Aakhus S ( see Negishi et al), B8
Abbas A ( see Macias et al), B107-8
Abbas AE ( see Abdulla et al), B71
Abdallah MS, Addoumieh A, Jaber WA, Carey W, Klein A, Majdalany D. Prevalence and predictors of left ventricular outflow tract obstruction among patients undergoing liver transplantation, B109-10
Abdel-Hay MA ( see Gawad et al), B58
Abdelrahim E ( see Jain et al), B39
Abdulla RK, Aggrawal A, Crile J, Boura J, Lester S, Abbas AE. A novel echocardiographic hemodynamic classification of heart failure based on flow state and left atrial pressure, B71
Abidov A ( see Salim et al), B109
Aboufakher R ( see Cohen et al), B93
Abraham TP ( see Mercurio et al), B78-9
Abraham TP ( see Mercurio et al), B106-7
Abraham TP ( see Metkus et al), B86-7
Abuhamad A ( see Majeed et al), B22
Adatia I ( see Ravi et al), B77
Adatya S ( see Medvedofsky et al), B20
Adatya S ( see Medvedofsky et al), B72
Addetia K ( see Balaney et al), B82
Addetia K ( see Jacobson et al), B21
Addetia K ( see Kebed et al), B58
Addetia K ( see Kishiki et al), B69-70
Addetia K ( see Medvedofsky et al), B20
Addetia K ( see Medvedofsky et al), B72
Addetia K ( see Medvedofsky et al), B86
Addetia K ( see Narang et al), B44
Addetia K ( see Narang et al), B52
Addetia K ( see Singh et al), B100
Addetia K ( see Yamat et al), B55
Addoumieh A ( see Abdallah et al), B109-10
Adelstein E ( see Kagiyama et al), B52
Agarwal A ( see Minocha et al), B62-3
Agarwal SK ( see Latina et al), B97
Aggarwal M, Choudhry S, Grady RM, Anwar S, Eghtesady P, Singh G. Potts shunt improves right ventricular function in pediatric patients with suprasystemic pulmonary hypertension: evaluation by novel echocardiographic indices, B74
Aggarwal M, Choudhry S, Levy P, Grady RM, Singh G. Novel echocardiographic markers of disease progression in pediatric pulmonary hypertension, B79
Aggarwal S, Natarajan G. Echocardiographic measures of pulmonary vascular compliance: novel prognostic markers for congenital diaphragmatic hernia? B11
Aggarwal S ( see Bansal et al), B105
Aggarwal S ( see Kadiu and Aggarwal), B6
Aggarwal S ( see Kadiu and Aggarwal), B110
Aggarwal S ( see Venkata et al), B106
Aggrawal A ( see Abdulla et al), B71
Ahmad M, Xie T, Dimaano MM, Contreras Y, Song W, Casey C. Dual gate versus single gate pulsed Doppler: feasibility and findings in assessing Myocardial Performance Index, B83
Ahmad M, Xie T, Dimaano MM, Stephans C, Thompson S, Song W, Minor T. Left ventricular blood flow imaging (LVeFlow) in assessment of left ventricular function: comparison with contrast echocardiography, B18
Ahmad MM ( see Husain et al), B94-5
Ahmad MN ( see Husain et al), B94-5
Ahmed R ( see Mahmoud et al), B14-5
Ahmed R ( see Omar et al), B65
Ahmed R ( see Sengupta et al), B89
Ahmed R ( see Weiss et al), B96
Ahn H-S ( see Park et al), B92
Akers K ( see Salim et al), B109
Akhter N ( see Chuzi et al), B104
Akintoye O, Travers C, McGaughy F, Border W, Michelfelder E, Sachdeva R. Longitudinal assessment of quantitative measures of right ventricular function in hypoplastic left heart syndrome, B28
Alakbarli J ( see Di Franco et al), B7
Alashi A ( see Huded et al), B57
Alashry M ( see De Jesus et al), B51
Alenezi F, Bloomfield GS, Okeke NL, Khazanie P, Dunning A, Schulte PJ, Clement ME, Shah SH, Naggie S, Velazquez EJ. Global longitudinal strain is associated with immune status in patients living with human immunodeficiency virus and normal left ventricle ejection fraction, B75
Alenezi F, Mandawat A, Il’Giovine ZJ, Siddiqui I, Arges K, Rivera JD, Velazquez EJ, Douglas PS, Rajagopal S, Samad Z. Prognostic utility and clinical significance of right atrial mechanics in pulmonary arterial hypertension, B73
Alenezi F ( see Romano et al), B109
Alexanderson E ( see Muraru et al), B66-7
Alexandru D, Park T, Pollack S, Petillo F, Mihalatos D, Barasch E. Paravalvular regurgitation evaluation after transarterial valve replacement by valve academic research consortium 2 criteria has a modest association with other semiquantitative methods, B59
Alhamshari Y ( see Ranjan et al), B81-2
Ali MA ( see Hepinstall et al), B16
Al-Kazaz M ( see Latina et al), B97
Allaqaband SQ ( see Harland et al), B52-3
Allen N ( see Posey et al), B36
Alsaied T, Tseng S, King E, Hahn E, Divanovic A, Habli MA, Cnota JF. Hemodynamic adaptation to suboptimal fetal growth in patients with single ventricle physiology differs from normal controls, B22
Alsaied T ( see Hahn et al), B30
Alu MC ( see Madhavan et al), B68-9
Alvarado L ( see Macias et al), B107-8
Alvi N ( see Chowdhury et al), B76
Ambale-Venkatesh B ( see de Vasconcellos et al), B48-9
Ambale-Venkatesh B ( see Moreira et al), B88
Ambale-Venkatesh B ( see Vasconcellos et al), B101
Ambrose M ( see Simones et al), B33
Ambrose M ( see Zhao et al), B19
Ammar KA ( see Husain et al), B94-5
Anderson S, McCracken CE, Sachdeva R. Appropriateness of outpatient transthoracic echocardiography orders following cessation of an active educational intervention, B11
Andrei A-C ( see Cheema et al), B49-50
Aneja A ( see Siddiqi et al), B64
Anreddy S ( see Gopalakrishnan et al), B66
Anstadt MP ( see Zhou et al), B64-5
Anwar S ( see Aggarwal et al), B74
Anwaruddin S ( see Ong et al), B3
Anyanwu A ( see Sherifi et al), B40
Apfel A ( see Christopher et al), B31
Ardelt A ( see Stone et al), B92
Argani C ( see Kovell et al), B108
Arges K ( see Alenezi et al), B73
Arias-Godinez JA ( see Muraru et al), B66-7
Aritaka S ( see Toki et al), B46
Armstrong AC ( see de Vasconcellos et al), B48-9
Armstrong AC ( see Vasconcellos et al), B101
Armstrong K ( see Tanguturi et al), B90
Arroyo LB, Parwani P, Fang Q, Bibby D, Schiller NB. Left atrium to right atrium ratio, an index for detecting left atrial enlargement, B103
Arroyo LB ( see Parwani et al), B84
Aruta P ( see Muraru et al), B41
