Stable Ischemic Heart Disease and Approach to Chronic Chest Pain

Stable Ischemic Heart Disease and Approach to Chronic Chest Pain

I. Causes of angina and pathophysiology of coronary flow

A. Angina caused by fixed coronary obstruction

Coronary blood flow constitutes ~5% of the total cardiac output and may increase up to 5 times with exercise. Normally, the coronary microcirculatory resistance constitutes the only resistance to myocardial flow; the epicardial vessels are just conductance vessels that offer no resistance to myocardial flow. In the presence of a functionally significant stenosis, classically a 70% diameter stenosis, the trans-stenotic flow drops during exertion; at a 90% diameter stenosis, the trans-stenotic flow drops at rest. During exercise or adenosine infusion, exten- sive microvascular dilatation occurs, requiring an extensive increase in flow to fill the dilated circulation; since the flow cannot increase across a flow-limiting stenosis, ischemia occurs.1

Supply ischemia is typically caused by ≥50% diameter stenosis of the left main coronary artery or ≥70% diameter stenosis of the major epicardial vessels. However, a 40–70% stenosis may be functionally significant, i.e., may impede maximal coronary flow during stress. The functional significance of a fixed lesion depends not only on the luminal narrowing, but also on:1

  • The size of the territory supplied by the vessel: a 50% proximal LAD stenosis is often significant, whereas a 50% diagonal or distal LAD stenosis may not be. A larger flow translates into a larger percentage of flow drop across the stenosis.
  • Lesion length, as resistance across a stenosis correlates with (viscosity × length)/radius4 (Poiseuille law).
  • Amount of viable myocardium.
  • Degree of coronary distensibility at the lesion site. As such, for the same luminal stenosis, a large necrotic core or positive remodeling increases the functional significance.2

Therefore, stress imaging may be useful to assess the functional significance of a borderline lesion. Also, in the cath lab, fractional flow reserve (FFR), i.e., the relative drop in flow across a lesion, may be invasively measured. FFR consists of assessing the pressure drop across a lesion using a coronary pressure wire; this pressure drop corresponds to a flow drop in patients with maximal microcirculatory hyperemia that exhausts autoregulation (flow = pressure/microvascular resistance). A flow drop ≥20%, i.e., FFR flow ratio ≤0.80, implies functional significance. In the FAME trial of multivessel PCI, 35% of 50–70% stenoses, 80% of 70–90% stenoses, and almost all stenoses >90% were functionally significant (FFR ≤0.80).3 This highlights the limitations of angiography even for stenoses of 70–90%.

B. Vasospastic angina (Prinzmetal angina) or dynamic coronary obstruction

It was initially hypothesized by Prinzmetal and then demonstrated in an old series that vasospasm and vasospastic angina often occur at the site of a significant atherosclerotic obstruction in patients with significant CAD.4,5. CAD was not only significant but frequently unstable.5 Later reports suggest that vasospasm is also a common diagnosis in patients with angina and no significant CAD, men or women.6 Even in patients with normal or near-normal coronary arteries, atherosclerosis is documented at the site of vasospasm, and, in fact, vasospasm correlates with the atherosclerotic burden at this site.7,8 Vasospasm may be related to vasoconstrictors released by platelets and leukocytes at the atherosclerotic site, or endothelial dysfunction and abnormal vasomotor response induced by atherosclerosis.7 Paradoxical vasoconstriction may occur during exercise, adrenergic stimulation (stress), or cold exposure. Approximately 60% of patients only have symptoms at rest or mild activity without exertional limitation, sometimes in a cyclic nocturnal pattern; in those patients, angina only occurs when the dynamic component exacerbates the fixed obstruction.5 On the other hand, many patients have exertional angina, whether from the CAD itself or from the exertional vasospasm, and some patients only have exertional angina.6 Vasospastic angina is classically more severe than fixed-threshold angina, as the episodic obstruction is totally or subtotally occlusive, with more frequent arrhythmia, high-grade AV block, or syncope during the episodes. While characteristically more common in women, some series suggest that vasospasm is as common in men.9,10

C. Angina secondary to severely increased demands

This is seen with severe LV hypertrophy, severe HTN, valvular heart disease, HF, marked tachycardia, or metabolic disorders (anemia or hyperthyroidism). Some of these patients have underlying significant CAD, but many do not, angina being completely explained by the severely increased demands.

Note on coronary flow physiology

Because of systolic compression of the microcirculation, the LV receives blood mainly during diastole (>80% of the left coronary flow occurs in diastole). Tachycardia, in addition to increasing O2 demands, reduces myocardial O2 supply by reducing diastolic time.

As opposed to the LV, the RV is thin and does not compress its microcirculation as much in systole, which explains why its flow is not as affected by systole. Approximately 50% of the right coronary-to-RV flow occurs in systole.

The LV coronary blood flow is directly related to the pressure gradient between DBP and LVEDP (coronary perfusion pressure) and inversely related to the microvascular resistance; the latter depends on myocardial stiffness, and, thus, on LVEDP as well (flow = delta pressure/microvascular resistance). An increase in LVEDP reduces coronary flow, even in the absence of a coronary stenosis.

Since the RV receives significant flow during systole, the coronary blood flow of the RV is partly related to the gradient between SBP and RV systolic pressure, not just DBP and RVEDP.

II. Diagnostic approach

A. Clinical features of typical angina

Typical angina is characterized by three features:

  1. Retrosternal or epigastric discomfort; neck/jaw/arm pain.
  2. Occurrence with exertion or emotional stress.
  3. Quick relief by rest or nitroglycerin (within 30 s – 5 min). A prolonged pain (>20 min), or a delay to relief with rest or nitroglycerin (>5 min) usually implies one of two extremes: acute MI or non-cardiac pain.

