Genetics in Cardiovascular Disease

72 Genetics in Cardiovascular Disease

It has been nearly 60 years since Watson and Crick published their landmark manuscript on the molecular structure of nucleic acids. Since that time, genetics has changed profoundly. The human genome (and the genomes of many other species) has been sequenced, and the search to identify and characterize the estimated 30,000 genes in the human genome continues. Genetic testing for both common and unusual diseases is becoming increasingly available, even if the clinical utility of these tests is not always clear.

A major challenge for physicians and health care providers will be fluency in the language of genetics as decisions on who should be screened for genetic causes of disease, how to best approach families with heritable diseases, and, ultimately, selection of patients for genetic-based therapies become more common. This information will be particularly important for caregivers of patients with cardiovascular diseases, a field dominated by common diseases with complicated genetics.

This chapter on genetics is not comprehensive. Many excellent texts describe all aspects of genetics, from the genetic basis of disease to gene therapy. Instead, the goal of this chapter is to introduce the clinically important principles of genetics and the application of these principles to clinical medicine, with particular emphasis on the genetics of cardiovascular diseases (Fig. 72-1). A brief glossary of the clinically important terms in this chapter is shown in Box 72-1.

Box 72-1 Terminology

Modern Human Genetics in the Etiology of Disease

Before Mendel described the principles of genetics on the basis of his plant studies, it was recognized that a wide variety of diseases were familial. Although not the first, Sir William Osler is the most recognized modern physician to propose that familial clusterings of diseases were linked to specific gene abnormalities. Medical genetics became a specialty with the recognition that a detailed pedigree made it possible to understand the genetic basis of a given familial disease. However, in the mid-twentieth century, genetic screening was only a concept, and no quantitative tools existed for it. Biochemical screening tests, reflecting the downstream effects of a genetic abnormality, were the first “genetic tests” developed. Population-wide screening for Tay-Sachs disease, a disease with autosomal-recessive inheritance found predominantly in Ashkenazi Jews, was one of the first successful applications of such a test. A combination of biochemical screening and genetic counseling has resulted in a greater than 90% decrease in the occurrence of the disease over the past 2 decades, underlining the importance of this type of screening.

In the late twentieth century, with the advent of reliable DNA sequencing, it became possible to demonstrate that diseases could be assigned to a single-nucleotide change in a specific, important gene. This development led to the idea that single mutations “caused” disease, extending the principles of Osler: one abnormality, one disease.

With the advent of high-speed DNA sequencing, it has become clear that the genetic basis of human disease is much more complex than was formerly recognized. There are several reasons for this greater complexity. First, mutations in specific genes are rarely unique; the same phenotype can result from any of a number of mutations in the same gene. Second, nearly identical phenotypes can result from a mutation in more than one gene. Third, just as genes do not act in isolation, mutations often do not have a strict cause-and-effect relationship with disease (Fig. 72-2). Often an interaction of a mutation with a broad array of environmental factors leads to a given phenotype. Finally, humans are not a product of changes in single genes in isolation but of many, perhaps hundreds, of polymorphisms (Fig. 72-3, upper). Commonly, susceptibility to environmental effects depends not on a single gene but on the interactions of many genes—often genes for nuclear factors that regulate the expression of entire classes of genes. Practical examples are discussed in the following section.

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Jun 12, 2016 | Posted by in CARDIOLOGY | Comments Off on Genetics in Cardiovascular Disease

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