Bronchiectasis, chronic suppurative lung disease, and protracted bacterial bronchitis (PBB) are increasingly recognized conditions. Bronchiectasis is now again increasingly diagnosed, and its renewed interest has resulted in further in-depth studies in children and adults. However, diagnostic labeling of childhood bronchiectasis by radiology using adult-derived criteria has substantial limitations. Thus, pediatric-derived criteria are advocated. A paradigm presenting a spectrum related to airway bacteria, with associated degradation and inflammation products causing airway damage if untreated, entails PBB (at the mild end) to irreversible airway dilatation with cystic formation as determined by chest computed tomography (CT) scan (at the severe end of the spectrum). Increasing evidence suggest that progression of airway damage can be limited by intensive treatment, even in those predestined to have bronchiectasis (e.g., immune deficiency). Treatment is aimed at achieving a cure in those at the milder end of the spectrum to limiting further deterioration in those with severe “irreversible” radiological bronchiectasis.
Anne Chang is supported by Australian National Health and Medical Research Council practitioner fellowship (1058213), Centre for Research Excellence grant (1040830) and project grants (1098443 and 1019834).
Greg Redding is supported in part by Maternal Child Health Grant T72MC00007.
bronchiectasis, cough, protracted bacterial bronchitis, suppurative, airways, children
Worldwide, there are more people with bronchiectasis unrelated to cystic fibrosis (CF) than with CF and although regarded in affluent countries as an “orphan disease,” bronchiectasis remains a major contributor to chronic respiratory morbidity in affluent and less affluent countries. With the increasing appreciation of bronchiectasis in adults, the renewed interest in bronchiectasis has resulted in greater research depth, albeit there is still proportionately little research in children. Indeed, bronchiectasis is regarded by the European Respiratory Society as “one of the most neglected diseases in respiratory medicine.” This chapter addresses childhood bronchiectasis, chronic suppurative lung disease (CSLD), and protracted bacterial bronchitis (PBB) unrelated to CF. Other underlying pulmonary host defense deficiencies such as ciliary dyskinesia syndromes and immunodeficiencies are covered elsewhere in this textbook.
Bronchiectasis, Chronic Suppurative Lung Disease, Protracted Bacterial Bronchitis
Bronchiectasis, CSLD, and PBB share common features but are different diagnostic entities with overlaps ( Fig. 26.1 ). Bronchiectasis is a pathologic state of the conducting airways manifested by radiographic evidence of bronchial dilation and clinically by chronic productive cough. Bronchiectasis can be focal with recurrent wet or productive cough and infectious exacerbations, or it can be diffuse, resulting in generalized airway obstruction and destruction with eventual respiratory failure. The diagnostic criteria for bronchiectasis are based on radiographic features of chest high-resolution computerized tomography (c-HRCT), although the sensitivity of adult-defined radiographic criteria has been questioned when applied to children. Bronchiectasis may also occur in patients with interstitial lung diseases, because traction on the airways causes secondary bronchial dilation. Traction bronchiectasis in the absence of wet or productive cough will not be considered further.

CSLD describes a clinical syndrome where symptoms of chronic endobronchial suppuration exist without c-HRCT evidence of bronchiectasis. The presenting symptoms are identical to bronchiectasis, including a prolonged moist or productive cough responsive to antibiotics with or without exertional dyspnea, increased airway reactivity, and recurrent chest infections. The absence of physical signs and symptoms other than wet or productive cough do not reliably exclude either bronchiectasis or CSLD. Lung abscess and empyema (previously included as CSLD) have distinct radiological characteristics and will not be discussed further. Whether bronchiectasis and CSLD are different clinical entities or simply reflect a spectrum of airway disease remains undetermined. Both are chronic suppurative airway diseases and respond to similar treatment regimens.
The sole reliance of radiographic features to distinguish between bronchiectasis and CSLD is in question for several reasons:
- 1.
It is unknown when radiological changes consistent with bronchiectasis occur in the context of a patient with symptoms of CSLD/bronchiectasis. Adult studies have shown that bronchography (the old gold standard for diagnosis of bronchiectasis) is superior to c-HRCT scans in mild disease. In the last decade, studies have shown that contiguous 1-mm slices of c-HRCT images identify more bronchiectasis than conventional techniques (1 mm slice every 10 to 15 mm). Hill et al. reported that the contiguous 1-mm slices protocol demonstrated 40 extra lobes with bronchiectasis not identified on conventional HRCT in 53 adults. False negative results are more likely to occur when the disease is mild and localized. Thus, in the current era, tertiary centers generally use multidetector CT (MDCT) scans with HRCT reconstructions used to define airway lesions. It is likely that c-HRCT protocols (without MDCT scans) have insufficient sensitivity to detect early signs of bronchiectasis in some children with symptoms of bronchiectasis.
- 2.
A significant number of children have clinical characteristics of bronchiectasis, but their c-HRCT do not meet the criteria for the adult-based radiological bronchiectasis criteria. c-HRCT findings of bronchiectasis were derived from adult studies, but scans in adults are not necessarily equivalent to those in children. Airway and morphologic changes in the lung occur with maturation and aging. One of the key signs of bronchiectasis is increased bronchoarterial ratio (diameter of the bronchial lumen divided by the diameter of its accompanying artery) of greater than 1 to 1.5. This ratio is influenced by age. Thus, a lower bronchoarterial ratio should be used in children to diagnose bronchiectasis. In young children (aged <5 years), the normal bronchoarterial ratio is around 0.5 ; and in older children (<18 years), the upper limit is less than 0.8.
- 3.
To fulfill the criteria of “irreversible dilatation,” at least two scans are required. Performing more than one c-HRCT scan purely for diagnostic reasons may be impractical and poses safety concerns regarding cancer risks from radiation in children, adolescents, and young adults.
- 4.
The timing of c-HRCT scans to diagnose bronchiectasis is important. Scans performed in different clinical states, such as during an acute pulmonary exacerbation, immediately following treatment, or when clinically stable, may yield different results. C-HRCT scans are ideally performed in a “non-acute state,” but this state may differ from a posttreatment state. Bronchial dilatation resolved completely in 6 of 21 children with radiologically defined bronchiectasis when c-HRCT scans were repeated immediately following intensive medical therapy.
Thus, we recommend that HRCT scans are best performed in a nonacute state and bronchiectasis be diagnosed if symptoms of CSLD are present when HRCT findings meet the pediatric rather than adult radiological criteria.
