Aagaard K ( see Lara et al), B8
Aagaard K ( see Lara et al), B92
Aasen J ( see Lawlor et al), B66
Abarbanell G, Border WL, Schlosser B, Morrow G, Alsoufi B, Kelleman M, Sachdeva R. Preoperative echocardiographic measures in interrupted aortic arch: which ones best predict surgical approach and outcome? B107
Abarbanell G, Schlosser B, Travers C, Border W, Tandon A, Alsoufi B, Sachdeva R. Survival in single ventricle heterotaxy: do echocardiographic parameters inform outcome? B107-8
Abdelmoneim SS, Villarraga HR, Nhola LF, Kohli M, Herrmann J, Grothey A, Nandy D, Bordun KA, Cheung DY, Huang R, Green T, Oehler EA, Pitz M, Singal PK, Jassal DS, Mulvagh SL. The effect of vascular endothelial growth factor inhibitor (VEGFI) therapy on myocardial function and perfusion: a contrast echocardiography study, B13
Abdelmoneim SS ( see Huang et al), B10-1
Abdelmoneim SS ( see Nhola et al), B41-2
Abduch MCD, Coracin FL, Saboya R, Dulley FL, Amigo-Filho JU, Mathias W Jr, Vieira MLC. Functional and fluid mechanics as early markers of myocardial function decrement in patients with hematological malignancies submitted to chemotherapy, pre and post stem cell transplant, B33-4
Abe A ( see Murai et al), B36
Adams D ( see Bhavnani et al), B3
Addetia K, Maffessanti F, Sayer G, Kim G, Fedson S, Collins K, Kruse E, Rodgers D, Mor-Avi V, Jeevanandam V, Uriel N, Lang RM. Utility of 3D echocardiography to determine optimal speed settings in left ventricular assist devices, B58
Addetia K, Muraru D, Veronesi F, Jenei C, Cavalli G, Mov-Avi V, Yamat M, Weinert L, Lang RM, Badano LP. Analysis of the tricuspid annulus from transthoracic 3D echocardiographic datasets provides insight into normal tricuspid valve dynamics, B80
Addetia K ( see Cai et al), B17
Addetia K ( see Mediratta et al), B24
Addetia K ( see Medvedofsky et al), B77
Addetia K ( see Medvedofsky et al), B118-9
Addetia K ( see Patel et al), B18-9
Addetia K ( see Singh et al), B128-9
Addetia K ( see Yamat et al), B4
Afrasiabi K ( see Mofid et al), B10
Agarwal A, Harris IS, Mahadevan VS, Foster E. Abnormal systolic motion of the mitral valve in adults with tetralogy of Fallot, B109
Agarwal A ( see Ali et al), B132
Agricola E ( see Grayburn et al), B74
Aguiar MO ( see Tavares et al), B2
Aguilar F ( see Mitter et al), B34
Ahmad M, Dimaano MM, Nguyen H, Xie T. Dynamic three dimensional strain during dobutamine stress echocardiography in detection of ischemia: comparison with two-dimensional strain, B122
Ahn Y ( see Cho et al), B130
Ahronson D ( see Medvedofsky et al), B77
Aiello VD ( see Pinheiro de Castro et al), B109-10
Akashi Y ( see Kamijima et al), B77
Akashi YJ ( see Izumo et al), B79-80
Akashi YJ ( see Minami et al), B133-4
Akashi YJ ( see Sato et al), B81
Akazawa Y Sr, Akira H Sr, Motoki N Sr. Subclinical left ventricular systolic longitudinal dysfunction and low serum insulin-like growth factor-I levels in neonates with intrauterine growth restriction: implication for fetal programming of adult onset cardiovascular disease, B88
Akbar NZ ( see Ardini et al), B47
Akhter N ( see Cascino et al), B38
Akhter N ( see Kunchakarra et al), B22-3
Akimoto K ( see Kobayashi et al), B94
Akimoto K ( see Shigemitsu et al), B18
Akira H Sr ( see Akazawa et al), B88
Alania-Torres E ( see Matabuena-Gomez-Limon et al), B33
Alasia D ( see Gastaldello et al), B14
Albalbissi KA ( see Lavine and Albalbissi), B24
Albashaireh D ( see Mawri et al), B70
Albers E ( see Wisotzkey et al), B104
Alenezi F, Okeke L, Khazanie P, Bloomfield G, Dunning A, Hofmann P, Clement M, Shah S, Naggie S, Velazquez E. Increased prevalence of left ventricular hypertrophy in persons living with HIV, B25
Alfieri O ( see Grayburn et al), B74
Alghamdi F, Tilley S, He A, Hassan I, Pituskin E, Paterson I, Choy J, Becher H. A simple method to estimate global longitudinal strain from biplane contrast echocardiography: comparison with standard global longitudinal strain measurements, B12-3
Ali M ( see Fei et al), B27
Ali O, Sayeed A, Jabbar AA, Agarwal A, White B, Wase A. The left atrial ejection force: a marker of left atrial involvement in patients with severe aortic stenosis, B132
Ali O ( see Jabbar et al), B57
Aliku T ( see Ploutz et al), B59
Alkharabsheh S ( see Ayache et al), B20
Alkharabsheh S ( see Ayache et al), B20-1
Allada V ( see Srivastava et al), B7
Allen J ( see Sachdeva et al), B101
Allen J ( see Sachdeva et al), B101-2
Allwein L ( see Pauliks et al), B104
Almeida-Filho OC ( see Moreira et al), B40-1
Almeida-Jones M ( see Sanchez et al), B43
Aloe S, Sheppard R, Michel C, Rudski LG, Chen-Tournoux A. The value of calibrated integrated backscatter in predicting left ventricular reverse remodeling in non-ischemic cardiomyopathy, B22
Alpert C ( see Vrsalovic et al), B129
Alsafadi YM ( see Mawri et al), B70
Alsoufi B ( see Abarbanell et al), B107
Alsoufi B ( see Abarbanell et al), B107-8
Alsoufi B ( see Tandon et al), B102-3
Altamirano L ( see Zahari et al), B102
Altman C ( see Lara et al), B8
Altman C ( see Lara et al), B92
Altman CA ( see Maskatia et al), B98
Altman CA ( see Sanchez et al), B43
Altman J ( see Cascino et al), B38
Altmann K ( see Tierney et al), B93
Amacher K ( see Bleck et al), B128
Amano M, Izumi C, Miyake M, Tamura T, Kondo H, Kaitani K, Nakagawa Y. The usefulness of right ventricular systolic function indexes measured by transthoracic echocardiography in pulmonary diseases; relationships with severity of interstitial pneumonia, B45
Amano R ( see Torii et al), B131-2
Ambale-Venkatesh B ( see Moreira et al), B40
Ambale-Venkatesh B ( see Moreira et al), B41
Ambale-Venkatesh B ( see Moreira et al), B40-1
Ambale-Venkatesh B ( see Nwabuo et al), B27
Amigo-Filho JU ( see Abduch et al), B33-4
Amor M ( see Gastaldello et al), B14
Amuchastegui T, Hur DJ, Fillipon NML, McNamara R, Malinis M, Sugeng L. A critical assessment of inappropriate use of transesophageal echocardiography in infective endocarditis, B71
Ananthasubramaniam K ( see Mawri et al), B70
Andersen HU ( see Biering-Sørensen et al), B11
Andersen MB ( see Chirakarnjanakorn et al), B43-4
Anderson H, Cetta F, Driscoll D, Johnson J. Diagnostic characteristics and clinical outcomes for children with idiopathic restrictive cardiomyopathy, B111-2
Anderson J ( see Tracy et al), B110
Ando T, Holmes A, Taub C, DeRose J, Slovut D. Acute improvements in global and apical strain following transcatheter aortic valve replacement: does the transapical approach alter left ventricular function? B84
Ando T ( see Kamiyama et al), B60
Ando T ( see Madan et al), B59
Andreas S ( see Lara et al), B8
Andreas S ( see Lara et al), B92
Andreas SS ( see Kailin et al), B34
Andrei A-C ( see Cohen et al), B72
Andrews H ( see Srivastava et al), B7
Andrews H ( see Urbinelli et al), B108
Aneq MA, Sinha A, McClelland J, Bibby D, Fang Q, Mishra R, Scheinman M, Marcus G, Maguire C, Imburgia K, Schiller NB. Right ventricular structure and function during exercise in healthy subjects, B125
Aneq MA ( see Sinha et al), B132
Anilkumar S ( see Helmy et al), B60
Anwar S ( see Patel et al), B92
Aoki-Okazaki M ( see Toyono et al), B93
Aonuma K ( see Ishizu et al), B94-5
Aonuma K ( see Sato et al), B81
Aonuma K ( see Seo et al), B125
Aonuma K ( see Shiina et al), B24
Apor A ( see Kovacs et al), B30
Appleton CP ( see Chao et al), B116-7
Arafa S ( see Helmy et al), B60
Arcidiaconu AA ( see Miglioranza et al), B126
Ardini TW, Ketaren AP, Akbar NZ, Mukhtar Z, Lubis AC, Siregar AA. M-mode pattern of left atrial slope as new parameters of left ventricular diastolic function, B47
Arena C ( see Porter et al), B9
Arenas IA, Podesta CA, Garcia E, Brenes JC. Effect of obesity with or without optimal blood pressure on global longitudinal strain, B22
Arenas IA, Podesta CA, Garcia E, Brenes JC. Global longitudinal strain predicts exercise tolerance in otherwise healthy men, B32
