In our opinion, revascularization should be considered for patients with severe claudication that limits lifestyle or work and in patients with critical limb ischemia. Options for revascularization of AIOD include open surgery, endovascular procedures, and hybrid procedures (combined open and endovascular components) (Box 1). Open procedures include both direct anatomic and extraanatomic techniques. Our own practice has experienced a shift away from treating AIOD patients with the gold standard treatment of aortobifemoral bypass (ABF) or extra-anatomic bypasses toward the less invasive option of endovascular therapy. When selecting treatment for patients with AIOD, we consider patient, operator, resource, and anatomic factors in deciding on the most appropriate revascularization technique (Box 2). As discussed in the following sections, in decision making, the interplay among these factors can be complex.
Selecting Treatment for Patients with Aortoiliac Occlusive Disease
Criteria Influencing Choice of Revascularization Techniques
Selecting Treatment for Patients with Aortoiliac Occlusive Disease