Wood and textile industries
17.1.1 Description of the industry
The term ‘wood industry’ is used to describe those industrial processes that use trees as their raw material. One branch of the industry includes forestry, sawmills, building and construction (including pre-fabrication of detached and semi-detached houses, as well as on-site construction work), furniture manufacture and board production. Woodwork teachers are an often overlooked group subject to the exposures common to these sectors. Another important branch includes those industries that extract cellulose from wood pulp; that is, pulp and paper mills. The final products of these mills are a wide variety of paper products including different kinds of paper boards.
The majority of the trees harvested throughout the world are used for sawn lumber, while most of the rest are used by the pulp and paper industry. However, a minor fraction is used for fuel, a fraction that will increase in the future. Similarly, the production of ethanol from wood – for use as fuel – is likely to be increasingly important.
The largest forested areas in the world are in Russia, Brazil, Canada, the USA and China, while the largest exporters of forest products are Canada, the USA, Finland and Sweden. The major forest export products from Canada, Finland and Sweden are pulp and paper.
The wide spectrum of industries and production technologies implies a number of different occupational exposures, the most obvious being wood dust. In Sweden in the late 1990s 6.4% of men and 0.5% of women of working age reported occupational exposure to wood dust.
Workers in these sectors are exposed to a variety of substances that increase the risk for respiratory diseases. The major exposures of respiratory relevance are wood dust, volatile chemicals such as terpenes, airborne microorganisms and formaldehyde. In addition, workers are often exposed to noise, vibration and poor ergonomic conditions. The most important occupations, exposures and respiratory diseases are listed in Table 17.1.
Table 17.1 The most important occupations, exposures and respiratory diseases in forestry, sawmills, the construction industry and furniture manufacture (including vocational schools)
Occupations | Exposures | Diseases/symptoms |
Lumberjacks | Wood dust, terpenes | Irritant symptoms |
Exhausts | ||
Sawmill workers | Wood dust, terpenes | Impaired lung function |
Irritant symptoms | ||
Molds | Allergic alveolitis | |
Cabinet-makers | Wood dust | Asthma |
Sino-nasal cancer | ||
Carpenters | Glues | Asthma |
Paints, solvents | Asthma | |
Woodwork teachers | Wood dust | Rhinitis |
When taking a patient’s history, the most important question to ask is whether the workplace is dusty. Is there dust on the floors, walls and benches? If the patient is a sawmill worker, he (most workers in this industry are men) should also be asked whether he has observed mold at the workplace. In some special cases personal sampling of dust can be of value. If there is mold at the workplace, spores can be collected by impaction onto glass slides, by impaction in liquid (impingers) or on filters.
17.1.3 Diseases associated with work in primary and secondary woodworking industries
Occupational asthma
Occupational asthma due to sensitization to different varieties of wood is well described. The best-known type is asthma due to western red cedar (Thuja plicata), although many other common tree species such as eastern white cedar (Thuja occidentalis), ash, cedar of Lebanon, mahogany, birch and teak have also been reported to induce occupational asthma. Sensitization properties have been found to vary by species, and so it is thought that the sensitization is due to naturally occurring substances that vary between the species. For example, the causative agent in western red cedar and eastern white cedar asthma has been identified as plicatic acid.
It is not clear whether exposures to softwood from coniferous species such as pines, spruces and firs increases the risk of asthma. Several studies of workers exposed to these kinds of dust have shown an increased prevalence of respiratory symptoms, but no clearly increased risk for asthma.
The clinical investigation of a wood-working patient with suspected occupational asthma is similar to other occupational asthma investigations. However, the clinican should be aware that such a patient may be exposed to other agents that can cause respiratory disease. Some of these occupations require frequent handling of paints, glues and varnishes containing reactive chemicals such as diisocyanates and acrylates. The standard adhesive used by carpenters and other woodworkers is based on urea-formaldehyde, and formaldehyde is released during heating. Exposure to formaldehyde may exacerbate asthma.
Extrinsic allergic alveolitis (hypersensitivity pneumonitis)
Extrinsic allergic alveolitis (hypersensitivity pneumonitis) has been described among sawmill workers and wood trimmers in Northern Europe, the USA and Canada. The antigens responsible for these diseases are molds growing in the wood dust or in the bark of the logs. The main species are Cryptostroma corticale in maple strippers’ disease, Alternaria spp. in sawmills and Aspergillus spp. and Thermoactinomyces vulgaris in moldy wood chips. In Sweden in the 1970s, there was an outbreak of allergic alveolitis among wood trimmers due to the fact that unsawn wood was stored under warm and damp conditions, promoting the growth of Rhizopus spp. and Penicillium spp. Outbreaks of maple bark disease occurred among workers peeling off moldy bark from maple logs.