Arenas IA ( see Podesta et al), B23
Arges K ( see Broderick-Forsgren et al), B121-2
Aritaka S ( see Kagiyama et al), B70-1
Aritaka S ( see Toki et al), B126
Ariyama M ( see Kobayashi et al), B11
Ariyoshi T, Wada Y, Okuda S, Murakami W, Myouren T, Fujii A, Hirayama K, Tanaka N, Yano M. Blood-flow propagation in LA by Doppler echocardiography depend on decreased of left ventricular diastolic function and elevation of LA pressure, B55
Armour A ( see Samad et al), B78
Armour A ( see Tinnemore et al), B63
Armsby LR ( see Huang et al), B97
Armstrong AC ( see Moreira et al), B40
Armstrong AC ( see Moreira et al), B41
Armstrong AC ( see Nwabuo et al), B27
Armstrong D ( see Dillon et al), B4
Arsanjani R ( see Utsunomiya et al), B117-8
Arsenault M ( see Capoulade et al), B74
Arunamata AA, McElhinney DB, Shin AY, Axelrod DM, Hanley FL, Reddy VM, Olson IL, Kipps AK, Tierney ESS. Practice patterns in post-operative echocardiographic surveillance in children with congenital heart disease, B65
Aruta P ( see Badano et al), B131
Asada A ( see Kojima et al), B48
Ashangari C, Suleman A, Brown A. A comprehensive echocardiogram study in Ehler Danlos syndrome, B18
Ashihkmina E ( see Cobey et al), B114
Ashikaga K ( see Fukuda et al), B122
Ashikaga K ( see Nishino et al), B49
Ashikaga K ( see Nishino et al), B81
Ashikaga K ( see Nishino et al), B80-1
Ashraf M ( see Bleck et al), B128
Ashraf M ( see Hastie et al), B48
Ashraf M ( see Mahmood et al), B40
Ashraf M ( see Tam et al), B103
Ashraf M ( see Tam et al), B120
Ashraf M ( see Tracy et al), B110
Ashwath R ( see Strainic et al), B106
Asif I ( see Kim et al), B44
Asirvatham S ( see Gaba et al), B61-2
Askar M ( see Helmy et al), B60
Asnes JD ( see Li et al), B89
Asnes JD ( see Weismann et al), B16
Assadi A ( see Javadikasgari et al), B116
Assef J ( see Sierraalta et al), B47
Athayde GRS ( see Esteves et al), B123
Athayde GRS ( see Soares et al), B123
Atkins D ( see Ng et al), B110
Atsumi A ( see Ishizu et al), B94-5
Atsumi A ( see Seo et al), B125
Atz AM ( see Park et al), B89
Aurigemma G ( see Iskandar et al), B25
Axelrod DM ( see Arunamata et al), B65
Ayache AI, Cremer P, Alkharabsheh S, Tamarappoo B, Klein AL. Early diastolic mitral annular velocities improve following medical therapy of transient constrictive pericarditis: annulus reversus is reversed, B20
Ayache AI, Isma’eel HA, Senapti A, Cremer P, Alkharabsheh S, Tamarappoo B, Klein AL. Effect of pericardial calcification on biventricular mechanics in constrictive pericarditis, B20-1
Ayres NA ( see Lara et al), B8
Ayres NA ( see Lara et al), B92
Ayres NA ( see Maskatia et al), B98
Azencott R ( see Zekry et al), B118
Babaliaros V ( see Parikh et al), B118
Backer CL ( see Rose-Felker et al), B73
Badano LP, Miglioranza MH, Muraru D, Mihaila S, Aruta P, Romeo G, Cecchetto A, Peluso D, Cucchini U, Iliceto S. Left atrium longitudinal strain by two-dimensional speckle-tracking echocardiography in healthy volunteers: reference values and analysis of their physiologic determinants, B131
Badano LP ( see Addetia et al), B80
Badano LP ( see Miglioranza et al), B126
Baggish AL ( see Teoh et al), B37
Baker GH ( see Chowdhury et al), B7-8
Baker GH ( see Chowdhury et al), B85-6
Baker GH ( see Goudar et al), B112
Balaji T ( see Koneru et al), B33
Balasubramanian S ( see Huang et al), B97
Baldus S ( see Grayburn et al), B74
Balkhy HH ( see Obase et al), B121
Banchs J, Sanchez L, Sprague N, Bui YK, Main J, Kirkpatrick J. Point of care echocardiography in rural Vietnam clinics, B60-1
Bando M ( see Kusunose et al), B15
Bando M ( see Torii et al), B131-2
Banerjee A ( see Nawaytou et al), B100
Banerjee A ( see Wang et al), B96
Barbosa MM ( see Esteves et al), B123
Barbosa MM ( see Soares et al), B123
Barker P ( see Forsha et al), B85
Barker P ( see Kropf et al), B105
Barmpouletos D ( see Fanari et al), B76
Barmpouletos D ( see Fanari et al), B76-7
Barnhart HX ( see Crowley et al), B64
Barretto R ( see Sierraalta et al), B47
Batra SK, Miele R, Pandian NG, Patel AR. Transesophageal echocardiographic examination in the evaluation of source of embolus: does it change clinical management? B134
Baumann R ( see Medvedofsky et al), B118-9
Baysa SJA, Nguyen T, Welch E, Katz J, Velis E, Garcia-Herreros P, Martinez C, Torres M, Bolivar J. Efficacy of chloral hydrate vs. phenobarbital in oral sedation for transthoracic echocardiography, a retrospective review, B106
Bazzy-Assad A ( see Weismann et al), B16
Beaton A ( see Clark et al), B113
Beaton A ( see Ploutz et al), B59
Beatty A ( see Hayami et al), B130
Beaumont R ( see Scalia et al), B53
Becher H ( see Alghamdi et al), B12-3
Becher H ( see He et al), B12
Becker J ( see Lara et al), B8
Becker J ( see Lara et al), B92
Bedard E ( see Capoulade et al), B74
Behfar A ( see Lyle et al), B21-2
Belfort M ( see Lara et al), B8
Belfort M ( see Lara et al), B92
Bellafiore A ( see Mitter et al), B35
Benavidez O ( see Sachdeva et al), B101-2
Benavidez OJ ( see Sachdeva et al), B101
Benjamin EJ ( see Delling et al), B74
Berdejo J ( see Shibayama et al), B75
Berger G ( see Bugnitz et al), B94
Bermudez C ( see Goda et al), B32-3
Beshai JF ( see Patel et al), B18-9
Beussink-Nelson L ( see Choi et al), B29
Beussink-Nelson L ( see Mitter et al), B35
Bhat A ( see Wisotzkey et al), B104
Bhatia A ( see Lai et al), B130
Bhatla P ( see Chu et al), B111
Bhatti S, Watts E, Syed F, Hakeem A. Echocardiographic predictors of cardiac amyloidosis using cardiac MRI as the reference standard, B25
Bhavnani S, Sola S, Venkateshvaran A, Adams D, Sengupta PP. A randomized trial integrating pocket ultrasound with mHealth diagnostics in modern structural heart disease clinics, B3
Bibby D ( see Aneq et al), B125
Bibby D ( see Hayami et al), B130
Bibby D ( see Mishra et al), B134
Bibby D ( see Sinha et al), B132
Bichet D ( see Pichette et al), B58-9
Biering-Sørensen T, Jensen JS, Andersen HU, Rossing P, Jensen MT. The cardiac time intervals and the association with 2D-speckle tracking, tissue Doppler and conventional echocardiography—the Thousand & 1 Study, B11
Bigelow R ( see Crowley et al), B64
Bin J ( see Wu et al), B9
Binotto MA ( see Pinheiro de Castro et al), B109-10
Bird JG, Pellikka PA, McCully RB, Kane GC. Safety of dobutamine and exercise stress echocardiography in patients with abnormalities of serum potassium, B50-1
Birks EJ ( see Fujikura et al), B23
Bizzarro MJ ( see Weismann et al), B16
Blakely D ( see Lawlor et al), B66
Blanke P ( see Mak et al), B126-7
Bleck R, Amacher K, Zhu M, Streiff C, Kimura S, Ravi S, Park A, Ashraf M, Sahn DJ. Radial strain determination from 4D echocardiographic volumes using 3D-wall motion tracking, B128
Bloomfield G ( see Alenezi et al), B25
Blume ED ( see Lunze et al), B98-9
Bluml S ( see Votava-Smith et al), B8
Bolin E ( see Lang et al), B86
Bolivar J ( see Baysa et al), B106
Bollache E, Kachenoura N, Lang RM, Mor-Avi V, Patel AR. Is diastolic function in sickle cell disease affected by left ventricular–aortic coupling? B16
Bollen B ( see Cobey et al), B114
Bonham C ( see Patel et al), B26
Bonham CA ( see Patel et al), B18-9
Border W ( see Abarbanell et al), B107-8
Border W ( see Watson et al), B111
Border WL ( see Abarbanell et al), B107
Border WL ( see Sachdeva et al), B63
Border WL ( see Sachdeva et al), B102
Bordun KA ( see Abdelmoneim et al), B13
Bordun KA ( see Nhola et al), B41-2
Borowski AG ( see Chirakarnjanakorn et al), B43-4
Boucek R ( see Wisotzkey et al), B104
Bozorgnia F ( see Mawri et al), B70
Bracken J ( see Jone et al), B117
Brancazio L ( see Kropf et al), B105
Branco M ( see Romano et al), B64
Breeze J ( see Cobey et al), B114
Brenes JC ( see Arenas et al), B22
Brenes JC ( see Arenas et al), B32
Brenes JC ( see Issa et al), B132
Brenes JC ( see Peguero et al), B133
Brenes JC ( see Podesta et al), B23
Brenneman CL ( see Sachdev et al), B13
Breuer J ( see Laser et al), B120
Broderick G ( see Jabbar et al), B57
Broderick-Forsgren K, Davenport T, Sivak J, Hargett CW, Foster MC, Monteagudo A, Rajagopal S, Arges K, Velazquez EJ, Samad Z. Improving on the diagnostic characteristics of echocardiography for predicting pulmonary hypertension, B121-2
Brouillard D ( see Dillon et al), B4
Brown A ( see Ashangari et al), B18
Brown DW ( see Ghelani et al), B124
Brown J ( see Statile et al), B113
Bruce A ( see Zahari et al), B102
Bruce C ( see Gaba et al), B61-2
Bruce CJ ( see Choi et al), B75
Budd T ( see Koneru et al), B33
Buddhe S, Del Toro K, Soriano B. Right ventricular global longitudinal strain in repaired tetralogy of Fallot, B87
Buddhe S ( see Wisotzkey et al), B105
Buffon M ( see Sierraalta et al), B47
Bugnitz C, Miao Y, Berger G, Cheatham J, Galantowicz M, Cua C. Changes in right ventricular function and deformation analysis in children with hypoplastic left heart syndrome before and after the hybrid procedure, B94
Bührer C ( see Czernik et al), B42
Bui YK ( see Banchs et al), B60-1
Burdick JA ( see Stendahl et al), B51-2
Burkett D, Slorach C, Patel S, Redington A, Ivy DD, Mertens L, Younoszai A, Friedberg M. Left ventricular diastolic dysfunction secondary to adverse ventricular interdependence in children with pulmonary hypertension, B6-7
Burstow D ( see Scalia et al), B56
Burstow DJ ( see Scalia et al), B19
Burstow DJ ( see Scalia et al), B53
Buse E ( see Ramlogan et al), B90
Buto-Colletti C ( see Romano et al), B69-70
Butts RJ ( see Chowdhury et al), B7-8
Byrne J ( see Pinto et al), B89-90
Babaliaros V ( see Parikh et al), B118
Backer CL ( see Rose-Felker et al), B73
Badano LP, Miglioranza MH, Muraru D, Mihaila S, Aruta P, Romeo G, Cecchetto A, Peluso D, Cucchini U, Iliceto S. Left atrium longitudinal strain by two-dimensional speckle-tracking echocardiography in healthy volunteers: reference values and analysis of their physiologic determinants, B131
Badano LP ( see Addetia et al), B80
Badano LP ( see Miglioranza et al), B126
Baggish AL ( see Teoh et al), B37
Baker GH ( see Chowdhury et al), B7-8
Baker GH ( see Chowdhury et al), B85-6
Baker GH ( see Goudar et al), B112
Balaji T ( see Koneru et al), B33
Balasubramanian S ( see Huang et al), B97
Baldus S ( see Grayburn et al), B74
Balkhy HH ( see Obase et al), B121
Banchs J, Sanchez L, Sprague N, Bui YK, Main J, Kirkpatrick J. Point of care echocardiography in rural Vietnam clinics, B60-1
Bando M ( see Kusunose et al), B15
Bando M ( see Torii et al), B131-2
Banerjee A ( see Nawaytou et al), B100
Banerjee A ( see Wang et al), B96
Barbosa MM ( see Esteves et al), B123
Barbosa MM ( see Soares et al), B123
Barker P ( see Forsha et al), B85
Barker P ( see Kropf et al), B105
Barmpouletos D ( see Fanari et al), B76
Barmpouletos D ( see Fanari et al), B76-7
Barnhart HX ( see Crowley et al), B64
Barretto R ( see Sierraalta et al), B47
Batra SK, Miele R, Pandian NG, Patel AR. Transesophageal echocardiographic examination in the evaluation of source of embolus: does it change clinical management? B134
Baumann R ( see Medvedofsky et al), B118-9
Baysa SJA, Nguyen T, Welch E, Katz J, Velis E, Garcia-Herreros P, Martinez C, Torres M, Bolivar J. Efficacy of chloral hydrate vs. phenobarbital in oral sedation for transthoracic echocardiography, a retrospective review, B106
Bazzy-Assad A ( see Weismann et al), B16
Beaton A ( see Clark et al), B113
Beaton A ( see Ploutz et al), B59
Beatty A ( see Hayami et al), B130
Beaumont R ( see Scalia et al), B53
Becher H ( see Alghamdi et al), B12-3
Becher H ( see He et al), B12
Becker J ( see Lara et al), B8
Becker J ( see Lara et al), B92
Bedard E ( see Capoulade et al), B74
Behfar A ( see Lyle et al), B21-2
Belfort M ( see Lara et al), B8
Belfort M ( see Lara et al), B92
Bellafiore A ( see Mitter et al), B35
Benavidez O ( see Sachdeva et al), B101-2
Benavidez OJ ( see Sachdeva et al), B101
Benjamin EJ ( see Delling et al), B74
Berdejo J ( see Shibayama et al), B75
Berger G ( see Bugnitz et al), B94
Bermudez C ( see Goda et al), B32-3
Beshai JF ( see Patel et al), B18-9
Beussink-Nelson L ( see Choi et al), B29
Beussink-Nelson L ( see Mitter et al), B35
Bhat A ( see Wisotzkey et al), B104
Bhatia A ( see Lai et al), B130
Bhatla P ( see Chu et al), B111
Bhatti S, Watts E, Syed F, Hakeem A. Echocardiographic predictors of cardiac amyloidosis using cardiac MRI as the reference standard, B25
Bhavnani S, Sola S, Venkateshvaran A, Adams D, Sengupta PP. A randomized trial integrating pocket ultrasound with mHealth diagnostics in modern structural heart disease clinics, B3
Bibby D ( see Aneq et al), B125
Bibby D ( see Hayami et al), B130
Bibby D ( see Mishra et al), B134
Bibby D ( see Sinha et al), B132
Bichet D ( see Pichette et al), B58-9
Biering-Sørensen T, Jensen JS, Andersen HU, Rossing P, Jensen MT. The cardiac time intervals and the association with 2D-speckle tracking, tissue Doppler and conventional echocardiography—the Thousand & 1 Study, B11
Bigelow R ( see Crowley et al), B64
Bin J ( see Wu et al), B9
Binotto MA ( see Pinheiro de Castro et al), B109-10
Bird JG, Pellikka PA, McCully RB, Kane GC. Safety of dobutamine and exercise stress echocardiography in patients with abnormalities of serum potassium, B50-1
Birks EJ ( see Fujikura et al), B23
Bizzarro MJ ( see Weismann et al), B16
Blakely D ( see Lawlor et al), B66
Blanke P ( see Mak et al), B126-7
Bleck R, Amacher K, Zhu M, Streiff C, Kimura S, Ravi S, Park A, Ashraf M, Sahn DJ. Radial strain determination from 4D echocardiographic volumes using 3D-wall motion tracking, B128
Bloomfield G ( see Alenezi et al), B25
Blume ED ( see Lunze et al), B98-9
Bluml S ( see Votava-Smith et al), B8
Bolin E ( see Lang et al), B86
Bolivar J ( see Baysa et al), B106
Bollache E, Kachenoura N, Lang RM, Mor-Avi V, Patel AR. Is diastolic function in sickle cell disease affected by left ventricular–aortic coupling? B16
Bollen B ( see Cobey et al), B114
Bonham C ( see Patel et al), B26
Bonham CA ( see Patel et al), B18-9
Border W ( see Abarbanell et al), B107-8
Border W ( see Watson et al), B111
Border WL ( see Abarbanell et al), B107
Border WL ( see Sachdeva et al), B63
Border WL ( see Sachdeva et al), B102
Bordun KA ( see Abdelmoneim et al), B13
Bordun KA ( see Nhola et al), B41-2
Borowski AG ( see Chirakarnjanakorn et al), B43-4
Boucek R ( see Wisotzkey et al), B104
Bozorgnia F ( see Mawri et al), B70
Bracken J ( see Jone et al), B117
Brancazio L ( see Kropf et al), B105
Branco M ( see Romano et al), B64
Breeze J ( see Cobey et al), B114
Brenes JC ( see Arenas et al), B22
Brenes JC ( see Arenas et al), B32
Brenes JC ( see Issa et al), B132
Brenes JC ( see Peguero et al), B133
Brenes JC ( see Podesta et al), B23
Brenneman CL ( see Sachdev et al), B13
Breuer J ( see Laser et al), B120
Broderick G ( see Jabbar et al), B57
Broderick-Forsgren K, Davenport T, Sivak J, Hargett CW, Foster MC, Monteagudo A, Rajagopal S, Arges K, Velazquez EJ, Samad Z. Improving on the diagnostic characteristics of echocardiography for predicting pulmonary hypertension, B121-2
Brouillard D ( see Dillon et al), B4
Brown A ( see Ashangari et al), B18
Brown DW ( see Ghelani et al), B124
Brown J ( see Statile et al), B113
Bruce A ( see Zahari et al), B102
Bruce C ( see Gaba et al), B61-2
Bruce CJ ( see Choi et al), B75
Budd T ( see Koneru et al), B33
Buddhe S, Del Toro K, Soriano B. Right ventricular global longitudinal strain in repaired tetralogy of Fallot, B87
Buddhe S ( see Wisotzkey et al), B105
Buffon M ( see Sierraalta et al), B47
Bugnitz C, Miao Y, Berger G, Cheatham J, Galantowicz M, Cua C. Changes in right ventricular function and deformation analysis in children with hypoplastic left heart syndrome before and after the hybrid procedure, B94
