Endovascular Revascularization for Great Vessel Occlusive Disease
Alan B. Lumsden
James P. Gregg
Occlusive disease of the brachiocephalic arteries (innominate, left common carotid, and subclavian arteries) is responsible for approximately 17% of symptomatic extracranial cerebrovascular disease. The current treatment for brachiocephalic occlusive lesions remains predominately surgical, but this is rapidly being challenged by endovascular therapies. The proximal brachiocephalic arteries are large caliber, high-flow vessels that appear to respond well to endovascular interventions. Conventional balloon dilation continues to be the most frequently used transluminal recanalization method in the supra-aortic vessels, but stents have been used to optimize results. Large, multicenter, randomized trials with long-term follow up are needed to delineate potential differences between surgical and endovascular therapies, as endovascular outcomes have only been described in case reports and a few small series of patients. The optimal use of endovascular techniques for upper-extremity revascularization must be guided by morbidity and mortality, long-term patency rates of repair, and the individual experience of the treating clinician. The use of endovascular techniques for the treatment of brachiocephalic lesions is recent; however, the results have been so encouraging that some suggest that stenting is the treatment of choice for proximal occlusions of the upper-limb vessels, symptomatic innominate artery and subclavian stenoses, and short occlusions.
Atherosclerosis is the leading cause of upper-extremity occlusive disease, although aneurysms, trauma, anatomic abnormalities, and arteritides may also result in pathologic presentations. Tobacco abuse is present in 75% of patients with occlusive lesions of the upper extremity. The pattern of symptomatic development is predicted by the location and severity of the lesion.
Cerebroembolization is always a possible complication with interventions above the aortic arch. Primary stenting, a procedure in which a stent is deployed without preliminary balloon dilation, has been used to limit the risk of embolization in the interventions of subclavian and innominate arterial lesions. Primary stenting traps plaque and debris that may be dislodged with angioplasty alone, and it increases the success rate and decreases the risk of embolization with intervention on complex lesions, such as eccentric or calcified occlusions.
Innominate Artery Lesions
Etiology and Clinical Presentation
Occlusive lesions of the innominate artery are rare and may present with right upper-extremity weakness and fatigue, transient ischemic attack (TIA), or vertebrobasilar insufficiency. The majority of patients present with cerebral atheroembolic events, such as amaurosis fugax, TIA, or stroke. Vertebrobasilar insufficiency, or posterior circulation symptomology, is associated with the development of a subclavian steal syndrome. Suggested criteria for “classic” vertebrobasilar insufficiency or posterior circulation symptoms were suggested by Ouriel et al. in a study to predict the success of carotid endarterectomy for nonhemispheric symptoms (Table 34-1). Patients not meeting the criteria are referred to as “nonclassic” and represent a more global hypoperfusion state. Lesions of the innominate artery increase the risk of embolism or hypoperfusion for both the anterior and posterior circulations. The clinical presentation of innominate artery lesions is varied: 20% are asymptomatic and present simply with unequal pulses or blood pressures during routine physical examination. Despite a severe stenosis or even a total occlusion, upper-extremity symptoms are uncommon, except that digital necrosis may present as a manifestation of an embolism.
The initial consideration of innominate artery stenosis or occlusion is often based on clinical findings. A differential upper-extremity pulse, palpation, or a blood pressure differential between arms suggests the diagnosis. Hemodynamically significant stenoses are demonstrated by brachial artery pressures differing more than 20 mm Hg or unequal radial pulse wave amplitude. Standard duplex ultrasonographic techniques provide indirect data in the evaluation of the innominate, common carotid, and subclavian arteries. Low flow in the suspect artery with normal or augmented contralateral flow should suggest the presence of a proximal lesion. Patients with diffuse disease of multiple aortic arch vessels may require more definitive studies, which are always employed before any planned intervention. Standard contrast angiography remains the most common diagnostic modality, but alternative imaging techniques such as computed tomography angiography and magnetic resonance angiography (MRA) provide alternatives with less risk of procedural embolism.