Angina is precipitated by walking uphill, in the cold, or after a meal.* Nausea or diaphoresis during pain increases the likelihood of angina. Postprandial angina is often a marker of severe, sometimes multivessel CAD. As opposed to biliary colic or peptic ulcer disease, angina occurs immediately after the meal and is exacerbated by postprandial physical activity. Nocturnal angina may imply severe CAD vs. vasospasm on top of fixed CAD; the increased venous return in the recumbent position increases O2 demands and triggers ischemia in patients with critical, sometimes multivessel, CAD. Rest angina without an exertional component may be seen in patients with significant CAD whose angina is mainly triggered by a vasospastic reduction of O2 supply (although many of the latter patients also have exertional angina). Dyspnea may be an angina equivalent and may indicate extensive CAD with secondary increase in LVEDP during ischemic spells; however, dyspnea is very non-specific compared to chest pain. “Warm-up” angina is angina that starts with the onset of activity and improves with further exertion (e.g., in the morning); it suggests a very severe stenosis, with collaterals that get recruited during exertion and a myocardium that adapts to ischemia (ischemic preconditioning).

Schematic illustration of clinical probability of CAD.

Figure 3.1 Clinical probability of CAD.

* Combination of diabetes, smoking, or hyperlipidemia (LDL >160–190 mg/dl), especially when all three are present.17

B. Pre-test clinical probability of significant CAD

The presence of all three features defines typical (definite) angina, while two features define possible angina, and chest pain without any additional feature defines non-anginal chest pain. The combination of (1) angina features, (2) age and sex, and (3) risk factors establishes the probability of CAD (Diamond-Forrester and Duke classifications, combined in Figure 3.1).1113 Note that typical angina is defined by its relation to exertion, not by a description of “chest heaviness” or arm radiation.

In addition, primary ST-T changes or Q waves on the resting ECG imply a higher probability of CAD and a higher-risk CAD, even out- side unstable angina.13

Only 50% of women with classic angina have CAD (as opposed to ~90% of men). The WISE registry shows that ~40% of women undergoing coronary angiography for suspected myocardial ischemia have CAD; the remaining patients likely have macrovascular spasm or microvascular dysfunction without obstructive CAD. While fewer women have obstructive CAD than men, women without obstructive CAD who continue to have chest pain have a worrisome ~9% risk of death/MI at 4 years.14

C. Pre-test probability of high-risk CAD (multivessel, extensive CAD)

Hubbard et al. identified five clinical parameters that predict severe (three-vessel or left main) CAD, beside age: male sex, typical angina, diabetes, insulin dependency, prior MI by history or ECG.15 A 40-year-old patient with four or more of these parameters, or a 60-year-old patient with three or more of these parameters, has a probability of severe CAD of over 40% (e.g., a 60-year-old diabetic man with typical angina). Such symptomatic patients are appropriately referred directly to coronary angiography or CTA without stress testing, as it is highly unlikely that the latter will be normal and, if normal, it may represent a false negative test.16

Other clinical features are predictive of severe CAD and may justify direct referral to angiography (class I for severe angina):13,17,18

  • High-probability angina that is severe or frequent (e.g., ≥daily). A severe angina is likely to require revascularization for symptom control regardless of stress test results or extent of CAD, as standalone medical therapy is less effective than PCI for symptom control of class III or IV angina.
  • HF that is likely ischemic (HF with angina, flash pulmonary edema, or older age/combination of risk factors).
  • Q waves or primary ST-T abnormalities on the baseline ECG, or regional wall motion abnormalities on echo.

D. Testing modalities (diagnostic and prognostic purposes):

  • High pre-test probability:

    • Coronary angiography is directly performed if typical exertional angina is severe and requires revascularization.
    • CTA is preferred if typical angina is not severe. It excludes left main disease and allows conservative CAD management, as per ISCHEMIA trial.19
    • As an alternative to CTA in typical angina that is not severe, stress testing may be performed, especially in CKD. Here, stress testing is less useful for diagnostic purposes, as the likelihood of CAD remains high even with a negative test. It is, however, useful for risk stratification: a low-risk result allows conservative management.20

  • Intermediate pre-test probability: stress testing or CTA is performed for diagnosis and prognosis. CTA is also indicated after a high- or intermediate-risk stress test or a negative stress test yet persistent symptoms. SCOT-Heart trial showed that routine CTA on top of functional testing reduces the 5-year MI risk in patients with chest pain, typical or atypical, compared to functional testing alone, not via more revascularizations but via assessing plaque burden and dictating aggressive risk factor control.21
  • Low pre-test probability (young patient with atypical angina): stress testing may not need to be performed. Even if the stress test is positive, the probability of CAD increases from <10% up to 20%, i.e., the stress test is likely falsely positive. However, if judged necessary, ECG or echo stress testing may be performed (class IIa). Avoid nuclear stress testing in low-probability patients, as it has a high false-positive rate in this population and a radiation hazard.

Table 3.1 Indications for stress imaging, as opposed to plain treadmill stress ECG.

Treadmill stress imaging (nuclear or echo) >Treadmill stress ECG

  • Baseline ST depression >1 mma
  • High pre-test probability of CAD
  • Prior coronary revascularization (stress imaging allows localization of ischemia and has a higher sensitivity in detecting single-vessel ischemia)
  • Prior stress ECG with intermediate result

Pharmacological stress imaging (nuclear or echo)

  • Unable to walk
  • Able to walk but baseline ECG has LBBB or ventricular paced rhythm (classically, pharmacological nuclear imaging is performed)b

a LVH without ST depression is appropriately tested with stress ECG.

b Exercise and dobutamine may exaggerate the septal motion abnormality and septal defect present in LBBB, falsely suggesting ischemia, but have shown an appropriate yield when the apical motion or perfusion is analyzed, rather than the septum.25

Table 3.2 Risk stratification with stress testing.

