Abbara S ( see Klein et al). 2013;26:965-1012 (ASE expert consensus statement)
Abbas AE, Franey LM, Marwick T, Maeder MT, Kaye DM, Vlahos AP, Serra W, Al-Azizi K, Schiller NB, Lester SJ. Noninvasive assessment of pulmonary vascular resistance by Doppler echocardiography. 2013;26:1170-7
Abduch MC ( see Lima et al). 2013;26:278-87
Abe H ( see Wu et al). 2013;26:1274-81
Abe Y, Ito M, Tanaka C, Ito K, Naruko T, Itoh A, Haze K, Muro T, Yoshiyama M, Yoshikawa J. A novel and simple method using pocket-sized echocardiography to screen for aortic stenosis. 2013;26:589-96
Abraham T ( see Hahn et al). 2013;26:921-64 (Guidelines and standards)
Abraham TP ( see Pellikka et al). 2013;26:325-38 (ASE report)
Abushora MY, Bhatia N, Alnabki Z, Shenoy M, Alshaher M, Stoddard MF. Intrapulmonary shunt is a potentially unrecognized cause of ischemic stroke and transient ischemic attack. 2013;26:683-90
Adams D ( see Singh et al). 2013;26:221-33 (Special article)
Adams MS ( see Hahn et al). 2013;26:921-64 (Guidelines and standards)
Adams MS ( see Reeves et al). 2013;26:443-56 (ASE consensus statement)
Adhya S ( see Tsang et al). 2013;26:1253-7
Agarwal A, Khandheria BK, Paterick TE, Treiber SC, Bush M, Tajik AJ. Left ventricular noncompaction in patients with bicuspid aortic valve. 2013;26:1306-13
Agarwal S ( see Yingchoncharoen et al). 2013;26:185-91
Agarwal SK ( see Argulian et al). 2013;26:72-6
Agarwal V ( see Argulian et al). 2013;26:72-6
Agler DA ( see Klein et al). 2013;26:965-1012 (ASE expert consensus statement)
Agmon Y ( see Carasso et al). 2013;26:1235-44
Ahmed Z ( see Vettukattil et al). 2013;26:192-9
Akins CW. The impact of aortic valve replacement for aortic stenosis on mitral valve dynamics: a surgeon’s view. 2013;26:615-7 (Editorial comment)
Al Amri I ( see Debonnaire et al). 2013;26:1053-62
Al-Azizi K ( see Abbas et al). 2013;26:1170-7
Aldridge ME, Do K, Oo T, Naqvi TZ. Carotid intima-media thickness and plaque assessment by trained medical residents: validation and preliminary testing of a training protocol. 2013;26:1457-64
Alhaj EK, Kim B, Cantales D, Uretsky S, Chaudhry FA, Sherrid MV. Symptomatic exercise-induced left ventricular outflow tract obstruction without left ventricular hypertrophy. 2013;26:556-65
AlHuzaimi A, Al Mashham Y, Potts JE, De Souza AM, Sandor GGS. Echo-Doppler assessment of arterial stiffness in pediatric patients with Kawasaki disease. 2013;26:1084-9
Ali H ( see Foster et al). 2013;26:410-8
Alkayed NJ ( see Rinkevich et al). 2013;26:290-6
Allada V ( see Lai et al). 2013;26:1180-6
Al Mashham Y ( see AlHuzaimi et al). 2013;26:1084-9
Almeria C ( see de Agustin et al). 2013;26:1063-72
Alnabki Z ( see Abushora et al). 2013;26:683-90
Alraies MC ( see Motoki et al). 2013;26:640-8
Alshaher M ( see Abushora et al). 2013;26:683-90
Altamirano L ( see Khoo et al). 2013;26:756-64
Altman CA ( see Maskatia et al). 2013;26:1187-92
Alyeshmerni D, Pirmohamed A, Barac A, Smirniotopoulos J, Xue E, Goldstein S, Mazel J, Lindsay J. Transesophageal echocardiographic screening before atrial flutter ablation: is it necessary for patient safety? 2013;26:1099-105
American Society of Echocardiography Telemedicine Collaborators’ Group ( see Webb et al). 2013;26:1090-8
American Society of Nuclear Cardiology ( see Lancellotti et al). 2013;26:1013-32 (Expert consensus statement). Correction 2013;26:1305
Ancona R, Pinto SC, Caso P, Di Salvo G, Severino S, D’Andrea A, Calabrò R. Two-dimensional atrial systolic strain imaging predicts atrial fibrillation at 4-year follow-up in asymptomatic rheumatic mitral stenosis. 2013;26:270-7
Andersen HR ( see Løgstrup et al). 2013;26:246-54
Anderson RH ( see Vettukattil et al). 2013;26:192-9
Andrade JL ( see Rodriques et al). 2013;26:1337-43
Anthony R ( see Damp et al). 2013;26:1450-6
Aonuma K ( see Koshizuka et al). 2013;26:316-23
Appleton CP ( see Klein et al). 2013;26:965-1012 (ASE expert consensus statement)
Aragam J ( see Cheng et al). 2013;26:1258-66
Argiento P ( see Bossone et al). 2013;26:1-14 (Review article)
Argulian E, Halpern DG, Agarwal V, Agarwal SK, Chaudhry FA. Predictors of ischemia in patients referred for evaluation of exertional dyspnea: a stress echocardiography study. 2013;26:72-6
Arias A, Pizarro R, Oberti P, Falconi M, Lucas L, Sosa F, Funes D, Cagide A. Prognostic value of left atrial volume in asymptomatic organic mitral regurgitation. 2013;26:699-705
Arias T, Chen J, Fayad ZA, Fuster V, Hajjar RJ, Chemaly ER. Comparison of echocardiographic measurements of left ventricular volumes to full volume magnetic resonance imaging in normal and diseased rats. 2013;26:910-8
Arruda AL ( see Rodriques et al). 2013;26:1337-43
Arsac F ( see Lafitte et al). 2013;26:457-63
