Chapter 12 Surgical Infections and Antibiotic Use
Risk Factors for Infection
Host Factors
The phenotypic stress response augments cardiovascular function through the autonomic nervous system, promotes glycogenolysis, catabolizes peripheral lean tissue and fat for gluconeogenesis, enhances coagulation to stanch hemorrhage, and stimulates a proinflammatory cytokine response to begin the tissue repair process (Box 12-1).1 Innate and adaptive immunity are depressed in large part by the actions of cortisol (Table 12-1 and Box 12-2).2
Box 12-1 Overview of the Stress Response to Injury
Activation of the autonomic nervous system
Activation of hypophyseal-pituitary-adrenal axis (HPAA)
Production of pro-inflammatory and anti-inflammatory cytokines and lipid mediators
Production of reactive oxygen and nitrogen intermediates
Acute-phase changes of hepatic protein synthesis
Recruitment and activation of neutrophils, monocytes-macrophages, and lymphocytes
Table 12-1 Principal Hormonal Responses to Surgical Stress
Anterior pituitary | Corticotropin | Increased |
Growth hormone | Increased | |
Thyrotropin | Variable | |
Follicle-stimulating hormone, luteinizing hormone | Variable | |
Posterior pituitary | Arginine vasopressin | Increased |
Adrenal cortex | Cortisol | Increased |
Aldosterone | Increased | |
Pancreas | Insulin | Decreased |
Glucagon | Increased | |
Thyroid | Thyroxine | Decreased |
Triiodothyronine | Decreased |
Box 12-2 DTH, Delayed-type hypersensitivity; HLA, human leukocyte antigen; NK, natural killer cell.
Immune Dysfunction After Injury
Older age (generally, age ≥65 years) is a definite risk factor for adverse outcomes from infection,3 related to immune senescence and an increased incidence of nosocomial infection. Hyperglycemia induces immune cell dysfunction (Box 12-3) and is a recognized risk factor for infection (Box 12-4). Even transitory hyperglycemia is associated with an increased risk of SSIs4–7 and other nosocomial infections, and translates into increased mortality after trauma8,9 and critical surgical illness10,11 for diabetic and nondiabetic patients.
Box 12-3 Glucose Dyshomeostasis During Stress and Effects on Cellular Immunity
Genetics and Genomics of Trauma and Sepsis
It is controversial as to whether gender makes a difference in outcome following infection and sepsis. Androgens are immunosuppressive in vitro and in animal studies, and male animals have higher mortality after trauma and sepsis,12,13 but human data are conflicting. Population-based studies have cast doubt on the clinical importance of the laboratory observations of gender-based differences. Gannon and colleagues14 have found no gender-based difference of mortality among 18,892 trauma patients; of interest, males were more likely to develop pneumonia, but females were more likely to succumb. Angus and associates15 were unable to detect any adverse outcomes from sepsis among females in a nationwide U.S. population-based study.
Modern high-throughput, multiplexed assays allow the molecular characterization of pathologic conditions. Most genes have hundreds or thousands of nucleotides, but only a relatively short sequence is needed for the precise identification of each. The DNA microarray, minute quantities of vast numbers (i.e., many thousands) of short, gene-specific probe nucleotides affixed to a slide chip can be used to identify messenger RNA that can be isolated from cells or tissues and labeled to produce complimentary nucleotides (cDNA or cRNA). When incubated with the microarray, the cDNA or cRNA will bind by conventional base pairing. With a scanner and the aid of computational biomedicine, the label signal intensity (mRNA abundance) may be calculated and compared, generating an expression profile called the transcriptome for the cell or tissue of interest. Such techniques have furthered the understanding of host predisposition and response to sepsis16,17; application of related techniques of cell separation, genome-wide expression, and cell-specific pathway analyses may be useful to characterize alterations in human disease or the presence of specific microbes. However, their presence does not distinguish whether the microbe is a colonist or a pathogen.
In infection, genomic variability may correlate with disease susceptibility. Single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs), single point mutations in the nucleotide structures of genes related to inflammation (e.g., tumor necrosis factor-α [TNF-α], interleukin [IL]-1, -6, and -8), the anti-inflammatory response (e.g., IL-10, IL-1 receptor antagonist), the innate immune response (e.g., Toll-like receptor 4), and the coagulation system (e.g., factor V, plasminogen activator inhibitor-1) have been associated with a predisposition to sepsis.18 However, heterogeneity in the immune response and predisposition to infection, as well as the severity of infections and resultant mortality, make conclusions difficult to determine, which makes it unlikely that a single SNP will be identifiable in an individual patient to characterize risk.
