Effectiveness of Percutaneous Coronary Intervention Versus Coronary Artery Bypass Grafting in Patients With End-Stage Renal Disease

The optimal coronary revascularization strategy (coronary artery bypass grafting [CABG] or percutaneous coronary intervention [PCI]) in patients with end-stage renal disease (ESRD) remains uncertain. We performed an updated systematic review and meta-analysis of observational studies comparing CABG and PCI in patients with ESRD using a random-effects model for the primary outcome of long-term all-cause mortality. Our review registered through PROSPERO included observational studies published after 2011 to ensure overlap with previous studies and identified 7 new studies for a total of 23. We found that the median sample size in the selected studies was 125 patients (25 to 15,784) with a large variation in the covariate risk adjustment and only 3 studies reporting the indications for the revascularization strategy. CABG was associated with a small reduction in mortality (relative risk 0.92, 95% CI 0.89 to 0.96) with significant heterogeneity demonstrated (p = 0.005, I 2 = 48.6%). Subgroup analysis by categorized “year of study initiation” (<1990, 1991 to 2003, >2004) further confirmed the summary estimate trending toward survival benefit of CABG along with a substantial decrease in heterogeneity after 2004 (p = 0.64, I 2 = 0%). In conclusion, our updated systematic review and meta-analysis demonstrated that in patients with ESRD referred for coronary revascularization, CABG was associated with a small decrease in the relative risk of long-term mortality compared with PCI. The generalizability of the finding to all patients with ESRD referred for coronary revascularization is limited because of a lack of known indications for coronary revascularization, substantial variation in covariate risk adjustment, and lack of randomized clinical trial data.

The current evidence of the optimal coronary revascularization strategy (coronary artery bypass grafting [CABG] or percutaneous coronary intervention [PCI]) to improve long-term survival in patients with end-stage renal disease (ESRD) has been predominantly through the conduct of observational studies and not by randomized clinical trials. A recent meta-analysis of 17 observational studies in patients with ESRD noted that CABG was associated with an improved long-term survival (odds ratio 0.86, 95%CI 0.83 to 0.89) over PCI. However, significant heterogeneity was demonstrated (p <0.0001, I 2 = 83%). Variation in study sample sizes has been suggested as a possible origin for the heterogeneity. Other possibilities are disparities in risk adjustment, the use of analytic methods such as propensity score matching, inclusion of angiographic variables, and temporal changes resulting in improvements of technique and equipment. The aim of the current report is to incorporate recently published studies on the comparative effectiveness between CABG and PCI on long-term mortality in patients with ESRD along with an improvement in our understanding of the origin of heterogeneity.


This review was conducted using a prespecified protocol. The protocol was registered at PROSPERO (“an international database of prospectively registered systematic reviews in health and social care”, http://www.crd.york.ac.uk/PROSPERO/ ), PROSPERO number: CRD42015030148. Studies were eligible if they included at least 20 patients older than 18 years with ESRD. The primary intervention was CABG with PCI being the comparator. PCI included all devices and techniques used for percutaneous coronary artery revascularization including bare-metal and drug-eluting stents. CABG included the use of vein grafts and arterial grafts. The inclusion of updated studies was considered eligible if published from 2011 to March 2015. Studies were excluded if they included only patients with advanced chronic kidney disease (non-ESRD) or included patients who received another cardiac surgical procedure along with CABG (e.g., concomitant valve surgery). The primary outcome was all-cause mortality more than one year after coronary revascularization. We searched PubMED and EMBASE and the COCHRANE database for studies using the search query ([‘chronic kidney failure’/exp or ‘albumin dialysis’/exp] and ([‘angioplasty’/exp or ‘transluminal coronary angioplasty’/exp or ‘coronary stent’/exp or ‘coronary artery bypass graft’/exp] or ‘coronary artery disease’/exp/dm_su) and [humans]/lim and [english]/lim) and (2011:py or 2012:py or 2013:py or 2014:py or 2015:py). The reference list of relevant studies and reviews was searched. A single reviewer independently screened each citation and those considered potentially applicable were retrieved for full text review. The number of events was estimated from Kaplan–Meier survival graphs when no other information was provided in the manuscript. This may overestimate the number of events but not influence the relative risk (RR). The 2 primary reviewers independently abstracted data from the full texts. There was no attempt to contact primary investigators of relevant studies. No formal assessment of the quality of observational studies was performed.

