OP-063 Thrombosis of Heart Valve Prosthesis in Pregnant Women


Pregnancy in carrier women of prosthesis mechanical heart is a high-rish pregnancy. Indeed, the risk of accidents thromoemboliques even on well led anticoagulation therapy remains high due to the presence of the state of hypercoagulability, mechanical prosthesis and the peri-partum hemorrhage. Multidisciplinary follow-up is essentizal.The prescription of anticoagulant therapy must comply with the principles and consensual indications in order to minimize maternal and fetal complications. The aim is to define treatment modalities and to maintain optimal obstricale in a patient with mechanical heart valve prosthesis.

Nov 27, 2016 | Posted by in CARDIOLOGY | Comments Off on OP-063 Thrombosis of Heart Valve Prosthesis in Pregnant Women

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