Aruta P ( see Muraru et al), B43
Aruta P ( see Muraru et al), B41-2
Aruta P ( see Muraru et al), B59-60
Aruta P ( see Muraru et al), B66-7
Ashikaga K ( see Nishino et al), B42
Ashikaga K ( see Nishino et al), B55
Ashour S ( see Gawad et al), B58
Aurigemma GP ( see Gottbrecht and Aurigemma), B85
Aurigemma GP ( see Sanghai et al), B84
Avenatti E, El Tallawi KC, Vukicevic M, Lawrie GM, Barker CM, Little SH. MitraClip procedure for mitral regurgitation in patients with prior surgical mitral valve repair, B39-40
Avenatti E ( see El Tallawi et al), B18-9
Avenatti E ( see Vukicevic et al), B37
Ayres NA ( see Dhillon et al), B32
Ayusawa M ( see Noto et al), B16
Baccelli PE ( see Romano et al), B109
Bachand K ( see Shah et al), B39
Badano LP ( see Gawad et al), B58
Badano LP ( see Muraru et al), B41
Badano LP ( see Muraru et al), B41-2
Badano LP ( see Muraru et al), B43
Badano LP ( see Muraru et al), B59-60
Badano LP ( see Muraru et al), B66-7
Baggish AL ( see Weiner et al), B77
Bailey S ( see Patel et al), B61
Bajwa A ( see Mao et al), B95
Bajwa TK ( see Harland et al), B52-3
Bajwa TK ( see Jain et al), B51-2
Bajwa TK ( see Richmond et al), B56
Balaney B, Medvedofsky D, Ciszek B, Kruse E, Shah AP, Addetia K, Mor-Avi V, Lang RM. Accuracy of the 2016 ASE diastolic guidelines for estimating left ventricular filling pressure, B82
Ballard-Croft C ( see Li et al), B82
Bamira DG, Bhatia RS, Picard MH, Weiner RB. TTE for evaluation of TIA or stroke: appropriate but limited clinical utility, B64
Banerjee A ( see Calderon-Anyosa et al), B10-1
Banerjee A ( see Calderon-Anyosa et al), B30-1
Bansal M ( see Sengupta et al), B74
Bansal N, Kamat AD, Aggarwal S. Left ventricular function by two-dimensional speckle tracking echocardiography in children with sickle cell anemia, B105
Barasch E ( see Alexandru et al), B59
Barker CM ( see Avenatti et al), B39-40
Barker CM ( see Vukicevic et al), B37
Barman N ( see Subramanyam et al), B53
Barnea O ( see Tejman-Yarden et al), B14
Barnes A ( see Craft et al), B47
Barnes A ( see Joseph et al), B44-5
Barrett-O’Keefe Z ( see Rajesh et al), B68
Barrett-O’Keefe Z ( see Van Woerkom et al), B93
Barros-Gomes S, Roger VL, Kimura T, Sarano ME. Cardiac remodeling in myocardial infarction: novel prospective insights by multimodality ultrasound imaging, B98
Barth P ( see Karabiyik et al), B45
Basura A ( see Elsayes et al), B38-9
Baxter CM ( see Van Woerkom et al), B93
Becher H ( see Choy et al), B13
Becher H ( see Lamb et al), B48
Becker J ( see Cox et al), B37
Belfort MA ( see Dhillon et al), B32
Belohlavek M, Katayama M. Novel use of color Doppler for acoustic tip catheter navigation, B14
Benck L ( see Vaidya et al), B91
Berkley L ( see Majeed et al), B22
Berkstresser B ( see Weiner et al), B77
Berman D ( see Yamaguchi et al), B50
Bess R ( see Cohen et al), B93
Besser SA ( see Medvedofsky et al), B86
Best TH, Lang SM, Daily JA, Bolin EH, Noel TR, Collins T II. Improvement in clinic and echocardiography lab efficiency via scheduled echocardiograms, B23
Best TH ( see Lang et al), B24-5
Bhambhani V ( see Tanguturi et al), B90
Bhandari M, Zhang L, Palma E, Taub C. Thromboembolic risk in patients with spontaneous echocardiographic contrast in left atrial appendage prior to catheter ablation, B102
Bhatia A, Eid A, Steinberger J, Sivanandam S. Maternal diabetes and fetal cardiac output, B33-4
Bhatia RS ( see Bamira et al), B64
Bhatt SM, Wang Y, McBride M, Elci OU, Goldmuntz E, Paridon S, Mercer-Rosa L. Cardiovascular profile of exercise performance in repaired tetralogy of Fallot using stress echocardiography, B27
Bibby D ( see Arroyo et al), B103
Bibby D ( see Parwani et al), B84
Bidviene J ( see Muraru et al), B43
Bidviene J ( see Muraru et al), B59-60
Biederman RWW ( see Patel et al), B61
Biederman RWW ( see Veer et al), B59
Bijnens B ( see Chowdhury et al), B76
Bispo DL ( see Salemi et al), B97
Blair JE ( see Narang et al), B9-10
Blanke P ( see Madhavan et al), B68-9
Bloomfield GS ( see Alenezi et al), B75
Boccalini F ( see Muraru et al), B66-7
Bolin EH ( see Best et al), B23
Bopp CM ( see Malone et al), B63
Border W ( see Akintoye et al), B28
Border WL ( see Rose-Felker et al), B111-2
Boura J ( see Abdulla et al), B71
Bratanoff M, Lin BA, Crandall IH, Ngernsritrakul T, Houle H, Hur DJ, Kaplan RE, Mojibian HR, Sugeng L. Inter-modality differences in mitral valve measurements during the cardiac cycle, B47
Bratanoff M, Lin BA, Crandall IH, Ngernsritrakul T, Houle H, Hur DJ, Kaplan RE, Mojibian HR, Sugeng L. Inter-vendor and inter-modality comparison of mitral valve analysis software, B48
Bremen C ( see Jone et al), B32
Brenes JC ( see Issa et al), B64
Brittain E ( see Moreira et al), B88
Brown A ( see Chen et al), B60
Brown EI ( see Moccetti et al), B3
Brown MG ( see Weiner et al), B77
Brown SM ( see Lanspa et al), B19
Bruno G, Di Stefano C, Mutter RW, Laack NN, Kahila MM, Whitaker TJ, Pellikka PA, Pumper GM, Herrmann J, Villarraga HR. Conventional echocardiographic parameters in oncological patients undergoing a new radiotherapeutic treatment: proton beam versus photon radiotherapy, B110
Budoff M ( see Sengupta et al), B89
Burchert W ( see Karabiyik et al), B45
Burke JM, Gill EA Jr, Quaife RA, Carroll JD, Salcedo EE. Use of fluoroscopy-echocardiography Fusion (Echonav®) guidance during the MitraClip® procedure reduces the time to septal puncture, subsequently reducing the time to first clip deployment and total radiation exposure, B42
Burkett DA ( see Friesen et al), B27
Byku I ( see Weinert et al), B76
Baccelli PE ( see Romano et al), B109
Bachand K ( see Shah et al), B39
Badano LP ( see Gawad et al), B58
Badano LP ( see Muraru et al), B41
Badano LP ( see Muraru et al), B41-2
Badano LP ( see Muraru et al), B43
Badano LP ( see Muraru et al), B59-60