Interactions Between the Host and Therapy
The risk of infection may exist as the result of injury itself, impairment of host defenses, resuscitation, or definitive care. Hypothermia may occur as the result of exposure, large-volume infusion of unwarmed fluids or blood products, or evaporative losses during intracavitary surgery, especially if the chest and abdomen are opened. Peripheral and cutaneous vasoconstriction occur to preserve core heat, but vasoconstriction decreases microcirculatory blood flow, which may also be disrupted by hypovolemia, inflammatory response, activation of coagulation, and decreased deformability of transfused red blood cells (see below).19 Hypothermia is immunosuppressive, affects cardiovascular performance adversely, and increases mortality after trauma and surgery.20,21
Tissue hypoxia after trauma may result from injury to the face, airways, lungs, or chest wall, inability to secure the airway, massive blood loss, cardiovascular instability, disruption of the microcirculation, or acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS). Tissue hypoxia appears to predispose to SSI.22 Administration of supplemental oxygen (FIO2 = 0.8) reduces the risk of SSI after elective surgery (meta-analysis).21
The manner of resuscitation may influence outcome. Fluids are necessary to restore hemodynamics and microcirculatory perfusion, but the quantity and type of fluid that should be administered is still debated. Historically, crystalloid fluids were preferred to colloids, being less expensive and with results that were at least equivalent.23 Although some trials, such as that of the SAFE investigators,24 have led to a reappraisal, the question remains controversial. Delaney and coworkers25 have conducted a meta-analysis of 17 trials (1977 subjects); eight trials were specifically of colloid versus crystalloid for resuscitation of patients with sepsis. Using a fixed effects model, colloid resuscitation was associated with reduced mortality (odds ratio [OR], 0.82; 95% confidence interval [CI], 0.67 to 1.0; P = 0.047), but not when a more robust random effects model was used for the meta-analysis (OR, 0.84; 95% CI, 0.69 to 1.02; P = 0.08). However, six of the trials included, by a single investigator, have been called into question for scientific misconduct26; omission of those results from the meta-analysis still produced a significant result by fixed effects meta-analysis (OR, 0.76; 95% CI, 0.62 to 0.95; P = 0.015). Functionally, resuscitation of the immune system may be the crucial determinant, as evidenced by observations that a persistent systemic inflammatory response after injury is associated with an increased risk of nosocomial infection and death.27
Blood Transfusion
Blood transfusion can be lifesaving after trauma or hemorrhage, but increased risk of infection is the consequence. Transfusions express immunosuppression through altered leukocyte antigen presentation and a shift to the T helper 2 phenotype.28 Claridge and colleagues29 have identified an exponential relationship between transfusion and infection risk among trauma patients, detectable after even 1 unit of transfusion, and becoming a near-certainty after more than 15 units of transfused blood (relative risk [RR], 1.084; 95% CI, 1.028 to 1.142). Hill and associates30 have estimated by meta-analysis that the risk of infection related to blood transfusion is increased for trauma patients by more than fivefold (OR, 5.26; 95% CI, 5.03 to 5.43) and, for surgical patients, by more than threefold. This increased risk for infection by transfusion has also been identified for critically ill patients in general31 and for CLABSI32 and VAP33 specifically. Loss of membrane high-energy phosphates associated with prolonged storage of banked blood leads to impaired erythrocyte deformability, disruption of the microcirculation, and impaired oxygen offloading.34 Consequently, blood transfusion does not increase oxygen consumption in severe sepsis35 and may actually increase organ dysfunction.36 It is safe to be conservative in the administration of red blood cell concentrates to stable patients in the ICU.37
Control of Blood Sugar