Patients with allergic alveolitis often present with febrile influenza-like reactions with cough, chest tightness, malaise and chills. These symptoms start 4-8 hours after the beginning of the exposure, and disappear during the following night. If the exposure continues the symptoms will recur. In the typical case there will be bilateral crackles on chest auscultation. In addition to this acute form of allergic alveolitis, there may also be a subacute form characterized by progressively increasing dyspnea and dry cough. A chronic form is mainly characterized by the development of pulmonary fibrosis. The two latter forms result from long-standing, chronic exposure to the causative agents.
When faced with a patient of working age presenting with a febrile illness as described above, it is wise to consider the possibility of allergic alveolitis. Key questions that should be asked are the patient’s occupation and whether he or she has handled moldy material; note that the latter may have occurred in nonoccupational settings, for instance while burning woodchips in a domestic boiler.
A patient with suspected allergic alveolitis should be investigated with pulmonary function tests, chest X-ray or CT and sometimes also bronchoscopy. An occupational hygiene investigation is often helpful. IgG antibodies may appear after repeated exposures to airborne fungal spores. Specific IgG antibodies to Saccharopolyspora, Aspergillus, Penicillium and Rhizopus have been used as markers of exposure in studies of farmers and workers from sawmills. Clinically, such analyses can be useful for establishing that an exposure has occurred; however, the presence of specific IgG is only a marker of exposure and is not a sign of the disease.
Chronic bronchitis
Wood dust and volatile chemicals have irritant properties which may cause inflammation in the upper airway, as well as increasing the risk for chronic bronchitis. Exposure to wood dust is associated with acute effects on lung function, as well perhaps as longterm effects, such as development of chronic airways obstruction. An increased risk for rhinitis has been described among woodwork teachers.
The International Agency for Cancer Research has classified wood dust as a group I human carcinogen. There are several studies showing a very high risk for sino-nasal adenocarcinoma among workers exposed to dust from hardwoods, such as oak, mahogany and beech. There is probably also an increased risk for sino-nasal cancer after exposure to softwood, but studies are less conclusive.
17.2 The pulp and paper industry
The production of paper from fiber originates from China, where paper from rags and grass was produced as early as 100 AD. Rags were the main source of fiber for paper production until middle of 1800s. In the early years of the Industrial Revolution there was an increasing demand for paper; however, paper production was greatly hampered by the lack of raw material, as rags were the only existing fiber source. In the middle of the 1850s, the fiber supply shifted as several different methods were developed to extract pulp from wood. This was a major breakthrough of great importance for further scientific and industrial development. The main methods were mechanical (abrasion), acidic (sulfite) or alkaline (sulfate or Kraft). Today the use of recycled paper has increased. In some parts of the word bagass (the remains of sugar cane after the extraction of raw sugar) is used for pulp production. The main producers of pulp are the USA, Canada, China and Sweden.
The fibers used to make paper are often bleached; this was originally achieved by a combination of sunlight and acid. The use of chlorine became widespread during the 1800s, and chlorine was later replaced with chlorine dioxide. Many nonchlorine bleaching methods have since been developed, including bleaching based on peroxides, oxygen, ozone and peracetic acid. Pulp originating from the sulfite process is lighter and generally easier to bleach; hence, for environmental reasons, the use of sulfite fibers for paper production has increased.
The extracted fibers are used for paper production; the most common products are newsprint, printing and writing paper and soft paper products (toilet paper and napkins). The final product contains many additives; while toilet papers and newsprint have a high proportion of fibers (80%), the additive content of printing papers may be as high as 50%. Possible additives include kaolin, talc and different kinds of glues and whiteners. Asbestos was also used as a filler in some paper products. The most important occupations and exposures are shown in Table 17.2.