Data were analyzed using STATA statistical software, version 13 (StataCorp LP, College Station, Texas). Study characteristics were described using percentages and qualitative descriptors. The RR of death ≥1 year for CABG compared to PCI from each study was then pooled using the random-effects model. Heterogeneity in the final selected studies was assessed using the Q test and I-statistic. Subgroup analysis was performed by “year of study initiation” (≤1990, 1991 to 2002, and ≥2003), and removal of consecutive large studies. Meta-regression was performed with the independent variable “year of study initiation.” Publication bias was reported as noted by the Meta-analysis of Observational Studies in Epidemiology specifications.


We excluded one study as there was no direct comparison between CABG and PCI, for a final total of 23 studies ( Figure 1 ). We initially identified 7 studies published from 2011 to 2015 and added 17 others that met our inclusion criteria from 3 previous meta-analysis. A Cochrane review search found no published randomized clinical trials for this specific comparison. Relevant details of each study that was included in this meta-analysis are provided in Table 1 . Large variations were noted between the individual studies in the sample size, year of initiation, study method, and extent of covariate collection for risk adjustment. For example, only 3 studies documented indications for coronary revascularization; whereas liver disease as a covariate was included in only 13% of the studies. Although age was available in all studies, it was often categorized and not given as a mean age for the cohort; gender however was available in 95% of the studies ( Table 2 ).

Figure 1

Flow diagram of study inclusion process.

Table 1

Baseline population characteristics of the included studies

Author Year Published Location Start year End year Total CABG PCI
Takeshita 1992 Japan 1983 1989 25 10 15
Rinehart 1995 USA 1977 1991 84 60 24
Koyanagi 1996 Japan 1984 1995 43 23 20
Simsir 1998 USA 1992 1196 41 22 19
Herzog 1999 USA 1978 1995 14,306 7419 6887
Ohmoto 1999 Japan 1983 1997 139 47 92
Agirbasli 2000 USA 1987 1997 252 130 122
Ivens 2001 Germany 1982 1994 105 65 40
Szczech 2001 USA 1993 1995 407 244 163
Baldovinos 2002 Uruguay 1994 1999 51 23 28
Chertow 2000 USA 1994 1995 75 29 46
Herzog 2002 USA 1995 1998 15,784 6668 9116
Aoki 2003 Japan 1997 2001 125 55 70
Hemmelgarn 2004 Canada 1995 2001 300 153 147
Fujimoto 2007 Japan 1984 2002 145 64 81
Manabe 2009 Japan 2004 2007 46 28 18
Ashrith 2010 USA 2003 2006 87 54 33
Sunagawa 2010 Japan 2002 2006 104 29 75
Chang 2012 USA 1997 2009 14,098 7049 7049
Baek 2011 Korea 2003 2006 87 43 44
Chou 2014 China 1997 2008 1287 166 1121
Marui 2014 Japan 2005 2007 388 130 258
Krishnaswami 2015 USA 1996 2008 1015 446 569

Table 2

Proportion of the 23 included studies that reported each of the baseline variables

