22 Pericardial Diseases
Pericardial Effusions
Echocardiography is the test of choice to detect pericardial effusions.
Pericardial Tamponade
Required Parameters to Obtain from Scanning
Distribution and orientation of pericardial fluid
Cardiac chamber compression signs
Signs of interdependence (use respirometer)
Seek to determine the cause of tamponade (e.g., aortic dissection, AMI, pacer)
Scan the pleural spaces as well
Optimal site and orientation of potential drainage
Echocardiographic Signs of Tamponade
Hemodynamic studies have established that RA collapse compounds the detrimental effects of RV collapse; therefore, the more echocardiographic signs that are present, the greater the probability of tamponade.
The echocardiographic findings are best applied to the context of clinical probability of tamponade (e.g., history, physical examination), and optimally serve to establish the post-test (clinical) probability.
The presence of the “usual” echocardiographic signs of tamponade assumes the following:
Spontaneous ventilation with normal effort
An absence of volume depletion or severe overload
Normal pericardium (i.e., not previously opened during cardiac surgery or fibrotic from prior pericarditis)
Conversely, a case of acute tamponade occurring in a mechanically ventilated patient, post–valve surgery, with pulmonary hypertension is unlikely to have the usual gamut of echocardiographic signs.
Positive end-expiratory pressure
Severe aortic insufficiency or mitral regurgitation
Severe congestive heart failure
If echocardiography is used to guide a pericardiocentesis, its roles are (see Chapter 25)
Causes of tamponade that may be seen or suggested by echocardiography are as follows:
Pericardial Constriction
When scanning, remember the following:
The respirometer must be used with all recordings: 2D, M-mode and Doppler. Ensure that the patient is breathing regularly and with sufficient, not excessive, inspiratory effort.
Record entire respiratory cardiac cycles for 2D cycle loops, not single cardiac cycle loops.
Required Parameters to Obtain from Scanning
Optimal use of the respirometer. Digital capture should include the following:
Signs of ventricular interdependence
Doppler signs of ventricular interdependence
Tissue Doppler imaging to exclude myopathic disease (e.g., restrictive cardiomyopathy)
Exclusion of significant primary valve dysfunction or ventricular systolic dysfunction
Echocardiographic Signs of Constriction
Signs of Ventricular Interdependence
Inspiratory Fall in Left Ventricular Early Diastolic Inflow Velocities
Increased phasic variation of mitral and tricuspid inflow occurs in constriction, but is not specific for it. In fact, respiratory diseases are a more common cause. The effect of constriction is greater on right heart loading; typically, flow variations of over 40% occur, but respiratory diseases (increased respiratory effort) also increase right heart filling variations. Nonetheless, increased flow variation, especially across the tricuspid valve, should be seen in conjunction with 2D signs of interdependence. The Doppler sign is, therefore, of variation (>25%) in mitral inflow velocity from is 88% predictive of constriction.1,2 If typical variation of transmitral flow is not apparent with the patient supine, have him or her sit up.2
Some have advocated interrogation of the superior vena cava flow as well. In constriction, there is little variation (i.e., difference between inspiration and expiration) in the systolic and diastolic velocities, whereas with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) the systolic difference averages 45% and the diastolic difference averages 35%.3 Although statistically significant, they are not clinically significant differences in variation.
Early Diastolic Pressure Dips
In some cases of constriction, the early diastolic pressure dip of the LV exceeds that of the RV. Typically, the difference is augmented in inspiration. The higher RV and LV diastolic pressure can transiently deflect the interventricular septum to the left side in early diastole. Best seen from a parasternal (long- or short-axis) view, this amounts to a brief dip into the LV of the septum in early diastole. It is most conclusively seen on M-mode tracing.
Reduced Right Ventricular (Extrinsic) Compliance
Kussmaul Phenomena
Increased end-expiratory flow reversal–hepatic veins
Pericardial Thickening
Transthoracic echocardiography is notoriously poor for the detection of pericardial thickening, although TEE is validated to evaluate pericardial thickness and has very good correlation (r = 0.97, P < 0.001).6
TEE is able to evaluate pericardium only over the RV free-wall.7
Studies validating CT are very dated (sensitivity 78%, specificity 100%),8 because they were generated in lower temporal resolution nongated scanners.
Later studies using cine-CT appeared better, studying small series of normal versus restrictive cardiomyopathy versus constriction.9 The advent of 32-, 40- and 64-detector scanners with cardiac gating has revolutionized pericardial imaging.

CT is the best imaging test to identify pericardial calcification. Most cases of pericardial constriction are no longer calcified, unless they are tuberculous in origin.
Gated MRI was considered, for a time, the definitive modality for detection of pericardial thickening (88% sensitivity, 100% specificity),10 using an extraordinarily improbable cut-off value of >4 mm to identify pericardial thickening. In contradistinction to CT, MRI is essentially insensitive to the presence of pericardial calcification.
Gated cardiac CT is not proven to be more accurate at depicting pericardial thickness than is MRI, but it is far better able to depict calcification.
Tissue Doppler
Normal tissue Doppler velocities. Tissue Doppler imaging plays an important role in excluding restrictive cardiomyopathy, where E′ is lower than normal. In (pure) pericardial constriction, with the caveat that the underlying heart is normal, myocardial relaxation is normal. Unfortunately, a few confusing cases, notably postradiotherapy cases, will have concurrent restrictive cardiomyopathy and constrictive pericarditis. Many postoperative heart surgery cases, especially post–valve replacement cases, have neither a normal left heart nor a normal tissue Doppler finding.
Peak tissue Doppler >8 cm/sec is 89% sensitive and 100% specific for constriction versus restriction,11 but does not distinguish between constriction and normal without either constriction or restriction.12
Another useful tissue finding in support of constriction is that the medial/septal tissue Doppler velocities are higher than are those of the lateral mitral annulus.
Elevated Cardiovascular Central Venous Pressure
IVC dilation and lack of variation indicate elevated cardiovascular pressure.
Elevated Right Ventricular Diastolic Pressure
The emphasis of Doppler in constrictive pericarditis should stay focused on the following: