Cardiac Catheterization and Hemodynamic Assessment
Richard A. Lange
L. David Hillis
Diagnostic cardiac catheterization is performed to establish the presence and to assess the severity of cardiac disease. Catheterization of the right and left sides of the heart can be accomplished by the introduction of catheters via several approaches. During routine right-sided heart catheterization, measurements of pressures and oxygen (O2) saturations in the venae cavae, right atrium, right ventricle, pulmonary artery, and pulmonary capillary wedge position can be performed, and cardiac output (CO) can be quantified. The measurement of right-sided pressures helps one to evaluate the severity of tricuspid or pulmonic stenosis, to assess the presence and severity of pulmonary hypertension, and to calculate pulmonary vascular resistance. With left-sided heart catheterization, one can assess mitral and aortic valvular function, left ventricular pressures and function, systemic vascular resistance, and coronary arterial anatomy. Cardiac catheterization may be performed to assess the presence, site, and magnitude of intracardiac shunting, and injection of radiographic contrast material into various cardiac chambers (angiography) may be performed to evaluate their structure or function.
Historical Perspective
Cardiac catheterization was first performed in the 1840s on experimental animals. In 1929, Werner Forssmann was the first to pass a catheter into the heart of a living person—himself. Guided by a fluoroscopic image projected onto a mirror, Forssmann introduced a thin urologic catheter into his left antecubital vein, advanced it to the right atrium, then climbed a flight of stairs to the radiology suite to document catheter position with a chest radiograph. Although he repeated this feat several times, concern about the utility and safety of cardiac catheterization limited its use and development until the 1940s, when Andre Cournand and Dickinson Richards systematically performed catheterization to investigate cardiac function in healthy subjects and in patients with heart disease (Table 77.1). During its early years, catheterization was performed sparingly and with substantial risk. As time has elapsed, considerable advances have been made, and the associated morbidity and mortality have fallen precipitously. Today, diagnostic cardiac catheterization is performed with minimal risk, and therapeutic catheterization (i.e., coronary angioplasty and valvuloplasty) is performed without incident in most patients. Cardiac catheterization now plays a central role in the diagnostic evaluation of the patient with suspected or known cardiac disease, and it offers percutaneous therapeutic possibilities in many individuals.
Indications and Contraindications
Diagnostic cardiac catheterization is indicated in the following situations: (a) to confirm or exclude the presence of a condition already suspected from the history, physical examination, or noninvasive evaluation; (b) to clarify a confusing or obscure clinical picture in a patient whose clinical findings and noninvasive data are inconclusive; and (c) to confirm the suspected abnormality and to exclude associated abnormalities that may require a surgeon’s attention in patients for whom corrective surgery is contemplated.
Therapeutic catheterization is appropriate in several circumstances. Percutaneous coronary revascularization may be indicated in the patient with symptomatic atherosclerotic coronary artery disease whose coronary anatomy is suitable for the procedure. Valvuloplasty is indicated in the patient with symptomatic isolated pulmonic or mitral stenosis in whom valvular anatomy is suitable, and it is an acceptable alternative to surgery in the patient with aortic stenosis in whom surgery is believed to offer an unfavorable risk-to-benefit ratio.
TABLE 77.1 Historical Highlights of Cardiac Catheterization | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
Catheterization is absolutely contraindicated if a mentally competent individual does not consent to the procedure. It is relatively contraindicated if an intercurrent condition exists that, if corrected, would improve the safety of the procedure (Table 77.2).