Table 17.2 The most important occupations, exposures and respiratory diseases among pulp and paper mill workers
Occupations | Exposures | Diseases/symptoms |
Process operators Sulfate mills Sulfite mills Mechanical mills | Reduced sulfur compounds Sulfur dioxide Wood dust Terpenes | Asphyxia Asthma, chronic bronchitis Lymphomas |
Bleachery workers | Chlorine dioxide Ozone Peracetic acid | Asthma Asthma |
Paper-machine workers | Paper dust Kaolin Talc | Rhinitis Chronic bronchitis |
Maintenance workers | Asbestos Reduced sulfur compounds Sulfur dioxide Wood dust Terpenes | Malignant mesotheliomas Lung cancer |
17.2.1 Diseases associated with work in pulp and paper industry
The most important diseases associated with work in pulp and paper industry are shown in Table 17.2. Exposure to chlorine and chlorine dioxide used for bleaching increases the risk for asthma. Exposure levels tend to be low under normal conditions but can become much higher during accidents and process disturbances. These exposure accidents are probably the main inducers of asthma among bleachery workers. Ozone was quite recently introduced as an environmentally friendly way of bleaching pulp. However, the process is very unstable, and studies from Sweden have shown that bleachery workers exposed to ozone develop asthma and pulmonary function impairment. The risk is linked to the number of peak exposures to ozone.
The highest levels of paper dust are found in soft paper mills, where the proportion of recycled paper is high (up to 80%). The fibers used in recycled paper are shorter than virgin fibers, and so are more likely to escape from the paper during processing. High levels (often over 10 mg/m3) of total (paper) dust have been measured in such mills. Dose-dependent impairment of lung function has been demonstrated in such environments, as well as an increased risk of obstructive airway diseases. In other paper mills, producing printing papers or newsprint, the dust levels are much lower, and no lung function impairment or increased risk for asthma has been described.
Asbestos has been used, and still is used in some countries, for insulation purposes in pulp and paper mills; maintenance workers in particular have an increased risk for lung cancer and mesotheliomas. An increased risk for lymphoma has also been noted among pulp mill workers. The causative agents in this case may be soluble components in the wood.
The textile industry includes a wide range of different processes, such as spinning, weaving, knitting and the production of yarn. It includes also the dyeing of yarn and fabrics. Originally the textile industry was based on natural fibers from silk, cotton and wool, but the use of synthetic fibers is increasing: in 2004, more than 50% of the worldwide fiber supply to the textile industry was synthetic.
Work in the textile industry has long been acknowledged as hazardous. With the increased mechanization of the industry by means of the flying shuttle, the spinning jenny and the water frame spinner, production increased and factories became larger, resulting in higher levels of dusts, endotoxins and microorganisms. In the 1800s there were several descriptions of epidemic outbreaks of mill fever, byssinosis and asthma. This pattern of respiratory diseases is still recognizable in the textile industry, but in recent years diseases such as bronchiolitis obliterans and lung fibrosis have been described. The different processes and main exposures are described in Table 17.3. In addition to respiratory hazards, textile industry workers are exposed to repetitive work which may cause shoulder and neck disorders. Exposure to carbon disulfide in factories producing rayon fibers has clearly been linked to an increased risk to ischemic heart disease.
Table 17.3 The most important occupations, exposures and diseases in the textile industry
Occupations | Exposures | Diseases |
Yarn manufacturing | Dust, bleaching chemicals | Asthma |
Wool production | Bacteria (anthrax), dust and bleach | Byssinosis Inhalation fever |
Silk industry | Natural silk, bacteria | Asthma |
Synthetic fibers | Fiber dust | Bronchiolitis obliterans |
Dyeing | Sensitizing dyes, acids and alkalis | Asthma |
Spinning and weaving | Dust, microorganisms and endotoxins | Byssinosis Inhalation fever |
17.3.2 Diseases associated with work in the textile industry
Respiratory diseases have always been one of the most important ailments among textile industry workers. The most common is byssinosis, an acute or chronic lung disease among workers exposed to organic dust, usually derived from cotton, hemp or flax. Byssinosis-like syndromes have also been demonstrated among workers exposed to other kinds of organic dust, for instance agricultural workers.
The most important exposure today is cotton dust: about 300,000 workers in the USA are exposed to cotton dust, but in recent years there has been a steep decline in cotton dust-induced lung disease in the USA. The prevalence of byssinosis in cotton workers in industrially developed countries is now just a few percent. This is in sharp contrast to the conditions in low- and middle-income countries where the prevalence is much higher. In countries like Indonesia, India and Sudan, byssinosis has been reported to affect 30-50% of the workforce. The prevalence of byssinosis in Turkish cotton processing workers was reported to be 14% [1].
The clinical manifestations are chest tightness, dyspnea and coughing. The symptoms begin on Monday and abate in the evening; this distinguishes byssinosis from occupational asthma, where the symptoms tend to increase over the working week. If the worker is away from exposure for a longer period, the symptoms tend to be more severe when re-exposure occurs. If exposure continues over the weekend, the Monday symptoms will not appear.