Badano LP ( see Muraru et al), B66-7
Baggish AL ( see Weiner et al), B77
Bailey S ( see Patel et al), B61
Bajwa A ( see Mao et al), B95
Bajwa TK ( see Harland et al), B52-3
Bajwa TK ( see Jain et al), B51-2
Bajwa TK ( see Richmond et al), B56
Balaney B, Medvedofsky D, Ciszek B, Kruse E, Shah AP, Addetia K, Mor-Avi V, Lang RM. Accuracy of the 2016 ASE diastolic guidelines for estimating left ventricular filling pressure, B82
Ballard-Croft C ( see Li et al), B82
Bamira DG, Bhatia RS, Picard MH, Weiner RB. TTE for evaluation of TIA or stroke: appropriate but limited clinical utility, B64
Banerjee A ( see Calderon-Anyosa et al), B10-1
Banerjee A ( see Calderon-Anyosa et al), B30-1
Bansal M ( see Sengupta et al), B74
Bansal N, Kamat AD, Aggarwal S. Left ventricular function by two-dimensional speckle tracking echocardiography in children with sickle cell anemia, B105
Barasch E ( see Alexandru et al), B59
Barker CM ( see Avenatti et al), B39-40
Barker CM ( see Vukicevic et al), B37
Barman N ( see Subramanyam et al), B53
Barnea O ( see Tejman-Yarden et al), B14
Barnes A ( see Craft et al), B47
Barnes A ( see Joseph et al), B44-5
Barrett-O’Keefe Z ( see Rajesh et al), B68
Barrett-O’Keefe Z ( see Van Woerkom et al), B93
Barros-Gomes S, Roger VL, Kimura T, Sarano ME. Cardiac remodeling in myocardial infarction: novel prospective insights by multimodality ultrasound imaging, B98
Barth P ( see Karabiyik et al), B45
Basura A ( see Elsayes et al), B38-9
Baxter CM ( see Van Woerkom et al), B93
Becher H ( see Choy et al), B13
Becher H ( see Lamb et al), B48
Becker J ( see Cox et al), B37
Belfort MA ( see Dhillon et al), B32
Belohlavek M, Katayama M. Novel use of color Doppler for acoustic tip catheter navigation, B14
Benck L ( see Vaidya et al), B91
Berkley L ( see Majeed et al), B22
Berkstresser B ( see Weiner et al), B77
Berman D ( see Yamaguchi et al), B50
Bess R ( see Cohen et al), B93
Besser SA ( see Medvedofsky et al), B86
Best TH, Lang SM, Daily JA, Bolin EH, Noel TR, Collins T II. Improvement in clinic and echocardiography lab efficiency via scheduled echocardiograms, B23
Best TH ( see Lang et al), B24-5
Bhambhani V ( see Tanguturi et al), B90
Bhandari M, Zhang L, Palma E, Taub C. Thromboembolic risk in patients with spontaneous echocardiographic contrast in left atrial appendage prior to catheter ablation, B102
Bhatia A, Eid A, Steinberger J, Sivanandam S. Maternal diabetes and fetal cardiac output, B33-4
Bhatia RS ( see Bamira et al), B64
Bhatt SM, Wang Y, McBride M, Elci OU, Goldmuntz E, Paridon S, Mercer-Rosa L. Cardiovascular profile of exercise performance in repaired tetralogy of Fallot using stress echocardiography, B27
Bibby D ( see Arroyo et al), B103
Bibby D ( see Parwani et al), B84
Bidviene J ( see Muraru et al), B43
Bidviene J ( see Muraru et al), B59-60
Biederman RWW ( see Patel et al), B61
Biederman RWW ( see Veer et al), B59
Bijnens B ( see Chowdhury et al), B76
Bispo DL ( see Salemi et al), B97
Blair JE ( see Narang et al), B9-10
Blanke P ( see Madhavan et al), B68-9
Bloomfield GS ( see Alenezi et al), B75
Boccalini F ( see Muraru et al), B66-7
Bolin EH ( see Best et al), B23
Bopp CM ( see Malone et al), B63
Border W ( see Akintoye et al), B28
Border WL ( see Rose-Felker et al), B111-2
Boura J ( see Abdulla et al), B71
Bratanoff M, Lin BA, Crandall IH, Ngernsritrakul T, Houle H, Hur DJ, Kaplan RE, Mojibian HR, Sugeng L. Inter-modality differences in mitral valve measurements during the cardiac cycle, B47
Bratanoff M, Lin BA, Crandall IH, Ngernsritrakul T, Houle H, Hur DJ, Kaplan RE, Mojibian HR, Sugeng L. Inter-vendor and inter-modality comparison of mitral valve analysis software, B48
Bremen C ( see Jone et al), B32
Brenes JC ( see Issa et al), B64
Brittain E ( see Moreira et al), B88
Brown A ( see Chen et al), B60
Brown EI ( see Moccetti et al), B3
Brown MG ( see Weiner et al), B77
Brown SM ( see Lanspa et al), B19
Bruno G, Di Stefano C, Mutter RW, Laack NN, Kahila MM, Whitaker TJ, Pellikka PA, Pumper GM, Herrmann J, Villarraga HR. Conventional echocardiographic parameters in oncological patients undergoing a new radiotherapeutic treatment: proton beam versus photon radiotherapy, B110
Budoff M ( see Sengupta et al), B89
Burchert W ( see Karabiyik et al), B45
Burke JM, Gill EA Jr, Quaife RA, Carroll JD, Salcedo EE. Use of fluoroscopy-echocardiography Fusion (Echonav®) guidance during the MitraClip® procedure reduces the time to septal puncture, subsequently reducing the time to first clip deployment and total radiation exposure, B42
Burkett DA ( see Friesen et al), B27
Byku I ( see Weinert et al), B76
Caldeira C ( see Chen et al), B60
Calderon-Anyosa RJC, O’Connor MJ, Banerjee A. Can abnormalities of the mitral valve apparatus identify genotype-positive, phenotype-negative form of hypertrophic cardiomyopathy in children? B10-1
Calderon-Anyosa RJC, O’Connor MJ, Pandian NG, Banerjee A. Abnormalities of the mitral valve apparatus in children with hypertrophic cardiomyopathy, B30-1
Calore C ( see Muraru et al), B41
Calvacanti R ( see Hosn et al), B77
Cao H ( see Huang et al), B54
Cao S, Zhou Q, Chen J, Hu B, Cui J, Guo R. The intracoronary ultrasound targeted microbubble destruction technique enhanced the angiogenesis effect in canine after acute myocardial infarction, B96
Cao S, Zhou Q, Chen J, Hu B, Wang Y, Jiang N, Guo R. The enhanced effect of classic nuclear localization signal peptide during the ultrasound targeted microbubble destruction-mediated gene transfection, B14
Cao S ( see Chen et al), B97
Cao S ( see Guo et al), B15
Cao S ( see Guo et al), B85
Cao X ( see Sun et al), B42-3
Capoulade R, Mihos C, Handschumacher M, Zeng X, Levine RA, Hung J. 3D quantitative mapping of mitral valve tethering in secondary mitral regurgitation: impact of LV shape, B60-1
