1. Congenital abnormalities
(a) Prominent costal cartilage
(b) Pectus excavatum
(c) Pectus carinatum
2. Infection
(a) Bacterial
(b) Fungal
3. Autoimmune
(a) Chronic recurrent multifactorial osteomyelitis (CRMO)
4. Neoplasms
(a) Soft tissue tumors
• Benign
– Infantile hemangioma
– Infantile fibrous hamartoma
– Inflammatory myofibroblastic pseudotumor
• Malignant
– Rhabdomyosarcoma
– Peripheral nerve sheath tumors
– Pleuropulmonary blastomas
(b) Osseous tumors
• Benign
– Osteoid osteoma
– Osteochondroma
– Fibrodysplasia
– Mesenchymal hamartoma
• Malignant
– Ewing sarcoma
– Osteosarcoma
(c) Metastatic tumors
5. Trauma
(a) Accidental
(b) Nonaccidental
The pediatric patient will typically undergo physical examination and radiological investigation of the lesion prior to any surgery. Modalities such as ultrasound, computerized tomography (CT), and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) may be used for confirmation and assessment of the lesion, and the patient may need an anesthetic to facilitate these investigations. The identification of these patients and their subsequent management involves a multidisciplinary approach, with the anesthesiologist, surgeon, intensivist, and allied healthcare professionals (HCP) working closely to ensure a successful outcome.
This chapter will discuss the perioperative anesthetic management of these patients with a focus on analgesic management.
Management of Anesthesia
Preanesthetic Assessment
The pediatric patient will need a thorough evaluation prior to induction of anesthesia. The preanesthetic interview allows for a full risk assessment of the patient, investigations, and discussion of the anesthetic plan. Electrocardiography (ECG), echocardiography, and pulmonary function tests should be reviewed where available and relevant. The extent of cardiac and/or pulmonary dysfunction must be determined, and optimization of the patient should occur prior to proceeding to surgery. The need for blood transfusion should be determined and appropriate samples sent for preparation of blood products. This focused assessment can occur on the day of surgery or in a specialty clinic a few days prior to surgery. Specialty, preanesthetic clinics have shown to reduce hospital costs, reduce cancellations of surgery, and have increased quality of care and rapport with families [2]. Conditions that increase risk to the patient receiving general anesthesia include sleep-disordered breathing, diabetes mellitus, obesity, and recent/concurrent illnesses especially upper respiratory infections (URI) [3].
Preoperative anxiety , seen in at least 60 % of pediatric patients, can lead to a difficult separation from parents, increased stress at induction, worsening postoperative pain, emergence delirium, and psychological and cognitive disturbance for up to 1 week after surgery [4, 5]. Separation anxiety begins around 8 months of age. Use of allied health care professionals including certified child life specialists can limit anxiolysis premedication use, but most children over 8 months old until aged 6 will receive anxiolysis premedication. However, it may be contraindicated in children with severe cardiac, respiratory, or neurological compromise. The common agents can be given by oral (PO), intramuscular (IM), or transmucosal (nasal, buccal) routes, with each route chosen affected by dosing amounts and time given to take effect [6]. If intravenous (i.v.) access is secured preoperatively, the drug can be given by this route.
Benzodiazepines , especially midazolam, cause sedation, amnesia, and anxiolysis, and can be given by PO, intranasal, or IM. It is effective and has a short duration of action, but can have a paradoxical effect in some children [4]. It also has an unpleasant taste and typically reaches a ceiling dose of 20 mg.
Ketamine is another popular agent that can be used as a sole premedicant or can be mixed with another agent, especially midazolam. Mixing the two agents allows for a PO premedicant in the heavier child. Ketamine is an N-Methyl- d -aspartate (NMDA) receptor antagonist, causing dissociative anesthesia with sedative and analgesic properties. However, it also has side effects, such as increased salivation, hallucinations, and postoperative psychological disturbances [7].
α2-Adrenoceptor agonists, such as clonidine and dexmedetomidine, provide all the benefits of premedication without respiratory depression. A 2014 meta-analysis compared dexmedetomidine to other agents. Of 171 studies, 11 allowed comparison of agents and revealed that dexmedetomidine resulted in enhanced preoperative sedation and decreased postoperative pain when compared to midazolam [8].
Premedication may also include inhaled bronchodilators, especially in those patients with a history of reactive airways disease or with concurrent/recent URI [9].
