This chapter discusses the spectrum of congenital lung disease from the upper airway down to the lung parenchyma and microvasculature, and associated relevant malformations in the chest wall and mediastinum, and systemically. A systematic way of describing an individual malformation is proposed, using clear words to delineate the components of the malformation before planning treatment. Congenital lung disease may present in utero right up to old age. Many large malformations diagnosed antenatally largely regress in the third trimester of pregnancy, and are only detectable postnatally on computed tomography (CT) scanning. Management of asymptomatic congenital cystic malformations is controversial; many remain symptom free for a long time, whereas others become the seat of infection or malignancy, or result in other complications, such as air embolism. Histological overlap between what were once thought of as discrete entities, such as congenital cystic adenomatoid malformation and sequestration, are common, and attempting to determine histology from clinical images is fraught with difficulty. Newer imaging techniques, such as magnetic resonance and CT angiography, are increasingly used to image congenital lung malformations, with conventional angiography reserved for situations when therapeutic embolization of the malformation is being considered. Advances in surgical techniques, in particular for congenital diaphragmatic hernia, mean that there are more survivors into childhood and adult life. The optimal follow-up for patients with congenital lung malformations, whether surgically treated or not, remains to be determined.
cystic adenomatoid malformation, sequestration, malignancy, cyst, upper airway obstruction
The increased skill and widespread application of antenatal ultrasound and more recently antenatal magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) not only has allowed precise early diagnosis of many congenital malformations, but also has brought new problems. UK National Screening Committee guidelines recommend that all women be offered a detailed fetal anomaly scan at around 20 weeks’ gestation to confirm the gestational age and examine the fetal anatomy in detail according to standards dictated by the Fetal Anomaly Screening Programme. Many parents are now faced with having to decide what to do for a baby affected by one of many different abnormalities, some of which would have previously escaped detection. The natural history of many of these malformations is unknown, and so health professionals can have difficulty offering accurate information to parents faced with the unexpected diagnosis of an abnormality in their baby. The diagnosis of fetal lung lesions is one good example. Early reports published in the 1980s described a poor outcome for fetuses with lung masses detected in the second trimester. However, these studies were biased by a high incidence of intervention, including termination of pregnancy. With increasing use of antenatal ultrasound and the detection of many less obvious lesions, it has become clear that, if conservative management is followed, many may disappear or regress considerably by term. Indeed, as we will demonstrate in this chapter, the outcome for such fetuses is generally very good, and the dilemma now is whether to pursue conservative or surgical management in an asymptomatic infant. Further confusion arises as to how these malformations should be described. The nomenclature of congenital lung disease was never very clear, with terms such as sequestrated segment, cystic adenomatoid malformation, hypoplastic lung, and malinosculation being used to describe abnormalities that often overlap. Now, however, they are used inconsistently before and after birth. For example, congenital cystic adenomatoid malformation (CCAM), subsequently renamed as congenital pulmonary airway malformation (CPAM), is used by perinatologists to describe a lesion that may well disappear before birth, but is used postnatally to describe an abnormality that may require lobectomy. CPAMs may have a pulmonary arterial supply or be supplied like a sequestration from systemic arteries, and histologic features of these lesions may overlap. Furthermore, overlap lesions, containing features of two or even three pathological entities, are common. MRI now delineates the blood supply of antenatal malformations with increasing precision, although the ability to acquire sophisticated images is not necessarily the best indication for so doing. New treatment options, such as fetal surgery and even fetal interventional bronchoscopy, and postnatal embolization of feeding vessels, are available; however, the exact place of novel interventions is unclear. A complete reappraisal of the diagnosis, investigation, and management of congenital lung disease is thus timely. A complete review of congenital lung disease might also include a few disorders that are acquired in utero, such as congenital pneumonias (discussed in Chapter 19 ), but this chapter is limited to the stricter definition of developmental disorders. There is overlap with the developmental components of pediatric interstitial lung disease, and these are described in detail in Chapters 54 and 57 .
Clinical Approach
To clarify dialogue among various professionals (obstetricians, perinatologists, pediatric surgeons, pathologists, pediatricians), it is suggested that these principles be followed :
- 1.
What is actually seen should be described without indulgence in embryologic speculation, which may later be proved wrong. Clinical descriptions should not include assumptions of pathology, since the same clinical appearance (e.g., a multicystic mass) may have different pathologic etiologies (see examples previously). Indeed, specific antenatal diagnoses often have to be revised after postnatal excision of the lesion
- 2.
The description should be in common language, discarding Latin.
- 3.
The lung and associated organs should be approached in a systematic manner, because abnormalities are often multiple and associated lesions will be missed unless carefully sought.
- 4.
Pathologic descriptions should describe what is actually seen (epithelial and mesenchymal elements), which may then be related to a diagnostic category (CPAM). However, even distinguished pathologists disagree over the classification of excised specimens, underscoring that clinicans seeing greyscale images are most unlikely to get it right.
Describe What Is Actually Seen
The recommendation to describe what is actually seen should be followed by the clinician both before and after birth. In principle, antenatal ultrasound abnormalities should be described using such terms as increased echogenicity with large, small, or multiple cysts rather than as “CPAM,” which is, and remains, a histological diagnosis. The presence or absence of abnormal feeding vessels should be defined using imaging appropriate to developmental stage (i.e., antenatal or postnatal). Other features, such as mediastinal shift, should also be described. In the postnatal period, a radiographic abnormality should be described as solid or cystic. If cystic, the cysts are either single or multiple, and the uniformity and thickness of the walls should be described. They may be filled with air, or partially or completely with fluid; moreover, their size should be recorded. Postnatally, an air–fluid level suggests that the abnormality is ventilated, albeit with a long time constant. If the lesion has been excised, the pathologist should describe the tissues found (epithelial, mesenchymal) and the contents of any cysts that may be present, thus giving a simple description of what is seen under the microscope. Only then is it relevant to make a pathologic diagnosis, such as one of the various histologic types of CPAM (see subsequent sections). Any classification system that is to be robust cannot be based on embryologic speculation.
Use Clear Terms
Many terms are ambiguous and are best avoided. For example, hypoplastic lung could be taken as meaning a lung that is small but otherwise normal, or small because the underlying structure is abnormal; the term congenital small lung (CSL, which is what is actually seen) avoids such ambiguity. The use of the term emphysema as in congenital lobar emphysema is another source of confusion, since it implies lung destruction, whereas in at least some variants (e.g., polyalveolar lobe) there may be too many, not too few, alveoli. What is actually seen is a congenital large hyperlucent lobe (CLHL), which is the term that should be used in clinical practice. Throughout this chapter, unwarranted established terms will be given in parentheses after our proposed nomenclature; for the convenience of the reader, the new terms will be spelled out in full, with the abbreviated form being given in parentheses. A summary comparison of old and our current nomenclature is provided in Table 18.1 .
New Nomenclature | Old Terms Superseded |
CLHL | Congenital lobar emphysema |
Polyalveolar lobe | |
CTM | Cystic adenomatoid malformation (Type 0–4 pathologically) |
Sequestration (intrapulmonary and extrapulmonary) | |
Bronchogenic cyst | |
Reduplication cyst | |
Foregut cyst | |
CSL | Pulmonary hypoplasia |
Absent lung, absent trachea | Agenesis of lung, tracheal aplasia |
Absent bronchus | Bronchial atresia |
Use a Systematic Approach
The lung can be considered to be formed from six “trees”: bronchial, arterial (systemic and pulmonary), venous (systemic and pulmonary), and lymphatic. There are no known congenital abnormalities of bronchial venous drainage, so in practice, only five trees have to be considered. There are three other areas wherein malformations may affect the respiratory system and that should also be assessed. These are (1) the heart and great vessels; (2) the chest wall, including the respiratory neuromuscular apparatus; and (3) the abdomen. Finally, the possibility of multisystem disease (e.g., tuberous sclerosis) should be considered. Each patient suspected of having a congenital lung malformation should be systematically evaluated along these lines, if important coexistent abnormalities are not to be missed. The importance of a systematic approach to treatment, with an appropriate evaluation of all trees and associated systems before embarking on treatment, cannot be overstated.
Keep Clinical and Pathologic Descriptions Separate
This is an extension of the principle of describing what is seen. Black-and-white images on a scan are unlikely to be pathognomonic of a single histologic entity. It is more logical to describe the clinical appearances and construct a pathologic differential diagnosis. Only after excision of the lesion can the pathologist make an appropriate diagnosis from examination of the excised specimen.