PBB is a condition that is likely a prebronchiectasis state. It was first described as a diagnostic entity in 2006 with clear clinical criteria supported by laboratory studies, although astute clinicians had long recognized PBB-like conditions. PBB is discussed later in the chapter as a separate entity.
Bronchiectasis and Chronic Suppurative Lung Disease
Epidemiology, Prevalence, and Burden of Disease
Prevalence Across Time and Countries
In most affluent countries, the prevalence of childhood bronchiectasis has substantially declined since the 1940s. Field reported on 160 children with bronchiectasis over a 20-year period noting a decline in the incidence from 48 to 10 cases per 10,000 people from the 1940s to the 1960s. By 1994, an English study found that only 1% of 4000 children referred to a respiratory specialty service had bronchiectasis. The reduced incidence over time has been ascribed to reduced crowding, improved immunization programs, better hygiene and nutrition, and early access to medical care. However, bronchiectasis is now increasingly recognized worldwide as an important contributor to chronic respiratory morbidity in less affluent countries and both indigenous and nonindigenous populations in affluent countries. Indeed bronchiectasis is not rare in affluent countries, but is more common among certain groups for example, the Alaskan Yupik children in the United States, Aboriginals in Australia, and Maori and Pacific Islanders in New Zealand. Among these populations, the prevalence of childhood bronchiectasis is 147 to 200 per 10,000 children. A Canadian study conservatively estimated that the prevalence of bronchiectasis among Inuit children living in Nunavut was 20 per 10,000. The only available national incidence data on children is that from New Zealand with a rate of 3.7 per 100,000 under 15 year old children per year, which is almost twice that of CF. In the Northern Territory (Australia with a high proportion of Indigenous people) the incidence in the first year of life is 12 per 10,000.
In adults, the estimated prevalence rate has been increasing (annual change of 8.8% from 2000 to 2007) based on a 5% sample of outpatient Medicare claims in the United States. In the United Kingdom (UK), the prevalence of bronchiectasis in people aged 18 to 29 years increased from 29.3 (95% confidence interval [CI] 20.4 to 41.9) per 100,000 in 2004 to 43.4 (32.3 to 58.4) per 100,000 in 2013. These estimates far exceed the prevalence of CF. Given the need for a CT scan to diagnose bronchiectasis, prevalence or incidence data would be an underestimation. Furthermore, recognition of bronchiectasis is physician dependent and it is not surprising that many cases in children and adults are misdiagnosed as “difficult asthma” or chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD). A proportion of adults with COPD (29% of 110) have underlying bronchiectasis. Importantly, the majority of bronchiectasis in adulthood has its roots in childhood. One study of adults with bronchiectasis found that 80% of patients had chronic respiratory symptoms from childhood.
Hospitalization rates for adults with non-CF bronchiectasis in the United States have also increased in the last two decades; from 1993 to 2006, the age-adjusted rate increased significantly with an average annual percent increase of 2.4% among men and 3.0% among women. German hospital statistics for 2005–2011 have also increased over that period with an annual age-adjusted rate for bronchiectasis of 9.4 hospitalizations per 100,000 population. Likewise, an Australian state (Queensland) documented an increase in hospitalization from 65 to 83 per 100,000 population between 2005 and 2009.
Data from less affluent countries suggest that bronchiectasis is still associated with poor outcomes, for example, 22% with respiratory failure in a 6.6-year Tunisian follow-up study. Mortality from pediatric bronchiectasis is rarely reported. Arguably, no child without a serious comorbidity should die from bronchiectasis. However, an England and Wales study reported 12 deaths in the 0 to 14 years age group between 2001 and 2007, and 6 (7%) of 91 children died while attending a single New Zealand center between 1991 and 2006. The premature mortality from bronchiectasis may carry over into young adulthood particularly in circumstances with nonoptimal management. This is depicted by a retrospective cohort study of 120 Central Australian Indigenous adults with bronchiectasis (50 diagnosed as children) hospitalized between 2000 and 2006 that reported 34% died during the period at a median age of 42.5 years. In the UK, a recent study described that the crude mortality for men aged 18 to 49 years with bronchiectasis was 13.1 (95% CI 3.4 to 22.8) per 1000 population and 6.4 (0.8 to 12.0) for women compared to the general population, which are rates of 1.3 (1.3 to 1.4) and 0.8 (0.7 to 0.8), respectively. These represent excess mortality rates of 8 to 10 times the general population.
Economic Cost
There is little data on the economic cost of bronchiectasis and none specific to children. In an United States-based case-control study involving 9146 children and adults (6.7% were aged <18 years), the direct medical cost increased by US$2319 per patient per year relative to the matched control from the preceding year. The cost specifically for children was not described. An earlier study found that in the United States, adults with bronchiectasis averaged 2.0 (95% CI 1.7 to 2.3) additional days in hospital and that the average total annual medical-care expenditures (in 2001) were US$5681 ($4862 to $6593) higher for bronchiectasis patients than age, gender matched controls with other chronic diseases such as diabetes, COPD, and congestive heart failure.
Other Burden of Disease
In recent years, four pediatric studies in three different continents evaluated the impact of bronchiectasis on the child’s and/or parents’ health-related quality of life (QoL). Using the Parent Cough-Specific Quality of Life (PC-QoL) and the Depression, Anxiety and Stress (DASS-21) questionnaires, a Malaysian study described that children with CF had better parental mental health compared to children with non-CF CSLD. Overall, 77% of parents had abnormal DASS-21 scores (54% stressed and 51% depressed). An Australian study examined PC-QoL and DASS-21 scores during the stable-state and exacerbations in 69 children (median age 7 years) and their parents. In the stable state, the median PC-QoL was 6.5 (interquartile range [IQR] 5.3 to 6.9) and DASS-21 was 6 (0 to 20). Both scores were significantly worse during exacerbations (PC-QoL = 4.6 [3.8 to 5.4], P ≤ .001 and DASS = 22 [9 to 42], P < .001). DASS score showed that 38% had elevated anxiety and that 54% had abnormal depression/stress scores during the exacerbation. In the stable state, poorer QoL was significantly recorded with younger children, but QoL did not relate to the radiological extent, lung function, or underlying etiology. In contrast, a Turkish study described that the severity and frequency of symptoms were inversely related to the pulmonary function and the QoL scores (nonpediatric scales were used) in 42 children aged 9 to 18 years. Another Turkish study involving 76 Caucasian children with bronchiectasis and 65 controls used self-reported questionnaires to evaluate the psychological status (using the Child Depression Inventory, State-Trait Anxiety Inventories for Children, and Pediatric Quality of Life Inventories). In this older cohort of children (mean age 11.7, SD 2.6 years), depression and trait anxiety scores were not elevated in those with bronchiectasis, but the child-rated physical health QoL scores were significantly lower in those with bronchiectasis compared to controls. The determinants of QoL were related to age, forced expiratory volume in one second (FEV 1 )/forced vital capacity (FVC) % predicted, and dyspnea severity.
