Chapter 6 Congenitally Corrected Transposition of the Great Arteries
More than a century elapsed before Karl von Rokitansky1 applied the term corrected to a hitherto undescribed form of transposition of the great arteries: “The left atrioventricular valve and the left-sided ventricle resembled the usual right atrioventricular valve and right ventricle. The aorta is positioned somewhat left and anterior…. The right-sided ventricle … is finely trabeculated, as usually seen in the left-sided ventricle. The venous atrioventricular ostium has a bivalve. From the right-sided ventricle arises a somewhat right and posteriorly positioned pulmonary artery…. The atria are normal, a right caval atrium and a left pulmonary venous atrium.”
At the end of the 18th century, Mathew Baille2 described a singular malformation characterized by discordant origins of the arterial trunks from the ventricular mass. In 1957, Anderson and coworkers described the clinical manifestations of Rokitansky’s singular malformation; and 4 years later, Schiebler and coworkers3 changed the term corrected to congenitally corrected to clarify that the correction was a gift of God and not a gift of the surgeon. The reader is referred to three seminal publications.4–6
Transposition of the great arteries is characterized by chambers that are joined concordantly at the atrioventricular junction but discordantly at the ventriculo-great arterial junction (see Chapter 27).7,8 The pulmonary artery arises from a morphologic left ventricle, and the aorta arises from a morphologic right ventricle. The circulations are in parallel rather than in series. Congenitally corrected transposition is characterized by chambers that are joined discordantly at the atrioventricular junction and ventricles that are joined discordantly at the ventriculo-great arterial junction; atrioventricular alignments and ventriculoarterial alignments are both discordant (Figures 6-1 and 6-2).3,4,9 The double discordance—atrioventricular and ventriculoarterial—physiologically corrects the discordance intrinsic to each (see Figure 6-1). Blood from a morphologic right atrium reaches the pulmonary artery by traversing a morphologic mitral valve and a morphologic left ventricle, and blood from a morphologic left atrium reaches the aorta by traversing a morphologic tricuspid valve and a morphologic right ventricle (Figures 6-1 and 6-3).3,4,9 The terms atrioventricular discordance, l-transposition, ventricular inversion, and congenitally corrected transposition are used interchangeably. Atrioventricular discordance requires the presence of two morphologically distinct atria and two morphologically distinct ventricles. Hearts in which two morphologically distinct atria are aligned with one ventricle (univentricular atrioventricular connection) are the subject of Chapter 26.
The terms used in this chapter were defined in Chapter 3 but are repeated here for the reader’s convenience.
Congenitally corrected transposition of the great arteries typically occurs in situs solitus. The estimated prevalence rate is 0.5% of clinically diagnosed congenital malformations of the heart or approximately 1 in 13,000 live births.16,17 Virtually all patients have coexisting cardiac malformations—ventricular septal defect, pulmonary stenosis, abnormalities of the left atrioventricular (AV) valve, and conduction defects.
The coronary artery arrangement is an important morphologic aspect of congenitally corrected transposition.7 The Leiden Convention proposed a means of relating the origins of the coronary arteries to the aortic sinuses from which they originate.7,18 The coronary arteries almost always arise from both, or one or the other, aortic sinuses that are adjacent to the pulmonary trunk7 and are morphologically concordant with the ventricles (i.e., the right coronary artery perfuses the morphologic right ventricle and the left coronary artery perfuses the morphologic left ventricle; Figure 6-4; see Chapter 32).3,4,19–22 Epicardial distribution is a guide to ventricular inversion because the course of the anterior descending artery establishes the location of the ventricular septum. Coronary artery abnormalities are common,22 especially a single coronary artery (see Chapter 32).20
In congenitally corrected transposition of the great arteries, the anterior and leftward ascending aorta and the posterior and rightward pulmonary trunk are parallel and do not cross as in the normal heart3 (see Figures 6-1 and 6-2). The aorta is either convex to the left or ascends vertically but is not border forming on the right. A subaortic conus is responsible for the anterior and leftward position of the ascending aorta and the posterior and medial position of the pulmonary trunk.23 Anatomically corrected malposition refers to an anomaly in which the ascending aorta lies anterior and to the left of the pulmonary trunk in the presence of atrioventricular and ventriculoarterial concordance.23,24
The physiologic consequences of congenitally corrected transposition depend on the functional adequacy of a subaortic morphologic right ventricle and on coexisting congenital malformations.4,16,25 The thick-walled subaortic right ventricle is concordant with a right coronary artery that is designed to perfuse a thin-walled low-resistance right ventricle. A normal subpulmonary right ventricle is designed to serve the low-resistance pulmonary circulation, and its geometry remains unchanged when it is inverted to the subaortic position. Regional strain, twist, and radial wall motion in a subaortic right ventricle differ considerably from a subaortic left ventricle.26 An inverted subaortic right ventricle has a high prevalence of myocardial perfusion defects and abnormalities of regional wall motion.27 A normal subpulmonary right ventricle has a relatively high end-diastolic volume, so normal stroke volumes are achieved with ejection fractions of 35% to 45%.16,25 Importantly, the low ejection fraction does not increase when a morphologic right ventricle is inverted into the subaortic position, so the ejection fraction is considerably less than that of a normal subaortic left ventricle16,25 and response to supine exercise is similar to the response of a noninverted right ventricle.16,25 Ventricular septal defect, pulmonary stenosis, abnormalities of the left AV valve, and conduction defects have a considerable impact on the function of an inherently inadequate inverted right ventricle.3,4