Bührer C ( see Czernik et al), B42
Bui YK ( see Banchs et al), B60-1
Burdick JA ( see Stendahl et al), B51-2
Burkett D, Slorach C, Patel S, Redington A, Ivy DD, Mertens L, Younoszai A, Friedberg M. Left ventricular diastolic dysfunction secondary to adverse ventricular interdependence in children with pulmonary hypertension, B6-7
Burstow D ( see Scalia et al), B56
Burstow DJ ( see Scalia et al), B19
Burstow DJ ( see Scalia et al), B53
Buse E ( see Ramlogan et al), B90
Buto-Colletti C ( see Romano et al), B69-70
Butts RJ ( see Chowdhury et al), B7-8
Byrne J ( see Pinto et al), B89-90
Cabezas E ( see Zablah et al), B54
Cabezas E ( see Zablah et al), B54
Cabrera A ( see Colquitt et al), B95
Cai L, Addetia K, Medvedofsky D, DeCara J, Lang R, Spencer K. Right ventricular involvement in Takotsubo cardiomyopathy, B17
Caidahl K ( see Petrini et al), B68
Caine T ( see Scott et al), B37
Camarda JA ( see Johnson et al), B90
Campbell R ( see Sachdeva et al), B63
Campbell RM ( see Sachdeva et al), B101
Campbell RM ( see Sachdeva et al), B102
Campbell RM ( see Sachdeva et al), B101-2
Cao WJ ( see Mofid et al), B10
Cao XS ( see Sun et al), B127
Capoulade R, Le Ven F, Garcia J, Tastet L, Dahou A, Dumesnil JG, Arsenault M, Bedard E, Larose E, Clavel M-A, Pibarot P. Measurement of stroke volume and aortic valve area in patients with aortic stenosis: a comparison of Doppler-echocardiography versus cardiac magnetic resonance, B74
Capoulade R ( see Park et al), B120
Capoulade R ( see Teoh et al), B37
Carlson MD, Shroff GR, McCarty M, Madlon-Kay R, Herzog CA. The natural history of paradoxical low-flow, low-gradient aortic stenosis in an inner city population, B83
Carvalho VT ( see Soares et al), B123
Cascino GJ, Akhter N, Furiasse N, Altman J. The use of two-dimensional speckle-tracking strain in monitoring cardiotoxicity in older patients with acute myeloid leukemia, B38
Cassidy C, Patel SS, Ivy DD, Jone P-N. Evaluation of right ventricular function in pediatric patients with pulmonary hypertension using myocardial performance index from tissue Doppler imaging, B106-7
Casso N ( see Gastaldello et al), B14
Cavallaro N ( see Crandall et al), B121
Cavalli G ( see Addetia et al), B80
Cecchetto A ( see Badano et al), B131
Cetta F ( see Anderson et al), B111-2
Chae JM ( see Romano et al), B69-70
Chakravarty T ( see Utsunomiya et al), B117-8
Chaney M ( see Obase et al), B82
Chaney M ( see Obase et al), B121
Chang B-C ( see Chipeta et al), B82
Chang H-J ( see Chipeta et al), B82
Chang H-J ( see Choi et al), B119
Chang H-J ( see Chung et al), B19
Chang H-J ( see Kim et al), B129
Chang JD ( see Delling et al), B74-5
Chang S-A ( see Choi et al), B75
Chao C-J, Jaroszewski D, Kumar P, Appleton CP, Naqvi TZ. Results of pectus excavatum repair surgery—just cosmetic or of structural and functional benefit? B116-7
Chao C-J ( see Kumar et al), B29-30
Chaudhry F ( see Yao et al), B50
Chaudhry FA ( see Wiley et al), B82
Chauhan V ( see Siriwardena et al), B131
Chayer B ( see Hodzic et al), B11-2
Chayer B ( see Tournoux et al), B28
Cheatham J ( see Bugnitz et al), B94
Chelliah A ( see Urbinelli et al), B108
Chen CK ( see Forsha et al), B85
Chen G ( see Wu et al), B9
Chen HH ( see Mofid et al), B10
Chen HY ( see Shi et al), B46-7
Chen J, Zhao Z, Zhou Q, Song H, Hu B, Yao X, Zhu J, Zhu P. Quantification of regional left ventricular function in patients with coronary artery disease by layer-specific strain, B50
Chen SW ( see Gong et al), B38
Chen YL ( see Pan et al), B84-5
Cheng AL, Kumar SR, Ramachandran S, Wells WJ, Starnes VA, Wong PC. Preoperative echocardiographic predictors of left ventricular outflow tract reintervention following repair of interrupted aortic arch with ventricular septal defect, B91
Cheng J, Vasu S, Cheng P, Upadhya B, Stacey B, Pu M. Do real-time three-dimensional transesophageal echocardiographic images actually reflect what we directly visualize? B114
Cheng J ( see Pu et al), B123-4
Cheng P ( see Cheng et al), B114
Cheng P ( see Pu et al), B123-4
Cheng S ( see Merz et al), B32
Chen-Tournoux A ( see Aloe et al), B22
Chen-Tournoux A ( see Rebaine et al), B72
Cherrett G ( see Kim et al), B44
Chesler N ( see Mitter et al), B35
Chessa KS ( see Chowdhury et al), B7-8
Chessa KS ( see Chowdhury et al), B85-6
Chessa KS ( see Goudar et al), B112
Cheung D ( see Nhola et al), B41-2
Cheung DY ( see Abdelmoneim et al), B13
Chien S-J ( see Lo et al), B103
Chilton D ( see Malone et al), B35
Chipeta P, Shim CY, Kim D, Cho IJ, Lee S, Chang H-J, Hong G-R, Chang B-C, Ha J-W, Chung N. Left ventricular global longitudinal strain predicts early left atrial reverse remodeling after mitral valve surgery in patients with chronic severe mitral regurgitation, B82
Chirakarnjanakorn S, Engelman T, Andersen MB, Popović ZB, Lascano ME, Borowski AG, Tang WHW. Underlying cardiac dysfunction is a single biggest determinant in improvement of ventricular mechanics following hemodialysis, B43-4
Cho EJ, Hwang J-W, Park S-J, Song J-E, Kim S-H, Lee S-C, Park SW. Predictors of exercise-induced pulmonary hypertension in patients with preserved left ventricular ejection fraction, B54
Cho G-Y ( see Negishi et al), B64
Cho IJ ( see Chipeta et al), B82
Cho IJ ( see Choi et al), B119
Cho I-J ( see Chung et al), B19
Cho IJ ( see Kim et al), B129
Cho JG ( see Cho et al), B130
Cho JY, Kim KH, Kim DH, Yoon HJ, Ahn Y, Jeong MH, Cho JG, Park JC. Predictor of reversible tricuspid regurgitation in patients with functional severe tricuspid regurgitation and atrial fibrillation, B130
Cho JY ( see Yoon et al), B49
Choi AW, Daruwalla V, Beussink-Nelson L, Shah SJ, Freed BH. The added value of right ventricular free wall strain in patients with heart failure with preserved ejection fraction, B29
Choi E-Y ( see Chung et al), B21
Choi E-Y ( see Chung et al), B39
Choi E-Y ( see Chung et al), B50
Choi E-Y ( see Chung et al), B65-6
Choi JH, Hong G-R, Chang H-J, Cho IJ, Shim C-Y, Ha J-W, Chung N. Automatic quantification of aortic regurgitation using 3D full volume color Doppler echocardiography: a validation study with cardiac magnetic resonance imaging, B119
Choi JH, Lee S, Son CW. Single-beat full-volume capture real-time three-dimensional echocardiography compared with two-dimensional echocardiography, B127
Choi JH ( see Chung et al), B19
Choi J-O, Chang S-A, Tsang MY, Bruce CJ, Nishimura RA, Rihal CS, Lee GY, Park S-J, Lee S-C, Park SW, Jeon ES, Oh JK. Assessment of severity of aortic regurgitation by a novel M-mode echocardiography index, B75
Choi SW ( see Park et al), B49
Choudhry MW ( see Jarori et al), B31
Choudhry U ( see Fanari et al), B61
Chowdhury D, Narula J, Strauss K. Left ventricular morphology, systolic mechanics and diastolic function in patients with ANT1 cardiomyopathy, B45-6
Chowdhury SM, Butts RJ, Taylor CL, Chessa KS, Shirali GS, Baker GH. Validation of non-invasive measures of contractility in children: a simultaneous echocardiography and conductance catheterization study, B7-8
Chowdhury SM, Goudar SP, Baker GH, Taylor CL, Chessa KS, Shirali GS, Mertens L. Speckle-tracking echocardiographic measures of right ventricular diastolic function correlate with reference-standard measures before and after preload alteration, B85-6
Chowdhury SM ( see Goudar et al), B112
Chowdhury SM ( see Park et al), B89
Chowienczyk PJ ( see Zhang et al), B31
Choy J ( see Alghamdi et al), B12-3
Choy J ( see He et al), B12
Chris C ( see Koneru et al), B33
Chu B, Bhatla P, Gilbreth J, Ludomirsky A. Left ventricular mass quantification by two dimensional echocardiography in the pediatric population: correlation with cardiac magnetic resonance imaging, B111
Chu M, Xu D, Yao J. Circumferential strain can be used to detect LPS-induced myocardial dysfunction and predict mortality of severe sepsis in mice, B38
