Rüdiger Lange and Thomas Günther German Heart Center, Munich, Germany The first description of a primary cardiac neoplasm is credited to Matteo Realdo Colombo in 1559 [1]. During the autopsy of Cardinal Gambara, he discovered a left ventricular polypus tumor. In 1809, Alden Allen Burns of Edinburgh described a dense “polypus” attached to the right auricle protruding into the right ventricle [2]. The first report of a cardiac tumor in a living patient was not made until 1934, when Barnes and colleagues diagnosed a primary cardiac sarcoma with the aid of electrocardiography (new‐onset atrioventricular block) and biopsy of a peripheral metastatic lymph node [3]. Claude S. Beck performed the first successful resection of an intrapericardial teratoma in 1936 [4]. The first successful resection of an epicardial lipoma was performed in 1951 by Mauer [5]. In 1951, Goldberg and coworkers first diagnosed a left atrial myxoma in a 3½‐year‐old child by angiography, but attempts at surgical removal were unsuccessful [6]. The first echocardiographic diagnosis of an intracardiac tumor was made in 1959 [7]. In 1952, Bahnson and Newman attempted to remove a right atrial myxoma in a 54‐year‐old woman through a right anterior thoracotomy using inflow occlusion, but the patient expired 24 days later [8]. Subsequently, Crafoord in 1954 employed cardiopulmonary bypass to perform the first successful resection of an atrial myxoma [9]. During the past three decades, the development and refinement of noninvasive imaging modalities as well as technical advances in heart surgery have changed profoundly the diagnosis and treatment of cardiac tumors. Following the definitions proposed by Mehta and Myers, cardiac tumors are defined as an “abnormal growth of tissue in or on the heart, demonstrating partial or complete lack of structural organization, and no functional coordination with normal cardiac tissue” [10]. According to the World Health Organization (WHO) classification, primary cardiac tumors may be divided into benign tumors, tumors of uncertain biologic behavior, germ cell tumors, and malignant tumors [11]. Table 40.1 summarizes the respective tumor histotypes [11]. Secondary cardiac tumors are either metastatic extensions from a remote organ system that spread to the heart through direct hematogenous or lymphatic routes, or direct extensions of tumors originating from contiguous thoracic or infradiaphragmatic structures. The latter abdominal or pelvic tumors may spread through the inferior caval vein to the right atrium [10]. Primary cardiac tumors are rare in all age groups. Reynen analyzed the data of 22 autopsy series and found a frequency of 0.02%, corresponding to 200 tumors in 1 million autopsies [12]. In the pediatric age group the incidence of primary cardiac tumors in autopsy series is reported to be 0.027% [13]. However, with the improvement in noninvasive imaging techniques and the more intensive routine echocardiographic screening of children in recent decades, pediatric cardiac tumors are diagnosed with increasing frequency [13]. Beghetti and associates analyzed 27,640 infants and children assessed for cardiac disease over a 15‐year period and noticed an increase in tumor recognition from 0.06% to 0.32% [14]. According to Burke and colleagues, only 14% of all cardiac tumors occur in patients under 16 years of age [15]. Table 40.1 World Health Organization classification of primary tumors of the heart and pericardium. Source: Adapted from Burke A, Tavora F. J Thorac Oncol. 2016;11:441–452. The incidence of cardiac metastases reported in the literature is highly variable, ranging from 2.3% to 18.3% of patients with extracardiac malignancies [16]. According to Bussani, cardiac metastases are found in 9% of autopsies where a primary malignant tumor is found and in 14% of metastatic cancer [16]. Chan and coworkers report an incidence of 1.6% (n = 59 patients) in a series of 3641 children with malignant solid tumor [17]. The majority (72–94%) of primary cardiac tumors are benign [18–23]. Myxomas are the most common benign tumors in adult patients, accounting for approximately 50% of all primary tumors, followed by papillary fibroelastomas, fibromas, and lipomas [20, 21]. Approximately 10% of primary cardiac tumors diagnosed in adults are malignant. Most (75–95%) of