Left Ventrical Aneurysmectomy and Surgical Ventricular Restoration (Dor Procedure)
Lorenzo Menicanti
Piervincenzo Gagliardotto
Heart failure (HF) is one of the most important causes of morbidity and mortality in the industrialized world and is associated with ischemic heart disease in nearly 65% of patients. The rise in the incidence and prevalence of HF globally is the result of improved care of acute myocardial infarction (MI) combined with the ageing of the population and the emerging pandemic of cardiovascular disease. Treatment for ischemic HF includes drugs, device therapy, and surgery, but a successful therapy should be addressed to the underlying disease, named left ventricular (LV) remodeling. A better understanding of the pattern of remodeling underlying HF will be essential to translate current and emerging HF therapies into optimal clinical outcomes. The surgical ventricular restoration (SVR) is an established and fundamental treatment of postinfarction ventricular remodeling.
LV remodeling refers to changes in LV structure that may occur in several diseases and clinical conditions. Coronary artery disease causing MI is one of the most frequent causes of LV remodeling. Within the first few hours after an MI, fibrotic repair of the necrotic area with scar formation leading to elongation and thinning of the infarcted zone can be observed. Chamber dilatation and consequent stroke volume augmentation are sometimes considered adaptive responses, in an effort to maintain a normal cardiac output as the ejection fraction (EF) declines. However, beyond this early stage, the remodeling process is driven predominantly by eccentric hypertrophy of the noninfarcted remote regions, resulting in increased wall mass, chamber enlargement, and distortion from an elliptical to a spherical shape, all of these resulting in increased wall stress and progressive decline in ventricular performance. Concomitant activation of the neurohumoral system also occurs and it can contribute to the progression of chronic HF.
Furthermore, as part of the complex process of LV remodeling, functional mitral regurgitation (MR) may occur and adversely affect the prognosis in approximately 20% to 25% of patients during follow-up after MI and in 50% of those with postinfarct congestive HF. The papillary muscle displacement consequent to LV dilatation, results in the tenting of the mitral valve at closure with lack of a proper coaptation, in turn leading to secondary MR. In addition, ventricular dilatation results in annular enlargement, which further increases valve incompetence, causing LV volume overload. Rossi et al. recently demonstrated that the adverse prognostic value of functional MR is not a mere consequence of the underlying ventricular dysfunction, but an independent predictor of the outcome of patients with HF, suggesting that correction of MR should always be considered in this circumstance.

An appropriate patient selection for SVR, according to morphology and size of the cavity as well as clinical characteristics, is the first condition to be able to implement a proper and durable treatment. Based on our experience, we consider the following to be the indications for SVR:
Previous anterior or posterior MI as evaluated by electrocardiogram, echocardiogram, or cardiac magnetic resonance (CMR). CMR is of great value to obtain a quantitative assessment and is preferred when available and not contraindicated. CMR is the most precise tool to obtain a complete knowledge of the characteristics of myocardium: It defines the presence of viable myocardium and the extension (transmural or not) of scarred tissue that must be excluded from the cavity.
LV end-systolic volume index (ESVI) >60 mL/m2. When SVR is performed, the aim is to treat HF patients by reducing LV volume, which is the most powerful predictor of mortality in dilated ischemic cardiomyopathy. Patients with postoperative ventricular reduction of >30% will benefit from SVR according to all published series, but the most important thing in long-term survival is to achieve an ESVI of <60 mL/m2. This observation is supported by the post hoc Surgical Treatment for Ischemic Heart Failure (STICH) trial subgroup analysis, in which the enhanced survival with coronary artery bypass grafting (CABG) plus SVR for patients who achieved an ESVI of 70 mL/m2 or less is indicated. Moreover, it is strongly indicated by our data, that performing SVR before the patients have reached end-stage LV dilatation may maximize the benefit of treatment. Preoperative ESVI of 94 mL/m2 can be considered a cut-off value to obtain an optimal residual volume of <60 mL/m2. Conversely a higher preoperative ESVI leads to inadequate volume reduction and significantly lower survival rate. Clinical and echocardiographic follow-up of asymptomatic patients with initial signs of postinfarction LV dysfunction are suggested in order to detect early signs of deterioration, that is, LV progressive enlargement or decline in EF. In 2014 the Task Force on Myocardial Revascularization of the European Society of Cardiology and the European Association for Cardio-Thoracic Surgery suggested considering SVR during CABG procedure in patients with a large aneurysm if there is a risk of rupture or large thrombus formation (Class of Recommendation IIa; level of evidence C). Moreover, SVR may be considered in patients with a scarred left anterior descending (LAD) territory, especially if a postoperative LVESV index of <70 mL/m2 can be predictably achieved (Class of Recommendation IIb; level of evidence B).