Capoulade R ( see Mihos et al), B56-7
Capoulade R ( see Satitthummanid et al), B49
Cardona F ( see Niwaz et al), B88
Carey W ( see Abdallah et al), B109-10
Carr JJ ( see Moreira et al), B88
Carroll JD ( see Burke et al), B42
Carvalho EEV ( see Ribeiro et al), B112
Casey C ( see Ahmad et al), B83
Cassidy C, Schäfer M, Jone P-N. Right atrial dysfunction in pediatric Kawasaki disease patients, B5
Cassidy C ( see Friesen et al), B27
Cassidy CS ( see Hepinstall et al), B16
Cassidy D ( see Niwaz et al), B88
Cavalli G ( see Muraru et al), B41
Cavalli G ( see Muraru et al), B43
Cavalli G ( see Muraru et al), B41-2
Cavalli G ( see Muraru et al), B59-60
Ceccon C ( see Duque et al), B17
Cesar S ( see Chowdhury et al), B76
Cha SS ( see Van Woerkom et al), B93
Chainani V ( see Khan et al), B54
Chang B-C ( see Kim et al), B102-3
Chang H-J ( see Kim et al), B102-3
Chapel D ( see Mehta et al), B104-5
Charoenkwan P ( see Silvilairat et al), B86
Chaudhry F ( see Sherifi et al), B40
Chaudhry FA ( see Latina et al), B97
Chaudhry FA ( see Mahmoud et al), B14-5
Chaudhry FA ( see Vaidya et al), B91
Chauhan D ( see Okoh et al), B60
Cheema B, Grier E, Rigolin V, Li Z, Andrei A-C, Kohli P, Jankowski M, Thomas J, Puthumana J. Exercise capacity predicts outcomes in severe but asymptomatic organic mitral regurgitation, B49-50
Chelliah A ( see Cohen et al), B30
Chelliah A ( see Srinivasan et al), B29
Chen A, Parikh V, Brown A, Coffman G, Matar F, Caldeira C, Hooker R, Sullebarger J, Kip K, Labovitz A, Patel A. Impact of renal function on valvular hemodynamics and clinical outcomes in transcatheter aortic valve replacement, B60
Chen C ( see Okoh et al), B60
Chen H, Wang Q, Liang Y, Su Y, Shu X. Temporary withdrawal of cardiac resynchronization therapy in super-responders, B67
Chen J, Feng C, Deng Q, Mei D, Cao S, Zhou Q, Guo R. Mechanisms of endogenous stem cell homing improvement by cytoplasmic and nuclear membrane double targeted cationic microbubbles carrying SDF-1a gene combined with ultrasonic irradiation, B97
Chen J, Zhao Y, Ge S, He Y. Relationship between left atrial deformability and risk of stroke/TIA in patients with paroxysmal atrial fibrillation, B101
Chen J ( see Cao et al), B14
Chen J ( see Cao et al), B96
Chen J ( see Guo et al), B85
Chen J ( see Hu et al), B89
Chen J ( see Song et al), B46
Chen J ( see Zhou et al), B41
Chen W ( see Wang et al), B90
Chen X ( see Helfield et al), B9
Chen Y ( see Fang et al), B45
Chen Y ( see Pan et al), B40
Chen Y ( see Zhao et al), B13
Chen Y ( see Zhao et al), B61
Chen Z, Han J, Zhao Y, Shi W, Ge S, He Y. Flow reversal in normal fetal aortic arch by echocardiography, B85-6
Chen Z, Han J, Zhao Y, Yang X, Ge S, He Y. Vortex characteristics of left atrial appendage in atrial fibrillation by transesophageal echocardiography and vector flow mapping, B38
Chen Z ( see Morisawa et al), B51
Cheng L ( see Fang et al), B45
Cheng L ( see Song et al), B81
Cheng L ( see Zhang et al), B47-8
Cheng S ( see Merz et al), B15
Chew WL ( see Goudar et al), B12
Cho G-Y ( see Negishi et al), B8
Cho G-Y ( see Sun et al), B69
Cho IJ ( see Kim et al), B102-3
Cho JS ( see Park et al), B92
Cho JY ( see Yoon et al), B92
Cho Y-J ( see Kim et al), B4
Choi J-H ( see Choi et al), B84
Choi J-H ( see Nam et al), B102
Choi JH ( see Sun et al), B69
Choi J-O ( see Sun et al), B69
Choi JY ( see Jung et al), B36-7
Choi K-U, Son B-C, Kim H-J, Nam J-H, Lee J-H, Lee C-H, Kim U, Park J-S, Shin D-G, Kim Y-J, Choi J-H, Son J-W. Echocardiographic and clinical parameters for predicting improvement of renal function in patients with cardiorenal syndrome after diuretics treatment, B84
Choi K-U ( see Nam et al), B102
Choi K-J ( see Kang et al), B50-1
Choi M ( see Okoh et al), B60
Choi S ( see Lee et al), B65-6
Choi S ( see Tsang et al), B61
Choi SJ ( see Stern et al), B26
Choudhry S ( see Aggarwal et al), B74
Choudhry S ( see Aggarwal et al), B79
Choudhry S ( see Lehman et al), B75
Choudhry S ( see Levy et al), B72
Choudhry S ( see Levy et al), B80-1
Choudhury SA, Xie F, Lof J, Porter TR. Myocardial infarct zone detection with delayed enhancement acoustic activation of intravenously administered Definity droplets, B12-3
Choueiter NF ( see Stern et al), B26
Chowdhury D, Alvi N, Cesar S, Bijnens B, Hasan B. Longitudinal systolic strain and deformation gradient on 4 chamber 2-D speckle tracking in thalassemia major, B76
Chowdhury M, Lombo B, Giordano K, Forrest JK, Lin BA, Sugeng L. Impact of transcatheter aortic valve replacement in patients with symptomatic severe aortic stenosis and depressed left ventricular function, B56
Choy J ( see Choy et al), B13
Choy J ( see Lamb et al), B48
Choy M, Durand A, He A, Mirhadi E, Paakanen R, Pituskin E, Paterson I, Sarban V, Choy J, Becher H. Very low mechanical index 2D and 3D contrast-echocardiography: dosages at the discretion of sonographers, B13
Choy M ( see Lamb et al), B48
Christopher A, Apfel A, Sun T, Kreutzer J, Ezon D. Echocardiographic predictors of significant coarctation gradient at catheterization, B31
Chung N ( see Kim et al), B4
Chung N ( see Kim et al), B102-3
Chuzi S, Rangarajan V, Vaitenas I, Akhter N. Subcostal strain measurements in patients with breast cancer: feasibility and potential novel clinical utility, B104
Cianciulli TF, Cozzarin A, Saccheri MC, Soumoulou JB, Méndez RJ, Morita LA, Gagliardi JA, Lax JA, Prieto O Jr. Cardiac myxomas: echocardiographic findings and clinical correlation, B103
Ciszek B ( see Balaney et al), B82
Ciuffo LA ( see de Vasconcellos et al), B48-9
Ciuffo LA ( see Vasconcellos et al), B101
Cleman M ( see Shah et al), B39
Clement ME ( see Alenezi et al), B75
Clemmensen TS ( see Larsen et al), B75
Cnota J ( see Hahn et al), B30
Cnota JF ( see Alsaied et al), B22
