The interatrial septum has two parts: These two septa meet and overlap. The overlap area is called fossa ovalis.1,2 In the fetus, the overlap area is not sealed, leaving a tunnel that allows blood to flow from right to left. This tunnel is called foramen ovale. In the fetus, oxygenated blood flowing from the IVC is directed towards the left heart through the septum secundum and foramen ovale, and is ejected into the ascending aorta, the brain, and upper body. Deoxygenated blood flowing from the SVC continues into the RV and is ejected into the high-resistance pulmonary circulation, then the descending aorta through the ductus arteriosus. Overall, the RV provides ~55% of the systemic cardiac output (lower body), while the LV provides ~45% of the systemic output (upper body). The pulmonary vascular resistance is elevated in the fetus, as a reaction to the poorly oxygenated lung, and the pulmonary arterial pressure is higher than the systemic pressure; at birth, the pulmonary resistance and pressure dramatically drop. Figure 18.1 Interatrial septum. Embryologically, blood coming from the IVC is directed into the LA by the right-sided, septum secundum flap. The septum primum acts like a one-way door that opens when the RA pressure rises, and closes when the LA pressure supersedes the RA pressure, closing the foramen ovale. The prominent, septum secundum boundary of the fossa ovalis is called limbus (on the side of the RA). Embryologically, The septum primum was initially localized at the upper portion of the RA. It grew down and touched the endocardial cushions, then developed a defect in its middle and top portions (ostium secundum) to allow blood shunting. This defect got covered by a growing muscular septum secundum, which eventually met the septum primum. Figure 18.2 Bicaval TEE view showing a PFO between the septum primum (thin, at bottom) and the septum secundum (thick, on top). EV, Eustachian valve. Ostium primum ASD may be continuous with a defect of the membranous ventricular septum, in which case the defect is called complete atrioventricular (AV) canal defect, or endocardial cushion defect. The endocardial cushions are central embryonic structures that develop into the AV valves and the membranous ventricular septum. In complete AV canal defect, no tissue separates the AV valves; the AV valves are actually one valve at one horizontal plane, with an atrial and ventricular septal defect in the middle. An ostium primum ASD without VSD is called partial AV canal defect. In the partial AV defect, the ventricular septum is closed by the endocardial cushions or by the septal tricuspid leaflet early in life, so that only a primum ASD is present. In another form called transitional AV canal defect, most of the ventricular defect is closed by the septal leaflets of the AV valve, so that only a small residual inlet VSD is seen and two AV valves are present. Thirty-five percent of patients with AV canal defect have Down syndrome, especially those with complete AV canal defects. Whereas normally the tricuspid valve is a bit lower (more apical) than the mitral valve, the tricuspid and mitral valves are at the same level in AV canal defect, as the mitral valve plane is pulled down. The down-pulling of the mitral valve elongates the LVOT, creating a “goose neck” narrowing of the LVOT with potential LVOT obstruction (Figure 18.5). Mitral valve defects (cleft valve) are frequently seen and result in eccentric MR; tricuspid defects may also be seen. Figure 18.3 Types of ASD. Secundum ASD results from excessive involution of the top portion of the septum primum (→ does not meet the septum secundum). Primum ASD results from failure of the septum primum to reach the endocardial cushions. Thus, beside primum ASD, secundum ASD is also a defect of the septum primum. Septum primum is the thinner septum, marked by 1; septum secundum is marked by 2. Figure 18.4 En face view of the interatrial septum. Occasionally, both a PFO and a small ASD may be present: ASD in one plane where the septum primum has excessively involuted, PFO in the other planes where the two septa continue to overlap. Alternatively, PFO may be present with multiple small ASD holes. Figure 18.5 Goose-neck deformity of the LVOT in primum ASD. Partial anomalous pulmonary venous return may also be seen with secundum ASD. A right upper pulmonary vein draining into the RA or SVC is the most common anomaly, accounting for >90% of the anomalous venous return; a left pulmonary vein draining into the innominate vein may also be seen. If only one pulmonary vein is involved, the amount of shunting induced by the anomalous vein is, per se, mild. However, in conjunction with an ASD, the anomalous vein may significantly add to the shunt burden. A large ASD is characterized by a Qp/Qs ≥2. A complete AV canal defect, on the other hand, leads to a severe shunt and Eisenmenger syndrome early in infancy if not corrected. Paradoxical embolism may be seen. TTE also shows RA and RV enlargement, consequences of any significant ASD. In case of pulmonary hypertension, ASD closure remains