The Size of the Problem: Epidemiology of Congenital Malformations of the Lung
There is a paucity of high-quality, population-based, epidemiological studies. The requirement for a high-quality study to be performed is for all women in a large population to have access to diagnostic quality, mid-trimester ultrasound scans, which are properly interpreted by experienced radiologists. The European Surveillance of Congenital Anomalies (EUROCAT) is the largest network of population-based registers for the epidemiological surveillance of congenital anomalies including congenital thoracic malformations (CTMs). Current EUROCAT data (2008–2012) reported a prevalence of cystic adenomatoid malformation of 1.05 (95% confidence intervals 0.96–1.15) per 10,000 pregnancies (which included live births, fetal deaths, and terminations of pregnancy), an increasing trend over 4 consecutive years. There was one cluster of cases in Emilia Romagna between mid-April 2010 and the end of February 2011, consisting of 12 cases when 3.65 cases would be expected ( P = .014). The cause could not be found, and no reason determined further to investigate this cluster. Reported prevalence was 2.55 (2.40–2.71) for esophageal atresia with or without tracheo-esophageal fistula (TEF), a slight increase over time and 2.81 (2.65–2.97) for diaphragmatic hernia. EUROCAT prevalence data, although the best currently available must be treated with caution because the database captures less than 30% of all European data.
Antenatal Diagnosis and Management of Congenital Lung Disease
The age-related clinical presentations of congenital lung disease are summarized in Table 18.2 . Postnatal aspects are described subsequently in this chapter, as are the important abnormalities encountered, which are described in terms of the branching trees comprising the lung.
Age | Presenting Feature |
Antenatal |
Newborn period |
Later childhood/adulthood |
Antenatal Presentation
Antenatal presentation is usually associated with an abnormality detected at the time of a routine fetal anomaly scan as described in detail later. However, abnormalities of amniotic fluid volume may also be associated with underlying pulmonary pathology. This may be secondary, as in bilateral CSL (pulmonary hypoplasia) associated with both early-onset oligohydramnios for whatever reason (bilateral renal dysplasia/agenesis, first- or early second-trimester rupture of the membranes, etc.), or polyhydramnios associated with conditions, such as the Pena-Shokeir phenotype or antenatal onset of severe spinal muscular atrophy, wherein severe neuromuscular disease prevents normal respiratory movements and lung development; another possibility is compression of the fetal esophagus by a mass, preventing normal swallowing of amniotic fluid. In other situations there is a primary pulmonary anomaly (e.g., tracheoesophageal fistula or laryngeal/tracheal agenesis) that causes the polyhydramnios. Other presentations include short limbs in those skeletal dysplasias associated with bilateral CSL secondary to small chests and short ribs (e.g., Jeune’s asphyxiating thoracic dystrophy), or talipes and polyhydramnios in congenital myotonic dystrophy.
What Can We Diagnose and When?
Fetal lung abnormalities are increasingly detected prenatally as a result of advances in ultrasound imaging, which improves the diagnosis, and because fetal anomaly scanning is now routinely offered to many women in the developed world. A fetal lung lesion is suspected either when a mass (cystic or solid) is identified in the thorax or because of mediastinal shift ( Tables 18.3 and 18.4 ). The opportunity to identify an intrathoracic anomaly in the antenatal period permits further investigation and occasionally offers the potential for intrauterine therapy. It also identifies fetuses that may benefit from delivery in a center offering tertiary-level neonatal support and the option of early postnatal surgical intervention. Many of these lesions can be detected around 20 weeks’ gestation, but for some, in particular diaphragmatic hernias and pleural effusions, late presentation is well recognized. Such lesions may not be detected until an incidental scan in the third trimester is undertaken, or, indeed, until after birth when the neonate or infant presents clinically. It must also be recognized that a sonographic diagnosis can only describe the macroscopic nature of the lesion, and a definitive diagnosis for many anomalies must await definitive radiologic or histologic diagnosis after birth. Many reported studies are seriously limited, because they base conclusions solely on prenatal ultrasound or postnatal imaging, which is often limited to plain radiology. While advances in technology have improved antenatal diagnosis of lesions that may benefit from early postnatal intervention, many of the abnormalities detected appear to resolve spontaneously or are clinically silent. The pediatrician is frequently faced with a new dilemma: how to manage a healthy infant with a lesion that would not have been brought to medical attention were it not for antenatal imaging. What is the natural history of some of these lesions; do they require intervention, or are they benign variants? This section will present an overview of the antenatal diagnosis and management of the more common types of congenital intrathoracic abnormalities. Postnatal management of the abnormalities is discussed in subsequent sections. A summary approach to counseling mothers whose fetus has a cystic or solid CTM is given in Box 18.1 , and discussed in more detail below. The enormous anxiety that is caused by uncertainty, even when the malformation probably has a good prognosis, should be acknowledged.
Solid Lesions | Cystic Lesions |
Microcystic adenomatoid malformation | Macrocystic adenomatoid malformation |
Pulmonary sequestration | Congenital diaphragmatic hernia |
Right-sided diaphragmatic hernia | Bronchogenic cyst |
Tracheal/laryngeal atresia | Mediastinal encephalocele |
Rhabdomyoma | Pleural and pericardial effusions |
Mediastinal teratoma |
Ultrasound Findings | Total a | Liveborn | Postnatal Management | ToP c | Perinatal Death d | Postnatal Diagnosis b | LTFO/WFI | ||||||
Surgical | Conservative | CCAML | No Evidence of Pathology | PS | Other | No Diagnosis | |||||||
Emergency | Elective | ||||||||||||
Macrocystic | 40 | 35 | 7 | 5 | 22 | 2 | 0 | 28 | 2 | 0 | 6 | 4 | 1/2 |
Microcystic | 47 | 39 | 5 | 3 | 23 | 4 | 3 | 22 | 6 | 5 | 11 | 3 | 1/0 |
Mediastinal shift | 55 | 44 | 11 | 11 | 23 | 6 | 2 | 33 | 5 | 3 | 13 | 5 | 1/2 |
Hydrops | 14 | 7 | 4 | 0 | 3 | 5 | 2 | 6 | 0 | 1 | 7 | 0 | 0 |
Intrauterine therapy | 9 | 9 | 4 | 0 | 5 | 0 | 0 | 6 | 0 | 0 | 3 | 0 | 0 |
Apparent resolution in utero | 19 | 19 | 1 | 4 | 12 | 0 | 0 | 15 | 2 | 0 | 1 | 1 | 0 |
Total cases seen | 87 | 74 | 12 | 8 | 46 | 6 | 3 | 50 | 8 | 5 | 17 | 7 | 2/2 |
b Some cases with conservative management do not have a definitive diagnosis.
c Pregnancies were terminated for the following reasons: 45,XO with pulmonary lymphangiectasia, severe hydrops, congenital pulmonary lymphangiectasia, Fraser syndrome (2 cases), Fraser syndrome, and extra lobar sequestration.
d Perinatal deaths were secondary to Fraser syndrome, severe hydrops, and pulmonary sequestration with hydrops.
The majority of CTMs will increase in size to the end of the second trimester, then regress
Antenatal intervention is very rarely required
Although apparent complete regression of the mass as pregnancy progresses has been reported, many babies are shown postnatally to have persistent abnormalities
Most babies are asymptomatic in the newborn period, and any treatment decisions can be made electively
CTM, Congenital thoracic malformation.
In addition to fetal ultrasound, in recent years there has been an increasing use of fetal MRI to define pathology, detected with ultrasound. There are reports of its use for the delineation and evolution of fetal cystic masses, but how much MRI adds to the ultrasound diagnosis remains to be demonstrated. It may be more sensitive to small lesions than ultrasound, but it is arguable whether detection of tiny abnormalities really matters. It has been shown to be superior to screening ultrasound for the diagnosis of congenital high airway obstruction syndrome (CHAOS) when it changed the diagnosis in 70%, but in 9 of these 10 cases, the MRI diagnosis was concordant with the referral center ultrasound findings. However, it may be useful to accurately determine the level of airway obstruction in this condition. MRI may also be of use to determine the location of feeding vessels in fetuses with pulmonary sequestration, but further comparison with ultrasound-based methods is required before we can say whether it adds significantly to Doppler-based methods. The role of MRI to determine lung volumes in fetuses with congenital diaphragmatic hernia (CDH) or lung masses has been evaluated and may ultimately prove superior to other ultrasound-based methods (see later). Finally, virtual bronchoscopy can be undertaken with fetal MRI.
Specific Diagnoses: Congenital Diaphragmatic Hernia
The prenatal incidence of CDH is around 1 in 2000. There is a wide variety of abnormalities associated with CDH including aneuploidy, in particular Trisomy 18 and 13, genetic syndromes and structural abnormalities. Many of these will result in a stillbirth or termination of pregnancy, so isolated CDH is much more common in neonates. Anomalies associated with this condition include neural tube defects, such as myelomeningocele, cardiac defects, and midline anomalies, such as cleft lip and palate. Genetic syndromes, such as Fryns syndrome, can account for up to 10% of cases in some series. The herniation of abdominal contents into the chest inhibits normal lung development resulting in pulmonary hypoplasia, which, in isolated lesions, is the main cause of death.