High risk: yearly cardiac mortality >3%, yearly cardiac events >5%

  • DTS ≤–11a
  • Reversible, large or severe perfusion defect (summed stress score >+8, corresponding to ischemia involving >10% of the myocardium)
  • Fixed, large or severe perfusion defect with LV dilatation/low EF
  • Rest- or stress-induced LV dysfunction with EF ≤35%, even if the defect is mild or moderate
  • On stress echo: ischemia of ≥3 segments (out of 17), or >one coronary distribution, especially if it occurs at a low rate <120 bpm or a low dose of dobutamine (≤10 mcg/kg/min)

Intermediate risk: yearly cardiac mortality 1–3%, cardiac events 1–5%

  • DTS –10 to +4
  • Summed stress score 4–8

Low risk: yearly cardiac mortality and cardiac events <1% (~0.5% with stress imaging)

  • DTS ≥+5 (≥ +8 is very low risk)
  • No perfusion defect or small perfusion defect with a summed stress score <4

a Duke Treadmill Score (DTS) = prognostic score for treadmill stress testing

= Exercise time on Bruce protocol – 5 × (the deepest ST depression on ECG) – 4 × (angina score) (Angina score: 0 = no angina, 1 = non-limiting angina, 2 = exercise-limiting angina)

E. Risk stratification with stress testing

Treadmill stress ECG, more specifically the Duke Treadmill Score (DTS), is a powerful risk stratifier. A high-risk DTS implies an increased cardiac mortality and a 75% probability of left main or three-vessel CAD, regardless of imaging results. A low-risk DTS often implies a low mortality; however, ~10% of patients with a low-risk DTS have severe three-vessel or left main disease with a high mortality, and another 10% have two-vessel or proximal LAD disease, and thus, 20% of symptomatic patients with normal stress ECG have significant, high-risk CAD (particularly men).22 These patients are likely to be picked up by stress imaging.23,24 In fact, a high-risk result on nuclear or echo stress imaging overrules a low- or intermediate-risk result on stress ECG.23,24 Thus, stress imaging is preferred to stress ECG in patients with a high probability of CAD or with prior coronary revascularization even if ECG is interpretable, while stress ECG is preferred in patients with an intermediate or low CAD probability who are able to walk and have an interpretable baseline ECG (Table 3.1).18

A high-risk DTS, on the other hand, implies a high risk regardless of imaging results, with a 75% probability of left main or three-vessel CAD and >90% probability of any significant CAD.22 Because of balanced ischemia, some patients with extensive disease have normal or mildly abnormal perfusion imaging but are picked up by ECG variables, DTS, severe angina during testing, and post-stress LV dysfunction. Table 3.2 stratifies the risk according to stress testing.

F. Putting it together: diagnostic approach and management of chronic chest pain (Figure 3.2)

Schematic illustration of proposed diagnostic approach to chronic chest pain.

Figure 3.2 Proposed diagnostic approach to chronic chest pain. Note that CTA has gained a central role in high CAD probability and high-risk patients, including high-risk stress test, thanks to ISCHEMIA trial. The main goal of CTA in high-risk patients is to rule out left main disease, in which case conservative management is acceptable. The only exception is CKD (GFR<60), wherein stress imaging is preferred for diagnosis, keeping in mind that even a high-risk result is appropriately managed conservatively with no angiographic assessment at all. The solid arrows indicate the preferred strategy.

III. Silent myocardial ischemia. Is there a role for screening asymptomatic patients and post-PCI patients?

A totally silent severe myocardial ischemia is uncommon (10- 15% of CAD). The more common form of silent myocardial ischemia consists of silent ischemia interspersed with symptomatic ischemia, such as angina or prior MI. Even if asymptomatic, ischemia is a strong predictor of cardiac events and mortality and may have the same prognostic significance as symptomatic ischemia.29

However, revascularization does not modify this prognosis, and screening asymptomatic patients based solely on risk factors is not indicated, nor is screening of post-PCI patients indicated. In the DIAD study, asymptomatic diabetic patients, who constitute a relatively

high-risk population, were screened for CAD with nuclear stress imaging. These asymptomatic patients actually had a low risk of cardiac events (0.6% per year), and while this risk was higher in the small subgroup of patients with moderate or severe ischemia (2.5% per year), 70% of events eventually occurred in patients with normal testing. In fact, a 0.6% event rate in 90% of the population leads to more total events than a 2.5% event rate in 10% of the population. Even if revascularization reduces the risk of late MI in this small subgroup, the benefit is nullified by the periprocedural risk of MI and by the risk of unnecessary diagnostic angiograms in patients with false positive stress tests. This explains why the event rate was similar in the screened and non-screened diabetic populations. Thus, stress testing is not generally useful in asymptomatic patients, even those at seemingly high risk, particularly if risk factors and hemoglobin A1c are well controlled (as in the DIAD study).30 These findings were corroborated by another study, wherein asymptomatic diabetic patients were randomized to coronary CTA screening vs. routine care. Coronary CTA found significant CAD (>70% stenosis) in 11% of patients and resulted in a 6% revascularization rate, which did not translate into any reduction of death, MI, or unstable angina (FACTOR-64 study).31 Moreover, the following 3 ideas argue against testing and stenting asymptomatic patients:

  • ~75% of MIs arise from a plaque that was not obstructive (<50%) on a recent CT or coronary angiography (within the last couple of years).32 This is particularly true if the patient is asymptomatic, even more so if asymptomatic despite being active.
  • Atherosclerotic burden, as assessed by CT calcium scoring, is at least as good a predictor of coronary events as the presence of obstructive CAD. Stenting does not modify this major driver of outcomes, i.e., plaque burden.33
  • Occlusion of a stenosis>70% is far less likely to cause a large MI than occlusion of mild disease (30% vs. 75% likelihood), and far more likely to be preceded by angina as first presentation (70%). This is because chronic collaterals reduce infarct size in the former. Thus, seeking stenoses >70% is seeking the less deadly disease.34

The only valuable test in asymptomatic patients is CT calcium scoring, a powerful risk stratifier that dictates more aggressive risk factor modification, not revascularization. If stress testing is done in asymptomatic patients, the detection of severe ischemia would lead to revascularization only in extensive CAD, mainly left main disease.