indicated if there is still a net left-to-right shunt (Qp/Qs ≥1.5) and PVR is <1/3 SVR and <5 Wood units.5 ACC gives closure a class IIb when PVR is 1/3-2/3 SVR, and contraindicates it when PVR>2/3 SVR. ESC contraindicates closure when PVR ≥5 Wood units. However, ESC allows a trial of PAH therapy followed by re-evaluation of PVR (goal <5) and Qp/Qs (goal>1.5) Figure 18.6 Interatrial septum viewed from the side. Various rims are identified. The three best TEE views to visualize the interatrial septum are: The mitral and IVC rims are septum primum, while the aortic and SVC rims are septum secundum; the two septa meet in the middle. An ostium primum ASD is characterized by an absent mitral rim, while a sinus venosus ASD is characterized by an absent SVC rim. Primum ASD and sinus venosus ASD are only treated surgically, as the lack of rims prevents device apposition. While improving survival and functional status, closure in patients >40 years of age does not prevent AF or stroke. A cryptogenic stroke is a stroke that is unexplained by carotid disease, cardiac disease such as AF or LV thrombus, or prothrombotic coagulopathies (mainly antiphospholipid syndrome). Moreover, to make the diagnosis of a cryptogenic stroke, a lacunar stroke must be excluded (lacunar stroke being a small, deep white-matter stroke < 15 mm in a patient with HTN, diabetes, or age >50). There is an association between PFO and cryptogenic stroke, patients with cryptogenic stroke having a higher prevalence of PFO than the normal population (~40–50% prevalence). This association is particularly established in patients < 55 years old and is uncertain in older patients.7,8 PFO patients may have paradoxical embolization of a DVT or an in situ thrombosis formed at the PFO level, especially if the interatrial septum is hypermobile and ejects it. PFO is common in the normal population (prevalence ~25%), and thus a causal relationship with a stroke is, at best, a diagnosis of exclusion. In some, but not all studies, a large shunt or the coexistence of an atrial septal aneurysm had a clearer association with stroke.7,8 A large shunt is defined as >10–30 microbubbles or PFO tunnel width ≥2–4 mm, meaning that the separation between secundum septum and primum septum is ≥2–4 mm. An atrial septal aneurysm, defined as hypermobility of the thin septum primum >1 cm from midline, is less clearly associated with an increased stroke risk when isolated.8 The combination of the following three patient characteristics increases the probability that the stroke is PFO-related: age < 55, cortical location of the stroke (as opposed to deep white matter or periventricular), and the lack of uncontrolled HTN, uncontrolled diabetes, and smoking. PFO is diagnosed by TTE or TEE performed with microbubbles/agitated saline injected during Valsalva (bubble study). In case of PFO, these bubbles will go from the RA to the LA within 3–5 cardiac cycles during the Valsalva release phase. Even the shunting of one bubble to the LA indicates the presence of a right-to-left shunt. If it takes >3–5 cycles for the bubbles to appear on the left side, the shunt is at the pulmonary level (e.g., AV malformation). Normally, during quiet breathing, the LA pressure is larger than the RA pressure, thereby closing the septum primum towards the septum secundum and preventing any significant shunting, except very briefly. A physiologic right-to-left shunt occurs when the RA volume suddenly and largely increases at a time when the LA volume does not, which reverses the LA–RA pressure differential; this is seen during deep inspiration or during the release phase of the Valsalva maneuver. Conversely, the strain phase of Valsalva may reduce right venous return and right-to-left shunting. Of note, bubble injection via a lower extremity vein (into the IVC) is more likely to be shunted through the PFO. The interventricular septum has a small membranous portion and a large muscular portion. The muscular portion is divided into three zones (inlet between the atrioventricular valves, outlet beneath the great arteries, and trabecular). A VSD is either perimembranous or muscular:13 Any VSD may also be associated with a bicuspid aortic valve and coarctation of the aorta. With the exception of bicuspid aortic valve, VSD is the most common congenital defect in children. A small VSD leads to a loud, harsh pansystolic murmur at the left lower sternal border, sometimes with a thrill, whereas a large VSD has a softer murmur. Thus, a loud murmur implies a more benign VSD than a soft murmur. Small VSDs are called restrictive because they allow only limited shunting. Figure 18.7 Anatomic and echocardiographic localization of VSD. The membranous septum is bordered by the septal tricuspid leaflet on the right and the subaortic area on the left; it is superior to the mitral valve. Perimembranous VSD is actually a superior/anterior form of VSD, and therefore it is seen on the long-axis echo view. Inlet VSD is bordered by the tricuspid valve on the right and the mitral valve on the left and is the one that continues with an atrial septal