Chung H, Hong G-R, Son J-W, Choi JH, Cho I-J, Shim CY, Chang H-J, Ha J-W, Chung N. Different characteristics of left ventricular mechanics between young and late onset apical hypertrophic cardiomyopathy, B19
Chung H, Jung YH, Lee EJ, Kim J-Y, Yoon YW, Lee BK, Hong B-K, Rim S-J, Choi E-Y. Relationship between aortic root to ascending aorta configuration and left ventricular diastolic function in patients without aortic valve disease, B39
Chung H, Jung Y-H, Lee EJ, Kim J-Y, Yoon YW, Lee BK, Hong BK, Rim S-J, Kwon HM, Choi E-Y. Determinants of false positive ST-segment depression in supine bicycle exercise echocardiographic test, B50
Chung H, Jung Y-H, Lee EJ, Kim J-Y, Yoon YW, Lee BK, Hong BK, Rim S-J, Kwon HM, Choi E-Y. Determinants of hypertensive response during supine bicycle exercise: gender difference, B21
Chung H, Jung Y-H, Lee EJ, Kim J-Y, Yoon YW, Lee BK, Hong BK, Rim S-J, Kwon HM, Choi E-Y. Incremental prognostic value of carotid artery end-diastolic velocity for future cardiovascular events in patients with risk factors, B65-6
Chung N ( see Chipeta et al), B82
Chung N ( see Choi et al), B119
Chung N ( see Chung et al), B19
Chung N ( see Kim et al), B129
Chung W-Y ( see Kim et al), B67
Chung W-Y ( see Kim et al), B56-7
Cifra B, Slorach C, Friedberg MK, Mertens L, Dragulescu A. Right ventricular myocardial reserve in children after arterial switch operation, B27-8
Cifra B, Slorach C, Friedberg MK, Mertens L, Dragulescu A. Systolic and diastolic reserve in children after arterial switch operation, B28
Clark BC, Krishnan A, McCarter R, Sable C, Scheel J, Beaton A. Specificity of the WHF criteria for the diagnosis of rheumatic heart disease: can a low-risk population help to distinguish between early disease and normal? B113
Clavel M-A ( see Capoulade et al), B74
Cleman M ( see Ngernsritrakul et al), B115
Clement M ( see Alenezi et al), B25
Clements SD Jr ( see Parikh et al), B118
Cloutier G ( see Hodzic et al), B11-2
Cloutier G ( see Tournoux et al), B28
Clowse M ( see Kropf et al), B105
Cobey F, Ashihkmina E, Edrich T, Fox J, Shook D, Bollen B, Breeze J, Shernan S. The mechanism of mitral regurgitation influences the temporal dynamics of the vena contracta area as measured with color flow Doppler, B114
Cohen DG, Freed BH, Andrei A-C, Jonnalagadda S, Lloyd-Jones DM, Wilcox JE. Does left ventricular strain predict outcomes among patients with nonischemic cardiomyopathy hospitalized for heart failure? B72
Cohen MS ( see Patel et al), B94
Colan SD ( see Ghelani et al), B124
Colan SD ( see Lunze et al), B98-9
Colan SD ( see Nathan et al), B91
Colan SD ( see Tierney et al), B93
Collier P ( see Koneru et al), B33
Collins K ( see Addetia et al), B58
Collins KA ( see Grinstein et al), B52-3
Collins RT II ( see Lang et al), B86
Colombo A ( see Grayburn et al), B74
Colquitt J, Jeewa A, Denfield S, Feagin D, Wang Y, Cabrera A, Pignatelli R. Abnormal myocardial recoil in cardiac allograft vasculopathy: an earlier predictor of diastolic dysfunction in children? B95
Conti CR ( see Elgendy et al), B69
Coracin FL ( see Abduch et al), B33-4
Cornelissen G ( see Hristova et al), B45
Cossor W ( see Roberson et al), B123
Co-Vu JG ( see Gupta et al), B62
Craft M ( see Kutty et al), B12
Craft M ( see Rush et al), B67
Crandall IH, Ngernsritrakul T, Giordano K, Cavallaro N, Lin B, Sugeng L. Semi-automated speckle tracking: is it time to replace biplane Simpson’s method? B121
Cremer P ( see Ayache et al), B20
Cremer P ( see Ayache et al), B20-1
Cresalia NM, Ensing G. Spectrum of echocardiographic findings associated with systemic fungal infections, B113
Crespo M ( see Goda et al), B32-3
Crespo-Diaz R ( see Lyle et al), B21-2
Cross DB ( see Scalia et al), B53
Crowley AL, Yow E, Barnhart HX, Daubert MA, Bigelow R, Sullivan DC, Pencina MJ, Douglas PS. Critical review of current approaches for echocardiographic reproducibility and reliability assessment in clinical research, B64
Cua C ( see Bugnitz et al), B94
Cucchini U ( see Badano et al), B131
Cucchini U ( see Miglioranza et al), B126
Cui VW ( see Roberson et al), B123
Cuningham W ( see Johnson et al), B83
Cunningham C ( see Fujikura et al), B23
Cuttica MJ ( see Mitter et al), B35
Czernik C, Karle D, Schmalisch G, Schmitz L, Bührer C. Evolution of right ventricular speckle tracking derived 2-D strain parameters in extremely low gestational age newborns during the neonatal period, B42
Dadfarmay S ( see Hayami et al), B130
Dahou A ( see Capoulade et al), B74
Dai H ( see Ramlogan et al), B90
Daimon M ( see Ozawa et al), B46
DallaPozza R ( see Laser et al), B120
Daly RC ( see Luis et al), B75-6
Damp JB ( see Delgado-Montero et al), B16
Danford D ( see Kutty et al), B12
Danford D ( see Parthiban et al), B88
Danford D ( see Rush et al), B67
Darú VD ( see Gastaldello et al), B14
Daruwalla V ( see Choi et al), B29
Daubert MA ( see Crowley et al), B64
Davenport T ( see Broderick-Forsgren et al), B121-2
Davey BT ( see Toro-Salazar et al), B73-4
Day A ( see Patton et al), B66
Dayton P ( see Porter et al), B9
DeCara J ( see Cai et al), B17
De La Cruz J ( see Issa et al), B132
Delgado-Montero A, McNamara D, Damp JB, Drazner M, Hsich E, Mather PJ, Rajagopalan N, Gorcsan J III. Prognostic value of diastolic function by Doppler echocardiography in patients with peripartum cardiomyopathy, B16
Delgado-Montero A, Tayal B, Goda A, Schwartzman D, Saba S, Gorcsan J. Prognostic value of global left ventricular strain in heart failure patients with intermediate electrocardiographic criteria for cardiac resynchronization therapy, B30
Delgado-Montero A ( see Goda et al), B32-3
Delgado-Montero A ( see Goda et al), B70
Delgado-Montero A ( see Tayal et al), B71-2
Delling FN, Hassan ZK, Tsao CW, Zimetbaum PJ, Chang JD, Mukamal KJ. Risk of significant tricuspid regurgitation and death in patients with permanent pacemakers, B74-5
Delling FN, Rong J, Larson MG, Hackman B, Lehman B, Fuller D, Osypiuk E, Stantchev P, Manning WJ, Benjamin EJ, Levine RA, Vasan RS. Progression of mitral valve prolapse: a follow-up investigation in the Framingham Heart Study, B74
del Nido PJ ( see Nathan et al), B91
Del Toro K ( see Buddhe et al), B87
Denfield S ( see Colquitt et al), B95
DeRose J ( see Ando et al), B84
De Venecia T ( see Lu et al), B60
Devereux RB ( see Lai et al), B130
Dichak AL ( see Huang et al), B10-1
Dickens CA ( see Romano et al), B69-70
Dillon A, Johri A, Brouillard D, Jurt U, Armstrong D, Matangi M. Plaque score trumps Framingham risk score for predicting cardiovascular risk, B4
DiLorenzo MP, Wang Y, Goldmuntz E, Mercer-Rosa L. Longitudinal assessment of right ventricular function by global longitudinal strain in patients with tetralogy of Fallot in the first 2 years following initial repair, B106
Dimaano MM ( see Ahmad et al), B122
DiMaria M ( see Jone et al), B117
Dinges E ( see Mitter et al), B35
Dirani G ( see Mawri et al), B70
Di Tante V ( see Galanti et al), B48
Divanovic A, Gomien S, Khoury P, Michelfelder E. Gestational age affects the predictive value of left and right heart morphometry comparisons in the fetus with suspected coarctation, B96
Donal E ( see Galli et al), B42-3
Dong K ( see Siriwardena et al), B131
Dong W, Naniwadekar A, Khan A, Han Y. How robust is the apical 4-chamber for RV assessment? A CMR based study of echocardiographic parameters, B36-7
Douglas PS ( see Crowley et al), B64
Douglas PS ( see Main et al), B115-6
Douglas PS ( see Sachdeva et al), B101
Douglas PS ( see Sachdeva et al), B101-2
Douglas PS ( see Samad et al), B78
Douglas PS ( see Tinnemore et al), B63
Dowdy Z ( see Romano et al), B69-70
Dragulescu A ( see Cifra et al), B28
Dragulescu A ( see Cifra et al), B27-8
Dragulescu A ( see Grattan et al), B97
Drazner M ( see Delgado-Montero et al), B16
Driscoll D ( see Anderson et al), B111-2
Dudley JT ( see Narula et al), B2
Duess M-A ( see Lawlor et al), B66
