Epidemiology is the study of populations to discover modifiable factors that contribute to disease occurrence and natural history with a view to reducing disease burden through prevention. Asthma is a complex, polygenic disease with heterogeneous manifestations making it difficult to define precisely in population studies. Despite this, global efforts to harmonize outcome definitions have led to detailed understanding of the temporal and spatial variations of asthma prevalence in children. Asthma prevalence notably increased in high-income countries during the final three decades of the 20th century, but the cause for this has never been fully established.
Early life has been implicated as a critical period for the development of asthma. Many environmental influences have been considered as potential risk factors for asthma, but few have been associated with more than modest increases in risk. One barrier to identifying causal risk factors is the clustering of environmental factors with consequent confounding of relationships between environment and disease. Thus even strong and reproducible associations can seldom be regarded as causal without experimental evidence, which is generally lacking.
Despite these difficulties, new approaches to asthma classification, meticulous observations in birth cohorts, technological advances that enable assignment or genetic risk and identification of biomarkers for disease pathways, and analytical advances have contributed to real advances in understanding asthma pathogenesis. The interaction of allergic sensitization with respiratory viral infections offers a promising target for the development of preventative interventions.
asthma epidemiology, prevalence, global health, phenotype, genetics, risk factors
Asthma is one of the most common noncommunicable chronic diseases of childhood. It creates a major public health and economic burden on society through its impact on mortality, morbidity, lost school days for children, lost workdays for parents, quality of life (QoL), and costs of health care. Epidemiologic studies have tracked changes in asthma prevalence across time and place and have provided insights into some of the environmental influences that might influence asthma onset, severity, persistence, and outcome. Longitudinal cohort studies have pointed to early life factors, including genetic predisposition, as being critically important in the development of asthma; however, its cause remains elusive. Recent advances in understanding the genetics of asthma and the application of more robust causal epidemiologic models to the consideration of modifiable exposures associated with asthma onset and natural history have started to get around some of the traditional problems of bias and confounding in epidemiology that hamper the identification of the true causes of disease. This chapter will review asthma epidemiology with particular emphasis on how technological and methodological progress can help unlock the potential of the considerable recent growth of asthma epidemiologic studies around the world.
Epidemiologic Approaches to the Study of Asthma
The goal of epidemiology is to identify modifiable factors that influence disease in populations, thus leading to interventions that will prevent disease from occurring or alter its natural history, either by cure or other reduction in the burden of disease. There are several different study designs that have been used in epidemiology to achieve these aims, of which the randomized control trial (RCT) provides the highest level of evidence for a causal relationship between a risk factor and the disease outcome. This is because covariables associated with the risk factor of interest could themselves influence the disease outcome; for example, many environmental exposures are strongly socially patterned and therefore associated with other variables that are influenced by socioeconomic factors. An illustration of this is that people who work in low-income jobs tend to live in disadvantaged, urban areas where they are exposed to poor housing conditions (damp, molds) and more traffic-related pollution, and their lifestyles are more likely to include higher tobacco and alcohol consumption and less physical exercise. Therefore, in a well-designed RCT where subjects are randomly assigned to an intervention (“risk” factor) or comparison (control) group, their additional environmental and lifestyle factors will also be randomly assorted between the intervention and comparison groups. This means that it can be reasonably inferred that any differences in outcome between the two groups is due solely to the intervention being studied.
In all other conventional epidemiologic study designs, these factors remain as possible explanatory variables that confound the relationship between exposure and outcome. A cross-sectional study samples a population at a point in time, collecting information on exposures and outcomes contemporaneously. It is a relatively quick and resource-effective study design, but suffers from uncertainty about the direction of associations between risk factors and disease. (Did A cause B or did B cause A, or did an unknown C cause both?) A case-control study recruits established cases of disease and draws comparable subjects from a suitable source, such as health care settings, electoral rolls, etc. Exposure history is ascertained retrospectively and therefore subject to problems of recall; differential recall of exposure between cases and controls will introduce bias. This design can consider many different exposures for the disease of interest and is relatively quick to perform as the outcome is already known. The other major study design for epidemiologic purposes is the cohort study, which follows a population sample that is disease-free at recruitment to ascertain disease outcome after a period of time. Exposures are ascertained prospectively so the direction of association between exposure and outcome can usually be reasonably inferred. A particular type of cohort study, the birth cohort in which infants are recruited at birth and followed for many years, has been instrumental in shaping our understanding of the evolution of asthma during childhood and the exposures in early life, including before birth, that influence the onset and the natural history of asthma throughout childhood and beyond. Although it is helpful to establish temporal associations between exposure and disease, as with all study designs the sources of bias and error need to be minimized. A particular issue with cohort studies is loss to follow-up of the initial sample. Where a factor, such as continued participation in a cohort study or recruitment of a clinic sample, is affected by exposure status and outcome, conditioning analysis on this factor, for example, complete-case analysis, can introduce spurious (noncausal) associations between the two variables on which it depends, a form of collider bias described by Berkson and referred to as Berkson bias or paradox. Another variation of the cohort design is an historical cohort study, where an exposure has been measured previously in a disease-free population and that population is contacted at a later date so that outcomes can be ascertained. A good example of this comes from historical records of birth weight in a population of adult males that were traced, and in whom cardiovascular and respiratory outcomes were measured in old age. These showed strong associations between low birth weight and increased risk of cardiovascular disease, low lung function and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) and were instrumental in formulating the concept of the developmental origins hypothesis of health and disease throughout the life course. Finally, an ecological study can be conducted by ascribing exposures and/or outcomes to groups of individuals defined geographically, for example, by country of residence, or temporally. Exposures and outcomes are averaged across populations and thus cannot be ascribed to individuals within these population groups.
Confounders can be taken into account in analyses that control for their influence, but it is seldom the case that all possible confounders can be accounted for, either because they were not measured or in some cases could not be measured, giving rise to residual confounding. One of the difficulties of investigating asthma epidemiology is the huge range of potential explanatory variables that might influence population disease risk, and, hence, confound the associations between risk factors and asthma outcomes. A further complication is the heterogeneity of asthma, which varies in several domains, such as age of onset, frequency and severity of symptoms, response to treatment, association with allergy, and natural history over the life course of the individual. It is conceivable that different types of asthma manifest as phenotypic variation (phenotypes) underpinned by variation in biological pathways (endotypes) that may, in turn, be influenced by different risk factors. If this is the case, modest associations between risk factors and asthma in a population may mask large effects in a subpopulation with a specific phenotype. An example of this might occur with occupational exposures, such as wheat flour causing “baker’s” asthma, which applies to only a limited proportion of a population and results in a specific type of asthma that could be missed without a proper occupational history and its temporal relationship to symptoms. In this instance, modification of the risk factor will likely have no detectable benefit in the population unless it is restricted to those with the risk phenotype. The problem of residual confounding has beset observational epidemiology from its outset and, although criteria have been developed to help strengthen the evidence for casualty, there are many examples in the literature of strong epidemiologic associations that were not confirmed by RCT evidence; indeed, in some cases, associations were discovered to be in the opposite direction. Technological advances that are applicable to population studies enabling large-scale genotyping have led to the discovery of genetic variants (single nucleotide polymorphisms [SNPs]) that influence exposures that themselves may be risk factors for disease, for example, birth weight and smoking behavior. Because genotype is randomly allocated at meiosis, a situation analogous to the RCT can be constructed (with certain constraints) using genetic instruments as an unconfounded proxy for exposure in the mendelian randomization design ( Fig. 42.1 ). As genetic knowledge increases, it is hoped that this approach will allow better inference of casual relationships between exposures and asthma, thus enabling targeting of intervention studies to variables that have stronger prior evidence of causing disease.

Defining Asthma in Epidemiologic Studies
To the majority of clinicians, the diagnosis of asthma appears to be relatively straightforward. A combination of a clinical history of the cardinal symptoms of cough, wheeze, and breathlessness varying over time and associated with identifiable triggers supplemented by measures of airflow obstruction that varies spontaneously or in response to short-acting bronchodilators provides a high prior probability of asthma in children. National and international evidence-based guidelines have been developed to assist pediatricians and primary care physicians in making a diagnosis of asthma and directing its management: http://www.nhlbi.nih.gov.easyaccess2.lib.cuhk.edu.hk/health-pro/guidelines/current/asthma-guidelines ; https://www.brit-thoracic.org.uk/guidelines-and-quality-standards/asthma-guideline/ ; http://ginasthma.org/ .
Of course, although the diagnosis of asthma is often straightforward and treatment effective, there are exceptions when the diagnosis is in doubt, particularly in infants and preschool children, or treatment does not produce the expected reduction in symptoms. Great efforts have been made to avoid underdiagnosis and undertreatment of asthma, which was a perceived problem in the past, but recent concerns have been raised in high-income countries (HICs) that asthma may now be overdiagnosed in some settings, highlighting some of the uncertainties that remain in clinical recognition of the condition. The continued recognition of avoidable asthma deaths in children, however, emphasizes the importance of maintaining a balance that appropriately recognizes and treats children at risk. In epidemiologic studies, which are carried out at population rather than individual level, it is usually impracticable to clinically examine every participant to identify cases of asthma, so different methods need to be employed. The most frequently used of these has been the written asthma questionnaire, which is designed to be self-completed or parent-completed in young children. This evolved from the Medical Research Council (MRC) and International Union against Tuberculosis and Lung Disease (IUTLD) respiratory questionnaires, and has been standardized for use across different countries and cultural settings by the International Study of Asthma and Allergies in Children (ISAAC) survey ( http://isaac.auckland.ac.nz/ ) and is now the most commonly reported method of defining asthma in epidemiologic studies. Concerns have been expressed that parental understanding of the term “wheezing” could lead to bias and misclassification in estimates of asthma prevalence based on questionnaire surveys. Parents’ perception of wheezing has been found to be imprecise compared with clinical findings, different wording of questionnaires can affect prevalence estimates, and clinician-confirmed compared with parent-only reported wheezing was associated with measured airway obstruction in young children, suggesting misclassification of asthma in the latter group. Understanding of the term “wheeze” may also differ between ethnic groups, leading to overestimation or underestimation of its prevalence. The development of a video questionnaire for adolescent children by the ISAAC team ( http://isaac.auckland.ac.nz/phases/phasethree/videoquestionnaire.html ) sought to address the linguistic and sociocultural differences in questionnaire interpretation. This has been validated against bronchial hyperresponsiveness (BHR) in a number of settings with some variation but generally satisfactory agreement. Comparison of the video with the written questionnaire suggests that their agreement is moderate, although the latter may underestimate the prevalence of asthma symptoms in 10- to 12-year-olds. In contrast, an earlier study in a different setting, while suggesting generally good agreement in 13- to 14-year-olds reported that the video questionnaire identified fewer cases than the written questionnaire. A UK cohort study linked responses to asthma questionnaires in a longitudinal birth cohort to primary care diagnoses in electronic patient records and reported that questions about wheezing had high sensitivity but low specificity for a diagnosis of asthma, and BHR was only found in 50% with a primary care diagnosis. Therefore, it is important to be aware of the possible sources of error and bias in epidemiologic estimates of asthma prevalence, particularly when comparing changes over time, or variations across different study settings. It is equally important to recognize that a population of children with asthma identified through an epidemiologic survey will differ from a clinic population, usually through the inclusion of a greater proportion with less severe asthma, and with a greater chance of misclassification, whatever methods are used. Supplementing responses to a written questionnaire with an objective test, such as bronchial responsiveness to a chemical or physical challenge, is likely to increase specificity but reduce sensitivity of identifying asthma cases.
