Chapter 13 Surgical Complications
Surgical Wound Complications
Presentation and Management
One must balance the risk of significant bleeding caused by uncorrected medication-induced coagulopathy and the risk of thromboembolic events after discontinuation of therapy. The risk of bleeding varies with the type of surgery or procedure and adequacy of hemostasis; the risk of thromboembolism depends on the indication for antithrombotic therapy and presence of comorbid conditions.1 In patients at high risk for thromboembolism (e.g., those with a mechanical mitral valve or older generation aortic valve prosthesis, venous thromboembolism within 3 months, severe thrombophilia, recent atrial fibrillation [within 6 months], stroke or transient ischemic attack who are scheduled to undergo an elective major surgical procedure involving a body cavity), the VKA must be discontinued 4 to 5 days before surgery to allow the international normalized ratio (INR) to be lower than 1.5. In patients whose INR is still elevated (>1.5), low-dose vitamin K (1 to 2 mg) is given orally. Patients are then given bridging anticoagulation—that is, a therapeutic dose of rapidly acting anticoagulant, intravenous (IV) UFH or to LMWH. Those receiving IV UFH (half-life, 45 minutes) can have the medication discontinued 4 hours before surgery and those receiving therapeutic dose LMWH SC (variable half-life) 16 to 24 hours before surgery. VKA is then resumed 12 to 24 hours after surgery (takes 2 to 3 days for anticoagulant effect to begin after start of VKA) and when there is adequate hemostasis. In patients at high risk of bleeding (major surgery or high bleeding risk surgery) for whom postoperative therapeutic LMWH or UFH is planned, initiation of therapy is delayed for 48 to 72 hours, low-dose LMWH or UFH is administered, or the therapy is completely avoided. Patients at low risk for thromboembolism do not require heparin therapy after discontinuation of the VKA. Patients on ASA or clopidogrel must have the medication withheld 6 to 7 days before surgery; otherwise, the surgery must be delayed until the patient has completed the course of treatment. Antiplatelet therapy is resumed approximately 24 hours after surgery. In patients with a bare metal coronary stent who require surgery within 6 weeks of stent placement, ASA and clopidogrel are continued in the perioperative period. In patients who are receiving VKAs and require urgent surgery, immediate reversal of anticoagulant effect requires transfusion with fresh-frozen plasma or other prothrombin concentrate and low-dose IV or oral vitamin K. During surgery, adequate hemostasis must be achieved with ligature, electrocautery, fibrin glue, or topical bovine thrombin before closure. Closed suction drainage systems are placed in large potential spaces and removed postoperatively when the output is not bloody and scant.
Acute Wound Failure (Dehiscence)
Acute wound failure occurs in approximately 1% to 3% of patients who undergo an abdominal operation. Dehiscence most often develops 7 to 10 days postoperatively but may occur anytime after surgery, from 1 to more than 20 days. A multitude of factors may contribute to wound dehiscence (Box 13-1). Acute wound failure is often related to technical errors in placing sutures too close to the edge, too far apart, or under too much tension. Local wound complications such as hematoma and infection can also predispose to localized dehiscence. In fact, a deep wound infection is one of the most common causes of localized wound separation. Increased intra-abdominal pressure (IAP) is often blamed for wound disruption and factors that adversely affect wound healing are cited as contributing to the complication. In healthy patients, the rate of wound failure is similar whether closure is accomplished with a continuous or interrupted technique. In high-risk patients, however, continuous closure is worrisome because suture breakage in one place weakens the entire closure.