LV dysfunction with regional asynergy, which is either dyskinetic or akinetic. It has been demonstrated that the result of SVR is more strongly linked to the extent of asynergy than to the presence or absence of dyskinesia: Patients with large akinetic scars and severely depressed pump function benefit from surgery to the same extent as patients with large dyskinetic scars. Notably, particular attention should be given to cases of severe and diffuse LV asynergy in which SVR should be performed only if the remote zone maintains an adequate contractile reserve, demonstrated by functional and vitality tests (dobutamine echocardiography, CMR stress testing).
Predominant HF symptoms with advanced NYHA class (III/IV). It is suggested in the pertinent guidelines that patients with symptoms of HF, predominant over angina, may benefit more from SVR. The indication for SVR can be expanded to patients presenting with angina when surgical revascularization is needed and the previous conditions are present (enlarged LV, transmural myocardial scar).
It can be inferred from the pertinent literature that patients with ischemic HF treated with revascularization alone can only have improvement in LVEF in approximately 40% of cases. In the diagnostic work-up of HF patients with known coronary disease, the detection of myocardial viability should be considered mandatory. It has been consistently shown in several studies that patients with viability will have benefit from revascularization in terms of improved LV function and survival. However, patients with severely dilated LV have a low likelihood of showing improvement in the LVEF despite the presence of substantial viability. Bax et al. showed that the change in the LVEF after revascularization was linearly related to the baseline ESV: Patients without substantial viability (<25% of the LV) and end-systolic volume of greater than 130 mL had the worst survival rates. The STICH trial was the first randomized study to address the possibility of combining myocardial revascularization with SVR to treat HF patients.
Ventricular arrhythmias late after MI are a major cause of death particularly in patients with EF <35%. Because of the protective effect of revascularization on ventricular arrhythmias, patients with ischemic LV dysfunction (EF <35%) who are considered for primary preventive ICD implantation should be first evaluated for residual ischemia and for potential revascularization targets. Recent guidelines suggest SVR in addition to CABG if a large ventricular aneurysm is the origin of arrhythmias (Class of Recommendation IIa; level of evidence C).
No additional information to suggest SVR can be obtained by performing a preoperative electrophysiology study in the presence of the previous conditions which are themselves clear indications for SVR.

Severe regional asynergy without significant dilatation of the LV is an absolute contraindication. Preoperative volume information should be carefully evaluated to avoid selection of patients with small ventricles for which the likelihood for diastolic function worsening is high after the procedure.
The following are suggested items that increase the operative risk or predict reduced late survival of patients undergoing SVR:
Severe right ventricular dysfunction (RVD) as reflected by an impaired tricuspid annular plane systolic excursion (TAPSE) <16 mm emerged in a recent analysis of our group as a major predictor of late mortality or HF hospitalization after SVR. The patients of our series experienced higher postoperative low output syndrome with higher rate of inotropic support and IABP. The concomitant presence of advanced NYHA class strengthens the relationship between preoperative RVD and adverse outcome.
Severe type 2 pulmonary hypertension (PH). The presence of advanced PH reflects long-term exposure of pulmonary circulation to retrograde overload caused by systolic dysfunction, with or without MR. In these patients a variable pulmonary vasoreactive component can play a significant role reducing the reversibility of PH. Ideally, invasive hemodynamic evaluation of the right-sided circulation should be considered when out of proportion PH is suspected, in order to optimize presurgical treatment.
Restrictive diastolic pattern associated with high functional class and MR is a predictor of operative mortality. In our experience MR alone (>2+) did not increase the hospital mortality, conversely the risk is significant in presence of elevated LV end-diastolic pressures and consequent LA pressure (echocardiographic finding of diastolic dysfunction by early-to-late diastolic filling pressure [E/A] ratio >2.0), leading to congestive HF and severe functional impairment (NYHA class III/IV).