The Prevalence of Asthma
The prevalence of asthma varies by time, place, and person (population). Asthma is generally accepted to occur as a consequence of genetic factors interacting with the environment and lifestyle of an individual, perhaps at critical stages of development. By studying variations of prevalence across the domains of time, place, and person, it is possible to gain insight into the factors influencing asthma in different settings and thereby discover important risk factors for the disease.
Temporal Variation
Following a well-documented epidemic of asthma deaths reported in children and young adults (5–34 years) in several, but not all, industrialized HICs in the 1960s, Burr reported an increase in asthma hospital discharges of 5- to 14-year-old children in Wales. This prompted a series of cross-sectional surveys at intervals, which demonstrated a doubling in the prevalence of ever having asthma in children in South Wales from 6% in 1973 to 12% in 1988; 15 years later. A similar trend was seen in 6–11-year-old children in the US National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (NHANES) between the early and late 1970s, and in a number of other countries over a comparable epoch from the early 1970s through the 1990s, including the UK, Scandinavia, Israel, New Zealand, and Australia. These mainly relied on parental report of wheeze and/or asthma in repeat cross-sectional surveys of parents in the same geographical setting. By 2000, there were indications that the rising prevalence in childhood asthma in high-income, developed countries was coming to an end. A Swiss study based on national surveillance data suggested that this reversal of the previous trend could be explained by fewer consultations for allergic asthma. One of the longest running surveys of asthma and allergy symptoms started in Aberdeen, UK, in 1964, and has used the same methods in repeat studies of the same age group of children in an economically stable environment with low levels of migration in studies spanning a 50-year period. The original surveys showed contemporaneous rises in the prevalence of asthma, eczema, and rhinitis in this age group of children, pointing to a common etiology mediated through influences on allergic mechanisms. However, later studies, which confirmed a “flattening” of the previous trend for increased prevalence of these conditions similar in magnitude and direction to results from comparable HICs, showed a continued rise in the lifetime prevalence of eczema and hay fever, thus throwing doubt on a common etiology of these conditions. Therefore, the summation of evidence, largely from repeat surveys using identical methodology in different settings, suggests that reported asthma prevalence and the prevalence of asthma symptoms showed an increase from the early 1990s until around the end of the 20th century. However, there are a number of considerations that need to be taken into account before accepting this as evidence for a true increase in disease prevalence. These include changes over time in diagnostic coding, such as changes in the International Classification of Diseases (ICD) definitions; diagnostic preference, such that wheezing illnesses may or may not be labeled as asthma; increased population awareness leading to more presentations to health care with asthmalike symptoms; and systematic bias in questionnaire responses. Although repeat surveys were carried out in comparable groups from similar strata of society, they were not the same individuals or families, so they may have differed in their responses without there being a true change in symptoms. Subsequent analyses have suggested a diagnostic shift explaining part of the observed increase in prevalence, but there is still evidence that at least part of the rise in asthma prevalence was real. The ISAAC study has provided a global perspective of these changes in symptoms over time through incorporation of a repeat survey in the third phase of the study (ISAAC phase III), which was designed to describe time trends and factors associated with these in the centers that completed phase I, which established baseline estimates and their geographical variation. Phase III followed the initial phase by at least 5 years with an average interval of 7 years. The study gathered data from over 190,000 6- to 7-year-olds in 37 countries and over 300,000 13- to 14-year-olds in 56 countries. These showed that between 1992 and 1998, and 1999 and 2004, centers were about equally distributed between substantial increases and decreases in the prevalence of asthma symptoms, whereas in 6- to 7-year-olds more centers showed an increase than a decrease in prevalence ( Fig. 42.2 ). Analysis of the relationship of time trends between asthma, eczema, and rhinitis showed that the strongest correlation was between eczema and rhinoconjunctivitis, and the weakest between eczema and asthma. However, the relationships overall showed consistency across the study period, suggesting that similar factors are affecting them at a global level, and there was no strong association with gross national income across the low-income countries to HICs comprising the study centers, despite differences in the proportion of atopic and nonatopic asthma between high- and low-to-middle income countries; nonatopic asthma is more prevalent in the latter.

To address the question of whether reported increases in the prevalence of reported symptoms of asthma represent a true underlying change in disease incidence and/or natural history, it is instructive to consider other markers of disease activity that may indicate whether the figures reflect a change across all grades of asthma severity or the inclusion of a greater proportion of milder disease; the latter could represent diagnostic shift to include milder cases or a true change in asthma severity or its management. For example, better drug treatments or behavioral shifts leading to greater adherence to asthma medication, could impact health care utilization without affecting the underlying disease prevalence. Similarly, changes in health care organization over time, such as greater emphasis on emergency room care, could reduce hospital admission rates without changes in asthma attack rates, perhaps due to direct discharge of more moderate cases. Surveillance data from the United States has confirmed a 4.6% annual increase in asthma 12-month prevalence in children (<17 years) from 1980 through 1995 with a stabilization of current asthma prevalence since 1997. Asthma-related emergency department visits remained relatively stable between 1992–2006 while asthma deaths in US children increased by 3.2% per year from1980 through 1996 and have since decreased. These data are broadly supported by similar trends in the UK ; children (<14 years) had increased reported prevalence of asthma symptoms and about an eight-fold increase in primary care consultations for asthma between the 1970s and mid-1990s. This was accompanied by increased hospital admissions for asthma until 1990, since when they declined ( Fig. 42.3 ). The evidence of increased prevalence of asthma of all grades of severity during the last few decades of the 20th century support a true increase in disease prevalence rather than a broadening of disease classification.

Spatial Variation
The potential of investigating spatial or geographical variations in asthma was exemplified by the landmark studies in Germany following its reunification in 1990. The distinct advantages of this setting were the shared genetic ancestry of the populations of East and West Germany coupled with the contrasting lifestyles and environments of the German Democratic Republic in the East and the Federal Republic of Germany in the West. Thus, it was possible to investigate different environmental influences in two genetically similar groups. At the time, the contemporaneous increase of asthma prevalence in the West and the marked increases in road traffic densities had indicated traffic-related pollution as a possible contributor to asthma etiology. It was reported that the prevalence of atopic sensitization, hay fever, and asthma was higher in children born in the West, where traffic-related pollution dominated, whereas bronchitis prevalence was higher in the East, where industrial sources of pollution persisted. The first phase of the ISAAC study mapped the prevalence of asthma in 6- to 7- and 13- to 14-year-old children using comparable survey methodology, and showed the highest prevalence in countries where English was the first language and which could be described broadly as having a “Westernized” lifestyle, and in Latin America. However, some of the regions with the highest reported levels of air pollution had generally low asthma prevalence, pointing away from air pollution as a major cause of asthma onset (as opposed to exacerbations). The follow-up phase 3 ISAAC report continued to show striking variation in asthma prevalence ( http://isaac.auckland.ac.nz/story/methods/maps.php#mapMenu ) between countries with similar regional patterns to the phase 1 study published 11 years earlier, and was mirrored by the prevalence of symptoms of severe asthma; high prevalence was associated with HICs. Intercountry comparisons of asthma prevalence present an opportunity for ecological analyses of the differences in lifestyles and exposures associated with asthma in these settings. Although such approaches can give clues about possible etiologic factors, population genetic differences could influence the environmental exposures that are instrumental in asthma onset in different populations. This is particularly important in the study of complex, polygenic diseases, such as asthma, that arise from interactions between genes and environment. However, because the confounders of associations between risk factors and asthma almost certainly differ between regions, an opportunity is presented to strengthen causal inference of exposure-outcome links. If associations between a putative risk factor and asthma are replicated in settings with markedly different lifestyles and environments, it is likely that confounding plays a lesser role in explaining such relationships, making the risk factor the more probable (causal) explanation.
One key difference between countries with contrasting asthma prevalence in the ISAAC studies is the degree of urbanization. An attempt has been made to address this question using satellite images to estimate the extent of urban development and matching these to ISAAC study centers. Despite some, but not all, regional studies, mostly set in low-income countries, reporting links between increased urbanization and asthma prevalence, this global perspective showed only weak evidence of any association between urban development and asthma prevalence, including severe asthma symptoms, in children. Considering asthma prevalence in HICs, there is clear evidence from the United States that asthma prevalence is higher in urban areas with a high proportion of ethnic minority populations, and this is reflected in higher indicators of morbidity and mortality in children of Hispanic and African-American origin. Many possible explanatory factors for this observation have been suggested, including genetic predisposition and environmental exposures associated with social disadvantage, such as outdoor and indoor air pollution, allergens, infectious agents, and diet. These will be considered further under etiologic factors associated with asthma. A further ecologic association arising from the ISAAC studies is the low prevalence of reported asthma in countries where a high proportion of the population lives in rural areas with reliance on subsistence farming. These observations are consonant with studies from rural communities, mainly in middle Europe, but replicated in other settings, where the prevalence of asthma and allergy has been reported to be lower in children growing up on farms and exposed to livestock and other factors, such as drinking unpasteurized milk. The common mediating factor of this protective effect is now believed to be early life exposure to microorganisms and their cellular constituents, including endotoxins. Higher levels of endotoxin in dust collected from farms has been associated with lower prevalence of sensitization and allergic diseases, although later exposure from household dust can exacerbate asthma symptoms in urban settings. Recent evidence suggests that the protective effect of endotoxin exposure in early life is mediated through induction of an enzyme (A20) in the pulmonary epithelium that modifies interactions between the epithelium, antigen-presenting cells, and the innate immune system.
Of particular interest in the geophysical variation of asthma prevalence is the effect of migration between settings with widely varying rates of asthma. Migrants from countries with low asthma prevalence to high prevalence countries have acquired the rates of asthma in the local population, with the effect dependent on the time spent in the adopted country. There is also evidence that the younger age at which migration occurred in these circumstances, the higher the prevalence of later asthma, lending support to the early origins hypothesis that environment in infancy and early childhood is critical for the development of diseases through the life course. The ISAAC study group has recently analyzed data on migration and reported that being born outside the country of study was associated with a lower prevalence of asthma in both 6- to 7- and 13- to 14-year-old children. This protective effect was restricted to affluent countries and was not evident in low-income settings with low asthma prevalence. It was also lost with increasing time spent in the host country, and points to environmental factors as opposed to genetic factors being important in the variation of the prevalence of asthma between countries.
