Historical trends in Intersocietal Accreditation Commission echocardiography accredited laboratories (Farrell et al), B88
Adipose tissue
Echocardiographic epicardial adipose tissue thickness is a marker for the detection of vasospastic angina (Nishio et al), B16
Age factors
Age-related increase of left ventricular mechanical dispersion measured with two-dimensional speckle-tracking echocardiography in 254 healthy adults (Muraru et al), B66-7
The aorta in Turner syndrome—it’s not all about the size (Parthiban et al), B94
Association of cumulative exposure to blood pressure from early adulthood to middle age with left atrial and left ventricle structure and function by three-dimensional echocardiography: the Coronary Artery Risk Development in Young Adults (CARDIA) study (de Vasconcellos et al), B48-9
Healthy teens with preterm birth have increased LV twist parameters further exaggerated in more extreme prematurity, a mechanism of LV compensation to impaired diastolic performance (Ravi et al), B77
Left ventricular myocardial deformation capacity during exercise stress in healthy adults. A two-dimensional speckle-tracking echocardiography study (Larsen et al), B75
Strain and rotational mechanics in children with single left ventricles vs. age-matched controls (Lopez et al), B23-4
Prediction of incident heart failure in obese elderly subjects: How should we index left ventricular mass? (Wang et al), B103
Accuracy of the 2016 ASE diastolic guidelines for estimating left ventricular filling pressure (Balaney et al), B82
Comparison of traditional manual and fully automated methods of LV strain analysis in tetralogy of Fallot (Shelby et al), B23
A comprehensive algorithm for identification of shunting with agitated saline contrast echocardiography: the importance of incorporating pattern and timing of left heart opacification (El Tallawi et al), B18-9
Differences in regional wall motion and quantitative ejection fraction measurements when using standard left ventricular opacification versus real time very low mechanical index algorithms (Darrah et al), B7
Most patients are not classifiable by current diastolic function guidelines (Gottbrecht and Aurigemma), B85
Three-dimensional echocardiographic acquisition and analysis of the left-heart chambers: comparison between an automated adaptive analytics algorithm and conventional technique (Medvedofsky et al), B46
Three-dimensional echocardiographic automated quantification of left-heart chambers using adaptive analytics algorithm: importance of experience (Weinert et al), B76
American Society of Echocardiography
Accuracy of the 2016 ASE diastolic guidelines for estimating left ventricular filling pressure (Balaney et al), B82
Impact of the 2016 American Society of Echocardiography guidelines on diastology evaluation and reporting in a community hospital (Gopalakrishnan et al), B66
Can echocardiographic parameters predict the burden of cardiac amyloidosis? (Mehta et al), B104-5
Comparing the variable effects of amyloidosis on the right and left ventricle (Jarori et al), B112
Anemia, sickle cell
Left ventricular function by two-dimensional speckle tracking echocardiography in children with sickle cell anemia (Bansal et al), B105
Angina pectoris
Echocardiographic epicardial adipose tissue thickness is a marker for the detection of vasospastic angina (Nishio et al), B16
Shockwave therapy: a new approach for improving symptoms of patients with refractory angina pectoris (Duque et al), B17
The intracoronary ultrasound targeted microbubble destruction technique enhanced the angiogenesis effect in canine after acute myocardial infarction (Cao et al), B96
Angiotensin converting enzyme ; see Kininase II
Angiotensin receptors ; see Receptors, angiotensin
Animal models ; see Models, animal
Ankle brachial index testing for early detection of peripheral arterial disease at routine cardiologist visit (Phillion et al), B94
Association of aortic stiffness assessed by cardio-ankle vascular index with left ventricular structure and function in hypertensive patients (Ohyama et al), B81
Antibiotics, anthracycline
Early trend of right ventricular dysfunction on patients with lymphoma received high dose of anthracycline therapy (Song et al), B81
Left ventricular dyssynchrony and real time 3D echocardiogram in children following chemotherapy (Kadiu and Aggarwal), B110
Less is not more for diagnosis of cardiotoxicity: single vs standard multiview assessment of global longitudinal strain (Negishi et al), B8
Predictor of left ventricular systolic dysfunction in patients malignant lymphoma after receiving anthracycline (Hatazawa et al), B78
Three-dimensional speckle tracking echocardiography identifies subclinical dysfunction of left ventricle on long-term lymphoma survivors: a case-control study (Zhang et al), B47-8
Using strain imaging to monitor cardiac function in survivors of childhood cancer on angiotensin converting enzyme inhibition or angiotensin receptor blockade (Harrington et al), B8-9
Impact of left ventricle vortex flow guided anticoagulation therapy for preventing apical thrombus formation in patients with acute myocardial infarction. The INNOVATION multicenter prospective randomized clinical trial (Son et al), B4
Adventitial thickening in aortic atherosclerosis and stiffness: a controlled transesophageal echocardiographic study (Roldan et al), B95
The aorta in Turner syndrome—it’s not all about the size (Parthiban et al), B94
Assessing vascular characteristics of the fetal descending aorta (Evanoff et al), B35-6
Association between arterial stiffness and aortic root geometry (Kim et al), B91
Association of aortic stiffness assessed by cardio-ankle vascular index with left ventricular structure and function in hypertensive patients (Ohyama et al), B81
“Bovine” arch: demographic and clinical associations (VerHage et al), B34
The descending aortic Doppler provides a clue to the presence of a vascular ring (Srinivasan et al), B29
The diagnostic value of contrast transthoracic echocardiography in acute aortic dissection (Lv et al), B95
Fetal versus postnatal echocardiogram accuracy in the diagnosis of interrupted aortic arch (Larios et al), B35
Flow reversal in normal fetal aortic arch by echocardiography (Chen et al), B85-6
Hypertrophic cardiomyopathy is associated with dilated sinus of Valsalva: a case-control study (Husain et al), B94-5
Performance characteristics of echocardiography and computed tomography in detecting coronary and aortic atherosclerosis in patients referred for atrial fibrillation ablation (Rau et al), B98
Aortic coarctation
Echocardiographic predictors of significant coarctation gradient at catheterization (Christopher et al), B31
Predicting the need for surgical repair of prenatally diagnosed coarctation of the aorta (Morgan et al), B32-3
Revisiting the Bernoulli equation in coarctation following Norwood procedure (Hashemi et al), B21
Aortic valve
Diastolic dysfunction is a multivariable predictor of re-hospitalization following transcatheter aortic valve replacement: a PARTNER 2 SAPIEN 3 substudy (Ong et al), B3
Echocardiographic predictors of elevated gradients after transcatheter aortic valve replacement for failing bioprosthetic aortic valve replacement (Richmond et al), B56
Importance of 3D structures and tissue characteristics of aortic annulus/valve apparatus for transcatheter aortic valve replacement (Pu et al), B53-4
Lack of improvement in left atrial function at short-term follow-up in patients with transcatheter aortic valve replacement (Fahim et al), B57
Strain echocardiography demonstrates acute transient deterioration in right ventricular systolic function after transapical transcatheter aortic valve replacement (Fahim et al), B58
Transthoracic echocardiography is adequate for intraprocedural assessment of transcatheter aortic valve replacement (Jain et al), B51-2
Transthoracic versus transesophageal echocardiography guided transcatheter aortic valve implantation under moderate sedation (Sherifi et al), B40
Aortic valve insufficiency
Assessment of left ventricular function in patient with chronic aortic regurgitation by three dimensional strain imaging comparison with cardiac magnetic resonance imaging (Xie et al), B54-5
Could an aortic regurgitation paradox be present in transcatheter aortic valve replacement? (Patel et al), B61
Global longitudinal strain predicts mortality in patients with severe aortic insufficiency and preserved left ventricular ejection fraction (Narang et al), B52
In patients with left ventricular volume overload, left ventricular size and shape, more than pulmonary artery systolic pressure, may affect right ventricular geometry and function (Gawad et al), B58
Low-dose dobutamine stress echocardiography speckle-tracking imaging in evaluating the post-surgical prognosis of severe aortic valve insufficiency with significantly reduced left ventricular systolic function (Dong et al), B62
Paravalvular regurgitation evaluation after transarterial valve replacement by valve academic research consortium 2 criteria has a modest association with other semiquantitative methods (Alexandru et al), B59
Strict blood pressure control may be required post transcatheter aortic valve replacement (Veer et al), B59
Transthoracic versus transesophageal imaging in transcatheter aortic valve replacement: the incidence of paravalvular regurgitation (Shah et al), B39
Value of three dimensional strain imaging on assessing left ventricular systolic function and predicting short-term outcome in chronic aortic regurgitation undergoing valve replacement surgery (Yuan et al), B45
Aortic valve stenosis
A feasibility study on application of intravascular ultrasound for detection of valvular calcification (Morisawa et al), B51
Impact of renal function on valvular hemodynamics and clinical outcomes in transcatheter aortic valve replacement (Chen et al), B60
Impact of transcatheter aortic valve replacement in patients with symptomatic severe aortic stenosis and depressed left ventricular function (Chowdhury et al), B56
Left ventricular diastolic vortex formation after transcatheter aortic valve replacement (Subramanyam et al), B53
The myocardial contraction fraction predicts adverse events after transcatheter aortic valve replacement (Madhavan et al), B68-9
Prognostic utility of strain and valvuloarterial impedance in asymptomatic patients with severe aortic stenosis and preserved systolic function undergoing treadmill stress echocardiography (Huded et al), B57
Strict blood pressure control may be required post transcatheter aortic valve replacement (Veer et al), B59
Survival after trans catheter aortic valve replacement in patients with contractile reserve on dobutamine stress echocardiography versus normal-gradient low ejection fraction patients (Okoh et al), B60
Valvuloarterial impedance and left ventricular geometrical characteristics before and after transcatheter aortic valve replacement (Yamaguchi et al), B50
Appointments and schedules
Improvement in clinic and echocardiography lab efficiency via scheduled echocardiograms (Best et al), B23
Assessing of myocardial atrial deformations in CABG patients as predictor of perioperative cardiac arrhythmia (Hristova and Marinov), B99
Association between arterial stiffness and aortic root geometry (Kim et al), B91
Left atrial dysfunction in patients with infarction of proximal left circumflex artery (Saijo et al), B96
Prognostic utility of strain and valvuloarterial impedance in asymptomatic patients with severe aortic stenosis and preserved systolic function undergoing treadmill stress echocardiography (Huded et al), B57
Ultrasound molecular imaging of endothelial activation and platelet adhesion in remote arteries after myocardial infarction: implications for reducing risk for remote recurrent atherosclerotic events (Moccetti et al), B3
Valvuloarterial impedance and left ventricular geometrical characteristics before and after transcatheter aortic valve replacement (Yamaguchi et al), B50
Adventitial thickening in aortic atherosclerosis and stiffness: a controlled transesophageal echocardiographic study (Roldan et al), B95
Assessment of carotid artery lesion and elasticity in Hutchinson-Gilford progeria syndrome children by ultrasound and e-tracking technique (Zheng et al), B93-4
Association between arterial stiffness and aortic root geometry (Kim et al), B91
Association of aortic stiffness assessed by cardio-ankle vascular index with left ventricular structure and function in hypertensive patients (Ohyama et al), B81
Carotid plaque composition by gray scale mapping is predictive of coronary artery disease and 5 year cardiovascular outcomes (Herr et al), B91