Not only does hyperglycemia impair host immune function, it also reflects the catabolism and insulin resistance associated with surgical stress. Poor perioperative glycemic control increases the risk of infection and worsens outcomes from sepsis for diabetic and nondiabetic patients. Cardiac surgery patients have a higher risk of infection of sternal incision and lower extremity donor sites. Moderate hyperglycemia (>200 mg/dL) at any time on the first postoperative day increases the risk of SSI fourfold after cardiac6 and noncardiac surgery.7 Insulin infusion to keep the blood glucose level less than 110 mg/dL was associated with a 40% decrease in mortality among critically ill postoperative patients (≈70% of whom had undergone cardiac surgery), and also fewer nosocomial infections and less organ dysfunction.38 However, glycemic control has become somewhat controversial because of nonconfirmation of a salutary effect in critically ill medical patients. Moreover, concern regarding an increased incidence of hypoglycemia (≈6%, <60 mg/dL) in patients treated with intensive insulin therapy, and resultant increased mortality, has led to relaxation of glycemic control targets to approximately 140 to 180 mg/dL.39 Nonetheless, a meta-analysis of recent trials by Greisdale and associates10 has indicated that the risk of mortality is decreased significantly for patients treated with intensive insulin therapy in dedicated surgical intensive care units (ICUs; RR, 0.63; 95% CI, 0.44 to 0.91), regardless of whether the patients had diabetes mellitus. However, countervailing opinion as to the usefulness and safety of intensive insulin therapy is prevalent.21
Nutritional support is crucial, considering that restoration of anabolism requires calories and nitrogen in excess of basal requirements of 25 to 30 kcal and 1 g nitrogen/kg/day. It is challenging to provide adequate calories and protein while simultaneously avoiding hyperglycemia. Parenteral nutrition may convey no advantage over not feeding the patient at all,40 perhaps because of the inherent morbidity of central IV feeding (i.e., the risks of CLABSI and hyperglycemia). By contrast, early enteral feeding within the first 48 hours, perhaps immediately if the gut is functional, is clearly beneficial, with the possible exceptions of intestinal ischemia and pneumonia prevention (see later). The risk of infection was reduced by 55% (OR, 0.45; 95% CI, 0.30 to 0.66) in a meta-analysis of 15 randomized trials of early enteral feeding following surgery, trauma, or burns.41
Infection Control
General principles of surgical care, critical care, and infection control must be adhered to at all times. Resuscitation must be rapid, yet precise; overresuscitation and underresuscitation increase the risk of infection. Pathology must be identified and treated as soon as possible. Central venous catheters inserted under suboptimal barrier precautions (e.g., lack of cap, mask, sterile gown, and sterile gloves for the operator and a full bed drape for the patient) must be removed and replaced, if necessary, by a new puncture at a new site as soon as the patient’s condition permits. Drains should be avoided and removed as soon as possible, if required.42 Detailed evidence-based guidelines for the general prevention of SSIs,43 CLABSIs,44,45 and VAP have been published.46,47
Infection control is a individual and collective responsibility. Hand hygiene is the most effective means to reduce the spread of infection, but compliance is a continual challenge.48 Alcohol gel hand cleansers are effective,49 except against the spores of Clostridium difficile, which requires cleansing with soap and water.50 Universal precautions—cap, mask, gown, gloves, and protective eyewear—must be observed whenever there is a risk of splashing of body fluids.
Endogenous flora are the source of most bacterial pathogens, Skin surfaces, artificial airways, gut lumen, wounds, catheters, and inanimate surfaces (e.g., bed rails, computer terminals)51 may become colonized. Any break in natural epithelial barriers (e.g., incisions, percutaneous catheters, airway or urinary catheters) creates a portal of entry for invasion of pathogens. The fecal-oral route is the most common manner whereby pathogens reach the portal, but health care workers facilitate the transmission of pathogens on their hands.