defect to form the AV canal defect. Note that the pulmonic valve (PV) is higher and more anterior than the aortic valve (AoV), and the outlet septum is larger on the right than the left side. An outlet VSD that extends all the way to the PV is called supracristal VSD. Figure 18.8 Gerbode defect on an apical five-chamber view. Perimembranous VSD extends more proximal to the tricuspid valve and leads to LV–RA shunt, in addition to the LV–RV shunt. Being a perimembranous defect, it may not be seen on the four-chamber view. The defect may have an inlet extension. Small perimembranous or trabecular VSDs have a high closure rate (50–80%) by 2–10 years of age. A perimembranous VSD may close by the apposition of the septal tricuspid leaflet, which sometimes forms a pouch at the level of the sealed defect.15 A small VSD is hemodynamically insignificant, and remains so as the patient ages, but is associated with a risk of endocarditis. Large VSDs (non-restrictive, Qp/Qs >2) have a low spontaneous closure rate and lead to left HF, then Eisenmenger syndrome in infancy or childhood. They are typically corrected early on, before 1 year of age. Moderately large VSDs (Qp/Qs 1.4–2) may be tolerated for years before leading to hemodynamic compromise later on, in adulthood, as LV systolic and diastolic pressures rise and increase L-R shunting. Adults presenting with VSD usually have a small VSD that did not close spontaneously and is not leading to any hemodynamic compromise. Other possibilities are: patch leak of a surgically repaired VSD; moderate VSD that is leading to hemodynamic compromise in adulthood (unusual); or large, non-corrected VSD that led to Eisenmenger syndrome long before adulthood. Also, infective endocarditis and AI may be seen later in life with a small, seemingly insignificant adult VSD. TTE allows estimation of the VSD size: a small VSD has a diameter smaller than 1/3 of the aortic root diameter, a large VSD is a VSD larger than the aortic root. A large VSD typically has a large Qp/Qs ratio (>2), a small velocity, and a small pressure gradient across it because of the high RV systolic pressure (non-restrictive VSD). TTE may miss a small trabecular VSD but very rarely misses other types of VSD. Surgical closure (direct closure or patch closure) is indicated as soon as possible for: Perform the surgery soon in infancy if needed (at the age of 3–6 months). Postoperative patch leaks may be seen but rarely require reoperation. Occasionally, if VSD closure cannot be immediately performed, PA banding is performed to reduce the pulmonary flow and the risk of Eisenmenger syndrome before definitive surgery. PDA is a persistent communication between the left pulmonary artery and the descending aorta just distal (~1 cm) to the left subclavian artery. It leads to left-to-right shunt and massive LV volume overload from the shunt volume that circulates back to the LV. LV failure, which is initially a high-output failure, subsequently ensues (left HF being the most common complication). It can also lead to progressive pulmonary hypertension and Eisenmenger syndrome with shunt reversal to a right-to-left shunt. In this case, a differential rather than a generalized cyanosis is seen (cyanosis of the feet only). The right-to-left shunt occurs distal to the innominate artery, so that the O2 saturation in the upper extremities is preserved whereas the O2 saturation in the lower extremities is low, explaining the differential cyanosis and clubbing, i.e., cyanosis that is much more prominent in the lower extremities. The origin of the left subclavian artery may be close enough to the ductus to receive unoxygenated blood, and therefore cyanosis and clubbing of the left hand may be seen. The right hand remains normal until a severely reduced cardiac output leads to generalized cyanosis. Infectious endarteritis at the shunt level may also be seen. Spontaneous closure of a PDA is unlikely in term infants older than 3 months or pre-term infants older than 12 months. A large shunt (Qp/Qs >2) is symptomatic in infancy and leads to Eisenmenger syndrome early on, as early as 8 months, if untreated. A moderate shunt (Qp/Qs 1.5–2) may lead to hemodynamic compromise at a later age (childhood or adulthood, up to the third decade). A small shunt (Qp/Qs <1.5) presents as an isolated murmur. A loud, continuous “machinery” murmur is heard at the first or second left intercostal space. As a result of the large stroke volume, the pulse pressure is wide with bounding pulses.
Chapter 18
Congenital Heart Disease
I. Atrial septal defect (ASD)
A. Embryology (see Figure 18.1)
C. Consequences
D. Diagnosis
E. Treatment
II. Patent foramen ovale (PFO)
Treatment of a cryptogenic stroke presumably due to PFO
III. Ventricular septal defect (VSD)
A. Types (see Figure 18.7)
B. Consequences and associations
C. Exam and natural history
D. Diagnosis, location, and shunt fraction Qp/Qs are established by TTE
E. Treatment
IV. Patent ductus arteriosus (PDA)
A. Definition and consequences
B. Severity and presentation

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