Applied prior to induction, this should include ECG, pulse oximetry, and noninvasive BP (NIBP) monitoring. More complex monitors can be used as dictated by the associated cardiopulmonary dysfunction. Near-infrared spectroscopy (NIRS) is an absorptive spectrographic method of measuring regional cerebral and somatic oxygenation (rSO2). It measures saturation in both venous and arterial blood and represents an average blood and tissue saturation. rSO2 is affected by changes in oxygen delivery and consumption, and values more than 20 % below baseline or less than an absolute value of 40 % are associated with slowing of EEG potentials and neurological damage. It provides valuable trend monitoring and can be used to assess anesthesia depth [10]. Invasive blood pressure monitoring may be secured as needed.
Intraoperative Anesthesia Considerations
The choice between a monitored gaseous induction or i.v. induction of anesthesia is patient dependent. In those children without venous access, gaseous induction using sevoflurane, a highly fluorinated methyl isopropyl ether, in an oxygen/air mix of varying ratios is convenient with an early placement of an i.v. cannula once anesthesia is induced. Supplement of the anesthetic with incremental doses of i.v drugs can follow. In other children, an i.v. cannula placed awake may be more desirable. Sevoflurane causes minimal myocardial depression or arrhythmogenesis, but can cause a slight fall in SVR. Heart rate is maintained at standard doses but bradycardia and hypoventilation will occur at higher concentrations.
Nitrous Oxide (N2O) has been in anesthetic use for 150 years, with the benefit of reducing the concentration of inhaled anesthesia needed. It is an antagonist to the NMDA receptor and may reduce postsurgical chronic pain [11]. However, N2O will expand closed air spaces and so should be avoided where pneumothoraces could occur.
Intravenous anesthesia agents, such as ketamine , etomidate, and propofol , are used to induce anesthesia or supplement a gaseous induction of anesthesia. Each has advantages and disadvantages, but generally i.v. agents have less effect on inhibition on the compensatory hypoxic pulmonary vasoconstriction (HPV) compared to inhaled anesthetics [12]. HPV acts to divert blood from underventilated areas of the lungs, as occur with lung retraction and collapse of the dependent lung in patients in the lateral decubitus position, and diverting this blood to better ventilated areas, thereby reducing V/Q mismatch. Etomidate has hemodynamic stability but is associated with adrenal suppression. Propofol is frequently used in the stable patient but does decrease systemic vascular resistance (SVR) and mean arterial pressure (MAP). Ketamine increases blood pressure, heart rate, and cardiac output by stimulating the release of endogenous catecholamines. It does not affect SVR and does not increase pulmonary vascular resistance (PVR) in children.
Dexmedetomidine is a highly selective α2-adrenoceptor agonist with sedative, anxiolytic, and analgesic properties and minimal effects on respiratory drive. Effects at central α2A and imidazoline-1 receptors result in a reduction in the sympathetic outflow from the locus ceruleus causing decreases in heart rate and SVR, while α2B-adrenoceptors’ stimulation in the peripheral vasculature causes an initial increase in SVR. In addition to a decrease in heart rate and SVR, it also shows antiarrhythmic tendencies, slowing conduction through the atrioventricular node and sinoatrial node. Cortisol, epinephrine, norepinephrine, and glucose levels all have been shown to decrease with its use. It has been used successfully in early tracheal extubation following surgery and it may also have a neuronal protective effect [13–15]. Its use also decreases postoperative emergence delirium [16].
Opiates are hemodynamically stable as adjuncts to the induction agent and act to suppress the stress response associated with surgery as well as providing analgesia to the patient. An infusion of remifentanil, an ultrashort acting opioid, is a useful adjunct with a reliable context-sensitive half time of 3–9 min, regardless of duration of infusion.
Airway management for these cases will, in most cases, include muscle relaxation and intubation of the trachea. Nondepolarizing, competitive neuromuscular blockers (NMB) are used for muscle relaxation and act at the acetylcholine (ACh) receptor. The choice between aminosteroid (rocuronium, vecuronium) and benzylisoquinolinium (cisatracurium) may be determined by underlying patient factors or by anesthesiologist. The recent addition of sugammadex, the first selective relaxant binding agent to reverse the effect of aminosteroids, was introduced to the US market in December 2015. Sugammadex, a gamma-cyclodextrin, forms a 1:1 inclusion complex with aminosteroid molecules and has no effect on acetylcholinesterase concentration. It binds to free aminosteroid molecules in the plasma, encourages aminosteroid at the ACh receptor to unbind and move back into the plasma where it is bound as well [17]. Although not recommended for pediatric use by the manufacturer, sugammadex has been successfully studied in this population [18, 19].
Intrathoracic surgical procedures may need lung isolation and one-lung ventilation (OLV). OLV is not typically needed in chest wall surgery, where regular tracheal intubation and bilateral lung ventilation is sufficient. Patient positioning will be determined by the location of the chest wall lesion, and appropriate pressure point padding will be needed.