The differences between the Australian and Turkish studies likely relate to the different QoL scales used and severity of disease. It is likely that QoL scores correlate to disease severity only in more severe disease, similar to the relationship between spirometry and radiological extent of bronchiectasis; spirometry is often normal in mild or localized disease, and significant correlations between spirometry indices and radiology scores are seen only in more severe disease. Nevertheless, all studies showed the negative impact of bronchiectasis on the children and/or their parents QoL and mental health. Poor sleep quality has also been reported.
Etiologic Risk Factors
Bronchiectasis is the result of a variety of airway insults and predisposing conditions that ultimately injure the airways and lead to recurrent or persistent airway infection and destruction. Examples of these conditions are listed in Table 26.1 . Bronchiectasis develops in some individuals when structural airway abnormalities, such as bronchomalacia, endobronchial tuberculosis, central airway compression, or retained aspirated foreign bodies impair mucus and bacterial clearance. However, there is currently no evidence of airway malacia causing bronchiectasis in human studies. Persistent airway injury and narrowing associated with bronchiolitis obliterans (BO; due to viral injury or following lung transplantation) can lead to bronchiectasis. Recurrent airway injury, such as occurs with aspiration syndromes, can also result in bronchiectasis. Selected pediatric cohorts from various settings and countries that describe the frequencies of these associated conditions are summarized in Table 26.2 .
Primary Pathophysiology | Diseases | Major Associations |
Impaired immune function a | Severe combined immunodeficiency Common variable immunodeficiency | Gastrointestinal bacterial infections |
Natural killer cell deficiency | EBV infection | |
Bare lymphocyte syndrome | ||
X-linked lymphoproliferative disease | ||
Ectodermal dysplasia | Abnormalities of teeth, hair, eccrine sweat glands | |
Ataxia-telangiectasia | Cerebellar ataxia, telangiectases | |
Bloom syndrome | Telangiectasia, altered pigmented skin | |
DNA ligase I defect | Sun sensitivity | |
T-cell deficiency | Thymus aplasia | |
HIV | ||
Cartilage-hair hypoplasia | Short-limb dwarfism | |
Ciliary dyskinesia | Primary | Sinusitis |
Functional | ||
Abnormal mucous | Cystic fibrosis | Pancreatic insufficiency |
Clinical syndromes | Young’s syndrome | Azoospermia |
Yellow nail lymphedema syndrome | Nail discoloration | |
Marfan syndrome | Phenotypic appearance | |
Usher syndrome | Retinitis pigmentosa | |
Autosomal Dominant Polycystic kidney disease | Kidney disease | |
Congenital tracheobronchomegaly | Mounier-Kuhn syndrome, Williams-Campbell syndrome | |
Ehlers-Danlos syndrome | Phenotype appearance | |
Aspiration syndromes | Recurrent small volume aspiration | Neurodevelopmental problems |
Primary aspiration | ||
Tracheoesophageal fistula | ||
Gastroesophageal reflux disease | ||
Obstructive bronchiectasis | Foreign body, tumors, lymph nodes | |
Other pulmonary disease associations | Interstitial lung disease Bronchiolitis obliterans | Systemic disease, dyspnea Past severe ALRI |
Allergic bronchopulmonary aspergillosis | Wheeze | |
Bronchopulmonary dysplasia | Extreme prematurity | |
Tracheobronchomalacia | Brassy cough | |
Others | Alpha-1 trypsin or protease inhibitor deficiency | Liver disease |
Posttransplant | ||
IgG4 related disease | Pancreatitis, skin lesions | |
Autoimmune diseases | ||
Post toxic fumes | ||
Eosinophilic lung disease | ||
Prolidase deficiency | Leg ulcers, pulmonary cysts |
Study | Nikolaizik et al. N = 41 | Edwards et al. N = 60 | Singleton et al. N = 46 | Chang et al. N = 65 | Santamaria et al. N = 105 | Kapur et al. 2012 N = 113 | Brower et al. 2014 N = 989 a |
Setting n (%) | City, England | City, New Zealand | Remote, Indigenous, Alaska | Remote, Indigenous, Australia | City, Italy | City, Australia | Mixed locations |
Postinfectious (severe pneumonia) | 12 (29) | 15 (15) | 42 (92) | 58 (90) | 7 (6.7) | 14 (12) | 174 (19) |
Tuberculosis | 0 | 0 | 2 (4) | 1 (1) | 0 | 0 | Not described |
Inherited immune deficiency | 8 (20) | 7 (12) | 0 | 2 (3) | 11 (10.5) | 13 (12) | 158 (17) |
Primary ciliary dyskinesia | 7 (17) | 0 | 0 | 0 | 25 (23.8) | 2 (2) | 66 (7) |
Congenital malformations | 6 (15) | 1 (1) | 0 | 1 (1) | 0 | 0 | 34 (4) |
Secondary immune defects | 3 (7) | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 5 (4) | 29 (3) |
Aspiration of exogenous toxicants or foreign body | 2 (5) | 1 (2) | 1 (2) | 0 | 0 | 2 (2) | Combined with below |
Aspiration or GERD | 0 | 6 (10) | 1 (2) | 3 (5) | 4 (3.8) | 12 (11) | 91 (10) |
Unknown | 2 (5) | 30 (50) | 0 | 0 | 58 (55.2) | 62 (55) | 308 (34%) |
CF-like or CF | 1 (2) | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
Interstitial lung disease including bronchiolitis obliterans | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 3 (3) | 12 (1) |
“Asthma” | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | Not described |
Others | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 18 (2) |
a Although this study was called systematic review, the review was incomplete with several studies omitted.
Impaired upper airway defenses may also predispose to bronchiectasis based on the common association between rhinosinusitis and bronchitis/bronchiectasis. Indeed, the sinuses and Eustachian tubes have been considered a “sanctuary site” for bacterial pathogens and cytokines that may predispose to recurrent lower airway infection. Finally, there are variations in host inflammatory responses, for example, cytokine and metalloproteinase levels, and counterbalancing antiinflammatory mechanisms, for example, antioxidants and antiproteases, which may explain why some children develop bronchiectasis, while others do not despite similar exposures and living conditions.
