Women and Invasive Diagnostic Procedures



Quality of included studies

Number of studies

Number of women

Summary sensitivity (95 % CI)

Summary specificity (95 % CI)

Exercise/stress ECG

No known




62 % (55–68 %)

68 % (63–73 %)





70 % (58–79 %)

62 % (53–69 %)

Mixed population




61 % (54–67 %)

65 % (58–72 %)




65 % (52–76 %)

60 % (52–68 %)


No known




79 % (74–83 %)

83 % (74–89 %)





79 % (69–87 %)

85 % (68–94 %)

Mixed population




78 % (73–83 %)

86 % (79–91 %)




77 % (65–85 %)

89 % (76–95 %)


No known




81 % (76–86 %)

78 % (69–84 %)





83 % (52–95 %)

72 % (37–92 %)

Mixed population




82 % (77–87 %)

81 % (74–86 %)




82 % (72–88 %)

79 % (66–87 %)


No known




72 % (55–85 %)

84 % (69–93 %)





72 % (55–85 %)

84 % (69–93 %)

Mixed population




78 % (61–89 %)

84 % (74–90 %)




76 % (55–89 %)

84 % (72–91 %)

Coronary CTA

No known




93 % (69–99 %)

77 % (54–91 %)



85 % (26–99 %)

73 % (17–97 %)

Mixed population




94 % (81–98 %)

87 % (68–96 %)




83 % (58–94 %)

77 % (40–94 %)

Adapted with permission from [17]

CAD coronary artery disease, CI confidence interval, CMR cardio magnetic resonance, CTA computed tomography angiography, ECG electrocardiogram, ECHO echocardiogram, SPECT single-proton emission computed tomography


Fig. 1.1
Noninvasive testing in patients with suspected SCAD and an intermediate pretest probability. CAD coronary artery disease, CTA computed tomography angiography, CMR cardiac magnetic resonance, ECG electrocardiogram, ICA invasive coronary angiography, LVEF left ventricular ejection fraction, PET positron emission tomography, PTP pretest probability, SCAD stable coronary artery disease, SPECT single-photon emission computed tomography. (a) Consider age of patient versus radiation exposure. (b) In patients unable to exercise use echo or SPECT/PET with pharmacologic stress instead. (c) CMR is only performed using pharmacologic stress. (d) Patient characteristics should make a fully diagnostic coronary CTA scan highly probable consider result to be unclear in patients with severe diffuse or focal calcification. (e) Proceed as in lower left coronary CTA box. (f) Proceed as in stress testing for ischemia box (Adapted with permission from the ESC guidelines stable CAD [5])

1.4 Indications for Invasive Coronary Angiography

Despite the advances in noninvasive testing over recent years for the investigation of chest pain in women, invasive coronary angiography remains the gold standard in the diagnosis and assessment of CAD [5]. With invasive angiography, a two-dimensional outline of the coronary artery anatomy and of the luminal changes can be visualized.

Indications for the use of catheterization and coronary intervention have been described in the guidelines of the ESC and are focused on stable angina pectoris and ACS [5, 11, 13]. Currently these recommendations do not make a distinction between women and men with regard to these indications. However, since the prevalence of significant obstructive CAD is generally lower in women, a careful estimation of the pretest probability is necessary to avoid unnecessary invasive procedures (Table 1.2) [5].

Table 1.2
Clinical pretest probabilities in men and women with stable chest pain symptoms


Adapted with permission from ESC guidelines [5]

Probabilities of obstructive coronary disease shown reflect the estimates for patients aged 35, 45, 55, 65, 75, and 85 years

ECG electrocardiogram, PTP pretest probability, SCAD stable coronary artery disease

Coronary angiography is valuable when the pretest probability of obstructive CAD is intermediate or high. Douglas et al. proposed an algorithm for the assessment of the need of coronary angiography in women already 20 years ago (Table 1.3) [19].

Table 1.3
Assessment need for coronary angiography in women


Adapted with permission from Douglas et al. [19]

CAD coronary artery disease, ETT exercise tolerance test, HDL high density lipoprotein

1.4.1 Referral Bias

A delay in the referral for coronary angiography and subsequent diagnosis of CAD may lead to a higher morbidity and mortality. As women more often present with atypical symptoms, misinterpretation of symptoms and underdiagnosis cannot be ruled out.

There is conflicting evidence as to whether there is a bias against women in the referral for cardiac catheterization and likelihood for revascularization. Rates of coronary angiography and PCI increased among both women and men over time. Although there seems equal access to cardiac invasive procedures in Europe, there are still sex-related differences in the use of these procedures and subsequent revascularizations (Fig. 1.2) [20].


