that it allows one to express three important anatomic features with brevity and accuracy. For example, tricuspid atresia type Ib ( Fig. 13.33 ) is the most common anatomic type. This designation indicates: (1) that tricuspid atresia is present; (2) that the great arteries are normally related (type I); and that a small VSD is present (type b), constituting subpulmonary stenosis with reduced pulmonary blood flow.
What are the disadvantages of this early classification ( Fig. 13.33 ) of tricuspid atresia? Briefly, congenital heart disease with tricuspid atresia is much more complicated than can be classified using only these two variables (type of relationship between the great arteries, and the presence and size of the VSD—which helps to determine the size of the pulmonary blood flow). For example, subaortic stenosis (not just subpulmonary stenosis or atresia) can be present. The atria are not always in situs solitus. A ventricular D-loop is not always present. Other types of infundibuloarterial anatomy can be present—such as truncus arteriosus, double-outlet right ventricle, doublet-outlet left ventricle, and anatomically corrected malposition of the great arteries. This is one of the reasons why the segmental approach to diagnosis and classification is now used: (1) The segmental approach always applies accurately, no matter how complex the anatomy. (2), Also, the segmental approach is a general classification that applies to all forms of congenital heart disease, not just to a special classification that pertains to tricuspid atresia only. (See Chapter 3, Chapter 4 for more details concerning the segment-by-segment approach to the diagnosis and classification of congenital heart disease.)
Nonetheless, Edwards and Burchell’s classification of tricuspid atresia ( Fig. 13.33 ) , was very helpful and influential when it was introduced, because of what it could do. Its deficiencies only became apparent over time, as our knowledge and understanding increased.
Personal Note. In 1956 to 1957 (July 1 to June 30), I was an Assistant Resident in Pathology at the Children’s Medical Center (as it was then known) in Boston, in the Department of Dr. Sidney Farber, the world-famous father of chemotherapy for leukemia and lymphoma, with Dr. John M. Craig as my immediate and greatly admired supervisor. I was a 26-year-old resident in Pediatrics, doing my year of basic science. One of my autopsies was a patient with tricuspid atresia. The fascinating thing was that this patient’s anatomic type of tricuspid atresia did not fit into the then extant and widely accepted classification of tricuspid atresia ( Fig. 13.33 ). , If memory serves, I think my patient had tricuspid atresia with transposition of the great arteries, but with subaortic stenosis . I realized that I was looking at a previously undescribed anatomic type of tricuspid atresia.
This chance occurrence stimulated me to do a study of the pathologic anatomy of tricuspid atresia, which in turn led me in the directions of pediatric cardiology and pediatric cardiac pathology and embryology. Briefly, I became fascinated by these interrelated fields and decided to devote my professional life to them.
Perhaps I should add that I never published my study of tricuspid atresia because, when Keith, Rowe, and Vlad’s first edition of Heart Disease in Infancy and Childhood appeared in 1958, I discovered that the chapter on tricuspid atresia (that I would later learn had been written by my old friend and teacher Dr. Peter Vlad) said almost everything I wanted to say about tricuspid atresia. As Dr. John Craig told all of his pathology residents at that time, “To merit publication, a paper has to be only two things. It has to be true. And it has to be new.” I knew that my prospective paper on tricuspid atresia was true. But I also knew that it was no longer new. So this is why I did not publish my first tricuspid atresia study.
However, I owe a great debt of gratitude to my old friend and teacher, Dr. Jesse Edwards, and his classification of tricuspid atresia ( Fig. 13.33 ). , Trying to amplify his classification led me into my life’s work.
Is Tricuspid Atresia a Form of Single Left Ventricle?
In 1960–1961, when I was a fellow in the Cardiac Catheterization Laboratory at the Mayo Clinic in Rochester, Minnesota, under the direction of Dr. Jeremy Swan, I was given the project of figuring out single ventricle (see Chapter 17 ). Largely because of Dr. Jesse Edwards’ classification of tricuspid atresia (cited above), we thought we understood tricuspid atresia and we excluded it from single ventricle.
In retrospect, we now realize that this was not a very good reason for excluding tricuspid atresia from the diagnostic category of single left ventricle. We now think that some cases of tricuspid atresia can have a single left ventricle in the sense that the morphologically right ventricle sinus (body, or inflow tract) can be absent, the small right ventricle consisting of the infundibulum or conus arteriosus only. Other cases of tricuspid atresia can have a small amount of right ventricular sinus. When the morphologically right ventricular sinus is absent, it is accurate to state that the morphologically left ventricle is single, that is, that only one ventricular sinus is present; hence, tricuspid atresia can have an anatomically single left ventricle.