ASE-REWARD Study Investigators ( see Singh et al). 2013;26:221-33 (Special article)
Asher CR ( see Klein et al). 2013;26:965-1012 (ASE expert consensus statement)
Ashraf M ( see Ho et al). 2013;26:674-82
Asklepios Investigators ( see Van daele et al). 2013;26:1290-7
Atar I ( see Sade et al). 2013;26:706-13
Attias D, Macron L, Dreyfus J, Monin J-L, Brochet E, Lepage L, Hekimian G, Iung B, Vahanian A, Messika-Zeitoun D. Relationship between longitudinal strain and symptomatic status in aortic stenosis. 2013;26:868-74
Badano LP ( see Lancellotti et al). 2013;26:1013-32 (Expert consensus statement). Correction 2013;26:1305
Badano LP ( see Muraru et al). 2013;26:618-28
Badran HM, Faheem N, Ibrahim WA, Elnoamany MF, Elsedi M, Yacoub M. Systolic function reserve using two-dimensional strain imaging in hypertrophic cardiomyopathy: comparison with essential hypertension. 2013;26:1397-406
Baffa J ( see Frommelt et al). 2013;26:521-9
Bai W-j ( see Li et al). 2013;26:1245-52
Baldenhofer G ( see Spethmann et al). 2013;26:64-71
Ballantyne CM ( see Yang et al). 2013;26:901-9
Balluz R ( see Zhang et al). 2013;26:853-9
Bansal M ( see Singh et al). 2013;26:221-33 (Special article)
Baquet G ( see Boissière et al). 2013;26:1298-305
Barac A ( see Alyeshmerni et al). 2013;26:1099-105
Barbash IM, Dvir D, Ben-Dor I, Corso PJ, Goldstein SA, Wang Z, Bond E, Okubagzi PG, Satler LF, Pichard AD, Waksman R. Impact of transapical aortic valve replacement on apical wall motion. 2013;26:255-60
Baron DM ( see Clerte et al). 2013;26:1465-73
Barra S ( see Providência et al). 2013;26:801-12 (Review article)
Barrabés JA ( see Figueras et al). 2013;26:885-92
Bauer M, Delaney JAC, Möhlenkamp S, Jöckel K-H, Kronmal RA, Lehmann N, Mukamal KJ, Moebus S, Polak JF, Dragano N, Budoff MJ, Erbel R, McClelland RL, Multi-Ethnic Study of Atherosclerosis, Heinz Nixdorf Recall Study Investigators. Comparison of factors associated with carotid intima-media thickness in the Multi-Ethnic Study of Atherosclerosis (MESA) and the Heinz Nixdorf Recall Study (HNR).
Baumann G ( see Spethmann et al). 2013;26:64-71
Baumann R ( see Pellikka et al). 2013;26:325-38 (ASE report)
Bax JJ ( see Debonnaire et al). 2013;26:1053-62
Bax JJ ( see Katsanos et al). 2013;26:691-8
Beaton ZA, Pike JI, Stallings C, Donofrio MT. Predictors of repair and outcome in prenatally diagnosed atrioventricular septal defects. 2013;26:208-16
Becher H ( see Huqi et al). 2013;26:1282-9
Becher H ( see Shanks et al). 2013;26:1407-14
Bech-Hanssen O, Karason K, Rundqvist B, Bollano E, Lindgren F, Selimovic N. Can pulmonary hypertension and increased pulmonary vascular resistance be ruled in and ruled out by echocardiography? 2013;26:469-78
Behzadian F ( see Sun et al). 2013;26:765-74
Beigel R, Cercek B, Luo H, Siegel RJ. Noninvasive evaluation of right atrial pressure. 2013;26:1033-42 (Review article)
Bekaert S ( see Van daele et al). 2013;26:1290-7
Bekeredjian R ( see Hien et al). 2013;26:828-34
Belcik JT ( see Liu et al). 2013;26:1474-81
Belcik T ( see Rinkevich et al). 2013;26:290-6
Beleslin B ( see Tesic et al). 2013;26:775-82
Bell AJ ( see Bellsham-Revell et al). 2013;26:52-6
Bellsham-Revell HR, Simpson JM, Miller OI, Bell AJ. Subjective evaluation of right ventricular systolic function in hypoplastic left heart syndrome: how accurate is it? 2013;26:52-6
Ben-Dor I ( see Barbash et al). 2013;26:255-60
Benetos A ( see Bonapace et al). 2013;26:714-20
Benjamin EJ ( see Cheng et al). 2013;26:1258-66
Beraud A-S. Three-dimensional echocardiography in mitral valve prolapse: could technology replace experience? 2013;26:835-6 (Editorial comment)
Berdusis K ( see Webb et al). 2013;26:1090-8
Bergerot C ( see Ernande et al). 2013;26:297-306
Bergler J ( see Lancellotti et al). 2013;26:1013-32 (Expert consensus statement). Correction 2013;26:1305
Bernard-Brunet A ( see Schnell et al). 2013;26:1163-9
Berry M ( see Ternacle et al). 2013;26:721-6
Berthoin S ( see Boissière et al). 2013;26:1298-305
Bhan A ( see Smith et al). 2013;26:359-69
Bharucha T, Khan R, Mertens L, Friedberg MK. Right ventricular mechanical dyssynchrony and asymmetric contraction in hypoplastic heart syndrome are associated with tricuspid regurgitation. 2013;26:1214-20
Bhatia N ( see Abushora et al). 2013;26:683-90
Bhatia RS, Kumar V, Picard MH, Weiner RB. Comparison of the 2008 and 2011 appropriate use criteria for stress echocardiography. 2013;26:339-43
Bhave NM, Patel AR, Weinert L, Yamat M, Freed BH, Mor-Avi V, Gomberg-Maitland M, Lang RM. Three-dimensional modeling of the right ventricle from two-dimensional transthoracic echocardiographic images: utility of knowledge-based reconstruction in pulmonary arterial hypertension. 2013;26:860-7
Blank AC ( see den Dekker et al). 2013;26:1314-21