Fig. 1.2
Sex-stratified trends in use of catheterization and PCI. P values are from sex and time interaction term with trial as random effect. Significant P values indicate a significant change in rates of use between women (dashed line) and men (blue) over time. PCI percutaneous coronary intervention (Adapted with permission from Kragholm et al. [20])

Several studies have examined the gender-related difference in the referral rate for coronary angiography with or without prior noninvasive testing. Tobin et al. documented the highest estimated male–female odds ratios for relative risks of referral, reporting that women were much less likely than men to be referred for coronary angiography after an abnormal nuclear exercise test, even when important covariates that could influence the referral decision had been considered [21]. However, more recent studies concluded that lower crude referral rates for coronary angiography in women no longer persisted after adjustment for confounding variables or appropriateness of its use. Nguyen et al. reported similar referral rates for revascularization procedures, once significant CAD was elucidated [22]. Interestingly, since women appear to have more nonobstructive CAD, sex differences in referral and revascularization can also be interpreted as overuse of angiography in women or under-referral in men. In a German registry study of Heer et al., women with NSTEMI and stable CAD had even higher rates of PCI as compared to men and similar rates in case of STEMI [23].

1.5 Anatomical Features

The anatomy of the heart differs slightly between women and men. The size of a woman’s heart is two-thirds that of a man’s and a woman’s coronary arteries are smaller. The chance of having obstructive coronary lesions increases also in aging women. Women have less calcification of coronary plaques, smaller intramedial plaques and lower atheroma volume within the intima and media of the coronary arteries. Women who undergo catheterization are less likely to have multivessel disease and more likely to have nonobstructive disease compared with men.

The link between myocardial ischemia and obstructive atherosclerosis of the epicardial coronary arteries is well established, and coronary angiography has demonstrated a relationship between the severity and extent of CAD and survival. However, women have a higher prevalence of nonobstructive CAD, and symptoms seem to be more frequently related to abnormal coronary reactivity, microvascular dysfunction, and plaque erosion. This reinforces the fact that a description of the coronary anatomy alone is not enough in women without obstructive CAD [3].

1.5.1 Rationale for Revascularization

Clinical guidelines do not differentiate between women and men regarding revascularization recommendations. If despite medical treatment, flow-limiting coronary stenoses are present, revascularization, by either PCI or coronary artery bypass graft (CABG) surgery, may be indicated to reduce myocardial ischemia and its adverse clinical manifestations and to relieve symptoms. Revascularization of nonischemic lesions not only increases the treatment costs but also poses an increased risk for the CAD patient rather than offering any benefit. Since women have less severe CAD with less obstruction, revascularization strategies will be applied less frequently. At present, 15–38 % of patients treated with revascularization techniques are women [17]. Modern stent implantation with new generation drug eluting stents (DES) have shown to be effective and safe in women and are recommended as the standard of care for PCI in women [24].

1.5.2 Women and Nonobstructive CAD

The Women’s Ischemia Syndrome Evaluation (WISE) studies have demonstrated that up to 50 % of women undergoing coronary angiography do not have obstructive CAD [25]. While women compared to men have a higher incidence of angina-like symptoms of IHD, these women are often reassured and frequently not treated or further investigated although this finding is not benign and is associated with an adverse cardiovascular outcome compared to asymptomatic women. This syndrome of angina-like symptoms and evidence of ischemia but without obstructive epicardial CAD is attributed to functional disorders of the larger and smaller coronary arteries, spasm and microvascular disease (MVD), and is associated with 3.5 times greater risk of MACE (hospitalization for heart failure, MI, and stroke rate or all-cause mortality) and worse quality of life compared to women with no CAD (hazard ratio [HR] 3.58; 95 % CI 1.87–6.86), whereas for men with nonobstructive CAD, there was no difference in MACE compared to men with no CAD (HR, 0.82; 95 % CI, 0.35–1.93) [26].

Although the prevalence of nonobstructive CAD is higher in women, it is not only a women’s disease. A recent publication by Murthy et al. demonstrated no difference in the prevalence of MVD (documented by PET) and showed that the severity of MVD was associated with older age and cardiovascular RF [27]. Furthermore, they found that the presence of MVD increased adverse cardiovascular outcomes irrespective of gender. It can be concluded that these findings establish the importance to consider the diagnosis of MVD in both sexes. Further studies are needed to establish the role of the particular higher prevalence of MVD in women compared to men.

Therefore, after obstructive CAD has been ruled out by invasive coronary angiography, other etiologic mechanisms for angina-like complaints should be investigated by noninvasive (Doppler echocardiography, MRI, or PET) or invasive tests as demonstrated in Table 1.4 [28]. The golden standard for the diagnosis of spasm and MVD is invasive coronary reactivity testing by using adenosine, acetylcholine, ergonovine, or nitroglycerine. Measurement such as coronary flow reserve (CFR), fractional flow reserve (FFR), instantaneous wave-free ratio (iFR), and index myocardial resistance (IMR) will help to understand the pathophysiology in patients presenting with angina without obstructive CAD. However, there is still concern about the safety of using acetylcholine, like the occurrence of arrhythmias reported with acetylcholine (9.3 %), and also transient atrioventricular blocks have been reported. Chapter 2 will provide more details with respect to these invasive measurements.

Table 1.4
Diagnosis and management of women with angina and nonobstructive CAD

Diagnostic test


Intracoronary ergonovine

Epicardial coronary spasm


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