Echocardiographic Assessment of the Left Ventricle

10 Echocardiographic Assessment of the Left Ventricle

Left ventricular Assessment and Quantification

Given the prevalence of coronary artery disease, chest pain syndromes, hypertension, valvular lesions, and need to select cases for ICD insertion, assessment of the left ventricle is the principal referral reason for echocardiography in most laboratories. However, it is also one of the more difficult applications of echocardiography, because much of the echocardiographic assessment of the ventricular function is derived from subjective visual assessment. Furthermore, the three-dimensionsal (3D) geometry of the heart (which typically distorts further in disease), and the inherent limitations of depicting a 3D structure with a limited number of two-dimensional (2D) planar tomographic views, confers a fundamental challenge.

Quantification is desirable to lessen variance and to improve comparative power. However, echocardiographic quantification tools and software, other than the relatively new real-time 3D technique, are relatively unsophisticated and unsuccessful when compared to those of cardiac magnetic resonance (CMR) and cardiac CT scanning, and unsuccessful when compared to the venerable nuclear test of blood pool scanning. The fact that quantification (other than the real-time 3D technique) improves echocardiographic estimation of ejection fraction says at least as much about the lack of reproducibility of visual assessment as it does about the ability of quantification.

No method of endocardial border delineation, by any modality, is an ideal technique to determine left ventricle (LV) volumes. The topography of the endocardial surface of the LV is so irregular that modalities with poor resolution, such as multi-gated acquisition (MUGA) scanning and contrast ventriculography, falsely simplify the task. ECG-gated cardiac CT and sometimes MRI steady-state free precession (SSFP) sequences depict the endocardium so clearly that the appearance of the actual endocardial topography is initially overwhelming.

Left ventricular Thickness and Mass

Left Ventricular Mass (Hypertrophy) Assessment

Left Ventricular Hypertrophy—Increased Left Ventricular Mass

Using these paramenters, though, results in a 3% incidence of LVH in normotensive individuals.3 Changing the definition to >140 g/m2 in men reduces the incidence to 1.3%.3 As left ventricular mass index is a linear variable, a prominent effect is imparted by establishing a cut-off to dichotomize the variable as “LVH” or “no LVH.”

Systolic Function

Left Ventricular Ejection Fraction and Volume Assessment

The laboratory assessment of ventricular volumes and ejection fraction is a complex topic, as all techniques—catheterization, echocardiography, MUGA, CT, and MRI—use conventions to resolve uncertainties inherent in delineation of ventricular contours at end-diastole and end-systole. The crux of the problem is the markedly irregular topographic variation of the endocardial surface, and the geometric complexities of both ventricular cavities. To compound difficulties for echocardiogrpahy, the quality of the appearance of the ventricular border (endocardium) differs between end diastole and end systole for some modalities. End-systolic trabecular tips are generally clearer than are end-diastolic endocardial trabecular tips. At end diastole, the volume between trabeculations is large; at end systole, however, the volume between trabeculations is small. Lastly, the LV (and RV) outflow tract volumes are poorly represented by most analysis techniques.

Echocardiography, CT, and MRI share some similarities in the identification of the endocardial surface, because they all predominantly delineate endocardium. By echocardiography, CT, and MRI, the end-diastolic inner contour appears to be at the base of trabeculations; the end-systolic inner contour of the LV appears to be at the top of trabeculations, as the intertrabeculation spaces are inapparent at end systole. Thus, the volume of the trabeculations tends not to be included in the assessment of end diastole, but does tend to be included in the assessment of end systole.

MUGA and catheter ventriculography predominantly delineate blood pool. The change in the LV topography is depicted differently with MUGA (which does not visualize endocardium) and with catheterization (which faintly visualizes myocardium), than by echodardiography, CT, or MRI.

Thus, each modality to assess the LV has its own imaging-specific issues and attempts to standardize methodology using conventions: including trabeculations or not, includng papillary muscles or not, assuming the base of the LV to be the annulus or the leaflet tips, and so on.

Currently, MRI (SSFP) offers the best means to determine ventricular (including right ventricular) volumes and EF%. It shares imaging similarities with both blood-pool and endocardium-delineating methods, but has some specific issues, and does involve convention, visual editing, and therefore does have some error and variation.

Even after body surface area normalization, men have larger EDV than do women: 58 vs. 50 mL/m2, P < 0.005. Ejection fraction is not significantly different, at 69% vs. 64%.15

As an example of the differences in technique, and the inherent problems specific to different techniques, the following list presents points concerning notable differences between echocardiographic and angiographic estimates of LV volumes.

Echocardiographic Assessment of Left Ventricular Volumes

image Echocardiographic use of the mitral annulus as the base of the LV achieves a shorter long axis than does angiographic assessment.

image Echocardiography is prone to underestimating the location of the true apex, and, therefore, underestimates the true long-axis dimension of the LV (“foreshortening” due to sampling too medially).

image Echocardiographic planimetry of the endocardial surface excludes the portion of the LV within the trabecular spaces.

image Echocardiographic assessment of the LV from apical views is achieved from the same site; however, given heart motion, the optimal long-axis depiction of the LV at end systole and at end diastole may be better obtained from different sites.

image The echocardiographic apical four-chamber view tends to underestimate LV area and volume.

image The echocardiographic apical two-chamber view is much less prone to foreshortening, and to underestimation of the LV area and volume.

image Use of both the A4CV and A2CV (“biplane”) incorporates some tendency to underestimate the LV volume because of use of the A4CV.

image Echocardiographic planimetry of the endocardium is performed at the tips of the trabeculations, which excludes the intertrabecular spaces and underestimates the true LV volumes.

image Echocardiography is better at determining LV systolic volume than diastolic volume because the trabecular endocardial definition is consistently better at end systole, because approximated trabeculation tips are visually obvious. For lack of trabecular detail in diastole, echocardiography tends to overestimate diastolic volumes.

image The echocardiographic convention of inclusion of the papillary muscle bodies in both systole and diastole offsets the error in stroke volume calculation, but confers more error to actual end-systolic volume determination, as papillary muscles may occupy 10 to 15 mL of volume.

Jun 12, 2016 | Posted by in CARDIOLOGY | Comments Off on Echocardiographic Assessment of the Left Ventricle

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