Silent ischemia 6 months after PCI, even if severe, is not clearly associated with increased death or MI. In-stent restenosis is asymptomatic ~50% of the time, in which case the prognosis is very good; routine angiographic follow-up and PCI of asymptomatic in-stent restenosis does not improve outcomes compared to angina-driven PCI.35

IV. Medical therapy: antiplatelet therapy

While the combination of aspirin and clopidogrel is beneficial for up to 1 year after MI or stent placement, this combination has not shown superiority to aspirin monotherapy in stable CAD and peripheral vascular disease (CHARISMA trial). However, in a substudy of CHARISMA, patients with prior MI appeared to derive a benefit from prolonged combination therapy for up to 28 months, especially if they had disease in multiple vascular locations (e.g., MI and PAD).36 In monotherapy, clopidogrel is an alternative to aspirin and may be slightly superior in reducing coronary and cerebrovascular events with a slightly lower risk of GI bleed.37

Patients with CAD who also have an indication for anticoagulation (AF or a history of DVT) are best treated with standalone anticoagulation beyond 1 year of MI or coronary stenting (warfarin or NOAC). Anticoagulation, per se, effectively reduces coronary events, as in the modern AFIRE trial using rivaroxaban;38 in older trials, warfarin monotherapy or warfarin–aspirin combination was more effective than aspirin in preventing coronary events, at the cost of a higher bleeding risk.39

V. Medical therapy: antianginal therapy and risk factor control

Myocardial oxygen demands are related to the following four factors: inotropism, chronotropism, afterload, and preload. Each antianginal agent targets some of these factors. Nitrates and vasodilatory calcium channel blockers reduce ischemia by reducing preload and afterload, and, except in vasospastic angina, the coronary vasodilatory effect is a less important effect.

A. β-Blockers

  1. In patients with established CAD and angina, β-blockers are first-line therapy as they reduce mortality in the first year after MI (class I). However, in stable CAD without prior MI or HF, or with MI>1 year, there is no evidence of mortality reduction and the main benefit is angina relief.40,41 Without angina, prior MI, or HF, the recommendation for β-blocker therapy is weak (class IIb).
  2. A tight rate control <70 bpm has proven beneficial in HFrEF, but not in stable CAD, angina, HTN, AF, or HFpEF.42,43 In fact, in the SIMPLIFY trial, stable CAD patients with baseline pulse >70 bpm (most of whom had MI >3 months prior), did not derive a benefit from slowing the sinus rate with ivabradine, even when angina CCS was ≥II. Thus, tight heart rate control <70 bpm may not need to be pursued in stable CAD with normal EF, except possibly in severe angina.
  3. Myocardial β1-receptors have a positive inotropic and chronotropic effect, thus increasing myocardial O2 demands. β2-Receptors mainly have vasodilatory and bronchodilatory effects, with a limited inotropic and chronotropic effect at baseline. However, the latter effect is exaggerated when β1-receptors are blocked. Thus, β2-blockade may be useful in patients requiring a comprehensive blockade of all myocardial adrenergic receptors, such as HF (carvedilol), but may induce harmful vasoconstrictive and bronchospastic effects.
  4. Four types of β-blockers:

    1. Non-selective β1– and β2-blockers (e.g., propranolol).
    2. Selective β1-blockers (e.g., metoprolol, atenolol, bisoprolol). Selectivity is lost at high doses. β-Blockers with intrinsic sympathomimetic activity – β-blockade does not occur at rest, and rather occurs during catecholamine surges; these agents do not decrease mortality and are preferably avoided.
    3. β-Blockers with combined α- and non-selective β-blocker activity (carvedilol, labetalol) have a vasodilatory effect and, thus, a more pronounced antihypertensive effect. However, the α-blocking effect gets attenuated with time, particularly with labetalol.44

  5. Contraindications

    1. Bradycardia <55 bpm or symptomatic bradycardia- PR interval >0.24 s, or any second- or third-degree AV block.
    2. Decompensated HF (start β-blockers once HF is compensated).
    3. History of clinically severe asthma, even if the patient is currently stable, or actively decompensated COPD with wheezes. A low or moderate dose of a selective β-blocker, such as metoprolol 100 mg/day, may be used in stable, mild/moderate asthma.
    4. Use caution in diabetic patients with hypoglycemic episodes.

  6. Doses:

    • Metoprolol tartrate 25 mg BID titrated every 3–7 days to a target dose of 50–100 mg BID if tolerated (maximum 200 mg BID). Metoprolol succinate (Toprol XL): the once-daily dose of Toprol XL is almost equivalent to the total daily dose of metoprolol tartrate.
    • Atenolol 12.5–25 mg BID (Qday in renal failure), titrated to 50 mg BID. Carvedilol: 3.125–25 mg BID; labetalol 100–400 mg BID.


Severe PAD was considered a relative contraindication to non-selective β-blockers, because of an initial β2-blocker vasoconstrictive effect. However, this is no longer a contraindication to β-blockers, as they proved safe in PAD.45 Also, PAD patients often die of CAD, and thus, β-blockers are valuable in the PAD setting. Individual responses may vary, so be aware of a potential worsening of severe rest symptoms.

In diabetic patients, metoprolol appears to slightly worsen diabetes control (HbA1c). This is not the case with carvedilol and nebivolol, which should be the preferred β-blockers in diabetic patients (GEMINI trial).46

B. Nitrates

  1. Nitrates are venodilators and thus reduce ischemia primarily by reducing preload. They also improve coronary flow by reducing intramyo- cardial diastolic tension, i.e., LVEDP. They are also, to a lesser extent, arterial vasodilators and thus reduce afterload.

    The dilatation of epicardial coronary arteries is a less important anti-ischemic mechanism than preload reduction, but dilatation of collaterals may be particularly useful. Vasodilators, in general, may worsen myocardial ischemia in critical CAD as they increase flow through the normal coronary arteries at the expense of the abnormal artery that cannot further increase its flow, creating a coronary steal phenomenon through collaterals (e.g., adenosine). This, however, does not usually happen with nitrates as they do not drastically affect the microvascular tone, and thus do not drastically increase coronary flow to the normal myocardium.

