Pericardial Diseases and Hemodynamics

, Ron Blankstein2, Gregory D. Lewis3 and Gregory D. Lewis4

Harvard Medical School Cardiology Division, Department of Medicine, Massachusetts General Hospital, Boston, MA, USA

Harvard Medical School Cardiovascular Medicine, Department of Medicine and Radiology, Brigham and Women’s Hospital, Boston, MA, USA

Harvard Medical School, Boston, USA

Mass General Cardiopulmonary Exercise Laboratory, Cardiology Division, Department of Medicine, Massachusetts General Hospital, Boston, MA, USA



Pericardial diseases and associated hemodynamic findings represent an important but difficult area in cardiovascular physiology and disease. In this chapter, we will discuss several different key aspects of pericardial physiology and pathology, including acute and chronic inflammatory states of the pericardium, cardiac tamponade, and chronic constrictive pericarditis. The outline of each section will include a discussion of the etiology of the specific pericardial pathology, a description of salient diagnostic features (by physical examination, echocardiography, hemodynamic measurements, and/or advanced imaging techniques, where applicable), and a discussion of management and follow-up.

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Adenosine deaminase


Antinuclear antibody


Coronary artery disease


Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease


C-reactive protein


Computed tomography


Epstein-Barr virus






Erythrocyte sedimentation rate


Hepatitis B virus


Hepatitis C virus


Intra-pericardial pressure


Inferior vena cava


Left ventricular


Left ventricular end diastolic pressure


Magnetic resonance imaging


Nonsustained ventricular tachycardia


Pulmonary embolism


Positive end expiratory pressure


Rheumatoid arthritis


Right ventricular


Right ventricular end diastolic pressure


Right ventricular systolic pressure


Systemic lupus erythematosus




Transesophageal echocardiography




Pericardial diseases and associated hemodynamic findings represent an important but difficult area in cardiovascular physiology and disease. In this chapter, we will discuss several different key aspects of pericardial physiology and pathology, including acute and chronic inflammatory states of the pericardium, cardiac tamponade, and chronic constrictive pericarditis. The outline of each section will include a discussion of the etiology of the specific pericardial pathology, a description of salient diagnostic features (by physical examination, echocardiography, hemodynamic measurements, and/or advanced imaging techniques, where applicable), and a discussion of management and follow-up.

Normal Physiology of the Pericardium

  • Anatomy:

    • Two layers: the outermost fibrous pericardium and the inner 2-component serous pericardium (visceral and parietal); approximately 2 mm thick in non-pathologic conditions

    • Pericardial sac between the visceral and parietal contains 35–50 ml of serous fluid

    • Pericardium is by pericardial reflections, with the left atrium and pulmonary veins mostly outside the pericardium

    • Phrenic nerves run adjacent to the parietal pericardium (accounting for referred phrenic nerve irritation during pericardial inflammation)

    • Pericardial arteries supply blood to the dorsal portion of the pericardium

  • Physiology: Normal pericardium serves several key roles:

    • “Pericardial restraint”: the compliance of the pericardium varies with the volume in the heart; initially, the pericardium is supple, and can expand with minimal increases in intrapericardial pressure with cardiac filling; at higher volumes, the intrapericardial pressure rises, and impedes systemic and pulmonary venous return (Fig. 18-1). This explains why acute increases in pericardial fluid volume lead to very high intrapericardial pressures and impedance to cardiac filling and ejection (e.g., cardiac tamponade) whereas slowly growing effusions are more well tolerated


      Figure 18-1
      Pericardial restraint. Slow accumulation of pericardial fluid leads to a “give” in the pericardium, gradual increase in pericardial compliance, and a less exuberant rise in ­intrapericardial pressure (a higher threshold for tamponade). In rapid accumulation, the gradual increased pericardial compliance is not permitted, and tamponade ensues at a lower pericardial fluid volume (Courtesy of Dr. Hanna Gaggin)

    • Barrier to infection

    • Respiratory-cardiac coupling (pericardium transmits intrathoracic pressure to the heart; for example, during inspiration, intrapleural pressure falls; normal pericardial function will transmit a negative intrapleural pressure to the heart, to decrease intracardiac pressures and provide an impetus for systemic venous return)

Acute Pericarditis

Acute pericarditis is an acute inflammatory process of the pericardium affecting both layers of the pericardium. Here, we review the clinical profile, evaluation, management, and ­follow-up of patients with acute pericarditis

  • Etiology (Table 18-1) – etiology often not known and ∼80 % are considered idiopathic [1]

    Table 18-1
    Etiologies and therapies of acute pericarditis







    Infectious (e.g., viral, bacterial, fungal, TB)

    Viral titers/cultures, HIV, pericardial fluid analysis (ADA and PCR for TB), pericardial biopsy (rare)

    Anti-infective therapy, drainage of fluid (for bacterial)



