The Vascular Council is one of only four Councils of ASE, emphasizing the importance that our organization attributes to this topic, in line with the Strategic Goal 1 of promoting cardio Vascular ultrasound for all users. But what does vascular ultrasound mean to you? We are trying to change the perception that our activities are only limited to the education of a handful of highly subspecialized vascular-trained operators. The field of Vascular Ultrasound is more encompassing than this, and it is our Council’s responsibility to attract and offer required knowledge to all cardiovascular practitioners including general cardiologists, non-vascular trained sonographers, anesthesiologists, and others.
Vascular Ultrasound addresses imaging of any vessels outside of the heart. For example at this year’s Scientific Sessions, our Steering Committee created an exciting session entitled “Bow to Stern(um)” focusing on ultrasound of the Aortic Arch, branch vessels, and aortic diseases—critical knowledge for all cardiovascular ultrasound practitioners and sonographers. Another session was entitled “The Coming Storm: Atherosclerosis Assessment” which featured world renowned experts such Drs. Valentin Fuster, Sharon Mulvagh, and Vijay Nambi ( Figure 1 ). These experts highlighted the important role ultrasound will play to address the skyrocketing rate of cardiovascular risk factors and disease, which remains the number one killer in many countries. In line with ASE’s Strategic Goal 3 of facilitating the development and application of novel ultrasound technology, this year’s scientific tract at the Scientific Sessions included highly advanced topics in vascular ultrasound including three-dimensional imaging, texture and density analysis, and contrast for neovascularization. We also offered hands-on workshops to facilitate access to vascular imaging to more non-traditional operators. In this era of Point of Care Ultrasound, experts in the field have envisioned the role of office based vascular ultrasound to assist in risk stratification rapidly at the bed-side.