Presentation and Management
Absorbable synthetic mesh provides wound stability and is resistant to infection. It is associated with fistula and hernia formation repair, which is difficult and may require reconstruction of the abdominal wall. Repair with nonabsorbable synthetic mesh such as polypropylene, polyester, or polytetrafluoroethylene (PTFE) is associated with complications that will require removal of the mesh (e.g., abscess formation, dehiscence, wound sepsis, mesh extrusion, bowel fistulization). Although PTFE is more desirable because it is nonadherent to underlying bowel, it is expensive, does not allow skin grafting, and is associated with chronic infections. An acellular dermal matrix (bioprosthesis) has the mechanical properties of a mesh for abdominal wall reconstruction and physiologic properties that make it resistant to contamination and/or infection. The bioprosthesis provides immediate coverage of the wound and serves as mechanical support in a single-stage reconstruction of compromised surgical wounds. It is bioactive because it functions as tissue replacement or scaffold for new tissue growth; it stimulates cellular attachment, migration, neovascularization, and repopulation of the implanted graft. A bioprosthesis also reduces long-term complications (e.g., erosion, infection, chronic pain). Available acellular materials are animal-derived (e.g., porcine intestinal submucosa, porcine dermis, cross-linked porcine dermal collagen) or human-derived (e.g., cadaveric human dermis). However, the rate of wound complications (e.g., superficial wound or graft infection, graft dehiscence, fistula formation, bleeding) and hernia formation or laxity of the abdominal wall is 25% to 50%.2
Negative-pressure wound therapy is based on the concept of wound suction. A vacuum-assisted closure device is most commonly used. The device consists of a vacuum pump, canister with connecting tubing, open-pore foam (e.g., polyurethane ether, polyvinyl alcohol foam) or gauze, and semiocclusive dressing. The device provides immediate coverage of the abdominal wound, acts as a temporary dressing, does not require suturing to the fascia, minimizes IAH, and prevents loss of domain. Applying suction of 125 mm Hg, the open-pore foam decreases in size and transmits the negative pressure to surrounding tissue, leading to contraction of the wound (macrodeformation) and removal of extracellular fluid (via decrease in bowel edema, evacuation of excess abdominal fluid, decrease in wound size), stabilization of the wound environment, and microdeformation of the foam-wound interface, which induces cellular proliferation and angiogenesis. The secondary effects of the vacuum-assisted closure device include acceleration of wound healing, reduction and changes in bacterial burden, changes in biochemistry and systemic responses, and improvement in wound bed preparation—increase in local blood perfusion and induction healing response through microchemical forces.3 This approach results in successful closure of the fascia in 85% of cases. However, the device is expensive and cumbersome to wear and may cause significant pain, cause bleeding (especially in patients on anticoagulant therapy), be associated with increased levels of certain bacteria, and be associated with evisceration and hernia formation. There is also an increased incidence of intestinal fistulization at enterotomy sites and enteric anastomoses, and in the absence of anastomoses.
Surgical Site Infection (Wound Infection)
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention has proposed specific criteria for the diagnosis of surgical site infections (Box 13-2).4
Box 13-2 Adapted from Mangram AJ, Horan TC, Pearson ML, et al: Guideline for prevention of surgical site infection. Infect Control Hosp Epidemiol 20:252, 1999.
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention Criteria for Defining a Surgical Site Infection
Superficial Incisional
Infection less than 30 days after surgery
Involves skin and subcutaneous tissue only, plus one of the following:
Surgical site infections develop as a result of contamination of the surgical site with microorganisms. The source of these microorganisms is mostly patients’ flora (endogenous source) when integrity of the skin and/or wall of a hollow viscus is violated. Occasionally, the source is exogenous when a break in the surgical sterile technique occurs, thus allowing contamination from the surgical team, equipment, implant or gloves, or surrounding environment. The pathogens associated with a surgical site infections reflect the area that provided the inoculum for the infection to develop. The microbiology, however, varies, depending on the types of procedures performed in individual practices. Gram-positive cocci account for half of the infections (Table 13-1)—Staphylococcus aureus (most common), coagulase-negative Staphylococcus, and Enterococcus spp. S. aureus infections normally occur in the nasal passages, mucous membranes, and skin of carriers. The organism that has acquired resistance to methicillin (methicillin-resistant S. aureus [MRSA]) consists of two subtypes, hospital- and community-acquired MRSA. Hospital-acquired MRSA is associated with nosocomial infections and affects immunocompromised individuals. It also occurs in patients with chronic wounds, those subjected to invasive procedures, and those with prior antibiotic treatment. Community-acquired MRSA is associated with a variety of skin and soft tissue infections in patients with and without risk factors for MRSA. Community-acquired MRSA (e.g., the USA300 clone) has also been noted to affect SSIs. Hospital-acquired MRSA isolates have a different antibiotic susceptibility profile—they are usually resistant to at least three β-lactam antibiotics and are usually susceptible to vancomycin, teicoplanin, and sulfamethoxazole. Community-acquired MRSA is usually susceptible to clindamycin, with variable susceptibility to erythromycin, vancomycin, and tetracycline. There is evidence to indicate that hospital-acquired MRSA is developing resistance to vancomycin (vancomycin intermediate-resistant S. aureus [VISA] and vancomycin-resistant S. aureus [VRSA]).5 Enterococcus spp. are commensals in the adult gastrointestinal (GI) tract, have intrinsic resistance to a variety of antibiotics (e.g., cephalosporins, clindamycin, aminoglycoside), and are the first to exhibit resistance to vancomycin.