Blauwet LA, Malouf JF, Connolly HM, Hodge DO, Herges RM, Suri RM, Miller FA Jr. Comprehensive hemodynamic assessment of 368 normal St. Jude medical mechanical mitral valve prostheses based on early postimplantation echocardiographic studies. 2013;26:381-9
Bloch KD ( see Clerte et al). 2013;26:1465-73
Blom NA ( see Klitsie et al). 2013;26:629-39
Bloomfield G ( see Douglas et al). 2013;26:348-58
Bocchi EA ( see Lima et al). 2013;26:278-87
Bogaert J ( see Lancellotti et al). 2013;26:1013-32 (Expert consensus statement). Correction 2013;26:1305
Boissière J, Maufrais C, Baquet G, Schuster I, Dauzat M, Doucende G, Obert P, Berthoin S, Nottin S. Specific left ventricular twist-untwist mechanics during exercise in children. 2013;26:1298-305
Bollano E ( see Bech-Hanssen et al). 2013;26:469-78
Bonapace S, Rossi A, Cicoira M, Targher G, Valbusa F, Benetos A, Vassanelli C. Increased aortic pulse wave velocity as measured by echocardiography is strongly associated with poor prognosis in patients with heart failure. 2013;26:714-20
Bond E ( see Barbash et al). 2013;26:255-60
Border WL ( see Frommelt et al). 2013;26:521-9
Bossone E, D’Andrea A, D’Alto M, Citro R, Argiento P, Ferrara F, Cittadini A, Rubenfire M, Naeije R. Echocardiography in pulmonary arterial hypertension: from diagnosis to prognosis. 2013;26:1-14 (Review article)
Boyd AC, Lo Q, Devine K, Tchan MC, Sillence DO, Sadick N, Richards DAB, Thomas L. Left atrial enlargement and reduced atrial compliance occurs early in Fabry cardiomyopathy. 2013;26:1415-23
Bradley TJ ( see Frommelt et al). 2013;26:521-9
Bradley TJ ( see Tierney et al). 2013;26:657-66
Brasil PEAA ( see Nascimento et al). 2013;26:1424-33
Bremerich J ( see Buechel et al). 2013;26:428-35
Brewer J ( see Ruegg et al). 2013;26:114-25 (Review article)
Brizot ML ( see Lopes et al). 2013;26:530-8
Broadhouse KM ( see Ficial et al). 2013;26:1365-71
Brochet E ( see Attias et al). 2013;26:868-74
Bronstein G ( see Ruegg et al). 2013;26:114-25 (Review article)
Brook MM ( see Bui et al). 2013;26:507-14
Brouckaert P ( see Clerte et al). 2013;26:1465-73
Bruce CJ ( see Hahn et al). 2013;26:921-64 (Guidelines and standards)
Bruchal-Garbicz B ( see Moravsky et al). 2013;26:893-900
Bruchal-Garbicz B ( see Williams et al). 2013;26:1153-62
Brunner G ( see Yang et al). 2013;26:901-9
Budoff MJ ( see Bauer et al). 2013;26:667-73
Buechel RR, Stephan FP, Sommer G, Bremerich J, Zellweger MJ, Kaufmann BA. Head-to-head comparison of two-dimensional and three-dimensional echocardiographic methods for left atrial chamber quantification with magnetic resonance imaging. 2013;26:428-35
Bugge JF ( see Espinoza et al). 2013;26:1353-63
Bui YK, Kipps AK, Brook MM, Moon-Grady AJ. Tissue Doppler is more sensitive and reproducible than spectral pulsed-wave Doppler for fetal right ventricle myocardial performance index determination in normal and diabetic pregnancies. 2013;26:507-14
Busenbark D ( see Webb et al). 2013;26:1090-8
Bush M ( see Agarwal et al). 2013;26:1306-13
Buxton DB ( see Pellikka et al). 2013;26:325-38 (ASE report)
Buys ES ( see Clerte et al). 2013;26:1465-73
Byrd BF III ( see Pellikka et al). 2013;26:325-38 (ASE report)
Badano LP ( see Lancellotti et al). 2013;26:1013-32 (Expert consensus statement). Correction 2013;26:1305
Badano LP ( see Muraru et al). 2013;26:618-28
Badran HM, Faheem N, Ibrahim WA, Elnoamany MF, Elsedi M, Yacoub M. Systolic function reserve using two-dimensional strain imaging in hypertrophic cardiomyopathy: comparison with essential hypertension. 2013;26:1397-406
Baffa J ( see Frommelt et al). 2013;26:521-9
Bai W-j ( see Li et al). 2013;26:1245-52
Baldenhofer G ( see Spethmann et al). 2013;26:64-71
Ballantyne CM ( see Yang et al). 2013;26:901-9
Balluz R ( see Zhang et al). 2013;26:853-9
Bansal M ( see Singh et al). 2013;26:221-33 (Special article)
Baquet G ( see Boissière et al). 2013;26:1298-305
Barac A ( see Alyeshmerni et al). 2013;26:1099-105
Barbash IM, Dvir D, Ben-Dor I, Corso PJ, Goldstein SA, Wang Z, Bond E, Okubagzi PG, Satler LF, Pichard AD, Waksman R. Impact of transapical aortic valve replacement on apical wall motion. 2013;26:255-60
Baron DM ( see Clerte et al). 2013;26:1465-73
Barra S ( see Providência et al). 2013;26:801-12 (Review article)
Barrabés JA ( see Figueras et al). 2013;26:885-92
Bauer M, Delaney JAC, Möhlenkamp S, Jöckel K-H, Kronmal RA, Lehmann N, Mukamal KJ, Moebus S, Polak JF, Dragano N, Budoff MJ, Erbel R, McClelland RL, Multi-Ethnic Study of Atherosclerosis, Heinz Nixdorf Recall Study Investigators. Comparison of factors associated with carotid intima-media thickness in the Multi-Ethnic Study of Atherosclerosis (MESA) and the Heinz Nixdorf Recall Study (HNR).
