Vascular Access Complications
Sameer Nagpal, MD
Young Erben, MD
I. Introduction
The dramatic increase in endovascular procedures by 317% from 2000 to 2009 has led us to encounter procedural complications in greater frequency.1 Furthermore, the development of newer endovascular technologies have uncovered a newer set of complications related to these techniques. We can classify these complications into (1) access site complications, (2) complications related to the use of wires and catheters, (3) intervention specific complications, and (4) miscellaneous.
II. Access Site Complication
A. Hematoma Access site bleeding is the most common complication of endovascular procedures, with an incidence of groin hematoma reported as high as 23%, dependent on a variety of procedure- and patient-related circumstances.2,3 Modifiable risk factors include puncture technique, chosen access site, larger sheath size and indwelling time, and the aggressive use of antiplatelet and anticoagulant medications. Nonmodifiable risk factors include obesity, anatomic anomalies, hypertension, chronic renal insufficiency, female gender, low body weight, obesity, coagulopathy, and inability to cooperate with postprocedural restrictions.4
Bleeding is most commonly an immediate complication; however, it may occur up to 48 hours after the procedure in cases requiring ongoing use of anticoagulants. Localized hematoma is the most common presentation, resulting from extravasation of blood from the arteriotomy site into the surrounding soft tissue. Ultrasound is occasionally used to confirm the diagnosis if physical examination findings are equivocal (Fig. 19.1), most often in obese patients. In cases of access site hematoma with significant pain, ultrasound may be necessary to exclude associated pseudoaneurysm or arteriovenous fistula. In the vast majority of cases, extended manual or device-assisted compression of the arteriotomy site and gentle manual diffusion of the hematoma is all that is needed. Transfusion is generally reserved for cases of significant blood loss, evidence of new or worsening myocardial ischemia, or hemodynamic instability.
1. Femoral Access Site Bleeding Femoral access site bleeding is correlated with a longer hospitalization and higher rates of morbidity and mortality at 30 days post procedure, especially when transfusion is required.2,5
The modified Seldinger technique is the most commonly used method of gaining femoral arterial access. Technical and anatomic precision are critical to minimizing the risk of bleeding. Arterial puncture should occur within the common femoral artery (CFA), below the inguinal ligament and above its bifurcation, directly over the middle one-third of the femoral head. Puncture at this site allows for manual compression against a noncompliant structure to achieve adequate hemostasis. Superficially, this location is approximately 1-2 cm below the inguinal ligament half way between the anterior superior iliac crest and the pubic symphysis. The inguinal skin crease should not be used as a landmark for arterial puncture as it is located below the femoral artery bifurcation in 70% of patients. Fluoroscopy is routinely used
to locate the femoral head and assist in guiding anatomically precise CFA cannulation. Care must also be taken to avoid puncture of the posterior wall of the femoral artery from which bleeding may be less readily apparent. The use of a micropuncture needle is generally preferred to reduce arterial trauma in case multiple attempts at access are needed.