The diagnosis of a left-sided CDH is usually first suspected when a mediastinal shift is observed and abdominal viscera are seen within the fetal thorax ( Fig. 18.1 ). The most useful clue is usually the identification of a cystic structure (the stomach) in the chest together with absence of an intraabdominal stomach. The observation of peristalsis in the chest can also be a useful clue as loops of bowel may be difficult to distinguish from other cystic lesions. Occasionally it is possible to observe paradoxical movement of the viscera in the chest with fetal breathing movements. Once alert to the possible diagnosis, careful radiological examination of the fetus in the coronal and parasagittal planes will show the diaphragmatic defect. Right-sided CDH are more difficult to recognize as it is usually just the liver that is herniated, and this is of similar echogenicity to lung tissue. Often the only clue is mediastinal shift, and this may not be apparent at the time of a routine anomaly scan unless the degree of shift is great. Sometimes the diagnosis is made when a scan is performed in the third trimester because of polyhydramnios resulting from the presence of herniated abdominal contents in the chest, which prevents normal swallowing movements and results in late onset of increased amniotic fluid.
The overall prognosis for fetuses with CDH is poor with the major causes of death being pulmonary hypoplasia and/or the associated abnormalities. The time of diagnosis is related to outcome with those diagnosed early faring the worst. Lung size, expressed as lung-to-head ratio (LHR) or the observed-to-expected LHR measured by ultrasound and the observed-to-expected total lung volume as measured by MRI and liver herniation are reasonable predictors of neonatal outcome. However, they are not good predictors of other poor outcomes, such as pulmonary hypertension. Other poor prognostic indicators include evidence of liver within the chest and cardiac disproportion before 24 weeks. Isolated left-sided hernias, an intraabdominal stomach, and diagnosis after 24 weeks are favorable prognostic factors. Survival in these cases is now more than 60% ( Table 18.5 ).
Authors | Number | Chromosome Abnormality, n (%) | Overall Survival (%) | Survival at <24 Weeks (%) | Survival at >24 Weeks (%) | Survival in Isolated Cases (%) | |
Thorpe-Beeston et al., 1989 | 36 | 11 | 31 | 25 | 60 | ||
Adzick et al., 1989 | 38 | 6 | 16 | 24 | 0 | 38 | 38 |
Sharland et al., 1992 | 55 | 2 | 4 | 27 | 26 | 40 | 28 |
Manni et al., 1994 | 28 | 3 | 11 | 14 | 0 | 100 | 30 |
Bollman et al., 1995 | 33 | 6 | 18 | 18 | 44 | ||
Dommergues et al., 1996 | 135 | 14 | 10 | 19 | 30 | ||
Howe et al., 1996 | 48 | 13 | 34 | 27 | 24 | 30 | 50 |
Geary et al., 1998 | 34 | 5 | 15 | 18 | 31 | 33 | 38 |
Bahlmann et al., 1999 | 19 | 1 | 7 | ||||
Betremieux et al. 2002 | 31 | 4 | 13 | 38 | 60 | ||
Garne et al., 2002 | 187 | 20 | 11 | 71 | |||
Laudy et al., 2003 , a | 26 | 0 | 0 | 50 | |||
Dott et al., 2003 | 249 | 18 | 7 | 19/54 c | |||
Hendrick et al., 2004 , b | 22 | 0 | 0 | 70 | |||
Bouchghoul et al., 2015 | 377 | 61 | Only isolated analyzed | ||||
Akinkuotu et al., 2016 | 176 | 28 | 16 | 74 | |||
Coughlin et al., 2016 | 61 | 38 | Only isolated analyzed | ||||
Total | 941 | 103 | 13 | 32/35 | 16 | 48 | 42 |
a Only isolated left-sided CDH cases were included in study.
b Only right CDH were included in study.
c Overall survival has increased during the period of the study from 19% (1968–1971) to 54% (1996–1999).
Following the prenatal diagnosis of CDH, management should include a detailed search for other anomalies and fetal karyotyping. Expert fetal echocardiography is indicated as examination of the heart is complicated by distortion of intrathoracic contents. Consultation with a pediatric surgeon should be offered and, given the variable prognosis both in terms of perinatal mortality and morbidity, termination of pregnancy is an option that should be discussed. Intrauterine surgery has been performed for CDH. In principle, the airway is occluded and the continued secretion of lung liquid beyond the obstruction leads to expansion of the lung. Early studies involved an open procedure including hysterotomy, which is demanding and carries significant maternal risks, including complications in future pregnancies, as well as the possibility of precipitating preterm labor. Furthermore, although there was some apparent improvement in outcome following in-utero surgery, there has been no well-designed, randomized, controlled trial, so it is not possible to objectively assess the benefits and costs. More recently, fetal endoscopic tracheal occlusion (FETO) using a variety of methods has been used and is currently the only approach used clinically. The currently favored method for FETO is using an inflatable balloon that is placed in the trachea endoscopically. Compared to historical controls in large series, FETO does seem to improve neonatal survival, with preterm labor being the most common complication of pregnancy, and many infants develop tracheomalacia or tracheomegaly ( Fig. 18.2 ). There is now an international randomized controlled trial of FETO in progress. These results are needed, together with long-term follow-up of children who underwent in utero therapy, before the true value of this procedure can be accurately evaluated.
Delivery of any ongoing pregnancy should be planned in a center with neonatal intensive care and pediatric surgical facilities. In the event of fetal or perinatal death, a postmortem examination is recommended. This should include a genetic opinion in order to facilitate an accurate diagnosis of any possible underlying syndrome, which may confer an increased risk of recurrence in future pregnancies.
CTM Subsequently Diagnosed Postnatally as CPAM
Antenatal Diagnosis and Prognosis
CPAM is traditionally classified according to histological and clinical findings; however, sonographic classification is best achieved by considering them as either macrocystic ( Fig. 18.3 ) or microcystic ( Fig. 18.4 ). The main differential diagnosis to consider with a macrocystic CPAM is diaphragmatic hernia. Differentiating features are described above. However, in a series of 87 fetuses seen in the Fetal Medicine Unit at University College London Hospitals (UCLH) with a prenatal diagnosis of CPAM, two in fact had a diaphragmatic hernia and one an eventration of the diaphragm (see Table 18.4 ). In those with a diaphragmatic hernia, the correct diagnosis was made prenatally after serial scanning. In the patient with an eventration, the correct diagnosis was made only on postnatal imaging. Most CPAMs occur in isolation, although other abnormalities, including bronchopulmonary sequestration and CDH, have been reported to occur in association with CPAM as they have a broad range of extrapulmonary malformations, including renal and cardiac anomalies. Indeed, differentiation of these lesions histologically can be challenging as many have a mixed etiology. Aneuploidy is not a recognized association.
In general, the prognosis for a fetus with a CPAM is good with only a small number going on to develop hydrops, which is a poor prognostic sign, particularly if it is evident at the initial presentation in the second trimester. Traditionally, both polyhydramnios and mediastinal shift were considered poor prognostic indicators, but data that are more recent suggest that these may be less reliable. Accurate prediction of outcome for prenatally diagnosed lesions can be difficult following a single scan because they can change in size significantly during pregnancy with the majority reducing in size and many appearing to disappear spontaneously. Some may increase in size until around 26 weeks’ gestation before reducing in size, while others appear to resolve on sonography. Spontaneous resolution of features, such as hydrops or mediastinal shift, which are usually associated with poor prognosis, has been observed. Various attempts have been made to predict outcome using models that include cyst volumes, but the varied course of these lesions means that serial scans are required to detect those lesions that progress in size or display adverse prognostic features that may warrant consideration of intervention. The Kings College London group has reported on 67 fetuses with an antenatally diagnosed congenital lung malformation. A total of 64 were born alive, and 42 underwent postnatal surgery (see later). Surgery was performed in 45% of lesions showing late gestation “resolution.” Although there was some correlation between the antenatal appearances and the need for surgery, this was not usefully predictive for an individual, and the need for operation was judged on the postnatal features of clinical need. In a case series of 119 neonates with an antenatal diagnosis, and who were followed up to the age of 5–16 years, and were cared for at Great Ormond Street Hospital (GOSH), only 8 (6.7%) were symptomatic and required emergency surgery during the neonatal period. This is in keeping with another large case series from the University of Southampton of 72 neonates with a prenatal diagnosis of congenital lung malformation, where only one required emergency surgery. The use of elective surgery remains controversial as indicated by the lower rate of surgery overall (43%) in the GOSH cohort where surgery was usually only performed on clinical grounds compared with the Kings series, and these data demonstrate the varying approach to management. Table 18.4 shows the type of cystic lung lesion, other sonographic findings, diagnosis, and outcome for the UCLH cohort. In all cases, early consultation with neonatal and pediatric surgical staff is helpful for parents.