Variation by Gender and Ethnicity
Asthma prevalence is disproportionately higher in black and ethnic minority populations than in white children of European ancestry. The explanations for such disparities are likely to be multifactorial and include genetic and environmental influences, urban living, poverty, and access to health care. Although asthma has high heritability, racial and ethnic minorities are underrepresented in genetic studies of asthma (see: http://www.ebi.ac.uk/gwas/home for a catalog of genome wide association studies [GWAS]) and the current commercially available chips for genome wide, SNP screens were derived from populations of mainly European descent. In Southern California, a study using genetic markers of ancestry in Hispanic children showed that those with a lower proportion of African ancestry were at a lower risk for asthma than those who had major contributions from European or Amerindian ancestries. In common with many other developed, Anglophone countries, asthma prevalence in children in the United States approximately doubled from the early 1980s until the late 1990s. At the beginning of this period, there was little disparity between white and black children, whereas by 2010, the prevalence in African-American children was twice that of their white peers. During the period from 2000 onwards, when the previous increase in asthma prevalence in US children has plateaued, the disparity between asthma in black and white children also stopped increasing. This was largely due to a slowdown in the increasing prevalence of non-Hispanic black children, although asthma prevalence in some groups continued to rise, including those from a deprived socioeconomic background. In addition to higher asthma prevalence, African-American and Hispanic children in the United States were reported previously to have increased rates of hospitalization, emergency department use, and mortality due to asthma than their white counterparts, although a national analysis of in-patient data has reported increased mortality only for Native American children and not for other racial or ethnic groups. In the same study, the length of hospital stay after admission for an asthma attack was related to indicators of social deprivation but was shorter in Asian than in white children. In the UK Leicester Respiratory cohort, which has a high proportion of South Asian participants, a higher prevalence of ever having wheezed was reported in Asian compared with white children, but current symptoms of wheeze and night cough at age 6 years were similar between the two groups. In this study, associations with risk factors were also similar between white and South Asian children. Others have reported racial disparities in some associations, including body mass index (BMI), which was more strongly associated with asthma in US children who were male, non-Hispanic black, and living in deprived neighborhoods, traffic-related air pollution (TRAP), which was associated with hospital readmission in white but not African-American children, and possibly airway inflammatory responses to environmental tobacco smoke (ETS) in adolescents. Intriguingly, racial differences in treatment responses in severe, therapy-resistant asthma have been reported, with poorer fractional exhaled nitric oxide (FeNO) responses in black than white children to intramuscular steroid injections. The mechanism of this has yet to be discovered, although differences in genes affecting pharmacologic responses are likely to be important and could pave the way to personalized approaches to treatment.
Asthma is more common in males in early childhood but a gender switch in asthma prevalence occurs around the time of puberty, so asthma prevalence in young adults is higher in females than males; although reporting bias in favor of asthma in young males has been suggested to explain at least part of the apparent gender switch. The ISAAC study reported a higher prevalence of asthma in males at 6–7 years and a higher prevalence in females at 13–14 years with considerable variation between centers. In the UK longitudinal Isle of Wight cohort, males had a higher prevalence of asthma up to 10 years, which had reversed to higher female prevalence by 18 years, with more wheezing females gaining an asthma diagnosis between 10 and 18 years. Some cross-sectional studies have suggested that the sex discordance in asthma observed through the peripubertal period has become less exaggerated in recent years. There is some uncertainty about the precise age at which the gender switch occurs and its relation to the onset and timing of puberty. Symptom severity has been reported to be greater in boys in early childhood, transitioning through 7–9 years to be greater in females from 10 to 17 years, with a marked influence of puberty on symptom progression. Early menarche in girls has been associated with an increased risk of incident asthma. These observations have implicated estrogenic effects as potential mediators of the increased prevalence and severity of asthma in females around the time of puberty. Estrogen receptors are expressed on many cell types, including airway smooth muscle. Their expression in immune cell lines is associated with enhancement of allergic inflammation through Th2 skewing of immune responses, isotype switching of B cells to immunoglobulin E (IgE) production and mast cell degranulation. On the other hand, some evidence points away from estrogenic effects, such as fluctuations in bronchial responsiveness through the menstrual cycle being associated with alterations in serum testosterone concentrations, and it is probable that multiple factors, including sex differences in biological and lifestyle variables, are associated with the changes in asthma prevalence that occur during transition to early adulthood.
Outcomes of Childhood Asthma
A high proportion of asthma presents with symptoms in early childhood, when recurring, intermittent wheeze is very common, affecting 30%–50% of infants and young children. A substantial number of children with early onset wheezing will have symptom remission during childhood, especially those with milder symptoms and an absence of severe attacks requiring hospital admission. Prospective longitudinal studies of asthma have been of vital importance to understanding the outcomes of asthma in childhood. These avoid the inevitable pitfalls of recall bias whereby adults with asthma are more likely to report symptoms in childhood than those whose asthma has resolved. The Melbourne Children’s Asthma Study is one of the longest-running studies of asthma in childhood, having recruited 7-year-old children with asthma and wheeze in 1964, with a supplemental recruitment of those with more severe disease at the age of 10 years. Outcomes from this seminal study have now been reported through 50 years of age and have shown that a number of factors in childhood; asthma severity, female sex, and coexistent hay fever were associated with asthma presence in mid-adulthood. Furthermore, severe asthma and asthma in childhood, compared with wheezing bronchitis and healthy controls, were associated with lower forced expiratory volume in 1 second (FEV 1 ) and the ratio of FEV 1 to forced vital capacity (FEV 1 /FVC) in adults; severe asthma was strongly associated with COPD despite a high proportion of this cohort being never smokers. The lung function differences seen at age 50 years were not explained by between-group differences in the rate of FEV 1 decline in adulthood, suggesting that these differences were established in childhood and persisted (“tracked”) to adult life. This observation is consistent with results of a large comparative study of adult cohorts, which showed that low FEV 1 in early adulthood followed by physiological rates of decline was associated with COPD in a substantial proportion of participants, and supports accumulating evidence about the early life origins of COPD. Another long-running cohort study of asthma in children from Dunedin, New Zealand, also showed evidence of low lung function in adults with persistent wheezing from childhood and had previously reported allergic sensitization, airway hyperresponsiveness, female sex, and smoking as risk factors for the persistence of symptoms in early adulthood and showed similar tracking of low lung function from recruitment at age 9 years. In the UK, a follow-up at 50 years of children recruited in 1964 confirmed associations of childhood asthma with COPD in the absence of accelerated decline of FEV 1 during adulthood. A report from the Childhood Asthma Management Program (CAMP) research group categorized children on the basis of trajectories of repeat lung function measurements and showed that children with persistent asthma with reduced lung function growth were at risk for fixed airflow obstruction and possible COPD in early adulthood. This subject is discussed in more detail in Chapter 15 .
Severity and Mortality
As asthma prevalence increased in children in the early 1980s, there was a parallel increase observed in asthma hospitalization rates in the same countries, suggesting that the increased prevalence was not wholly explained by the increased recognition of milder cases. However, since the 1990s, hospital admission rates for asthma in children stabilized or decreased in many developed countries. In a US survey, the rates of one or more asthma attacks in the past 12 months in children remained stable over the period 2001–2010. However, these trends were not replicated in all settings. A recent Scandinavian study analyzed hospital discharge codes over a 35-year period and concluded that the asthma admission rate for children had remained stable in the time period 1977–2012 at around 1 per year per 1000 children at risk. The rate of admission for asthma in children in Spain fell from 20.5 to 18.8 per 100,000 from 2002 to 2012, while during an almost contemporaneous period in neighboring France (2002–2010) the age standardized rate of admission in children increased by 2.5% per year. Therefore, variations in time trends of hospital admission rates for asthma likely depend on factors other than the background prevalence of severity. Neighborhood deprivation was associated with increased odds for hospitalization even after taking account of maternal socioeconomic indicators in a Swedish study that included over 17,500 children admitted to hospital with asthma. In a US study of geographical access to care in two states, severe asthma outcomes including emergency department visits and hospitalization differed in their associations with access to care according to a number of factors, including which outcome measure was used.
Many factors have been identified that are associated with increased risk of hospitalization for asthma in children. A recent systematic review of ETS exposure concluded that children with asthma exposed to tobacco smoke were nearly twice as likely to be hospitalized for asthma. The introduction of smoke-free legislation in Scotland in 2006, prior to which asthma admissions were rising at around 5% per year, was associated with a decline of 18.2% per year in both preschool and school-aged children and was independent of socioeconomic status. Similar findings were reported from England when national legislation was adopted in 2007.
Poor adherence to treatment has been identified as a risk for severe asthma outcomes and may be manifested by increased reliance on reliever medications. A US study used a controller-to-total asthma medication indicator in children and found that a ratio of less than 0.5 was associated with increased risk for subsequent hospitalization or emergency department attendance. Psychological stress induced by the death of a close relative was associated with increased risk of asthma hospitalization in adolescents. Acute exposures to environmental factors can trigger transient increases in hospitalizations for asthma. These include extremes of weather conditions, seasonal factors, including allergen exposure and respiratory infections, and air pollution. Genetic factors may also increase the risk of severe asthma exacerbations in relation to specific exposures. A polymorphism of the β-2 receptor has been associated with an increased risk of hospitalization, emergency care, or intensification of treatment in children prescribed long-acting sympathomimetic bronchodilators, and genetic variants in endotoxin signaling pathways can interact with indoor endotoxin exposure to increase the risk of hospitalization in children with asthma.
Severe Asthma
Although the majority of children with asthma have mild-to-moderate disease that can be managed effectively with appropriate controller medications, a proportion have severe and/or therapy-resistant disease. International consensus guidelines on the definition, evaluation, and management of severe asthma in children have been published and its heterogeneity has been documented using cluster analysis in a US study. A recent European study has used a case-control design to identify features of severe asthma in children compared with those with persistent but nonsevere disease. In a multivariate analysis, severe asthma was characterized by sensitization to food allergens (previously reported as a risk factor for life-threatening asthma), hospitalization and emergency visits for asthma, symptoms in response to physical activity, and lower lung function, although half the cases had FEV 1 within the normal range. Interestingly, the cases could not be distinguished from controls by the home environment (apart from tobacco smoke exposure), parental education, or adherence to treatment.