Baumann G ( see Spethmann et al). 2013;26:64-71
Baumann R ( see Pellikka et al). 2013;26:325-38 (ASE report)
Bax JJ ( see Debonnaire et al). 2013;26:1053-62
Bax JJ ( see Katsanos et al). 2013;26:691-8
Beaton ZA, Pike JI, Stallings C, Donofrio MT. Predictors of repair and outcome in prenatally diagnosed atrioventricular septal defects. 2013;26:208-16
Becher H ( see Huqi et al). 2013;26:1282-9
Becher H ( see Shanks et al). 2013;26:1407-14
Bech-Hanssen O, Karason K, Rundqvist B, Bollano E, Lindgren F, Selimovic N. Can pulmonary hypertension and increased pulmonary vascular resistance be ruled in and ruled out by echocardiography? 2013;26:469-78
Behzadian F ( see Sun et al). 2013;26:765-74
Beigel R, Cercek B, Luo H, Siegel RJ. Noninvasive evaluation of right atrial pressure. 2013;26:1033-42 (Review article)
Bekaert S ( see Van daele et al). 2013;26:1290-7
Bekeredjian R ( see Hien et al). 2013;26:828-34
Belcik JT ( see Liu et al). 2013;26:1474-81
Belcik T ( see Rinkevich et al). 2013;26:290-6
Beleslin B ( see Tesic et al). 2013;26:775-82
Bell AJ ( see Bellsham-Revell et al). 2013;26:52-6
Bellsham-Revell HR, Simpson JM, Miller OI, Bell AJ. Subjective evaluation of right ventricular systolic function in hypoplastic left heart syndrome: how accurate is it? 2013;26:52-6
Ben-Dor I ( see Barbash et al). 2013;26:255-60
Benetos A ( see Bonapace et al). 2013;26:714-20
Benjamin EJ ( see Cheng et al). 2013;26:1258-66
Beraud A-S. Three-dimensional echocardiography in mitral valve prolapse: could technology replace experience? 2013;26:835-6 (Editorial comment)
Berdusis K ( see Webb et al). 2013;26:1090-8
Bergerot C ( see Ernande et al). 2013;26:297-306
Bergler J ( see Lancellotti et al). 2013;26:1013-32 (Expert consensus statement). Correction 2013;26:1305
Bernard-Brunet A ( see Schnell et al). 2013;26:1163-9
Berry M ( see Ternacle et al). 2013;26:721-6
Berthoin S ( see Boissière et al). 2013;26:1298-305
Bhan A ( see Smith et al). 2013;26:359-69
Bharucha T, Khan R, Mertens L, Friedberg MK. Right ventricular mechanical dyssynchrony and asymmetric contraction in hypoplastic heart syndrome are associated with tricuspid regurgitation. 2013;26:1214-20
Bhatia N ( see Abushora et al). 2013;26:683-90
Bhatia RS, Kumar V, Picard MH, Weiner RB. Comparison of the 2008 and 2011 appropriate use criteria for stress echocardiography. 2013;26:339-43
Bhave NM, Patel AR, Weinert L, Yamat M, Freed BH, Mor-Avi V, Gomberg-Maitland M, Lang RM. Three-dimensional modeling of the right ventricle from two-dimensional transthoracic echocardiographic images: utility of knowledge-based reconstruction in pulmonary arterial hypertension. 2013;26:860-7
Blank AC ( see den Dekker et al). 2013;26:1314-21
Blauwet LA, Malouf JF, Connolly HM, Hodge DO, Herges RM, Suri RM, Miller FA Jr. Comprehensive hemodynamic assessment of 368 normal St. Jude medical mechanical mitral valve prostheses based on early postimplantation echocardiographic studies. 2013;26:381-9
Bloch KD ( see Clerte et al). 2013;26:1465-73
Blom NA ( see Klitsie et al). 2013;26:629-39
Bloomfield G ( see Douglas et al). 2013;26:348-58
Bocchi EA ( see Lima et al). 2013;26:278-87
Bogaert J ( see Lancellotti et al). 2013;26:1013-32 (Expert consensus statement). Correction 2013;26:1305
Boissière J, Maufrais C, Baquet G, Schuster I, Dauzat M, Doucende G, Obert P, Berthoin S, Nottin S. Specific left ventricular twist-untwist mechanics during exercise in children. 2013;26:1298-305
Bollano E ( see Bech-Hanssen et al). 2013;26:469-78
Bonapace S, Rossi A, Cicoira M, Targher G, Valbusa F, Benetos A, Vassanelli C. Increased aortic pulse wave velocity as measured by echocardiography is strongly associated with poor prognosis in patients with heart failure. 2013;26:714-20
Bond E ( see Barbash et al). 2013;26:255-60
Border WL ( see Frommelt et al). 2013;26:521-9
Bossone E, D’Andrea A, D’Alto M, Citro R, Argiento P, Ferrara F, Cittadini A, Rubenfire M, Naeije R. Echocardiography in pulmonary arterial hypertension: from diagnosis to prognosis. 2013;26:1-14 (Review article)
Boyd AC, Lo Q, Devine K, Tchan MC, Sillence DO, Sadick N, Richards DAB, Thomas L. Left atrial enlargement and reduced atrial compliance occurs early in Fabry cardiomyopathy. 2013;26:1415-23
Bradley TJ ( see Frommelt et al). 2013;26:521-9
Bradley TJ ( see Tierney et al). 2013;26:657-66
Brasil PEAA ( see Nascimento et al). 2013;26:1424-33
Bremerich J ( see Buechel et al). 2013;26:428-35
Brewer J ( see Ruegg et al). 2013;26:114-25 (Review article)
Brizot ML ( see Lopes et al). 2013;26:530-8
Broadhouse KM ( see Ficial et al). 2013;26:1365-71
Brochet E ( see Attias et al). 2013;26:868-74