Previous Acute Lower Respiratory Infections
It is well documented that acute lower respiratory tract infections (ALRIs) in children can lead to subsequent respiratory morbidity and lung function abnormalities. Classic epidemiological studies have linked acute ALRIs from adenovirus and other infections with chronic bronchitis and productive cough later in childhood. Recent large epidemiological studies have also shown that those with ALRIs in early childhood are at risk of lower lung function in adulthood. Although low lung function at birth may be the underlying factor of the significant association found, single severe ALRIs and multiple ALRIs in early childhood can undoubtedly lead to CSLD and bronchiectasis. These single ALRIs associated with bronchiectasis have been described with tuberculosis, pertussis, adenovirus, measles, and severe viral pneumonia. Although these infections do not frequently cause bronchiectasis, they remain common ALRIs in less affluent countries and are still considered important antecedents to childhood bronchiectasis.
In cohort studies, the most common associated cause or ascribed etiology for the bronchiectasis is past pneumonic events with lobar or diffuse alveolar infiltrates (see Table 26.2 ). In the sole case-control study of childhood pneumonia and radiographically proven bronchiectasis, a strong association between hospitalized pneumonia and bronchiectasis was found. Children who had been previously hospitalized due to pneumonia were 15 times more likely to develop bronchiectasis. A dose effect was also shown; recurrent (>1) hospitalization for pneumonia and more severe pneumonia (episodes with longer hospital stay or oxygen requirement) increased the risk of bronchiectasis later in childhood. Bronchiectasis was 3 times more likely in children with four or five episodes of pneumonia and 21 times more likely if they had 6 or more pneumonias. The overall number of pneumonias rather than the site of pneumonia were associated with bronchiectasis. In an Alaskan cohort, there was no association between lobe affected by first ALRI and the eventually bronchiectatic lobe, but there was an association between lobe most severely affected by ALRI and the lobes later affected by bronchiectasis. Specific infectious etiologies were not described in these studies. A review on the long-term effects of pneumonia in young children described a mixture of obstructive and restrictive lung deficits when followed up long term. However, the majority of studies in the review were limited with case ascertainment and follow-up issues.
Some authors have suggested that bronchiolitis is an important precursor of bronchiectasis. An Alaskan 5-year case-control follow-up of children hospitalized in infancy specifically with severe RSV infections described that they were not more likely to have been diagnosed with bronchiectasis. In contrast, a study of Indigenous children hospitalized with bronchiolitis in Australia found that on CT scans performed at a median 13 months (range 3 to 23) posthospitalization, infants with persistent cough at 3 week (n = 31) after hospitalization were significantly more likely to have bronchiectasis compared to those without a cough (n = 126), OR 3.0, 95% CI 1 to 7, P = .03. We surmise that bronchiectasis is not a consequence of specific viruses that produce bronchiolitis.
Upper Airway Infection and Aspiration
Mechanisms by which upper respiratory infections predispose to lower airway inflammation and injury are reviewed elsewhere. Bacterial pathogens colonizing the nose and mouth are shed into saliva and contaminate the lower airways. Proinflammatory cytokines from the oropharynx may also be aspirated and augment neutrophilic responses in the lower airways. Hydrolytic enzymes in infected upper airway secretions impair protective secretory molecules such as mucins in the lower airways, and thereby predispose the lower airways to infection. In vitro studies have shown that some bacteria produce factors that cause ciliary slowing, dyskinesia, and stasis, setting the stage for chronic bacterial colonization of the lower airways. Whether the concentration or persistence of these pathogens in upper airways represents a significant risk factor for development or progression of bronchiectasis is unknown. In indigenous Australian children with bronchiectasis, a study relating nasopharyngeal to bronchoalveolar lavage (BAL) bacteria found a high density and diversity of respiratory bacteria along with strain concordance between upper and lower airways. The study suggests a possible pathogenic role of recurrent aspiration of nasopharyngeal secretions.
Bronchiectasis and other forms of suppurative lung disease have been described among individuals with neurologic and neuromuscular conditions that reduce the frequency and effectiveness of cough and also increase the risk of aspirating oropharyngeal contents. Brook reported on 10 children with such conditions who developed anaerobic pulmonary infections; six had poor oral hygiene.
Public Health Issues
In 1949, Field wrote “Irreversible bronchiectasis is not commonly seen in the better social and economic classes. Good nutrition and home conditions probably give the child a better chance of more complete recovery from lung damaging disease.” Poor public health conditions, including malnutrition, crowding, lack of running water, and environmental pollution, increase the risk of ALRIs and bronchitis. These issues are particularly important in developing countries. In affluent countries, those communities with higher prevalence of bronchiectasis are also those where poverty and low standards of housing are common. In a qualitative study, community members and health care providers believed that potential contributing factors to acute and chronic lung diseases were smoke, dust, feeding practices, socioeconomic conditions, and mold.
Macro and selected micro malnutrition increases infection risks, as it creates an immune deficiency state and leads to the malnutrition-infection-malnutrition cycle. However, data on malnutrition specifically preceding bronchiectasis are limited and inconsistent. In Central Australia, Indigenous children with bronchiectasis are 3 times more likely to have had malnutrition in early childhood prior to the diagnosis of bronchiectasis, but this is not seen in Alaska or New Zealand. Breast-feeding is a known protective factor against development of bronchiectasis. Bronchiectasis may itself predispose to malnutrition as a result of chronic pulmonary infection, diminished appetite, and reduced caloric intake. The caloric needs and daily oxygen consumption of children with non-CF-related bronchiectasis have not been reported. One series described that children with bronchiectasis and low (<80%) baseline FEV 1 % predicted values, and those with immunodeficiency had significantly lower body mass index at diagnosis, and they significantly improved after appropriate therapy was instituted. Also, in a double-blind randomized controlled trial on the effect of long-term azithromycin, Indigenous children randomized to the azithromycin group (c.f. placebo) had a significant improvement in weight z-score, concurrent with a reduction in exacerbations (incidence rate ratio = 0.5, 95% CI 0.35 to 0.71). This suggests that effective management of children with bronchiectasis improves nutrition.