Cobey F ( see Elsayes et al), B38-9
Coffin C ( see McConnaughey et al), B21
Coffman G ( see Chen et al), B60
Coggins T ( see Mao et al), B95
Cohen GI, Bess R, Aboufakher R, Szpunar S. How do intima loss and media clouding on carotid artery ultrasound relate to cardiovascular disease risk factors, carotid wall thickness and coronary artery disease? B93
Cohen J, Woldu K, Levasseur S, Glickstein J, Freud L, Chelliah A, Shah A. Left ventricular strain is abnormal in fetuses with pulmonary atresia with intact ventricular septum, B30
Cohen MS ( see Scanlan et al), B25-6
Colangelo L ( see de Vasconcellos et al), B48-9
Colangelo LA ( see Vasconcellos et al), B101
Coleman RA ( see Malone et al), B63
Coleman RA ( see Phillion et al), B94
Colen T ( see Sidhu et al), B28
Collier P ( see Xu et al), B77-8
Collins RT II ( see Lang et al), B24-5
Collins T II ( see Best et al), B23
Colpitts ME ( see Malone et al), B63
Colpitts ME ( see Phillion et al), B94
Colquitt JL, Morris SA, Feagin DK, Wang Y, Sami S, Pignatelli RH. Diminished longitudinal deformation identifies subclinical right ventricular dysfunction in infants with hypoplastic left heart syndrome, B28-9
Conaway MR ( see Kim et al), B29
Contreras Y ( see Ahmad et al), B83
Cortes MA ( see Roldan et al), B95
Cox K, Tacy T, Morris S, Becker J, Lara D, Maskatia S. Effect of maternal hyperoxygenation on fetal myocardial function as measured by strain and strain rate, B37
Cozzarin A ( see Cianciulli et al), B103
Craft M, Parthiban A, Barnes A, Li L, Joseph N, Shirali G, Danford D, Kutty S. Biatrial phasic function after heart transplantation in children: a 3D echocardiography study, B47
Craft M ( see Erickson et al), B67
Craft M ( see Joseph et al), B44-5
Craft M ( see Levy et al), B70
Craft M ( see Li et al), B5
Craft M ( see Shelby et al), B23
Crago EA ( see Kagiyama et al), B20
Crago EA ( see Kagiyama et al), B87
Crandall IH ( see Bratanoff et al), B47
Crandall IH ( see Bratanoff et al), B48
Crawford TC ( see Metkus et al), B86-7
Creighton SE, Leuthner SR, Uhing MR, Flynn-Galganski M, Hill GD, Saudek DE, Frommelt MA. Creating a risk stratification tool to standardize postnatal management of neonates with prenatally diagnosed congenital heart disease, B31
Cresalia NM, Owens ST, Stillwell TL, Norris MD, Yu S, Retzloff L, Ensing GJ. Not just veggies: subtle myocardial changes in patients with fungal infection, B107
Crile J ( see Abdulla et al), B71
Cripe L ( see Scanlan et al), B25-6
Crossley I ( see Larios et al), B76
Crousillat D ( see Merz et al), B15
Crowley A ( see Madhavan et al), B68-9
Cuadra R ( see Gopalakrishnan et al), B66
Cucchini U ( see Gawad et al), B58
Cucchini U ( see Muraru et al), B66-7
Cui J ( see Cao et al), B96
Cui J ( see Guo et al), B15
Daily JA ( see Best et al), B23
Daily JA ( see Lang et al), B24-5
Dal-Bianco J ( see Satitthummanid et al), B49
Danford D ( see Craft et al), B47
Danford D ( see Joseph et al), B44-5
Danford DA ( see Erickson et al), B67
Darrah JR, Sayyed S, Morad A, Xie F, Olson J, Porter TR. Differences in regional wall motion and quantitative ejection fraction measurements when using standard left ventricular opacification versus real time very low mechanical index algorithms, B7
Dasgupta N ( see Jarori et al), B112
DaSilva P ( see Shah et al), B39
Dean PN ( see Kim et al), B29
DeCara J ( see Yamat et al), B55
Dejanovic T ( see Jacobson et al), B21
De Jesus T, Alashry M, Pislaru SV, Padang R, Pellikka PA, Nkomo VT, Pislaru C. Novel measures of myocardial stiffness predict left ventricular dysfunction immediately after mitral valve repair in patients with mitral valve prolapse, B51
D’Elia N ( see Pathan et al), B100
D’Elia N ( see Ramkumar et al), B70
Deng Q ( see Chen et al), B97
Deng Y ( see Zhang et al), B13
Dengel DR ( see Evanoff et al), B35-6
Desai M ( see Xu et al), B77-8
Desai MY ( see Huded et al), B57
Desai ND ( see Madhavan et al), B68-9
Desai NJ ( see Narang et al), B52
de Vasconcellos HD, Moreira HT, Nwabuo C, Yared GS, Ciuffo LA, Ambale-Venkatesh B, Armstrong AC, Kishi S, Reis JP, Liu K, Lloyd-Jones DM, Schreiner PJ, Colangelo L, Sidney S, Gidding SS, Lima JAC. Association of cumulative exposure to blood pressure from early adulthood to middle age with left atrial and left ventricle structure and function by three-dimensional echocardiography: the Coronary Artery Risk Development in Young Adults (CARDIA) study, B48-9
Devereux RB ( see Di Franco et al), B7
Devereux RB ( see Di Franco et al), B8
Dhillon GS, Maskatia SA, Loar RW, Ruano R, Wang Y, Shamshiraz AA, Mehollin-Ray AR, Ayres NA, Belfort MA, Olutoye OO, Kailin JA. The impact of fetal endoscopic tracheal occlusion on left-sided cardiac dimensions and outcomes in fetuses with left-sided congenital diaphragmatic hernia and comparison to matched controls, B32
Di Franco A, Kim J, Rodriguez-Diego S, Goldburg SR, Siden JY, Mehta NK, Srinivasan A, Ratcliffe MB, Handschumacher MD, Levine RA, Devereux RB, Weinsaft JW. Impact of non-ischemic fibrosis on echo-evidenced right ventricular function among patients with ischemic mitral regurgitation, B8
Di Franco A, Kim J, Srinivasan A, Rodriguez-Diego S, Goldburg SR, Siden JY, Mehta NK, Alakbarli J, Devereux RB, Weinsaft JW. Incremental utility of right ventricular strain compared to conventional echo quantification for assessment of cardiac MRI evidenced right ventricular dysfunction, B7
Dillon C ( see Shah et al), B39
Dimaano MM ( see Ahmad et al), B18
Dimaano MM ( see Ahmad et al), B83
DiMaria MV ( see Lopez et al), B23-4
Di Stefano C ( see Bruno et al), B110
Divanovic A ( see Alsaied et al), B22
Divanovic A ( see Hahn et al), B30
D’Jang C ( see McConnaughey et al), B21
Dodd-o J ( see Metkus et al), B86-7
Dokuni K ( see Hatani et al), B85
Dokuni K ( see Hatazawa et al), B78