Asthma Deaths
An epidemic of reported asthma deaths was observed in some, but not all, industrialized HICs in the latter half of the 20th century, beginning in the 1960s. Registered causes of death of 5- to 34-year-olds were analyzed from 1959 to 1979 and found to increase in New Zealand, Australia, England, and Wales, but not in the United States, Canada, or West Germany. As with all temporal trends, it is important to consider changes over time in disease classification, the way death certificates are completed and recorded, and a shift in diagnostic preferences. Of note, the return to preepidemic death rates was slower in New Zealand than in other countries, and New Zealand experienced a “second epidemic” in the 1970s, suggesting specific geographical factors in asthma management. This led to speculation that inhaled sympathomimetic drugs were implicated, supported by ecological evidence of higher sales of these (and other) asthma drugs in New Zealand, and some evidence that regular corticosteroids were underused. Further evidence from case control studies implicated the potent β-sympathomimetic drug, fenoterol in deaths due to asthma. A recent Cochrane review of another β-sympathomimetic drug implicated in asthma deaths, formoterol, considered 20 studies in adults and 7 studies in children and adolescents. All deaths occurred in adults, and the authors concluded, on the basis of low-quality evidence, that there was weak evidence of increased adverse events associated with regular use of formoterol in children However, two recent multicenter RCTs comparing combination corticosteroids/long-acting bronchodilators in adults and adolescents (>12 years) using budesonide/formoterol and in children (4–11 years) using fluticasone/salmeterol showed noninferiority of combination treatment compared with inhaled corticosteroid alone in relation to serious asthma-related adverse events. Deaths from asthma in childhood are relatively uncommon in HICs, having declined since the 1990s. National surveillance surveys have been used to attempt to identify factors associated with increased risk of asthma mortality. In New South Wales, Australia, 20 children died from asthma over the 10-year period, 2004–2013 ( http://www.ombo.nsw.gov.au/news-and-publications/publications/annual-reports/nsw-child-death-review/nsw-child-death-review-team-annual-report-2013 ). Risk factors for death included older age, low socioeconomic status, psychosocial problems, and Asian or Pacific Island racial background. A high proportion of those who died had a record of hospitalization in the previous 12 months; other factors identified were lack of follow-up care after admission, poor adherence to medication, and suboptimal asthma control. The Royal College of Physicians in the UK led a national confidential enquiry into all asthma deaths occurring in the year commencing February 2012 ( https://www.rcplondon.ac.uk/projects/national-review-asthma-deaths ). Of 195 people that died, the majority had asthma diagnosed as adults and only 28 deaths were in people younger than 19 years. Of all those who died, important factors identified were previous hospital admissions, attendance at an emergency department in the 12 months prior to death, failure to seek medical assistance during the final attack, and lack of specialist follow-up care. A low proportion of patients had personal asthma action plans or had received an asthma review in primary care in the year before death. Avoidable factors were identified in almost two-thirds of asthma deaths, including smoking and exposure to tobacco smoke, poor adherence to medications, psychosocial problems, and nonattendance at review appointments. In children and young people, poor recognition of the risk of adverse outcome was found to be of particular relevance.
Quality of Life and Economic Impact of Asthma
There is little doubt that asthma impacts on the QoL of both children and their caregivers. Several factors may impact on the QoL of a child with asthma, including asthma control and health care visits, asthma attacks, medication routines, family factors, socioeconomic status, and caregiver QoL. A systematic review of the magnitude of QoL impairments in 7- to 18-year-old children with asthma compared with healthy controls found lower overall QoL and lower scores in the domains of physical, psychological, and social functioning. An attempt to quantify the impact of a range of 20 chronic childhood conditions using standard health economic methods reported that asthma and allergies were the most prevalent, but had the least impact in terms of loss of quality adjusted life years (QALYs). A range of asthma QoL instruments, which may be self-reported or, for younger children, parent or caregiver reported, has been developed and validated. An example of a commonly used suite of questionnaires can be accessed at: https://www.qoltech.co.uk/index.htm . QoL in children with asthma is linked to poor symptom control and reduced lung function. However, children with equivalent measures of asthma control can have marked differences in QoL scores measured using standardized instruments, which relate, in part, to psychological and family factors, including anxiety and depression. Recent evidence has shown that the age of a child moderates the association between asthma severity and QoL, with older children reporting a greater impact on QoL as asthma severity increased. QoL impacts in childhood asthma extend to caregivers and families; in the former case, there is an interrelationship between parent/caregiver QoL and that of the child, including measures of asthma control. Parents of children with poorly controlled asthma report impaired QoL for emotional and family activities. There is evidence for racial disparities in the impacts on QoL of parents of children with asthma, with black and Hispanic caregivers perceiving a greater burden of their children’s asthma. However, this may depend on the extent of cultural and psychological adaptation (acculturation) of these families, with less acculturation being associated with an apparent protective role in reducing the burden of asthma on urban, African-American families.
In the US, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) has estimated the proportion of schooldays missed by children aged 5–17 years due to asthma to be equivalent to 13.8 million schooldays with slightly higher rates reported in black and Hispanic children, and in those from poorer social strata ( http://www.cdc.gov/asthma/asthmadata.htm ). In addition, lost productivity due to parental absence from work to care for their children with asthma accounts for a substantial proportion of the indirect costs of asthma.
As well as impacts on individuals’ and families’ QoL, asthma carries an economic cost to society, which can be accounted through direct health care resource costs, including emergency care, hospitalizations, physician visits and medication costs, and indirect costs incurred through loss of productivity. Many of the attempts to quantify the economic burden of asthma have been carried out in rich countries and various country-specific estimates have been published (see http://www.globalasthmareport.org/burden/economic.php ). In Europe, for example, the total costs attributed to asthma in adults and children amounted to almost €34 billion ($38 billion; £26 billion) at 2011 values (ERJ White Book: http://www.erswhitebook.org/ ) of which almost 60% was accounted for by the direct costs of health care including medications. The equivalent costs in the US are estimated to be $56 billion (€50 billion; £39 billion), of which the greatest portion is attributed to direct health care costs ( https://www.epa.gov/asthma/2016-asthma-fact-sheet ). Although severe phenotypes of asthma account for a small proportion of the total disease burden, they make a disproportionately high contribution to the economic costs of asthma (GINA report Global Strategy for Asthma Management and Prevention, 2015 update at: www.ginasma.it ). The mean monthly costs of children with very poorly controlled asthma compared with not-well-controlled, or well-controlled disease, have been estimated to be more than twice as high.
Phenotypic Variation
Temporal Progression of Symptoms
In a seminal paper from the Tucson Children’s Respiratory Study based on wheezing history from birth to 6 years, three discrete phenotypes were described with varying associations with lung function, allergic sensitization, and outcome. This study was instrumental in establishing the concept of transient early wheezing in the first few years after birth as a condition distinct from asthma and most likely to arise as a consequence of an airway developmental disorder with low airway function measured soon after birth, a lack of association with allergic sensitization, and loss of symptoms by 6 years of age. Subsequently, in recognition of the phenotypic heterogeneity of asthma and wheezing illnesses in children, several groups have taken various approaches to classifying wheezing from early childhood by temporal progression of symptoms. Most have used statistical approaches that involve clustering symptom patterns using either a single cardinal symptom (wheeze) or several symptoms combined. These methods are generally regarded as data driven with no prior stipulations about the number or characteristics of the phenotypes derived. In a large, population-based study in the UK, latent class analysis was used to derive five different temporal patterns of wheezing from birth to 7 years. The important point to note here is that latent classes are not observable, so individual subjects cannot be assigned to a specific phenotype, but instead have a set of probabilities of belonging to one or several classes. Latent structures in the data are simply a way of describing variations that may have distinct underlying biological pathways (endotypes) with discoverable and preventable risk factors. Therefore, these methods are not directly translatable to the clinic but can be regarded as hypothesis-generating approaches. Replication studies in several different cohorts using latent class analysis or variants of this method confirmed the general description of these temporal classes or phenotypes. Wheezing phenotypes that started early (within 6–18 months after birth) and persisted through mid-childhood were particularly associated with a family history of asthma, evidence of allergic sensitization, and reduced airway function in later childhood. Similar associations with lung function outcomes have been reported in a Scandinavian cohort using simple categorization to different wheezing patterns; early persistent wheeze was associated with low FEV 1 at age 16 years and with evidence of small airway dysfunction. Although all wheezing phenotypes compared with children who never wheezed show some decrement in measures of airway function in later childhood, persistent wheeze has also been associated with low growth of FEV 1 through adolescence. Extended latent class analysis of wheeze to age 16 years has recently been reported in a UK birth cohort with similar outcomes associated with persistent wheezing phenotypes; increased bronchodilator responsiveness, lower FEV 1 /FVC, and higher FeNO levels ( Fig. 42.4 ). Using a similar statistical approach, but including multiple data dimensions in the Leicester cohorts in the UK enabled identification of three wheezing phenotypes and two of chronic cough. These have subsequently been replicated in an independent, population-based cohort with two distinct phenotypes showing consistency between the discovery and replication samples; atopic persistent wheeze and transient viral wheeze. The overall synopsis of this series of studies is that wheeze that begins in early childhood and becomes persistent is associated with a poorer prognosis than other wheezing patterns. However, the original premise to identify factors influencing different phenotypes has not materialized; known associations of transient early wheezing and low airway function in early childhood with exposure to tobacco smoke during pregnancy and factors associated with a lower incidence of lower respiratory infections in early childhood have emerged from association studies with derived phenotypes, but there were few exposures that showed clear differentiation between different patterns of wheeze. The derived phenotypes have been shown to have external validity in a German comparison of latent class-derived and clinical phenotypes and comparison between these two enabled the discovery of a previously unrecognized clinical phenotype of intrauterine tobacco smoke exposure, decreased lung function, increased genetic risk for asthma, but without an established asthma diagnosis or treatment associated with unremitting wheeze. A joint modeling approach has also been applied to data in a cohort from Manchester, where the availability of links to clinical records allowed latent class analysis of parent reported and physician-confirmed wheezing. This enabled the separation of children with persistent wheezing into those with mild, controlled disease and those with “persistent troublesome wheeze” with the latter displaying reduced lung function, increased airway responsiveness, and a marked increase in exacerbations and hospitalizations compared to the other classes.

Translating evidence from preschool wheeze in epidemiologic studies to a clinically useful phenotypic definition led the European Respiratory Society Task Force to propose discrimination between episodic viral wheeze (EVW) and multitrigger wheeze (MTW), the latter being more likely to be associated with the development of asthma, and should be treated with inhaled corticosteroids. However, these phenotypes are not stable over time and a bronchoscopic study including children with EVW and MTW compared with nonwheezing controls showed no differences in age of onset, symptom duration, prevalence of atopy, or markers of airway inflammation (eosinophils, epithelial loss, and basement membrane thickness) between the two wheezing phenotypes, suggesting they were part of the same spectrum of disease rather than distinct pathological subtypes of asthma. In contrast, invasive studies have shown differences in bronchoalveolar lavage and endobronchial biopsy cellularity between EVW, predominantly neutrophilic, and MTW, classically eosinophilic, and there is evidence that EVW has less severe airway obstruction and impairment of gas mixing and lower FeNO compared with MTW. In practice, these features may be difficult to establish clinically, and a review of the previous Task Force guidance acknowledges greater uncertainty in the distinction between early life wheezing phenotypes and their responses to pharmacological treatment, although the presence of eosinophilia is likely to be associated with a beneficial response to inhaled corticosteroids.