    Aspirin (no NSAIDs due to infarct remodeling), avoid anticoagulation if possible

    Aortic dissection

    Urgent echocardiography or cardiac CT/MRI

    Surgical (do not drain percutaneously)


    Urgent echocardiography or cardiac CT/MRI

    NSAIDs, avoid anticoagulation, close monitoring


    Standard, pericardial fluid cytology or flow cytometry/tumor markers

    NSAIDs or intra-pericardial steroids, pericardial window for refractory cases

    Renal failure


    Intensify dialysis

    Autoimmune disease

    ANA, ESR, CRP, complement, anti-dsDNA

    Rheumatologic evaluation, NSAIDs or steroid therapy (anti-inflammatory therapy)



    NSAIDs, avoid anticoagulation

    Drug reaction

    Can be linked to autoimmune markers (see above)

    Discontinue offending agents; NSAID or steroid therapy

    Adapted from Lange and Hillis [4]

    • Infections in immunocompetent hosts

      • Viral (e.g., HIV, coxsackievirus, adenovirus, parvovirus B19, HCV/HBV)

      • Bacterial (e.g., via extension from lung infection, endocarditis; Lyme disease, tuberculosis)

    • Infections in immunocompromised hosts

      • Same as above, plus a variety of fungal or mycobacterial infections

    • Autoimmune (e.g., SLE/RA, dermatomyositis, vasculitis)

      • Post-myocardial infarction (Dressler) syndrome (weeks after large, transmural infarction; associated with markers of systemic inflammation, e.g., elevated ESR, fever)

      • Drugs (e.g., procainamide, hydralazine)

    • Cancer (e.g., via direct anatomic extension, pericardial metastases, or cardiac invasion; e.g., EBV-associated non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma, melanoma, sarcoma, pulmonary)

    • Radiation (acutely after radiation)

    • Post-pericardiotomy syndrome (e.g., after cardiac surgery; usually more prominent effusions present after aortic or mitral valve surgery)

    • Hemopericardium (e.g., from aortic dissection into the pericardium, traumatic, iatrogenic – EP ablation procedures, or anticoagulation-associated spontaneous bleed)

    • Endocrine disorders (e.g., thyroid disorder)

    • Uremia (e.g., patients with stage V chronic kidney disease)

  • Clinical presentation—History and Physical Examination:

    • Acute onset chest pain (sharp, pleuritic, radiation to the ipsilateral shoulder, neck and trapezius, better with sitting forward, worse while lying back)

    • Can be associated with subjective dyspnea, palpitations/supraventricular arrhythmias (e.g., new onset atrial fibrillation), or hiccups (e.g., phrenic nerve irritation)

    • Nearly 85 % have a pericardial friction rub on auscultation heard best at left lower sternal border; rub = movement of pericardial surfaces against each other during cardiac motion (up to 3 components: 1—ventricular systole; 2—early ventricular filling; 3—atrial contraction); variable during acute pericarditis [2]

    • Assessment should include signs of heart failure or ventricular irritability (e.g., NSVT; indicating concurrent myocarditis) or tamponade (see below)

    • History should focus on etiology of pericarditis (e.g., concurrent malignancy, rheumatologic disorders, recent viral infections, etc.)

  • Clinical presentation—Electrocardiography:

    • Classically described as diffuse ST segment elevation with reciprocal PR depression (most prominent in leads II and V5–V6; Fig. 18-2). However, opposite pattern in lead aVR where PR segment elevation may be seen and is a specific marker for pericarditis


      Figure 18-2
      12-lead electrocardiogram of an 80 year old male with an aortic dissection complicated by severe aortic insufficiency and rupture of aorta into pericardium, resulting in acute pericarditis. Note rapid atrial fibrillation with associated PR depression and diffuse ST elevation

    • Note: ECG changes can be localized to one territory, and PR changes can occur independent of ST elevations

    • Acute pericarditis can be differentiated from acute MI by (1) absence of reciprocal ST depression, (2) convexity of ST segment (vs. concave down with MI), (3) rapid evolution of ST segments to biphasic T waves and T wave inversion; (4) appearance of Q waves and (5) loss of R wave height

    • Acute pericarditis can be differentiated from normal variant repolarization by ST to T wave height ratio in lead V6  >  0.25 [3]

    • ECG in acute pericarditis can progress through 4 phases: (1) ST segment elevation; (2) normal; (3) T wave inversions in same leads; (4) normal. These changes occur over a variable time period (e.g., weeks to months); nearly 80 % patients with acute pericarditis have ST-elevations at the time of initial presentation [4]

  • Clinical presentation—Laboratory and imaging findings

    • Non-specific

    • Elevation in ESR or CRP

    • Troponin elevated in nearly 50 % of patients in one series with pericarditis, specifically in those with ST elevation [5]; no real prognostic importance [6]

    • ANA often positive (∼40 %) although titer usually 1:40–1:80. If higher → suspect rheumatologic disease [7]

    • Chest x-ray, echocardiography usually unremarkable; used to exclude pulmonary disease, heart failure, and/or cardiac tamponade

    • Cardiac MRI: pericardial inflammation/increased T2 signal of pericardium (Fig. 18-3a, b). MRI can differentiate myopericarditis (sub-epicardial enhancement) from infarction (sub-endocardial enhancement) with high accuracy.


