White coat hypertensiona
Sustained hypertension
Clinic Pressures
<140/90 mmHg
≥140/90 mmHg
≥140/90 mmHg
Daytime ABPM or Home BP
<135/85 mmHg
<135/85 mmHg
≥135/85 mmHg
24 h ABPM
<130/80 mmHg
<130/80 mmHg
Most hypertensive patients have slightly higher office pressures compared to either daytime ABPM or HBPM explaining the differences between threshold pressures in Table 17.2. Occasionally, these differences are large with office systolic pressures higher by >20 mmHg than out-of-office daytime pressures. Normal participants and many hypertensive patients have 10–20 % lower nighttime pressures (dipper pattern) that account for the lower threshold pressures for 24 h ABPM compared to either daytime ABPM or Home pressures.
Classification | Normal-controlled | White coat effect | Sustained hypertensiona |
Location | |||
Clinic pressures | Normal | High | High |
<140/90 mmHg | ≥140/90 mmHg | ≥140/90 mmHg | |
Daytime ABPM or Home BP | Normal | Normalb | Highc |
<135/85 mmHg | <135/85 mmHg | ≥135/85 mmHg | |
24 h ABPM | <130/80 mmHg | <130/80 mmHg | ≥130/80 |
For those patients >60 years of age, some recent guidelines, for clinic pressures, have accepted systolic pressures of 145–150 mmHg as thresholds for both diagnosis and on-treatment goal pressure [12, 13]. It is not yet established whether or not there should be changes in current thresholds for arterial pressure when measured out-of-the office by ABPM or HBPM.
Definition s for WCH or WCE are currently based only on the level or blood pressure observed in clinic and out-of-the office. The degree of difference is not included. Thus, a 55-year-old patient with an office pressure of 160/100 mmHg and a home pressure average of 138/84 is still considered to be hypertensive despite the substantially lower pressure outside the office. The presence or absence of the normal nocturnal dip in blood pressure is, likewise, not presently considered in the criteria for WCH or WCE despite its significance for prognosis [14, 15].
Causes of WCH or WCE
Anxiety in anticipation of or during the clinic visit has been linked to WCH or the WCE during treatment, especially when the doctor measures the pressure. While some patients have a generalized anxiety syndrome or panic disorder, a sudden increase in pressure in the office may be, in part, a conditioned reflex [20]. Older patients may be more likely to have anxiety-related White Coat response, but in those with dementia the response is less prominent [21].
WCH/WCE Methods
Clinic Pressures Measured by Providers (Assistants, Nurses, Physicians Using Auscultation)
The diagnosis of White Coat Hypertension or the White Coat effect for treated patients depends on comparing the clinic pressures and out-of-office pressures. For a valid comparison, pressures measured in both settings should be accurate, but representative of each setting. Only one or two pressures are taken at a usual clinic visit by varying personnel (medical assistant, nurse, or physician) on either arm and in the sitting position. The limitations for clinic pressure have been amply documented [22] and include inaccurate devices, incorrect cuff size, lack of training and observer bias if auscultation is used rather than a device [23]. Since the virtual disappearance of mercury column sphygmomanometers due to concern about contamination, many clinics now use either an aneroid sphygmomanometer with auscultation or a device that inflates the cuff has a sensor in the cuff and displays pressure. In general, pressures measured by the physician are higher than those measured by trained nurses, resulting in a greater likelihood of WCH or WCE when out-of-office measurements are obtained for comparison [22].
Use of Devices in the Clinic/Office
Measuring more blood pressures with an accurate device at the clinic visit can reduce the chance of a false positive diagnosis of WCH or WCE. Bias is eliminated. Several approaches have been explored. Patients referred to the Mayo Clinic have been evaluated by a 6-h recording using the SpaceLabs ambulatory blood pressure monitor. There was excellent correlation with measurements made by trained nurses for systolic pressure. Diastolic pressures were about 7 mmHg higher for 6 h average compared to nurse measurements. Results were not compared with either out-of-office measurement by ABPM or HBPM [24].