Antenatal Treatment Options
There is very little agreement on definitions, even for something as basic as fetal hydrops, and only a limited evidence base as to the antenatal options for treatment. There have been no randomized, controlled trials, so small case series are the only basis for decision making. Most would agree that an expectant approach is best, reserving treatment for hydropic fetuses, or perhaps in the rare case with a rapidly expanding lesion in the last trimester. Even in large units, the performance of invasive interventions is unusual. The least aggressive intervention is the administration of betamethasone to the mother for which there is limited reported experience. In a case series of nine patients who had not responded to a single dose, repeat doses led to stabilization ( n = 4), improvement ( n = 3) or had no effect and the lesion progressed, necessitating antenatal surgery, both of whom died, as did one other baby. Obstetric complications in the mother were common, mandating careful follow-up. Long-standing requirements for fetal surgery are shown in Box 18.2 , and these are surely applicable to any antenatal intervention for a CTM. However, intrauterine surgery is increasingly performed for a widening spectrum of diagnoses, including CTMs. Where there are single or multiple large cysts (see Fig. 18.3 ) with associated hydrops or polyhydramnios, in-utero decompression by thoracentesis or the insertion of a shunt has led to improvement. Intrauterine surgery to remove these lesions has been reported, but has been very rarely undertaken due to the associated fetal mortality and maternal morbidity. In one small series, the outcomes of shunting were good, and decompressing a single cyst was sufficient to cause the mass to collapse; it was suggested that shunting might be indicated early, before hydrops develops, in high-risk lesions. Other surgical options include fetal sclerotherapy and radiofrequency ablation. However, fetal death has resulted from this last technique. Percutaneous laser ablation, guiding the beam into the fetal thorax via a fine needle placed under ultrasound control may be aimed at vascular or “interstitial” ablation. The results were best for babies with a postnatal sequestration (87.5% survival) rather than CPAM (28.6%), and the immediate results were better with vascular ablation. It is concerning that marked postnatal chest deformity has been associated with fetal shunt insertion. Finally, there are case reports of interventional fetal bronchoscopy to treat congenital lesions with a poor prognosis ; as always, it is difficult to assess such reports, and this intervention must be considered highly experimental until more data become available.
A CTM causing hydrops or preventing acceptable fetal lung development
Singleton fetus with no other important abnormality
Serial assessment to ensure the CTM really requires fetal surgery, and is salvageable
Family counseled and agree to treatment and long-term follow up
Multidisciplinary team agree on a treatment plan
Access to high level obstetric and neonatal care, and bioethical and psychosocial consultation
CTM, Congenital thoracic malformation.
Where a lesion has persisted, or increased in size, and mediastinal shift persists in the third trimester, delivery in a center with neonatal intensive care and surgical facilities is indicated. In all cases there should be careful postnatal follow-up, with computed tomography (CT) being offered to all. There are many examples of lesions that apparently involuted completely in utero being present when examined by CT after birth.
Congenital Thoracic Malformation Subsequently Diagnosed Pathologically as Bronchopulmonary Sequestration
In the fetus a sequestrated lobe of lung is most often identified as a mass of uncertain origin in the chest or subdiaphragmatic area. Prenatally it is not possible to make a definitive diagnosis unless an independent blood supply is demonstrated using Doppler ultrasound, although it should be noted that a CPAM might also have an aortic blood supply. The sequestrated lobe usually appears as an echogenic mass in the chest ( Fig. 18.5 ) or abdomen ( Fig. 18.6 ). It can be associated with hydrops, mediastinal shift, and polyhydramnios (see Fig. 18.5 ). The outcome for fetuses with bronchopulmonary sequestration is generally good when presentation is uncomplicated by pleural effusions or hydrops. As such, the prenatal management of fetuses with lesions suspected to be a sequestration is similar for those with a suspected CPAM; therefore, serial scanning should be undertaken and the fetus should be delivered in a tertiary unit if there is significant mediastinal shift in the third trimester. Spontaneous improvement in utero is frequently reported. In a review of the literature describing neonatal outcomes after in-utero interventions, laser coagulation of the feeding vessel to a sequestrated lobe in hydropic fetuses has been reported to result in the resolution of the hydrops and a good neonatal outcome in several cases.
Presentation of Congenital Thoracic Malformations in the Immediate Postnatal Period
Postnatal presentations of many abnormalities of course overlap; in summary, presentation is with immediate neonatal respiratory distress; the delayed development of symptoms or a complication of a known or previously undiagnosed abnormality; or the child may have an asymptomatic lesion for which active management may or may not be indicated.
The differential diagnosis of acute unexpected respiratory distress in a term newborn extends well beyond congenital lung disease to include conditions such as congenital infections, interstitial lung disease, pneumothorax, cardiac disease, and primary ciliary dyskinesia. If a congenital lung abnormality has been identified antenatally, the diagnosis of the cause of the respiratory distress is likely obvious. Not all lesions are detected prenatally, although with increasing use and improvements in technology and sonographic skills, postnatal presentation is becoming less common. Late detection may particularly be an issue in diaphragmatic hernias, some of which do not present with sonographic findings until after the time of the routine anomaly scan, or, indeed, well after birth. Respiratory distress in the absence of major airway disease may be due to disorders of the lung parenchyma. These include a large cystic or solid CTM, the presence of unilateral or bilateral small lungs, and congenital pleural effusion or lymphatic disorder. The differential diagnosis of a cystic abnormality detected postnatally, but not antenatally, includes cysts secondary to infection or pulmonary interstitial emphysema, which may present in localized form even in a term baby who has not been ventilated.
The management of CTMs after the immediate postnatal period, both asymptomatic and those that have become symptomatic after a latent period of as long as many years, is discussed below. The King’s College Hospital group (see earlier) actually performed surgery in 45% of lesions showing late-gestation “resolution.” Although there was some correlation between the antenatal appearances and the need for surgery, this was not usefully predictive for an individual, and the need for an operation was judged on postnatal features rather than clinical need. In general, the approach to the postnatal management of neonates with prenatally diagnosed cystic lung lesions is very variable. There are those who feel that all lesions should be surgically removed, and others who favor a more conservative approach ( Table 18.6 ). At UCLH, we have seen 110 fetuses with cystic lung lesions in the last 15 years, of whom 100 are alive, 20 having had surgery. This is a much lower proportion than in the King’s series and demonstrates the varying approach to management. In all cases, early consultation with neonatal and pediatric surgical staff is helpful for parents. The issues of postnatal management are discussed in more detail below. Where a lesion has persisted or increased in size and mediastinal shift persists in the third trimester, delivery in a center with neonatal intensive care and surgical facilities should be considered. In all cases, careful postnatal follow-up should be undertaken, with CT being offered to all, even if the lesion has apparently disappeared completely antenatally; chest x-ray (CXR) is only 61% sensitive to the presence of lesions on high-resolution computed tomography (HRCT). Lesions that have apparently involuted completely in utero are well documented to still be present when examined by CT after birth.
Total | Resolved in Utero | Alive | Other Diagnosis | ToP | IUD/PND | Postnatal Management | |||
Surgery | Conservative | ||||||||
Emergency | Elective | ||||||||
Kunisaki 2007 , a | 12 | 0 | 9 | 5 | 0 | 3 b | 4 | 5 | 0 |
Illanes 2005 | 48 | 22 (5) | 39 | 5 | 3 (1 b ) | 6 b | 0 | 23 | 6 (+5 LTFU) |
Pumberger 2003 | 35 | 11 (6) | 29 | 3 | 4 | 2 | 4 | 17 | 2 |
Laberge 2001 | 48 | 23 regressed | 36 | 4 | 7 | 5 | Not reported | Not reported | Not reported |
De Santis 2000 | 17 | 3 | 14 | 0 | 2 | 2 | 4 | 6 (+2 LTFU) | |
Miller 1996 | 17 | 0 | 12 | 0 | 3 | 2 | 12 | 0 | |
Sauvat 2003 , c | 29 | 4 (4) | 29 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 3 | 14 | 12 |
Davenport 2004 | 67 | 8 (1) | 64 | 7 | 1 | 4 | 42 | 12 (+10 LTFU) | |
Lacy 1999 | 23 | 9 (4) | 19 | 5 | 4 | 1 | 5 | 13 | |
Calvert 2007 | 19 | 0 | 19 | 0 | 5 | 2 | 3 | 13 | 3 |
UCLH | 110 | 11 (9) | 100 | 12 | 7 | 3 | 12 | 8 | 46 (+17 postnatal diagnosis awaited & 4 LTFU) |
Ehrenberg-Buchner, 2013 | 64 | 0 | 61 (2 lost to follow-up) | 3 | 0 | 1 | 7 | Not stated | Not stated |
Ruchonnet-Metrailler, 2014 | 89 | 0 | 87 | 9 | 0 | 2 | 5 | Not stated | Not stated |
Kunisaki 2015 | 100 | 17 | 99 | 1 | 0 | 1 | 11 | Not stated | Not stated |
c Only reports antenatally diagnosed cases who were asymptomatic.