Another predisposing factor to bronchiectasis is the presence of inhaled irritants, including indoor and outdoor pollutants, particularly in the presence of impaired airway clearance. The effects of environmental tobacco smoke (ETS) on children’s respiratory system are well known from both in utero and ex utero exposure and include reduced airway caliber, increased lower respiratory tract infections, and middle ear disease. Reviews of ETS and its effects on the developing lung and accelerated lung decline are available elsewhere. Exposure to indoor biomass combustion increases coughing illness associated with ALRIs with an exposure-response effect. Exposures to other indoor pollutants (nitrogen dioxide, gas cooking) and traffic are also associated with increased cough in children in both cross-sectional and longitudinal studies. There is no direct evidence of pollutants causing bronchiectasis, and the pathogenic role is likely indirect through an increased frequency of ALRIs and increased airway mucus production. In Chile, increased arsenic exposure has been associated with a variety of chronic disorders including bronchiectasis.
The interplay between genotype, epigenetics, and environment is increasingly recognized as the key in phenotypic expression of respiratory diseases. An increased frequency of cystic fibrosis transmembrane conductance regulator (CFTR) genotypes associated with CF, presenting as heterozygotes, has been described in several case series of adults with diffuse bronchiectasis. While heterozygotes for alpha-1 antitrypsin have also been described more frequently in those individuals with diffuse bronchiectasis, a causal relationship remains controversial. Older guidelines suggest optional screening for alpha-1 antitrypsin deficiency for patients with idiopathic diffuse bronchiectasis, but newer guidelines described a lack of evidence and do not suggest alpha-1 antitrypsin deficiency testing for people with bronchiectasis. A Turkish study (where consanguinity of parents is common) described transporter associated with antigen presentation (TAP) gene polymorphisms in their cohort of children with bronchiectasis. It is interesting to note the high rate of consanguinity in several series of children with bronchiectasis from different countries. As with other diseases, an increasing number of gene aberrations have been associated with syndromes where bronchiectasis may occur. Examples include primary ciliary dyskinesia, autosomal dominant polycystic kidney disease (PKD1 on chromosome 16p13.3 and PKD2 on chromosome 4p21), and prolidase deficiency (PEPD gene).
Aside from variations in specific gene frequencies, overexpression of innate pulmonary immune mechanisms, such as proinflammatory cytokine and adhesion molecule production, and receptor expression, may contribute to the development of bronchiectasis in certain children. An increased or exaggerated neutrophilic response in Australian Indigenous children as a group has been described. Similarly, metalloproteinases, for example, MMP-2 and 9, have been isolated from the sputum and BAL of bronchiectatic subjects, suggesting a role in airway destruction by gelatinases and collagenases. Whether proinflammatory cytokine and collagenase overexpression are associated with early onset disease or, particularly, progressive disease in childhood remains unknown.
Pathology and Pathophysiology
The histopathology of bronchiectasis was first described by Laënnec in 1819. It includes alterations in subsegmental bronchial structure accompanied by neutrophilic inflammation, intraluminal secretion accumulation, and obliteration of distal airways. There are accompanying changes of peribronchial inflammation and fibrosis, distal lung collapse, bronchial and pulmonary vascular changes, and pleural adhesions. The macroscopic and microscopic features of bronchiectasis change as the disease progresses. Classical papers on bronchiectasis divided morphological types of bronchiectasis into tubular or cylindrical, early fusiform, late fusiform, fuso-saccular, and saccular types as different stages in the progression of disease. The most commonly used classification is that of Reid’s subtypes: cylindrical, varicose and cystic, which were based on bronchographic findings. The latter findings are illustrated in Figs. 26.2 and 26.3 and they reflect progression of increasing severity. More recent HRCT scoring systems describe cylindrical and saccular changes as markers of disease severity. Saccular and cystic changes tend to reflect clinically more advanced, severe, and irreversible disease.

Macroscopically, the airways are tortuous and dilated, at times extending to the pleural surface. Early histologic changes include bronchial wall thickening, edema, presence of inflammatory cells, development of lymphoid nodules and follicles, and mucus gland hyperplasia. Intraluminal secretions are purulent or mucopurulent ( ). Microscopic changes include loss of ciliated epithelial cells and epithelial ulcerations. With time, chronic inflammation leads to squamous cell metaplasia and fibrotic obliteration of distal conducting airways and peribronchial tissue. As bronchiectasis becomes more severe, the airway walls become thin and saccular with destruction of the airway’s muscular, elastic, and cartilaginous elements. The saccular airway walls are composed of fibrous and granulation tissue with only remnants of normal tissue. In advanced disease, mucus-filled saccular airway changes can be severe enough to appear as cystic microabscesses.
Vascular changes accompany bronchial structural changes in bronchiectasis. Large bronchopulmonary anastomosis can develop, and total bronchial arterial blood flow is increased. Extensive precapillary anastomoses between the two arterial systems can serve as a shunt between the pulmonary and systemic systems, increasing cardiac work. Bronchopulmonary vascular anastomoses most often occur near distal subsegmental bronchi that have undergone saccular changes. Abnormal bronchopulmonary anastomoses and enlargement of aberrant bronchial arteries are thought to be associated with the metabolic demands of hypertrophied muscle, lymphoid tissue, and peribronchial granulation tissue during the course of the organizing pneumonitis that precedes the development of bronchiectasis. The presence of significant hemoptysis is likely related to these abnormalities. Additional vascular remodeling of the pulmonary arteries and arterioles occurs in association with chronic airway obstruction and alveolar hypoxia, predisposing patients to pulmonary hypertension and cor pulmonale in severe cases.
The initial trigger for the bronchiectasis process is unknown, and there is little doubt that both host and pathogen factors play a role ( Fig. 26.4 ). Animal models of bronchiectasis suggest that inadequate mucus clearance and persistent infection are necessary prerequisites. Mucus clearance in bronchiectasis is reduced by a combination of factors including airflow limitation, abnormal quantity and quality of mucus produced, and factors produced by bacteria that cause ciliary slowing, dyskinesia, and mucus stasis. Mucociliary clearance is enhanced by cough, exercise, and hyperventilation, and is decreased in situations where airway caliber is diminished. Decreased mucociliary clearance in turn leads to increased bacterial colonization and infection, setting up a vicious cycle. This concept is schematically presented in Fig. 26.4 . Importantly, reduced mucociliary clearance is localized to the affected regions when bronchiectasis is produced by local injury rather than underlying deficiencies in pulmonary host defenses. The role of bacteria in the pathogenesis of chronic lung infection and bronchiectasis is reviewed elsewhere.

