10 Echocardiographic Assessment of the Left Ventricle
Left ventricular Assessment and Quantification
Required Parameters to Obtain from Echocardiographic Scanning
For all patients, unless the LV is solidly normal by visual assessment
Left ventricular Thickness and Mass
Left Ventricular Wall Thickness
There are several different conventions of wall thickness measurement—the standard is to use the internal interface.
Measurements traditionally are made at the mitral leaflet tips, where the walls usually are typically of uniform thickness, not tapered.
Avoid the right ventricular (RV) trabeculation/band common at this site of the basal anterior septum.
Interobserver variability of wall thickness and cavitary dimensions is considerable.1
Autopsy versus echocardiographic determination of LV wall thickness
Wall thickness should be viewed, in general, as a shortcut to assessing for the presence of left ventricular hypertrophy (LVH). The considerable assumption in using wall thickness as a surrogate for LV mass is that the cavitary internal dimensions are normal in size.
But even in the preharmonic era, septal wall thickness ≥12.8 mm or posterior wall thickness ≥11.3 is seen by echocardiography in 3.8% of supposed normotensives.3
Left Ventricular Mass (Hypertrophy) Assessment
LV mass is determined by both wall thickness and cavitary dimensions. Therefore, wall thickness is a relatively poor descriptor of LVH.
LVH, by definition, is increased LV mass, not increased wall thickness, and is defined to a pathologist as LV mass >220 g.
LVH to an imager is defined as >2 SD above the mean value for the test and method employed.
For an echocardiographer, LVH usually is >225 g, but gender-specific definitions are appropriate, because LV mass is very clearly influenced by gender.
LV mass correlates with many clinical factors (height, body surface area, body mass index, lean weight, skin thickness, and blood pressure). Therefore, some attempt to “index” or “normalize” LV mass for common clinical parameters should be undertaken. Generally, LV mass is indexed to either body surface area or height.
In small ventricles, volume normalization of LV mass (LV mass/LVEDV [left ventricular end-diastolic volume]) is reasonable to describe LVH.
Wall thickness is measurable in most patients within ±10% (1 mm); therefore, as most formulas use the cube of measurements, the expected error is considerable (realistically it is about 30%; in the best case scenario it is still at least 20%).
Severe distortion of the LV, especially from prior infarctions, renders LV mass calculations dubious.
Left Ventricular Mass Calculation and Equations
ASE short-axis method, modified
where IVSd is interventricular septal dimension and PWd is posterior wall dimension.
1.04 is the specific gravity of myocardium used in this equation.
0.8 is the correction factor for the ASE equation that would otherwise overestimate the mass by 20%.
Every millimeter of chamber inaccuracy contributes an 8-g difference to the mass.
These equations originally derived from M-mode (at the mitral valve tip) measurements, as M-mode at the time was more accurate than were 2D measurements.
Major, often unsubstantiated, assumptions include the following:
Left Ventricular Hypertrophy—Increased Left Ventricular Mass
Using these paramenters, though, results in a 3% incidence of LVH in normotensive individuals.3 Changing the definition to >140 g/m2 in men reduces the incidence to 1.3%.3 As left ventricular mass index is a linear variable, a prominent effect is imparted by establishing a cut-off to dichotomize the variable as “LVH” or “no LVH.”
Should M-Mode or Two-Dimensional Data Be Used to Calculate Left Ventricular Mass?
M-mode is still a higher-resolution modality, but is subject to misalignment, which may overestimate transverse dimensions if the misalignment is significant. Generally, M-mode–derived estimates of left ventricular mass correlate only modestly with necropsy weights (r = 0.58–0.67).9
Reliability of Differences in Mass
When are differences in mass reliable, given the SEE?
2D error in tangential imaging may be no better than M-mode, and may be displaced.11
Echocardiographic calculations of LV mass are really suited only to detect the sort of large changes in the LV that would be seen post aortic valve surgery11 rather than the small changes that happen with lifestyle or drug interventions or with detraining. MRI is able to show changes in LV mass in much smaller study cohorts than would be required using echocardiography.