      Figure 18-3
      Late gadolinium enhancement imaging, indicating enhancement of the visceral and parietal pericardium and an associated pericardial effusion in a short-axis view (a), two-chamber view (b-left), and three-chamber view (b-right)

  • Acute pericarditis: Clinical evaluation & examination

    • Standard evaluation should include complete blood count (rule-out infection), renal function (rule-out uremia), chest x-ray (concomitant disease), echocardiography (underlying ventricular disease, effusion), cardiac troponin (serially, to exclude significant myocardial injury/acute MI), thyroid stimulating hormone level, HIV testing, age-appropriate cancer screening and ESR (to assess for disease activity)

    • Additional testing can be conducted on the basis of focused physical examination and history, including viral panels, blood investigations for infectious causes, serum rheumatologic studies (e.g., ANA panel), additional imaging studies to search for malignancy

    • Cardiac MRI (for assessment of pericardial enhancement) may be used to confirm diagnosis; identify/exclude concomitant myocarditis or myocardial infarction. Coronary angiography may be considered in cases where clinical presentation is unclear with regard to acute MI vs. pericarditis, particularly if MRI not available and high suspicion for obstructive CAD

    • Coronary CT angiography may be useful for excluding obstructive CAD in selected cases when suspicion for obstructive CAD lower; pericardial contrast enhancement may be visualized on CT to support presence of pericardial inflammation.

  • Acute pericarditis: Management (idiopathic only)

    • Limited randomized evidence in the management of acute pericarditis

    • Does the patient have to be hospitalized? Indicators of adverse clinical profile [8, 9]:

      • Fever

      • Subacute onset of symptoms (e.g., weeks-months; indicating more insidious ­underlying disorder)

      • Failure of aspirin or NSAID therapy (after at least 7 days)

      • Trauma

      • Oral anticoagulation

      • Evidence of myocarditis

      • Large effusion or tamponade

    • It is important to recognize that these recommendations are for patients with ­idiopathic (or viral) pericarditis only; pericarditis associated with other specific ­underlying diseases (e.g., malignancy, trauma, aortic dissection) are treated differently

    • First-line therapy: non-steroidal anti-inflammatory agents (e.g., ibuprofen 800 mg TID, indomethacin 80 mg TID) or high dose aspirin (650 mg QID) in patients with pericarditis associated with MI (as NSAIDs can impair infarct healing)

      • Usual duration: 14 days

      • Relieve chest pain in up to 90 %, generally within days of initiation [4]

      • Adjunct colchicine has been advocated as an initial adjunctive therapy with NSAIDs to prevent recurrent pericarditis (has been studied in small trials; dose 1–2 mg ­loading, 0.5–1.0 mg daily for 3 months) [10]

    • Second-line therapy: If initial therapy is unsuccessful at relief of chest pain, add ­colchicine therapy and/or switch to a different NSAID [4]

    • Third-line therapy: If these efforts fail, initiation of steroid therapy (prednisone 1–1.5 mg/kg/day) may prove useful, with very slow taper over the course of months

      • If higher dose steroids are employed, concomitant clinical prophylaxis should be ­implemented (e.g., TMP-SMX for P. jiroveci pneumonia; proton pump inhibitors, and osteroporosis protection)

      • Steroids may increase risk of recurrent pericarditis and constriction

      • Reserved for refractory pericarditis

      • Patients unable to taper steroids without recurrence of pericardial symptoms should be considered for steroid-sparing therapies (e.g., immunomodulatory agents, such as azathioprine, methotrexate) [11] or intrapericardial steroid therapy [4]

  • Acute pericarditis—Follow-up:

    • Patients should be advised to refrain from vigorous exercise given the risk of ventricular and supraventricular arrhythmias until completion of NSAID therapy and resolution of symptoms

    • Follow-up echocardiography is warranted if initial echocardiography demonstrated effusion (of any size) or other abnormalities; note that “constrictive physiology” by echo (see below) during initial evaluation of pericarditis should be re-assessed after a period of treatment (e.g., acute pericardial inflammation can mimic chronic constrictive pericarditis; the diagnosis of constriction should be made after recovery of acute pericardial inflammation, if possible)

    • Up to 30 % patients with acute pericarditis will have recurrent pericarditis [4]

Cardiac Tamponade

Major issues involving pericardial effusions revolve around (1) assessment of clinical significance (e.g., progression to tamponade) by clinical, imaging, and hemodynamic parameters and (2) therapy. Given the overlap in etiology between acute pericarditis and pericardial effusions, we will focus here on clinical evaluation and therapy of cardiac tamponade, with specific emphasis on physical examination, imaging, and hemodynamics

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