Carotid plaque rather than intima-media thickness as a predictor of recurrent vascular events in patients with acute ischemic stroke (Yoon et al), B92
Evaluation of carotid arterial elasticity in patients with obstructive sleep apnea hypopnea syndrome by two-dimensional speckle tracking imaging (You et al), B110-1
Performance characteristics of echocardiography and computed tomography in detecting coronary and aortic atherosclerosis in patients referred for atrial fibrillation ablation (Rau et al), B98
Plaque and intima-media thickness, arterial stiffness and stress echocardiography for cardiovascular risk stratification (Van Woerkom et al), B93
Ultrasound molecular imaging of endothelial activation and platelet adhesion in remote arteries after myocardial infarction: implications for reducing risk for remote recurrent atherosclerotic events (Moccetti et al), B3
Vascular stiffness evaluated by strain of common carotid artery is deteriorated from the very early stage of hypertension in non-dippers (Park et al), B92
Atrial fibrillation
Assessing of myocardial atrial deformations in CABG patients as predictor of perioperative cardiac arrhythmia (Hristova and Marinov), B99
Echocardiographic characterization of a biventricular mock circulatory system and a fibrillating heart during mechanical actuation (Zhou et al), B64-5
Left atrial appendage ejection fraction assessed by three dimensional transesophageal echocardiography predicts cardiogenic embolization in patients with nonvalvular atrial fibrillation (Hashimoto et al), B43
Mitral peak A wave velocity immediately after radiofrequency catheter ablation to predict atrial fibrillation recurrence (Nam et al), B102
Performance characteristics of echocardiography and computed tomography in detecting coronary and aortic atherosclerosis in patients referred for atrial fibrillation ablation (Rau et al), B98
The predictive value of left atrial synchronization for recurrence after radio frequency catheter ablation in paroxysmal atrial fibrillation patients by dual gate Doppler (Guo et al), B85
Preoperative left atrial volume index as a predictor of sinus node dysfunction after surgical atrial fibrillation ablation in patients undergoing concomitant mitral valve surgery (Kim et al), B102-3
Relationship between left atrial deformability and risk of stroke/TIA in patients with paroxysmal atrial fibrillation (Chen et al), B101
The role of left atrial and ventricular function in prediction of atrial fibrillation (Ramkumar et al), B70
A sensitive and specific echocardiographic scoring system to predict atrial fibrillation following cryptogenic strokes (Pathan et al), B100
Vortex characteristics of left atrial appendage in atrial fibrillation by transesophageal echocardiography and vector flow mapping (Chen et al), B38
Atrial function, left
Differential right and left ventricular remodeling post LVAD implantation (Medvedofsky et al), B72
Impaired left atrial systolic function and interatrial dyssyncrony contributed to symptoms of heart failure with preserved left ventricular ejection fraction (Liu et al), B15-6
Inter- and intra-reader reproducibility assessment of left atrial function and phasic volumes by three- and two-dimensional speckle tracking echocardiography: the Coronary Artery Risk Development in Young Adults (CARDIA) study (Vasconcellos et al), B101
Lack of improvement in left atrial function at short-term follow-up in patients with transcatheter aortic valve replacement (Fahim et al), B57
Left atrial dysfunction in patients with infarction of proximal left circumflex artery (Saijo et al), B96
Left atrial strain has equivalent discriminating value as left ventricular global longitudinal strain in hospitalized patients due to heart failure with reduced ejection fraction (Saha et al), B79
Load dependency of left atrial strain in healthy volunteers (Singh et al), B100
Non-invasive assessment of left atrial pressure (Ranjan et al), B81-2
A novel echocardiographic hemodynamic classification of heart failure based on flow state and left atrial pressure (Abdulla et al), B71
The predictive value of left atrial synchronization for recurrence after radio frequency catheter ablation in paroxysmal atrial fibrillation patients by dual gate Doppler (Guo et al), B85
Right atrial dysfunction in pediatric Kawasaki disease patients (Cassidy et al), B5
The role of left atrial and ventricular function in prediction of atrial fibrillation (Ramkumar et al), B70
Atrial function, right
Prognostic utility and clinical significance of right atrial mechanics in pulmonary arterial hypertension (Alenezi et al), B73
Atrial septal aneurysm ; see Heart aneurysm
Atrial septal defects ; see Heart septal defects, atrial
Atrioventricular valves ; see Heart valves
Comparison of traditional manual and fully automated methods of LV strain analysis in tetralogy of Fallot (Shelby et al), B23
Novel automated left heart chamber quantification software is useful for both beginners and experts: three-dimensional transthoracic echocardiographic study (Toki et al), B46
Quantification of left ventricular volumes and ejection fraction in cancer patients using a novel fully automated 3D software program: exploring an alternative to 2D contrast echocardiography (Lamb et al), B48
Three-dimensional echocardiographic acquisition and analysis of the left-heart chambers: comparison between an automated adaptive analytics algorithm and conventional technique (Medvedofsky et al), B46
Three-dimensional echocardiographic automated quantification of left-heart chambers using adaptive analytics algorithm: importance of experience (Weinert et al), B76
Validity of automated measurement of left ventricular volumes and ejection fraction using a 2DQ on the Philips EPIQ system for obese patients (Makkiya et al), B17
Bedside equipment ; see Equipment and supplies
Bernoulli equation ; see Binomial distribution
Longitudinal systolic strain and deformation gradient on 4 chamber 2-D speckle tracking in thalassemia major (Chowdhury et al), B76
Binomial distribution
Revisiting the Bernoulli equation in coarctation following Norwood procedure (Hashemi et al), B21
Echocardiographic guidance and monitoring of transcatheter mitral valve replacement in severe mitral annular calcification and failing bioprostheses; mid-term follow-up data are encouraging (Harland et al), B52-3
Echocardiographic predictors of elevated gradients after transcatheter aortic valve replacement for failing bioprosthetic aortic valve replacement (Richmond et al), B56
Agitated saline contrast opacification: a prospective comparison (Hepinstall et al), B16
Blood circulation
Echocardiographic characterization of a biventricular mock circulatory system and a fibrillating heart during mechanical actuation (Zhou et al), B64-5
Blood flow velocity
Abnormal features of vortex formation in single ventricle physiology (Uppu et al), B24
Comparative assessment of left ventricular and right ventricular blood flow energy loss characteristics using quantitative vector flow mapping (Sugahara et al), B73
The descending aortic Doppler provides a clue to the presence of a vascular ring (Srinivasan et al), B29
Developmental patterning of left ventricular vortex formation from infancy to adulthood (Srivastava et al), B22-3
Does high pulmonary venous forward-reverse VTI ratio predict postnatal morbidity related to pulmonary over-circulation in the fetus with hypoplastic left heart syndrome? (Posey et al), B36
Flow reversal in normal fetal aortic arch by echocardiography (Chen et al), B85-6
Impact of left ventricle vortex flow guided anticoagulation therapy for preventing apical thrombus formation in patients with acute myocardial infarction. The INNOVATION multicenter prospective randomized clinical trial (Son et al), B4
Impact of Mitral Clip implantation on left atrial appendage velocity (Jain et al), B39
Left ventricular blood flow imaging (LVeFlow) in assessment of left ventricular function: comparison with contrast echocardiography (Ahmad et al), B18
Mitral peak A wave velocity immediately after radiofrequency catheter ablation to predict atrial fibrillation recurrence (Nam et al), B102
A novel echocardiographic hemodynamic classification of heart failure based on flow state and left atrial pressure (Abdulla et al), B71
Right ventricular flow dynamics in dilated right ventricles: energy loss estimation by blood speckle tracking echocardiography in children (Mawad et al), B10
Vortex characteristics of left atrial appendage in atrial fibrillation by transesophageal echocardiography and vector flow mapping (Chen et al), B38
Blood platelets
Ultrasound molecular imaging of endothelial activation and platelet adhesion in remote arteries after myocardial infarction: implications for reducing risk for remote recurrent atherosclerotic events (Moccetti et al), B3
Blood pressure
Strict blood pressure control may be required post transcatheter aortic valve replacement (Veer et al), B59
Blood transfusion
Early detection of ventricular dysfunction by tissue Doppler echocardiography related to cardiac iron overload in patients with transfusion-dependent thalassemia (Silvilairat et al), B86
Longitudinal systolic strain and deformation gradient on 4 chamber 2-D speckle tracking in thalassemia major (Chowdhury et al), B76
Blood vessels
Significance of contrast-enhanced carotid ultrasonography for evaluation of vasa vasorum in patients long after Kawasaki disease (Noto et al), B16
Body mass index
Indexing left ventricular mass to lean body mass in a Hispanic population (Macias et al), B107-8
Body weight
Impact of overweight on left ventricular longitudinal function and diastolic function in diabetes mellitus (Suto et al), B108-9
Brachial artery
Ankle brachial index testing for early detection of peripheral arterial disease at routine cardiologist visit (Phillion et al), B94
Brachiocephalic veins
Brachiocephalic vein: a surrogate for estimating central venous pressure (Parwani et al), B84
The incidence of hypotension with or without bradycardia in patients undergoing dobutamine stress echocardiogram: a quantitative systematic review of the literature (Salim et al), B109
Breast neoplasms
Conventional echocardiographic parameters in oncological patients undergoing a new radiotherapeutic treatment: proton beam versus photon radiotherapy (Bruno et al), B110
Subcostal strain measurements in patients with breast cancer: feasibility and potential novel clinical utility (Chuzi et al), B104
Bundle-branch block
Prevalence of right bundle branch block in patients with an atrial septal aneurysm (Yeung et al), B102
Bedside equipment ; see Equipment and supplies
Bernoulli equation ; see Binomial distribution
Longitudinal systolic strain and deformation gradient on 4 chamber 2-D speckle tracking in thalassemia major (Chowdhury et al), B76
Binomial distribution
Revisiting the Bernoulli equation in coarctation following Norwood procedure (Hashemi et al), B21
Echocardiographic guidance and monitoring of transcatheter mitral valve replacement in severe mitral annular calcification and failing bioprostheses; mid-term follow-up data are encouraging (Harland et al), B52-3
Echocardiographic predictors of elevated gradients after transcatheter aortic valve replacement for failing bioprosthetic aortic valve replacement (Richmond et al), B56
Agitated saline contrast opacification: a prospective comparison (Hepinstall et al), B16
Blood circulation
Echocardiographic characterization of a biventricular mock circulatory system and a fibrillating heart during mechanical actuation (Zhou et al), B64-5
Blood flow velocity
Abnormal features of vortex formation in single ventricle physiology (Uppu et al), B24
Comparative assessment of left ventricular and right ventricular blood flow energy loss characteristics using quantitative vector flow mapping (Sugahara et al), B73
The descending aortic Doppler provides a clue to the presence of a vascular ring (Srinivasan et al), B29
Developmental patterning of left ventricular vortex formation from infancy to adulthood (Srivastava et al), B22-3
Does high pulmonary venous forward-reverse VTI ratio predict postnatal morbidity related to pulmonary over-circulation in the fetus with hypoplastic left heart syndrome? (Posey et al), B36
Flow reversal in normal fetal aortic arch by echocardiography (Chen et al), B85-6
Impact of left ventricle vortex flow guided anticoagulation therapy for preventing apical thrombus formation in patients with acute myocardial infarction. The INNOVATION multicenter prospective randomized clinical trial (Son et al), B4