Dukkipati SS ( see Yao et al), B50
Dulley FL ( see Abduch et al), B33-4
Dumesnil JG ( see Capoulade et al), B74
Dunbar-Masterson C ( see Tierney et al), B93
Dunning A ( see Alenezi et al), B25
Dunster JR, Holland BJ. Successful use of fetal tele-echocardiography at a small regional hospital, B95-6
Dwyer K ( see Merz et al), B32
Eberhart L ( see Malone et al), B35
Eckhauser AW ( see McRae et al), B99-100
Edrich T ( see Cobey et al), B114
Edwards T ( see Parikh et al), B118
Edwards WD ( see Kupsky et al), B76
Eguchi A ( see Sugahara et al), B55-6
Ehrenkranz RA ( see Weismann et al), B16
Eidem BW ( see Sachdeva et al), B101
Eidem BW ( see Sachdeva et al), B101-2
Eisenberg E, Shulman E, Spevack D. High risk for impending death in patients with pericardial effusion and pulmonary hypertension, B19
Elgendy AY ( see Elgendy et al), B69
Elgendy IY, Elgendy AY, Mahmoud A, Mansoor H, Conti CR. Presentation and outcomes of patients with spontaneous subarachnoid hemorrhage and findings of classical Takotsubo cardiomyopathy on echocardiogram: a single center experience and systematic review, B69
Eltayeb OM ( see Rose-Felker et al), B73
Elwing J ( see Palm et al), B45
Elyas A ( see Helmy et al), B60
Emani S ( see Stern et al), B98
Emery MS ( see Kim et al), B44
Emore CS ( see Okogbue et al), B77
Engelman T ( see Chirakarnjanakorn et al), B43-4
Enomoto Y ( see Seo et al), B125
Ensing G ( see Cresalia and Ensing), B113
Ensing G ( see Ploutz et al), B59
Erickson C ( see Kutty et al), B12
Erickson LA ( see Swanson and Erickson), B105
Eriksson MJ ( see Petrini et al), B68
Ermacora D ( see Miglioranza et al), B126
Esterbrooks D ( see Saurav et al), B117
Esteves WA ( see Soares et al), B123
Esteves WAM, Hung J, Lodi-Junqueira L, Athayde GRS, Soares JR, Nascimento BR, Barbosa MM, Tan TC, Zeng X, Nunes MCP. Impact of percutaneous mitral valvuloplasty on left ventricular function assessed by 3D echocardiography in rheumatic mitral stenosis, B123
Eze-Nliam C ( see Fanari et al), B61
Eze-Nliam C ( see Fanari et al), B76
Eze-Nliam C ( see Fanari et al), B118
Eze-Nliam C ( see Fanari et al), B76-7
Fagan T ( see Jone et al), B117
Falahatpisheh A, Lie GR, Hansen G, Kheradvar A. Contrast agent-free volumetric echocardiographic particle image velocimetry (V-Echo-PIV), B10
Fan D ( see Main et al), B115-6
Fan D ( see Wu et al), B124
Fanari Z, Barmpouletos D, Reddy VK, Eze-Nliam C, Hammami S, Weintraub WS, Marshall E. The impact of age on the outcomes of low flow versus normal flow severe aortic stenosis with preserved left ventricular function, B76
Fanari Z, Barmpouletos D, Reddy VK, Hammami S, Eze-Nliam C, Marshall E. The role of aortic valve gradient and stroke volume index in predicting the outcomes of severe aortic stenosis with preserved ejection fraction, B76-7
Fanari Z, Choudhry U, Reddy V, Eze-Nliam C, Weintraub W, Marshall E. The value of quality improvement process in the detection and correction of common errors in echocardiographic hemodynamic parameters in a busy echocardiography laboratory, B61
Fanari Z, Hammami S, Hammami MB, Hammami S, Eze-Nliam C. Using the aortic wall thickness in transesophageal echocardiography as a risk marker for aortic dissection, B118
Fang Q ( see Aneq et al), B125
Fang Q ( see Hayami et al), B130
Fang Q ( see Mishra et al), B134
Fang Q ( see Sinha et al), B132
Farah MC ( see Pinheiro de Castro et al), B109-10
Farland G ( see Hastie et al), B48
Farooqui F ( see Obase et al), B82
Farooqui F ( see Obase et al), B121
Favazza M ( see Huang et al), B97
Feagin D ( see Colquitt et al), B95
Feagin DK Jr ( see Reddy et al), B99
Feagin DK ( see Kailin et al), B34
Feagin DK ( see Sanchez et al), B43
Fedson S ( see Addetia et al), B58
Fedson S ( see Grinstein et al), B52-3
Fedson S ( see Kruse et al), B5
Feenstra J ( see Scalia et al), B53
Fei H, Ali M, Hua L, Zeng X, Scherrer-Crosbie M. Left ventricular global longitudinal strain predicts the reversibility of cardiotoxicity in patients with breast cancer treated with anthracyclines and trastuzumab, B27
Fei H ( see Hua et al), B5
Feigenbaum H ( see Jarori et al), B31
Fenstad E ( see Lyle et al), B21-2
Ferranti J ( see Toro-Salazar et al), B73-4
Ferrara P ( see Yamat et al), B4
Fields A ( see Julien et al), B57
Fillipon NML ( see Amuchastegui et al), B71
Fitzgerald B ( see Scalia et al), B56
Fitzgerald BT, Presneill JJ, Scalia I, Scalia GM. Female false positive ECG stress testing—fact or fiction? B51
Fitzgerald BT ( see Scalia et al), B19
Fitzgerald BT ( see Scalia et al), B53
Fitzgibbons T ( see Iskandar et al), B25
Fleishman C ( see Srivastava et al), B7
Foerst JR ( see Okogbue et al), B77
Fonseca R, Wiggins N, Otahal P, Marwick TH. Growth and geographical variation in the use of echocardiography in Australia, B62-3
Forrest JK ( see Ngernsritrakul et al), B115
Forsha D, Slorach C, Chen CK, Sherwin A, Mertens L, Barker P, Kisslo J, Friedberg MK. Patterns of mechanical inefficiency in pediatric dilated cardiomyopathy and their relation to left ventricular function and clinical outcomes, B85
Foster E ( see Agarwal et al), B109
Foster MC ( see Broderick-Forsgren et al), B121-2
Fournet M ( see Galli et al), B42-3
Fowler S ( see Levy et al), B91
Fox J ( see Cobey et al), B114
Fox JA ( see Varelmann et al), B116
Frank LH ( see Weinberg et al), B87
Frantz R ( see Lyle et al), B21-2
Freed BH ( see Choi et al), B29
Freed BH ( see Cohen et al), B72
Freeman J ( see Zekry et al), B118
Freire G ( see Peterson et al), B98
Friedberg M ( see Burkett et al), B6-7
Friedberg MK ( see Cifra et al), B28
Friedberg MK ( see Cifra et al), B27-8
Friedberg MK ( see Forsha et al), B85
Friedberg MK ( see Grattan et al), B97
Frommelt P ( see Rios et al), B87
Frommelt PC ( see Hill et al), B112
Fujii A ( see Ariyoshi et al), B55
Fujikura K, Salahuddin A, Birks EJ, Cunningham C, Kallel F, Garcia MJ, Spevack DM. Efficacy of speckle-tracking analysis in evaluating underlying myocardial function of patients with left ventricular assist device, B23
Fujikura K, Spevack DM, Garcia MJ, Jordi UP, Itatani K. The intraventricular flow assessment in patients with left ventricular assist device: early observations, B23-4
Fujikura K ( see Madan et al), B59
Fujimura J ( see Shigemitsu et al), B18
Fujioka T, Nii M, Sato K, Yoshimoto J, Kim S-H, Mitsushita N, Takigiku K, Takahashi K, Toyono M, Iwashima S, Inoue N, Ono Y. Assessment of longitudinal left ventricular systolic function: tissue motion annular displacement vs global longitudinal strain, B35
Fujiwara S ( see Sugahara et al), B55-6
Fukuda S ( see Kagiyama et al), B70-1
Fukuda S ( see Toki et al), B126
Fukuda T, Watanabe N, Ashikaga K, Kuriyama N, Toida R, Nishino S, Kimura T, Ishikawa T, Shibata Y, Kitamura K, Yoshida K. Assessment of mitral leaflet stretch phenomenon by using real-time three-dimensional echocardiography, B122
Fukui T ( see Izumi et al), B126
Fukumoto R ( see Izumi et al), B126
Fuller D ( see Delling et al), B74
Funabashi N ( see Ozawa et al), B46
Fundora MP, Sasaki J, Muniz J-C, Rossi A, Lopez L. Evaluation of residual coarctation in patients with hypoplastic left heart syndrome after stage I palliation, B100-1
Furiasse N ( see Cascino et al), B38
Furiasse N ( see Kunchakarra et al), B22-3
Furugen M ( see Nishino et al), B49
Furugen M ( see Nishino et al), B81
Furugen M ( see Nishino et al), B80-1
Gaba P, Naksuk N, Thongprayoon C, Herasevich V, Bruce C, Kapa S, Asirvatham S. Novel integrated echocardiographic and clinical data model predicts 3-year mortality in coronary care unit patients, B61-2
Gadd K ( see Tracy et al), B110
Galanti G, Stefani L, Mercuri R, Mascherini G, Di Tante V, Toncelli L. Left ventricular remodelling of athlete’s heart, irrespective of load training quality, B48
Galanti G, Toncelli L, Mercuri R, Gori N, Valentina D, Stefani L, Tosi B. Left ventricular remodeling in young black athletes, B36