  2. While sublingual nitroglycerin (NTG) is used as needed (during angina or before exertion) and has a short effect <5 min, long-acting formulations are used as adjunct to background β-blocker or calcium channel blocker therapy:

    • Isosorbide dinitrate (ISDN) 10–40 mg TID, isosorbide mononitrate (ISMN) 30–240 mg Qday, NTG paste 0.5–2 inches TID, NTG patch 0.2–0.6 mg/h Q24h.

  3. Tolerance to nitrates develops quickly, within 24 hours of therapy. It is minimized by providing nitrate-free intervals (e.g., administer ISDN at 8 a.m., 2 p.m., and 8 p.m., with 10–14 hours free interval; administer ISMN once daily; or place NTG patch for 12 out of 24 hours every day). However, rebound ischemia may occur during the nitrate-free intervals.
  4. Nitrates are metabolized into NO by large arteries. NO promotes the release of cGMP, a smooth muscle relaxant. In contrast to large arteries, arterioles cannot metabolize nitrates into NO.

Nitrate tolerance occurs as the beneficial NO eventually gets metabolized into reactive oxygen species, which reduce NO generation and NO effect and increase the vascular sensitivity to vasoconstrictors; nitrates may, in fact, impair endothelial function.47 Neurohormonal activa- tion may also contribute to nitrate tolerance. The same phenomenon leads to vasoconstriction and rebound ischemia in the first 4 hours after nitrate withdrawal in a tolerant patient. Several studies have shown that statin, ACE-I (and possibly ARB), hydralazine, and carvedilol reduce nitrate tolerance as they reduce the production of reactive oxygen species and counteract the neurohormonal activation.4750 Thus, with the contemporary drug regimens, nitrate tolerance and rebound are minimized.

C. Calcium channel blockers (CCBs)

  1. Non-dihydropyridines (non-DHPs) decrease cardiac inotropism and chronotropism and have a vasodilatory effect (afterload reduction). Also, they dilate the coronary arteries.

    1. Examples: diltiazem and verapamil. Verapamil has more negative inotropic effect and slightly more AV and SA nodal depressant effect than diltiazem.
    2. Non-DHPs are contraindicated in bradycardia or systolic HF. Avoid non-DHPs, particularly verapamil, in combination with a β-blocker. Diltiazem may be combined with a β-blocker in rate-uncontrolled AF.
    3. Doses: diltiazem 30–90 mg TID–QID, diltiazem ER 120–480 mg Qday; verapamil 80–120 mg TID–QID, verapamil ER 180–480 mg/d.

  2. Dihydropyridines (DHPs) are more pure and powerful vasodilators than non-DHPs, with minimal ino- and chronotropic effects.

    1. Only the long-acting formulations are used. Short-acting DHPs may cause reflex tachycardia, which leads to ischemia.
    2. DHPs are not contraindicated in bradycardia or HF, except for nifedipine which has some negative inotropic effect and is preferably avoided in HF; other DHPs have minimal to no negative inotropic effects.
    3. In contrast to non-DHPs, DHPs are preferably combined with a β-blocker to counteract any potential reflex tachycardia.
    4. DHPs are the first-choice antianginal therapy in patients with bradycardia and the second choice in patients already on β-blockers.
    5. Examples are amlodipine 2.5-10 mg Qday, felodipine 2.5-10 mg Qday, and nifedipine XL 30-90 mg Qday.

D. Choice of antianginal drugs

β-Blockers are first-line agents. If β-blockers are contraindicated because of bronchospasm, use a non-DHP; if β-blockers are contraindicated because of bradycardia, use a DHP. A long-acting nitrate or ranolazine is used as a second- or third-line agent. The combination DHP + nitrates may be used but is less favored, as both agents are vasodilators.

If one agent does not greatly relieve angina, use a combination of 2 to 4 agents (β-blocker + DHP +/- nitrate +/- ranolazine).

In HF patients with angina, β-blockers are started slowly. Nitrates may be added for angina or the combination of nitrates + hydralazine may be used for HF. DHP or ranolazine may be added if needed (amlodipine or felodipine may be slowly added, only if HF is compensated).

E. Ranolazine

Ranolazine blocks the late current of the inward sodium channel (INa, phase 0), a channel that is particularly active in ischemia or HF. This reduces intracellular sodium and, subsequently, intracellular calcium through the sodium–calcium sarcoplasmic exchange (opposite to digoxin effect). The main effect of ranolazine is the reduction of diastolic calcium overload, which reduces O2 consumption and improves

LV relaxation. Moreover, the improvement of LV relaxation reduces LVEDP and the coronary compression, which improves microvascular

function and coronary flow.

Ranolazine has been shown to reduce angina burden, increase exercise duration, and reduce ischemic burden on nuclear imaging, particularly in patients with the most severe or frequent angina, whether used in monotherapy or in combination with other antianginal drugs.51,52

In the MERLIN-TIMI 36 trial of NSTE-ACS patients, ranolazine added to standard therapy reduced the endpoint of recurrent ischemia or worsening angina. The benefit was most striking in women and in patients with elevated BNP.53-55 Ranolazine has not shown any effect on mortality.

Ranolazine only slightly prolongs QT from I K blockade (by 2–6 ms) and does not increase the risk of arrhythmia. The blockade of INa serves to shorten the action potential, similarly to the effect of lidocaine, and counteracts the IK blockade. In fact, in the MERLIN trial, ranolazine significantly reduced the risk of VT, SVT, and AF. In addition, ranolazine appeared to reduce the risk of sudden death in patients with VT lasting over 8 beats in the setting of NSTE-ACS.56 However, ranolazine should only be used cautiously in patients with prolonged QT or patients receiving QT-prolonging drugs.

