Diseases, from the Infant to the Adolescent

Fig. 38.1

Atopic march

From the physiopathological aspect, the syndromes are characterized by the capacity of the affected person to manifest an allergic hypersensitivity, whether it is mediated by IgE or not. This capacity has a strong genetic basis, which allows the person to respond to different antigens that are common environmental proteins.

IgE-mediated allergy develops by interaction with proteins that have the potential to cause sensitization. An allergen is absorbed by the mucosa (gastrointestinal, cutaneous, respiratory) through a disruption in the affected epithelium and is then recognized by the antigen-presenting cell (APC). The most important cells of this kind are the dendritic cells, which migrate with the allergen toward the lymphatic tissue. These cells present small peptide fragments, resulting from processing to the class II major histocompatibility complex with native LT CD4+. Depending on the type of cytokines present in the initial interaction with the APC, native CD4 cells can be differentiated in five effector cells subgroups: Th1, Th2, Th17, Th22, and Treg. In allergic diseases, the presence of interleukin (IL)-4 promotes the differentiation from T cells to Th2 cells, which are specific for allergens and produce great quantities of IL-4, IL-5, and IL-13, along with no or a minimum amount of interferon-gamma (IFN-γ). IL-4 is the greatest change factor that makes B cells synthesize IgE. The presence of IL-12 and IL-17 favors the differentiation to Th1 cells, which produce large quantities of IFN-γ, which is a potent antagonist of IL-4 and inhibits the differentiation to Th2 cells. IgE-mediated diseases appear by a Th2 predominance because of the lack of regulation that Th1 and Treg must accomplish, which is a high production of IgE-specific antibodies for the antigen that caused the process, which bond to its high-specificity receptor (FcεRI), from different effector cells, such as mastocytes and eosinophils. A new union between the specific antigen and two IgE molecules fixes these effector cells, causing the release of several chemical mediators, such as histamines, leukotrienes, brachinine, platelet activation factor, and others, which migrate to the tissue where the allergic inflammation process has started. The release of an important group of chemical mediators is the cause of early signs of allergic reaction: rhinorrhea, sneezing, and pruritus in the nasal cavities, bronchoconstriction, and erythema, along with skin itching. Cellular infiltration, activated by the release of these mediators and its persistent action, explains late signs, such as persistent nasal obstruction, bronchial hyperreactivity, and remodeling (Figs. 38.2 and 38.3). The union of the IgE allergenic complex to low-affinity receptors (FcεRII, CD23), expressed in lymphocytes, monocytes, macrophages, and platelets, stimulates the lymphocyte activity, thus increasing the allergic response by promoting a greater Th2 response. The predominance of Th2 lymphocytes originates the abnormal synthesis of IL-4, IL-5, IL-9, and IL-13, which are closely related to IgE synthesis, and the immediate and late allergic reaction, with bronchial hyperreactivity eosinophilia and remodeling of the airway.


Fig. 38.2

Allergic reaction


Fig. 38.3

Interregulation among the different subgroups of T-CD4+ cells

Clinical Manifestations

Allergic diseases can appear at any time in the life of a child, and the clinical manifestation depends on the age of the patient. A chronological analysis of these manifestations follows.

Newborn Period

Allergic reactions in a child under 1 month old are very uncommon, and when they are present they can be FA (cow’s milk proteins) or AD, which are further analyzed in the infant stage section. During intrauterine life, in the maternofetal interface, the period of response to specific antigens begins between the fourth to seventh month of pregnancy. It has been confirmed that the fetus may produce specific IgE from the 11th week of intrauterine life. Reactivity to different allergens in the blood of the fetus is seen by week 22 of gestation, when IL-4 and INF-γ are already present. At 16–17 weeks, IL-10 predominates over INF-γ in the human amniotic fluid, which predisposes to a Th2 response. The tissues of the fetus that are more exposed to the antigens present in the amniotic fluid are the skin and the intestine, and secondarily the respiratory system, which would explain why the first allergic manifestations of extrauterine life are in these organs.

Infant Period

As already mentioned, FA and AD are the earliest manifestations of allergies, constituting the first clinical elements that allow us to suspect atopy in a patient. At 2 years old, 50% of the atopic patients present with symptoms of FA and AD, and at 5 years old, 60% of them; in this same age group, 40% of the atopic patients have symptoms of BA and 25% of AR.

FA has an early onset during the first months of life, beginning an important decrease, depending on the problematic food, between 2 and 3 years old. Its prevalence is greater during the first years of life, around 6% in patients who are under 3 years old. It is infrequent in patients over 5 years old, and its frequency continues to be low until adolescence.