Table 13-1 Pathogens Isolated from Postoperative Surgical Site Infections at a University Hospital
Staphylococcus (coagulase-negative) | 25.6 |
Enterococcus (group D) | 11.5 |
Staphylococcus aureus | 8.7 |
Candida albicans | 6.5 |
Escherichia coli | 6.3 |
Pseudomonas aeruginosa | 6.0 |
Corynebacterium | 4.0 |
Candida (non-albicans) | 3.4 |
Alpha-hemolytic Streptococcus | 3.0 |
Klebsiella pneumoniae | 2.8 |
Vancomycin-resistant Enterococcus | 2.4 |
Enterobacter cloacae | 2.2 |
Citrobacter spp. | 2.0 |
From Weiss CA, Statz CI, Dahms RA, et al: Six years of surgical wound surveillance at a tertiary care center. Arch Surg 134:1041–1048, 1999.
A host of patient- and operative procedure–related factors may contribute to the development of SSIs (Box 13-3).6 The risk of infection is related to the specific surgical procedure performed and, hence, surgical wounds are classified according to the relative risk of surgical site infections occurring—clean, clean-contaminated, contaminated, and dirty (Table 13-2). In the National Nosocomial Infections Surveillance System, the risk of patients is stratified according to three important factors: (1) wound classification (contaminated or dirty); (2) longer duration operation, defined as one that exceeds the 75th percentile for a given procedure; and (3) medical characteristics of the patients as determined by the American Society of Anesthesiology score of III, IV, or V (presence of severe systemic disease that results in functional limitations, is life-threatening, or is expected to preclude survival from the operation) at the time of operation.7
Box 13-3 Data from National Nosocomial Infections Surveillance Systems (NNIS) System Report: Data summary from January 1992–June 2001, issued August 2001. Am J Infect Control 29:404–421, 2001.
Risk Factors for Postoperative Wound Infection
Patient Factors | Environmental Factors | Treatment Factors |
Ascites | Contaminated medications | Drains |
Chronic inflammation | Inadequate disinfection/sterilization | Emergency procedure |
Undernutrition Obesity | Inadequate skin antisepsis | Inadequate antibiotic coverage |
Diabetes | Inadequate ventilation | Preoperative hospitalization |
Extremes of age | Presence of a foreign body | Prolonged operation |
Hypercholesterolemia | ||
Hypoxemia | ||
Peripheral vascular disease | ||
Postoperative anemia | ||
Previous site of irradiation | ||
Recent operation | ||
Remote infection | ||
Skin carriage of staphylococci | ||
Skin disease in the area of infection | ||
Immunosuppression |
Table 13-2 Classification of Surgical Wounds
Clean | No hollow viscus entered | 1-3 |
Primary wound closure | ||
No inflammation | ||
No breaks in aseptic technique | ||
Elective procedure | ||
Clean-contaminated | Hollow viscus entered but controlled No inflammation | 5-8 |
Primary wound closure | ||
Minor break in aseptic technique | ||
Mechanical drain used | ||
Bowel preparation preoperatively | ||
Contaminated | Uncontrolled spillage from viscus | 20-25 |
Inflammation apparent | ||
Open, traumatic wound | ||
Major break in aseptic technique | ||
Dirty | Untreated, uncontrolled spillage from viscus | 30-40 |
Pus in operative wound | ||
Open suppurative wound | ||
Severe inflammation |
Prevention of surgical site infections relies on changing or dealing with modifiable risk factors that predispose to surgical site infections. However, many of these factors cannot be changed, such as age, complexity of the surgical procedure, and morbid obesity. Patients who are heavy smokers are encouraged to stop smoking at least 30 days before surgery, glucose levels in diabetics must be treated appropriately, and severely malnourished patients should be given nutritional supplements for 7 to 14 days before surgery.8 Obese patients must be encouraged to lose weight if the procedure is elective and there is time to achieve significant weight loss. Similarly, patients who are taking high doses of corticosteroids will have lower infection rates if they are weaned off corticosteroids or are at least taking a lower dose. Patients undergoing major intra-abdominal surgery are administered a bowel preparation in the form of a lavage solution or strong cathartic, followed by oral nonabsorbable antibiotic(s), particularly for surgery of the colon and small bowel. Bowel preparation lowers the patient’s risk for infection from that of a contaminated case (25%) to a clean-contaminated case (5%). Hair is removed by clipping immediately before surgery and the skin is prepped at the time of operation with an antiseptic agent (e.g., alcohol, chlorhexidine, iodine).