Tricuspid atresia typically has a physiologically single left ventricle because even if a small right ventricular sinus remnant is present, it usually is clinically and surgically useless as a ventricle.
Anatomically and developmentally it should also be understood that the infundibulum or conus is really not a ventricle. Instead, the infundibulum is a connecting segment, not a main segment. The infundibulum is how the great arteries connect with the underlying ventricular sinuses—or sinus, if anatomically single ventricle is present. This is why the embryologists speak about the conotruncus; the conus (infundibulum) is part of the conotruncal segment (i.e., the subsemilunar part of the infundibulum is not an integral, inseparable part of either ventricle). This is why the subsemilunar part (the parietal band part) of the conus can straddle the ventricular septum to virtually any degree, demonstrating that the subsemilunar or parietal band part of the conus arteriosus is clearly not an integral, inseparable part of the morphologically right ventricle.
Consequently, the infundibular outlet chamber is really not a small right ventricle. The infundibulum “belongs” to the great arteries (the conotruncus), not to either ventricular sinus. Again, this appears to be why the distal (or subsemilunar) part of the conus can connect with the underlying ventricles (meaning ventricular sinuses) in so many different ways: The distal or subsemilunar part of the conus can be entirely above the right ventricle (in double-outlet right ventricle); entirely above the left ventricle (in double-outlet left ventricle); or overriding the ventricular septum to any degree—mostly above the right ventricle, or mostly above the left ventricle, or about equally above both ventricles.
But the important point in the interests of understanding is that in 1960, tricuspid atresia and/or mitral atresia were not what physicians meant when they talked about single (or common) ventricle. They thought they understood, at least anatomically, what tricuspid atresia is and what mitral atresia is. What they did not understand was: What is the anatomy of the ventricular part of the heart in cor triloculare biatriatum and in cor biloculare ? When a heart has three chambers with two atria (cor triloculare biatriatum), or two chambers with one atrium and one ventricle (cor biloculare), in both situations there is (or appears to be) only one ventricle. What is this single ventricle? That was my project.
So, this is what was meant by single ventricle. Tricuspid atresia and mitral atresia were excluded from consideration only in an effort to define what was meant by single ventricle. Hence, the exclusion of tricuspid and mitral atresia was arbitrary —not because anyone thought that atresia of either atrioventricular valve and single ventricle did not, or could not, coexist. Dr. Edwards has solved the pathologic anatomic problem of tricuspid atresia. I was assigned the project of trying to understand the pathologic anatomy of single ventricle without atrioventricular valvar atresia.
To summarize, Dr. Jesse Edwards’ classification of tricuspid atresia ( Fig. 13.33 ) , was very influential not only in the understanding of tricuspid atresia, but also in the definition of single ventricle. This is why the premorphologic definition of single ventricle in the early 1960s was the anomaly or anomalies in which both atrioventricular valves or a common atrioventricular valve open entirely or predominantly into one ventricular chamber; that is, double-inlet or common-inlet ventricle (see Chapter 17 ). Tricuspid and mitral atresia were thus arbitrarily (not morphologically) excluded from the diagnostic category of single ventricle.
Note that one variable (the status of the atrioventricular valves) was being used to define another variable (the myocardial morphology of the ventricular part of the heart). Using one variable to define another variable is a fundamental error in logic. Each variable should be defined primarily in terms of itself.
So this, then, is the relevant background information.
The following is a study of non-Ebstein tricuspid atresia ( Fig. 13.34 ). The original records of each case were restudied. Flow sheets were made. Then the data were carefully analyzed, just as we have always done for all of our scientific papers. (This is our modus operandi for all chapters in this book. This chapter is an original, data-based study.)
Number of cases: 97.
Gender: male = 55; females = 41; not known =1. Males/females = 55/41 = 1.34/1.
Age at death or cardiac transplantation: n = 95 (not known = 2).
Mean: 4 11 12 ± 9 8 12 years.
Range: 4.5 hours to 55 years.
Median: 7.5 months.

We regard the median age at death (there were only 2 cardiac transplants) as more accurately reflective of the true situation in this series: the median equals only 7.5 months. The mean age at death (4 11 12 years) is misleadingly “old” because of the longevity of some of our patients: 16 of these 95 patients (17%) were more than 10 years of age.
Now we must endeavor to answer the question: How many anatomic types of tricuspid atresia are there? We are intentionally excluding Ebstein’s anomaly with tricuspid atresia, that is, imperforate Ebstein’s anomaly, only because we have already considered this malformation. Thus, the question should be rephrased as follows: In addition to imperforate Ebstein’s anomaly, how many other anatomic types of tricuspid atresia are there?