Airway and Systemic Markers
The majority of studies on airway inflammation have been performed in adults where, unlike children, assessment by using sputum is easy. Airway secretions are usually excessive in those with more severe bronchiectasis. The sputa from Alaskan native children with stable idiopathic bronchiectasis are less viscous (by one-third), less elastic (by one-fifth), less adhesive (by half), and more transportable (by 50%) compared to sputum from children with CF.
Neutrophilia is the dominant type of airway inflammation, although eosinophilia has also been described in some populations and when treated, airway inflammation may be absent. Increased percentages of neutrophils, neutrophil elastase, myeloperoxidase, mellatoproteinases, tumor necrosis factor-α (TNF-α), interleukin (IL-8), and IL-6 have been described in lower airway secretions. These generally reflect neutrophilic inflammation and are not specific to bronchiectasis. The intensity of the airway and systemic inflammation is ameliorated by treatment. An adult cohort involving 385 patients described a direct relationship between airway bacterial load and markers of airway inflammation (myeloperoxidase, neutrophil elastase, TNF-α, IL-8, and IL-1β) with a dose response such that higher inflammation correlated with higher bacterial loads. High bacterial loads were associated with higher serum intercellular adhesion molecule-1 (ICAM-1), E-selectin, and vascular cell adhesion molecule-1 (VCAM-1), reflective of systemic inflammation. Using both short (14 days)- and long (12 months)-term antibiotic treatments, the study demonstrated a significant reduction in the airway bacterial load and inflammation (both airway and systemic) compared to those who did not receive antibiotic therapies. However, there is a poor correlation between systemic and bronchial inflammatory mediators, suggesting that the inflammatory process is mostly compartmentalized to the airways. There is paucity of data on BAL or sputum markers in children. A small study in children described increased median values of systemic markers (white cells, C-reactive protein [CRP], and fibrinogen) in children whose airways were colonized (n = 14) compared to those without identified bacteria in their sputum (white cell count: 8.2 [IQR 6.4 to 9.5] vs. 6.4 [5.8 to 7.7] × 10 3 /mm 3 ; CRP: 0.91 [0.45 to 1.29] vs. 0.42 [0.30 to 0.77] mg/dL; fibrinogen: 433.5 [390.3 to 490.3] vs. 392.0 [327.0 to 416.0] mg/dL, P < .05 for all). While the authors concluded that systemic inflammation was absent in children with bronchiectasis compared to controls, it is highly likely that a type-1 error was present in the study. In an in-depth study, the blood of children with bronchiectasis had a significant increase in the percentage of CD8+ T cells and T and natural killer T-cells (NKT)-like subsets expressing perforin/granzyme, interferon gamma (IFNγ), and TNFα compared with controls. The proinflammatory cytotoxic T cells were more marked in Indigenous children compared to non-Indigenous children.
Exaggerated or persistent pulmonary inflammation present in bronchiectasis leads to increased lung destruction by many mechanisms. The balance between proteases and antiproteases is increasingly recognized as important to the protection of airways against hostile agents and destruction of lung tissue. Upregulation of circulating adhesion molecules (E-selectin, ICAM-1, and vascular adhesion molecule VCAM-1) have also been suggested as playing a role in the pathogenesis of bronchiectasis. Collagenase activity present in the BAL of adults with moderately severe bronchiectasis originates from neutrophils and bacteria. These collagenolytic proteases are likely contributors to tissue destruction. As described above, the airways of people with bronchiectasis contains collagenolytic proteinases of bacterial origin. and neutrophilic-associated cytokines that, unabated, lead to increased tissue damage (e.g., metalloproteinases [MMP-2,8, and 9]). MMP-9 (but not tissue inhibitors of metalloproteinase-1) measured in exhaled breath condensate of children with non-CF bronchiectasis (42.8 ± 18.1 ng/mL) were similar to those with CF (48.9 ± 26.8) and significantly higher than controls (30 ± 3.7). Endobronchial biopsies in adults with bronchiectasis demonstrated an overexpression of neutrophil matrix metalloproteinases (MMPs). Using sputum from adults with bronchiectasis, Shum et al. showed that serine proteases derived from neutrophils were responsible for degradation of proteoglycans in a matrix model and that the protease secretion was stimulated by TNF-α in the presence of factors found in the sputum sol.
There are additional pathogenic processes associated with bronchiectasis that contribute to the persistence of airway inflammation and obstruction. Increased airway permeability has also been described with bronchiectasis when purulent sputum and significant colonization of the respiratory tract by bacterial pathogens are present. Also, resolution of inflammation is normally associated with the orderly removal of apoptotic inflammatory cells, and impaired removal of apoptotic inflammatory cells has been described in children and adults with bronchiectasis. The pediatric study also examined specifically for phagocytic activity for nontypeable Haemophilus influenzae (NTHi), whereas the adult study investigated apoptosis in relation to inflammation. The adult study reported that impaired apoptosis occurred in a dose-response fashion with increasing neutrophil elastase, a marker of neutrophilic inflammation. In children with bronchiectasis, the macrophage phagocytic capacity of BAL cells to apoptotic cells (efferocytosis) and to NTHi was significantly lower than in controls (efferocytosis: 14.1%, IQR 10 to 16 vs. 18.1%, IQR 16 to 21 respectively, P < .001 and NTHi: 13.7%, IQR 11 to 16 vs. 19.0%, IQR 13 to 21 respectively, P = .004). Mannose receptor expression in BAL was also found to be significantly reduced in the bronchiectasis group compared to controls ( P = .019).
Other Immune Markers and Response
Innate defense mechanisms also play a role in the pathogenesis and upregulated response to infection in people with bronchiectasis. However, there is little data specific to children. In a study involving 26 children with human immunodeficiency virus (HIV)-related bronchiectasis, the soluble triggering receptor expressed on myeloid cells-1 (sTREM-1), an innate immune marker, was upregulated and more highly expressed than in children with CF. sTREM-1 also correlated with IL-8 and neutrophil elastase derived from BAL.
The increased expression of innate immune receptors (e.g., receptors TLR2, TLR4, and CD14) and cytokine responses (e.g., IL-8 and IL-1β) seen in adults with bronchiectasis are also found in those with neutrophilic asthma and children with PBB, a likely forerunner of bronchiectasis. This raises the possibility that some people with neutrophilic asthma have unrecognized CSLD. Indeed, many of children with PBB were previously misdiagnosed with asthma and in some settings has been classified as “difficult or severe asthma.”