Contact isolation is an important part of infection control and should be used selectively to prevent the spread of pathogens such as methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA), vancomycin-resistant enterococci (VRE), or MDR gram-negative bacilli. However, contact isolation may decrease the amount of direct patient contact.52 An appropriate balance must be struck, because reduced nurse staffing of ICUs has been independently associated with an increased risk of a number of nosocomial infections.53
Catheter Care
Risks and benefits must be weighed when deciding to place any catheter, including the risk of infection. Almost all indwelling catheters carry such a risk, but nontunneled central venous catheters and pulmonary artery catheters pose the highest risk, including local site infections and CLABSIs. Other catheters that pose increased infection risk include endotracheal tubes, intercostal thoracostomy catheters (inserted as an emergency), ventriculostomy catheters for intracranial pressure monitoring, and urinary bladder catheters. Each day of endotracheal intubation and mechanical ventilation increases the risk of pneumonia by 1% to 3%54; it is controversial whether tracheostomy decreases that risk.55
Chlorhexidine gluconate, a phenolic biguanidine derivative, is used in concentrations of 0.5% to 4.0% alone or in lower concentrations in combination with an alcohol as a skin antiseptic. The microbicidal action, which is bactericidal, viricidal, and fungicidal, is somewhat slow, but persistent. Chlorhexidine should be used preferentially for skin preparation for vascular catheter insertion; it is superior to povidone-iodine solution56 and is also recommended for surgical skin preparation,57 topical bathing of critically ill patients,58,59 and as an antiseptic coating for indwelling central vascular catheters.60 If povidone-iodine solution is used for surgical site preparation, it must be allowed to dry for microbicidal effect. Note that its use is discouraged unless a mucous membrane is to be prepped. Full barrier precautions are mandatory for all bedside catheterization procedures, except arterial and urinary bladder catheterization, for which sterile gloves and a sterile field suffice if maintained meticulously. Whenever a central venous catheter is inserted under suboptimal conditions, it must be removed—and replaced at a different site if still needed—as soon as permitted by the patient’s hemodynamic status, but no longer than 24 hours after insertion. A single dose of a first-generation cephalosporin (e.g., cefazolin) may prevent some infections following emergency tube thoracostomy or ventriculostomy, but is not indicated for vascular or bladder catheterizations.
It is crucial to maintain dressings carefully, which can be challenging if the patient is agitated or the body surface is irregular (e.g., the neck [internal jugular vein catheterization] as opposed to the chest wall [subclavian vein catheterization]). Marking the dressing clearly with the date and time of each change is simple and effective. Dressing carts or similar equipment should not be brought from patient to patient; instead, sufficient supplies should be kept in each patient’s room. The potential for transmission of pathogens on inanimate fomites (e.g., scissors) must be borne in mind. Implementation of care bundles and dedicated catheter care teams substantially reduces the risk of CLABSIs and UTIs.61,62
The choice of catheter may play a role in decreasing the risk of infection related to endotracheal tubes, central venous catheters, and urinary catheters. Continuous aspiration of subglottic secretions (CASS) via an endotracheal tube with an extra lumen that opens to the airway just above the balloon facilitates the removal of secretions that accumulate below the vocal cords but above the endotracheal tube balloon, an area that cannot be reached by routine suctioning. The incidence of VAP is decreased by 50% by CASS.63 Silver-impregnated endotracheal tubes are effective in reducing airway colonization64 and may reduce the incidences of VAP and mortality.65 Antibiotic-coated (e.g., minocycline/rifampin) or antiseptic-coated central venous catheters (e.g., chlorhexidine, silver sulfadiazine) can reduce the incidence of catheter-related bloodstream infections (CRBSIs),44,66 especially in high-prevalence units; minocycline- or rifampin-coated catheters may be more effective. Urinary bladder catheters coated with ionic silver reduce the incidence of catheter-related bacterial cystitis by a similar amount.67,68
Ventilator weaning by protocol, including daily sedation holidays and spontaneous breathing trials, allows endotracheal extubation sooner and decreases the risk of VAP (see later).69 An even better strategy may be avoidance of endotracheal intubation entirely. Respiratory failure can sometimes be managed with noninvasive positive-pressure ventilation delivered by mask (e.g., continuous positive airway pressure [CPAP]).70 Improved resuscitation and noninvasive monitoring techniques have decreased the utilization of pulmonary artery catheters, which pose a particularly high risk of infection.71 Most drains do not decrease the risk of infection; in fact, the risk is probably increased72 because the catheters hold open a portal for invasion by bacteria.
Specific Infections
Surgical Site Infection
The spectrum of bacterial contamination of the surgical site is well described.72 Clean surgical procedures affect only skin structures and other soft tissues. Clean-contaminated procedures open a hollow viscus under controlled circumstances (e.g., elective aerodigestive or genitourinary tract surgery). Contaminated procedures introduce a large inoculum of bacteria into a normally sterile body cavity, but too briefly for infection to become established during surgery (e.g., penetrating abdominal trauma, enterotomy during adhesiolysis for mechanical bowel obstruction). Dirty procedures are those performed to control established infection (e.g., colon resection for perforated diverticulitis).