Galantowicz M ( see Bugnitz et al), B94
Galello MI ( see Gastaldello et al), B14
Gali LG ( see Moreira et al), B40-1
Galli E, Polin B, Leclercq C, Fournet M, Samset E, Donal E. Left ventricular mechanics: novel tools to evaluate function and dyssynchrony in controls and cardiac resynchronization therapy candidates, B42-3
Gao L-J ( see Ma et al), B124-5
Gao Y ( see Xu et al), B9-10
Garcia A ( see Sierraalta et al), B47
Garcia D ( see Hodzic et al), B11-2
Garcia D ( see Tavares et al), B2
Garcia D ( see Tournoux et al), B28
Garcia E ( see Arenas et al), B22
Garcia E ( see Arenas et al), B32
Garcia J ( see Capoulade et al), B74
Garcia M ( see Madan et al), B59
Garcia MJ ( see Fujikura et al), B23
Garcia MJ ( see Fujikura et al), B23-4
Garcia MJ ( see Holmes et al), B78
Garcia N ( see Rebaine et al), B72
Garcia-Herreros P ( see Baysa et al), B106
Gastaldello NA, Lowenstein JA, Zambrana GF, Alasia D, Galello MI, Amor M, Rousse MG, Casso N, Lowenstein D, Darú VD. The analysis of baseline longitudinal strain does not predict echocardiography stress test outcome, B14
Gauvreau K ( see Nathan et al), B91
Gauvreau K ( see Stern et al), B98
Ge JB ( see Pan et al), B84-5
Ge S ( see Gou et al), B128
Ge S ( see Gu et al), B97-8
Ge S ( see Sun et al), B115
Ge S ( see Zhang et al), B14
Geraeli B ( see Sattarzadeh et al), B48
Gerber LM ( see Lai et al), B130
Geva T ( see Ghelani et al), B109
Geva T ( see Ghelani et al), B124
Geva T ( see Stern et al), B98
Ghanbari H ( see Vrsalovic et al), B129
Ghavidel AA ( see Javadikasgari et al), B116
Gheith H ( see Romano et al), B69-70
Ghelani SJ, Harrild DM, Geva T, Rathod RH. Comparison of echocardiographic and cardiac magnetic resonance parameters of ventricular strain in patients after the Fontan operation, B109
Ghelani SJ, Perrin DP, Brown DW, Shakti D, Williams D, Marx GR, Colan SD, Geva T, Harrild DM. Three-dimensional echocardiography-based assessment of left atrial size and deformation in healthy children, B124
Ghista D ( see Zhong et al), B42
Ghosh RM ( see Patel et al), B94
Gibbs J ( see Mawri et al), B70
Gidding SS ( see Moreira et al), B40
Gidding SS ( see Moreira et al), B41
Gidding SS ( see Nwabuo et al), B27
Gilbreth J ( see Chu et al), B111
Gillan E ( see Toro-Salazar et al), B73-4
Ginde S ( see Rios et al), B87
Giordano K ( see Crandall et al), B121
Giraldeau G ( see Kobayashi et al), B11
Glatz AC ( see Patel et al), B94
Glickstein J ( see Urbinelli et al), B108
Gnanaraj J, Hill JC, Lancaster GI, Kelsey AM, McPherson C, Zarich S. Assessment of right ventricular systolic performance using novel automated speckle tracking of tricuspid annular displacement in comparison with other echocardiographic methods, B39
Goda A, Bermudez C, Delgado-Montero A, Crespo M, Tayal B, Gorcsan J III. Biventricular remodeling in scleroderma patients undergoing lung transplantation is predictive of primary graft failure requiring extracorporeal circulatory support, B32-3
Goda A, Delgado-Montero A, Ryo K, Tayal B, Simon M, Mathier M, Gorcsan J III. Prognostic value of biventricular remodeling by echocardiography in patients with pulmonary hypertension, B70
Goda A ( see Delgado-Montero et al), B30
Goda A ( see Tayal et al), B71-2
Gold L ( see Sachdeva et al), B101-2
Gold LM ( see Sachdeva et al), B101
Golding F ( see Tierney et al), B93
Goldmuntz E ( see DiLorenzo et al), B106
Gomberg-Maitland M ( see Medvedofsky et al), B77
Gomien S ( see Divanovic et al), B96
Gomien S ( see Yilmaz et al), B57
Gong X, Shu X, Su YG, Liang YX, Chen SW, Zhou NW, Liu SW. Is right ventricular outflow tract pacing superior to right ventricular apex pacing? Long-term echocardiographic follow-up results, B38
Goodwin J ( see Rush et al), B67
Goot B ( see Zahari et al), B102
Gopal AS, Toole RS, Reichek N. Comparison of right ventricular volumes, ejection fraction, and mechanical indices derived automatically from 3D speckle tracking to cardiac magnetic resonance imaging, B127-8
Gorcsan J III ( see Delgado-Montero et al), B16
Gorcsan J III ( see Goda et al), B70
Gorcsan J III ( see Goda et al), B32-3
Gorcsan J III ( see Tayal et al), B71-2
Gorcsan J ( see Delgado-Montero et al), B30
Gori N ( see Galanti et al), B36
Gospos M ( see Sierraalta et al), B47
Gossett JG ( see Rose-Felker et al), B73
Goto E ( see Yamashita et al), B111
Gou Z, Zhang Y, Sun L, Han J, Liu X, Ge S, He Y. Mechanisms of aortic regurgitation in type A thoracic aortic aneurysm and dissection: real-time 3D transesophageal echocardiography observations, B128
Goudar S ( see Ramlogan et al), B90
Goudar SP, Chowdhury SM, Shirali GS, Baker GH, Taylor CL, Chessa KS, Mertens L. Inter-vendor feasibility and variability of speckle-tracking echocardiographic measures of right ventricular function in pediatric subjects, B112
Goudar SP ( see Chowdhury et al), B85-6
Graff G ( see Pauliks et al), B104
Grande-Trillo A ( see Matabuena-Gomez-Limon et al), B33
Grattan MJ, Mertens L, Friedberg MK, Grosse-Wortmann L, Dragulescu A. Torsion in patients with single ventricle anatomy before and after Fontan surgery, B97
Grayburn P, Colombo A, Alfieri O, Agricola E, Vahanian A, Kuck K-H, Kreidel F, Baldus S, Huntgeburth M, Nickenig G, Hammerstingl C, Twelker K, Maisano F. Percutaneous annuloplasty for mitral valve repair: multicentre trial result, B74
Green T ( see Abdelmoneim et al), B13
Green T ( see Nhola et al), B41-2
Greenberg JC, Konerman MC, Murthy VL, Kolias TJ, Hummel SL. Relationship between coronary flow reserve and diastolic dysfunction in patients with normal ejection fraction and epicardial perfusion, B15
Grewal J ( see Mak et al), B126-7
Griffin B ( see Koneru et al), B33
Grimm R ( see Koneru et al), B33
Grinstein J, Kruse E, Collins KA, Sayer G, Fedson S, Kim GH, Jeevanandam V, Uriel N, Lang RM. Novel parameters for grading aortic insufficiency severity in patients with left ventricular assist devices, B52-3
Grinstein J ( see Kruse et al), B5
Groh GK ( see Levy et al), B6
Groh GK ( see Levy et al), B30-1
Grosse-Wortmann L ( see Grattan et al), B97
Grothey A ( see Abdelmoneim et al), B13
Grothey A ( see Nhola et al), B41-2
Gruber D ( see Zablah et al), B54
Gu H ( see Zhang et al), B31
Gu X, Zhang Y, Sun L, Han J, Liu X, Ge S, He Y. Premature restriction and closure of foramen ovale in structurally normal hearts in fetuses: echocardiographic characteristics and outcomes, B97-8
Gumber D ( see Koneru et al), B33
Guo R, Yao X, Hu B, Zhu J, Zhu P, Tan T, Zhou Q. Assessment of longitudinal strain properties in patients with right ventricular myocardial infarction by 2-dimensional speckle tracking imaging, B52
Guo R ( see Hu et al), B72-3
Guo R ( see Zhou et al), B115
Gupta A ( see Madan et al), B59
Gupta D, Mowitz ME, Vyas HV, Lopez-Colon D, Nixon CS, Co-Vu JG. Effect of prenatal diagnosis on hospital costs in patients with complete transposition of great arteries, B62
Gupta S ( see Lu et al), B60
Ha J-W ( see Chipeta et al), B82
Ha J-W ( see Choi et al), B119
Ha J-W ( see Chung et al), B19
Ha J-W ( see Jin et al), B67
Ha J-W ( see Kim et al), B129
Hackman B ( see Delling et al), B74
Haddad F ( see Kobayashi et al), B11
Hajar R ( see Helmy et al), B60
Hakeem A ( see Bhatti et al), B25
Haluska BA, Stanton T, Holliday J, McLennan S, Marwick TH. A family history of premature cardiovascular disease is independently associated with increased carotid intima-media thickness, B73
Hamburg NM ( see Lawlor et al), B66
Hamdy A ( see Levy et al), B6
Hammami MB ( see Fanari et al), B118
Hammami S ( see Fanari et al), B76
Hammami S ( see Fanari et al), B76-7
Hammami S ( see Fanari et al), B118
Hammami S ( see Fanari et al), B118
Hammerstingl C ( see Grayburn et al), B74
Hamvas A ( see Patel et al), B92
Han J ( see Gou et al), B128
Han J ( see Gu et al), B97-8