Inflammatory Subtypes
The classification of asthma in adults has evolved around observed biomarkers of disease, including histopathological examination of airway mucosal inflammatory subtypes. Similar approaches in children have largely been limited to specific groups that have either been sampled opportunistically during anesthesia for unrelated conditions, or have presented with diagnostic challenges or severe disease that mandated bronchoscopic investigation. Thus, such approaches have mainly been applied to the classification of more severe disease phenotypes. Less invasive markers of airway inflammation are available, including the measurement of FeNO, the assessment of inflammatory cells in induced sputum, and the measurement of inflammatory markers in exhaled breath condensate. These biomarkers have largely been evaluated in the context of asthma control or responses to specific interventions, although application to different phenotypes of asthma in children has yielded some interesting findings. Sputum examination in a subset of the UK Isle of Wight cohort showed eosinophilia in adolescent-onset disease, which was not seen in persistent asthma from the age of 10 years, although the significance of this was not clear. As expected, sputum eosinophilia was greater in atopic compared with nonatopic asthma in this population. However, one of the potential pitfalls of using sputum cell counts to categorize asthma is that they may not be stable over time. Raised FeNO has been associated with longitudinal wheezing phenotypes, but only those associated with allergic sensitization ; therefore, it has little utility in adding to the understanding of the nature of these phenotypes. Examination of peripheral blood mononuclear cells has revealed differences in immune regulatory mechanisms between nonallergic and allergic asthma, and cytokine expression patterns in response to house dust mite extracts have displayed distinct immunophenotypes associated with house dust mite sensitization and asthma. The development of biomarkers that can be acquired through less invasive means and their implementation through systems biology is likely to lead to a better understanding of disease processes underpinning the phenotypic heterogeneity of asthma in children and may allow the development of personalized treatments or prevention strategies.
Severe Asthma
Children with severe asthma share some distinct features, including more allergic sensitization and poorer lung function than those with mild-to-moderate disease. They contribute a disproportionate burden to health care resources and are at greater risk of severe exacerbations and death from asthma. As with other forms of asthma, there is recognized phenotypic heterogeneity in this group as well. Cluster analysis of children in the US Severe Asthma Research Program (SARP) identified four different phenotypes that were characterized largely by differences in age of onset and lung function, which have been combined with adult clusters from the same study to form a composite theoretical model of severe asthma phenotypes. However, even within the adult clusters based on clinical variables, there was evidence of substantial heterogeneity in sputum inflammatory cell populations. Clusters identified in the SARP were replicated in an independent cohort, and a separate cluster analysis of children with persistent asthma enrolled in the CAMP identified five clusters that were differentiated on the basis of the atopy, airway obstruction, and exacerbation history. There was also evidence of differential responses to inhaled corticosteroids between clusters. Five clusters of severe asthma were also identified in 6- to 11-year-old children participating in the Epidemiology and Natural History of Asthma: Outcomes and Treatment Regimens (TENOR) study, in this case characterized by atopy, sex, ethnicity, and exposure to tobacco smoke. Similar approaches to disaggregating different phenotypes of severe asthma have been applied to European populations. In a French study, two severe and one milder phenotype of asthma were identified by cluster analysis in 6- to 12-year-old children. The two severe clusters included children who were highly atopic with mild lung function deficits and with poor control despite high-dose inhaled corticosteroids in one cluster, and slightly older children with severe airway obstruction in the other. Although no airway inflammatory markers were included, the former group had high peripheral eosinophil counts while the latter featured a more neutrophilic pattern. The predominant inflammatory cell type identified in the airways of children with severe asthma is the eosinophil, which has been identified in the airways of children with severe wheeze in the preschool age group. In contrast with adults, neutrophilic inflammation does not appear to predominate in severe asthma in children. There appears to be some consistency between phenotypes emerging from unsupervised cluster analyses focused on children with severe asthma and those derived from latent structures in population-based data in that the persistence of symptoms with severe exacerbations accompanied by evidence of often multiple allergic sensitization and decrements of airway function marks those children that constitute the highest burden of asthma in the pediatric population. Greater understanding of the endotypes associated with this phenotype is expected to lead to advances in the management of this often difficult to treat group.
Atopic and Nonatopic Asthma
The most common clinically applied method to phenotyping asthma is to classify it as atopic or nonatopic on the basis of evidence of allergic sensitization. Atopic asthma is characterized by eosinophilic airway inflammation, and is associated with other allergic disorders, such as eczema and hay fever, and tends to be more severe than nonatopic asthma. Estimates vary about the proportion of asthma in children that is associated with atopy; up to half of asthma cases in population-based studies are classified as nonatopic. There is a difference in the relative prevalence of atopic and nonatopic asthma between countries. The population-fraction of asthma attributable to atopy has been reported to be about twice as high in affluent compared with nonaffluent countries, and in Latin America, only a small proportion of asthma is associated with atopy. In children living in a poor area of Ecuador, the population-attributable fraction of recent asthma symptoms was only 2.4%, with heavy parasitic infestation strongly inversely associated with atopic wheezing. Therefore, asthma prevalence in countries with high microbial and parasitic exposure may be explained by different factors than those identified in affluent countries, where atopic asthma is more likely to predominate. It has been speculated that microbial load could be a risk factor for nonatopic asthma. There is certainly evidence that microbial exposure, even in affluent settings, can be differentially associated with asthma severity in children with atopic and nonatopic asthma. However, whether this mechanism is a critical pathway for asthma inception in less affluent countries remains to be conclusively determined. Associations with other putative risk factors for asthma have also been shown to have differential effects depending on the atopic phenotype. These are considered under the various categories of exposures below. It might be supposed, given the differences in exposures associated with increased risk of either atopic or nonatopic asthma, that these phenotypes would associate with clear differences in airway inflammation.
A cross-sectional study of sputum inflammatory cells and chemokines from children with atopic or nonatopic asthma based on the presence or absence of a positive skin prick test or specific serum IgE response showed that those with atopic asthma had a higher proportion of eosinophils than nonatopic asthma or nonasthma controls; however, there were no differences in sputum neutrophil percentages between the three groups, although the children with nonatopic asthma had higher total neutrophil numbers. Sputum cytokine concentrations were consistent with these findings, with atopic asthma (rather than nonatopic asthma) being associated with higher levels of interferon-gamma (IFN-γ), interleukin (IL)-2, IL-4, and IL-5, and both asthma groups having higher concentrations than the controls. Although this study seems to confirm eosinophilic airway inflammation as the typical inflammatory phenotype of atopic asthma, others have reported neutrophilic inflammation in induced sputum to predominate in nonatopic asthma. However, in a bronchoscopic study, no differences were reported in eosinophils and eosinophil cationic protein levels between children with atopic or nonatopic asthma, and there were no differences in neutrophils or related Th1 mediators IL-8 and tumor necrosis factor (TNF)-α between the asthma and the control groups. Therefore, there remains uncertainty about the inflammatory endotype underpinning asthma phenotypes in children differentiated by the presence of evidence for allergic sensitization. Additionally, concepts of allergy are changing with recognition that different patterns of sensitization are associated with different manifestations of asthma (see section “Allergy, Asthma, and the Allergic March,” p. 663 for more details).
The Genetics of Asthma
Changes in the prevalence of asthma over time in the latter part of the 20th century in many affluent countries have been ascribed to likely changes in environment and lifestyle; these were thought to be too rapid to be due to genetic shifts in the population, although asthma is a highly heritable disease. Twin studies were the classic design to apportion disease inception to nature (genetics) or nurture (environment and lifestyle). Monozygotic twins share the same DNA, whereas dizygotic twins will share approximately 50% of their genes on average. In the majority of cases, their early life environment will also be shared, so comparing disease outcomes between the two biological categories of twins it is possible to estimate what proportion of disease is heritable. Using this approach, a large number of twin studies have been carried out to estimate the contribution of heritable factors to asthma, and heritability estimates have generally been high, ranging from 50% to 90%. A study of over 20,000 Danish twin pairs recently not only confirmed the importance of heritable factors for asthma in childhood, but also that the importance of this diminished through the life course into late adulthood. They also reported that different genes influenced the liability to asthma in males and females, although the proportion of asthma explained by genetic factors did not differ between the sexes. A Swedish study of over 25,000 twin pairs recently reported a heritability estimate for childhood asthma of 82%. Therefore, it is clear that genetic factors are important in the development of childhood asthma. This does not negate the importance of environment in explaining temporal trends in asthma prevalence but it does highlight the roles of gene–environment interactions in asthma, and the influence of environment on gene expression through epigenetic mechanisms.
Methods used for the discovery of asthma genes have evolved over time, driven—to a large extent—by advances in genotyping technology that have scaled up throughput and reduced costs to make it feasible to apply these technologies to population studies. The earliest studies used a candidate gene approach, which is usually applied to a case-control study, to look for enrichment of a marker for a gene of interest in cases compared with controls, either without disease or from a general population sample. In this approach, the function of the gene is known a priori and, unsurprisingly, genes in immune pathways have featured large in candidate gene studies of asthma. Although this is a way to test hypotheses about association of genes with asthma, it does not have any utility for gene discovery. Many candidate gene studies for asthma have been published and extensively reviewed with particular focus on those that have been replicated in more than a handful of studies. Next came genome-wide approaches, initially through family linkage studies looking for cosegregation of genes with disease in family members, and positional cloning followed by GWAS in which the idea is to tag all common variations in the human genome and perform a hypothesis-free analysis of association of these SNP tags with disease. This has been made possible by high throughput genotyping platforms that type over 1 million SNPs. Through the HapMap project (the database has been retired by The National Center for Biotechnology Information) and the 1000 Genomes study ( http://www.1000genomes.org/ ), it is possible to impute SNPs that were not directly typed. Due to of the number of tests being carried out, the false discovery burden of GWAS means that very large sample sizes are needed to have statistical power to detect “significant” associations. One of the limitations of GWAS is that it will detect only common risk variants and most results from GWAS studies in asthma to date have yielded risk alleles that together account for a small proportion of the genetic risk, leading to the so-called “hidden heredity” of asthma. Resequencing studies are now being done to investigate rare variants in asthma susceptibility. Rare variants with large effects have been postulated to contribute to the hidden heritability of asthma, although recent evidence suggests that this may not be as important as previously thought. A meta-analysis of 20 genome-wide linkage studies identified two regions (2p21-p14 and 6p21) with evidence of linkage to asthma in European families. Large GWAS of asthma in children and adults have identified SNPs associated with asthma at genome-wide levels of significance, which have been replicated in independent populations. The association of asthma with SNPs in the 17q21 region was shown to be primarily with asthma of childhood origin. This has been confirmed in a recent GWAS of age of asthma onset with additional regions (9p24 and 17q12-q21) which was also associated with the earlier onset of asthma. Other asthma phenotypes have been considered, and GWAS have discovered associations with the asthma, hay fever/rhinitis phenotype, and childhood asthma with severe exacerbations. In the latter case, the susceptibility locus CDHR3 was subsequently found to mediate binding and replication of human rhinovirus (HRV) C.