Impact of Mitral Clip implantation on left atrial appendage velocity (Jain et al), B39
Left ventricular blood flow imaging (LVeFlow) in assessment of left ventricular function: comparison with contrast echocardiography (Ahmad et al), B18
Mitral peak A wave velocity immediately after radiofrequency catheter ablation to predict atrial fibrillation recurrence (Nam et al), B102
A novel echocardiographic hemodynamic classification of heart failure based on flow state and left atrial pressure (Abdulla et al), B71
Right ventricular flow dynamics in dilated right ventricles: energy loss estimation by blood speckle tracking echocardiography in children (Mawad et al), B10
Vortex characteristics of left atrial appendage in atrial fibrillation by transesophageal echocardiography and vector flow mapping (Chen et al), B38
Blood platelets
Ultrasound molecular imaging of endothelial activation and platelet adhesion in remote arteries after myocardial infarction: implications for reducing risk for remote recurrent atherosclerotic events (Moccetti et al), B3
Blood pressure
Strict blood pressure control may be required post transcatheter aortic valve replacement (Veer et al), B59
Blood transfusion
Early detection of ventricular dysfunction by tissue Doppler echocardiography related to cardiac iron overload in patients with transfusion-dependent thalassemia (Silvilairat et al), B86
Longitudinal systolic strain and deformation gradient on 4 chamber 2-D speckle tracking in thalassemia major (Chowdhury et al), B76
Blood vessels
Significance of contrast-enhanced carotid ultrasonography for evaluation of vasa vasorum in patients long after Kawasaki disease (Noto et al), B16
Body mass index
Indexing left ventricular mass to lean body mass in a Hispanic population (Macias et al), B107-8
Body weight
Impact of overweight on left ventricular longitudinal function and diastolic function in diabetes mellitus (Suto et al), B108-9
Brachial artery
Ankle brachial index testing for early detection of peripheral arterial disease at routine cardiologist visit (Phillion et al), B94
Brachiocephalic veins
Brachiocephalic vein: a surrogate for estimating central venous pressure (Parwani et al), B84
The incidence of hypotension with or without bradycardia in patients undergoing dobutamine stress echocardiogram: a quantitative systematic review of the literature (Salim et al), B109
Breast neoplasms
Conventional echocardiographic parameters in oncological patients undergoing a new radiotherapeutic treatment: proton beam versus photon radiotherapy (Bruno et al), B110
Subcostal strain measurements in patients with breast cancer: feasibility and potential novel clinical utility (Chuzi et al), B104
Bundle-branch block
Prevalence of right bundle branch block in patients with an atrial septal aneurysm (Yeung et al), B102
Echocardiographic calcifications improve prediction of major adverse cardiovascular events beyond traditional Framingham risk score (Krishnamoorthy et al), B87
Echocardiographic guidance and monitoring of transcatheter mitral valve replacement in severe mitral annular calcification and failing bioprostheses; mid-term follow-up data are encouraging (Harland et al), B52-3
A feasibility study on application of intravascular ultrasound for detection of valvular calcification (Morisawa et al), B51
Cancer ; see Neoplasms
Cardiac diseases ; see Heart diseases
Cardiac function tests ; see Heart function tests
Cardiac output
Maternal diabetes and fetal cardiac output (Bhatia et al), B33-4
Postnatal renal size in children with single ventricles correlates to fetal cardiac output during the third trimester (Hahn et al), B30
The right ventricle is responsible for most of the hemodynamic compensation in fetuses with high cardiac output lesions (Soliman et al), B30
Cardiac pacing, artificial
Echocardiographic determinants of mitral regurgitation improvement in patients undergoing cardiac resynchronization therapy after inferior myocardial infarction (Mihos et al), B56-7
A rapid method of ECHO-optimization of CRT reduces 1-year mortality and heart failure hospitalizations (Niwaz et al), B88
Reduction in mitral regurgitation after cardiac resynchronization therapy has favorable prognostic impact regardless of baseline global longitudinal strain (Kagiyama et al), B52
Temporary withdrawal of cardiac resynchronization therapy in super-responders (Chen et al), B67
Cardiac volume
Assessment of right ventricular mechanics and volumes in the fetal heart using 3D echocardiography (Li et al), B5
Cardiac remodeling in myocardial infarction: novel prospective insights by multimodality ultrasound imaging (Barros-Gomes et al), B98
A clinical study of prognostic significance of left atrial volume index (LAVI) in patients with acute coronary syndrome (Nagula et al), B98-9
Determination of sources of error and correction of left ventricular mass measurement by echocardiography compared with cardiac magnetic resonance imaging (Siddiqi et al), B64
Evaluation of right ventricular volumes and functions in patients with heart failure by three-dimensional echocardiography and speckle tracking imaging (Li et al), B49
Evaluation of the right ventricular systolic function recovery and remodeling after percutaneous coronary intervention in patients with inferior wall and right ventricular myocardial infarction (Yao et al), B99
In patients with left ventricular volume overload, left ventricular size and shape, more than pulmonary artery systolic pressure, may affect right ventricular geometry and function (Gawad et al), B58
The impact of fetal endoscopic tracheal occlusion on left-sided cardiac dimensions and outcomes in fetuses with left-sided congenital diaphragmatic hernia and comparison to matched controls (Dhillon et al), B32
Indexing left ventricular mass to lean body mass in a Hispanic population (Macias et al), B107-8
Inter- and intra-reader reproducibility assessment of left atrial function and phasic volumes by three- and two-dimensional speckle tracking echocardiography: the Coronary Artery Risk Development in Young Adults (CARDIA) study (Vasconcellos et al), B101
Left atrium to right atrium ratio, an index for detecting left atrial enlargement (Arroyo et al), B103
Non-invasive assessment of left atrial pressure (Ranjan et al), B81-2
Novel automated left heart chamber quantification software is useful for both beginners and experts: three-dimensional transthoracic echocardiographic study (Toki et al), B46
Prediction of incident heart failure in obese elderly subjects: How should we index left ventricular mass? (Wang et al), B103
Preoperative left atrial volume index as a predictor of sinus node dysfunction after surgical atrial fibrillation ablation in patients undergoing concomitant mitral valve surgery (Kim et al), B102-3
Quantification of left ventricular volumes and ejection fraction in cancer patients using a novel fully automated 3D software program: exploring an alternative to 2D contrast echocardiography (Lamb et al), B48
Right atrial area is associated with three-dimensional echocardiography volumetric and functional indices in children with pulmonary hypertension (Jone et al), B32
Right atrial volume and body size are the most consistent determinants of tricuspid annulus size in patients with functional tricuspid regurgitation due to various mechanisms (Muraru et al), B59-60
Right ventricular flow dynamics in dilated right ventricles: energy loss estimation by blood speckle tracking echocardiography in children (Mawad et al), B10
Right ventricular regional volume and systolic function evaluated by three-dimensional echocardiography in patients before and 6 months after percutaneous closure of atrial septal defect (Kong et al), B44
Three-dimensional echocardiographic acquisition and analysis of the left-heart chambers: comparison between an automated adaptive analytics algorithm and conventional technique (Medvedofsky et al), B46
Three-dimensional echocardiography right ventricular volumes and ejection fraction predict mortality in unselected patients with various cardiac diseases (Muraru et al), B43
3-Dimensional principal strain, novel parameter for cardiac mechanics, is not independent from acute preload changes (Park), B71
Validation and multicenter reference values for three dimensional echocardiographic right ventricular volumetry in children using 4D-RV-function 2 software with a modified workflow (Karabiyik et al), B45
Validity of automated measurement of left ventricular volumes and ejection fraction using a 2DQ on the Philips EPIQ system for obese patients (Makkiya et al), B17
Cardiomyopathy, hypertrophic
Abnormalities of the mitral valve apparatus in children with hypertrophic cardiomyopathy (Calderon-Anyosa et al), B30-1
Can abnormalities of the mitral valve apparatus identify genotype-positive, phenotype-negative form of hypertrophic cardiomyopathy in children? (Calderon-Anyosa et al), B10-1
Discrepancy in left ventricular outflow tract gradients measured with transthoracic echocardiography and intraoperative transesophageal echocardiography in patients with hypertrophic obstructive cardiomyopathy (HOCM) (Elsayes et al), B38-9
E/e’ ratio and outcome prediction in hypertrophic cardiomyopathy: the confounding influence of outflow tract obstruction (Lu), B82
Hypertrophic cardiomyopathy is associated with dilated sinus of Valsalva: a case-control study (Husain et al), B94-5
The many faces of Fabry’s cardiomyopathy: a case series (Jain et al), B111
Mitral leaflet sizing in hypertrophic cardiomyopathy: impact of method and timing (Muraru et al), B41
Percutaneous transthoracic trans-apex intra-septal radiofrequency ablation treatment of hypertrophic obstructive cardiomyopathy: a novel mini-invasive treatment strategy for reduction of outflow tract obstruction (Liu et al), B18
Cardiomyopathy, Takotsubo
Evaluation of left ventricular global longitudinal strain as predictor of left ventricular ejection fraction recovery in Takotsubo cardiomyopathy patients: a single center experience (Rajesh et al), B68
Cardiorenal syndrome ; see Heart failure, congestive ; Kidney failure
Conventional echocardiographic parameters in oncological patients undergoing a new radiotherapeutic treatment: proton beam versus photon radiotherapy (Bruno et al), B110
Early trend of right ventricular dysfunction on patients with lymphoma received high dose of anthracycline therapy (Song et al), B81
Improving cardio-oncology evaluation in the echocardiography lab (Johnson et al), B104
Left ventricular dyssynchrony and real time 3D echocardiogram in children following chemotherapy (Kadiu and Aggarwal), B110
Less is not more for diagnosis of cardiotoxicity: single vs standard multiview assessment of global longitudinal strain (Negishi et al), B8
Three-dimensional speckle tracking echocardiography identifies subclinical dysfunction of left ventricle on long-term lymphoma survivors: a case-control study (Zhang et al), B47-8
Using strain imaging to monitor cardiac function in survivors of childhood cancer on angiotensin converting enzyme inhibition or angiotensin receptor blockade (Harrington et al), B8-9
Cardiovascular diseases
Cardiovascular abnormalities in children with obesity: a real-time 3-D speckle tracking imaging study (Zhang et al), B13
Carotid plaque composition by gray scale mapping is predictive of coronary artery disease and 5 year cardiovascular outcomes (Herr et al), B91
Echocardiographic calcifications improve prediction of major adverse cardiovascular events beyond traditional Framingham risk score (Krishnamoorthy et al), B87
Global longitudinal strain is associated with immune status in patients living with human immunodeficiency virus and normal left ventricle ejection fraction (Alenezi et al), B75
Global right ventricular strain is an independent predictor of cardiovascular events (Jarori et al), B72-3
How do intima loss and media clouding on carotid artery ultrasound relate to cardiovascular disease risk factors, carotid wall thickness and coronary artery disease? (Cohen et al), B93
Plaque and intima-media thickness, arterial stiffness and stress echocardiography for cardiovascular risk stratification (Van Woerkom et al), B93
Pulmonary artery acceleration time in young adulthood and cardiovascular outcomes later in life: the Coronary Artery Risk Development in Young Adults (CARDIA) study (Moreira et al), B88
Stage A heart failure: subclinical left ventricular function, exercise capacity and cardiovascular outcomes (Wang et al), B89-90
Tissue Doppler predicts cardiovascular death in patients on dialysis (Liang and Kuo), B73-4