Bronstein G ( see Ruegg et al). 2013;26:114-25 (Review article)
Brook MM ( see Bui et al). 2013;26:507-14
Brouckaert P ( see Clerte et al). 2013;26:1465-73
Bruce CJ ( see Hahn et al). 2013;26:921-64 (Guidelines and standards)
Bruchal-Garbicz B ( see Moravsky et al). 2013;26:893-900
Bruchal-Garbicz B ( see Williams et al). 2013;26:1153-62
Brunner G ( see Yang et al). 2013;26:901-9
Budoff MJ ( see Bauer et al). 2013;26:667-73
Buechel RR, Stephan FP, Sommer G, Bremerich J, Zellweger MJ, Kaufmann BA. Head-to-head comparison of two-dimensional and three-dimensional echocardiographic methods for left atrial chamber quantification with magnetic resonance imaging. 2013;26:428-35
Bugge JF ( see Espinoza et al). 2013;26:1353-63
Bui YK, Kipps AK, Brook MM, Moon-Grady AJ. Tissue Doppler is more sensitive and reproducible than spectral pulsed-wave Doppler for fetal right ventricle myocardial performance index determination in normal and diabetic pregnancies. 2013;26:507-14
Busenbark D ( see Webb et al). 2013;26:1090-8
Bush M ( see Agarwal et al). 2013;26:1306-13
Buxton DB ( see Pellikka et al). 2013;26:325-38 (ASE report)
Buys ES ( see Clerte et al). 2013;26:1465-73
Byrd BF III ( see Pellikka et al). 2013;26:325-38 (ASE report)
Cabrera AG ( see Maskatia et al). 2013;26:1187-92
Caggegi A ( see Capranzano et al). 2013;26:219-20 (Letter reply)
Cagide A ( see Arias et al). 2013;26:699-705
Caiati C, Lepera ME, Carretta D, Santoro D, Favale S. Head-to-head comparison of peak upright bicycle and post-treadmill echocardiography in detecting coronary artery disease: a randomized, single-blind crossover study. 2013;26:1434-43
Calabrò R ( see Ancona et al). 2013;26:270-7
Campbell MJ ( see Tierney et al). 2013;26:657-66
Cannard E ( see Rinkevich et al). 2013;26:290-6
Cantales D ( see Alhaj et al). 2013;26:556-65
Cantinotti M. Current pediatric nomograms are only one source of error for quantification in pediatric echocardiography: what to expect from future research. 2013;26:919 (Letter)
Cantinotti M, Lopez L. Nomograms for blood flow and tissue Doppler velocities to evaluate diastolic function in children: a critical review. 2013;26:126-41 (Review article)
Capranzano P, Scandura S, Caggegi A, Tamburino C. A novel mechanism by which MitraClip implantation may favorably alter the natural history of left ventricular remodeling in patients with mitral regurgitation: proposed role of the ventricular-valvular loop. 2013;26:219-20 (Letter reply)
Carasso S, Agmon Y, Roguin A, Keidar Z, Israel O, Hammerman H, Lessick J. Left ventricular function and functional recovery early and late after myocardial infarction: a prospective pilot study comparing two-dimensional strain, conventional echocardiography, and radionuclide myocardial perfusion imaging. 2013;26:1235-44
Carasso S ( see Moravsky et al). 2013;26:893-900
Carasso S ( see Williams et al). 2013;26:1153-62
Carbone A ( see Rodriques et al). 2013;26:1337-43
Cardim N. Pocket-size devices, physical examination, and high-end echocardiography machines in perspective: are the times a’changing? 2013;26:597-9 (Editorial comment)
Carerj S ( see Zito et al). 2013;26:1118-29. Correction 2013;26:1129
Carré F ( see Schnell et al). 2013;26:1163-9
Carretta D ( see Caiati et al). 2013;26:1434-43
Cartwright D ( see Vaujois et al). 2013;26:1388-96
Casablanca S ( see Muraru et al). 2013;26:618-28
Caso P ( see Ancona et al). 2013;26:270-7
Cava JR ( see Samyn et al). 2013;26:746-55
Cercek B ( see Beigel et al). 2013;26:1033-42 (Review article)
Cerri GG ( see Rodriques et al). 2013;26:1337-43
Chambela MC ( see Nascimento et al). 2013;26:1424-33
Champagne S ( see Ternacle et al). 2013;26:1444-9
Chan A ( see Shanks et al). 2013;26:1407-14
Chan GCF ( see Yu et al). 2013;26:846-52
Chan Y-H, Wu L-S, Kuo C-T, Wang C-L, Yeh Y-H, Ho W-J, Hsu L-A. Incremental value of inefficient deformation indices for predicting response to cardiac resynchronization therapy. 2013;26:307-15
Chang S-A, Kim H-K, Lee S-C, Kim E-Y, Hahm S-H, Kwon OM, Park SW, Choe YH, Oh JK. Assessment of left ventricular mass in hypertrophic cardiomyopathy by real-time three-dimensional echocardiography using single-beat capture image. 2013;26:436-42
Chaudhry FA ( see Alhaj et al). 2013;26:556-65
Chaudhry FA ( see Argulian et al). 2013;26:72-6
Cheatham JP ( see Husain et al). 2013;26:1330-6
Chemaly ER ( see Arias et al). 2013;26:910-8
Chen J ( see Arias et al). 2013;26:910-8
Chen P ( see Pellikka et al). 2013;26:325-38 (ASE report)
Chen S ( see Tierney et al). 2013;26:657-66