Table 34-1 “Classic” Symptoms of Posterior Circulation Pathology | ||||||
Surgical Treatment Options
Maintenance of cerebral and upper-extremity blood flow along with the elimination of atheroembolism risk are the treatment objectives in patients with upper-extremity arterial disease. Surgical options for lesions of the innominate artery include indirect (extra-anatomic) and direct approaches. Indirect repairs were developed to avoid the morbidity and mortality of a median sternotomy, especially in high-risk patients. Extra-anatomic approaches are suboptimal for several reasons: the bony sternum is not favorable for graft configuration; the questionable ability of a donor arch vessel to provide adequate blood flow to both arms and the vertebral arteries; the potential difficulty of graft kinking from external compression; and poor long-term results. The direct approach is considered to have superior long-term results, and the preferred approach to an innominate arterial lesion is via median sternotomy. The choice of direct reconstructive procedure is influenced by the extent of disease and other technical factors. Innominate endarterectomy is a suitable procedure for innominate artery disease located away from the aortic wall. Diffuse atherosclerotic disease extending into the aortic arch does not allow safe clamping and endarterectomy, and it is thus an absolute contraindication. In addition, the origin of the left common carotid artery must be at least 1.5 cm from the takeoff of the innominate artery to allow for clamping without threatening the flow in the left carotid artery. The conversion to a direct innominate artery bypass is necessary if the arterial wall is not amenable to endarterectomy or clamping. The most common procedure for orificial innominate disease is an end-to-side bypass from the ascending aorta and end-to-end to the innominate bifurcation, using an 8 to 10 mm Dacron graft. Absence of calcification of the aorta in the intrapericardial location is a prerequisite to permit safe placement of a side-biting clamp on the aorta.
Endovascular Treatment Options
Endovascular treatment of the innominate artery is not well described in the literature, and there are no large series establishing the safety or efficacy of the approach. Similarity in wall composition, branching anatomy, and the hemodynamic milieu between the innominate artery and the common iliac artery suggests successful endovascular treatment. Case reports describe excellent initial technical success with minimal morbidity and mortality; however, long-term follow-up data is not available.
Endovascular therapy is ideal for focal stenotic lesions less than 3 cm. Vascular access is obtained via the common femoral artery. A good arch aortogram in the LAO position is the first step. The arch must be “maximally unwound” to prevent overlap of the orifices of the supraaortic trunks. The innominate lesion is first crossed with a guidewire. The catheter and wires selection entirely depends on the type of aortic arch (types I to III, further described under carotid stenting). Some interventionists start treatment with balloon angioplasty alone, treating suboptimal angioplasty results with stent placement. Indications for stenting include a persistent hemodynamic pressure gradient, residual visual stenosis of greater than 30%, or an occlusive dissection of the arterial wall. Our practice with all supra-aortic trunk disease is to use primary stenting with a balloon-expandable stent whenever possible in order to decrease the risk of embolization.
Balloons and stents are oversized by approximately 20% to that of the innominate artery just beyond the lesion. Usual balloon diameters are 9 to 12 mm, with a length to approximate the diseased arterial segment, usually 2 or 4 cm. It is likely that embolization protection devices will be developed and increasingly used. Predilation with a smaller balloon may be needed when technical difficulty in traversing the lesion with a larger balloon is encountered.
A retrograde approach via the right brachial artery is an alternative. The advantages are less working length and greater pushability across the lesion. Disadvantages include a higher access complication rate, more difficulty in achieving access in the nonpalpable brachial artery, and difficulty in defining the proximal end of the lesion due to high aortic flow.
Cerebral brain stem and upper-extremity embolism are possible complications of innominate artery angioplasty. Described methods to decrease the risk of embolism include external compression of the right carotid artery during dilation and routine placement of a second (occluding) balloon in the common carotid. A risk factor for embolism is antegrade flow through the right vertebral artery. A postprocedure angiogram is required not only to confirm a satisfactory radiographic result but also to exclude embolism to the cerebral circulation. Reported complications include cerebral infarction (2%), TIA (6%), and mortality (0.2%).

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