Gene–Environment Interactions
Knowledge that environmental factors and the timing of exposure are important associations of asthma onset in early childhood has focused attention on interactions between genetic and environmental influences explaining variations in asthma risk. One consequence of assembling the very large consortia needed for GWAS studies is that they tend to come from widely varying geographical distributions and hence a very heterogeneous exposure background, which could reduce the chances of detecting genetic associations in GWAS. Most gene–environment interaction studies to date have taken a candidate gene approach, seeking to find evidence that genetic variation in known biologic pathways or with known associations with asthma modifies the effect of an exposure on asthma outcomes. These have included interactions with infectious agents, notably genetic variants in the CD14 gene and endotoxin exposure, and interaction between HRV infection and 17q21 genetic variants, a risk locus discovered in a GWAS of asthma. Following the discovery that 17q21 SNPs were associated specifically with childhood onset asthma, an interaction between variants at this locus and tobacco smoke exposure was reported. A number of other candidate gene studies of genetic interactions with tobacco smoke exposure on the risk of asthma or asthma exacerbations have been published. These have shown interactions of various genetic regions with prenatal and/or postnatal tobacco smoke exposure and asthma risk. Gene–environment interaction can also be used in a nontargeted way to identify new genetic associations with asthma. A genome-wide interaction study (GEWIS) of interactions with tobacco smoke exposure in a European consortium of birth cohorts found evidence for interaction between in utero and early childhood exposure with novel genetic variants. Interestingly, this approach did not identify interactions with variants in genes previously reported to interact with tobacco smoke exposure in the etiology of asthma, including TNF, GSTP1, and ADAM33. Another GEWIS of children from farming communities in Europe, where endotoxin exposure has been associated with protective effects on asthma and allergy, found no strong evidence for new or previously reported polymorphisms interacting with farm exposure on asthma risk. This included SNPs that had previously been reported in association with asthma or had shown interaction with farming exposure. As with GWAS, which are essentially hypothesis free, there is a high statistical penalty for multiple testing; therefore, large studies are required to have sufficient power to detect interactions, especially for polymorphisms that have a low minor allele frequency.
Other exposures for which evidence of gene–environment interactions related to asthma risk have been found in candidate gene studies include the outdoor environment with genes in antioxidant and inflammatory pathways pollutants. In the indoor environment, interactions between gas cooking and glutathione-S-transferase M1 (GSTM1) null mutations were described in relation to bronchial responsiveness in adults. A study of indoor mold exposure found no evidence of interactions with GSTP1 mutations in childhood asthma. (See Table 42.1 for details of candidate genes implicated in gene–environment interactions.)
Gene or Region | Gene Name | Location | Function | |
CD14 | Cluster of differentiation 14 | Chr5 | Encodes a surface antigen that is preferentially expressed on monocytes/macrophages and acts a coreceptor for bacterial lipopolysaccharide | |
17q21 | ORMDL3 | ORM1-like protein 3 | Chr17 | The ORM genes are a conserved gene family that act as negative regulators of sphingolipid synthesis |
GSDMB | Gasdermin B | Encodes a member of the gasdermin-domain containing protein family, which are implicated in the regulation of apoptosis in epithelial cells, | ||
TNF | Tumor necrosis factor | Chr6 | Encodes a multifunctional proinflammatory cytokine that belongs to the TNF superfamily | |
ADAM33 | A disintegrin and metalloproteinase domain 33 | Chr20 | Encodes a member of the ADAM family of membrane bound proteins involved in cell–cell and cell–matrix interactions. | |
GSTM1 | Glutathione-S-transferase Mu 1 | Chr1 | GSTs are a family of enzymes that play an important role in detoxification by catalyzing the conjugation of many hydrophobic and electrophilic compounds with reduced glutathione | |
GSTP1 | Glutathione-S-transferase Pi 1 | Chr11 | ||
GSTT1 | Glutathione-S-transferase Theta 1 | Chr22 |
Epigenetics refers to changes in the way genes are expressed as opposed to changes in their structural sequence. This provides a mechanism by which the ability of cells to read a genetic code can be open or silenced, effectively controlling whether genes are active or dormant in a cell. A number of modifications determine gene expression, including DNA methylation, chromatin remodeling, histone modification, and the action of noncoding RNAs. Of these, the most studied to date is DNA methylation, which is technically the most straightforward to assay using current technology. Therefore, epigenetic modification is a phenotype, which can indicate responses to environmental exposures or stressors, providing a link between exposure and gene expression, and which can be transmitted to daughter cells making such modifications potentially heritable across generations (transgenerational epigenetic inheritance). Studies of DNA methylation of relevance to asthma include those which have studied epigenomic changes in association with pertinent exposures, such as tobacco smoke exposure and air pollutants, and intergenerational studies linking ancestral exposures to disease in subsequent generations. Tobacco smoke exposure during pregnancy has been associated with global DNA methylation and gene-specific effects in neonatal or cord blood, which can persist into childhood. Air pollution exposure has been associated with effects on DNA methylation in infants’ cord blood, which was dependent on the type of pollutant and timing of exposure during pregnancy. In inner-city children with asthma, DNA methylation of specific gene loci in peripheral blood differed from control children from the same environment. Mammalian cell DNA methylation is reprogrammed on a global scale at two points in the life cycle: at fertilization of the zygote and in primordial germ cells ; however, there is still uncertainty about the heritability of epigenetic marks between generations. There have been studies of the relationships of grandparental exposures with outcomes in second-generation offspring. Grandmothers’ smoking during pregnancy has been associated with asthma in her grandchild, even when the mother did not smoke during pregnancy. In a UK cohort, this association was limited to paternal grandmothers’ smoking, and was stronger for female than for male descendants. The DNA methylation in the grandchildren was not measured in either of these observational studies, but in the Norwegian Mother and Child Cohort, grandmothers’ smoking when pregnant with the mother was not associated with altered grandchild cord-blood DNA methylation at loci, which was previously reported to be associated with maternal tobacco smoking during pregnancy. The availability of high throughput arrays will shortly enable epigenome-wide association studies (EWAS) to be carried out in large case control studies of children with asthma using a similar hypothesis-free approach to GWAS.
Environmental Influences on Asthma
Pregnancy and Childbirth
Maternal Factors
The heritability of asthma has long been recognized, but there has also been a parent-of-origin effect described with a stronger association of maternal than paternal asthma with offspring asthma. This could be explained by genetic imprinting, maternal exposures during pregnancy, immune interactions between the mother and fetus, or a shared postnatal environment. In the prospective, population-based UK Isle of Wight cohort, a sex-dependent parent-of-origin effect was reported; maternal allergy was associated with asthma only in girls, and paternal allergy was associated with asthma only in boys. This led the authors to speculate that epigenetic programing might be important in determining the differential effect of parental allergic disease on the risk of asthma in their offspring.
There has been increasing recognition of the role of early life factors in the etiology of asthma, extending to the intrauterine environment. This reach has extended yet further to influences prior to conception, particularly with the recognition of the potential for epigenetic marks to be both heritable and responsive to environmental challenge. Maternal obesity before pregnancy was reported to be associated with an increased risk for offspring asthma independent of gestational weight gain in the Danish national birth cohort, and similar observations were seen in the Generation R study for preschool wheeze. The mechanisms of these observations have still to be explained, but there are suggestions that they may operate through nonallergic pathways as the excess risk appears to be associated with nonatopic asthma. Part of the association, but not all, can be explained by the association between maternal and offspring BMI and the relationship between the latter and asthma. Younger maternal age also has been associated with increased asthma risk in their offspring in populations of white, European descent although the obverse of this relationship was recently reported in US Latino populations. Although evolving interest in preconceptual influences and transgenerational effects is likely to continue, there is considerable literature on maternal exposures during pregnancy and the risk of subsequent asthma in their offspring.
The health of a mother during pregnancy can have important effects on the health and development of her fetus. Some maternal diseases and complications of pregnancy have been associated with an increased risk of asthma in the offspring. These include hypertension and preeclampsia, anemia, and the use of a number of drugs used to treat mothers during pregnancy. Antibiotic prescription during pregnancy has been associated with an increased risk of offspring asthma, although this may be confounded by shared familial factors. Acetaminophen use by women during pregnancy also has been associated with an increased risk of asthma and wheezing in their offspring. A meta-analysis of published observational studies found a positive association between asthma and any use of acetaminophen in the first trimester, but noted a high degree of heterogeneity between studies, and an attenuation of the association when adjusting for respiratory tract infections. Recent analysis of a large Scandinavian cohort study with detailed information on the indication for use of acetaminophen, reported associations between prenatal use and asthma in children, which could not be completely explained by confounding by indication. Additionally, this study was able to consider maternal use outside pregnancy and paternal use of acetaminophen, neither of which was associated with offspring asthma, suggesting unmeasured confounding was having little influence on these associations. To date, these observational studies have not been confirmed by experiment and there has been sufficient uncertainty to deter any change in guidelines for the use of acetaminophen during pregnancy.
Maternal Lifestyle and Environment
Exposure to maternal smoking during pregnancy is associated with increased asthma risk in the offspring. A systematic review of 43 studies concluded that prenatal tobacco smoke exposure was associated with an increased risk of asthma and wheeze, particularly in younger children, but could not separate out the effect of postnatal exposure due to the limited number of studies of children only exposed after birth. Another systematic review found evidence that not only active smoking but also passive exposure of pregnant women to tobacco smoke was associated with an increased risk of asthma and wheezing in their offspring. A collaborative study based on 15 European birth cohorts comprising nearly 28,000 children has found evidence that both active smoking and passive exposure of pregnant women, and the exposure of infants to maternal smoking postnatally, were associated with an increased risk of offspring wheeze in early life. The highest risk was associated with combined active maternal and passive exposure in the prenatal period. Pregnant women’s exposure to air pollution has also been shown to be associated with asthma in their offspring in a Chinese study of traffic-related nitrogen dioxide (NO 2 ) exposure with evidence of trimester-specific effects. Similar findings regarding fine particulate (PM 2.5 ) exposure in mid-gestation were reported from a US population, where high levels of exposure from weeks 16 to 25 of gestation were associated with the development of asthma.
Maternal diet during pregnancy has been studied extensively after observational associations suggested a link between dietary constituents and the occurrence of wheeze and asthma in the offspring. This body of research has culminated in RCTs of interventions in pregnancy as a strategy for the primary prevention of asthma. In prospective observational studies, vitamin deficiency has been elicited as having a strong association with increased asthma risk. Several studies based on estimated dietary intake of vitamin D of women during pregnancy consistently reported increased rates of asthma and allergic diseases in the offspring, although the results of studies using measurements of vitamin D status at various points during pregnancy were less conclusive. In the long-running Aberdeen SEATON study, low intake of both maternal vitamin D and E during pregnancy have been associated with asthma outcomes during childhood up to 10 years of age, and low maternal α-tocopherol levels in early pregnancy were confirmed to be related to a higher risk of asthma. The observational evidence that vitamin deficiency and particularly that of vitamin D, which has several bioregulatory functions that are in plausible asthma etiologic pathways, led to the development of supplementation trials in pregnant women. Although they used different dose regimens of vitamin D supplements, two RCTs have reported a lower incidence of wheezing illnesses in early childhood and physician-diagnosed asthma to the age of 3 years. Short-term differences in sensitization to aeroallergens have also been reported following vitamin D supplementation during pregnancy. The longer-term effects on confirmed asthma outcomes are awaited. Vitamin E supplementation in pregnancy has been suggested to reduce the risk of preeclampsia, although the evidence from RCTs of this intervention do not support benefit in either maternal preeclampsia or neonatal outcomes. A dietary intervention has been proposed to optimize vitamin E intake with the objective of reducing asthma in the offspring; however, although a pilot study was completed ( ClincalTrials.gov NCT01661530 https://clinicaltrials.gov/ ), the results of a definitive trial are yet to be published. A follow-up of offspring from a high-dose vitamin C and E supplementation trial for preeclampsia found no differences in respiratory outcomes of infants to the age of 2 years. In addition to antioxidant vitamins, there is longstanding interest in the role of long-chain polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFAs) in the etiology of allergic diseases, including asthma. A systematic review of dietary exposure to or supplementation with PUFAs during pregnancy found that the majority of observational studies reported a beneficial effect of increased n-3 long-chain PUFA or fish intake (a rich source of these) on lower rates of allergen sensitization or atopic eczema in infancy. However, an RCT of fish oil supplementation during pregnancy that followed the offspring through 6 years did not find evidence to support a reduction of IgE-mediated sensitization in the supplemented population. There is no current evidence to support n-3 PUFA supplementation in pregnancy, or during breast-feeding after birth, to reduce the occurrence of asthma or wheeze in the offspring. The gradient in asthma prevalence in Europe ( http://www.globalasthmareport.org/burden/burden.php ) has raised the prospect that a Mediterranean diet could be protective against asthma and thus contribute to the lower prevalence seen in countries in Southern compared with Northern Europe. However, a systematic review of dietary patterns and asthma did not find strong evidence to support that a Mediterranean diet in pregnancy reduces the risk of asthma in children. There is currently no trial evidence to support a Mediterranean diet in pregnancy as a primary prevention strategy for asthma in the offspring.