Chen T-E, Kwon SH, Enriquez-Sarano M, Wong BF, Mankad SV. Three-dimensional color Doppler echocardiographic quantification of tricuspid regurgitation orifice area: comparison with conventional two-dimensional measures. 2013;26:1143-52
Cheng L ( see Kong et al). 2013;26:649-56
Cheng S, Larson MG, McCabe EL, Osypiuk E, Lehman BT, Stanchev P, Aragam J, Benjamin EJ, Solomon SD, Vasan RS. Reproducibility of speckle-tracking–based strain measures of left ventricular function in a community-based study. 2013;26:1258-66
Cheriex E ( see Gelsomino et al). 2013;26:370-80
Cheuk DKL ( see Yu et al). 2013;26:846-52
Cheung C ( see Khoo et al). 2013;26:600-5
Cheung Y-f ( see Yu et al). 2013;26:846-52
Chirinos JA ( see Van daele et al). 2013;26:1290-7
Chitty DW ( see Johri et al). 2013;26:86-95
Choe YH ( see Chang et al). 2013;26:436-42
Choy JB ( see Huqi et al). 2013;26:1282-9
Christiansen EH ( see Løgstrup et al). 2013;26:246-54
Cicoira M ( see Bonapace et al). 2013;26:714-20
Citro R ( see Bossone et al). 2013;26:1-14 (Review article)
Cittadini A ( see Bossone et al). 2013;26:1-14 (Review article)
Claudia C ( see Mirea et al). 2013;26:419-27
Clavel M-A ( see Katsanos et al). 2013;26:691-8
Clerte M, Baron DM, Brouckaert P, Ernande L, Raher MJ, Flynn AW, Picard MH, Bloch KD, Buys ES, Scherrer-Crosbie M. Brown adipose tissue blood flow and mass in obesity: a contrast ultrasound study in mice. 2013;26:1465-73
Cognet T ( see Ternacle et al). 2013;26:721-6
Cohen MS ( see Frommelt et al). 2013;26:521-9
Cohen MS ( see Lai et al). 2013;26:1180-6
Cohen MS ( see Tierney et al). 2013;26:657-66
Cohen MS ( see Wittlieb-Weber et al). 2013;26:1372-8
Colan S ( see Frommelt et al). 2013;26:521-9
Colan SD. The why and how of Z scores. 2013;26:38-40 (Editorial comment). Correction 2013;26:427
Colan SD ( see Foster et al). 2013;26:410-8
Colan SD ( see Tierney et al). 2013;26:657-66
Connolly HM ( see Blauwet et al). 2013;26:381-9
Cook NL ( see Pellikka et al). 2013;26:325-38 (ASE report)
Cordier J-F ( see Ernande et al). 2013;26:297-306
Corso PJ ( see Barbash et al). 2013;26:255-60
Costa SP. Putting the comparison of 2008 and 2011 appropriate use criteria for stress echocardiography in perspective: can screening in solid organ transplant be appropriate? 2013;26:344-7 (Editorial comment)
Coste P ( see Lafitte et al). 2013;26:457-63
Cosyns B ( see Lancellotti et al). 2013;26:1013-32 (Expert consensus statement). Correction 2013;26:1305
Cottin V ( see Ernande et al). 2013;26:297-306
Coucke P ( see Lancellotti et al). 2013;26:1013-32 (Expert consensus statement). Correction 2013;26:1305
Couetil J-P ( see Ternacle et al). 2013;26:721-6
Council on Perioperative Echocardiography of the American Society of Echoardiography ( see Reeves et al). 2013;26:443-56 (ASE consensus statement)
Cox DJ ( see Ficial et al). 2013;26:1365-71
Cua CL ( see Gokhale et al). 2013;26:154-9
Cua CL ( see Husain et al). 2013;26:1330-6
Cumbermack KM ( see Thomas et al). 2013;26:142-53
Cunha AB ( see Nascimento et al). 2013;26:1424-33
Cusmà-Piccione M ( see Zito et al). 2013;26:1118-29. Correction 2013;26:1129
Dahdah N ( see Dallaire et al). 2013;26:919-20 (Letter reply)
Dahdah N ( see Mawad et al). 2013;26:29-37 (Review article)
Dahdah N ( see Vaujois et al). 2013;26:1388-96
Dahiya A ( see Motoki et al). 2013;26:640-8
Dahiya A ( see Thavendiranathan et al). 2013;26:1267-73
Dal Bianco L ( see Muraru et al). 2013;26:618-28
Dallaire F, Mawad W, Drolet C, Dahdah N. Current pediatric nomograms are only one source of error for quantification in pediatric echocardiography: what to expect from future research. 2013;26:919-20 (Letter reply)
Dallaire F ( see Mawad et al). 2013;26:29-37 (Review article)
Dallaire F ( see Vaujois et al). 2013;26:1388-96
D’Alto M ( see Bossone et al). 2013;26:1-14 (Review article)
Damp J, Anthony R, Davidson MA, Mendes L. Effects of transesophageal echocardiography simulator training on learning and performance in cardiovascular medicine fellows. 2013;26:1450-6
Damy T ( see Ternacle et al). 2013;26:721-6
D’Andrea A ( see Ancona et al). 2013;26:270-7
D’Andrea A ( see Bossone et al). 2013;26:1-14 (Review article)
Danduran MJ ( see Samyn et al). 2013;26:746-55
Daneault B ( see Hahn et al). 2013;26:1043-52
Danford DA ( see Kutty et al). 2013;26:398-409
Danford DA ( see Kutty et al). 2013;26:813-27 (Review article)
Dantin L ( see Singh et al). 2013;26:221-33 (Special article)
Dauzat M ( see Boissière et al). 2013;26:1298-305
Davidson BP ( see Liu et al). 2013;26:1474-81
Davidson MA ( see Damp et al). 2013;26:1450-6
Davin L ( see Lancellotti et al). 2013;26:1013-32 (Expert consensus statement). Correction 2013;26:1305
Davis L ( see Douglas et al). 2013;26:348-58