Extensive studies have been reported for use of the BpTru device for clinic pressures. The BpTru consists of a cuff with pressure detector by oscillometry, inflation pump, and recording software that uses a programmed sequence of pressure measurements, then calculates the average pressures. The first measurement is discarded. Average pressures are then calculated from the following five measurements, usually taken at 1–2 min intervals [25]. In a series of 400 patients evaluated by both daytime ABPM and in clinic by BpTru, average systolic and diastolic pressures were very similar and highly correlated: systolic pressure r = 0.640 and diastolic pressure r = 0.693 for comparison between daytime ABPM and BpTru using 1 min intervals. However, the absolute differences for individuals were often >5 mmHg for systolic or diastolic pressure and nearly 20 % had differences of >10 mmHg. The widely available Omron device has been compared to the BpTru for clinic assessment. Both devices give very similar systolic and diastolic pressure measurements when taken at 1-min intervals. When taken at 2-min intervals, systolic pressures were similar, but the average diastolic pressures were higher for the BpTru device [26].
Out-of-Office ABPM or HBPM
The generally accepted “gold standard” for measuring out-of-office pressure is non-invasive 24-h ambulatory blood pressure monitoring. Several accurate and well-validated devices for this purpose are now available. Protocols for use of ABPM have been described in guidelines and recommend measurements every 15–20 min during the day and every 30 min during the night. Use of ABPM requires well-trained staff, patient education to minimize errors (i.e., exercise), and computers for programing the monitors, collecting stored results and preparing reports. In general, patients go to a practice or station for placement of monitors and return the devices after a day of monitoring. This results in some degree of inconvenience in requiring two visits per ABPM determination. The costs for resources and personnel to maintain and ABPM program are small, by Western standards, but steep for developing nations. At present, US Medicare and other insurance providers pay for ambulatory blood pressure monitoring when the diagnosis of WCH is suspected.
Home blood pressure monitoring (HBPM) is most accurate and reliable when automated devices are used (i.e., Omron et al.). There is very good correlation between HBPM and daytime ABPM. Devices must be checked for accuracy. Patients need to be trained for use of the devices, recording of results (if devices don’t have memory), and transmission of results as data sheets or by telemetry (an increasing trend). Feedback and counseling can be done by phone or e-mail (security necessary) so that there is less need for clinic visits. An average of 10–20 home measurements is needed for comparison with clinic pressures to determine presence or absence of WCH/WCE [27]. Most insurance providers don’t support purchase of HBPM devices. Prices are in the range of $70–100 for devices with automatic inflation and memory for storing results. Devices are widely available in pharmacies and medical supply stores. Combining HBPM with transmission of results directly to the provider by telemetry is now available in some programs. One advantage for HBPM with telemetry for treated patients is that patients can evaluate the effect of treatment and even participate in drug titration during follow-up care, reducing unnecessary medication that might be prescribed if only office pressures were available [28–31].
WCH/WCE Epidemiology
WCH occurs in about 30 % of untreated patients suspected of being hypertensive on the basis of office/clinic measurements. Those most likely to have WCH are women, younger patients with recent onset of office hypertension [32], and older patients with varying systolic pressure [33]. The WCE in treated hypertensive patients may occur less often; recent meta-analyses suggest prevalence rates of 15–20 % [34–36].
WCH and WCE in African-American Hypertensives
African-Americans have not been extensively studied for prevalence of WCH or WCE. However, in those with chronic kidney disease, the AASK trial found that 33 % of those treated had WCE based on comparison of daytime ambulatory pressure with clinic pressure. However, only 23 % had WCE when nighttime pressures were considered the basis for controlling hypertension [37]. A study of young (average age 30) White and African-American participants found that sustained hypertension, WCH, and Masked hypertension all occurred in <5 % of either group without significant differences between the groups [38]. However, average nighttime systolic and diastolic pressures were significantly higher in African-Americans compared to Whites and nighttime dipping in pressure was significantly less for African-Americans. There is a pressing need for more studies of ABPM and HBPM to assess WCH and WCE in African-American and other less well-studied adult populations.