Dokuni K ( see Yutaka et al), B80
Dong L, Li Q, Zuo W, Shu X, Ge J. Low-dose dobutamine stress echocardiography speckle-tracking imaging in evaluating the post-surgical prognosis of severe aortic valve insufficiency with significantly reduced left ventricular systolic function, B62
Dong L ( see Kong et al), B44
Dong L ( see Sun et al), B42-3
Douglas PS ( see Alenezi et al), B73
Douglas PS ( see Madhavan et al), B68-9
Douglas PS ( see Ong et al), B3
Dourado P ( see Duque et al), B17
Doyle M ( see Patel et al), B61
Dragulescu A ( see Larios et al), B76
Driessen M ( see Larios et al), B76
Dumas C ( see Rau et al), B98
Dunning A ( see Alenezi et al), B75
Duque A, Ceccon C, Mathias W Jr, Gowdak LH, Sbano J, Meneguetti C, Dourado P, Majeski JD, Kalil R, Tsutsui JM. Shockwave therapy: a new approach for improving symptoms of patients with refractory angina pectoris, B17
Durand A ( see Choy et al), B13
Dutil N ( see Larios et al), B35
Dwedi A ( see Macias et al), B107-8
Dwyer K ( see Merz et al), B15
Eberhart LL ( see Malone et al), B63
Eberhart LL ( see Phillion et al), B94
Edwards I ( see Okoh et al), B60
Effinger KE ( see Rose-Felker et al), B111-2
Eghtesady P ( see Aggarwal et al), B74
Eid A ( see Bhatia et al), B33-4
Eishi K ( see Obase et al), B37-8
Elci OU ( see Bhatt et al), B27
Eleid MF ( see Fahim et al), B58
Elison D, Sheehan F, McConnaughey S, Freeman R. Introductory simulator course in bedside echocardiography for medical students, B20
Ellmaurer LS ( see Rajesh et al), B68
Elmariah S ( see Madhavan et al), B68-9
Elsayes A, Basura A, Zahedi F, Moreno-Duarte I, Penick E, Patel V, Maron M, Rowin E, Cobey F. Discrepancy in left ventricular outflow tract gradients measured with transthoracic echocardiography and intraoperative transesophageal echocardiography in patients with hypertrophic obstructive cardiomyopathy (HOCM), B38-9
El Tallawi KC, Avenatti E, Little SH, Zoghbi WA. A comprehensive algorithm for identification of shunting with agitated saline contrast echocardiography: the importance of incorporating pattern and timing of left heart opacification, B18-9
El Tallawi KC ( see Avenatti et al), B39-40
El Tallawi KC ( see Vukicevic et al), B37
Eng M ( see Jain et al), B39
Ensing GJ ( see Cresalia et al), B107
Erickson CT, Levy PT, Craft M, Li L, Danford DA, Singh GK, Kutty S. Maturational changes in right ventricular strain mechanics from the fetus to the young infant: analysis of longitudinal 2D speckle tracking data from 450 examinations, B67
Erickson CT ( see Levy et al), B70
Ermacora D ( see Muraru et al), B41-2
Espey J ( see Rau et al), B98
Estrada A ( see Mahmoud et al), B14-5
Evanoff NG, Dengel DR, Sivanandam S. Assessing vascular characteristics of the fetal descending aorta, B35-6
Evers PD ( see Kourtidou et al), B34-5
Ezon D ( see Christopher et al), B31
Fabrício CG ( see Ribeiro et al), B112
Fadnes S ( see Mawad et al), B10
Fahim M ( see Hepinstall et al), B16
Fahim MA, Pislaru C, Ito S, Nkomo VT, Pellikka PA, Kane GC, Eleid MF, Taha HS, Greason KL, Pislaru SV. Strain echocardiography demonstrates acute transient deterioration in right ventricular systolic function after transapical transcatheter aortic valve replacement, B58
Fahim MAS, Pislaru SV, Pellikka PA, Nkomo VT, Greason KL, Rihal CS, Pislaru C. Lack of improvement in left atrial function at short-term follow-up in patients with transcatheter aortic valve replacement, B57
Fang L ( see Li et al), B47
Fang L ( see Li et al), B49
Fang LG ( see Wang et al), B90
Fang Q ( see Arroyo et al), B103
Fang Q ( see Parwani et al), B84
Fang X, Pan C, Cheng L, Chen Y, Sun M, Zhang Z, Jiang L, Wang X, Shu X. Impact of hyperuricemia on left atrial remodeling in hypertensive patients, B45
Fantauzzi J ( see Rau et al), B98
Farah V ( see Patel et al), B61
Farah V ( see Veer et al), B59
Farrell MB, Gorman B, Lopez L. Historical trends in Intersocietal Accreditation Commission echocardiography accredited laboratories, B88
Feagin DK ( see Colquitt et al), B28-9
Fearon WF ( see Madhavan et al), B68-9
Fedson S ( see Narang et al), B9-10
Feigenbaum H ( see Jarori et al), B112
Feigenbaum H ( see Jarori et al), B72-3
Fein AW ( see Harrington et al), B8-9
Feng C ( see Chen et al), B97
Ferrari V ( see Zhao et al), B19
Fichtinger G ( see Scanlan et al), B25-6
Figueroa J ( see Posey et al), B36
Filho ACLB, Ribeiro FF, Tanaka DM, Moreira HT, Schmidt A, Simões MV, Maciel BC, Marin-Neto JA, Romano MMD. Feasibility, reference intervals and reproducibility for left ventricular ejection fraction and myocardial strain by speckle tracking echocardiography in adult Syrian hamsters, B80
Filho ACLB ( see Ribeiro et al), B112
Fitzgerald MR ( see Lang et al), B24-5
Flanigan K ( see Wilhelm et al), B111
Flynn-Galganski M ( see Creighton et al), B31
Fornwalt BK ( see Wehner et al), B90-1
Forrest JK ( see Chowdhury et al), B56
Forrest JK ( see Shah et al), B39
Forsha DE ( see Goudar et al), B12
France R ( see Goudar et al), B12
France R ( see Parthiban et al), B94
Freeman R ( see Elison et al), B20
Freeman R ( see McConnaughey et al), B21
Freud L ( see Cohen et al), B30
Freud LR ( see Harrington et al), B26
Friedberg M ( see Larios et al), B76
Friedberg M ( see Lopez et al), B23-4
Friedberg M ( see Morgan et al), B32-3
Friedberg MK ( see Fujioka et al), B58-9
Friedlander I ( see Gopalakrishnan et al), B66
Friedman H ( see Posey et al), B36
Friedman J ( see Yamaguchi et al), B50
Friend EJ ( see Krishnamoorthy et al), B87
Friesen RM, Schafer M, Burkett DA, Cassidy C, Ivy DD, Jone P-N. Right ventricular tissue Doppler myocardial performance index correlates with severity of pulmonary hypertension in children, B27
Frommelt MA ( see Creighton et al), B31
Fujii K ( see Iwakura et al), B98
Fujimiya T ( see Iwai-Takano et al), B99