Day A ( see Johri et al). 2013;26:86-95
de Agustin JA, Viliani D, Vieira C, Islas F, Marcos-Alberca P, de Diego JJG, Nuñez-Gil IJ, Almeria C, Rodrigo JL, Luaces M, Garcia-Fernandez MA, Macaya C, de Isla LP. Proximal isovelocity surface area by single-beat three-dimensional color Doppler echocardiography applied for tricuspid regurgitation quantification. 2013;26:1063-72
De Backer GG ( see Van daele et al). 2013;26:1290-7
De Backer J ( see Tierney et al). 2013;26:657-66
De Bacquer D ( see Van daele et al). 2013;26:1290-7
Debonnaire P, Leong DP, Witkowski TG, Al Amri I, Joyce E, Katsanos S, Schalij MJ, Bax JJ, Delgado V, Marsan NA. Left atrial function by two-dimensional speckle-tracking echocardiography in patients with severe organic mitral regurgitation: association with guidelines-based surgical indication and postoperative (long-term) survival. 2013;26:1053-62
De Buyzere ML ( see Van daele et al). 2013;26:1290-7
de Diego JJG ( see de Agustin et al). 2013;26:1063-72
Dedobbeleer C, Hadefi A, Naeije R, Unger P. Left ventricular adaptation to acute hypoxia: a speckle-tracking echocardiography study. 2013;26:736-45
DeGroff CG. Transesophageal echocardiography in critically ill acute postoperative infants: comparison of AcuNav intracardiac echocardiogrpahic and microTEE miniaturized transducers. 2013;26:103 (Letter)
de Groot–de Laat LE ( see Ren et al). 2013;26:261-9
de Isla LP ( see de Agustin et al). 2013;26:1063-72
de la Cruz VY ( see Lima et al). 2013;26:278-87
de la Cruz VY ( see Mattoso et al). 2013;26:539-47
Delaney JAC ( see Bauer et al). 2013;26:667-73
Delaney JW ( see Kutty et al). 2013;26:813-27 (Review article)
del Blanco BG ( see Figueras et al). 2013;26:885-92
Delgado V ( see Debonnaire et al). 2013;26:1053-62
Delgado V ( see Katsanos et al). 2013;26:691-8
Deligiannis A ( see Pagourelias et al). 2013;26:1344-52
Delithanasis I ( see Smith et al). 2013;26:359-69
De Meyer T ( see Van daele et al). 2013;26:1290-7
Demir Ö ( see Sade et al). 2013;26:706-13
Demirtaş S ( see Sade et al). 2013;26:706-13
den Dekker MHT, Slieker MG, Blank AC, Haas F, Freund MW. Comparability of Z-score equations of cardiac structures in hypoplastic left heart complex. 2013;26:1314-21
Deng C ( see Rong et al). 2013;26:1228-34
DeNicco A ( see Willens et al). 2013;26:175-84
Denil SLIJ ( see Van daele et al). 2013;26:1290-7
Derumeaux G ( see Ernande et al). 2013;26:297-306
De Souza AM ( see AlHuzaimi et al). 2013;26:1084-9
Deutsch L ( see Kapusta et al). 2013;26:1193-200
Devine K ( see Boyd et al). 2013;26:1415-23
D’hooge J ( see Jasaityte et al). 2013;26:15-28 (Review article)
Di Bella G ( see Zito et al). 2013;26:1118-29. Correction 2013;26:1129
Dijos M ( see Lafitte et al). 2013;26:457-63
Di Salvo G ( see Ancona et al). 2013;26:270-7
Djordjevic-Dikic A ( see Tesic et al). 2013;26:775-82
Do K ( see Aldridge et al). 2013;26:1457-64
Dobric M ( see Tesic et al). 2013;26:775-82
Dohi K ( see Ichikawa et al). 2013;26:483-92
Dokainish H ( see Yang et al). 2013;26:901-9
Donal E ( see Schnell et al). 2013;26:1163-9
Dong L ( see Kong et al). 2013;26:649-56
Donofrio MT ( see Beaton et al). 2013;26:208-16
Dos Santos P ( see Lafitte et al). 2013;26:457-63
Doucende G ( see Boissière et al). 2013;26:1298-305
Douglas PS, Waugh RA, Bloomfield G, Dunn G, Davis L, Hahn RT, Pibarot P, Stewart WJ, Weissman NJ, Hueter I, Siegel R, Lerakis S, Miller DC, Smith CR, Leon MB. Implementation of echocardiography core laboratory best practices: a case study of the PARTNER I trial. 2013;26:348-58
Douglas PS ( see Pellikka et al). 2013;26:325-38 (ASE report)
Dragano N ( see Bauer et al). 2013;26:667-73
Dreger H ( see Spethmann et al). 2013;26:64-71
Dreyfus J ( see Attias et al). 2013;26:868-74
Drolet C ( see Dallaire et al). 2013;26:919-20 (Letter reply)
Drolet C ( see Mawad et al). 2013;26:29-37 (Review article)
Dubois-Rande J-L ( see Ternacle et al). 2013;26:721-6
Dulgheru R ( see Lancellotti et al). 2013;26:1013-32 (Expert consensus statement). Correction 2013;26:1305
Dunn G ( see Douglas et al). 2013;26:348-58
Durighel G ( see Ficial et al). 2013;26:1365-71
Dvir D ( see Barbash et al). 2013;26:255-60
Dworakowski R ( see Smith et al). 2013;26:359-69
Dyamenahalli U ( see Uppu et al). 2013;26:200-7
Edvardsen T ( see Espinoza et al). 2013;26:1353-63
Edvardsen T ( see Lancellotti et al). 2013;26:1013-32 (Expert consensus statement). Correction 2013;26:1305
Edvardsen T ( see Zahid et al). 2013;26:875-84
Edwards AD ( see Ficial et al). 2013;26:1365-71
Eek CH ( see Zahid et al). 2013;26:875-84
Efthimiadis GK ( see Pagourelias et al). 2013;26:1344-52
Ekitzidou G ( see Ficial et al). 2013;26:1365-71