TABLE 77.2 Relative Contraindications to Cardiac Catheterization | |
Risks and Complications
As cardiac catheterization has been more frequently performed, the incidence of complications has diminished (Table 77.3) (1,2). The overall incidence of a major complication (death, myocardial infarction, or cerebrovascular accident) during or within 24 hours of diagnostic catheterization is 0.2% to 0.3%. Deaths, which occur in 0.1% to 0.2% of patients, may be caused by perforation of the heart or great vessels, cardiac arrhythmias, acute myocardial infarction, or anaphylaxis to radiographic contrast material. Individuals with an increased risk of death include those with (a) advanced (>70 years) or very young (<1 year) age, (b) marked functional impairment (class IV angina or heart failure), (c) severe left ventricular dysfunction or coronary artery disease (particularly left main disease, in which the risk of periprocedural death is 2.8% [5,6]), (d) severe valvular disease, (e) severe comorbid medical conditions (i.e., renal, hepatic, or pulmonary disease), or (f) a history of an allergy to radiographic contrast material.
Numerous minor complications may cause morbidity but exert no effect on mortality. Local vascular complications—arterial occlusion, large hematoma, pseudoaneurysm, or arteriovenous (AV) fistula—occur in 0.5% to 1.5% of patients. Compression by a large hematoma or groin clamp may cause local nerve damage. Infection may occur at the site of catheter entrance and manipulation, especially if a closure device is used to seal the arteriotomy site.
The injection of radiographic contrast material is associated with allergic reactions of varying severity, and a rare individual has anaphylaxis. Only 15% of patients with a known allergy to contrast material have another adverse reaction with repeat administration, and most of these reactions are minor (urticaria, nausea, vomiting). In most patients with a history of contrast allergy, angiography can be performed safely; however, premedication with glucocorticosteroids and antihistamines and the use of a nonionic contrast agent are generally recommended (3). Use of excessive quantities of radiographic contrast material may result in renal insufficiency, particularly in patients with preexisting renal dysfunction and diabetes mellitus. This complication can be minimized by (a) limiting the amount of contrast material used during catheterization based on the patient’s body surface area and baseline serum creatinine, (b) utilizing nonionic contrast material, (c) administering N-acetylcysteine orally or a sodium bicarbonate infusion intravenously before catheterization, and (d) administering sufficient fluids after catheterization (4).
TABLE 77.3 Complications Associated with Diagnostic Cardiac Catheterization | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
Techniques of Cardiac Catheterization
Catheterization of the right and left sides of the heart can be accomplished by the introduction of catheters (a) by direct vision into the brachial vein and artery (9) or (b) by percutaneous puncture of the radial artery or femoral or brachial vein and artery (10). The choice of approach (brachial, femoral, or radial) for venous and arterial catheterization is determined by the preference and experience of the operator as well as by the anatomic and pathophysiologic abnormalities of the patient. In general, right-sided heart catheterization is easier via the brachial approach in the patient with right ventricular or right atrial dilatation. In contrast, in the patient with a secundum atrial septal defect, a right-sided heart catheter can be passed across the defect more easily via the femoral approach. Thus, in choosing the route for right-sided heart catheterization, it is necessary to be cognizant of anatomic abnormalities and specific disease entities. In most patients, left-sided heart catheterization can be performed by the radial, brachial, or femoral approach. However, the femoral approach offers several advantages. This approach can be performed quickly and repeatedly in the same patient, allows the use of larger-lumen catheters, and has a low incidence of infection or vascular injury. Certain conditions, however, render left-sided heart catheterization by the femoral approach difficult, such as extensive peripheral vascular disease, marked obesity, severe systemic arterial hypertension, bleeding diatheses, and any disorder that results in a markedly augmented arterial pulse pressure (e.g., severe aortic regurgitation). In the patient with any of these conditions, the brachial or radial approach may be safer if performed by an operator experienced with this technique. In turn, the brachial or radial approach for left-sided heart catheterization is relatively contraindicated if there is evidence of severe brachiocephalic or ulnar arterial disease.
Brachial Approach
To use the brachial cutdown approach, local anesthetic is introduced into an area 3 to 4 cm in diameter, approximately 1 cm above the flexor crease of the arm, after which a transverse cutdown is performed. If both right- and left-sided heart catheterization is planned, the incision should be wide (2 to 3 cm in length) and located over the brachial artery; if only right-sided heart catheterization is contemplated, a small incision can be made directly over a brachial vein. Once the skin incision is made, the subcutaneous tissues are separated by blunt dissection with a curved hemostat. The vein and artery are isolated with bands, separated from adjacent tissues, and cleaned. The catheters are introduced under direct vision and are advanced into the great vessels and the heart.