Pulmonary function is also affected in two different ways due to exposure to organic dust. The first effect is chronic and is characterized by reduced FEV1 as well as reduced FEV1:FVC. The reduction is dependent on the cumulative exposure to dust; that is, both dust concentration and duration of exposure. The second effect is an acute one, characterized by increasing obstruction over a work shift where there is exposure to cotton dust. The cross-shift decrement is more severe after an absence from exposure for more than 2 days.
In the 1940s and 1950s extensive studies of respiratory diseases were performed in the British textile industry by Schilling and colleagues. Based on these studies, a grading scheme for byssinosis was proposed, and the value of this classification has been confirmed by others (Table 17.4).
Table 17.4 Severity classification of byssinosis
Symptom | Grade |
No chest tightness or dyspnea on Mondays | 0 |
Cough and sometimes chest tightness on Mondays | 0.5 |
Chest tightness and/or dyspnea on Mondays (only) | 1.0 |
Chest tightness and/or dyspnea on all workdays | 2.0 |
The causative agent is probably some part of the plant (cotton) or some contaminants associated with the plant. The contaminants could be microorganisms and/or their constituents, mainly endotoxins from Gram-negative bacteria. Experiments with water-soluble extracts from cotton bracts (the leaves below the cotton ball) have confirmed their ability to induce obstruction and inflammation in the airways. However, experimental cardroom studies have strongly suggested that endotoxin is an etiologic factor in the acute respiratory reaction to cotton dust.
Inhalation fever
Inhalation fever is a syndrome characterized by fever, cough, chills and malaise. It occurs soon after the start of work. The symptoms disappear after a few days’ work, but return if the worker starts to work again after an absence from work. Chest tightness does not appear to be associated with inhalation fever. The chest radiograph and pulmonary function are normal. The mechanism behind inhalation fever is considered to be a nonspecific activation of alveolar macrophages and systematic releases of pyrogenic factors, such as TNF-a and interleukin-6.
Inhalation fever occurs in many occupations, such as welders, metal workers and workers handling different polymers. It is also associated with textile manufacturing; the causative factor in this industry is probably endotoxin produced by Gram-negative bacteria in the cotton. Such fever syndromes occur most frequently with the use of lowquality raw cotton. Inhalation fever is also known as mill-fever, mattress-maker’s fever and weaver’s cough. The alternative name ODTS (organic dust toxic syndrome) has been proposed; however, the syndrome shares clinical features with other inhalation fevers, such as metal fume fever or polymer fever, and the term ‘inhalation fever’ is to be preferred.
Anthrax or woolsorter’s disease
Anthrax is a potentially lethal infectious disease caused by Bacillus anthracis, a Grampositive spore-forming bacterium [2]. It is highly contagious, but the pathway is from animals to humans; there are no known cases of human to human transmission. It was early observed that woolsorters were at increased risk for anthrax and Thackrah reported in 1832 that 20% of the workforce was affected by a severe respiratory disease, which was probably anthrax. Handling of wool was early suspected as the cause of the disease, but it was only when Robert Koch and Louis Pasteur discovered B. anthracis that the mode of transmission was detected. The main source of infection was dried blood in the fleeces, not from sheep but from goats, and camels. In the industrialized world the disease has almost disappeared as an occupational disease and during the last 20 years just 14 cases have been reported [3]. However, anthrax is still common in parts of Africa and Latin America and eastern Europe. From eastern Turkey (Anatolia) 85 cases were reported, and about half of them were probably of occupational origin [4]
Asthma, chronic bronchiolitis and interstitial lung disease
Occupational asthma caused by sensitization to reactive dyes has been described among textile dyers and workers producing reactive dyes. Workers processing raw silk are exposed to a fine dust derived from the gum that binds the strands secreted by the silkworms. Studies from Russia and China have reported a high prevalence of occupational asthma among these workers. However, it is not clear whether exposure to textile dust in general increases the risk for asthma. Several studies of workers exposed to textile dust have shown an increased prevalence of respiratory symptoms, but no increased risk of asthma. Chronic bronchitis (recurrent cough with phlegm) is common among textile workers, and is caused by exposure to dust.
Several cases of bronchiolitis obliterans have occurred among workers exposed to paint that has been sprayed on textiles. The most famous outbreak was in Spain in 1990s in the Ardystil plant in Alcoy: the so-called Ardystil syndrome. The causative exposure was polyamide-amine polymers in the paint, and the reason for the toxic reaction was the use of spraying as the mode of paint application. This mode of application is still used and new cases may show up. Any occupational pulmonary physician must place the patient’s occupation very high on the suspect list when a new case of bronchiolitis obliterans is seen in a patient of working age.
