Narrowed Aorta

Narrowed Aorta

Gregory Kicska, MD, PhD



  • Coarctation of Aorta

  • Pseudo-coarctation

Less Common

  • Large Vessel Vasculitis

Rare but Important

  • Extrinsic Aortic Compression


Key Differential Diagnosis Issues

  • Focal outer diameter narrowed in coarctation or vasculitis

  • Diffuse outer diameter narrowing can occur in vasculitis

  • Normative data should be consulted to exclude common pitfall of misinterpreting normal aortic dimension for small body as abnormal

  • For > 45 years, aorta considered abnormally small if diameter at level of main pulmonary artery < 24 mm for ascending and < 18 mm for descending aorta

    • Larger diameters may still be abnormal if older age, larger body surface area (BSA), or male

Helpful Clues for Common Diagnoses

  • Coarctation of Aorta

    • Focal narrowing occurs below ductus arterious in adults, at ductus arterious with arch hypoplasia in neonates

    • Dilated collaterals (intercostal, internal thoracic) indicate hemodynamically significant coarctation

    • Treated coarctation patients can have restenosis

    • Associated with bicuspid aortic valve, Turner syndrome, Marfan syndrome

  • Pseudo-coarctation

    • Redundant aorta with narrowing distal to left subclavian origin without hemodynamic effect

    • No rib notching, cardiomegaly, or collateral vessels

    • Dilated brachiocephalic artery and high arch often present

Helpful Clues for Less Common Diagnoses

  • Large Vessel Vasculitis

    • Variable segment length narrowing

    • Branch vessel narrowing is common

    • Periaortic thickening and enhancement

    • Periaortic FDG uptake implies active disease

    • < 40 years implies Takayasu, > 40 years implies giant cell arteritis

Helpful Clues for Rare Diagnoses

  • Extrinsic Aortic Compression

    • Retroperitoneal fibrosis, neurofibromatosis, sarcomas, other neoplasms

Image Gallery

PA radiograph shows subtle areas of rib notching image. Note the rapid narrowing of the proximal descending thoracic aorta image, which then returns to normal size more distally image.

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Aug 8, 2016 | Posted by in CARDIOLOGY | Comments Off on Narrowed Aorta

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