these tumors are sarcomas [22, 24, 25]. Angiosarcoma and leiomyosarcoma are the most common histologic types [25]. In pediatric patients, more than 90% of primary cardiac tumors are benign. Nearly one‐half of theses tumors are rhabdomyomas, followed by fibromas, intrapericardial teratomas, myxomas, and hemangiomas [18, 26–30]. Rhabdomyomas, fibromas, and intrapericardial teratomas are more common in newborns and infants; myxomas predominate in older children and adolescents [28]. Primary malignant cardiac tumors in pediatric patients are exceedingly rare (<10%) [17, 18, 23, 31]. Rhabdomyosarcoma, leiomyosarcoma, and variants of malignant teratomas are the most common malignant tumors [30]. For some cardiac tumors a genetic predisposition is reported. Most rhabdomyomas are associated with tuberous sclerosis, an autosomal dominant inherited disorder with a highly variable phenotype characterized by the development of benign tumors (hamartomas) in multiple organ systems including skin, brain, heart, lungs, kidney, and liver [32, 33]. Cardiac myxoma may be part of the Carney complex, an autosomal dominant disorder associated with recurrent myxoma, cutaneous lentiginosis, and other myxoid tumors, with an associated 30% risk of endocrine neoplasia [34, 35]. Approximately 3% of patients with Gorlin syndrome have cardiac fibromas. Table 40.2 summarizes the features of these syndromes. Although each tumor type has its characteristic features, general comments can be made regarding the spectrum of their clinical appearance. The clinical manifestations of cardiac tumors vary considerably, from asymptomatic presentations to life‐threatening cardiac events [31, 36]. Since various cardiac diseases may be mimicked, the presence of a cardiac tumor should always be considered in the differential diagnosis [36, 37]. The symptoms are usually related to the size, location, invasiveness, friability, number, and rate of growth of the tumor rather than the histological tumor type [14, 19, 22, 23]. Symptoms are caused by tumor‐related intracardiac obstruction, compression of the heart or the great vessels, embolization of tumor fragments, or adherent thrombi and tumor infiltration [29, 30]. Cardiac tumors often remain asymptomatic until they reach an advanced stage and many tumors are discovered incidentally during routine screening. In the series of Beghetti and colleagues, 30 of 56 patients (54%) exhibited no symptoms and were diagnosed during routine screening for tuberous sclerosis, assessment of a cardiac murmur, or even prenatally [14]. If symptoms occur, they are often nonspecific, such as heart murmur, arrhythmia, dyspnea, and congestive heart failure [14,27,29,31,36,38]. Perchinsky and coworkers report a mean time from onset of symptoms to diagnosis of 16 months (range 2–48 months) [19]. Table 40.2 Genetic predisposition of cardiac tumors. LCCSCT, large‐cell calcifying Sertoli cell tumor. Constitutional unspecific symptoms such as fever, night sweats, arthralgia, weight loss, and fatigue are common and are frequently reported in patients with cardiac myxoma, but also in patients with malignant primary and metastatic tumors [19, 23, 36]. Systemic embolization (stroke, retinal, coronary mesenteric or renal artery emboli, as well as emboli to the arteries of the extremities) are also common. ElBardissi and co‐authors report a 25% rate of tumor embolization, most often associated with aortic valve and left atrial tumors [39]. Embolization, common among the friable myxomas and papillary fibroelastoma, is less frequent in other tumor types [35]. In 30–91% of cases, cardiac rhabdomyomas are associated with tuberous sclerosis [14, 26, 38, 40]. These patients may present with seizures as the leading symptom. Right atrial tumors may cause symptoms of right heart failure and produce the characteristic murmurs of tricuspid insufficiency or stenosis. Tumors involving the right atrium have been mistaken for congenital cardiac lesions, including Ebstein malformation and tricuspid stenosis. Due to a substantial increase in right atrial pressure, these tumors may produce cyanosis by virtue of right‐to‐left shunting across a patent foramen ovale [41, 42]. Intracavitary tumors of the right ventricle also have been associated with right heart failure as a result of obstruction or valvular