Food allergy

FA is the immunological reaction mediated by IgE or another hypersensitivity mechanism to one or more components of a food, and it must be differentiated from the adverse reactions to certain foods, which is the abnormal clinical response caused by some food or additive, caused by nonimmunological mechanisms. Its clinical manifestations are characterized by a wide variety of symptoms and signs, which may be localized or systemic. In infants the most common signs are irritability and gastrointestinal symptoms, such as nausea, vomiting, recurring abdominal pain such as colic, diarrhea, and eventually blood in the stools. It may be present along a stationary growth curve, or show weight loss, in most severe cases. The foods most likely to cause food allergy are the following.

  • Milk: Milk contains several potentially allergen proteins, and the manifestations of the allergy are presented in about 2.5% of infants; about 85% achieve tolerance when the patient is between 3 and 5 years old. These patients have more than 50% of possibilities to develop other allergies, and more than 80% of chances of developing allergies to inhaled allergens later in life.

  • Egg: The manifestation frequency of egg allergy in infants is estimated as 2.5%; it contains the most allergen proteins, mainly in the egg white, and its tolerance is achieved around the third year of life. As happens with milk, sensitization to egg is related to an increased risk of developing allergies to inhaled allergens.

  • Peanut: In countries where the consumption of peanut begins early (incorporated into other foods or as butter), an allergy frequency of 0.6% is reported, and this tends to last during several years, or even for the lifetime. Its tolerance is described as less than 20% at the second year of life.

  • Less frequent: Soy (0.3–0.4%), wheat, fish, fruits, and vegetables, which are more frequent later in life and during adulthood.

Allergy to cow’s milk generally remits at the third year of life, and allergy to egg usually remits before puberty, although if it severe it may last for the lifetime. Allergies to fish, crustaceans, nuts, and peanuts may not totally improve, but they can be less severe later in life.

Atopic dermatitis

AD is a recurrent chronic skin disease characterized by reddish lesions, intense pruritus, and usually patches of dry skin in different parts of the body. These lesions usually present at first in the cheeks, and after that they may expand to the forehead, ears, scalp, chest, genitals, and limbs. Later in life the lesions tend to be drier and to be located in skin folds (retroauricular fold, neck, wrists, cubital fossa, and popliteal fossa). Atopy in the family background may or may not be present. Food allergy to the aforementioned foods is one of the frequent causes of AD. The NICE clinical guide includes the signs for its clinical diagnosis, diagnostic criteria, and evaluation of degree of seriousness.

Different follow-up prospective studies have determined the risk factor these pathologies may have in the posterior development of BA or AR. So, if an infant with AD at 3 months has the background of one of the parents or a sibling having atopy, this patient has a more than 50% chance of presenting BA when he is 5–6 years old and about 75% of suffering from this disease during the school years.

AR and AB , along with anaphylaxis, are less common symptoms in infants. Even though they can be present in infants, these symptoms tend to appear later in life.

Bronchial asthma

It begins early in the life of the atopic child, who can manifest respiratory symptoms during this stage of life, although it tends to be predominant later in life. Traditionally the groups of symptoms and signs these patients present are classified as wheezing, polypnea, retraction of soft parts, and prolonged exhalation, during periods that can be related or not to viral conditions, such as an acute wheezing episode. A group of these infants (about 25–30%) have bronchial asthma, and although pulmonary tests are not routinely performed to confirm the diagnosis, clinical and laboratory criteria provide orientation in the diagnosis, even during the infant period. The asthma predictive index (API) (published by J.A. Castro-Rodríguez, then modified by T. Gilbert) is detailed in Table 38.1. Following the criteria of the first, it is known that if an infant has more than three acute wheezing episodes within a year and positive (+) API, it is possible to affirm that there is a 77% chance that this child will be affected by BA during the school-age years (6–13 years old). On the contrary, with a negative (−) API, we can affirm, with 68% certainty, that the condition of this child will tend to disappear in time and the child will not have bronchial asthma in the future. In other words, infants with a positive API have a sevenfold increase in their risk to suffer from bronchial asthma during their school age in comparison to those who are API negative.

Table 38.1

Asthma predictive index (API)

Original APIa

Modified APIb

Major criteria

Major criteria

 Asthma family history

 Asthma family history

 Medical diagnosis of AD



 Sensitizing to (Björkstén 1999) 1 air allergen

Minor criteria

Minor criteria

 AR medical diagnosis

 Sensitivity to milk, peanut, or egg

 Wheezing without flu

 Wheezing without flu

 Hematic eosinophilia (Björkstén 1999), 4%

 Hematic eosinophilia (Björkstén 1999), 4%

Castro-Rodríguez JA. J Allergy Clin Immunol. 2010;126:212–6

Guilbert TW, et al. J Allergy Clin Immunol. 2004;114:1282–7

AD Atopic dermatitis, AR allergic rhinitis

aA positive index is defined when recurring wheezing episodes are reported within the last years with two major criteria or two minor criteria

bA positive index is defined when four or more wheezing episodes are reported, at least confirmed by a doctor, and one major criteria or two minor criteria

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