Pectus deformities are the commonest chest wall deformity seen, with preponderance for males. Pectus excavatum constitutes the majority of these lesions, and repair is by insertion of rigid metal bars in the thoracic cavity, deep to the sternum and costal cartilages (Nuss procedure ). This minimally invasive procedure, assisted with use of thoracoscopy, is performed for cosmetic reasons and worsening cardiopulmonary dysfunction, and the repair is performed after puberty, where body image issues and rates of recurrence can be minimized [20]. Intraoperative concerns during the Nuss procedure include dysrhythmias, lung compression, and bleeding [20]. Pain is often worse with the older patient where the repair can be more difficult.
Once chest wall surgery is complete, deep extubation of the trachea will avoid coughing and straining of the patient, reducing the risk of developing subcutaneous emphysema, and an erect chest X-ray should be taken in the recovery room to exclude the presence of pneumothorax or hemothorax [20].
Pain Management for Chest Wall Surgery
Postoperative pain management of chest wall procedures can be challenging and often requires a multimodal approach. Continuous chest wall movement during respiration and coughing, and nerve and rib disruption from surgical trauma contribute to the severity of the pain. This may adversely affect pulmonary function and cause marked respiratory impairment. Adequate postoperative pain control importantly allows for deep coughing to clear secretions, which prevent atelectasis and pneumonia [21, 22].
This section will discuss the variety of drugs and methods of administration available. The drugs used can be classified into:
- 1.
Opioid analgesia
- 2.
Non-opioid analgesia
- 3.
Analgesic adjuncts
- 4.
Regional analgesia
- 5.
Nonpharmacological, adjunctive therapies have also been utilized successfully in this patient population to reduce pain scores and should always be considered where appropriate [23, 24]. These include hypnosis and certified child life specialists helping patients cope with postoperative pain issues.
Opioid Analgesia
Opioid medications are the mainstay for analgesia after most surgical procedures. While very effective, opioids can have multiple adverse side effects. In thoracic surgery, the deleterious side effects of opioid analgesia on pulmonary function are especially significant. Large dose systemic opioids cause sedation and affect the adequacy of respiratory function [23–25]. Patients that receive systemic versus epidural opioids have decreased forced vital capacity and peak expiratory flow rates [26].
Constipation frequently occurs when taking opioid medications and may occur in as many as 40–95 % of people [27]. Nausea and vomiting occurs in 25 % of patients receiving opioids due to the reduced peristaltic activity of the gastrointestinal system [28]. Gastrointestinal bleeding, which is commonly associated with NSAID medications, may also occur from opioids with the rate of bleeding in elderly patients using equaling that of NSAID medications [29]. Additional major side effects of opioids include impaired recovery from surgery, cognitive impairment, urinary retention, pruritus, hypogonadism, hyperalgesia, tolerance, and addiction [30].
Inadequate pain control can lead to poor cough, slower recovery, delayed mobilization, and longer length of hospital stay [22]. Systemic opioid administration as the sole pain modality may not be adequate to treat the intense postoperative pain associated with intrathoracic or chest wall surgery. Thus opioids must often be combined with other non-opioid medications and treatment modalities to minimize side effects while providing adequate analgesia.
Non-opioid Analgesia
Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) inhibit the enzyme cyclooxygenase (COX), reduce the production of prostaglandins at the site of tissue injury, and decrease inflammation. In addition to their peripheral effect, NSAIDs have a spinal effect by blocking the hyperalgesic response mediated by spinal glutamate and substance P [31]. The analgesic and opioid sparing effects of NSAIDs have been shown to improve the quality of intercostal and epidural analgesia [32–34]. Intravenous ketorolac administered either preemptively before thoracotomy or postoperatively reduces PCA morphine requirements by 36 % and 17 %, respectively, with no difference in blood loss [35]. In patients managed with a thoracic epidural for the Nuss procedure , ketorolac has been shown to be beneficial for breakthrough pain [34]. NSAIDs are beneficial in alleviating non-incisional pain, such as shoulder and chest tube pain, which is difficult to control with epidural opioid analgesia [36]. NSAIDs can reduce the incidence of opioid-related adverse effects such as respiratory depression, nausea, and vomiting. Side effects of NSAIDS include bronchospasm, acute renal failure, and possibly increased surgical bleeding secondary to altered platelet function.