Carotid arteries
Assessment of carotid artery lesion and elasticity in Hutchinson-Gilford progeria syndrome children by ultrasound and e-tracking technique (Zheng et al), B93-4
“Bovine” arch: demographic and clinical associations (VerHage et al), B34
Carotid plaque composition by gray scale mapping is predictive of coronary artery disease and 5 year cardiovascular outcomes (Herr et al), B91
Carotid plaque rather than intima-media thickness as a predictor of recurrent vascular events in patients with acute ischemic stroke (Yoon et al), B92
Evaluation of carotid arterial elasticity in patients with obstructive sleep apnea hypopnea syndrome by two-dimensional speckle tracking imaging (You et al), B110-1
How do intima loss and media clouding on carotid artery ultrasound relate to cardiovascular disease risk factors, carotid wall thickness and coronary artery disease? (Cohen et al), B93
Is radial intima/media thickness a better identifier of coronary artery disease than carotid intima-media thickness? A preliminary study in patients with coronary artery disease (Xu et al), B99
Significance of contrast-enhanced carotid ultrasonography for evaluation of vasa vasorum in patients long after Kawasaki disease (Noto et al), B16
Vascular stiffness evaluated by strain of common carotid artery is deteriorated from the very early stage of hypertension in non-dippers (Park et al), B92
Catheter ablation
Mitral peak A wave velocity immediately after radiofrequency catheter ablation to predict atrial fibrillation recurrence (Nam et al), B102
Percutaneous transthoracic trans-apex intra-septal radiofrequency ablation treatment of hypertrophic obstructive cardiomyopathy: a novel mini-invasive treatment strategy for reduction of outflow tract obstruction (Liu et al), B18
Performance characteristics of echocardiography and computed tomography in detecting coronary and aortic atherosclerosis in patients referred for atrial fibrillation ablation (Rau et al), B98
The predictive value of left atrial synchronization for recurrence after radio frequency catheter ablation in paroxysmal atrial fibrillation patients by dual gate Doppler (Guo et al), B85
Preoperative left atrial volume index as a predictor of sinus node dysfunction after surgical atrial fibrillation ablation in patients undergoing concomitant mitral valve surgery (Kim et al), B102-3
Thromboembolic risk in patients with spontaneous echocardiographic contrast in left atrial appendage prior to catheter ablation (Bhandari et al), B102
Utilization trends of intracardiac echocardiography in the United States: insights from nationwide inpatient sample (Taduru and Ramakrishnan), B41
Catheterization heart ; see Heart catheterization
Mechanisms of endogenous stem cell homing improvement by cytoplasmic and nuclear membrane double targeted cationic microbubbles carrying SDF-1a gene combined with ultrasonic irradiation (Chen et al), B97
Central venous pressure
Brachiocephalic vein: a surrogate for estimating central venous pressure (Parwani et al), B84
Change in central venous pressure following passive leg raise does not correlate with transesophageal echocardiography–derived indices of right ventricular function (Steffner et al), B40-1
Cerebral ischemia, transient
Relationship between left atrial deformability and risk of stroke/TIA in patients with paroxysmal atrial fibrillation (Chen et al), B101
TTE for evaluation of TIA or stroke: appropriate but limited clinical utility (Bamira et al), B64
Cerebrovascular disorders
Are cerebral ECG T-waves in stroke patients a sign of associated transient cardiac dysfunction? (Stone et al), B92
Carotid plaque rather than intima-media thickness as a predictor of recurrent vascular events in patients with acute ischemic stroke (Yoon et al), B92
Relationship between left atrial deformability and risk of stroke/TIA in patients with paroxysmal atrial fibrillation (Chen et al), B101
A sensitive and specific echocardiographic scoring system to predict atrial fibrillation following cryptogenic strokes (Pathan et al), B100
TTE for evaluation of TIA or stroke: appropriate but limited clinical utility (Bamira et al), B64
Chagas disease
Assessment of left ventricular myocardial strain using speckle tracking echocardiography in an animal model of Chagas disease (Ribeiro et al), B112
Speckle tracking echocardiography identifies incipient cardiac damage in Chagas disease (Romano et al), B109
Chemotherapy ; see Drug therapy
Appropriateness rates of initial outpatient pediatric echocardiography vary across practice sites (Kourtidou et al), B34-5
Biatrial phasic function after heart transplantation in children: a 3D echocardiography study (Craft et al), B47
“Bovine” arch: demographic and clinical associations (VerHage et al), B34
Comparison of traditional manual and fully automated methods of LV strain analysis in tetralogy of Fallot (Shelby et al), B23
Comparison of transthoracic 3D echo derived patient specific 3D printed valve models to 3D molded models for simulated repair of congenitally abnormal atrioventricular valves (Scanlan et al), B25-6
Diminished longitudinal deformation identifies subclinical right ventricular dysfunction in infants with hypoplastic left heart syndrome (Colquitt et al), B28-9
Effect of presence of cancer in pre-chemotherapy stage in children on left ventricle function as assessed by speckle echocardiography (Venkata et al), B106
Knowledge of appropriate outpatient echocardiogram ordering among primary care physicians and trainees: are we reaching the masses? (Lang et al), B24-5
Left atrial strain and strain rate analysis in Kawasaki disease patients (Pinder et al), B35
Left ventricular dyssynchrony and real time 3D echocardiogram in children following chemotherapy (Kadiu and Aggarwal), B110
Left ventricular function by two-dimensional speckle tracking echocardiography in children with sickle cell anemia (Bansal et al), B105
Longitudinal assessment of quantitative measures of right ventricular function in hypoplastic left heart syndrome (Akintoye et al), B28
Natural history of echocardiographic abnormalities in mucopolysaccharidosis III (Wilhelm et al), B111
Novel echocardiographic markers of disease progression in pediatric pulmonary hypertension (Aggarwal et al), B79
Potts shunt improves right ventricular function in pediatric patients with suprasystemic pulmonary hypertension: evaluation by novel echocardiographic indices (Aggarwal et al), B74
Preoperative echocardiographic features in patients with intramural ventricular septal defects (Pornrattanarungsi et al), B36
Rate of decline in ejection fraction may predict the development of systolic dysfunction in childhood cancer survivors (Rose-Felker et al), B111-2
Right atrial area is associated with three-dimensional echocardiography volumetric and functional indices in children with pulmonary hypertension (Jone et al), B32
Right atrial dysfunction in pediatric Kawasaki disease patients (Cassidy et al), B5
Right ventricular dysfunction in asymptomatic preterm infants beyond infancy (Levy et al), B70
Right ventricular longitudinal strain: free wall versus 4-chamber strain analysis. A comparison in different conditions (Larios et al), B76
Right ventricular tissue Doppler myocardial performance index correlates with severity of pulmonary hypertension in children (Friesen et al), B27
Speckle tracking echocardiography following hybrid stage 1 procedure for infants with hypoplastic left heart syndrome (Kadiu and Aggarwal), B6
Strain and rotational mechanics in children with single left ventricles vs. age-matched controls (Lopez et al), B23-4
3D echocardiographic evidence of reduced right ventricular function 5 years after pediatric heart transplant (Joseph et al), B44-5
Tricuspid valve adaptation in hypoplastic left heart syndrome (Sidhu et al), B28
Validation and multicenter reference values for three dimensional echocardiographic right ventricular volumetry in children using 4D-RV-function 2 software with a modified workflow (Karabiyik et al), B45
Child echocardiography ; see Echocardiography, child
Clinical competence
A predictive model for assessing the diagnostic quality of echocardiographic images (McConnaughey et al), B21
Cluster analysis
Computational clustering to identify myocardial ischemia phenotypes to predict adverse events in patients referred for stress echocardiography (Latina et al), B97
Coarctation, aortic ; see Aortic coarctation
Community hospitals ; see Hospitals, community
Computer simulation
Comparison of transthoracic 3D echo derived patient specific 3D printed valve models to 3D molded models for simulated repair of congenitally abnormal atrioventricular valves (Scanlan et al), B25-6
Establishment and assessment of an LAA occlusion preoperative simulation system based on 3D printing of 3DTEE imaging (Song et al), B46
Hybrid 3D printing based on fusion of multi-modality imaging in simulation of catheter-based transapical mitral valve artificial chordae implantation (Zhao et al), B13
Introductory simulator course in bedside echocardiography for medical students (Elison et al), B20
Assessment of carotid artery lesion and elasticity in Hutchinson-Gilford progeria syndrome children by ultrasound and e-tracking technique (Zheng et al), B93-4
Congenital heart defects ; see Heart defects, congenital
Constrictive pericarditis ; see Pericarditis, constrictive
Continuous positive airway pressure
Effect of c ontinuous p ositive a irway p ressure therapy o n left ventricular di as tolic funct i on in patients with s evere obstructive sleep apnea (CPAP-OASIS) assessed by tissue Doppler, 2D speckle tracking and exercise hemodynamics: a randomized SHAM clinical trial (Kim et al), B4
Contractile reserve
Survival after trans catheter aortic valve replacement in patients with contractile reserve on dobutamine stress echocardiography versus normal-gradient low ejection fraction patients (Okoh et al), B60
Contrast echocardiography ; see Echocardiography, contrast
Contrast media
Myocardial infarct zone detection with delayed enhancement acoustic activation of intravenously administered Definity droplets (Choudhury et al), B12-3
Coronary artery bypass
Assessing of myocardial atrial deformations in CABG patients as predictor of perioperative cardiac arrhythmia (Hristova and Marinov), B99
Geometric change of mitral valve causes worsening of mitral regurgitation during off-pump coronary artery bypass grafting in patients with ischemic heart disease (Iwai-Takano et al), B99
Coronary Artery Risk Development in Young Adults study
Association of cumulative exposure to blood pressure from early adulthood to middle age with left atrial and left ventricle structure and function by three-dimensional echocardiography: the Coronary Artery Risk Development in Young Adults (CARDIA) study (de Vasconcellos et al), B48-9
Inter- and intra-reader reproducibility assessment of left atrial function and phasic volumes by three- and two-dimensional speckle tracking echocardiography: the Coronary Artery Risk Development in Young Adults (CARDIA) study (Vasconcellos et al), B101
Pulmonary artery acceleration time in young adulthood and cardiovascular outcomes later in life: the Coronary Artery Risk Development in Young Adults (CARDIA) study (Moreira et al), B88
Coronary circulation
H 2 O 2 -loaded acoustic phase-change nanoparticles enhancing coronary micro-circulation thrombolysis: an in vitro study by low intensity focused ultrasound irradiation (Guo et al), B15
Coronary disease
Carotid plaque composition by gray scale mapping is predictive of coronary artery disease and 5 year cardiovascular outcomes (Herr et al), B91
A clinical study of prognostic significance of left atrial volume index (LAVI) in patients with acute coronary syndrome (Nagula et al), B98-9
Diagnostic value of resting segmental longitudinal strain for predicting coronary artery disease in the absence of regional wall motion abnormality (Weiss et al), B96
Echocardiographic epicardial adipose tissue thickness is a marker for the detection of vasospastic angina (Nishio et al), B16
Evaluation of the right ventricular systolic function recovery and remodeling after percutaneous coronary intervention in patients with inferior wall and right ventricular myocardial infarction (Yao et al), B99
How do intima loss and media clouding on carotid artery ultrasound relate to cardiovascular disease risk factors, carotid wall thickness and coronary artery disease? (Cohen et al), B93
Is radial intima/media thickness a better identifier of coronary artery disease than carotid intima-media thickness? A preliminary study in patients with coronary artery disease (Xu et al), B99