Thus, ranolazine has the advantages of:

  • Reduction of ischemia without affecting the systemic pressure or heart rate. It is particularly valuable when systemic pressure or heart rate limits the use of other antianginal agents.
  • Improvement of LV diastolic function.
  • Reduction of arrhythmias.
  • Reduction of HbA1c of ~1% in patients with HbA1c ≥8% (MERLIN analysis).

Ranolazine may be used as initial therapy in patients who do not tolerate β-blockers (alternative to CCB and nitrates), or as additional therapy in patients with persistent angina despite standard therapy.

F. Control of risk factors

  1. Statin, regardless of LDL. If needed, ezetimibe or PCSK-9 inhibitor may be added to achieve LDL <70 mg/dl.
  2. HTN is controlled to <130/80 mmHg (ACC and SPRINT trial).57
  3. ACE-I is beneficial in CAD patients (HOPE and EUROPA trials),58 more so in cases of EF <50%, HTN, diabetes, or CKD. In CAD patients with SBP 130–140 mmHg and normal EF, ACE-I did not show any benefit (PEACE trial).59 In the early post-CABG setting (≤7 days) with normal EF and BP, ACE-I initiation did not improve outcomes and was associated with more adverse events in the first 3 months (IMAGINE trial).60
  4. Control of diabetes to a Hb A1c ≤7%.
  5. Smoking cessation leads to a 50% reduction of the excessive risk of MI and stroke within 1 year (mostly within 2 months). At 3–5 years, the risk approaches that of never-smokers.

VI. Indications for revascularization

The first step is to determine if the patient requires coronary angiography (Figure 3.2). The second step is to determine if the patient requires revascularization. The third step is to determine whether CABG or PCI is appropriate. The need for coronary angiography does not imply a need for revascularization once CAD is found. In fact, medical therapy is frequently appropriate in a patient with significant, even multivessel CAD (with no left main disease). Coronary angiography serves as a risk stratification tool that helps determine whether medical therapy alone is appropriate. Based on ISCHEMIA trial, coronary CTA may replace coronary angiography and may be used to exclude left main disease and proceed with conservative management even in patients with multivessel disease.

In order to benefit from revascularization, one of the following 2 features excluded from ISCHEMIA trial must be present: (1) severe refractory angina, or (2) severe left main disease, regardless of angina.19,20 Extensive 3-vessel CAD or 2-vessel CAD with proximal LAD may also benefit from CABG, but less strongly. Refractory angina is defined as frequent angina (multiple times weekly) that persists despite the use of at least two antianginal medications (or less in case of intolerance or a baseline low BP and heart rate).

Old retrospective analyses suggested that revascularization in the setting of extensive ischemia involving ≥10% of the LV was associated with a reduction of mortality; this suggested a role for ischemia assessment in guiding revascularization.61 However, the large randomized trial ISCHEMIA disproved this hypothesis. Analyses from both ISCHEMIA and COURAGE suggest that the anatomic burden of disease is a far superior predictor of death and cardiac outcomes than ischemia, even though neither one predicts a benefit from revascularization. 62,63 Ruling out left main disease via CTA or angiography appears more important than functional ischemia evaluation.

VII. CABG and CABG vs. medical therapy

CABG is the only revascularization modality shown to improve survival in the high-risk subsets of stable CAD. In a meta-analysis that included the three classic trials of CABG vs. medical therapy, the Coronary Artery Surgery Study (CASS), the European Coronary Surgery Study (ECSS), and the VA study, CABG reduced mortality by 40–50% in the following groups:68

  • Left main disease (mortality reduction of ~75%).
  • Three-vessel CAD, or one- or two-vessel CAD involving the proximal LAD. CABG is beneficial in these patients irrespective of LV function, but more so in the case of mild LV dysfunction with EF 35–50% or evidence of moderate/severe ischemia on stress testing (i.e., make sure CAD is functionally significant).

CABG was beneficial in the classic trials despite a 25% crossover to CABG in the medical therapy arm at 5 years, implying that the absolute CABG benefit is even higher. This CABG benefit was seen irrespective of symptom status and extended to asymptomatic patients. Note that the survival benefit in stable CAD does not emerge until 2 years after CABG, partly because of the early surgical hazard; thus, CABG is an appropriate therapy in patients who are otherwise likely to have a good longevity. CABG is expected to be beneficial sooner in patients with unstable CAD. Those trials were done in the 1970s, at a time when CABG technique was suboptimal (LIMA was not routinely used, which explains why the survival advantage of CABG gradually narrowed beyond 10 years). But in those trials medical therapy was also suboptimal (mainly consisting of β-blockers, with very limited use of aspirin and no statin). In fact, in the CABG stratum of the modern BARI 2D trial, initial CABG did not reduce the mortality of diabetic patients with multivessel, non-left main disease (vs. initial medical therapy). Same results were replicated in ISCHEMIA trial. Thus, the only absolute indication for CABG in the stable CAD setting is left main disease, not 3-vessel or proximal LAD disease.

The above trials excluded patients with severe LV dysfunction (EF <35%). In patients with severe ischemic LV dysfunction (EF <35%), no or mild angina, and no severe HF, CABG improved death and cardiovascular hospitalizations at 10 years in the STICH trial.69,70The benefit was, however, not dramatic (~20% reduction of cardiovascular death). Once again, the benefit did not emerge until 2 years after CABG. This benefit was irrespective of viability testing.

CABG may also be performed for single- or two-vessel CAD not involving the LAD, if PCI is not technically feasible and the patient has refractory, severe angina. The value of a single- or two-vessel CABG to a non-LAD vessel is mainly symptomatic.

The well-known benefit of CABG in diabetic patients is seen in CABG vs. PCI trials, rather than in the above trials of CABG vs. medical therapy.