After catheterization by the brachial cutdown approach, the catheters are removed, and the vein used for right-sided heart catheterization is ligated. The artery used for left-sided heart catheterization is rendered free of thrombi, and the arteriotomy is repaired. After blood flow has been successfully restored to the distal arm, the wound is flushed with saline, the incision is sutured, and the site of the cutdown is appropriately dressed. Alternatively, the brachial approach can be performed percutaneously in a manner similar to the femoral approach described in the next section.
Femoral Approach
To use the percutaneous femoral approach, local anesthetic is introduced into an area 3 to 4 cm in diameter 3 to 4 cm below the inguinal ligament (the inguinal ligament extends from the anterior superior iliac crest to the symphysis pubis). The anticipated puncture site should overlie bone, thus allowing for adequate vessel compression when the sheaths are removed. A small incision (approximately 0.5 cm in length) is made over the vessel(s) to be used for catheter introduction and passage, after which a “tunnel” is constructed (using a straight hemostat) at a 30- to 45-degree angle to the surface of the skin and to the approximate depth of the desired femoral vessel. An 18-gauge needle is introduced through the skin incision and tunnel into the lumen of the femoral artery or vein. Once blood flows freely through the needle, a Teflon-coated guidewire is advanced into the lumen of the punctured vessel. The wire is held firmly in place as the needle is removed, and the wire is wiped to remove blood and thrombi. Then a sheath with a side arm port is advanced over the wire into the vessel lumen, and the wire is removed. The side arm port allows continuous pressure monitoring and infusion as catheters are advanced through the sheath to the heart. After catheterization, the vascular sheaths are removed, and hemostasis is achieved by applying pressure over the puncture site (generally 1.0 to 1.5 cm cephalad to the skin incision) for sufficient time to ensure the cessation of bleeding. Hemostasis is generally obtained by applying direct pressure to the puncture site on the femoral vein for 5 to 10 minutes and on the femoral artery for 20 to 30 minutes. Subsequently, the patient is required to remain in bed and to immobilize the involved limb for 8 to 24 hours, depending on sheath size. The percutaneous brachial technique is performed in a similar manner by creating a tunnel 1 cm above the flexor crease of the arm.
Radial Approach
Diagnostic and interventional catheterization procedures can be performed via percutaneous cannulation of the radial artery with 5- or 6-Fr sheaths. Because of its small caliber, the radial artery may spasm during sheath placement or catheter manipulation, thus requiring treatment with intraarterial nitroglycerin or a calcium channel blocker. Bleeding is uncommon with the radial approach, but radial artery thrombosis occurs in 5% to 10% of patients, usually without sequelae provided a preprocedure Allen test result confirmed adequate perfusion of the hand through the ulnar artery. The major advantage of the radial approach is that it allows the patient to ambulate soon after catheterization, and this is conducive to the performance of outpatient diagnostic and interventional procedures.
Transseptal Approach
When access to the left atrium is necessary, transseptal catheterization is performed. With this technique, a long sheath is placed percutaneously in the right femoral vein and is advanced to the right atrium over a guidewire. A special transseptal needle is advanced through the sheath and is used to puncture the interatrial septum. The sheath is then advanced over the needle into the left atrium, and the needle withdrawn from the body. Through the sheath, left atrial pressure can be measured, and catheters can be placed for therapeutic procedures, such as mitral valvuloplasty. The transseptal approach should not be attempted in the patient with (a) severely distorted or malaligned cardiac anatomy, (b) left atrial thrombus, (c) left atrial myxoma, or (d) a bleeding diathesis. In experienced hands, significant complications (cardiac perforation, pericardial tamponade, ventricular fibrillation, cerebrovascular event, and death) occur in 1% to 2% of transseptal procedures (11).