Table 13.11 represents our attempt to answer this question, based on an analysis of our database ( n = 94). (Cases were excluded when the data were considered not adequate for accurate analysis, as, for example, when the records were illegible.) It should be understood that other anatomic types of tricuspid atresia may well exist that we have not encountered in our database.
Anatomy | No. of Cases | % of Series ∗ |
| 5 | 5 |
| 44 | 47 |
| 6 | 6 |
| 3 | 3 |
| 18 | 19 |
| 2 | 2 |
| 1 | 1 |
| 2 | 2 |
| 11 | 11 |
| 1 | 1 |
| 1 | 1 |
∗ All percentages are rounded off to the nearest whole number.
We are initially going to attempt to answer this question by following as closely as possible the approach of Dr. Jesse Edwards and his original classification of tricuspid atresia, , because it is useful and widely understood. However, it should also be appreciated that Edwards’ initial classification of tricuspid atresia , was not really a classification of tricuspid atresia per se . Instead, it was a classification of some of the situations in which tricuspid atresia occurs. Edwards’ classification , considers two questions: What is the relationship between the great arteries? And what is the status of the pulmonary outflow tract? These are clinically and surgically important variables, but they have nothing to do with the pathologic anatomy of tricuspid atresia itself.
Later, we will attempt to answer the question, How many anatomic types of tricuspid atresia per se are there? But first, let us begin with Dr. Jesse Edwards’ clinically and surgically useful approach ( Table 13.11 ).
Using the now classical Edwardian approach, , there are at least 11 different anatomic types of tricuspid atresia ( Table 13.11 ). A few words of explanation concerning the table may be helpful: Our anatomic types 1, 2, and 3 correspond to Edwards’ types Ia, Ib, and Ic. Our type 5 corresponds to Edwards’ type II. Most of our other anatomic types of tricuspid atresia are more recently discovered and described anomalies ( Table 13.11 ) that were not envisioned by, and not included in, earlier classifications. As mentioned earlier, there may well be other anatomic types of tricuspid atresia that we have not been privileged to see and study. So Table 13.11 should be regarded as provisional—the best we can do at the present time (September 2007), based on the data available to us.
Why did we talk about D-loop transposition of the great arteries (type 5, Table 13.11 ), rather than simply D-transposition of the great arteries? Because there were two patients with TGA {S,D,A} and one with TGA {S,D,L} (see table footnote). Thus, although D-loop ventricles were present in all, the semilunar interrelationships were those of A-TGA in two and L-TGA in one (not D-TGA) ( Table 13.11 ).
What does isolated noninversion of the great arteries mean? This anomaly (type 10, Table 13.11 ) is so rare that the meaning of the aforementioned designation may not be immediately obvious. Again, the segmental anatomy spells out the anatomy clearly (footnote): {A(I),L,S} with polysplenia, meaning situs ambiguus (A) of the viscera and atria, with basically situs inversus of the atria (I), with concordant L-loop ventricles (L), and with solitus normally related great arteries (S). Hence, only the great arteries are not inverted, whereas both the atrial and the ventricular segments are inverted; thus isolated noninversion of the great arteries is present. However, for rarities like this, we prefer the spelled-out segmental anatomic designation rather than an unfamiliar verbal term. {A(I),L,S} with polysplenia is clear—as long as one understands segmental anatomy. The segmental anatomy also indicates that there is atrioventricular concordance (between inverted atria and L-loop ventricles) and ventriculoarterial concordance (between L-loop ventricles and solitus normally related great arteries). If either concordance (AV or VA) is altered by additional anomalies, such additional malformations must also be described. In a well formulated diagnosis, when additional anomalies are not mentioned, their absence may be assumed.
Specifically what does conjoined twins mean (type 11, Table 13.11 )? Patient 30 was a 4.5-hour-old female (the youngest in this series), conjoined twin B of thoracopagus twins, with multiple congenital anomalies. She had atresia of all four cardiac valves, a unique finding to our knowledge.
Relative frequencies: What is the most common anatomic type of tricuspid atresia, and which is the rarest? Based on our 94 postmortem cases, the relative frequencies of the anatomic types of tricuspid atresia were found to be as follows ( Table 13.11 ):
- 1.
The most common was tricuspid atresia {S,D,S} with pulmonary outflow tract stenosis (47%). (As expected.)
- 2.
Second in frequency (and this was a surprise to us) was tricuspid atresia with D-loop transposition of the great arteries (19%) ( Fig. 13.34 ).
- 3.
Third in frequency (and also a surprise) was left-sided tricuspid atresia with TGA {S,L,L} (11%) ( Fig. 13.35 ).