The influence of left atrial volume (LAV) as a recognized index of diastolic dysfunction is related to the topic of a restrictive diastolic pattern. The preoperative evaluation of LAV index may help to select suitable patients for SVR considering the increased operative risk when the value is >50 mL/m2, as reported in a study from our group.
When patients present an increased surgical risk other therapeutic options should be considered, such as cardiac resynchronization therapy, a ventricular assist device, or transplantation when available and indicated. However, when full medical therapy and other devices fail to improve clinical status, SVR can be the only treatment option, but both patients and surgeons must be aware of the increased operative risk.

The choice to add SVR to CABG should be based on a careful evaluation of patients, including symptoms, measurements of the LV volumes, examination of mitral valve anatomy and function, assessment of the extent of myocardial scar tissue, and viability of regions remote from the scar.
In the last two decades the surgical treatment of ischemic HF was limited to patients with significant coronary artery disease and severe angina as the only symptom. However, revascularization can improve EF in only 40% of ischemic HF patients. The management of HF patients in advanced NYHA class without angina symptoms has been a challenge because of the lack of randomized data. The possibility to combine myocardial revascularization with SVR has been addressed in the STICH trial that compared CABG alone with the combined procedure of CABG and SVR in patients with anterior myocardial akinesia or dyskinesia, advanced NYHA class, LVEF <35%, and LVESVI >60 mL/m2. The results showed no difference in the occurrence of the primary outcome (a composite outcome of death from any cause or hospitalization for cardiac causes) between the two groups. However, many authors agree that the trial is misleading because SVR procedures were not uniformly or effectively performed in properly selected patients and a new trial with evidence-based methodology will be necessary to refine the indication to SVR.
In our opinion, when it comes to patients selected for SVR, HF symptoms and rarely arrhythmia should be predominant over angina. Neuroendocrine measurement is mandatory before surgery in patients with LV dysfunction. A decrease in neuroendocrine level in response to adequate medical therapy and following SVR may indicate an improved long-term prognosis.
Echocardiography is the first-choice diagnostic imaging tool, providing accurate information about LV dimensions (internal diameters and volumes) and systolic function. The feasibility of a reliable echocardiographic examination sometimes is limited by poor acoustic windows, inadequate endocardial border definition or, when the ventricle is particularly enlarged, by an incomplete visualization of the apex. The assessment of LV volumes plays a central role in the decision making.
Without LV dilatation, volume reduction should not be performed, first of all to avoid a deterioration in diastolic function. Furthermore, echocardiography provides information about regional wall motion abnormalities and diastolic function (early-to-late diastolic filling pressure [E/A] ratio, isovolumic relaxation time, and deceleration time), according to the LAV, transmitral flow velocity, and tissue Doppler velocity measurements.
Right ventricle dimensions and systolic function should be always evaluated to identify high-risk patients. TAPSE and area fraction are the first-line and widely used parameters. Speckle tracking or tissue Doppler can also be used when standard methods are inconclusive.
Finally, the transesophageal echocardiogram is a reliable tool to assess the MV apparatus in terms of geometry and MR severity, using semiquantitative or quantitative methods. However, resting examination may underestimate the full severity of ischemic MR in HF patients. Exercise echocardiography (using a semisupine bicycle) can be helpful in clinical decision making, unmasking higher degrees of MR and dynamic PH.
Cardiac Magnetic Resonance
CMR is nowadays the gold standard imaging technique to assess myocardial anatomy, regional and global function and the extension of the scar. Unlike echocardiography, with CMR there is the possibility to create an image in any desired plane and with a nearly unrestricted field of view, allowing unprecedented flexibility to evaluate cardiac structures. A basic CMR protocol includes the assessment of LV volumes and global and regional function based on contiguous short-axis cine images. The greatest usefulness of CMR is in the detection of myocardial scars with late gadolinium enhancement (LGE). LGE has unprecedented spatial resolution and can determine the transmural extent of scar, which is not possible with other imaging modalities. Through LGE imaging there is a visualization of the irreversible damage (myocardial scar or fibrosis) due to an accumulation of the contrast agent in areas with increased extracellular space: The viable myocardium appears dark, whereas necrotic or fibrotic myocardial tissue appears bright.

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