Performance characteristics of echocardiography and computed tomography in detecting coronary and aortic atherosclerosis in patients referred for atrial fibrillation ablation (Rau et al), B98
Shockwave therapy: a new approach for improving symptoms of patients with refractory angina pectoris (Duque et al), B17
Validation of current diastolic function guidelines in patients with acute coronary syndrome by invasive hemodynamic evaluation (Sanghai et al), B84
CT scan ; see Tomography, x-ray computed
Mechanisms of endogenous stem cell homing improvement by cytoplasmic and nuclear membrane double targeted cationic microbubbles carrying SDF-1a gene combined with ultrasonic irradiation (Chen et al), B97
Definity ; see Contrast media
Diabetes in pregnancy
Maternal diabetes and fetal cardiac output (Bhatia et al), B33-4
Diabetes mellitus
Impact of overweight on left ventricular longitudinal function and diastolic function in diabetes mellitus (Suto et al), B108-9
Ankle brachial index testing for early detection of peripheral arterial disease at routine cardiologist visit (Phillion et al), B94
Appropriate use of echocardiograms in asymptomatic term neonates with heart murmur (Minocha et al), B62-3
Assessment of overall and regional right ventricular systolic function using differential echocardiographic parameters in patients with pulmonary hypertension of incremental stages identifies significant differences (Monroe et al), B71-2
The diagnostic value of contrast transthoracic echocardiography in acute aortic dissection (Lv et al), B95
Diagnostic value of resting segmental longitudinal strain for predicting coronary artery disease in the absence of regional wall motion abnormality (Weiss et al), B96
How focused can a focused cardiac ultrasound examination be in patients presenting with cardiac symptoms? (Jacobson et al), B21
Impact of the 2016 American Society of Echocardiography guidelines on diastology evaluation and reporting in a community hospital (Gopalakrishnan et al), B66
Less is not more for diagnosis of cardiotoxicity: single vs standard multiview assessment of global longitudinal strain (Negishi et al), B8
Optimization of echocardiographic grading of tricuspid regurgitation severity by simple quantitative parameters (Tsang et al), B61
A predictive model for assessing the diagnostic quality of echocardiographic images (McConnaughey et al), B21
Prognostic utility and clinical significance of right atrial mechanics in pulmonary arterial hypertension (Alenezi et al), B73
Reduction in probe to patient response time after implementation of twenty-four hour echocardiography coverage (Malone et al), B63
Teamwork is superior to addition of right ventricular strain in improving estimation of right ventricular ejection fraction (Xu et al), B77-8
Three-dimensional printing of prolapsed mitral valves from three-dimensional speckle tracking echocardiography (Zhao et al), B61
Tissue Doppler predicts cardiovascular death in patients on dialysis (Liang and Kuo), B73-4
Diaphragmatic hernia ; see Hernia, diaphragmatic
Abnormal features of vortex formation in single ventricle physiology (Uppu et al), B24
Accuracy of the 2016 ASE diastolic guidelines for estimating left ventricular filling pressure (Balaney et al), B82
Clustering of echocardiography variables for data-driven assessment of left ventricular diastolic function in patients with preserved ejection fraction (Omar et al), B65
Diastolic dysfunction is a multivariable predictor of re-hospitalization following transcatheter aortic valve replacement: a PARTNER 2 SAPIEN 3 substudy (Ong et al), B3
E/e’ ratio and outcome prediction in hypertrophic cardiomyopathy: the confounding influence of outflow tract obstruction (Lu), B82
Effect of c ontinuous p ositive a irway p ressure therapy o n left ventricular di as tolic funct i on in patients with s evere obstructive sleep apnea (CPAP-OASIS) assessed by tissue Doppler, 2D speckle tracking and exercise hemodynamics: a randomized SHAM clinical trial (Kim et al), B4
Healthy teens with preterm birth have increased LV twist parameters further exaggerated in more extreme prematurity, a mechanism of LV compensation to impaired diastolic performance (Ravi et al), B77
Impact of overweight on left ventricular longitudinal function and diastolic function in diabetes mellitus (Suto et al), B108-9
Impact of the 2016 American Society of Echocardiography guidelines on diastology evaluation and reporting in a community hospital (Gopalakrishnan et al), B66
Inter-modality differences in mitral valve measurements during the cardiac cycle (Bratanoff et al), B47
Left ventricular diastolic vortex at rest and peak exercise in patients with systemic hypertension (Mahmoud et al), B14-5
Left ventricular diastolic vortex formation after transcatheter aortic valve replacement (Subramanyam et al), B53
Machine learning enabled ECG wavelet analysis as a gatekeeper for appropriate evaluation of diastolic function by echocardiography (Sengupta et al), B89
Mitral inflow pattern predicts outcome after cardiac surgery (Metkus et al), B86-7
Most patients are not classifiable by current diastolic function guidelines (Gottbrecht and Aurigemma), B85
Normal reference values of diastolic strain rate in healthy individuals: chronological trends and the comparison according to genders (Sun et al), B69
Relationship between the abnormal diastolic vortex structure and impaired left ventricle filling in patients with hyperthyroidism (Wang et al), B80
Sex difference in left ventricular afterload and diastolic function but not with systolic function (Sorimachi et al), B83
Validation of current diastolic function guidelines in patients with acute coronary syndrome by invasive hemodynamic evaluation (Sanghai et al), B84
Dilated heart ventricle ; see Cardiac volume
Annular dilation and atrial mitral regurgitation—a real time three-dimensional transesophageal echocardiography study (Nagaura et al), B100
Echocardiographic and clinical parameters for predicting improvement of renal function in patients with cardiorenal syndrome after diuretics treatment (Choi et al), B84
The incidence of hypotension with or without bradycardia in patients undergoing dobutamine stress echocardiogram: a quantitative systematic review of the literature (Salim et al), B109
Low-dose dobutamine stress echocardiography speckle-tracking imaging in evaluating the post-surgical prognosis of severe aortic valve insufficiency with significantly reduced left ventricular systolic function (Dong et al), B62
Prevalence and predictors of left ventricular outflow tract obstruction among patients undergoing liver transplantation (Abdallah et al), B109-10
Survival after trans catheter aortic valve replacement in patients with contractile reserve on dobutamine stress echocardiography versus normal-gradient low ejection fraction patients (Okoh et al), B60
Doppler echocardiography ; see Echocardiography, Doppler
Doppler tissue imaging
Tissue Doppler predicts cardiovascular death in patients on dialysis (Liang and Kuo), B73-4
Dose-response relationship
Very low mechanical index 2D and 3D contrast-echocardiography: dosages at the discretion of sonographers (Choy et al), B13
Drug therapy
The biophysics of ultrasound-stimulated microbubbles for drug/gene delivery (Helfield et al), B9
Early trend of right ventricular dysfunction on patients with lymphoma received high dose of anthracycline therapy (Song et al), B81
Effect of presence of cancer in pre-chemotherapy stage in children on left ventricle function as assessed by speckle echocardiography (Venkata et al), B106
Improving cardio-oncology evaluation in the echocardiography lab (Johnson et al), B104
Left ventricular dyssynchrony and real time 3D echocardiogram in children following chemotherapy (Kadiu and Aggarwal), B110
Less is not more for diagnosis of cardiotoxicity: single vs standard multiview assessment of global longitudinal strain (Negishi et al), B8
Predictor of left ventricular systolic dysfunction in patients malignant lymphoma after receiving anthracycline (Hatazawa et al), B78
Three-dimensional speckle tracking echocardiography identifies subclinical dysfunction of left ventricle on long-term lymphoma survivors: a case-control study (Zhang et al), B47-8
e-Tracking ; see Computers
Ebstein’s anomaly
Evaluation of ventricular function in fetus with Ebstein’s anomaly by velocity vector imaging (Huang et al), B54
Echocardiography, child
Abnormal features of vortex formation in single ventricle physiology (Uppu et al), B24
Abnormalities of the mitral valve apparatus in children with hypertrophic cardiomyopathy (Calderon-Anyosa et al), B30-1
Appropriateness of outpatient transthoracic echocardiography orders following cessation of an active educational intervention (Anderson et al), B11
Appropriateness rates of initial outpatient pediatric echocardiography vary across practice sites (Kourtidou et al), B34-5
Biatrial phasic function after heart transplantation in children: a 3D echocardiography study (Craft et al), B47
“Bovine” arch: demographic and clinical associations (VerHage et al), B34
Can abnormalities of the mitral valve apparatus identify genotype-positive, phenotype-negative form of hypertrophic cardiomyopathy in children? (Calderon-Anyosa et al), B10-1
Cardiovascular abnormalities in children with obesity: a real-time 3-D speckle tracking imaging study (Zhang et al), B13
Cardiovascular profile of exercise performance in repaired tetralogy of Fallot using stress echocardiography (Bhatt et al), B27
Comparison of traditional manual and fully automated methods of LV strain analysis in tetralogy of Fallot (Shelby et al), B23
Comparison of transthoracic 3D echo derived patient specific 3D printed valve models to 3D molded models for simulated repair of congenitally abnormal atrioventricular valves (Scanlan et al), B25-6
Correlation of echocardiographic measurements to exercise parameters in Fontan children: a prospective, blinded study (Goudar et al), B12
Diminished longitudinal deformation identifies subclinical right ventricular dysfunction in infants with hypoplastic left heart syndrome (Colquitt et al), B28-9
Echocardiographic predictors of significant coarctation gradient at catheterization (Christopher et al), B31
Effect of presence of cancer in pre-chemotherapy stage in children on left ventricle function as assessed by speckle echocardiography (Venkata et al), B106
Emerging echocardiographic markers of right ventricular performance in preterm infants with pulmonary hypertension (Levy et al), B72
Fetal versus postnatal echocardiogram accuracy in the diagnosis of interrupted aortic arch (Larios et al), B35
Improvement in clinic and echocardiography lab efficiency via scheduled echocardiograms (Best et al), B23
Knowledge of appropriate outpatient echocardiogram ordering among primary care physicians and trainees: are we reaching the masses? (Lang et al), B24-5
Left atrial strain and strain rate analysis in Kawasaki disease patients (Pinder et al), B35
Left ventricular dyssynchrony and real time 3D echocardiogram in children following chemotherapy (Kadiu and Aggarwal), B110
Left ventricular function by two-dimensional speckle tracking echocardiography in children with sickle cell anemia (Bansal et al), B105
Left ventricular mechanics in preterm infants with chronic lung disease (Lehman et al), B75
Longitudinal assessment of quantitative measures of right ventricular function in hypoplastic left heart syndrome (Akintoye et al), B28
Natural history of echocardiographic abnormalities in mucopolysaccharidosis III (Wilhelm et al), B111
Novel echocardiographic markers of disease progression in pediatric pulmonary hypertension (Aggarwal et al), B79
Postnatal renal size in children with single ventricles correlates to fetal cardiac output during the third trimester (Hahn et al), B30
Potts shunt improves right ventricular function in pediatric patients with suprasystemic pulmonary hypertension: evaluation by novel echocardiographic indices (Aggarwal et al), B74
Predicting the need for surgical repair of prenatally diagnosed coarctation of the aorta (Morgan et al), B32-3
Preoperative echocardiographic features in patients with intramural ventricular septal defects (Pornrattanarungsi et al), B36
A quality improvement effort to improve the efficiency of pediatric and congenital echocardiograms (Stern et al), B26
Rate of decline in ejection fraction may predict the development of systolic dysfunction in childhood cancer survivors (Rose-Felker et al), B111-2