Left Ventricular Puncture
In rare circumstances, placement of a catheter in the left ventricle across the aortic (or mitral) valve is not advisable. For
example, advancement of a catheter across a tilting disk prosthetic valve may result in catheter entrapment. Accordingly, direct puncture of the left ventricle through the chest wall can be performed to measure left ventricular pressure and to perform left ventriculography. With this approach, after generous local anesthesia, an 18-gauge needle is inserted at the apical impulse and is directed toward the long axis of the left ventricle (toward the right shoulder). When heart pulsations or ventricular ectopy are noted, the needle is in contact with the ventricular epicardium, and it is slowly advanced until pulsatile blood flow is observed. Left ventricular pressure can be measured directly through the needle. If ventriculography is to be performed, the needle can be exchanged over a guidewire for a 4- or 5-Fr pigtail catheter. Significant complications (cardiac tamponade, hemothorax, pneumothorax, ventricular fibrillation) occur in 3% to 10% of these procedures, and vasovagal reactions occur in approximately 5% (12).
example, advancement of a catheter across a tilting disk prosthetic valve may result in catheter entrapment. Accordingly, direct puncture of the left ventricle through the chest wall can be performed to measure left ventricular pressure and to perform left ventriculography. With this approach, after generous local anesthesia, an 18-gauge needle is inserted at the apical impulse and is directed toward the long axis of the left ventricle (toward the right shoulder). When heart pulsations or ventricular ectopy are noted, the needle is in contact with the ventricular epicardium, and it is slowly advanced until pulsatile blood flow is observed. Left ventricular pressure can be measured directly through the needle. If ventriculography is to be performed, the needle can be exchanged over a guidewire for a 4- or 5-Fr pigtail catheter. Significant complications (cardiac tamponade, hemothorax, pneumothorax, ventricular fibrillation) occur in 3% to 10% of these procedures, and vasovagal reactions occur in approximately 5% (12).
Endomyocardial Biopsy
Percutaneous endomyocardial biopsy may be performed to obtain pieces of myocardial tissue for microscopic examination. Most commonly, tissue is obtained from the right ventricle; however, left ventricular biopsy also can be performed. From the femoral or internal jugular vein, a long biopsy sheath with a side arm port is advanced to the right ventricle over a guidewire. Then, under fluoroscopic guidance, the bioptome is advanced through the long sheath and is directed toward the interventricular septum. After the bioptome has exited the end of the sheath, its jaws are opened, and it is advanced to the septum. The jaws are then tightly closed, and the bioptome is briskly withdrawn through the sheath to tear away a small piece of tissue. This procedure is repeated until three to five tissue specimens are obtained. Local complications related to vascular access (i.e., venous thrombosis, hemorrhage, pneumothorax, recurrent laryngeal nerve injury) are the most common problems associated with this procedure and occur in 1% to 2% of patients. Transient arrhythmias and right bundle branch block from catheter manipulation are common, but sustained rhythm abnormalities are not. Cardiac perforation is rare (13), occurring in less than 0.05% of procedures, but it may lead to pericardial tamponade and hemodynamic collapse, especially if it is not recognized promptly and treated appropriately. Other rare complications include tricuspid regurgitation (resulting from chordal tear) and formation of a fistula from the coronary artery to the right ventricle (14).
Right-Sided Heart Catheterization
During routine right-sided heart catheterization, measurements of pressures and O2 saturations in the venae cavae, right atrium, right ventricle, pulmonary artery, and pulmonary capillary wedge position can be performed, and CO can be quantified (Table 77.4 gives normal values). The measurement of right-sided pressures helps one to evaluate the severity of tricuspid or pulmonic stenosis, to assess the presence and severity of pulmonary hypertension, and to calculate pulmonary vascular resistance. In the absence of pulmonary vein stenosis (a rare condition), the pulmonary capillary wedge pressure accurately reflects left atrial pressure. The determination of O2 saturations from the various right-sided heart chambers is used to assess the presence, location, and magnitude of intracardiac left-to-right shunting, such as occurs with atrial or ventricular septal defect or patent ductus arteriosus. Occasionally, angiography is performed to define right-sided anatomic abnormalities or to evaluate the severity of right-sided valvular regurgitation.