dysfunction. Tricuspid insufficiency and right ventricular outflow tract obstruction have been described [42], with the latter mimicking pulmonary atresia with intact ventricular septum. Right heart failure may also be a consequence of extensive intramural tumor infiltration of the right ventricle. Thrombi or tissue fragments from right‐sided cardiac tumors may embolize to the pulmonary circulation and cause pulmonary hypertension [41]. Left atrial tumors typically mimic mitral valve disease. Murmurs and hemodynamic findings consistent with mitral stenosis and insufficiency have been described. Left atrial myxomas may produce obstructive symptoms only intermittently, particularly when the patient assumes the upright position [17]. Systemic embolization of left atrial myxomas is a well‐documented phenomenon. Tumors encroaching on the left ventricular cavity may produce mitral regurgitation, or inflow or outflow tract obstruction. Extensive infiltration of tumor into the left ventricular myocardium has resulted in cardiac failure, as well as myocardial ischemia from coronary compression [43]. Virtually every type of arrhythmia has been reported [30, 44] in patients with underlying cardiac tumors, with the type of arrhythmia primarily related to the location of the tumor. Clinically significant arrhythmia occurs in 24% of pediatric patients with cardiac tumors [45]. Involvement of the conduction system may yield pre‐excitation syndrome, bundle branch block, or various degrees of atrioventricular block [44, 45]. In a series of 173 pediatric patients reported by Miyake and colleagues, ventricular tachycardia was the most common type of arrhythmia. Patients with large fibromas were the highest‐risk group, with ventricular tachycardia occurring in 64% [45]. The etiology of a cardiac tumor can often be determined by talking into consideration the following factors: age of the patient at the time of presentation, tumor location, histology‐based likelihood, noninvasive tissue characteristics, and clinical features [22]. Other features that are helpful to ascertain the tumor etiology are the size, morphology, mobility or local infiltration of the tumor, vascular supply, and presence of pericardial effusions [23]. Although over 80% of patients with cardiac tumors may present with abnormalities on their chest x‐ray, these abnormalities are not specific. Cardiomegaly, mediastinal widening, pleural effusions, and pulmonary edema are common findings. Occasionally, primary cardiac tumors, particularly fibromas, may calcify and become evident on plane chest radiographs [23, 41]. In the presence of cardiac tumors, electrocardiographic findings are not uncommon, but are also nonspecific. In addition to the rhythm disturbances discussed above, electrocardiographic abnormalities include various degrees of atrioventricular block, ectopic atrial or ventricular beats, atrial flutter, and supraventricular tachycardia [30]. Focal ST‐T segment abnormalities may indicate myocardial ischemia due to coronary artery compression, while diffuse ST‐T segment abnormalities and low voltage have been associated with extensive intramural infiltration by the tumor. Echocardiography is the primary imaging technique for the evaluation of cardiac tumors [22, 23, 30]. Up to 42% of the tumors (predominantly rhabdomyomas) are discovered by routine prenatal echocardiography [35]. M‐mode and two‐dimensional echocardiography provide safe and effective means for noninvasive diagnosis in the fetus and in the child [40]. Tumor location, extent, and characteristics (single or multiple, intramuscular or intracavitary, solid or cystic) can be evaluated accurately and rapidly. Associated pericardial effusions are identified, and timely decompression of intrapericardial fluid collections may be performed under ultrasonographic guidance. With the addition of color‐flow Doppler echocardiography, the obstructive nature and hemodynamic significance of cardiac tumors can be assessed. The intraoperative use of transesophageal echo is particularly useful for assessment of valve function and detection of residual intracardiac defects and shunts [23]. Three‐dimensional echocardiography may provide a better definition of tumor characteristics and spatial relationship, thus facilitating operative planning [46]. Echocardiography is very sensitive in predicting the etiology of most intracavitary tumors. It is, however, less reliable in determining the nature of intramural or extramyocardial neoplasms [19]. Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) provides complementary information to echocardiographic studies [22, 23]. MRI helps to elucidate the relationship of the tumor to the normal myocardium and the great vessels. It provides information on tumor location, size, and boundaries (Figure 40.1). Another attribute of MRI is its ability to differentiate certain tissue types based on the signal characteristics, thus enhancing its value as a noninvasive diagnostic tool [47]. For example, a lipoma exhibits a characteristic appearance on MRI (Figure 40.2) [48]. This feature is particularly valuable in planning the extent and feasibility of operative resection [49]. In general, tumor size, location, and borders are best determined by T1‐weighted standard spin echo or by fast spin echo with double inversion recovery sequences [50]. Fast‐gradient cine MRI sequences provide information on the hemodynamic consequences of the tumor. The addition of spatial modulation of magnetization (tagging) is helpful in the differentiation of normal myocardial motion from that of the noncontracting tumor [49]. In distinguishing vascular tumors such as hemangiomas from avascular tumors such as fibromas, a T2‐weighted spin echo sequence is useful [50]. Generally, malignant tumors appear inhomogenous, infiltrate the adjacent tissues, and are more often associated with pericardial or pleural effusions [51]. According to Beroukhim and coworkers, a correct diagnosis of the tumor can be achieved in more than 90% of cases with a complete MRI examination and a set of predefined diagnostic criteria [47]. The major shortcoming of MRI for imaging cardiac tumors in younger patients is that it requires deep sedation or even general anesthesia to eliminate artefacts caused by respiration and patient movement. Furthermore, uncontrollable tachyarrhythmias may also produce motion artefacts and thus jeopardize the quality of imaging [48]. In addition, cardiac MRI does not distinguish between specific types of highly vascular tumors such as hemangioma, angiosarcoma, or paraganglioma [47]. Figure 40.1 Undifferentiated pleomorphic sarcoma, magnetic resonance image (MRI). Axial T1‐weighted MRI demonstrating a malignant fibrous histiocytoma infiltrating the left atrium and the posterior wall of the left ventricle. Courtesy of Dr. Albrecht Will, Department of Radiology, German Heart Center, Munich. Figure 40.2 Lipoma, magnetic resonance image. (A) Axial T1‐weighted image and (B) with fat suppression. LV, left ventricle; RA, right atrium; RV, right ventricle. Courtesy of Dr. Albrecht Will, Department of Radiology, German Heart Center, Munich. Cardiac computed tomography (CT) has several advantages: high spatial resolution, fast acquisition times, and multiplanar image reconstruction. The use of electrocardiography (ECG)‐gated CT offers a better soft tissue contrast than echocardiography. Particular calcifications, common in tumors such as fibroma, myxoma, and teratoma, are easily detectable. CT can differentiate serous form hemorrhagic pericardial effusions. Multislice CT allows assessment of the coronary arteries. It is particularly useful to detect metastases in patients in whom an extracardiac malignancy is suspected, especially when coupled with 18F‐fluorodeoxyglucose (FDG) positron‐emission tomography (PET) [52]. Known drawbacks are high‐dosage radiation and the need to administer potentially nephrotoxic contrast material, which may preclude use in infants. Cardiac catheterization is complementary in cases with associated congenital heart disease or in selected cases where hemodynamic evaluation is required. It is of particular importance in patients with suspected coronary artery disease [19, 23]. In addition, electrophysiologic mapping at the time of angiography may identify the exact arrhythmogenic site in children with small or multiple tumors [14, 31]. In most cases echocardiography and CT/MRI combined with the clinical data provide accurate diagnosis and eliminate the need for percutaneous or open surgical biopsy [22]. However, preoperative or intraoperative tissue diagnosis may be useful in some