There is good evidence in mammalian species that prenatal stress has biological effects on the evolving neuroendocrine system, and may lead to dysregulated immune development and allergic diseases in the offspring. A recent systematic review of published studies reported that the majority showed positive associations between prenatal maternal stress and asthma or wheezing in the offspring. However, the authors pointed out several methodologic caveats, including the use of self-reported instruments for exposure and outcome assessments, and the potential information bias arising from women with higher stress levels possibly reporting more asthma symptoms in their children.
Fetal Growth and Birth Size
Size at birth has been extensively studied in relation to subsequent history of asthma and allergies in childhood. Low birth weight (<2.5 kg) is reported to be a risk factor for wheezing and asthma in childhood. Conversely, increased neonatal size (weight, length, and head circumference) has been found to be positively associated with asthma, but not allergic sensitization in children. In a US study, low birth weight was associated with a specific asthma phenotype that manifested in mid-childhood and persisted to adolescence. The sometimes conflicting evidence about birth size and asthma can, in part, be attributed to the definitions used to categorize birth size, including whether gestational age at birth was used to stratify low birth weight. Preterm delivery is associated with asthma symptoms, and, in a large European collaborative meta-analysis, this largely explained the association of low birth weight with asthma. In the Dutch Generation R study, antenatal growth measures were available from repeat fetal ultrasound estimates during pregnancy. In an analysis of preschool asthma symptoms, no associations were found with predefined restricted or accelerated fetal growth, although accelerated weight gain in the first 3 months after birth was associated with asthma symptoms suggesting postnatal growth may be more important than fetal growth in the development of asthma. An alternative explanation is that rapid postnatal growth acts as a marker of intrauterine growth restraint, which is associated with developmental effects on lung growth, which, in turn, may manifest as early asthma symptoms. In studies that have measures of lung function shortly after birth, evidence of airway obstruction in infancy has been shown to be associated with the subsequent development of asthma and wheezing. In the Generation R cohort, lower gain of fetal weight and length between the second and third trimester of pregnancy were associated with higher airways resistance and physician-diagnosed asthma in mid-childhood, providing a mechanism by which fetal growth restriction could influence the etiology of asthma symptoms in children.
Mode of Delivery
In concert with the rise in asthma prevalence experienced in many developed countries in the late 20th century, there was a rise in the rates of births by cesarean section, including in low-risk pregnancies ( http://www.cdc.gov/nchs/fastats/delivery.htm ). Knowledge that cesarean delivery was associated with differences in microbial colonization of the newborn gut led to speculation that this could influence postnatal immune development and increase the risk of asthma and allergy. A substantial number of studies compared asthma risk in children born by cesarean section compared with children delivered vaginally, and, although not all confirmed a positive association between the mode of delivery and asthma, two meta-analyses in 2008 and a more recent one have reported a consistent overall increased risk of asthma in children born by cesarean section of about 20%. A study from Denmark suggested that this association was more pronounced in children who were delivered by cesarean section before membrane rupture. However, there remains doubt about the proposed biological mechanisms for this association. Increased asthma risk has been associated with emergency, but not elective, cesarean section delivery, suggesting that factors associated with the indications for emergency delivery may be more important than early gut colonization. Association between cesarean section delivery and directly measured outcomes are not entirely consistent with the increased risk of reported asthma and wheezing. Although cesarean section delivery was associated with persistent preschool wheezing in the Dutch Generation R study, there was no association with airway resistance and only elective, but not emergency, cesarean section was associated with raised FeNO levels. A follow-up to adolescence of a German study of healthy term newborns found no increased risk of asthma and no difference in lung function at age 15 years according to the mode of delivery. However, recent population-based studies based on linkage data report a small increased risk of hospital admissions for asthma in children born by cesarean section compared with vaginal delivery, suggesting that there is a true but modest association that remains to be explained biologically.
Early Childhood
Breast-Feeding Diet
Dietary intake could affect asthma development in many ways, through ingestion of allergens, modification of the gut microbiota, rate of growth and development of obesity, or specific nutrients acting directly on immunological and pulmonary development. Patterns of breast-feeding infants vary between HICs and low- and middle-income countries (LMICs); with both the rate of initiation of breast-feeding and the duration of exclusive breast-feeding being lower in HICs than LMICs. The coincidence of low breast-feeding rates with high asthma prevalence in HICs has suggested breast-feeding as a possible protective influence on asthma and allergic diseases. Many observational studies have considered the association between asthma risk and breast-feeding in infancy. They have used different metrics of exposure, including ever-versus-never breast-feeding and the duration of any, more, or exclusive breast-feeding, studied either general or high-risk populations and comprised a combination of prospective cohort, case-control, and cross-sectional study designs of varying methodological quality. Two key considerations in evaluating these studies are confounding; breast-feeding is strongly socially patterned and is therefore prone to confounding by other lifestyle and environmental variables and bias; parents with personal or family histories of asthma or allergies may be more or less likely to adopt breast-feeding in the belief that it will prevent disease in their offspring. A systematic review identified 42 reports of asthma and wheezing at 5–18 years of age in association with breast-feeding, with the majority of these being from high-income settings. Pooled odds ratios from a meta-analysis showed evidence of a protective effect on asthma risk of any breast-feeding compared with no breast-feeding, and more breast-feeding compared with less breast-feeding, with both effects being stronger in LMICs than HICs. A separate systematic review and meta-analysis using different search criteria identified 117 studies reporting asthma outcomes (asthma ever, recent asthma, and recent wheezing illness) in association with breast-feeding history. This also reported evidence to support a protective effect of breast-feeding on asthma risk for all three outcomes considered. Age-stratified analyses showed that this effect was strongest in young children aged 0–2 years when asthma is difficult to differentiate from other causes of wheezing illness and diminishes with time. It is possible that the effect observed resulted from protection against early respiratory infections and associated wheezing in early life. In contract with the results of the meta-analyses cited above, a large population-based study of Hong Kong Chinese children found no association between exclusive or partial breast-feeding and hospitalization for asthma In contrast with many lifestyle choices that are not conducive to randomized trials to strengthen the evidence base, there has been an innovative cluster-randomized trial of breast-feeding promotion carried out in Belarus: the PROBIT trial, which successfully increased the rates of breast-feeding exclusivity and duration in the intervention arm. Despite this, there were no differences in rates of asthma or skin prick sensitization assessed by pediatricians at a follow-up clinic when the children were 6 years old. Thus, it appears likely, on the basis of current evidence, that the apparent protective effects of breast-feeding on asthma could be explained by a combination of confounding and variation in phenotypic definition of the outcome, which includes infection-associated wheeze in preschool children. Breast milk could be a source of dietary allergen ingestion by the infant. Trials of allergen restriction in the diets of pregnant and lactating mothers showed little evidence of a beneficial effect on asthma in their offspring, and observational studies of high- compared with low-allergen-containing diets produced conflicting results. There has been a recent shift in thinking about allergen avoidance in early life, including lactation, as a means of primary prevention of food sensitization in particular. Publication of the results of the LEAP study provided robust evidence that tolerance to peanut sensitization could be induced by the consumption of peanut allergen by infants. However, a randomized trial of the introduction of allergenic foods to breast-feeding mothers did not show a reduction in food allergies in a population-based sample of infants. Therefore, current evidence does not support modification of maternal diet during lactation and breast-feeding, either by allergen reduction or supplementation, but there is a lack of data on asthma outcomes from well-conducted clinical trials.
Childhood Diet.
Interest to date in the relationship between diet and asthma in children has centered on the potential modifying effects of dietary constituents on oxidant-antioxidant balance and their role in regulating airway inflammation. Much of the evidence to date comes from observational studies, many cross-sectional, of dietary intake of foods, such as fruit and vegetables, dietary patterns, including the Mediterranean diet, and specific nutrients, such as vitamins and trace elements. One of the difficulties of interpreting this evidence arises from the methods used to categorize the intake of various nutrients, usually relying on food frequency questionnaires or diet diaries. Therefore, the epidemiologic evidence needs to be viewed with caution. In the cardiovascular literature, there are examples of evidence from randomized trials going in the opposite direction of effect from associations seen in observational studies ; that is, the vitamin intake that was “protective” in observational studies was associated with increased cardiovascular and all-cause mortality in trials of supplementation. There are currently few randomized trials of nutritional interventions in relation to children’s asthma, and the evidence from trials of supplementation with specific food items in adults have been generally disappointing. A synthesis of systematic reviews of diet and asthma in children and adults was undertaken under the auspices of the European Academy of Allergy and Clinical Immunology. This limited its search strategy to foods and diets but not nutrient supplements in relation to asthma outcomes, and identified seven systematic reviews that met quality criteria. The synthesis of evidence from these reviews concluded that there was a beneficial effect of a high intake of antioxidant vitamins C, D, and E, and fresh fruit and vegetables, and of adherence to a Mediterranean dietary pattern in reducing the risk of asthma, with most of the beneficial effects being observed in children. A meta-analysis of vitamin D supplementation in children with asthma found some evidence to support this supplementation to reduce asthma exacerbations, but the evidence was of low quality and not consistent for other indicators of asthma control. However, vitamin D supplementation for the primary prevention of asthma rather than to improve asthma control is currently limited to prenatal interventions. In contrast to the evidence that the traditional diets, including the Mediterranean diet, may be protective for asthma, there has been concern that the introduction of highly processed “fast food” into the Western diet could be implicated in the rising prevalence of childhood asthma. In the ISAAC phase 3 study, a consistent association was found between questionnaire-reported frequency of fast food intake and asthma in children and adolescents. However, on the basis of the current state of knowledge, there are no dietary interventions beyond pregnancy and early infancy that can be recommended specifically to lower the risk of developing childhood asthma. The role of the Mediterranean diet comprising a high proportion of fruit, vegetables, grains, and fish with olive oil contributing the chief source of fats, remains a topic of intense interest as there is observational evidence of a beneficial association between adherence to this dietary pattern and a number of health-related outcomes, including metabolic syndrome, cardiovascular disease, and type 2 diabetes as well as asthma. There is accumulating evidence that such benefits could result from immunomodulatory effects of the diet mediated through the gut microbiome. The microbiome is the combined genetic material of all microorganisms in a particular environment and access to this information has been facilitated by modern, rapid DNA sequencing technology. According to the Gut Microbiome Project, the number of genes represented in the gut microbiome probably exceeds the number of human genes by at least two orders of magnitude ( http://genome.wustl.edu/projects/detail/human-gut-microbiome/ ). Therefore, a complex interplay exists between nutrients and their metabolites, gut microbiota, and human immune cells. Adherence to a largely plant-based Mediterranean-type diet has been associated with a more favorable gut microbiome. Targeted interventions to restore the healthy human microbiome may become an effective strategy to reduce the burden of asthma and allergic disease.