Right atrial area is associated with three-dimensional echocardiography volumetric and functional indices in children with pulmonary hypertension (Jone et al), B32
Right atrial dysfunction in pediatric Kawasaki disease patients (Cassidy et al), B5
Right ventricular flow dynamics in dilated right ventricles: energy loss estimation by blood speckle tracking echocardiography in children (Mawad et al), B10
Right ventricular longitudinal strain: free wall versus 4-chamber strain analysis. A comparison in different conditions (Larios et al), B76
Right ventricular tissue Doppler myocardial performance index correlates with severity of pulmonary hypertension in children (Friesen et al), B27
Serial changes in right ventricular systolic function in rejection-free children after heart transplant (Harrington et al), B26
Serial echocardiographic indices associated with survival to stage 3 palliation in hypoplastic left heart syndrome (Kim et al), B29
Speckle tracking echocardiography following hybrid stage 1 procedure for infants with hypoplastic left heart syndrome (Kadiu and Aggarwal), B6
Strain and rotational mechanics in children with single left ventricles vs. age-matched controls (Lopez et al), B23-4
3D echocardiographic evidence of reduced right ventricular function 5 years after pediatric heart transplant (Joseph et al), B44-5
Tricuspid valve adaptation in hypoplastic left heart syndrome (Sidhu et al), B28
Using strain imaging to monitor cardiac function in survivors of childhood cancer on angiotensin converting enzyme inhibition or angiotensin receptor blockade (Harrington et al), B8-9
Utility of pulmonary artery acceleration time to estimate severity of pulmonary hypertension in neonates (Simones et al), B33
Validation and multicenter reference values for three dimensional echocardiographic right ventricular volumetry in children using 4D-RV-function 2 software with a modified workflow (Karabiyik et al), B45
Echocardiography, contrast
Agitated saline contrast opacification: a prospective comparison (Hepinstall et al), B16
A comprehensive algorithm for identification of shunting with agitated saline contrast echocardiography: the importance of incorporating pattern and timing of left heart opacification (El Tallawi et al), B18-9
Contrast echocardiography provides greatest impact in patients with reduced ejection fraction (Zhao et al), B19
The diagnostic value of contrast transthoracic echocardiography in acute aortic dissection (Lv et al), B95
Feasibility of global longitudinal strain measurements in contrast-enhanced echocardiographic images (Medvedofsky et al), B17
Left ventricular blood flow imaging (LVeFlow) in assessment of left ventricular function: comparison with contrast echocardiography (Ahmad et al), B18
Significance of contrast-enhanced carotid ultrasonography for evaluation of vasa vasorum in patients long after Kawasaki disease (Noto et al), B16
Thromboembolic risk in patients with spontaneous echocardiographic contrast in left atrial appendage prior to catheter ablation (Bhandari et al), B102
Very low mechanical index 2D and 3D contrast-echocardiography: dosages at the discretion of sonographers (Choy et al), B13
Echocardiography, Doppler
The descending aortic Doppler provides a clue to the presence of a vascular ring (Srinivasan et al), B29
Developmental patterning of left ventricular vortex formation from infancy to adulthood (Srivastava et al), B22-3
Dual gate versus single gate pulsed Doppler: feasibility and findings in assessing Myocardial Performance Index (Ahmad et al), B83
Early detection of ventricular dysfunction by tissue Doppler echocardiography related to cardiac iron overload in patients with transfusion-dependent thalassemia (Silvilairat et al), B86
Echocardiographic measures of pulmonary vascular compliance: novel prognostic markers for congenital diaphragmatic hernia? (Aggarwal and Natarajan), B11
Effect of c ontinuous p ositive a irway p ressure therapy o n left ventricular di as tolic funct i on in patients with s evere obstructive sleep apnea (CPAP-OASIS) assessed by tissue Doppler, 2D speckle tracking and exercise hemodynamics: a randomized SHAM clinical trial (Kim et al), B4
Non-invasive assessment of left atrial pressure (Ranjan et al), B81-2
Novel use of color Doppler for acoustic tip catheter navigation (Belohlavek and Katayama), B14
The predictive value of left atrial synchronization for recurrence after radio frequency catheter ablation in paroxysmal atrial fibrillation patients by dual gate Doppler (Guo et al), B85
Right ventricular ejection Doppler flow profile characterizes PA hemodynamics in portopulmonary pulmonary hypertension (Kane et al), B82-3
Right ventricular tissue Doppler myocardial performance index correlates with severity of pulmonary hypertension in children (Friesen et al), B27
Echocardiography, fetal
Assessing vascular characteristics of the fetal descending aorta (Evanoff et al), B35-6
Assessment of right ventricular mechanics and volumes in the fetal heart using 3D echocardiography (Li et al), B5
Creating a risk stratification tool to standardize postnatal management of neonates with prenatally diagnosed congenital heart disease (Creighton et al), B31
Effect of maternal hyperoxygenation on fetal myocardial function as measured by strain and strain rate (Cox et al), B37
Fetal versus postnatal echocardiogram accuracy in the diagnosis of interrupted aortic arch (Larios et al), B35
Flow reversal in normal fetal aortic arch by echocardiography (Chen et al), B85-6
Hemodynamic adaptation to suboptimal fetal growth in patients with single ventricle physiology differs from normal controls (Alsaied et al), B22
The impact of fetal endoscopic tracheal occlusion on left-sided cardiac dimensions and outcomes in fetuses with left-sided congenital diaphragmatic hernia and comparison to matched controls (Dhillon et al), B32
Quantile score: a new reference system for fetal echocardiographic measurements by a multi-center study (Gu et al), B11-2
Echocardiography, intracardiac
Utilization trends of intracardiac echocardiography in the United States: insights from nationwide inpatient sample (Taduru and Ramakrishnan), B41
Echocardiography, intraoperative
Discrepancy in left ventricular outflow tract gradients measured with transthoracic echocardiography and intraoperative transesophageal echocardiography in patients with hypertrophic obstructive cardiomyopathy (HOCM) (Elsayes et al), B38-9
Echocardiography, preoperative
Preoperative echocardiographic features in patients with intramural ventricular septal defects (Pornrattanarungsi et al), B36
Echocardiography, stress
Cardiovascular profile of exercise performance in repaired tetralogy of Fallot using stress echocardiography (Bhatt et al), B27
Computational clustering to identify myocardial ischemia phenotypes to predict adverse events in patients referred for stress echocardiography (Latina et al), B97
The incidence of hypotension with or without bradycardia in patients undergoing dobutamine stress echocardiogram: a quantitative systematic review of the literature (Salim et al), B109
Left ventricular myocardial deformation capacity during exercise stress in healthy adults. A two-dimensional speckle-tracking echocardiography study (Larsen et al), B75
Low-dose dobutamine stress echocardiography speckle-tracking imaging in evaluating the post-surgical prognosis of severe aortic valve insufficiency with significantly reduced left ventricular systolic function (Dong et al), B62
Plaque and intima-media thickness, arterial stiffness and stress echocardiography for cardiovascular risk stratification (Van Woerkom et al), B93
Prevalence and predictors of left ventricular outflow tract obstruction among patients undergoing liver transplantation (Abdallah et al), B109-10
Prognostic utility of strain and valvuloarterial impedance in asymptomatic patients with severe aortic stenosis and preserved systolic function undergoing treadmill stress echocardiography (Huded et al), B57
Survival after trans catheter aortic valve replacement in patients with contractile reserve on dobutamine stress echocardiography versus normal-gradient low ejection fraction patients (Okoh et al), B60
Echocardiography, three-dimensional
Acute ischemic mitral regurgitation can occur with mild mitral valve tenting: comparison with chronic ischemic mitral regurgitation by 2D/3D echocardiography (Nishino et al), B55
Annular dilation and atrial mitral regurgitation—a real time three-dimensional transesophageal echocardiography study (Nagaura et al), B100
Assessment of left ventricular function in patient with chronic aortic regurgitation by three dimensional strain imaging comparison with cardiac magnetic resonance imaging (Xie et al), B54-5
Association of cumulative exposure to blood pressure from early adulthood to middle age with left atrial and left ventricle structure and function by three-dimensional echocardiography: the Coronary Artery Risk Development in Young Adults (CARDIA) study (de Vasconcellos et al), B48-9
The clinical value of real time three-dimensional transesophageal echocardiography in percutaneous closure of left atrial appendage (Pan et al), B40
A comparative study of 3D reconstruction of left atrial appendage model based on ultrasound and CT 3D DICOM data (Zhou et al), B41
Establishment and assessment of an LAA occlusion preoperative simulation system based on 3D printing of 3DTEE imaging (Song et al), B46
Evaluation of right ventricular volumes and functions in patients with heart failure by three-dimensional echocardiography and speckle tracking imaging (Li et al), B49
Geometric and hemodynamic insights into the mechanism of acute ischemic mitral regurgitation: serial 3D echocardiographic assessment before and after primary percutaneous coronary intervention (Nishino et al), B42
Incremental prognostic value of left ventricular ejection fraction measured with three-dimensional echocardiography in a large cohort of patients with various cardiac diseases (Muraru et al), B41-2
Inter- and intra-reader reproducibility assessment of left atrial function and phasic volumes by three- and two-dimensional speckle tracking echocardiography: the Coronary Artery Risk Development in Young Adults (CARDIA) study (Vasconcellos et al), B101
Inter-modality differences in mitral valve measurements during the cardiac cycle (Bratanoff et al), B47
Inter-vendor and inter-modality comparison of mitral valve analysis software (Bratanoff et al), B48
Is real time three-dimensional transesophageal echocardiography necessary in transcatheter device closure of multiple atrial septal defects? (Jung et al), B36-7
Left atrial appendage ejection fraction assessed by three dimensional transesophageal echocardiography predicts cardiogenic embolization in patients with nonvalvular atrial fibrillation (Hashimoto et al), B43
Long- and short-term impacts of hemodialysis on right ventricle: assessment via real-time three-dimensional echocardiography (Sun et al), B42-3
Measurement of the distance between papillary tip and annulus in patients with tricuspid regurgitation by 3D transesophageal echocardiography (Obase et al), B37-8
Novel automated left heart chamber quantification software is useful for both beginners and experts: three-dimensional transthoracic echocardiographic study (Toki et al), B46
Optimization of echocardiographic grading of tricuspid regurgitation severity by simple quantitative parameters (Tsang et al), B61
Prognostic influence of three dimensional echocardiographic right ventricular remodeling and left ventricular stroke work index in patients with pulmonary hypertension (Sugahara et al), B43-4
Quantification of left ventricular volumes and ejection fraction in cancer patients using a novel fully automated 3D software program: exploring an alternative to 2D contrast echocardiography (Lamb et al), B48
Right ventricular regional volume and systolic function evaluated by three-dimensional echocardiography in patients before and 6 months after percutaneous closure of atrial septal defect (Kong et al), B44
Role of left ventricular rotational mechanics in the optimization of residual native function in patients with left ventricular assist devices (Medvedofsky et al), B20
Should measurements of tricuspid annulus be performed using two-dimensional echocardiography? (Yamat et al), B55
Superiority of 3D over 2D analysis of right ventricular function in predicting mortality (Narang et al), B44
Three-dimensional echocardiographic acquisition and analysis of the left-heart chambers: comparison between an automated adaptive analytics algorithm and conventional technique (Medvedofsky et al), B46