Vascular abnormalities may present at this time. One such group are aortopulmonary collaterals supplying either a CSL or a CTM. These act hemodynamically as systemic arteriovenous malformations and cause high-output heart failure. Abnormalities of venous drainage, such as “scimitar” syndrome (hemianomalous pulmonary venous drainage to the inferior caval vein), may also present as heart failure or enter the differential diagnosis of pulmonary hypertension in the newborn period. Other vascular problems that may present at this time include alveolar-capillary dysplasia (discussed in Chapter 54 ) and pulmonary arteriovenous malformation (PAVM), which may present as cyanosis in a well infant (not with heart failure, unless there is an associated systemic, usually cerebral, arteriovenous malformation). The presentations of congenital lung disease after the postnatal period, and the issues around prophylactic surgery, are discussed in more detail below.
Specific Diagnoses: Upper Respiratory Tract Atresias
Laryngeal or tracheal atresia are rare malformations that may be isolated or found in association with other abnormalities or genetic syndromes, the most common of which is Fraser syndrome. The diagnosis of laryngeal or tracheal obstruction should be suspected when enlarged, uniformly hyperechogenic lungs are seen on ultrasound ( Fig. 18.7 ). Other sonographic features include cardiac and mediastinal compression, flattening or convexity of the diaphragms, hydrops, and polyhydramnios. A dilated, fluid-filled upper trachea can also be seen in tracheal atresia ( Fig. 18.8 ). The differential diagnosis of laryngeal or tracheal atresia includes subglottic stenosis (SGS) and bilateral microcystic CCAM. When associated with Fraser syndrome, there may be renal anomalies, syndactyly of fingers and toes, and cryptophthalmos. The prognosis is invariably poor, and the option of termination of pregnancy should be discussed. Parents should also have the opportunity to discuss the prognosis with a pediatric surgeon, and, if the pregnancy is continued, delivery should be planned in a unit with neonatal intensive care and pediatric surgical facilities. Prenatal analysis of chorionic villi or amniocytes using exome sequencing may help reveal any underlying genetic etiology, which will aid prenatal counseling. Rarely, antenatal tracheostomy has been reported, although this may precipitate fetal distress and preterm delivery. Ex utero intrapartum treatment (EXIT procedure) has been reported (below).
Specific Postnatal Problems: Congenital Abnormalities of the Upper Airway
This section will detail the variety of different congenital abnormalities that involve the upper airway and will deal with clinical problems involving the larynx and trachea. Though this section will not cover the complete spectrum of congenital disorders that can cause respiratory disorders in neonates, the pediatric otolaryngologist will be experienced in dealing with airway problems due to congenital abnormalities involving the whole airway from the anterior nares to the bronchi. The abnormalities may be intrinsic or extrinsic to the airway and be single or multiple. The spectrum of disorders is detailed in Tables 18.7 and 18.8 .
Nose | Atresia (absence); e.g., arhinia |
Choanal atresia (complete obstruction) | |
Piriform aperture stenosis (narrowing) Severe craniofacial abnormalities; e.g., hemifacial microsomia (Goldenhar syndrome) and the mid-facial syndromes (e.g., Apert or Crouzon syndrome) | |
Oral Cavity and | Macroglossia; e.g., Pierre-Robin sequence |
Oropharynx | Retrognathia; e.g., Treacher-Collins syndrome |
Viscero-cranial and | Lymphatic malformations; e.g., cystic hygroma |
Neck masses | Vascular malformations; e.g., arterio-venous malformation |
Vascular tumors; e.g., capillary hemangiomas | |
Encephaloceles |
Larynx | Laryngeal atresia and webs |
Laryngeal cleft | |
Laryngomalacia | |
Vocal cord paralysis | |
Saccular cysts and laryngoceles | |
Subglottic hemangiomas | |
Congenital subglottic stenosis | |
Trachea | Tracheomalacia |
Congenital tracheal stenosis | |
(complete tracheal rings) |
These abnormalities may present with immediate respiratory distress at delivery but may equally be more subtle in their clinical symptoms and signs. Airway abnormalities should be considered in the presence of an abnormal cry, weak or husky voice, or recurrent crouplike episodes. Difficulties with feeding may also be a feature of airway abnormalities, such as laryngomalacia or laryngeal cleft. In these situations, there may be recurrent episodes of aspiration with feeding (laryngeal cleft) or respiratory distress and gastroesophageal reflux (laryngomalacia)
This text aims to offers a practical guide to the management of airway obstruction. This initial section describes a comprehensive assessment of a child presenting with stridor in the office-based scenario moving onto management of this child, including descriptions of common elective procedural-based assessments. The subsequent sections augment the discussion of airway management with consideration of the acutely unwell child presenting in the emergency room and the increasingly common scenario we are faced with in the hospital setting concerning children with intubation/extubation difficulties. As always, the appropriate assessment of pediatric airway problems commences with clinical history taking and examination.
Quite often the most important feature in the history is the time of onset and character of stridor. Stridor present since birth most indicates a congenital pathology, such as laryngeal webs or bilateral vocal cord paralysis, whereas a more gradual onset of symptoms over days/weeks to months points to diagnoses such as laryngomalacia, subglottic hemangiomas, or cysts. An acute onset of symptoms, accompanied by corroborating factors in the history, can lead towards diagnosing foreign body aspiration and inflammatory or infectious conditions as the etiological factor (see Chapter 23 ). The characteristics of the stridor itself can also be a diagnostic aid: inspiratory suggests glottic pathology (and that in the immediate supraglottis); biphasic subglottic or extra thoracic trachea pathology; and expiratory intrathoracic, trachea, and bronchial pathology. Another diagnostic indicator of stridor is its character. Stridor of a constant nature indicates a fixed lesion pathology as opposed to the intermittent symptoms of conditions such as laryngomalacia.
In addition to stridor there are other laryngeal symptoms that should be taken into consideration such as the voice/cry and cough. These symptoms particularly implicate glottis level pathology, either structural (webs, papilloma) or functional (vocal cord paralysis).
Cough itself can be associated with other factors in the history, such as its relation to upper respiratory tract infections (URTIs) and croup. If there is a history of recurrent or prolonged croup, consideration should be given to the need to diagnose an underlying airway stenosis or inhaled and retained foreign body, or subglottic hemangioma. Cough can also be related to aspiration events related to feeds where, with the aid of swallowing, assessment of the presence of vocal cord palsy, laryngeal cleft, or TEF may need to be investigated.
Episodes of cyanosis certainly indicate severe respiratory difficulty and can be due to several causes, but they are often associated with tracheal disease, including external compression due to the presence of a vascular ring.
Neonatal Intubation
Perhaps one of the most important factors in the history should be that pertaining to the birth history and, more specifically, neonatal intubation. Respiratory difficulty at birth and the need and duration of intubation and ventilation should lower the threshold for proceeding to diagnostic microlaryngobronchoscopy (MLB) in those children with an otherwise less concerning symptomatic history. Subglottic cysts and acquired stenosis are often an endoscopic finding in these cases. The premature infant is therefore often in this high-risk group for airway pathology. Additionally, this patient subgroup is also more likely to have undergone cardiac surgery, which can be associated with upper airway pathology, such as recurrent laryngeal nerve palsy.
Other Comorbidities
These should also be sought in the history as these can be associated with particular pathologies. Many of the craniofacial syndromes are associated with airway difficulties that are often multilevel problems. Down syndrome children are known to have difficulties due to macroglossia and congenital SGS. There are also several conditions that can be associated with hypotonia, such as cerebral palsy, leading to airway difficulties.
Examination of a Child Presenting in the Clinic Setting
This starts with appropriate exposure and inspection to allow an overall assessment to be made about the severity of respiratory distress as well as diagnostic clues to the underlying pathology. The presence and nature of stridor can indicate the level of likely airway pathology as previously discussed. Chest wall movement, the use of accessory muscles, tracheal tug, sternal recession and subcostal or intercostal recession, nasal flaring and head bobbing, the voice/cry, the presence of cutaneous hemangiomas, and any dysmorphic features should be given careful consideration. In particular, craniofacial abnormalities are likely to impact on the airway, and the most common ones include macroglossia and retrognathia. The oral cavity should always be inspected as part of the airway assessment and, in addition to tongue and mandibular features, tonsillar pathology (size) should also be taken into consideration. Obstructive airway problems, such as these at the oropharyngeal level, lead to stertor and, therefore, can be distinguished from those causes of stridor at a more distal level. The nasal airway also should be assessed for patency to exclude choanal atresia.
Fiberoptic nasoendoscopy (FNE) should be performed where possible to complete an airway assessment in the office/clinic setting. With parental cooperation, this can be achieved in infants and in the older child, but it may be more challenging in the 2- to 5-year-old age group where restraint is often not practical. Topical nasal preparations of local anesthetic combined with decongestant can be used to aid the examination with the fiberoptic scope; this is often used in the older child, but is often omitted in the examination of the infant. FNE is particularly useful to assess nasal anatomy and pathology down to the glottic level with conditions such as choanal atresia and laryngomalacia readily diagnosed with this technique. It can also identify other supraglottic pathology, such as vallecular cysts, and such information can be beneficial in planning airway assessment under general anesthetic ( Fig. 18.9 ). However, it is unsuitable to evaluate pathology at a more distal level to the glottis.