WCH and WCE in Diabetes
Presence of WCH is associated with greater risk of pre-diabetes and adult (type-2) diabetes compared to normal participants in prospective observational studies [39].
WCH in Pregnancy
Pregnant women who are hypertensive based on office measurements may have either pregnancy-induced hypertension or hypertension that was present prior to pregnancy (chronic hypertension). Either condition requires close monitoring of blood pressure by office and either ABPM or HBPM for optimal management [40]. Detection of WCH by ABPM early in pregnancy of women initially considered to have chronic hypertension may help to select those who might not need anti-hypertensive medication during pregnancy. Those with WCH in early pregnancy have fewer complications during their pregnancies than those with sustained hypertension [41, 42]. However, it is recommended that ABPM in early pregnancy is not accurate enough to predict either pregnancy-induced hypertension or incidence of pre-eclampsia, so that HBPM is required for close follow-up. HBPM combined with telemetry is a very promising strategy for monitoring blood pressure during pregnancy and detecting WCH, but also for early detection of true hypertension [43].
WCH/WCE in Chronic Renal Disease
Hypertension occurs often in chronic renal disease (CRD) , irrespective of the specific cause of the nephropathy. Uncontrolled or resistant hypertension contributes to disease progression resulting in the need for renal replacement therapy or cardiovascular pathology. Nearly all patients with CRD are treated for hypertension. The prevalence of WCE in CRD is in the range of 20–30 % and conveys a better prognosis when compared to sustained hypertension [44].
Progression to Sustained Hypertension
WCH may persist without progression to sustained hypertension for many years [45]. However, in prospective surveys, baseline presence of WCH is associated with a nearly twofold increased incidence of sustained hypertension during an 8–10 year follow-up, compared to those with normal pressure [46–48]. Annual re-evaluation for those with WCH by HBPM is an effective strategy to detect the transition to sustained hypertension [47].
WCH/WCE Prognosis for CVD and Mortality
Perloff reported, in 1983, that out-of-office daytime blood pressures were superior to office pressures for predicting cardiovascular outcomes in hypertensive patients [5]. In 1994, Verdecchia et al. published results of a prospective survey using 24-h ABPM comparing normals to those with WCH (19 %) and two groups with sustained hypertension. Those with sustained hypertension had either a normal fall in pressure at night during sleep (Dipper pattern) or a lack of nocturnal (Non-dippers). During the 7.5 year follow-up period, incidence of CVD in WCH was almost identical to that of the normals [6]. Since then a number of individual surveys and several meta-analyses have supported the conclusion that WCH, at baseline, is associated with less future CVD and mortality compared to sustained hypertension [18, 34, 35]. It is less certain whether or not WCH confers a greater risk for CVD than normal blood pressure. Figure 17.1 displays hazard ratios and p values for risk ratios for pooled results from two recent meta-analyses [34, 35]. Hazard ratios for WCH tend to be slightly higher than for normal blood pressure, but statistical significance is not always met.

Fig. 17.1
Hazard ratios for cardiovascular events during follow-up from two recent meta-analyses are shown. (a, b) Data from Stergiou et al. [35] show hazard ratios for WCH or WCE versus N (normal) or sustained hypertension. (c, d) show hazard ratios from Franklin et al. [34] for WCH or WCE. P values for comparison of WCH or WCE with normal states are shown. (a, c) N untreated, normal pressure, WCH white coat hypertension, S sustained hypertension. (b, d) NC normal, controlled on treatment, WCE white coat effect on treatment, SH–R sustained resistant hypertension on treatment
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