Fujioka T, Ide H, Friedberg MK. Experimental pulmonary insufficiency leads to left ventricular compression and impaired relaxation, B58-9
Fuller S ( see Scanlan et al), B25-6
Furugen M ( see Nishino et al), B42
Furugen M ( see Nishino et al), B55
Gagliardi JA ( see Cianciulli et al), B103
Gawad HSA, Muraru D, Abdel-Hay MA, Ashour S, Shehata M, Cucchini U, Previato M, Ilceto S, Badano LP. In patients with left ventricular volume overload, left ventricular size and shape, more than pulmonary artery systolic pressure, may affect right ventricular geometry and function, B58
Ge J ( see Dong et al), B62
Ge S ( see Chen et al), B38
Ge S ( see Chen et al), B85-6
Ge S ( see Chen et al), B101
Ge S ( see Gu et al), B11-2
Ge S ( see Liu et al), B18
Ge S ( see Zhang et al), B13
Gelatt M ( see Goudar et al), B12
Genovese D ( see Muraru et al), B41
Genovese D ( see Muraru et al), B41-2
Genovese D ( see Muraru et al), B43
Genovese D ( see Muraru et al), B59-60
Gidding SS ( see de Vasconcellos et al), B48-9
Gidding SS ( see Moreira et al), B88
Gidding SS ( see Vasconcellos et al), B101
Gill EA Jr ( see Burke et al), B42
Gilliland YE ( see Khan et al), B54
Gillinov AM ( see Huded et al), B57
Gin K ( see Tsang et al), B61
Gin K ( see Yeung et al), B102
Ginns J ( see Srinivasan et al), B29
Giordano K ( see Chowdhury et al), B56
Glickstein J ( see Cohen et al), B30
Goeddel L ( see Metkus et al), B86-7
Goldburg SR ( see Di Franco et al), B7
Goldburg SR ( see Di Franco et al), B8
Goldmuntz E ( see Bhatt et al), B27
Goldstein S ( see Hahn et al), B30
Gomberg-Maitland M ( see Kishiki et al), B69-70
Good CW ( see Wehner et al), B90-1
Goodman AL ( see Huded et al), B57
Gopalakrishnan P, Cuadra R, Friedlander I, Nagojothi N, Anreddy S. Impact of the 2016 American Society of Echocardiography guidelines on diastology evaluation and reporting in a community hospital, B66
Gorcsan J III ( see Kagiyama et al), B20
Gorcsan J III ( see Kagiyama et al), B52
Gorcsan J III ( see Kagiyama et al), B87
Gorcsan J III ( see Sugahara et al), B43-4
Gorcsan J III ( see Sugahara et al), B73
Gorgis S ( see Jain et al), B39
Gorman B ( see Farrell et al), B88
Gottbrecht M, Aurigemma GP. Most patients are not classifiable by current diastolic function guidelines, B85
Goudar SP, Forsha DE, White DA, Gelatt M, Johnson T, France R, Chew WL, Shirali GS. Correlation of echocardiographic measurements to exercise parameters in Fontan children: a prospective, blinded study, B12
Govind SC ( see Saha et al), B79
Gowdak LH ( see Duque et al), B17
Grady AM ( see Soliman et al), B30
Grady RM ( see Aggarwal et al), B74
Grady RM ( see Aggarwal et al), B79
Graves M ( see Sengupta et al), B89
Graves M ( see Weiss et al), B96
Greason KL ( see Fahim et al), B57
Greason KL ( see Fahim et al), B58
Greenbaum A ( see Jain et al), B39
Green-Hess D ( see Jarori et al), B72-3
Green-Hess D ( see Jarori et al), B112
Grewal HK ( see Sengupta et al), B74
Grier E ( see Cheema et al), B49-50
Griffin BP ( see Huded et al), B57
Grimm R ( see Huded et al), B57
Grimm R ( see Xu et al), B77-8
Grissom CK ( see Lanspa et al), B19
Gu X, Zhu H, Zhang Y, Sun L, Ge S, He Y. Quantile score: a new reference system for fetal echocardiographic measurements by a multi-center study, B11-2
Guan Z ( see Liu et al), B15-6
Guerra V ( see Morgan et al), B32-3
Guido MC ( see Salemi et al), B97
Guo R, Jiang N, Hu B, Cao S, Cui J, Zhou Q. H 2 O 2 -loaded acoustic phase-change nanoparticles enhancing coronary micro-circulation thrombolysis: an in vitro study by low intensity focused ultrasound irradiation, B15
Guo R, Lei J, Zhou Q, Hu B, Yao X. Prediction of clinical outcome by longitudinal strain in patients with valve replacement: a short-term follow-up study, B89
Guo R, Zhou Y, Chen J, Hu B, Cao S, Zhou Q. The predictive value of left atrial synchronization for recurrence after radio frequency catheter ablation in paroxysmal atrial fibrillation patients by dual gate Doppler, B85
Guo R ( see Cao et al), B14
Guo R ( see Cao et al), B96
Guo R ( see Chen et al), B97
Guo R ( see Hu et al), B89
Guo R ( see Liu et al), B18
Guo R ( see Song et al), B46
Guo R ( see Yao et al), B99
Guo R ( see Zhou et al), B41
Guo Y ( see Sun et al), B42-3
Gupta R ( see Siddiqi et al), B64
Gupta S ( see Krishnamoorthy et al), B87
Gupta V ( see Hosn et al), B77
Gurvich R ( see Tejman-Yarden et al), B14
Ha J-W ( see Kim et al), B4
Ha J-W ( see Kim et al), B102-3
Ha J-W ( see Son et al), B4
Habli MA ( see Alsaied et al), B22
Haggerty CM ( see Wehner et al), B90-1
Hahn E, Alsaied T, Tseng S, Goldstein S, Divanovic A, Cnota J. Postnatal renal size in children with single ventricles correlates to fetal cardiac output during the third trimester, B30
Hahn E ( see Alsaied et al), B22
Hahn RT ( see Madhavan et al), B68-9
Hahn RT ( see Ong et al), B3
Haik N ( see Okoh et al), B60
Hamilton J ( see Medvedofsky et al), B17
Hammonds T ( see Richmond et al), B56
Hamvas A ( see Lehman et al), B75
Hamvas A ( see Levy et al), B70
Hamvas A ( see Levy et al), B72
Hamvas A ( see Levy et al), B80-1
Han J ( see Chen et al), B38
Han J ( see Chen et al), B85-6
Han R ( see Morgan et al), B32-3
Han W ( see Wang et al), B100-1
Han Y ( see Zhao et al), B19
Handschumacher M ( see Capoulade et al), B60-1
Handschumacher MD ( see Di Franco et al), B8
Hara H ( see Hashimoto et al), B43
Harb S ( see Xu et al), B77-8
Harb S ( see Xu et al), B106
Harland D, O’Hair DP, Bajwa TK, Allaqaband SQ, Khandheria BK, Kirby A, Jain R. Echocardiographic guidance and monitoring of transcatheter mitral valve replacement in severe mitral annular calcification and failing bioprostheses; mid-term follow-up data are encouraging, B52-3
Harland D ( see Jain et al), B51-2
Harland D ( see Richmond et al), B56