Acetaminophen exerts its analgesic effects by blocking central prostaglandin synthesis, reducing substance P-induced hyperalgesia, suppressing signal transduction in the spinal cord, and acting on cannabinoid receptors [37, 38]. It can be administered orally, rectally, or intravenously. Postoperative acetaminophen reduces morphine consumption by greater than 30 % after major orthopedic surgery [39]. As with NSAIDs , acetaminophen decreases postthoracotomy shoulder pain when given preemptively and regularly during the first 48 postoperative hours in patients who have received thoracic epidural analgesia [36, 40]. After thoracotomy, use of acetaminophen along with ketorolac and a thoracic epidural reduces the daily dose of epidural medications, improves analgesia, and reduces the incidence of opioid-induced adverse reactions [41]. In an analysis of 21 human studies enrolling over 1900 patients , acetaminophen when combined with NSAIDs , was more effective for treating postoperative pain than either acetaminophen alone or NSAIDs alone [42]. To avoid hepatotoxicity, the maximum daily acetaminophen dose in adults is 4000 mg, and in children 75 mg/kg/day, although doses should be reduced in neonates [43, 44].
Analgesic Adjuncts
Analgesic adjuncts have been shown to reduce the opioid consumption and reduce the intensity of pain in the perioperative period. Some adjuncts are given by the enteral route only, while others can be given by i.v. infusion and continued into the postoperative period.
Ketamine, described earlier as a premedicant and an i.v. anesthetic agent, also has analgesic properties in subanesthetic doses. It may prevent the development of opioid-induced hyperalgesia (OIH) and tolerance that can lead to the development of increased postoperative pain and chronic pain states [45]. OIH is a paradoxical response whereby a patient receiving opioids for the treatment of pain can become more sensitive to certain painful stimuli. The type of pain experienced might be the same as the underlying pain or might be different from the original underlying pain [46].
Ketamine for general anesthesia is usually administered intravenously at a dose of 1–2 mg/kg and for procedural sedation at a dose of 0.5 mg/kg IV. Analgesic and antihyperalgesic properties of ketamine are obtained by low-dose infusion at a dose range of 0.15–0.25 mg/kg/h [45]. Low (subanesthetic) doses of ketamine have a small incidence of side effects including dysphoria and hallucinations (1 %), nightmares (2.5 %), visual disturbances (6.2 %), and pleasant dreams (18 %). Side effects can be managed by dose reduction and the use of benzodiazepines [45, 47].
Following the Nuss procedure , a low-dose postoperative ketamine infusion (0.15 mg/kg/h), added to a pain regimen of i.v. hydromorphone PCA and ketorolac, significantly reduced opioid demand and pruritus without an increase in side effects [48]. In a similar trial, a low-dose ketamine infusion added to an i.v. fentanyl PCA resulted in reduced pain scores, consumption of fentanyl, and incidence of nausea and vomiting [49]. The addition of low-dose i.v. ketamine to a regimen of ropivacaine and morphine, by continuous thoracic epidural, has been shown to improve analgesia in postthoracotomy patients [50]. In thoracotomy patients post-lobectomy, desaturation below 90 %, decrease in forced expiratory volume in 1 s, and morphine consumption were lower when a ketamine infusion was added to PCA morphine [51]. In a Cochrane database review of 37 randomized control trials (2240 participants), perioperative subanesthetic doses of ketamine reduced rescue analgesic requirements, pain intensity, or both. Ketamine reduced 24-h PCA morphine consumption and postoperative nausea and vomiting with adverse effects being mild or absent [52, 53]. Unlike the opioids, low-dose ketamine does not depress respirations. Its benefits, as part of a multimodal pain regimen, include lower opioid demand, decreased pain scores, decreased nausea and vomiting, and decreased pruritus.
α2-Adrenoceptor Agonists
Dexmedetomidine and clonidine are useful adjuncts in perioperative pain management [54, 55]. Both have been extensively studied in both adult and pediatric populations, although studies in chest wall and intrathoracic surgeries are limited. They both provide sedation and analgesia, with dexmedetomidine having eight times more affinity for the α2-adrenoceptor.
Dexmedetomidine has multiple roles in the perioperative setting. It is used as a premedicant [8], discussed previously, and is very effective in reducing emergence delirium [16]. It has used in sedation for painless procedures, and in painful procedures when used with other medications. As an analgesic, given by i.v. infusion, it has been shown to reduce postoperative opioid requirements, but it is not as effective in reducing pain scores when used as a sole agent [56]. When used as an adjunct with epidural analgesia , it prolongs local anesthesia effect, reduces pain scores, and lowers rescue analgesic requirements [57]. It has been used for opiate withdrawal syndrome. Bradycardia and hypotension can occur, which may limit their use, and sudden cessation can cause rebound hypertension.