Definitive assessment of the airway is by means of a diagnostic MLB performed under general anesthetic. This technique allows for a full structural and dynamic assessment of the upper airway from nares to bronchi. Increasingly, MLB techniques have developed to allow treatment as well as diagnosis in conditions previously considered only to be amenable to open airway surgery. Successful MLB relies on good collaboration between the surgical and anesthetic teams. The technique requires an anaesthetized but spontaneously ventilating patient with a nasal prong and gas/air mix or with titrated total intravenous anesthesia (TIVA). The larynx is sprayed with a local anesthetic solution to reduce the depth of anesthesia required to allow instrumentation of the larynx; however, this may exaggerate the appearances of laryngomalacia. The patient should be positioned with a head ring and shoulder roll to achieve the optimal position for airway endoscopy. Diagnostic MLB can be performed successfully with an anesthetic straight or curved blade laryngoscope and a zero-degree Hopkins rod of the appropriate size, usually 4 mm. This simple technique with minimal instrumentation allows the main subsites to be visualized without major irritability to the airway. If required, suspension MLB can then be performed using one of the many laryngoscopes that are available. This technique is preferred for treatment purposes when a two-handed approach is required. The ventilating bronchoscope should always be available. Once the airway subsites have been assessed, the cricoartytenoid joints are palpated for fixation and interarytenoid area for a laryngeal cleft, any stenosis present is sized with an endotracheal (ET) tube and, finally, a dynamic assessment should be made checking for vocal cord movement in addition to any supraglottic prolapse due to laryngomalacia.
The Emergent/Marginal Airway and Difficult Intubations
The Emergent Airway is that transition point at which a patient’s oxygen saturation becomes difficult or impossible to maintain above 90% during an intubation or procedure.
Assessment of a neonate presenting in an emergency with airway difficulty is often an unnerving situation for all concerned. It is important to have a clear and methodical plan to implement in these circumstances to aid prompt diagnosis and appropriate intervention. The history is again important and should aim to cover those points discussed in the previous section. Immediate examination in the delivery room may provide an obvious diagnosis by the pediatric staff, such as a major craniofacial abnormality, but severe airway problems, such as congenital tracheal stenosis, may have no external physical signs.
Accordingly, it is not unusual for children to be stabilized by the attending pediatric team before a definitive diagnosis is made. This might include intubation of the child; the use of oral airways in the case of nasal obstruction (e.g., choanal atresia); nursing the child prone in cases of oral/oropharyngeal obstruction (e.g., in Pierre-Robin sequence); and the use of a nasopharyngeal airway (NPA) if the obstruction is not easily relieved. If intubation is extremely difficult, it may be appropriate to consider immediate tracheostomy to avoid the risk of the ET tube becoming dislodged and failure to reintubate. This might be considered with a large cystic hygroma ( Fig. 18.10 ). If the anatomy of the neck is very abnormal, it may be useful to pass a rigid bronchoscope to allow ventilation and act as a marker for the trachea within the distorted anatomy of the neck.
As outlined above, a child who has chronic or episodic stridor may be examined with a flexible endoscope to assess the upper airway and diagnose supraglottic pathology. The requirements for this procedure to be performed safely are given in Box 18.3 .
Small diameter endoscope (ideally 1.8 mm)
Access to pediatric resuscitation equipment and personnel, especially skilled pediatric anesthesiology
Stable neonate (minimal oxygen or air pressure support)
Examination of the child in this situation is often performed concurrently, as rapid assessment is required. The principle of assessment in this “emergency” should principally address the need to establish an immediate safe airway. The degree of respiratory effort made by the child should be carefully observed, and signs such as an opisthotonic posture with severe recession prompt urgency. Pulse oximetry can be very useful in this situation but not relied upon, as decompensation can be rapid with reduced oxygen saturations being a late sign; in particular, if the child is breathing oxygen-enriched mixtures, severe hypercapnia can be masked. Often a child that is quietening in terms of their respiratory effort could be tiring and deteriorating rather than improving.
General assessment of signs of toxicity should also be made and these include measures of temperature, heart rate, and capillary refill. These signs can be determined by inspection of the patient alone with minimal contact. In an emergent airway, a more probing examination can lead to a rapid deterioration in symptoms and this should be avoided in an uncontrolled environment.
Attempts should be made to further evaluate such a child in a relatively more controlled theatre environment with a senior anesthetist and ear-nose-throat (ENT) surgeon present to assess and secure the airway as deemed appropriate. Several measures can be employed to manage an emergent airway that can lead to adequate control of the symptoms or at least to provide a holding measure whilst deploying the appropriate teams to manage the situation definitively. These include oxygen, nebulized adrenaline, Heliox, and steroids. If an infective etiology is suspected, a diagnostic MLB may not be necessary and, in fact, is often contraindicated in severe cases, such as acute epiglottitis.
The aim should be to stabilize the airway with either medical treatment that can include oxygenation, steroids, and antibiotics, or to secure the airway with intubation, often by the anesthetists with an ENT surgeon merely on standby in case of difficulty. Techniques for a difficult intubation include the use of the ventilating bronchoscope or intubation with an ET tube placed over a 2.7 mm Hopkins rod. These techniques are perhaps used less often by ENT surgeons due to the advances in airway adjuncts for our anesthetic colleagues. Equipment, such as video glidascopes, can improve the grade of view at laryngoscopy facilitating intubation. Fiberoptic intubation is also more commonplace but very difficult in the neonate.
Again, if intubation is not possible, the option of a surgical airway must be considered. The situation is still controlled if ventilation can still be achieved by either the bag and mask technique or a laryngeal mask airway (LMA). An NPA should be considered if the level of obstruction is at the nasal or oropharyngeal level. Similarly, distal disease may require positive airway pressure support.
Extubation Difficulties/Failed Extubation
Once successful intubation has been achieved, it is hoped that a child can be successfully extubated with a view to further elective treatment or investigation as necessary. This is certainly the situation in cases of infective etiologies. However, those with underlying structural abnormalities represent a far more challenging situation and may require more immediate management as often intubation can lead to an irritation and worsening of the structural component. In fact, there are an increasing number of cases with difficulties in extubation, and this correlates with the number of premature infants with prolonged periods of intubation and ventilation.
Unfortunately, difficulty with extubation often leads to cases of multiple reintubations that can lead to further airway trauma, particularly to the very fragile neonatal subglottic mucosa. Successful extubation relies upon optimal respiratory function, including a patent airway and sufficient respiratory drive and neuromuscular function. Therefore, in the very premature, the preferential management may require the neonate to remain ventilated for a prolonged period allowing lung function to improve. A period of expectant intubation can also minimize the problems that occur with repeated attempts at intubation following failed extubation. This period of “laryngeal rest” is often overlooked as a management option. In these cases, when extubation is finally planned, a 24- to 48-hour period of corticosteroid cover and aggressive management of gastro esophageal/laryngopharyngeal reflux is beneficial prior to extubation.
If there is a failed attempt at extubation, it is important to determine the symptoms and signs leading up to reintubation. Any accounts of stridor should suggest the likelihood of airway pathology although it may not be necessary to investigate this immediately if successful extubation can be achieved with the more conservative measures described above. However, if there is a recurrent problem, MLB should be performed to diagnose and plan the management of any underlying structural airway pathologies. For example, seal flipper granulations or subglottic cysts can be identified and removed to relieve any airway obstruction ( Fig. 18.11 ). The caliber of the subglottis can also be assessed, and most importantly an early and evolving sub glottis stenosis can be treated ( Fig. 18.12 ). If there are continued difficulties with failed extubation relating to ventilation issues or continued and significant airway pathology, a tracheostomy may be required in this period. If a tracheostomy is performed, it is important to monitor these cases so that any changes in the clinical situation can be monitored and the option of decannulation entertained.
Congenital Abnormalities of the Larynx
Laryngomalacia is a dynamic condition and is the most common cause of stridor in infants ( Fig. 18.13 ). It occurs due to collapse of the relatively immature cartilaginous supraglottic structures, which has been postulated due to an incoordination of the laryngeal muscles due to neuromuscular immaturity. This leads to a mistiming of laryngeal movements and tends to cause indrawing and lengthening of the supraglottic structures. However, laryngomalacia may just be a structural variation.
This functional collapse can be related to specific structural features:
- 1.
The aryepiglottic folds are short and vertical, curling the epiglottis into an omega shape.
- 2.
Prominent cuneiform and corniculate cartilages lie over the arytenoid cartilages, which prolapse into the airway.
- 3.
A loose, redundant mucosal covering of the aryepiglottic fold prolapses into the airway.
There is a high concomitant incidence of gastroesophageal reflux in infants with laryngomalacia, presumably because of the more negative intrathoracic pressures necessary to overcome inspiratory obstruction. Conversely, children with significant reflux may also exhibit pathological changes similar to laryngomalacia, especially enlargement and swelling of the arytenoid cartilages.