A ventricular septal defect is present in 78% of necropsy cases (Figure 6-5), is usually nonrestrictive perimembranous, and typically extends into the inlet and trabecular septum.4 The inlet septum is poorly aligned with the atrial septum, which results in a malalignment gap that is sometimes filled by tissue from the membranous septum. Pulmonary stenosis or atresia occurs in 50% of cases and represents obstruction to outflow of the morphologic left ventricle.4 The stenosis is isolated in about 20% of cases and occurs with a ventricular septal defect in the remaining 80%. Fixed subpulmonary stenosis4 takes several forms: (1) a fibrous subpulmonary diaphragm attached to the mitral valve, analogous to fixed subaortic stenosis in hearts with noninverted ventricles; (2) aneurysms or fibrous tissue tags that originate from the relatively large membranous septum; and (3) accessory mitral leaflet tissue.3 Subaortic stenosis (obstruction to outflow of the morphologic right ventricle) is caused by anterior deviation of the infundibulum septum or by hypertrophied infundibular muscle bundles.1
Abnormalities of the inverted left atrioventricular valve are present in more than 90% of cases.4 The malformed valve usually functions normally in early life, but an age-related increase in regurgitation is seen. The abnormalities resemble those of Ebstein’s anomaly of a right-sided tricuspid valve in hearts without ventricular inversion (Figure 6-6A),3,4,28 but the anterior leaflet of the inverted Ebstein’s valve is usually small and malformed28 and the atrialized portion of the inverted right ventricle is poorly developed.28 Left atrioventricular valve incompetence is not necessarily caused by an Ebstein’s-like malformation, and the valve is occasionally stenotic rather than incompetent (see Chapter 13). Neonates with severe regurgitation of the inverted atrioventricular valve have an increased incidence of hypoplastic aortic arch, aortic atresia, and aortic coarctation.29 Abnormalities of the right-sided inverted mitral valve have been reported in more than half of necropsy specimens and consist of multiple cusps, multiple or compound papillary muscles, anomalous chordal attachments, and a cleft valve or a common valve.30
The male:female ratio is approximately 1.5:1.3 The occurrence of congenitally corrected transposition and complete transposition among first-degree relatives in different families is believed to represent monogenic transmission and implies a pathogenetic link between the two malformations.31,32 Symptoms and clinical course depend chiefly on the presence and degree of coexisting malformations (see previous discussion), but longevity principally hinges on the vulnerability of the subaortic morphologic right ventricle, even with no coexisting malformations.33–35 Infant mortality is related to congestive heart failure. Survival is then relatively constant, with an attrition rate of approximately 1% to 2% year.36 Young patients with isolated congenitally corrected transposition are often overlooked because symptoms are absent and clinical signs are subtle.3 The diagnosis may come to light because of abnormalities in an x-ray (Figure 6-7) or an electrocardiogram (Figure 6-20) or because of symptomatic complete heart block (Figure 6-8).3,37,38 High-degree heart block rarely occurs in utero but is occasionally present shortly after birth (see Figure 6-8),39,40 or may announce itself later as a Stokes-Adams attack or sudden death.39,41 The age-related risk of development of complete heart block is about 2% per year.39 Left atrioventricular valve regurgitation is closely coupled to long-term survival.36,38 The regurgitation is usually occult in infants, so late appearance prompts a mistaken diagnosis of acquired mitral regurgitation.
Survival to the sixth or seventh decade is infrequent,3,17,21,33,42,43 but two patients reached their eighth decade.36,44 In isolated congenitally corrected transposition, failure of the subaortic right ventricle is uncommon but not rare and may occur during pregnancy in previously asymptomatic women.45 Myocardial perfusion defects are prevalent.27 Angina pectoris is attributed to a supply-demand imbalance between a thick-walled systemic right ventricle and its blood supply from a morphologic right coronary artery (see previous discussion).
The ventricular septal defect that accompanies congenitally corrected transposition is typically nonrestrictive with a clinical course analogous to a ventricular septal defect of analogous size in normally formed hearts (see Chapter 17).3 Pulmonary stenosis exerts a protective effect by curtailing excessive pulmonary blood flow. An inverted subpulmonary left ventricle adapts to the systemic systolic pressure incurred by a nonrestrictive ventricular septal defect. Isolated pulmonary stenosis varies from mild to severe and has a clinical course analogous to equivalent pulmonary stenosis in hearts without ventricular inversion (see Chapter 11).