Gabapentin and pregabalin are considered first line therapy for neuropathic pain, but may have a role in acute perioperative pain control. They both work by binding to the α2δ1 subunit of presynaptic voltage-dependent calcium channels. These channels are found in the central nervous system and spinal cord dorsal horn, and their activation increases the release of excitatory neurotransmitters. Blockade of these channels therefore reduces this release. Both medications are administered orally with bioavailability inversely proportional to the oral dose. Children under 5 years of age need a 30 % increase in dose to achieve appropriate plasma concentrations [58]. Gabapentin is absorbed in the duodenum, while pregabalin in the majority of the small intestine. Both bypass the liver and are excreted mostly unchanged by the kidneys. Side effects include sedation, dizziness, confusion, and ataxia.
Published results of gabapentin use in adult thoracic surgery have shown that preoperative single-dosing regimes may not be effective in reducing overall opioid use and that continued dosing up to 6 months after surgery may not reduce pain scores and postthoracotomy pain when compared to placebo [59, 60].
In 2010, Rusy et al. studied gabapentin use in pediatric patients undergoing spinal fusion. A single preoperative dose of gabapentin 15 mg/kg was given to the study group and continued for 5 days postoperatively at 5 mg/kg every 8 h. This was compared to placebo, and they found that, on postoperative day 0 and day 1, morphine consumption was lower in the study group, although no difference thereafter. There was no difference in the opioid adverse effects [61]. The importance of postoperative dosing of gabapentin was highlighted in a study of 36 children undergoing spinal surgery in Toronto, where no statistical difference was seen in opioid use when only a single preoperative dose was given [62]. In contrast to this, Amani et al. used a single dose of gabapentin in children undergoing tonsillectomy and found that pain scores were lower in this group when compared to bupivacaine infiltration and i.v. meperidine use [63].
Magnesium is used in clinical practice to treat electrolyte imbalance, to antagonize calcium, in the treatment of pregnancy-induced hypertension, and in the treatment of refractory bronchospasm. It is also used in the treatment of Torsade de Pointes polymorphic ventricular tachycardia. In increasing dose, magnesium can cause muscle weakness and cardiovascular effects including hypotension, bradycardia, and cardiac arrest.
As an antagonist of the NMDA receptor, it may have some benefit as an opioid-sparing adjunct. In a study of 68 adult patients undergoing elective thoracotomy, an initial dose of 50 mg/kg followed by 500 mg/h intraoperative and for 24 h postoperatively reduced intraoperative analgesia requirements and the postoperative pain scores [64]. It appears not to reduce the risk of supraventricular arrhythmias associated with thoracotomy [65]. In a study of 50 adult patients undergoing gynecological surgery, the use of magnesium reduced the need for intraoperative muscle relaxation, improved postoperative pain scores, and lowered opioid consumption [66].
In pediatric patients, magnesium has been successfully used as an adjunct to epidural analgesia [67] and as an i.v. adjunct to reduce pain scores and opioid use in children with cerebral palsy undergoing orthopedic surgery [68]. However, a prospective study in 2015 found no benefit from the use of magnesium in children undergoing tonsillectomy [69], unlike in adult patients [70]. Although reducing the rate of coughing after tonsillectomy, magnesium does not decrease laryngospasm rates [71].
Regional Analgesia
Epidural Analgesia
After a thoracic procedure, there is considerable pain and impairment in pulmonary function. Thoracic epidurals are widely regarded as the “gold standard” for analgesia following thoracic surgery. Epidural analgesia reduces pain and improves pulmonary function by restoring the vital capacity and functional residual capacity to near preoperative levels [26, 72]. Epidural local anesthetics are usually combined with epidural opioids which results in satisfactory pain control, earlier return to ambulation, lower overall opioid requirements, and reduced morbidity when compared to i.v. opioids [25, 26, 72, 73]. Epidural opioids work by binding to opiate receptors in the spinal cord. Morphine, hydromorphone, and fentanyl are the most commonly administered epidural narcotics and are usually administered via continuous infusion. Hydrophilic opioids, such as morphine and hydromorphone, diffuse widely and thus can be administered at either the thoracic or lumbar level to provide pain relief for thoracic procedures [25]. Lipophilic opioids, such as fentanyl, are more effective and smaller doses are required when administered at the thoracic region versus the lumbar region [74]. The most common local anesthetics used in epidural mixtures include bupivacaine and ropivacaine. The efficacy of ropivacaine is similar to that of bupivacaine and it has reduced potential for central nervous system and cardiac toxicity and causes less motor blockade. This may prove to be of benefit for patient mobilization and improvement of respiratory therapy [75, 76].

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