TABLE 77.4 Normal Hemodynamic Values | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
For optimal measurement of right-sided heart pressures, a relatively stiff, large-lumen, nonflotation catheter is used, which can be advanced until it “wedges” in a small pulmonary artery. The catheter’s position in the pulmonary capillary wedge location is confirmed by obtaining blood with an O2 saturation greater than 95%. Alternatively, a softer, balloon-tipped flotation catheter can be used. With this catheter, the acquisition of a blood sample to confirm the pulmonary capillary wedge position is often difficult, and the fidelity of the pressure recordings obtained with it is less ideal than that obtained with a stiffer, large-lumen catheter; however, its ease of passage and paucity of complications make it more suitable for use by operators with limited experience. Furthermore, because it is flow directed, it often can be advanced through the right side of the heart without fluoroscopic guidance. Finally, addition of a thermistor to the flotation catheter’s distal portion allows one to measure CO by the thermodilution technique.
Left-Sided Heart Catheterization
With left-sided heart catheterization, one can assess (a) mitral and aortic valvular function, (b) left ventricular pressures and function, (c) systemic vascular resistance, and (d) coronary arterial anatomy. To perform angiography or to measure the pressure in the left ventricle, one usually advances a catheter
in retrograde fashion across the aortic valve. In rare circumstances in which this is impossible (e.g., severe aortic stenosis or a tilting disk prosthetic valve in the aortic position), transseptal catheterization is performed, and the catheter is advanced to the left ventricle in antegrade fashion across the mitral valve.
in retrograde fashion across the aortic valve. In rare circumstances in which this is impossible (e.g., severe aortic stenosis or a tilting disk prosthetic valve in the aortic position), transseptal catheterization is performed, and the catheter is advanced to the left ventricle in antegrade fashion across the mitral valve.
During most catheterizations, pressures are measured directly from each of the cardiac chambers except the left atrium. The left atrial pressure is generally recorded “indirectly,” that is, as the pulmonary capillary wedge pressure. To accomplish this, an end-hole catheter is placed in the pulmonary artery and is advanced into the pulmonary arterial tree until it is effectively wedged. If the catheter is wedged adequately, the resultant pressure is left atrial, and the blood withdrawn from it is fully saturated. The demonstration that fully saturated blood can be withdrawn from the catheter confirms that the pressure is indeed left atrial. When a direct left atrial pressure recording is needed, a transseptal catheterization can be performed.
Hemodynamic Measurements
Cardiac Output
The flow of blood throughout the body is known as CO and is expressed in liters per minute. Because the magnitude of CO is proportional to body surface area, one person may be compared with another by means of the cardiac index (i.e., the CO adjusted for body surface area). The normal cardiac index is 2.6 to 4.2 L per minute per m2 of body surface area (Table 77.4). The two commonly used methods of measuring CO are the Fick method and the indicator dilution technique.
Fick Method
The measurement of CO by the Fick method is based on the hypothesis that the uptake of a substance by an organ is the product of the blood flow to that organ and the regional AV concentration difference of the substance (5). By measuring the amount of O2 extracted from inspired air by the lungs and the AVO2 difference across the lungs, pulmonary blood flow may be calculated, which is similar to systemic blood flow in most people. The Fick formula for the calculation of CO is as follows:

The normal O2 consumption index (O2 consumption per m2 of body surface) is 110 to 150 mL/m2 per minute (Table 77.4). In general, the O2 consumption is higher for men than for women and decreases gradually with age. In many laboratories, the O2 consumption is estimated from a nomogram, formula, or table. However, there is a poor relationship between estimated and measured O2


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