Laryngomalacia is most often managed without involvement of ENT surgeons in its mildest form with infants presenting to the primary care physician or pediatrician with stridor, but are otherwise well. The stridor is often not present at birth, but occurs during the first few weeks of life as it is postulated that inspiratory flow rates may not be adequate initially to generate airway noise. Symptoms are rarely present beyond the age of 2 years.
The prolapse of supraglottic structures produces an inspiratory stridor that is most evident when the infant is supine, or during feeding or crying; also, it has a characteristically high-pitched nature. Severe cases present with failure to thrive with infants falling off the growth centiles. Some children with laryngomalacia can have obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) associated with the condition and may require a detailed sleep history.
In most cases, diagnosis can be made on clinical grounds alone. As this is a dynamic condition, awake FNE can confirm the diagnosis. Cases that are moderate to severe or those with atypical features in the history may require MLB to rule out synchronous airway lesions and/or provide surgical therapeutic intervention. A sleep study may be indicated in those cases with a strong history of OSA.
Often the management is conservative with observation and reassurance until the symptoms subside with age. Serial plotting on a growth chart can be a useful tool in assessing satisfactory progress. Infants with reflux can be trialed on antireflux treatments. Surgical intervention, most commonly an aryepiglottoplasty/supraglottoplasty, is usually only required if there is concern about failure to thrive, or severe respiratory compromise/cyanotic spells, or, in cases of an atypical history and an unclear diagnosis. There are serious potential complications of excessive removal of the supraglottic tissues including stenosis and aspiration. To avoid this, the surgery should be as limited as possible. However, surgery is very successful in controlling severe airway obstruction, but less so if there is concomitant neurological etiology; for example, cerebral palsy. Feeding problems often improve but still may be significant in a minority of patients. Long-term consequences of severe laryngomalacia include exercise-induced laryngeal obstruction, which may be diagnosed during direct laryngoscopy on exercise.
Laryngeal Atresia and Webs
The larynx develops from the endodermal lining of the cranial end of the laryngotracheal tube and from the surrounding mesenchyme derived from the fourth and sixth pairs of branchial arches. The epithelium proliferates rapidly, and this leads to an occlusion of the laryngeal lumen, which recannalizes by the tenth week of gestation. Failure to reestablish a complete lumen leads either to a laryngeal web or, in extreme cases, to complete atresia.
Laryngeal Atresia
Laryngeal atresia was traditionally said to be incompatible with life, but with the advent of prenatal diagnosis there is the possibility of planned immediate airway treatment. This type of anomaly and similar gross abnormalities (e.g., laryngeal cysts) have been given the label of congenital high airway obstruction syndrome (CHAOS). CHAOS is characterized by ultrasound findings of large echo genic lungs, a dilated airway distal to the obstruction, inverted diaphragms, and massive ascites. The early prenatal diagnosis provides two possible choices for airway intervention as follows:
- 1.
Ex utero intrapartum treatment (EXIT). The principle of this management is to allow the infant’s oxygenation to be maintained by the uteroplacental circulation for as long as possible. This can be prolonged by anesthetic treatment to produce uterine relaxation, though this relaxation must be reversed just before the cord is clamped to prevent uterine atony and excessive maternal bleeding. The hysterotomy is ultrasound-controlled to prevent damage to the placenta. Limited exposure of the fetus also helps in maintaining the uterine volume and fetal temperature.
- 2.
Fetal Intervention. It has proved technically possible to introduce a tracheostomy while still in utero (above)
Laryngeal Webs
Laryngeal webs are a rare congenital anomaly ( Fig. 18.14 ). They result from a failure of recanalization of the laryngotracheal tube during the third month of gestation and similarly can result in varying degrees of laryngeal webs. The most common site at which these develop is the anterior commissure, although webbing can be present in the posterior interarytenoid area, subglottic, or supraglottic regions. Key diagnostic points are to delineate any subglottic disease as well as any underlying congenital diagnosis, such as velocardiofacial syndrome (chromosome 22q11.2 deletion ).
Cohen’s classification system subdivides laryngeal webs into four types:
Type I: An anterior web involving 35% of the glottis or less. The vocal cords are visible through these thin webs.
Type II: An anterior web involving 35%–50% of the glottis, which may be thin or thick, with extension into the subglottis. The vocal cords are usually visible within the web.
Type III: An anterior web involving 50%–70% of the glottis, typically with a thick anterior portion and extension into the subglottis.
Type IV: 75%–90% of the glottis is involved by a uniformly thick web, which extends into the subglottic larynx. The individual vocal cords are not identifiable and may be fused together. There may be an associated abnormality of the anterior cricoid cartilage.
As anterior laryngeal involvement is the most common site, hoarseness is the most common presentation. This is certainly most likely with a thin anterior laryngeal web although a thicker lesion can result in aphonia. If the web is extensive and involves the subglottis, respiratory compromise may be evident ( Fig. 18.15 ). The rarer posterior inter arytenoid webs can present with stridor secondary to the inability to abduct the vocal cords. Flexible nasoendoscopy can diagnose a laryngeal web but on its own is insufficient to evaluate the extent of the lesion or plan any treatment. Formal endoscopic evaluation by way of an MLB allows for the character and true extent of the lesion to be determined.
The management of a laryngeal web may simply be conservative with voice therapy support. Much of the concern regarding surgery relates to the possibility of web reformation and resultant scarring. The rare, thin anterior laryngeal webs may be endoscopically divided and dilated to good effect. More complex, thicker, or larger webs may require an endoscopic or an open approach. Endoscopic approaches involve wedge resection, suturing of the cut edges, placement of stents, mitomycin C topical application, or local flap reconstructions. Open approaches require laryngofissure and anterior cartilage graft placement. In most cases of complex webbing, revision procedures are commonplace and a tracheostomy is inevitable.
Laryngeal Cleft
These congenital anomalies arise from incomplete development of the posterior cricoid lamina and trachea-esophageal septum. The midline defect can be of varying length and this tends to correspond to the severity. Laryngeal clefts are associated with trachea-esophageal fistulas in 25% of cases. They are also associated with many syndromes including Opitz-Frias and Pallister-Hall. The length of the cleft corresponds to the severity of symptoms. The main symptom itself is aspiration, but this can be a simple cough with some feeding difficulties to severe cases of frank aspiration coupled with cyanosis or respiratory distress. In children presenting with a history of aspiration, there should be a high index of suspicion for a laryngeal cleft.
Diagnosis and classification of a laryngeal cleft is made at MLB ( ). The interarytenoid area must be carefully visualized and palpated for the presence of a cleft. There are several classification systems for laryngeal clefts, but perhaps the most commonly used and simplest is as follows:
Type 1—interarytenoid cleft down to and including the vocal cords
Type 2—extension into cricoid cartilage
Type 3—extension through cricoid into cervical trachea
Type 4—extension into intrathoracic trachea
Contrast studies, such as barium swallow and video fluoroscopy, will demonstrate a cleft and the aspiration. The severity of symptoms and the cleft itself will determine the treatment with surgical repair of laryngeal clefts reserved for symptomatic children:
Type 1 Clefts
Conservative management of interarytenoid clefts should be the initial choice, with swallowing therapy particularly aimed at thickening feeds to prevent aspiration. If this fails, endoscopic repair is advocated. Through a laryngoscope, the mucosa is cut from the inner margins of the cleft, which are then sutured together ( Fig. 18.16 ).
Management of Type 2 and 3 Clefts
Some smaller Type 2 clefts may be easily closed with an endoscopic technique, but for more extensive defects there are difficulties of access and instrumentation and late breakdown of the repair. Open procedures are advocated for Type 3 clefts and usually involve an anterior approach, as this avoids damage to the recurrent laryngeal nerves. A vertical laryngo-fissure is performed and the cleft is closed with either direct suturing with consideration of an interposition of a fascial graft. A tracheostomy may be necessary if prolonged postoperative ventilation is anticipated, but with shorter clefts 7–10 days of postoperative intubation may suffice to stent the surgical segment.
Management of Type 4 Clefts
Type 4 clefts include two very different prognostic outcomes from surgical repair. The total group carries a 50% mortality but in cases where there is no carinal structure; that is, a true carinal cleft, there are no reported survivors from surgical reconstruction. Where there is an intact carina repair the thoracic segment via sternotomy or thoracotomy with or without the use of cardiopulmonary bypass is very difficult. If the tracheoesophageal folds are very basic, it may be necessary to close off the esophageal sphincters and to use the whole of the undivided foregut as the airway. Because treatment entails significant morbidity and mortality, the decision on whether to operate should be based upon the associated comorbidity and fully informed parental choice. These children will need continued input from the speech and language therapy service in the postoperative period.