There is an emerging body of evidence that impaired cell-mediated immune responses and dysregulated airway inflammation are linked and could contribute to the pathobiology of CSLD. A study on systemic immunity found that children with CSLD or bronchiectasis produced significantly less IFN-γ in response to NTHi than healthy control children, whereas mitogen-induced IFN-γ production was similar in both groups. The production of systemic NTHi-specific IFN-γ was significantly negatively associated with the BAL IL-6 ( P = .001) and IL-1β ( P = .001). The presence of bacterial or viral infection and severity of bronchiectasis using modified CT Bhalla score did not influence systemic NTHi-specific IFN-γ response.
Clinical Features
Presenting Clinical Features: Symptoms and Signs
The clinical case definition of bronchiectasis is imprecise, but the diagnosis should be considered when children have a chronic “wet” sounding or productive cough with or without exertional dyspnea, recurrent wheezing and chest infections, hemoptysis, growth failure, clubbing, or hyperinflation. The most common symptom is persistent or recurrent wet/productive cough with purulent or mucopurulent sputum. Sputum color reflects neutrophilic airway inflammation. The frequency of chest wall deformity (hyperinflation) and digital clubbing vary among case series (5% to 60%). Digital clubbing can disappear after medical or surgical treatment in association with the disappearance of purulent sputum. Although hemoptysis is much less common among children than in adults with bronchiectasis, a presenting finding of hemoptysis should raise the possibility of airway bleeding due to bronchiectasis. Chest auscultation may be entirely normal or reveal coarse inspiratory crackles over the affected regions. Reduced oxygen saturations and abnormal cardiac sounds associated with pulmonary hypertension are very late signs in bronchiectasis. Similar to any other serious chronic respiratory illness, children with bronchiectasis may have growth failure that is associated with delayed diagnosis of bronchiectasis.
The median age of diagnosis of bronchiectasis unrelated to CF in affluent countries is 4 to 5 years. A New Zealand cohort was older at 9 to 10 years old at diagnosis but also experienced more advanced disease. Idiopathic bronchiectasis is rare in infancy, but when present, it is likely to reflect congenital pulmonary malformations, such as cystic lung disease or tracheobronchomegaly, or alternatively, primary ciliary dyskinesia. Only 50% of those with ciliary dyskinesia have the Kartagener triad of situs inversus, bronchiectasis, and sinusitis.
Radiological risk factors for development of bronchiectasis are the presence of atelectasis and persistent lobar abnormalities. In Alaska, children were more likely to develop bronchiectasis if chest radiographs obtained in children less than 2 years of age showed lung parenchymal densities, persistent parenchymal densities greater than 6 months duration, or repeated parenchymal densities. Among Aboriginal Australian children hospitalized with lobar changes on admission chest radiographs, children with alveolar abnormalities were more likely to have bronchiectasis on follow-up. In a prospective radiographic study of alveolar changes (179 lobes in 112 hospitalized children), the two most common involved lobes were the right upper lobe and left lower lobes. Both lobes had similar rates of radiological clearance on follow-up (22% and 27% respectively).
Comorbid Conditions
Children with postinfectious bronchiolitis obliterans and CSLD share some common clinical features (airway obstruction, chronic cough, recurrent ALRIs) in addition to the same etiological insult. In an Australian study, 6 of 19 children with postinfectious BO developed bronchiectasis. A South American cohort follow-up study (mean period of 12 years, SD 3.5) described that mean FVC increased by 11%/year (95% CI 9.3 to 12.6), FEV 1 by 9%/year (95% CI 7.7 to 10.2), and FEV 1 /FVC ratio decreased by 1.9%/year (95% CI 1 to 2.8). Seventy-eight percent of the 46 children in that cohort had bronchiectasis.
Phenotypes of childhood wheeze have been recognized and airway hyperreactivity occurs in some individuals with bronchiectasis. The presence of features of asthma has been described as a bad prognostic factor in both children and adults with bronchiectasis. The frequency of airway hyperreactivity in children with bronchiectasis varies from 26% to 74%. As a corollary, clinicians must recognize that wheeze and cough may not be related to asthma but to increased airway secretions and airway collapse as features of bronchiectasis.
Gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD) may coexist with any chronic respiratory illness and should be appropriately treated. However, data in adults indicate that GERD may resolve or significantly improve once the underlying respiratory disorder has been treated. There is, however, no evidence-based approach to the management of GERD associated with bronchiectasis. Caution is necessary with regard to overdiagnosis, and unnecessary treatment of GERD is given the increasing evidence of increased risk of respiratory infections in children and adults receiving proton pump inhibitors in community and hospital cohorts. Readers are referred to the pediatric guidelines on diagnosis and treatment of GERD.
Hypertrophic osteoarthropathy (clubbing, periostosis of the tubular bones, and arthritis-like signs and symptoms) may occur in children with bronchiectasis. Systemic amyloidosis has also been reported as a complication or comorbidity. Cardiac dysfunction, although rare, has also been reported and may not be accompanied by pulmonary hypertension. A study of 21 children with bronchiectasis showed that the ventricular systolic function was normal but some patients had changes in left ventricular diastolic function. The authors also found that isovolumetric relaxation time had a significant negative correlation with the clinical severity score. Other reported comorbid conditions associated with bronchiectasis are osteopenia, scoliosis, chronic suppurative ear disease, social problems, past urinary tract infections, and developmental delay.
In adults, vitamin D deficiency has been reported to be associated with increased severity of bronchiectasis and chronic bacterial colonization of the airways. However, as serum vitamin D is a negative acute phase reactant (i.e., values fall with increased inflammation), deciphering cause and effect is problematic.
Diagnostic Evaluations
The goals of evaluating children with suspected bronchiectasis are: (1) to confirm the diagnosis, (2) to define the distribution and severity of airway involvement, (3) to characterize extrapulmonary organ involvement associated with bronchiectasis (such as cor pulmonale), and (4) to identify familial and treatable underlying causes of bronchiectasis and contributors to its progression.
Diagnostic Criteria
Chest HRCT is the gold standard for diagnosis, because plain chest radiographs are insensitive. It has been long recognized that chest x-rays can be normal in people with bronchiectasis. With modern CT scanners, the images are best acquired using an MDCT scan with HRCT reconstruction which provides the best sensitivity. The scan protocol must be child-appropriate to minimize radiation risk. Radiology centers inexperienced in dealing with children often utilize adult protocols that subject children to higher doses of radiation. Radiological features of bronchiectasis can also occur in association with pulmonary fibrosis, congenital lesions such as Mounier-Kuhn, and Williams-Campbell syndrome, and as a result of traction in nonsuppurative lung disease.