Elnoamany MF ( see Badran et al). 2013;26:1397-406
Elsedi M ( see Badran et al). 2013;26:1397-406
Enriquez-Sarano M ( see Chen et al). 2013;26:1143-52
Erbel R ( see Bauer et al). 2013;26:667-73
Ernande L, Cottin V, Leroux P-Y, Girerd N, Huez S, Mulliez A, Bergerot C, Ovize M, Mornex J-F, Cordier J-F, Naeije R, Derumeaux G. Right isovolumic contraction velocity predicts survival in pulmonary hypertension. 2013;26:297-306
Ernande L ( see Clerte et al). 2013;26:1465-73
Ertl G ( see Hu et al). 2013;26:105-13 (Review article)
Espinoza A, Kerans V, Opdahl A, Skulstad H, Halvorsen PS, Bugge JF, Fosse E, Edvardsen T. Effects of therapeutic hypothermia on left ventricular function assessed by ultrasound imaging. 2013;26:1353-63
European Society of Cardiology Working Groups on Nuclear Cardiology and Cardiac Computed Tomography and Cardiovascular Magnetic Resonance ( see Lancellotti et al). 2013;26:1013-32 (Expert consensus statement). Correction 2013;26:1305
Evangelista A ( see Figueras et al). 2013;26:885-92
Evin M, Pibarot P, Guivier-Curien C, Tanné D, Kadem L, Rieu R. Localized transvalvular pressure gradients in mitral bileaflet mechanical heart valves and impact on gradient overestimation by Doppler. 2013;26:791-800
Ezekowitz J ( see Huqi et al). 2013;26:1282-9
Faheem N ( see Badran et al). 2013;26:1397-406
Falanga G ( see Zito et al). 2013;26:1118-29. Correction 2013;26:1129
Falconi M ( see Arias et al). 2013;26:699-705
Favale S ( see Caiati et al). 2013;26:1434-43
Fayad ZA ( see Arias et al). 2013;26:910-8
Feldman HJ ( see Ruegg et al). 2013;26:114-25 (Review article)
Ferrara F ( see Bossone et al). 2013;26:1-14 (Review article)
Ficial B, Finnemore AE, Cox DJ, Broadhouse KM, Price AN, Durighel G, Ekitzidou G, Hajnal JV, Edwards AD, Groves AM. Validation study of the accuracy of echocardiographic measurements of systemic blood flow volume in newborn infants. 2013;26:1365-71
Figueras J, Barrabés JA, Evangelista A, Lidón R-M, Gutierrez L, del Blanco BG, Garcia-Dorado D. Admission wall motion score and quantitative ST-segment depression in the assessment of 30-day mortality in patients with first non–ST-segment elevation acute coronary syndromes. 2013;26:885-92
Filho RK ( see Lima et al). 2013;26:278-87
Filho RK ( see Mattoso et al). 2013;26:539-47
Finley AC ( see Reeves et al). 2013;26:443-56 (ASE consensus statement)
Finnemore AE ( see Ficial et al). 2013;26:1365-71
Fiorentini C ( see Mirea et al). 2013;26:419-27
Flamm SD ( see Thavendiranathan et al). 2013;26:1267-73
Flores T ( see Rodriques et al). 2013;26:1337-43
Flynn AW ( see Clerte et al). 2013;26:1465-73
Forfia PR ( see Mercer-Rosa et al). 2013;26:1322-9
Fornwalt BK ( see Thomas et al). 2013;26:142-53
Forshaw A ( see Marriott et al). 2013;26:96-102
Fosse E ( see Espinoza et al). 2013;26:1353-63
Fosse E ( see Zahid et al). 2013;26:875-84
Foster BJ, Gao T, Mackie AS, Zemel BS, Ali H, Platt RW, Colan SD. Limitations of expressing left ventricular mass relative to height and to body surface area in children. 2013;26:410-8
Fournier A ( see Vaujois et al). 2013;26:1388-96
Francisco RPV ( see Lopes et al). 2013;26:530-8
Franey LM ( see Abbas et al). 2013;26:1170-7
Frazier EA ( see Sachdeva et al). 2013;26:41-9
Freed BH ( see Bhave et al). 2013;26:860-7
Freund MW ( see den Dekker et al). 2013;26:1314-21
Friedberg MK. Echocardiography for assessment of mechanical dyssynchrony in children: the search must go on. 2013;26:160-4 (Editorial comment)
Friedberg MK, Wu S, Slorach C. Left-right ventricular interactions in pediatric aortic stenosis: right ventricular myocardial strain before and after aortic valvuloplasty. 2013;26:390-7
Friedberg MK ( see Bharucha et al). 2013;26:1214-20
Frommelt PC, Gerstenberger E, Baffa J, Border WL, Bradley TJ, Colan S, Gorentz J, Heydarian H, John JB, Lai WW, Levine J, Lu JC, McCandless RT, Miller S, Nutting A, Ohye RG, Pearson GD, Wong PC, Cohen MS, Pediatric Heart Network Investigators. Doppler flow patterns in the right ventricle–to–pulmonary artery shunt and neo-aorta in infants with single right ventricle anomalies: impact on
outcome after initial staged palliations. 2013;26:521-9
Frommelt PC ( see Lai et al). 2013;26:1180-6
Frommelt PC ( see Samyn et al). 2013;26:746-55
Fukui T ( see Sasaki et al). 2013;26:837-45
Fumo P ( see Movva et al). 2013;26:1135-42
Funes D ( see Arias et al). 2013;26:699-705
Furtado M ( see Rodriques et al). 2013;26:1337-43
Fusini L ( see Mirea et al). 2013;26:419-27
Fuster V ( see Arias et al). 2013;26:910-8
Fyfe DA ( see Thomas et al). 2013;26:142-53

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