Han S-J ( see Kim et al), B69
Han W, Xie MX, Li Z. Left ventricular twist and untwist mechanism in uncomplicated pregnancy woman: a 2-dimensional ultrasound speckle tracking echocardiography study, B31
Han Y ( see Dong et al), B36-7
Handschumacher MD ( see Park et al), B120
Hanke S ( see Statile et al), B113
Hanley FL ( see Arunamata et al), B65
Hanna BD ( see Wang et al), B96
Hannoush H ( see Sachdev et al), B13
Hansen G ( see Falahatpisheh et al), B10
Hara H ( see Hashimoto et al), B17
Hara H ( see Hashimoto et al), B80
Harada K ( see Shibayama et al), B75
Harada T ( see Kamijima et al), B77
Hardi A ( see Levy et al), B91
Hardy S ( see Lang et al), B86
Hargett CW ( see Broderick-Forsgren et al), B121-2
Harimura Y ( see Seo et al), B125
Haroonian Y ( see Kulkarni et al), B17-8
Harrild DM ( see Ghelani et al), B109
Harrild DM ( see Ghelani et al), B124
Harris IS ( see Agarwal et al), B109
Hartman DP ( see Levy et al), B6
Hashimoto G, Suzuki M, Yoshikawa H, Otsuka T, Makino K, Isekame Y, Iijima R, Hara H, Noro M, Moroi M, Nakamura M, Sugi K. The prevalence of transient apical hypertrophy during recovery phase of Takotsubo cardiomyopathy, B17
Hashimoto G, Suzuki M, Yoshikawa H, Otsuka T, Makino K, Isekame Y, Iijima R, Hara H, Noro M, Moroi M, Ozaki S, Nakamura M, Sugi K. Predictive factors of left ventricular outflow tract obstruction after aortic surgery in patients with severe aortic stenosis, B80
Hassan I ( see Alghamdi et al), B12-3
Hassan ZK ( see Delling et al), B74-5
Hastie K, Farland G, Ashraf M, Streiff C, Zhu M, Sahn DJ. Accuracy of vector velocity imaging for assessment of cardiac mechanics: validation against sonomicrometry, B48
Hayami D, Qasim A, Beatty A, Thomas L, Dadfarmay S, Fang Q, Bibby D, Marcus G, Maguire C, Imburgia K, Schiller NB. Left atrium in dynamic exercise: quantitation of flow rate changes by 4D volume in normal subjects, B130
Hayashi A ( see Kamijima et al), B77
Hayashi S ( see Torii et al), B131-2
Hayashi T ( see Murai et al), B36
Hayashida A ( see Kagiyama et al), B70-1
Hayashida A ( see Toki et al), B126
Hayes DA ( see Zablah et al), B54
Hayes DA ( see Zablah et al), B54
He A ( see Alghamdi et al), B12-3
He G ( see Sun et al), B115
He J ( see Zekry et al), B118
He W, Paterson I, Pituskin E, Mirhadi E, Choy J, Becher H. Cancer therapeutics-related cardiac dysfunction in a large clinical cohort undergoing chemo-therapy with trastuzumab, B12
He Y ( see Gou et al), B128
He Y ( see Gu et al), B97-8
Healy S ( see Kim et al), B44
Heching HJ ( see Zablah et al), B54
Hellenbrand WE ( see Li et al), B89
Helmy SM, Elyas A, Anilkumar S, Arafa S, Askar M, Hajar R. Correlation of global and territorial longitudinal strain with significant coronary artery lesions in non-ST elevation acute coronary syndrome, B60
Henry K ( see Pinto et al), B89-90
Heo M ( see Sharma et al), B20
Herasevich V ( see Gaba et al), B61-2
Herberg U ( see Laser et al), B120
Herrmann J ( see Abdelmoneim et al), B13
Herrmann J ( see Nhola et al), B41-2
Herzog CA ( see Carlson et al), B83
Hickson LJ ( see Negrotto et al), B17
Hill GD, Walbergh D, Frommelt PC. Reconstituted oral chloral hydrate from crystals for echo sedation—as good as the old formulation? B112
Hill JC ( see Gnanaraj et al), B39
Hirata K ( see Jin et al), B67
Hirata Y ( see Kusunose et al), B15
Hirata Y ( see Torii et al), B131-2
Hirayama K ( see Ariyoshi et al), B55
Hirotani S ( see Sugahara et al), B55-6
Hodzic A, Garcia D, Krsticevic L, Chayer B, Cloutier G, Tournoux F. Can diastolic intraventricular pressure gradient by color Doppler M-mode echocardiography be used to assess left ventricular untwisting? B11-2
Hodzic A ( see Rebaine et al), B72
Hodzic A ( see Tournoux et al), B28
Hofmann P ( see Alenezi et al), B25
Hogarth DK ( see Patel et al), B18-9
Hogarth K ( see Patel et al), B26
Holbrook M ( see Lawlor et al), B66
Holland BJ ( see Dunster and Holland), B95-6
Holland MR ( see Levy et al), B6
Holland MR ( see Levy et al), B91
Holland MR ( see Levy et al), B30-1
Hollatz A ( see Obase et al), B82
Hollatz A ( see Obase et al), B121
Hollenbeck-Pringle D ( see Tierney et al), B93
Holliday J ( see Haluska et al), B73
Holmberg MJ ( see Saurav et al), B117
Holmes A ( see Ando et al), B84
Holmes AA, Taub CC, Garcia MJ, Slovut DP. Increased left ventricular hydraulic load in patients with severe stenosis aortic is associated with left ventricular strain dysfunction and increased mortality irrespective of mode of therapy: a speckle tracking study, B78
Holmes D ( see Main et al), B115-6
Holmes K ( see Huang et al), B97
Hong BK ( see Chung et al), B21
Hong B-K ( see Chung et al), B39
Hong BK ( see Chung et al), B50
Hong BK ( see Chung et al), B65-6
Hong DH ( see Shi et al), B46-7
Hong G-R ( see Chipeta et al), B82
Hong G-R ( see Choi et al), B119
Hong G-R ( see Chung et al), B19
Hong G-R ( see Kim et al), B129
Hope K ( see Wang et al), B96
Hopkins R ( see Ramlogan et al), B90
Hor KN ( see Toro-Salazar et al), B73-4
Horigome H ( see Ishizu et al), B94-5
Horst JP ( see Solinski et al), B53-4
Horvath T ( see Kovacs et al), B30
Hoshizaki H ( see Yamashita et al), B111
Hotchi J ( see Kusunose et al), B15
Houle H ( see McDade et al), B121
Houle H ( see Ngernsritrakul et al), B115
House J ( see Main et al), B115-6
Howell S ( see Parikh et al), B118
Hristova K ( see Negishi et al), B64
Hristova KA, Cornelissen G, Singh RB. Circadian clock and myocardial deformation imaging—a speckle tracking study, B45
Hristova KA, Marinov R, Stamenov G, Michova M, Racheva A. Assessing of left ventricular torsional mechanics using 2D and 3D speckle tracking imaging during pregnancy, B125
Hsich E ( see Delgado-Montero et al), B16
Hsieh K-S ( see Lo et al), B103
Hsu DT ( see Sharma et al), B20
Hu B, Zhou Q, Song H, Tan T, Guo R. Risk prediction of cardiac events and cardiac death after acute myocardial infarction by speckle tracking imaging: a long-term follow-up study, B72-3
Hu B ( see Chen et al), B50
Hu B ( see Guo et al), B52
Hu B ( see Zhou et al), B115
Hua L, Zeng X, Fei H, Michnevitz T, Weiner M, Marshall JE, Scherrer-Crosbie M, Picard MH. Tissue motion annular displacement for assessment of global right ventricular performance, B5
Hua L ( see Fei et al), B27
Huang C-F ( see Lo et al), B103
Huang FQ, San TR, Le TT, Zhong L. Left atrio-ventricular and ventricular-arterial matching in patients with heart failure, B47
Huang FQ, Tan RS, Wong JI, Le TT, Zhong L. Left atrial-ventricular matching with age, B32
Huang F-Q ( see Zhong et al), B42
Huang JH, Balasubramanian S, McElhinney DB, Punn R, Tacy TA. Predicting post-operative outcomes in congenital heart disease using a novel velocity time integral-lactate score, B97
Huang JH, Favazza M, Legg A, Holmes K, Armsby LR, Pilgrim T, Madriago EJ. Echocardiographic screening for rheumatic heart disease in children in American Samoa, B97
Huang R, Abdelmoneim SS, Nhola LF, Dichak AL, Rain SJE, Mulvagh SL. Prognostic value of coronary microvascular function in type 2 diabetes mellitus: a quantitative dobutamine stress myocardial perfusion echocardiography study, B10-1
Huang R ( see Abdelmoneim et al), B13
Huang R ( see Nhola et al), B41-2
Huang S ( see Orde et al), B52
Hummel SL ( see Greenberg et al), B15
Hummel SL ( see Vrsalovic et al), B129
Hung J ( see Esteves et al), B123
Hung J ( see Park et al), B120
Hung J ( see Soares et al), B123
Hunter JM ( see Scalia et al), B19
Huntgeburth M ( see Grayburn et al), B74
Hur DJ ( see Amuchastegui et al), B71
Hur DJ ( see Ngernsritrakul et al), B115
Huynh Q, Kalam K, Iannaccone A, Negishi K, Thomas L, Marwick T. Functional and anatomic responses of the left atrium to change in estimated left ventricular filling pressure, B55
Hwang J-W ( see Cho et al), B54
Hylen R ( see McDade et al), B121

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