instances to determine the feasibility and extent of surgical resections or to determine the chemotherapeutic regimen for unresectable tumors [23]. In those cases in which a tissue diagnosis is desired, cytologic evaluation of pericardial and/or pleural fluid and thoracoscopic or transcatheter biopsy may be employed, with the inherent risk of tumor hemorrhage and tumor fragment embolization [23, 53]. Table 40.3 summarizes imaging features to aid in differentiation of primary benign and malignant tumors. Although the exact surgical management of a cardiac tumor depends largely on the site and extent of the mass, some general comments regarding surgical resection are appropriate. Excision of virtually all intracardiac tumors requires the use of cardiopulmonary bypass, with tumor location occasionally mandating alternative cannulation sites. In contrast, most intrapericardial tumors may be excised without using cardiopulmonary bypass. Median sternotomy is the standard approach. A less invasive approach through a right anterolateral thoracotomy has been proposed for resection of left atrial myxoma in adult patients. Table 40.3 Imaging features to differentiate primary benign and malignant tumors. CT, computed tomography; MRI, magnetic resonance imaging. Source: Adapted from Basso C, et al. Heart. 2016;102:1230–1245, and Kassop D et al. Curr Cardiovasc Imaging Rep. 2014;7:9281. Tumors arising from the atria are approached directly through an atriotomy. A left atrial tumor can be approached through the right atrium and across the interatrial septum at the fossa ovalis. Some authors favor a biatrial approach because it allows inspection of all four chambers, minimizes the need to manipulate the tumor, and increases the probability of complete resection [31]. Right ventricular tumors are usually amenable to resection via a right atriotomy and retraction of the tricuspid valve, thus obviating the need for a right ventriculotomy. Beghetti and co‐authors report the case of a newborn with a huge right ventricular fibroma causing inflow obstruction, who underwent partial resection associated with bidirectional cavopulmonary connection [54].
Cardiac Tumors
Historical Background
Nomenclature and Classification
Primary Cardiac Tumors
Histiocytoid cardiomyopathy
Hamartoma of mature cardiac myocytes
Adult cellular rhabdomyoma
Cardiac myxoma
Papillary fibroelastoma
Hemangioma (capillary/cavernous)
Cardiac fibroma
Cystic tumor of the atrioventricular node
Granular cell tumor
Tumors of uncertain behavior
Inflammatory myofibroblastic tumor
Germ cell tumors
Teratoma (mature/immature)
Yolk sac tumor
Malignant tumors
Undifferentiated pleomorphic sarcoma
Synovial sarcoma
Miscellaneous sarcomas
Cardiac lymphomas
Metastatic tumors
Tumors of the pericardium
Solitary fibrous tumor
Solitary fibrous tumor malignant
Synovial sarcoma
Malignant mesothelioma
Germ cell tumors
Teratoma (mature/immature)
Yolk sac tumor
Secondary Cardiac Tumors
Tumor Histotypes
Primary Cardiac Tumors
Genetic Predisposition
Clinical Appearance
Clinical manifestations
Carney complex
Cardiac myxoma
Skin myxoma
Spotty skin pigmentation (lentiginosis)
Tumors of endocrine glands
Autosomal dominant
Putative tumor suppressor gene protein kinase, cAMP‐dependent regulatory, type 1 alpha (PRKAR1A)
Tuberous sclerosis
Neurofibromatous lesions
Mental slowing
Cutaneous lesion
Autosomal dominant
Tumor suppressor gene (TSC1) coding hamartin
Tumor suppressor gene (TSC2) coding tuberin
16p 13.3
Gorlin syndrome
Autosomal dominant
Tumor suppressor gene (PTCH1)
Symptoms Related to Intracavitary Obstruction and Infiltration
Diagnostic Modalities
Chest Roentgenography
Magnetic Resonance Imaging
Computed Tomography
General Principles of Surgical Resection
Size /number
Small (<5 cm)
Single lesion
Large (>5 cm)
Multiple lesions
Well defined
Poorly defined
Endocardial attachment
broad base
Atrial septal attachment
Invasion of regional structures (valves, pericardium, pleura, vessels)
Intracavitary location
Intramyocardial location
>1 cardiac chamber
Multifocal intracardiac or pericardial lesions
Cardiac CT Features
(Fibroma, myxoma, teratoma)
Large foci
in osteosarcoma
MRI Features
Central necrosis and inhomogenous soft tissue appearance
Pericardial effusion
Pericardial/pulmonary nodules

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