Variable Number of studies that reported
the particular variable
N total = 23
(%) Average value of variable
(if applicable)
Study start year 23 100.0
Study end year 23 100.0
Total Number of Patients 23 100.0
Number of CABG patients 23 100.0
Number of PCI patients 23 100.0
Indications for patient entry into study 3 12.5
EF-CABG 9 39.1 48%
EF-PCI 9 39.1 52%
Mean age- CABG 16 69.6 62.2 years
Mean age- PCI 16 69.6 61.3 years
Men- CABG 22 95.7
Men- PCI 22 95.7
DM-CABG 20 86.9
DM- PCI 20 86.9
HTN- CABG 17 73.9
HTN- PCI 17 73.9
CHF-CABG 9 39.1
CHF-PCI 9 39.1
Tobacco- CABG 13 56.5
Tobacco- PCI 13 56.56
COPD-CAPG 7 30.4
COPD-PCI 7 30.4
CVA-CABG 11 47.8
CVA-PCI 11 47.8
Cancer-CABG 6 26.1
Cancer-PCI 6 26.1
Liver disease-CABG 3 13.0
Liver disease-PCI 3 13.0
PVD-CABG 9 39.1
PVD-PCI 9 39.1
Prior MI- CABG 18 78.2
Prior MI- PCI 18 78.2
Atrial fibrillation-CABG 3 13.0
Atrial fibrillation- PCI 3 13.0
Prior Intervention-CABG 5 21.7
Prior Intervention- PCI 5 21.7
Duration of Dialysis – CABG 11 47.8 36.8 months
Duration of Dialysis – PCI 11 47.8 39.9 months
LM or 2 or 3 vessel intervention – CABG 12 52.2
LM or 2 or 3 vessel intervention – PCI 12 52.2
Number of vessels bypassed 6 26.1 3.1 vessels bypassed
Number of vessels intervened 4 17.4 1.6 vessels intervened
LIMA to LAD 4 17.4
Average follow up 23 100.0 38.5 months

CABG = coronary artery bypass grafting; CHF = congestive heart failure; COPD = chronic obstructive pulmonary disease; CVA = cerebrovascular accident; DM = diabetes mellitus; EF = ejection fraction; GI = gastrointestinal; HTN = hypertension; LAD = left anterior descending; LIMA = left internal mammary artery; LM = left main; MI = myocardial infarction; PCI = percutaneous coronary intervention; PVD = peripheral vascular disease.

Among 23 studies, the total sample size was 48,994 patients (CABG: n = 22,957; PCI: n = 26,037) with an average follow-up of 37.1 ± 22.6 months. There were 29,738 total deaths, for an overall mortality risk of 60.1%. Patients who underwent CABG had a lower mortality risk (13,143 of 22,957, 57.2%) than those who underwent PCI (16,595 of 26,037, 63.8%). Figure 2 , is the forest plot with the RRs and 95% CIs using the random-effects model of individual studies along with the overall summary estimate of 0.92 (95% CI 0.89 to 0.96) favoring CABG.

Figure 2

Forest plot comparing all-cause mortality between CABG and PCI in patients with ESRD.

Significant heterogeneity was demonstrated (I 2 = 48.6%, p = 0.005) for the main estimate. Figure 3 shows the result of subgroup analyses categorized by year of study initiation along with the results for heterogeneity for each category. The summary estimate of RR of death comparing CABG and PCI decreased from 1.02 (95% CI 0.75 to 1.38) in studies initiated before 1990 to 0.91 (95% CI 0.87 to 0.95) in studies started from 1991 to 2002. The RR summary estimate for studies initiated on or after 2003 was 0.93 (95% CI 0.83 to 1.06). The corresponding heterogeneity decreased from studies initiated before 1990 (I 2 = 63.0%, p = 0.009) to studies initiated on or after 2003 (I 2 = 0.0%, p = 0.64). The RR of removal of consecutive large studies did not substantially change the summary estimate but did affect precision (Removal of Herzog 1999 study resulted in a RR of 0.92 [0.88 to 0.97]; removal of Herzog 1999 and Herzog 2002 resulted in a RR of 0.94 [0.87 to 1.02]; and finally, removal of Herzog 1999, Herzog 2002, and Chang 2012 resulted in a RR of 0.95 [0.85 to 1.06]).

Nov 26, 2016 | Posted by in CARDIOLOGY | Comments Off on Effectiveness of Percutaneous Coronary Intervention Versus Coronary Artery Bypass Grafting in Patients With End-Stage Renal Disease

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