Using a novel radiofrequency ablation catheter (St. Jude Medical, Irvine, CA, USA), we performed SRD in nine anesthetized female juvenile farm swine (mean weight 34.5 kg). After engaging the renal artery with a guide catheter, a 0.014-in. Doppler flow wire was introduced in the renal artery, and the following measurements were obtained or calculated: average peak velocity (APV), renal flow reserve (RFR), and resistive index (RI). Measurements were obtained at baseline and under hyperemic condition induced by a bolus of dopamine (50 μg/kg) given intrarenally. RFR was calculated as the ratio of hyperemic to basal peak velocity. RI was estimated as (peak systolic velocity−end-diastolic velocity)/peak systolic velocity. APV, RFR, and RI were measured before and after RSD and 1 month later. The RSD was achieved via the lumen of the main renal artery with the catheter connected to a radiofrequency generator from St. Jude Medical according to prespecified algorithm. Samples for plasma norepinephrine were collected at baseline and at 1 month after ablation.