Harrington JK, Richmond ME, Fein AW, Kobsa S, Satwani P, Shah A. Using strain imaging to monitor cardiac function in survivors of childhood cancer on angiotensin converting enzyme inhibition or angiotensin receptor blockade, B8-9
Harrington JK, Richmond ME, Woldu KL, Kobsa S, Freud LR. Serial changes in right ventricular systolic function in rejection-free children after heart transplant, B26
Hasan B ( see Chowdhury et al), B76
Hashemi S, Petit CJ, Sachdeva R. Revisiting the Bernoulli equation in coarctation following Norwood procedure, B21
Hashimoto G, Suzuki M, Hayama H, Makino K, Ono T, Iijima R, Hara H, Moroi M, Nakamura M. Left atrial appendage ejection fraction assessed by three dimensional transesophageal echocardiography predicts cardiogenic embolization in patients with nonvalvular atrial fibrillation, B43
Hassoun PM ( see Mercurio et al), B78-9
Hassoun PM ( see Mercurio et al), B106-7
Hatani Y, Tanaka H, Suto M, Mukai J, Hisamatsu E, Hatazawa K, Dokuni K, Matsuzoe H, Shimoura H, Ooka J, Sano H, Mochizuki Y, Koriyama KR, Matsumoto K, Hirata K. Bi-ventricular interaction in patients with atrial septal defect following transcatheter closure, B85
Hatani Y ( see Hatazawa et al), B78
Hatani Y ( see Suto et al), B108-9
Hatazawa K, Tanaka H, Nonaka A, Suto M, Mukai J, Hisamatsu E, Takada H, Soga F, Dokuni K, Hatani Y, Matsuzoe H, Shimoura H, Ooka J, Sano H, Mochizuki Y, Ryo-Koriyama K, Matsumoto K, Hirata K. Predictor of left ventricular systolic dysfunction in patients malignant lymphoma after receiving anthracycline, B78
Hatazawa K ( see Hatani et al), B85
Hatazawa K ( see Suto et al), B108-9
Hatazawa K ( see Yutaka et al), B80
Hawwa N ( see Xu et al), B106
Hayama H ( see Hashimoto et al), B43
Hayashida A ( see Toki et al), B46
Hays AG ( see Mercurio et al), B78-9
He A ( see Choy et al), B13
He Y ( see Chen et al), B38
He Y ( see Chen et al), B85-6
He Y ( see Chen et al), B101
He Y ( see Gu et al), B11-2
Heeze A ( see Majeed et al), B22
Helfield B, Chen X, Watkins S, Villanueva F. The biophysics of ultrasound-stimulated microbubbles for drug/gene delivery, B9
Henein M ( see Saha et al), B79
Heo R ( see Kang et al), B50-1
Heo R ( see Lee et al), B67-8
Hepinstall MJ, Ali MA, Fahim M, Cassidy CS, Pislaru SV, Kane GC. Agitated saline contrast opacification: a prospective comparison, B16
Herberg U ( see Karabiyik et al), B45
Herlands L ( see Majeed et al), B22
Herr JE, Hétu M, Johri AM. Carotid plaque composition by gray scale mapping is predictive of coronary artery disease and 5 year cardiovascular outcomes, B91
Herrmann HC ( see Madhavan et al), B68-9
Herrmann J ( see Bruno et al), B110
Hétu M ( see Herr et al), B91
Hill G ( see Spearman et al), B105
Hill GD ( see Creighton et al), B31
Hirao Y ( see Iwakura et al), B98
Hirata K ( see Hatani et al), B85
Hirata K ( see Hatazawa et al), B78
Hirata K ( see Suto et al), B108-9
Hirata K ( see Yutaka et al), B80
Hirata Y ( see Kusunose et al), B71
Hirata Y ( see Nishio et al), B16
Hirata Y ( see Saijo et al), B96
Hirshberg EL ( see Lanspa et al), B19
Hisamatsu E ( see Hatani et al), B85
Hisamatsu E ( see Hatazawa et al), B78
Hisamatsu E ( see Suto et al), B108-9
Hisamatsu E ( see Yutaka et al), B80
Holland MR ( see Levy et al), B72
Holmes JW ( see Kim et al), B29
Hong G-R ( see Kim et al), B4
Hong G-R ( see Kim et al), B102-3
Hong G-R ( see Son et al), B4
Hong L ( see Huang et al), B54
Hooker R ( see Chen et al), B60
Hornberger LK ( see Ravi et al), B77
Horst J-P ( see Karabiyik et al), B45
Hosn NNA, Pagath M, Gupta V, Calvacanti R, Leung S, Sorrell V. The systemic atrio-ventricular index: a novel prognostic ECHO parameter in patients with restrictive filling patterns, B77
Houle H ( see Bratanoff et al), B47
Houle H ( see Bratanoff et al), B48
Houle H ( see Son et al), B4
Hovnanian N ( see Makkiya et al), B17
Hravnak MT ( see Kagiyama et al), B20
Hravnak MT ( see Kagiyama et al), B87
Hristova K ( see Negishi et al), B8
Hristova KA, Marinov R. Assessing of myocardial atrial deformations in CABG patients as predictor of perioperative cardiac arrhythmia, B99
Hsiao A ( see Tsang et al), B61
Hu B, Zhou Q, Chen J, Tan T, Yao X, Song H, Guo R. Prediction for improvement and remodeling in first-onset myocardial infarction by speckle tracking echocardiography: Is global or regional selection better? B89
Hu B ( see Cao et al), B14
Hu B ( see Cao et al), B96
Hu B ( see Guo et al), B15
Hu B ( see Guo et al), B85
Hu B ( see Guo et al), B89
Hu B ( see Song et al), B46
Hu B ( see Yao et al), B99
Hu B ( see Zhou et al), B41
Hu R ( see Liu et al), B18
Hu Y ( see Huang et al), B54
Hua M ( see Steffner et al), B40-1
Huang W, Hong L, Xie M, Cao H, Hu Y, Wang Y. Evaluation of ventricular function in fetus with Ebstein’s anomaly by velocity vector imaging, B54
Huded CP, Masri A, Kusunose K, Goodman AL, Alashi A, Grimm R, Gillinov AM, Johnston DR, Rodriguez LL, Svensson LG, Griffin BP, Desai MY. Prognostic utility of strain and valvuloarterial impedance in asymptomatic patients with severe aortic stenosis and preserved systolic function undergoing treadmill stress echocardiography, B57
Hughes R ( see Patel et al), B61
Hummers LK ( see Mercurio et al), B78-9
Hummers LK ( see Mercurio et al), B106-7
Hung J ( see Capoulade et al), B60-1
Hung J ( see Satitthummanid et al), B49
Hunter K ( see Lopez et al), B23-4
Hur DJ ( see Bratanoff et al), B47
Hur DJ ( see Bratanoff et al), B48
Hurwitz B ( see Issa et al), B64
Husain A, Walson LA, Syed MN, Ahmad MM, Ahmad MN, Singh M, Ammar KA, Khandheria BK, Tajik AJ. Hypertrophic cardiomyopathy is associated with dilated sinus of Valsalva: a case-control study, B94-5
Husain AN ( see Mehta et al), B104-5
Hutter AM ( see Weiner et al), B77
Hyderi A ( see Ravi et al), B77

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