The Mitral Valve

4 The Mitral Valve

The mitral valve is a large (4.5–6 cm2), anatomically complex three-dimensional structure; hence it is more of an “apparatus” than a valve. It is not circular; hence, even its simplest geometry is not well described in terms of diameter. Maintaining its competence requires that all the components be in ongoing adequate spatial position throughout systole, as the ventricular volume reduces by half, as the ventricular diameter and length reduce, and as the annular area reduces. Some components of the mitral apparatus have fixed dimensions (leaflets and chordae), some actively shorten in systole to preserve the length–tension apparatus (papillary muscles and the left ventricle myocardium between the papillary muscle and the annulus), and some passively shorten (mitral annulus)

Through its lifetime, the mitral valve moves twice per cardiac cycle (in the absence of atrial fibrillation, marked first-degree atrioventricular block, or marked tachycardia), and thus opens and closes through an average of 210,000 cardiac cycles daily, or about 7 billion times in a lifetime of 80 years. Like the aortic valve, it is subjected to systemic pressures, but over a pressure gradient twice as high.

Each component of the mitral valve is susceptible to disease, and, as with aortic insufficiency, not only the severity, but also the cause of the insufficiency, must be sought in all cases of mitral insufficiency. Determining the basis of mitral dysfunction is important, because it may guide the approach to the disease (e.g., emergency surgery for papillary rupture, antibiotics for endocarditis, repair for many myxomatous lesions) and determine the feasibility of surgical repair versus replacement.

Disease may involve a single component of the valve (e.g., endocarditis perforating a leaflet), or several components of the valve (e.g., myxomatous disease lengthening leaflet components, chordae, and the annulus). Disease processes may result in competing effects on valve competence: for example, prolapse may reduce coaptation and displace the valve basally while cavitary dilation secondary to the mitral regurgitation (MR) from the prolapse offsets the prolapse by displacing the papillary muscle anchoring point of the apparatus apically. Some regurgitant orifices are relatively fixed (e.g., flail chordae/leaflets and perforations), and some are dynamic (e.g., mitral valve prolapse, in which the regurgitant orifice may vary in time and severity through systole, and MR due to dilation/remodeling of the left ventricle). The mitral valve is complex, and, as a result, so is mitral insufficiency. Better understanding of the inherent complexity of the mitral valve has improved surgical approaches and, especially, surgical results.

Papillary Muscles

The two papillary muscles are deemed anterolateral and posteromedial, although their position, morphology, and number are prone to variation. Both are located one third of the distance from the base of the left ventricle toward the apex.

Jun 12, 2016 | Posted by in CARDIOLOGY | Comments Off on The Mitral Valve

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