2. Retroperitoneal Hemorrhage Retroperitoneal (RP) hemorrhage is a rare but dreaded complication of high femoral arterial puncture above the inguinal ligament and occurs in approximately 0.3%-0.8% of cases involving femoral arterial access.2,6,7 The etiology is usually injury to a suprainguinal vessel or puncture of the posterior wall of the femoral or external iliac artery. Other than this, traditional risk factors include (1) female gender, (2) peripheral vascular disease, and (3) low body surface area.4,6 RP hemorrhage has two potential manifestations. First, the hemorrhage may be contained within the fascia of the iliopsoas muscle, which can be associated with compression neuropathy involving the lumbar plexus. Second, the RP hemorrhage may occur within the space between the peritoneum and RP structures, which is large enough to accommodate life threatening amounts of blood loss (Fig. 19.2). One report classified the most common presenting signs and symptoms of RP hemorrhage in 26 patients, which were hypotension (92%), diaphoresis (58%), groin discomfort (46%), abdominal or flank pain (42%), bradycardia (31%), and back pain (23%).6 Bruising of the flanks, described as “Grey Turner” sign, or the umbilicus, known as “Cullen” sign is typically a late manifestation. Occasionally, RP bleeding can present as a “vagal” reaction with bradycardia and diaphoresis, typically thought of as a benign response to pain or sheath removal, but only transiently responsive to intravenous fluids and atropine. Noncontrast abdominal and pelvic computed tomography
scan is highly sensitive and specific for confirming the diagnosis and is also helpful in identifying possible hydronephrosis due to ipsilateral ureter or bladder compression. Successful management depends on early recognition, supportive care with intravenous fluids, blood products, and optimizing the coagulation and platelet profile is all that is usually required until hemostasis is naturally achieved. In uncommon cases of extreme hemodynamic consequence consideration should be given to urgent angiography with prolonged percutaneous balloon inflation at the arteriotomy site, use of a covered stent, or surgical exploration and direct repair of the arteriotomy site.
3. Radial, Brachial, and Distal Lower Extremity Access Site Hemorrhage Compared with femoral arterial access, rates of major bleeding (OR = 0.53), all-cause mortality (OR = 0.71), and major adverse cardiovascular events (OR = 0.84) are lower with radial arterial access in patients undergoing percutaneous coronary intervention according to a 2016 meta-analysis of over 22,000 patients.8 This is due to the radial artery’s smaller caliber and superficial course, limiting internal bleeding and allowing easy compression of external bleeding. Localized hematomas may require extended manual compression of the arteriotomy site, arm elevation, and application of ice. If unrecognized, however, hematoma formation within the wrist may spread briskly from local infiltration of the soft tissue to involvement of a significant portion of the forearm. Rarely, signs of vascular compromise including pain, pallor, paresthesia, and paralysis may ensue, signifying compartment syndrome and requiring surgical evacuation to prevent tissue necrosis and restore vascular integrity.
B. Arteriovenous Fistula An arteriovenous fistula (AVF) is an abnormal communication between an artery and a vein. The incidence of clinically detected postcatheterization femoral AVF ranges from 0.006% to 0.86% from published data including one large prospective study surveying over 10,000 patients for 3 years.9,10,11,12,13,14 When routine duplex scanning is used post procedure, the reported incidence in one study was 2.8%, with all patients being asymptomatic.15 The main etiology is proximate puncture of an artery
and vein such as with simultaneous right and left heart catheterization or through-and-through puncture of an artery into its accompanying vein. Risk factors include low femoral puncture (below the bifurcation), left-sided or multiple femoral punctures, simultaneous arterial and venous access, higher levels of anticoagulation, hypertension, and female gender.16
The average shunt volume of an iatrogenic fistula is 160-510 mL/min, less than that needed to cause cardiac impairment, which typically occurs when shunt volume is approximately 30% of resting cardiac output.9 Arterial insufficiency and venous hypertension are the two main consequences of arterial-venous shunting. Flow within the distal artery is diminished or reversed when the area of the fistula exceeds the diameter of the inflow artery by threefold and flow in the proximal artery increases up to 8-fold.17,18 The proximal vein diameter increases with increasing flow with no change in antegrade flow in the distal vein.19 Over time, the proximal artery enlarges, and thinning of the arterial wall with aneurysmal dilation occurs. The proximal vein, exposed to pulsatile flow, also enlarges and the wall of the vein becomes arterialized.20
1. Diagnosis The history and physical examination may indicate the presence of an AVF. Most patients are asymptomatic, and the most common presenting sign is the presence of a palpable thrill or bruit heard on auscultation, or a pulsatile mass. Rarely, large fistulas with high shunt volumes may present with symptoms related to arterial insufficiency, venous hypertension, or high-output congestive heart failure.Stay updated, free articles. Join our Telegram channel
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