The incidence of SSIs has been estimated to be about 3% in the United States, although the incidence varies greatly from less than 5% for clean surgery to more than 20% for emergency colon surgery, which is often performed in a dirty field. Moreover, the overall estimate is almost certainly an underestimate, considering that SSI following ambulatory surgery, which now represents more than 70% of all operations in the United States, is seldom reported. Numerous factors determine whether a patient will develop an SSI, including those related to the patient, environment, and treatment (Box 12-5).72 As incorporated in the National Nosocomial Infections Surveillance System (NNIS) and its successor program, the National Healthcare Safety Network (NHSN),73–75 the most recognized factors are wound classification, American Society of Anesthesiologists class 3 or higher (class 3 is chronic active medical illness), and prolonged operative time, where time is longer than the 75th percentile for the given procedure. According to the NNIS-NHSN, the risk of SSI increases as the number of risk factors present increases, irrespective of the type of operation.76 Laparoscopic surgery is associated with a decreased incidence of SSI under most circumstances. There are several possible reasons why laparoscopic surgery decreases the risk of SSI, including decreased wound size, limited use of cautery in the abdominal wall, and a diminished stress response to tissue injury.
Box 12-5 Risk Factors for the Development of Surgical Site Infections
Patient Factors
Ascites (for abdominal surgery)
Corticosteroid therapy (controversial)
Peripheral vascular disease (for lower extremity surgery)
Skin or nasal carriage of staphylococci
Skin disease in the area of infection (e.g., psoriasis)
Host-derived factors contribute importantly to the risk of SSI, including increased age,77 obesity, malnutrition, diabetes mellitus,7 hypocholesterolemia,78 and several other factors not accounted for specifically by the NNIS-NHSN (see Box 12-5). In a study of 5031 noncardiac surgical patients, the incidence of SSI was 3.2%.79 Independent risk factors for the development of SSI included ascites, diabetes mellitus, postoperative anemia, and recent weight loss, but not chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, tobacco use, or corticosteroid use. In another prospective study of 9016 patients, 12.5% of patients developed an infection of some type within 28 days after surgery.80 Multivariable analysis revealed that decreased serum albumin concentration, increased age, tracheostomy, and amputations were associated with an early infection, whereas a dialysis shunt, vascular repair, and early infection were associated with hospital readmission. Factors associated with 28-day mortality included increased age, low serum albumin concentration, increased serum creatinine concentration, and an early infection.
Hypothermia during surgery is common if patients are not warmed actively because of evaporative water loss, administration of room temperature fluids, and other factors.81 Maintenance of normal core body temperature is unequivocally important for decreasing the incidence of SSIs. Mild intraoperative hypothermia is associated with an increased incidence of SSIs following elective colon surgery82 and diverse operations83
It is controversial whether perioperative oxygen administration is beneficial for the prevention of infection.84 The ischemic milieu of the fresh surgical incision is vulnerable to bacterial invasion. Moreover, oxygen has been postulated to have a direct antibacterial effect.85,86 Although clinical trials have had conflicting results,87,88 one recent meta-analysis has suggested a benefit of supplemental oxygen administration specifically to reduce the incidence of SSIs,21 but further studies may be needed before the practice becomes routine.
Skin closure of a contaminated or dirty incision is believed to increase the risk of SSIs, but few good studies exist to evaluate the multiplicity of wound closure techniques available to surgeons. Open abdomen techniques of temporary abdominal closure for management of trauma or severe peritonitis are increasingly being used. Retrospective data have indicated that antibiotics are not indicated for prophylaxis of the open abdomen,89 although an inability to achieve primary abdominal closure is associated with several infectious complications (e.g., pneumonia, bloodstream infection, SSIs). Infectious complications, in turn, significantly increase costs from prolonged length of stay, but not mortality.90
Drains placed in incisions probably cause more infections than they prevent. Epithelialization of the wound is prevented and the drain becomes a conduit, holding open a portal for invasion by pathogens colonizing the skin. Several studies of drains placed into clean or clean-contaminated incisions have shown that the rate of SSI is not reduced91,92; in fact, the rate is increased.93–96 Considering that drains pose this risk, they should be used as little as possible and removed as soon as possible.97 Under no circumstances should prolonged antibiotic prophylaxis be administered to cover indwelling drains (see later).