Best case scenario: LV mass change ±35 g or ±17 g/m2 has 95% or 80% likelihood, respectively, of being true.12
Or, in a conservative approach—a 60-g difference is needed to exceed the 95% CI. This is greater than the 20- to 30-g change seen in response to antihypertensive treatment.11
Echocardiography versus Electrocardiography for the Detection of Left Ventricular Hypertrophy
As noted, the incidence of LVH by echocardiography will depend on the definition. There are a host of ECG signs of LVH and left atrial enlargement that have poor sensitivity and positive predictive value (Table 10-3).
Interestingly, echocardiographic and electrocardiographic LVH predict mortality independently of each other.14
Systolic Function
Left Ventricular Segmentation
The LV is segmented, by convention shared with nuclear imaging, CT scanning, and MRI, into 17 segments.1 Abnormalities in wall motion and systolic thickening should be seen in two, preferably orthogonal, views, to be confirmed.
Left Ventricular Ejection Fraction and Volume Assessment
Even after body surface area normalization, men have larger EDV than do women: 58 vs. 50 mL/m2, P < 0.005. Ejection fraction is not significantly different, at 69% vs. 64%.15
Echocardiographic Assessment of Left Ventricular Volumes
Echocardiographic use of the mitral annulus as the base of the LV achieves a shorter long axis than does angiographic assessment.
Echocardiography is prone to underestimating the location of the true apex, and, therefore, underestimates the true long-axis dimension of the LV (“foreshortening” due to sampling too medially).
Echocardiographic planimetry of the endocardial surface excludes the portion of the LV within the trabecular spaces.
Echocardiographic assessment of the LV from apical views is achieved from the same site; however, given heart motion, the optimal long-axis depiction of the LV at end systole and at end diastole may be better obtained from different sites.
The echocardiographic apical four-chamber view tends to underestimate LV area and volume.
The echocardiographic apical two-chamber view is much less prone to foreshortening, and to underestimation of the LV area and volume.
Use of both the A4CV and A2CV (“biplane”) incorporates some tendency to underestimate the LV volume because of use of the A4CV.
Echocardiographic planimetry of the endocardium is performed at the tips of the trabeculations, which excludes the intertrabecular spaces and underestimates the true LV volumes.
Echocardiography is better at determining LV systolic volume than diastolic volume because the trabecular endocardial definition is consistently better at end systole, because approximated trabeculation tips are visually obvious. For lack of trabecular detail in diastole, echocardiography tends to overestimate diastolic volumes.
The echocardiographic convention of inclusion of the papillary muscle bodies in both systole and diastole offsets the error in stroke volume calculation, but confers more error to actual end-systolic volume determination, as papillary muscles may occupy 10 to 15 mL of volume.
Angiographic Assessment of Left Ventricular Volumes
Angiographic assessment of the LV tends to overestimate LV volumes because of
The inclusion of papillary muscles and mitral components in the angiographic determination of LV volume
Projection magnification of the LV volume.
Planimetry is performed at the deepest extent of the LV trabeculations.
Use of a single right anterior oblique plane is less accurate than is biplane cineangiography, and overweights the visual impression toward LAD perfused myocardium.
Traditional catheterization determinations of normal cardiac volumes, in 53 men <60 years of age, using single-plane RAO projection cineangiography, were as follows:16
Note that the normal stroke volume index is 45 ± 13 mL/m2.17
Radionuclide Angiography
MUGA correlation is excellent: r = 0.94–0.98 for two calculations of the same study or first-pass versus equilibrium.
Interobserver agreement is very also good, but not perfect (r > 0.90).
There are some data that suggest that first-pass technique may underestimate EF%
Different modalities would, therefore, describe the same ventricle differently.
Echocardiographic Methods
Visual Estimates
Intraobserver variability of visual estimates is predictably considerable and wide ranging. Thus, visual estimates are the most variable and the least accurate method of estimation of LV function, and real-world experience strongly discourages their use. Unless a laboratory validates the accuracy of their visual estimate, it provides more opinion than fact. Large inter- and intraobserver variability are depicted in Figures 10-1 to 10-3.