In parallel with the increased prevalence of asthma experienced in many developed countries in recent decades, there has been a large increase in childhood obesity in these countries. In the United States, childhood obesity has more than doubled over the last 30 years, but the rate of increase has been even higher in developing countries ( http://www.who.int.easyaccess2.lib.cuhk.edu.hk/end-childhood-obesity/facts/en/ ). According to the World Health Organization (WHO) there will be a global increase to 7 million overweight or obese infants and young children by 2025. However, the contemporaneous increase in the prevalence of two conditions does not necessarily infer a direct relationship between them, far less a casual one. The epidemiologic evidence does support a positive association between overweight or obesity and asthma in children, and there is some evidence from adult studies of a temporal order of association with overweight/obesity preceding incident asthma. Obesity is defined in adults as a BMI ≥ 30 kg/m 2 and overweight as a BMI ≥ 25 kg/m 2 ; age-specific values have been derived by the International Obesity Task Force, but different definitions have been used in the literature. A recent systematic review synthesized the evidence for the relationship between overweight and obesity with asthma in 38 studies that included over 1.4 million children. There was a positive relationship between increased BMI and asthma with some evidence of a “dose-response” with obesity having a stronger association than the overweight category, although there was substantial heterogeneity between studies. Both asthma and obesity are complex polygenic diseases, and a number of possible explanations have been advanced to explain their coexistence. These include a common genetic background, mechanical changes in lung function associated with high body weight, changes in physical activity and diet, increased insulin resistance, and systemic inflammation, but evidence is still lacking to support a direct causal link. So, the question remains whether high body mass causes asthma, potentially through the inflammatory influence of adipokines, or that asthma and obesity share common etiologic pathways. Other possibilities are that this is a stochastic (random) association between two highly prevalent entities or that it is spurious and due to increased respiratory symptoms experienced by the obese, which are misinterpreted as asthma. Shared genes underpinning obesity and asthma were first suggested by linkage studies pointing to the β-adrenergic receptor, TNF-α, glucocorticoid receptor-β, and leptin genes, but none of these loci was associated with asthma in a GWAS, which indicated DENND1B variants to be associated with BMI in children with asthma. A large number of genetic variants have now been identified from GWAS of obesity. A genetic risk score for BMI in children based on 32 of these SNPs was used in a Mendelian randomization study of BMI and asthma in children. This showed that higher BMI predicted from the genetic risk, and this, unconfounded by lifestyle and environment, was associated with an increased risk of asthma, lending some support to the existence of a true causal relationship. This is further supported by intervention studies of weight-loss programs in obese patients with asthma, which have reported improvements in asthma control, bronchial responsiveness, and markers of airway inflammation. A small RCT of diet-induced weight loss in obese children with asthma has confirmed some of these findings with reported improvement in asthma control, but without any observed changes in markers of airway or systemic inflammation. Another trial of a multifactorial intervention that achieved weight loss in obese children with asthma also reported improvements in asthma control and lung function measures, although airway inflammation was not assessed. These results mirror those in adult studies, which suggest that the mechanism of improvement in asthma control associated with weight loss are mediated through factors other than reduction in airway inflammation.
Viral wheezing illness in early life is common, and affects around one-third of infants and young children. Viruses are also well recognized as the most frequent triggers of asthma in both adults and children. The two virus species that have received the most interest in relation to asthma development in early life are respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) and HRV. The growing interest in HRV infection is associated with modern molecular techniques of viral identification as it grows poorly in standard viral culture. RSV is a common cause of hospitalization for bronchiolitis during infancy and has long been recognized to be associated with postbronchiolitic wheezing. Serological evidence suggests that the vast majority of young children have encountered RSV infection by 2–3 years of age. So the question has been whether continued wheezing illnesses and subsequent diagnosis of asthma after bronchiolitis in infancy indicates a causal role for RSV in asthma development, or that hospitalization for RSV bronchiolitis is selective of those infants with either or both airway and immunological developmental features that already predispose them to later wheezing and asthma. A series of follow-up studies of a Swedish case control study of infants who were hospitalized with severe RSV bronchiolitis in their first year has shown an increased risk of asthma and allergic sensitization in the bronchiolitis group compared with healthy controls. This cohort has now been followed to age 18 years and the early findings have persisted. Young adults who were hospitalized for RSV in infancy compared with controls had increased prevalence of asthma and allergic sensitization, lower FEV 1 /FVC, and increased airway responsiveness. Shorter-term cohort studies have also reported an increased risk of wheezing, asthma, and lower FEV 1 following hospitalization for RSV bronchiolitis in infancy. In an observational study of a randomized trial of montelukast after bronchiolitis, a family history of asthma, aeroallergen sensitization, and the severity of RSV infection were predictors of asthma at age 6 years. It is possible that differences in outcomes from previous cohort studies that followed children hospitalized for bronchiolitis in infancy, but reported no increased risk of asthma, could be explained by the inclusion of a greater proportion of milder cases in population-based samples compared with clinical samples. The familial association of asthma with severe RSV bronchiolitis has recently been explored in genetic epidemiologic studies, showing a number of shared genes associated with the severity of response to RSV infection and asthma risk. This evidence provides a plausible causal link between a severe RSV lower respiratory infection in infancy and an increased asthma risk in later childhood. Empirical evidence of differences in immune responses to RSV infections and subsequent asthma has also been provided by studies of blood and airway chemokines and cytokines during infection in relation to subsequent asthma. Gene variants in ILRL1, an asthma-associated gene, and ILRL1-a expression in the upper airway have been reported in association with severe RSV bronchiolitis. Increased expression of CCL5 (RANTES) in the upper airway at the time of severe RSV bronchiolitis, in addition to the development of aeroallergen sensitization, has been linked to an increased risk of subsequent asthma. Thus, there is a shifting focus to innate and adaptive host responses and their dysregulation in the etiology of asthma, and therefore the therapeutic potential of immunomodulatory interventions, such as vaccines in primary prevention. Meanwhile, trials of therapeutic interventions with antiinflammatory medications after bronchiolitis have been generally disappointing. Treatment with long-term, high-dose inhaled corticosteroids following hospitalization for RSV bronchiolitis has not been shown to influence respiratory outcomes. Systematic reviews of leukotriene inhibitors after bronchiolitis in young children show that they may reduce symptoms of postbronchiolitic wheezing, but there is no evidence of a beneficial effect on the longer-term outcomes of recurrent wheezing or the use of inhaled corticosteroids for asthma. The macrolide antibiotic azithromycin has been shown to reduce neutrophilic airway inflammation in a murine model of viral bronchiolitis and has been shown to reduce the risk of subsequent severe lower respiratory infections in children with a history of such infections. In a proof-of-concept trial, 14 days treatment with azithromycin after bronchiolitis was shown to reduce upper airway levels, but not serum IL-8 levels, and to reduce respiratory symptoms in the succeeding 12 months after illness. Immunoprophylaxis for RSV with palivizumab is currently restricted to infants at high-risk of severe RSV bronchiolitis, so results may not be generalizable to the general population. Short-term reductions in the frequency of wheezing symptoms have been reported in palivizumab-treated preterm infants and, although suggestions of lower asthma prevalence in association with better adherence to palivizumab were reported in a retrospective analysis of an eligible cohort, this evidence needs to be confirmed in further studies and in term infants at high risk for asthma.
A complex interplay between early life viral infection, host immune responses, and interactions with allergic sensitization in the genesis of asthma has also emerged from studies of the relationships between HRV infection and subsequent asthma risk. HRV is the most common virus identified in early life wheezing illnesses. The association of early HRV-associated severe respiratory illnesses and subsequent wheezing and asthma was initially reported in a Finnish observational cohort study followed to 11 years of age. Prospective birth cohort studies have since confirmed this association. The Childhood Onset of Asthma (COAST) study in the US has been instrumental in uncovering the mechanisms underlying this strong association ( http://www.medicine.wisc.edu/coast/family ). A recent follow-up of this high-risk birth cohort has shown a strong positive association between HRV and not RSV with regard to wheezing in the first 3 years and asthma at age 13 years ( Fig. 42.5 ). There was also evidence that the presence and timing of aeroallergen sensitization was associated with subsequent asthma in this cohort; 65% of those sensitized in the first year compared with 40% sensitized by 5 years but not in the first year and 17% not sensitized by age 5 years, had asthma at 13 years and there was an additive effect with HRV wheezing illnesses. Furthermore, a temporal analysis of the association between allergic sensitization and viral wheezing illnesses in the COAST study has shown that allergic sensitization increases the risk of wheezing illnesses caused by HRV; however, the converse, HRV wheezing preceding allergic sensitization, was not supported. This suggests a causal role for allergic sensitization in the biological pathway of asthma development following respiratory infection, particularly with HRV. Blunting of the seasonal increase of asthma exacerbations associated with viral infections by pretreatment with omalizumab provides additional support for the pivotal role of allergic sensitization in modifying the response to viral infections in the asthmatic airway. The risk of subsequent asthma following HRV infection has also been found to be enhanced by genetic variants at the 17q21 locus, an asthma associated locus in the GWAS of asthma in children, and with expression of two of the genes at this locus, ORMDL3 and GSDMB in the COAST and the Copenhagen Study on Asthma in Childhood (COPSAC) birth cohorts. It is likely that dysregulated immune responses to viral infections of the airway play an important role in asthma inception. Candidate genes selected for their role in antiviral responses have been identified in association with viral-induced asthma exacerbations and childhood asthma phenotypes. Impaired innate immunity with deficient interferon responses to respiratory viral infections has been previously reported. Studies of airway epithelial cells from children with asthma compared with cells from healthy controls have shown increased susceptibility of the former to HRV infection with increased viral replication, reduced production of interferons, and impaired apoptotic responses, although it is conceivable that the presence of asthma alters cellular immune responses rather than arising as a direct consequence of immune dysregulation.