The role of preoperative decolonization in carriers of S. aureus undergoing general surgery is questionable, and the routine use of prophylactic vancomycin or teicoplanin (effective against MRSA) is not recommended. Although perioperative antibiotics are widely used, prophylaxis is generally recommended for clean-contaminated or contaminated procedures in which the risk of SSIs is high or in procedures in which vascular or orthopedics prostheses are used because the development of SSIs will have grave consequences (Table 13-3). For dirty or contaminated wounds, the use of antibiotics is for therapeutic purposes rather than for prophylaxis. For clean cases, prophylaxis is controversial. For some surgical procedures, a first- or second-generation cephalosporin is the accepted agent of choice. A small but significant benefit may be achieved with the prophylactic administration of a first-generation cephalosporin for certain types of clean surgery (e.g., mastectomy, herniorrhaphy). For clean-contaminated procedures, administration of preoperative antibiotics is indicated. The appropriate preoperative antibiotic is a function of the most likely inoculum based on the area being operated. For example, when a prosthesis may be placed in a clean wound, preoperative antibiotics would include something to protect against S. aureus and streptococcal species. A first-generation cephalosporin, such as cefazolin, would be appropriate in this setting. For patients undergoing upper GI tract surgery, complex biliary tract operations, or elective colonic resection, administration of a second-generation cephalosporin such as cefoxitin or a penicillin derivative with a β-lactamase inhibitor is more suitable. Alternatively, ertapenem can be used for operations involving the lower GI tract. The surgeon will give a preoperative dose, intraoperative doses approximately 4 hours apart, and two postoperative doses appropriately spaced. The timing of administration of prophylactic antibiotics is critical. To be most effective, the antibiotic is administered IV within 30 minutes before the incision so that therapeutic tissue levels have developed when the wound is created and exposed to bacterial contamination. Usually, a period of anesthesia induction, preparation, and draping takes place that is adequate to allow tissue levels to build up to therapeutic levels before the incision is made. Of equal importance is making certain that the prophylactic antibiotic is not administered for extended periods postoperatively. To do so in the prophylactic setting is to invite the development of drug-resistant organisms, as well as serious complications, such as Clostridium difficile–associated colitis.
Table 13-3 Prophylactic Antimicrobial Agent for Selected Surgical Procedures
Cardiothoracic | Cefazolin or cefuroxime | Vancomycin, clindamycin |
Vascular | Cefazolin or cefuroxime | Vancomycin, clindamycin |
Gastroduodenal | Cefazolin | Cefoxitin, cefotetan, aminoglycoside, or fluoroquinolone + antianaerobe |
Open biliary | Cefazolin | Cefoxitin, cefotetan, or fluoroquinolone + antianaerobe |
Laparoscopic cholecystectomy | None | — |
Nonperforated appendicitis | Cefoxitin, cefotetan, cefazolin + metronidazole | Ertapenem, aminoglycoside, or fluoroquinolone + antianaerobe |
Colorectal | Cefoxitin, cefotetan, ampicillin-sulbactam, ertapenem, cefazolin + metronidazole | Aminoglycoside, or fluoroquinolone + antianaerobe, aztreonam + clindamycin |
Hysterectomy | Cefazolin, cefuroxime, cefoxitin, cefotetan, ampicillin-sulbactam | Aminoglycoside, or fluoroquinolone + antianaerobe, aztreonam + clindamycin |
Orthopedic implantation | Cefazolin, cefuroxime | Vancomycin, clindamycin |
Head and neck | Cefazolin, clindamycin | — |
From Kirby JP, Mazuski JE: Prevention of surgical site infection. Surg Clin North Am 89:365–389, 2009.

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