VIII. PCI and PCI vs medical therapy

General PCI indications and pitfalls- Consider the following three settings:

  • PCI is a first-line consideration for one- or two-vessel CAD, along with severe angina.
  • PCI is an alternative to CABG in three-vessel CAD, or two-vessel CAD involving the proximal LAD, with an angiographic SYNTAX score ≤22 and no diabetes.
  • In three-vessel CAD, or complex two-vessel disease involving the LAD (especially proximal LAD), with either diabetes or SYNTAX score >22, CABG significantly improves survival in comparison with PCI (SYNTAX and FREEDOM trials).

PCI is flawed by a risk of restenosis of 20% with BMS, which is reduced to <10% with DES. At the 5-year follow-up of PCI populations without extensive CAD, 20-25% of patients had recurrent events, mainly recurrent symptoms with a need for revascularization. Approximately 50% of these events occur in the target vessel, mainly the target stented lesion, while 50% occur in remote vessels (non-culprit disease progression).67,71 Those events would be more common in patients with diffuse and complex CAD, who not only have a higher risk of restenosis but also a higher risk of progression of non-target lesions/vessels, as PCI only addresses the focal disease.

PCI vs medical therapyThe COURAGE trial evaluated patients with stable, rather mild angina, normal EF, and a good functional status (mean stress test exercise time = 7 min).72 It included a large population of patients with multivessel CAD (~70%, including 30% three-vessel CAD) and patients with proximal LAD disease (~35%). Initial PCI did not improve death or MI outcomes as compared to initial medical therapy ± delayed PCI (PCI was eventually performed in 31% of patients in the medical therapy arm). COURAGE results, however, do not dismiss the value of PCI in highly symptomatic patients with frequent anginal episodes (i.e., daily), those with severely limiting angina, or those with persistent angina despite medical therapy, patients in whom PCI has strong effects on quality of life and functional status, according to the COURAGE quality-of-life substudy.73

Similar results were replicated in the BARI 2D trial.74 In diabetic patients with mild angina, initial revascularization did not reduce death or MI in comparison to initial medical therapy, although 40% of patients eventually crossed over from medical therapy to revascularization over 5 years. More specifically, in patients with one- or two-vessel CAD, initial revascularization with PCI did not reduce death or MI in comparison with medical therapy (PCI stratum). In patients with extensive CAD randomized to initial CABG vs. medical therapy (CABG stratum), initial CABG reduced MI (14.6% vs. 7.4% at 5 years) but not death in comparison with medical therapy.

The FAME 2 trial randomized patients who mainly had one- or two-vessel CAD (65% proximal/mid-LAD) to FFR-guided PCI vs. medical therapy. FAME-2 trial differs from the COURAGE trial mainly in the use of FFR guidance. PCI strikingly reduced the risk of urgent revascularization at 8 months and 5 years (6% vs 21%), as well as all future revascularizations (13% vs 51%), more so in lesions with FFR≤0.65.66 Yet PCI failed to show any mortality or MI reduction even at 5 years.28 While PCI significantly reduced the risk of late spontaneous MI, which occurred in 10% of medically managed patients vs. 6.5% of PCI patients at 5 years, it was associated with a risk of periprocedural MI (2%) and stent thrombosis (1%) which, beside non-target lesion progression, negated the overall MI benefit. Moreover, late STEMI was not reduced by PCI and was similarly low in both arms (1.6% at 5 years). It was speculated that long-term mortality rates might diverge in favor of PCI, as spontaneous MI has a larger impact on long-term mortality than periprocedural MI,75 but this was not seen at 5 years (not even a trend).

The ISCHEMIA trial selected stable patients with moderate or severe ischemia on stress testing (≥10% of the LV). Those patients were subjected to coronary CTA to confirm CAD diagnosis (≥50% in a major epicardial vessel) and to rule out left main disease; ~5% of screened patients had left main disease and were excluded. Patients with CAD were randomized to medical therapy vs. cardiac catheterization followed by revascularization; patients in the medical therapy arm only received CTA at baseline, not cardiac catheterization.18 Unlike COURAGE and BARI 2D, this trial randomized patients before any catheterization was done. In a way, this study did not just question the value of revascularization, but also the value of invasive coronary angiography after a severely abnormal stress test. At baseline, in both groups, 45% of patients had 3-vessel CAD on CTA, 31% had 2-vessel CAD, 47% had proximal LAD disease, and 42% had diabetes. In the invasive arm, only 13% did not have significant CAD on catheterization, and thus most patients underwent revascularization, of whom 76% received PCI and 24% received CABG. At 4 years of follow-up, invasive strategy and revascularization did not affect mortality (~6.5% in both arms), MI, or the combined endpoint of MI/mortality (11.7% for invasive vs 13.9% for conservative). Invasive strategy increased MI by ~2% in the first 6 months (large periprocedural MI) and reduced it by 4% between 6 months and 5 years (spontaneous MI), with a nearly neutral overall effect. This lack of benefit was consistent across all subgroups, including 3-vessel CAD, proximal LAD, and diabetic subgroups; and was not affected by ischemia or anatomic severity.63 Of note, only EF>35% was included, and EF was mostly normal (median 60%). The biggest pitfall is that >95% of patients had CCS 0-II angina and most patients had infrequent angina, monthly or less.

In sum, ISCHEMIA trial shifts 2 paradigms in stable CAD:

  1. Revascularization: in stable CAD, revascularization does not reduce mortality or MI even in extensive CAD and severe ischemia (the only exclusion being left main disease).
  2. Diagnostic strategy: this trial questions the value of functional stress testing in the management of stable CAD and rather emphasizes the value of anatomical rule-out of left main disease via CTA. Even invasive coronary angiography is not routinely necessary after a severely abnormal stress test, which is a paradigm shift. CTA takes a more central role.

CKD patients in ISCHEMIA-Only patients with CKD did not undergo CTA (GFR 30-60 ml/min/1.73 m2 in main ISCHEMIA trial, and GFR<30 ml/min/1.73 m2 or dialysis in ISCHEMIA-CKD trial).19 CKD patients were randomized to a conservative strategy straight after moderate/high-risk stress testing, without any coronary imaging to rule out left main disease, yet they had a similar death/MI outcome vs invasive strategy. Invasive strategy increased stroke and requirement for dialysis in ISCHEMIA-CKD trial and appeared particularly harmful in stage 4 CKD, wherein it also increased death.76 Despite their very high risk, ISCHEMIA-CKD patients did not benefit from revascularization (cardiac mortality ~27% at 2.2 years).

