Over the past 20 years, the field of perioperative echocardiography has become an independent area of clinical expertise with its own body of research and applications for patient care. Today perioperative echocardiography encompasses preoperative, intraoperative, and postoperative imaging, utilizing a variety of modalities including transthoracic (TTE), transesophageal (TEE), epicardial, epiaortic, and surface echocardiography specifically for central line placement. In addition, the rapid development of interventional echocardiography in the cardiac catheterization lab and electrophysiology lab has added a new dimension to perioperative imaging by using TEE, TTE, and intracardiac echocardiography (ICE) to guide interventions and assess outcomes.
The Council on Perioperative Echocardiography (COPE) appreciates that numerous individuals, both anesthesiologists and cardiologists, have been integral in the development and continued maturation of perioperative imaging and decision-making through their leadership, research, and collaborative efforts. They have been involved in developing guidelines for quality assurance and education, as well as indications and recommendations for performing comprehensive and basic intraoperative TEE, epicardial, and epiaortic examinations that are endorsed by the ASE, Society of Cardiovascular Anesthesiologists (SCA), and the American Society of Anesthesiologists (ASA). The National Board of Echocardiography (NBE) was a collaborative effort providing separate certification in Advanced and Basic Perioperative Transesophageal Echocardiography. This certification assures that practicing physicians meet minimum standards for education, safety, and application of perioperative imaging to clinical decision-making. In addition, these forward thinkers appreciated the importance developing a comprehensive education platform integrating perioperative imaging and patient care as a major reason for the ACGME to support accreditation for Cardiothoracic Anesthesia Fellowship training in 2006.
The leadership of COPE, with the approval of the ASE’s Board of Directors, developed an award to recognize individuals who have made lifelong contributions to the field of perioperative echocardiography. Without them, the giant strides made over the past 20 years would not have been possible. Criteria for the award include: (1) physicians at the academic level of associate professor or professor; (2) achievement of significant clinical research and/or education in the field of perioperative echocardiography; (3) recognition at the regional, national, and international levels; (4) Fellow of the ASE; and (5) Diplomate of the NBE. Council members were invited to nominate individuals, with the winner selected by council board members. At the 2013 ASE Scientific Sessions in Minneapolis, MN, the first recipient for Outstanding Achievement in Perioperative Echocardiography was given to Jack S. Shanewise, MD, FASE.
The Council recognized that Dr. Shanewise has been a pioneer in all aspects of perioperative echocardiography since its development. He is currently Professor and Director of the Division of Cardiothoracic Anesthesiology at Columbia University College of Physicians and Surgeons in New York City. The focus of his career has been on the application of echocardiography to the perioperative period. He has been actively involved in the development of standards and certification for echocardiographers for over 20 years and is an author on over 60 publications, mostly in the area of perioperative echo. He was one of the original members of this council and helped it form its identity during the early days. He subsequently served as chair of the Council and on the Board of Directors of the ASE and as a member of the Board of Directors of the SCA. He is a founding member of the NBE, serving as board member and exam writing committee member for both the ASCeXAM and PTEeXAM. He currently serves as the immediate past president for the NBE and certification committee member for both exams. He was integral in the development of the exam and certification for special competence in perioperative echocardiography.
Dr. Shanewise is widely recognized for his contribution to education. This stems from his approachability and sincere passion for his profession. He is the current Program Director of the Adult Cardiothoracic Anesthesia Fellowship at Columbia and has served as a representative on the Association of Anesthesiology Subspecialty Program Directors Executive Council. He is a regular presence at regional, national, and international meetings. His lectures are always well-attended and recognized as highlights of these meetings. Most importantly, he has passed on his extensive knowledge and leadership by mentoring numerous individuals that have become current leaders in perioperative echocardiography.
There were many individuals nominated for the first Outstanding Achievement in Perioperative Echocardiography Award and all are very deserving. But as he has done throughout his career, Dr. Jack Shanewise paves the pathway for others to follow and emulate. He is a most deserving individual, appreciated and celebrated by his peers, and it is a distinct privilege for the Council to recognize him as our inaugural recipient.

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