The characteristic radiographic finding on HRCT in bronchiectasis is the presence of a “signet ring” where a dilated bronchus is greater than the diameter of the accompanying blood vessel in cross section ( Fig. 26.5 ). However, the cutoff (>1 to 1.5) whereby the ratio is considered abnormal should be reduced to 0.8 in children when CSLD symptoms are present. While this is generally appreciated by pulmonologists, radiologists may still use the adult criteria. The presence of bronchial dilatation relative to the accompanying vessel does not always equate to the presence of bronchiectasis, as this finding can also be present in other conditions ( Box 26.2 ). Other c-HRCT signs of bronchiectasis include abnormalities in the surrounding lung may include parenchyma loss, emphysema, scars and nodular foci, a linear array or cluster of cysts, dilated bronchi in the periphery of the lung, and bronchial wall thickening ( Box 26.1 ). Image quality and hence detection of bronchiectasis is dependent on the radiological technique used (tube setting, radiation dose, collimation distance, and image intervals). False positive and false negative situations that may occur are listed in Box 26.2 . HRCT does not differentiate the etiologies of bronchiectasis.

- 1.
Signet ring sign: internal diameter of bronchi is larger than accompanying vessel (diameters of both should be short axis)
- 2.
Enlarged internal bronchial diameter
- 3.
Failure of airway to taper normally while progressing to lung periphery
- 4.
Presence of peripheral airways at CT periphery
- 5.
Presence of associated abnormalities
- ▪
Bronchial wall thickening
- ▪
Mucoid plugging or impaction (seen as branching or rounded/nodular opacities in cross sections, tubular or Y -shaped structures or tree in bud appearance)
- ▪
- 6.
Mosaic perfusion
- 7.
Air trapping on expiration
- 8.
Air-fluid levels in distended bronchi
False Positives
- 1.
Physiologic constriction of pulmonary artery (creates relative bronchial enlargement)
- 2.
Artefacts from cardiac pulsation and respiratory motion (creates pseudocystic pattern)
- 3.
Pseudobronchiectasis or transient bronchial atresia (related to acute pneumonia or atelectasis)
- 4.
Increased bronchoarterial ratio in normals, asthmatics or at high attitude
False Negatives
- 1.
Inappropriate HRCT protocol (wrong electronic windows or collimation)
- 2.
Poor image due to movement artefacts
- 3.
Nonuse of high-resolution techniques
HRCT, High-resolution computed tomography.
Etiologic Evaluation
As most patients are usually diagnosed with bronchiectasis after many years of symptoms, it may be difficult to define the etiology. Differentiating idiopathic from postinfectious bronchiectasis is particularly problematic. A common feature of many patients is impaired local or systemic host defenses to infection. Often, no cause is found even with extensive investigation, and many retain the label of idiopathic or presumed postinfectious bronchiectasis (see Table 26.2 ). Difficulties with ascribing an etiology to CSLD/bronchiectasis arise due to unavailability of certain tests, for example, functional tests for ciliary motility and extended immune testing, lack of a standardized approach to diagnosis, the population studied, and the CT definitions used.
Identifying etiology and assessing disease severity can influence surveillance frequency, treatment intensity, and prognosis. Investigations for specific causes of CSLD/bronchiectasis are recommended, even though many patients will lack an identifiable etiology. Current best practices for investigating possible etiology are outlined in Table 26.3 . The diagnosis of ciliary dyskinesia is addressed in another chapter (see Chapter 71 ).
Investigation Type | Details | Evaluation for: |
Baseline immune function | IgG, A, M, IgG subclasses, IgE, hemagglutinins, antibodies to vaccinations | Immune deficiency states |
Full blood count | White cell count | Neutropenia |
HIV status | HIV antibody, HIV PCR assay | HIV infection |
Sweat test and consider genotype | Sweat chloride and CF genotype | Cystic fibrosis |
Radiology | Chest HRCT scan Chest radiograph | Diagnosis, congenital malformation and disease severity |
Aspergillosis serology | Aspergillus specific IgE Skin test, total IgE | Allergic bronchopulmonary aspergillosis |
Cilial biopsy and consider genetic testing | Electron microscopy and ciliary beat function | Ciliary dyskinesia |
Sputum | Microscopy, sensitivity and culture | Number of polymorphs, microbiology |
Bronchoscopy | Airway abnormalities BAL | Obstructive bronchiectasis Congenital airway abnormalities Microbiological assessment when sputum cannot be obtained Cellular differential count |
Investigations for GERD | Esophageal pH studies, manometry and/or upper endoscopy | GERD with or without aspiration syndromes |
Barium meal | Tracheoesophageal fistula, esophageal abnormalities causing secondary aspiration such as achalasia | |
Mantoux | PPD tuberculin and atypical | Mycobacterium TB and atypical mycobacteria |
Further immune tests | Neutrophil function, CH50, etc. | Immune function |
Video fluoroscopy | Oro-palatal function and assessment of laryngeal protection | Primary aspiration lung disease |
Genetic tests |
Bronchoscopic Findings
Bronchoscopy is indicated to identify obstructive bronchiectasis, which can be intraluminal (tumors and foreign body), in the wall (tracheobronchomalacia [TBM]), or extramural from external airway compression. Bronchiectasis is a complication of inhaled foreign bodies and occurs among 25% of patients whose diagnosis of aspiration was delayed by greater than 30 days. In a prospective study involving 56 children with bronchiectasis undergoing flexible bronchoscopy, there were 25 occasions in 23 children where bronchoscopic results altered empiric treatment. BAL microbiology results led to antibiotic changes in five (9%) children, and an unsuspected foreign body was found in one (2%).
Bronchoscopic findings of major airways related to bronchiectasis have been described as five types: type I: mucosal abnormality/inflammation only; type II: bronchomalacia ( Fig. 26.6A ); type III: obliterative-like ( Fig. 26.6B ); type IV: malacia/obliterative-like combination; and type V: no abnormality. The frequencies of these findings among 28 children with non-CF bronchiectasis were 58%, 17%, 17%, 4%, and 2% for types I through V respectively. In the 33 children with postinfectious bronchiectasis and CSLD, structural airway lesions were present in 40%. A retrospective study involving 93 Greek children (0.6 to 16.4 years) described that type III (OR 5.4, 95% CI 1.9 to 15.4) and type IV (OR 8.9, 95% CI 2.5 to 15.4) bronchoscopic lesions significantly correlated to worse radiological scores, reflecting severity, and correlated with the percentage of BAL neutrophils (r = 0.23, P = .036).