Vocal Cord Paralysis
Vocal cord palsy is the second commonest congenital anomaly of the larynx and can be bilateral or unilateral. Unilateral lesions are more common on the left, due to the longer course of the recurrent laryngeal nerve, and generally due to a nonfunctioning peripheral nerve. Other causes of unilateral palsy include peripheral nerve pathology, mediastinal lesions, such as tumors, vascular malformations, or thoracic surgery. Bilateral palsies are associated with lesions of the central nervous system, including Arnold-Chiari malformation, hydrocephalus, meningoceles, and myasthenia gravis. Birth trauma is often the cause for transient cord palsies, and these can be bilateral or unilateral.
Vocal cord palsy can vary tremendously in its presentation as the functional impairment can vary from minor feeding difficulties and voice issues to severe respiratory distress that may warrant tracheostomy. Classically, there is inspiratory stridor and a weak cry, and this is the usual case with unilateral palsies. In older children dysphonia and exertional dyspnea may be the presenting symptoms. In cases of bilateral vocal cord palsy, stridor associated with respiratory distress is the predominant feature, and the presentation can be at a birth.
Awake FNE allows for dynamic assessment of the vocal cords and often clinches the diagnosis. Naturally, the procedure can be technically difficult in some cases, but with experience this can often be managed and lead to a clear diagnosis. Video recording of the procedure can prove invaluable in difficult cases. Ultrasonography of the vocal cords is relatively noninvasive and growing in popularity. With continued experience, the sensitivity and specificity of this technique is likely to improve. Other radiological modalities imaging the full length of the recurrent laryngeal nerve, specifically MRI, should be arranged to exclude intracranial causes and CT scanning to exclude compressive causes in the neck or thorax. Laryngeal electromyography is not commonly employed but may be useful in monitoring function and recovery. MLB should be performed in these patients which can additionally confirm the diagnosis as it includes dynamic assessment but it allows for other pathologies to be excluded, particularly cricoarytenoid joint fixation and posterior glottic stenosis.
Unilateral cord palsy can usually be managed conservatively, although speech and language therapy input is often vital to combat issues related to voice and feeding. Bilateral cord palsy can present with neonatal airway distress requiring intubation followed by tracheostomy. However, if the child is carefully monitored, tracheostomy may be avoided in 50% of cases. Underlying causes should be treated to allow for resolution of the paralysis. Idiopathic cases certainly exhibit resolution in about 70% of cases, and this can be as late as a decade on from diagnosis. Tracheostomy decannulation can be achieved following resolution of the paralysis, but it is also often sought when the paralysis is likely to be permanent. Any surgical intervention to aid decannulation must take into consideration the possible adverse effects on laryngeal function related to voice, airway, and aspiration risk. The techniques that can be considered to aid decannulation include cordotomy, arytenoidectomy, and suture lateralization. Open or endoscopic posterior laryngeal grafting techniques have also been employed, as have laryngeal reinnervation procedures.
Saccular Cysts and Laryngoceles
The saccule is a blind ending structure that opens into the laryngeal ventricle, the lateral space between the true and false vocal cord. It runs in an anterior-superior direction and is usually of modest size in the normal larynx. It is lined by pseudostratified columnar epithelium and contains serous and mucous glands. A laryngocele is an abnormally enlarged laryngeal saccule and is air-filled. The condition is a rare congenital abnormality but may produce significant airway obstruction. It may be entirely within the confines of the larynx or extend into the neck via the thyrohyoid membrane. If the lesion is small, it may be excised using an endoscopic approach. Alternatively, an open operation may be necessary for larger lesions, with the possible need for a prior tracheostomy to ensure an adequate airway postoperatively.
Saccular cysts are mucous filled and are found in the false vocal cord or aryepiglottic fold ( Fig. 18.17 ). They are presumed to arise from a part of the saccule that has become sealed off from its outlet into the ventricle. They may be massive and cause immediate and severe airway obstruction. Standard endoscopic therapy is aspiration and marsupialization with scissors or laser. There is a high rate of recurrence, and open resection may eventually become necessary.
Hemangiomas—Subglottic and Tracheal
Infantile hemangiomas are benign vascular tumors and account for 1%–2% of all congenital anomalies of the larynx. Similar to cutaneous hemangiomas, they have a natural history, which includes a phase of rapid growth and proliferation followed by phases of involution. They can occur at all sites in the airway but are rare; the subglottis is the most common subsite. They usually present with symptomatic airway obstruction in the first 3 months of life, and this condition manifests itself more commonly in females than males, at a ratio of 2 : 1.
Infants with subglottic hemangiomas present with stridor that is not characteristically present at birth. As the lesion grows, symptoms ensue and typically the child presents with biphasic stridor around the age of 6 weeks. Symptoms can deteriorate as the lesion grows in size and this can occur up until the age of 2 years when the lesion then reduces in size, as seen in many cases of cutaneous hemangiomas. Presentation may mimic croup, and, since the lesion transiently regresses with dexamethasone treatment, the diagnosis may be missed until there have been recurrent bouts of airway obstruction. Infants with subglottic hemangiomas are likely to have a cutaneous lesion in 50% of cases. The need for treatment arises due to the growth of the subglottic lesion in a confined space, which inevitably gives rise to airway compromise.
Again, the gold standard for diagnosis is MLB. This allows for exclusion of other pathologies as well as direct visualization of the lesion. Photo-documentation of the lesion allows subsequent MLBs to determine the response to treatment. The lesion is most often seen as a solitary entity posteriorly in the subglottis, although multiple lesions can occur and rarely, these can be located at the mid-tracheal level. The lesion itself appears as a soft, compressible, red mass. The neurocutaneous disorder, PHACES syndrome (posterior fossa brain malformations, hemangiomas, cardiac anomalies and coarctation of the aorta, and eye anomalies with or without sternal clefts) should be considered and ruled out in cases of subglottic hemangioma.
In 2008, the treatment of hemangiomas was revolutionized by the serendipitous discovery of propranolol therapy. Previous treatments had included systemic and topical steroids and surgical excision; these options are now secondary with propranolol therapy being the first-line treatment option. However, treatment with propranolol is protracted and needs careful monitoring for side effects, and dosages need to be adjusted over the treatment period, which can typically vary from 12 to 18 months, although it can be longer in some cases. Responses, as determined by MLB findings and symptoms, can be seen within a few days of commencing treatment ( Fig. 18.18 ). A minority of patients does not show any improvement with propranolol therapy and may require traditional interventions, such as open or endoscopic debulking or resection of the lesion.
Congenital SGS
This is a relatively common congenital anomaly of, and the second most common cause of, stridor in infants. The underlying pathophysiology of congenital SGS involves incomplete recanalization of the laryngotracheal tube during the third month of gestation. This can lead to varying degrees of stenosis, complete laryngeal atresia being the extreme form. There are two main types of congenital SGS. Membranous SGS is the result of circumferential submucosal hypertrophy with excess fibrous connective tissue and mucus glands. This type is the most common and milder form. Cartilaginous congenital SGS results from a deformity of the cricoid cartilage or entrapment of the first tracheal ring within the cricoid. The cartilage usually narrows laterally, but may also develop generalized thickening or growth of the anterior or posterior laminae.
Congenital SGS may not manifest itself until the first few months of life, typically when a child develops an acute inflammatory process/illness. Naturally, a severe stenosis may result in symptoms from birth. The stridor associated with SGS is characteristically biphasic in nature, and this may be present with varying degrees of respiratory compromise. In an acute illness, when the congenital narrowing is further compromised by an overlying inflammatory process, the presentation is typically that of a child presenting with laryngotracheobronchitis or croup. An underlying SGS should be suspected in all cases of recurrent or refractory croup. An additional scenario in which this condition should be suspected is one of difficulty in intubation or extubation in an otherwise asymptomatic child. Children with Down syndrome may also have an underlying congenital SGS.
The gold standard for diagnosis and classification of SGS is by MLB. Formal endoscopic examination of the airway allows for the diagnosis to be made and for other abnormalities to be excluded. The dimensions of the stenosis (length and diameter) can be assessed during endoscopy, and this is vital for any consideration of surgical repair. The lumen diameter can be assessed by passing appropriate-sized ET tubes—the largest tube that demonstrates a leak at normal ventilation pressures—and determining the degree of obstruction according to the Cotton-Meyer grading system:
Grade I: 0%–50% obstruction
Grade II: 51%–70% obstruction
Grade III: 71%–99% obstruction
Grade IV: No detectable lumen
Surgical correction, when indicated, takes the form of
- 1.
Cricoid split, with our without interposition cartilage graft.
- 2.
Laryngotracheal reconstruction (LTR). Rib cartilage is used to hold open a vertical slit in the cricoid and upper trachea, either in the anterior wall alone, or as separate anterior and posterior grafts.
- 3.
Cricotracheal resection (CTR). The stenotic segment is excised with direct anastomosis of the airway. This is technically difficult when the stenosis involves the vocal cords.
A single-stage procedure is ideal (though not possible in all cases). Postoperatively, the child is intubated for 7–10 days prior to a trial of extubation. Airway reconstruction has been shown to have good outcomes, even in the presence of concomitant anomalies. Balloon dilatation has also been described.
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