Three-dimensional echocardiographic automated quantification of left-heart chambers using adaptive analytics algorithm: importance of experience (Weinert et al), B76
3D echocardiographic evaluation of the association between pulmonary hypertension and right ventricle function in patients with severe rheumatic mitral stenosis (Li et al), B47
Three-dimensional echocardiography right ventricular volumes and ejection fraction predict mortality in unselected patients with various cardiac diseases (Muraru et al), B43
3-Dimensional principal strain, novel parameter for cardiac mechanics, is not independent from acute preload changes (Park), B71
3D printed modeling of tricuspid valve for structural heart valve intervention (Vukicevic et al), B37
Three-dimensional printing of prolapsed mitral valves from three-dimensional speckle tracking echocardiography (Zhao et al), B61
3D quantitative mapping of mitral valve tethering in secondary mitral regurgitation: impact of LV shape (Capoulade et al), B60-1
Three-dimensional speckle tracking echocardiography identifies subclinical dysfunction of left ventricle on long-term lymphoma survivors: a case-control study (Zhang et al), B47-8
2D and 3D echocardiography derived left ventricular function and shape indices: which one predicts mortality best? (Medvedofsky et al), B86
Use of fluoroscopy-echocardiography Fusion (Echonav®) guidance during the MitraClip® procedure reduces the time to septal puncture, subsequently reducing the time to first clip deployment and total radiation exposure (Burke et al), B42
Validation of three-dimensional echocardiographic principal strain analysis for assessing left ventricular systolic function (Lee et al), B65-6
Value of three dimensional strain imaging on assessing left ventricular systolic function and predicting short-term outcome in chronic aortic regurgitation undergoing valve replacement surgery (Yuan et al), B45
Very low mechanical index 2D and 3D contrast-echocardiography: dosages at the discretion of sonographers (Choy et al), B13
Echocardiography, three-dimensional, child
Assessment of right ventricular mechanics and volumes in the fetal heart using 3D echocardiography (Li et al), B5
Biatrial phasic function after heart transplantation in children: a 3D echocardiography study (Craft et al), B47
Cardiovascular abnormalities in children with obesity: a real-time 3-D speckle tracking imaging study (Zhang et al), B13
Comparison of transthoracic 3D echo derived patient specific 3D printed valve models to 3D molded models for simulated repair of congenitally abnormal atrioventricular valves (Scanlan et al), B25-6
Left ventricular dyssynchrony and real time 3D echocardiogram in children following chemotherapy (Kadiu and Aggarwal), B110
Right atrial area is associated with three-dimensional echocardiography volumetric and functional indices in children with pulmonary hypertension (Jone et al), B32
3D echocardiographic evidence of reduced right ventricular function 5 years after pediatric heart transplant (Joseph et al), B44-5
Validation and multicenter reference values for three dimensional echocardiographic right ventricular volumetry in children using 4D-RV-function 2 software with a modified workflow (Karabiyik et al), B45
Echocardiography, transesophageal
Adventitial thickening in aortic atherosclerosis and stiffness: a controlled transesophageal echocardiographic study (Roldan et al), B95
Annular dilation and atrial mitral regurgitation—a real time three-dimensional transesophageal echocardiography study (Nagaura et al), B100
Change in central venous pressure following passive leg raise does not correlate with transesophageal echocardiography–derived indices of right ventricular function (Steffner et al), B40-1
The clinical value of real time three-dimensional transesophageal echocardiography in percutaneous closure of left atrial appendage (Pan et al), B40
Discrepancy in left ventricular outflow tract gradients measured with transthoracic echocardiography and intraoperative transesophageal echocardiography in patients with hypertrophic obstructive cardiomyopathy (HOCM) (Elsayes et al), B38-9
Establishment and assessment of an LAA occlusion preoperative simulation system based on 3D printing of 3DTEE imaging (Song et al), B46
Impact of Mitral Clip implantation on left atrial appendage velocity (Jain et al), B39
Is real time three-dimensional transesophageal echocardiography necessary in transcatheter device closure of multiple atrial septal defects? (Jung et al), B36-7
Left atrial appendage ejection fraction assessed by three dimensional transesophageal echocardiography predicts cardiogenic embolization in patients with nonvalvular atrial fibrillation (Hashimoto et al), B43
Measurement of the distance between papillary tip and annulus in patients with tricuspid regurgitation by 3D transesophageal echocardiography (Obase et al), B37-8
Should measurements of tricuspid annulus be performed using two-dimensional echocardiography? (Yamat et al), B55
Three-dimensional printing of prolapsed mitral valves from three-dimensional speckle tracking echocardiography (Zhao et al), B61
3D quantitative mapping of mitral valve tethering in secondary mitral regurgitation: impact of LV shape (Capoulade et al), B60-1
Transthoracic echocardiography is adequate for intraprocedural assessment of transcatheter aortic valve replacement (Jain et al), B51-2
Transthoracic versus transesophageal echocardiography guided transcatheter aortic valve implantation under moderate sedation (Sherifi et al), B40
Transthoracic versus transesophageal imaging in transcatheter aortic valve replacement: the incidence of paravalvular regurgitation (Shah et al), B39
Use of fluoroscopy-echocardiography Fusion (Echonav®) guidance during the MitraClip® procedure reduces the time to septal puncture, subsequently reducing the time to first clip deployment and total radiation exposure (Burke et al), B42
Vortex characteristics of left atrial appendage in atrial fibrillation by transesophageal echocardiography and vector flow mapping (Chen et al), B38
Echocardiography, transthoracic
Contrast echocardiography provides greatest impact in patients with reduced ejection fraction (Zhao et al), B19
Conventional echocardiographic parameters in oncological patients undergoing a new radiotherapeutic treatment: proton beam versus photon radiotherapy (Bruno et al), B110
The diagnostic value of contrast transthoracic echocardiography in acute aortic dissection (Lv et al), B95
Discrepancy in left ventricular outflow tract gradients measured with transthoracic echocardiography and intraoperative transesophageal echocardiography in patients with hypertrophic obstructive cardiomyopathy (HOCM) (Elsayes et al), B38-9
Disparities in echocardiographic surveillance of mitral regurgitation (Tanguturi et al), B90
Echocardiographic quantification of systolic function in the single systemic right ventricle: correlation with magnetic resonance imaging derived ejection fraction (Kelle et al), B34
High prevalence of clinically important echocardiographic abnormalities in patients with a normal ECG (Stone et al), B63
Impact of ventriculotomy on the systemic right ventricle in hypoplastic left heart syndrome (Kelle et al), B9
Noninvasive estimation of pulmonary artery distensibility in systemic sclerosis with and without pulmonary hypertension (Mercurio et al), B78-9
Novel automated left heart chamber quantification software is useful for both beginners and experts: three-dimensional transthoracic echocardiographic study (Toki et al), B46
Optimization of echocardiographic grading of tricuspid regurgitation severity by simple quantitative parameters (Tsang et al), B61
A quality improvement study of resource utilization in urgent echocardiography (Issa et al), B64
Transthoracic echocardiography is adequate for intraprocedural assessment of transcatheter aortic valve replacement (Jain et al), B51-2
TTE for evaluation of TIA or stroke: appropriate but limited clinical utility (Bamira et al), B64
Transthoracic versus transesophageal echocardiography guided transcatheter aortic valve implantation under moderate sedation (Sherifi et al), B40
Transthoracic versus transesophageal imaging in transcatheter aortic valve replacement: the incidence of paravalvular regurgitation (Shah et al), B39
Echocardiography, transthoracic, child
Appropriateness of outpatient transthoracic echocardiography orders following cessation of an active educational intervention (Anderson et al), B11
Appropriateness rates of initial outpatient pediatric echocardiography vary across practice sites (Kourtidou et al), B34-5
Comparison of transthoracic 3D echo derived patient specific 3D printed valve models to 3D molded models for simulated repair of congenitally abnormal atrioventricular valves (Scanlan et al), B25-6
Echocardiography, two-dimensional
Acute ischemic mitral regurgitation can occur with mild mitral valve tenting: comparison with chronic ischemic mitral regurgitation by 2D/3D echocardiography (Nishino et al), B55
Age-related increase of left ventricular mechanical dispersion measured with two-dimensional speckle-tracking echocardiography in 254 healthy adults (Muraru et al), B66-7
Assessment of left ventricular myocardial strain using speckle tracking echocardiography in an animal model of Chagas disease (Ribeiro et al), B112
The association of preeclampsia with early right heart dysfunction utilizing speckle derived strain (Kovell et al), B108
Differential right and left ventricular remodeling post LVAD implantation (Medvedofsky et al), B72
Echocardiographic characterization of a biventricular mock circulatory system and a fibrillating heart during mechanical actuation (Zhou et al), B64-5
Echocardiographic epicardial adipose tissue thickness is a marker for the detection of vasospastic angina (Nishio et al), B16
Effect of c ontinuous p ositive a irway p ressure therapy o n left ventricular di as tolic funct i on in patients with s evere obstructive sleep apnea (CPAP-OASIS) assessed by tissue Doppler, 2D speckle tracking and exercise hemodynamics: a randomized SHAM clinical trial (Kim et al), B4
Evaluation of carotid arterial elasticity in patients with obstructive sleep apnea hypopnea syndrome by two-dimensional speckle tracking imaging (You et al), B110-1
Feasibility, reference intervals and reproducibility for left ventricular ejection fraction and myocardial strain by speckle tracking echocardiography in adult Syrian hamsters (Filho et al), B80
Global right ventricular strain is an independent predictor of cardiovascular events (Jarori et al), B72-3
Inter- and intra-reader reproducibility assessment of left atrial function and phasic volumes by three- and two-dimensional speckle tracking echocardiography: the Coronary Artery Risk Development in Young Adults (CARDIA) study (Vasconcellos et al), B101
Left ventricular function by two-dimensional speckle tracking echocardiography in children with sickle cell anemia (Bansal et al), B105
Left ventricular myocardial deformation capacity during exercise stress in healthy adults. A two-dimensional speckle-tracking echocardiography study (Larsen et al), B75
Longitudinal systolic strain and deformation gradient on 4 chamber 2-D speckle tracking in thalassemia major (Chowdhury et al), B76
Myocardial mechanics in recreational marathon runners (Sengupta et al), B74
Novel use of color Doppler for acoustic tip catheter navigation (Belohlavek and Katayama), B14
Prediction for improvement and remodeling in first-onset myocardial infarction by speckle tracking echocardiography: Is global or regional selection better? (Hu et al), B89
Prediction of clinical outcome by longitudinal strain in patients with valve replacement: a short-term follow-up study (Guo et al), B89
Prognostic value of echocardiographic parameters for right ventricular function in patients with acute non-massive pulmonary embolism (Lee et al), B67-8
Right ventricular strain as a new marker of neuro-cardiac injury in patients with subarachnoid hemorrhage (Kagiyama et al), B20
Should measurements of tricuspid annulus be performed using two-dimensional echocardiography? (Yamat et al), B55
Speckle tracking echocardiography identifies incipient cardiac damage in Chagas disease (Romano et al), B109
Superiority of 3D over 2D analysis of right ventricular function in predicting mortality (Narang et al), B44
Systemic hypertension and the scleroderma heart: a speckle tracking echocardiographic study (Mercurio et al), B106-7
2D and 3D echocardiography derived left ventricular function and shape indices: which one predicts mortality best? (Medvedofsky et al), B86