Furthermore, it is unclear if PCI improves survival in patients with left main or extensive multivessel disease who would derive a survival benefit from CABG, but who are not candidates for CABG or whose SYNTAX score is ≤22. By extrapolating the results of CABG vs. PCI trials, PCI is presumed to improve survival in those patients (PCI and CABG are associated with equivalent survival in select patients with multivessel or left main CAD); this has not been directly proven.

IX. PCI vs. CABG in multivessel and left main disease

CABG outcome is less dependent on the complexity and diffuseness of lesions than PCI, and when a graft is placed, the whole proximal 6–8 cm of the coronary artery is protected from MI induced by plaque rupture (Table 3.3). Keep in mind that plaque ruptures and acute coronary occlusions occur overwhelmingly in the proximal third of the coronary arteries, a segment protected by CABG (80-90% of acute LAD and LCX plaque ruptures are in the proximal 5 cm).78 Hence, CABG is consistently associated with a lower risk of MI and angina recurrence than PCI. Even when MI occurs after CABG, it is less likely to be fatal and more likely a small MI, as compared with patients receiving medical therapy or PCI (CASS registry, BARI trial, and SYNTAX trial).79

Table 3.3 Reasons for superiority of CABG vs. PCI.

  1. CABG success is much less affected by the anatomical complexity (e.g., CTO) and the diffuseness of CAD
  2. While PCI treats focal disease, a graft improves flow to the whole coronary territory, including segments with moderate diffuse disease, and protects from MI resulting from occlusion of the proximal 6–8 cm coronary segment. Plaque ruptures and acute coronary occlusions occur overwhelmingly in the proximal 5 cm of coronary arteries
  3. Very long longevity of LIMA graft
  4. More complete revascularization with CABG (vessels with CTO are sometimes left untreated in a multivessel PCI strategy)

BARI and ARTS trials In the balloon angioplasty era, the BARI trial randomized very select patients with focal multivessel CAD to CABG vs. PCI. In comparison with PCI, CABG dramatically reduced mortality in diabetic patients by an absolute 16% at 5 years, and dramatically reduced repeat revascularizations in all patients.80 The benefit on repeat revascularizations was shown in the BMS era as well (ARTS trial).81 The superiority of CABG was seen despite the very careful selection of patients with non-extensive CAD amenable to PCI (<10% of screened patients were randomized to CABG vs. PCI).

Isolated proximal LAD disease A meta-analysis of randomized trials of CABG vs. PCI for isolated proximal LAD disease suggests the lack of mortality difference, although repeat revascularizations were much lower with CABG (pre-DES era).82

SYNTAX trial – In the DES era, the SYNTAX trial randomized patients with three-vessel and/or left main disease to CABG vs. PCI with DES. This trial included patients with extensive, complex CAD, and graded the angiographic severity of CAD using the SYNTAX score. In the overall trial, at 5 years of follow-up, CABG was associated with a significant reduction in MI (~10% vs. 4%), a marked reduction in the need for repeat revascularizations (26% vs. 14%), but no mortality difference (13.9% vs. 11.4%). CABG significantly reduced mortality by an absolute 8% in the high SYNTAX scores (>32).83,84 Conversely, patients with a low SYNTAX score (≤22) had comparable death, MI and even repeat revascularization rates with CABG and PCI, whether they had three-vessel or left main disease. Regarding 5- and 10-year mortality, CABG and PCI were equipoise for the left main subset (=left main +1, 2 or 3-vessel CAD), but CABG reduced mortality in 3-vessel CAD without left main. Interestingly, CABG outcomes were not affected by SYNTAX score, i.e., CABG success and post-CABG survival were not affected by angiographic complexity, in contradistinction with PCI. The only pitfall of CABG was the higher early risk of stroke (2.2% vs. 0.6% at 1 year).

The SYNTAX score assigns a number for the location of each stenosis (e.g., left main 5, proximal LAD 3.5, proximal LCx 1.5, OM 1, RCA 1), and multiplies this number by 2 in case of a 50–99% stenosis, and 5 in case of a CTO. Additional points are added at every lesion for tri- or bifurcation, long disease, calcium, and CTO complexity. Overall, the score emphasizes proximal stenoses (especially LAD) and angiographic complexity, especially CTO.

FREEDOM trial – Diabetic patients with two- or three-vessel CAD involving the LAD were randomized to CABG vs. PCI with DES.85 At 5 years of follow-up, CABG significantly reduced mortality vs. PCI, almost as much as in the high SYNTAX group of SYNTAX trial (16.3% vs. 10.9%). It reduced MI (~14% vs. 6%) at the price of an increase in postoperative stroke and a higher early postoperative mortality. The benefit in these diabetic patients was consistent across all SYNTAX score groups, including the low SYNTAX group.

EXCEL and NOBLE trials of left main disease- Both EXCEL and NOBLE trials specifically randomized patients with left main disease and mainly low or intermediate SYNTAX score (≤32) to CABG vs. PCI; 81% of patients had distal left main disease, and 15-29% had diabetes. In both trials, CABG was slightly superior to PCI at 5 years of follow-up.86,87 In EXCEL, the 5-year composite death/MI/stroke was not different, but CABG slightly yet significantly reduced mortality (13 vs. 9.9%), nonprocedural MI (6.8 vs. 3.5%), and repeat revascularizations (target and non-target, 16.9 vs 10%). In the CABG group, the composite outcome was increased in the first 30 days but reduced beyond 30 days (survival curves crossed at 1 year). In NOBLE, CABG significantly reduced the primary outcome, which included repeat revascularizations (28.9% vs 19%), and reduced nonprocedural MI, but did not reduce mortality.

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