Interstitial lung disease has been observed among workers exposed to microfibers or flock; this is known as flock worker’s lung. The flocking industry produces fleeced fabric for use in the production of upholstery, clothing, carpets and similar items. Flock consists mainly of synthetic short fibers, often of nylon, rayon or polypropylene. Flock manufacturers cut these materials into a powder of short fibers, measuring 0.5-5.0 mm. Exposed workers develop an interstitial lung disease with cough, dyspnea and radiographic evidence of interstitial fibrosis. The histopathological pattern is bronchiolar with peribronchiolar lymphocytic inflammation and lymphoid hyperplasia. Lung function tests show a restrictive pattern. Cases have been reported from Canada, the USA and Turkey, but the syndrome/disease is probably under-recognized. Another interstitial lung disease that occurs in textile industry is silicosis: Turkish physicians have recently reported 35 cases of silicosis among young males working with jet sandblasting of denim jeans.
Malignant diseases
Lung cancer and mesotheliomas have been described among employees of asbestos textile plants. However, in the 1970s a reduced risk for lung cancer was described among male cotton workers in Georgia, USA. This unexpected inverse observation has been reproduced in several studies with adequate control for confounders such as smoking. Experimental and epidemiological studies indicate that endotoxin is the most plausible candidate for the protective factor.
Most of the diseases occurring among wood workers, pulp and paper mill workers and textile workers are preventable. Some specific respiratory diseases such as allergic alveolitis, inhalation fever and byssinosis are almost all (in close to 100% of cases) caused by occupational exposures. The burden of illness due to occupation is approximately 15-20% for asthma and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. These figures imply that primary prevention action of choice is control of the occupational exposure by reducing or eliminating the levels at workplace. This can be accomplished by removal or substitution of hazardous substances, improved ventilation, the modification of production techniques or by automation of the process. If these efforts fail, personal protection could be used. Protective equipment may also be useful during very short tasks, such as maintenance tasks, where more general efforts are not feasible.
1. Altin, R., Ozkurt, S., FisekC¸ i, F., Cimrin, A.H., Zencir, M., Savinc, C. (2002) Prevalence of byssinosis and respiratory symptoms among cotton mill workers. Respiration 69: 52-56.
2. Sternbach, G. (2003) The history of anthrax. J. Emerg. Med. 24: 463-467.
3. Metcalfe, N. (2004) The history of woolsorter’s disease: A Yorkshire beginning with an international furure. Occup. Med. 54: 489-493.
4. Karahogacil, M.K., Akdeniz, N., Akdeniz, H., Çalka, Ö., Bilici, A., Bilgili, S.G., Evirgen, Ö. (2008) Cutaneous antrax in eastern Turkey: a review of 85 cases. Clin. Exp. Dermatol. 33: 406-411.
Further reading
Balmes, J., Becklake, M., Blanc, P., Henneberger, P., Kreiss, K., Mapp, C., Milton, D., Schwartz, D., Torén, K., Viegi, G. (2003) American Thoracic Society Statement: Occupational contribution to the burden of airway disease. Am. J. Respir. Crit. Care Med. 167: 787-797.
Blanc, P.D. (2007) How Everyday Products Make People Sick. Toxins at Home and in the Workplace. University of California Press: Berkeley, CA.
Camus, Ph., Nemery, B. (1998) A novel cause for bronchiolitis obliterans organizing pneumonia: exposure to paint aerosols in textile workshops. Eur. Respir. J. 11: 259-262.
Chan-Yeung, M., Malo, J.-L. (2006) Western red cedar (Thuja plicata) and other wood dusts. In Asthma in the Workplace, 3rd edn, Bernstein, I.L., Chan-Yeung, M., Malo, J.-L., Bernstein, D.I. (eds). Taylor&Francis: New York.
Cimrin, A., Sigsgaard, T., Nemery, B. (2006) Sandblasting jeans kills young people. Eur. Respir. J. 28: 885-886.
Eduard, W. (2006) The Nordic Expert Group for Criteria Documentation of Health Risk from Chemicals. 139. Fungal Spores. Arbete och Hälsa; 21.
Hendrick, D.J., Burge, P.S., Beckett, W.S., Churg, A. (2002) Occupational Disorders of the Lung. Recognition, Management and Prevention. Saunders: London.
Kern, D.G., Crausman, R.S., Durand, K.T.H., Nayer, A., Kuhn, C. (1998) Flock worker’s lung: Chronic interstitial lung disease in the nylon flocking industry. Ann. Intern. Med. 129: 261-272.

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