Validation of speckle-tracking echocardiography with conductance catheter pressure-volume loop analysis in a sheep model of pulmonary hypertension–induced right ventricle dysfunction (Li et al), B82
Very low mechanical index 2D and 3D contrast-echocardiography: dosages at the discretion of sonographers (Choy et al), B13
Echocardiography, two-dimensional, child
Effect of presence of cancer in pre-chemotherapy stage in children on left ventricle function as assessed by speckle echocardiography (Venkata et al), B106
Maturational changes in right ventricular strain mechanics from the fetus to the young infant: analysis of longitudinal 2D speckle tracking data from 450 examinations (Erickson et al), B67
Right ventricular flow dynamics in dilated right ventricles: energy loss estimation by blood speckle tracking echocardiography in children (Mawad et al), B10
Right ventricular longitudinal strain: free wall versus 4-chamber strain analysis. A comparison in different conditions (Larios et al), B76
Speckle tracking echocardiography following hybrid stage 1 procedure for infants with hypoplastic left heart syndrome (Kadiu and Aggarwal), B6
Echocardiography, utilization
Appropriate use of echocardiograms in asymptomatic term neonates with heart murmur (Minocha et al), B62-3
Can echocardiographic parameters predict the burden of cardiac amyloidosis? (Mehta et al), B104-5
Cardiac myxomas: echocardiographic findings and clinical correlation (Cianciulli et al), B103
Clinical and echocardiographic characteristics of embolectomy versus thrombolysis for pulmonary embolism (Vaidya et al), B91
Clustering of echocardiography variables for data-driven assessment of left ventricular diastolic function in patients with preserved ejection fraction (Omar et al), B65
Correlation of echocardiographic measurements to exercise parameters in Fontan children: a prospective, blinded study (Goudar et al), B12
Defining echocardiographic characteristics of stenosis in patients with degenerative mitral stenosis (Khan et al), B54
Determination of sources of error and correction of left ventricular mass measurement by echocardiography compared with cardiac magnetic resonance imaging (Siddiqi et al), B64
Echocardiographic and clinical parameters for predicting improvement of renal function in patients with cardiorenal syndrome after diuretics treatment (Choi et al), B84
Echocardiographic calcifications improve prediction of major adverse cardiovascular events beyond traditional Framingham risk score (Krishnamoorthy et al), B87
Echocardiographic determinants of mitral regurgitation improvement in patients undergoing cardiac resynchronization therapy after inferior myocardial infarction (Mihos et al), B56-7
Echocardiographic guidance and monitoring of transcatheter mitral valve replacement in severe mitral annular calcification and failing bioprostheses; mid-term follow-up data are encouraging (Harland et al), B52-3
Echocardiographic predictive factors for acute kidney injury after acute myocardial infarction (Iwakura et al), B98
Echocardiographic predictors of elevated gradients after transcatheter aortic valve replacement for failing bioprosthetic aortic valve replacement (Richmond et al), B56
Incremental utility of right ventricular strain compared to conventional echo quantification for assessment of cardiac MRI evidenced right ventricular dysfunction (Di Franco et al), B7
Introductory simulator course in bedside echocardiography for medical students (Elison et al), B20
Performance characteristics of echocardiography and computed tomography in detecting coronary and aortic atherosclerosis in patients referred for atrial fibrillation ablation (Rau et al), B98
A predictive model for assessing the diagnostic quality of echocardiographic images (McConnaughey et al), B21
A rapid method of ECHO-optimization of CRT reduces 1-year mortality and heart failure hospitalizations (Niwaz et al), B88
Reduction in probe to patient response time after implementation of twenty-four hour echocardiography coverage (Malone et al), B63
A sensitive and specific echocardiographic scoring system to predict atrial fibrillation following cryptogenic strokes (Pathan et al), B100
Subcostal strain measurements in patients with breast cancer: feasibility and potential novel clinical utility (Chuzi et al), B104
The systemic atrio-ventricular index: a novel prognostic ECHO parameter in patients with restrictive filling patterns (Hosn et al), B77
TTE for evaluation of TIA or stroke: appropriate but limited clinical utility (Bamira et al), B64
Education, medical
Introductory simulator course in bedside echocardiography for medical students (Elison et al), B20
Knowledge of appropriate outpatient echocardiogram ordering among primary care physicians and trainees: are we reaching the masses? (Lang et al), B24-5
Ejection fraction
Clustering of echocardiography variables for data-driven assessment of left ventricular diastolic function in patients with preserved ejection fraction (Omar et al), B65
Contrast echocardiography provides greatest impact in patients with reduced ejection fraction (Zhao et al), B19
Differences in regional wall motion and quantitative ejection fraction measurements when using standard left ventricular opacification versus real time very low mechanical index algorithms (Darrah et al), B7
Echocardiographic quantification of systolic function in the single systemic right ventricle: correlation with magnetic resonance imaging derived ejection fraction (Kelle et al), B34
Evaluation of left ventricular global longitudinal strain as predictor of left ventricular ejection fraction recovery in Takotsubo cardiomyopathy patients: a single center experience (Rajesh et al), B68
Feasibility, reference intervals and reproducibility for left ventricular ejection fraction and myocardial strain by speckle tracking echocardiography in adult Syrian hamsters (Filho et al), B80
Functional mitral regurgitation predicts prognosis in myocardial infarction with preserved ejection fraction (Okura et al), B55
Global longitudinal strain in post-heart transplant patients with normal left ventricular ejection fraction is associated with coronary allograft vasculopathy (Narang et al), B9-10
Global longitudinal strain is associated with immune status in patients living with human immunodeficiency virus and normal left ventricle ejection fraction (Alenezi et al), B75
Global longitudinal strain predicts mortality in patients with severe aortic insufficiency and preserved left ventricular ejection fraction (Narang et al), B52
Impaired left atrial systolic function and interatrial dyssyncrony contributed to symptoms of heart failure with preserved left ventricular ejection fraction (Liu et al), B15-6
Improving cardio-oncology evaluation in the echocardiography lab (Johnson et al), B104
Incremental prognostic value of left ventricular ejection fraction measured with three-dimensional echocardiography in a large cohort of patients with various cardiac diseases (Muraru et al), B41-2
Left atrial appendage ejection fraction assessed by three dimensional transesophageal echocardiography predicts cardiogenic embolization in patients with nonvalvular atrial fibrillation (Hashimoto et al), B43
Left atrial strain has equivalent discriminating value as left ventricular global longitudinal strain in hospitalized patients due to heart failure with reduced ejection fraction (Saha et al), B79
Quantification of left ventricular volumes and ejection fraction in cancer patients using a novel fully automated 3D software program: exploring an alternative to 2D contrast echocardiography (Lamb et al), B48
Rate of decline in ejection fraction may predict the development of systolic dysfunction in childhood cancer survivors (Rose-Felker et al), B111-2
Reduced global longitudinal strain is associated with in-hospital mortality in patients with subarachnoid hemorrhage and preserved ejection fraction (Kagiyama et al), B87
Right ventricular ejection Doppler flow profile characterizes PA hemodynamics in portopulmonary pulmonary hypertension (Kane et al), B82-3
Survival after trans catheter aortic valve replacement in patients with contractile reserve on dobutamine stress echocardiography versus normal-gradient low ejection fraction patients (Okoh et al), B60
Teamwork is superior to addition of right ventricular strain in improving estimation of right ventricular ejection fraction (Xu et al), B77-8
Three-dimensional echocardiography right ventricular volumes and ejection fraction predict mortality in unselected patients with various cardiac diseases (Muraru et al), B43
Validity of automated measurement of left ventricular volumes and ejection fraction using a 2DQ on the Philips EPIQ system for obese patients (Makkiya et al), B17
Elderly ; see Aged
Are cerebral ECG T-waves in stroke patients a sign of associated transient cardiac dysfunction? (Stone et al), B92
High prevalence of clinically important echocardiographic abnormalities in patients with a normal ECG (Stone et al), B63
Incidence of left ventricular thrombus in patients with ST segment elevation myocardial infarction treated with percutaneous coronary intervention (Mao et al), B95
Machine learning enabled ECG wavelet analysis as a gatekeeper for appropriate evaluation of diastolic function by echocardiography (Sengupta et al), B89
Clinical and echocardiographic characteristics of embolectomy versus thrombolysis for pulmonary embolism (Vaidya et al), B91
Embolization, therapeutic
Left atrial appendage ejection fraction assessed by three dimensional transesophageal echocardiography predicts cardiogenic embolization in patients with nonvalvular atrial fibrillation (Hashimoto et al), B43
Not just veggies: subtle myocardial changes in patients with fungal infection (Cresalia et al), B107
The impact of fetal endoscopic tracheal occlusion on left-sided cardiac dimensions and outcomes in fetuses with left-sided congenital diaphragmatic hernia and comparison to matched controls (Dhillon et al), B32
Ultrasound molecular imaging of endothelial activation and platelet adhesion in remote arteries after myocardial infarction: implications for reducing risk for remote recurrent atherosclerotic events (Moccetti et al), B3
Energy metabolism
Comparative assessment of left ventricular and right ventricular blood flow energy loss characteristics using quantitative vector flow mapping (Sugahara et al), B73
Right ventricular flow dynamics in dilated right ventricles: energy loss estimation by blood speckle tracking echocardiography in children (Mawad et al), B10
Echocardiographic epicardial adipose tissue thickness is a marker for the detection of vasospastic angina (Nishio et al), B16
Equipment and supplies
Introductory simulator course in bedside echocardiography for medical students (Elison et al), B20
Machine learning enabled ECG wavelet analysis as a gatekeeper for appropriate evaluation of diastolic function by echocardiography (Sengupta et al), B89
The impact of exercise detraining in American-style football players: persistence of global longitudinal strain impairment (Weiner et al), B77
Exercise test
Cardiovascular profile of exercise performance in repaired tetralogy of Fallot using stress echocardiography (Bhatt et al), B27
Correlation of echocardiographic measurements to exercise parameters in Fontan children: a prospective, blinded study (Goudar et al), B12
Effect of c ontinuous p ositive a irway p ressure therapy o n left ventricular di as tolic funct i on in patients with s evere obstructive sleep apnea (CPAP-OASIS) assessed by tissue Doppler, 2D speckle tracking and exercise hemodynamics: a randomized SHAM clinical trial (Kim et al), B4
Exercise capacity predicts outcomes in severe but asymptomatic organic mitral regurgitation (Cheema et al), B49-50
Left ventricular diastolic vortex at rest and peak exercise in patients with systemic hypertension (Mahmoud et al), B14-5
Left ventricular myocardial deformation capacity during exercise stress in healthy adults. A two-dimensional speckle-tracking echocardiography study (Larsen et al), B75
Prognostic utility of strain and valvuloarterial impedance in asymptomatic patients with severe aortic stenosis and preserved systolic function undergoing treadmill stress echocardiography (Huded et al), B57
Right ventricular myocardial strain during preload augmentation is associated with exercise capacity (Kusunose et al), B71
Stage A heart failure: subclinical left ventricular function, exercise capacity and cardiovascular outcomes (Wang et al), B89-90

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