Wound irrigation is a controversial means to reduce the risk of SSIs. Routine low-pressure saline irrigation is ineffective,98 but high-pressure (i.e., pulsed) irrigation may be beneficial.99 Intraoperative topical antibiotics can minimize the risk of SSIs,100–102 but the use of antiseptics rather than antibiotics might minimize the development of resistance.
More severe SSIs, especially the dangerous forms of necrotizing soft tissue infection (NSTI), are true emergencies that need immediate surgical attention. Even modest delays can increase mortality substantially. Freischlag and coworkers103 have shown that mortality increases from 32% to 70% when therapy is delayed longer than 24 hours. Immediate widespread débridement is indicated for established NSTIs without waiting for identification of the causative pathogen or development of a specific symptom. Sequential surgical débridements may be needed to control the infection.
The first steps in the treatment of SSIs are to open and examine the suspicious portion of the incision and decide about further surgical treatment.104 If the infection is confined to the skin and superficial underlying subcutaneous tissue, opening the incision and providing local wound care may be all the treatment that is necessary. Antibiotic therapy of superficial incisional SSIs is indicated only for erythema extending beyond the wound margin or for systemic signs of infection. Deeper SSIs may require formal surgical exploration and débridement to obtain local control of the infection. Surgical site infection must also be considered as a cause of delayed or failed wound healing and prompt the same decisions as described earlier.
Experimentally, vacuum-assisted wound closure (VAC) was first appraised by Morykwas and colleagues105 in a porcine model in 1997. Therapy by VAC optimizes blood flow, decreases edema, and aspirates accumulated fluid, thereby facilitating bacterial clearance. Negative pressure promotes wound contraction to cover the defect and may trigger intracellular signaling that increases cellular proliferation.106 The clinical usefulness of VAC has been described only anecdotally, mostly for sternal infections following cardiac surgery, abdominal wall dehiscence, management of complex perineal wounds, or securing skin grafts.107,108
Many general and specific tactics for the prevention of SSIs have been brought together in a bundle known as the Surgical Care Improvement Project (SCIP), the effectiveness of which has been called into question.109,110 A predecessor program, the National Surgical Infection Prevention Project (SIP), focused primarily on the quality of antibiotic prophylaxis, including choice of agent, timing of administration, and duration of prophylaxis. A national audit found that the agents being prescribed for prophylaxis were often inappropriate, the effectiveness of prophylaxis was decreased because the timing of administration was suboptimal, and only 40% of patients administered surgical antibiotic prophylaxis had the antibiotic discontinued within 24 hours, risking adverse events (e.g., superinfection, development of bacterial resistance).111 It was advised that antibiotic administration should occur within 60 minutes before incision and that prophylaxis should continue for no longer than 24 hours.112 Implementation demonstrated improved adherence to process measures.113
The SIP was incorporated into SCIP, with additional process measures added (Box 12-6), including recommendations for agents to be used for prophylaxis in specific circumstances (Table 12-2). As a U.S. federal program, SCIP includes reporting mandates, with financial incentives for compliance that will eventually become penalties for noncompliance.114 Perhaps not unexpectedly, several studies have reported that the incidence of SSIs has not decreased under SCIP,109,110 possibly for several reasons.115 Baseline infection rates may have increased as a result of improved reporting, masking any decrease from process improvement. The inherent assumption, that a focus on process improvement will result in an improved outcome, may be flawed. Causes and prevention of SSIs are complex and multifactorial and compartmentalization by SCIP may be an oversimplification. Moreover, SCIP is not a smorgasbord of tactics from which the clinician may pick and choose; prevention of SSIs requires the flawless execution of an ensemble of prevention tactics,116 not all of which are included in SCIP. For example, correction of patient factors is notably missing. Nonetheless, all the SCIP measures are supported by ample, good-quality evidence, and the search for processes that lead to meaningful improvements in outcome must continue.
Box 12-6 Surgical Care Improvement Project Performance Measures*
Antibiotic Prophylaxis
Proportion of patients who receive an approved antibiotic agent for prophylaxis consistent with current recommendations (published guidelines; see Table 12-2)
Clindamycin use is preferred for patients allergic to β-lactam antibiotics.

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