Valvular pathology in infants and children poses numerous challenges to the paediatric cardiac surgeon. Without question, valvular repair is the goal of intervention because restoration of valvular anatomy and physiology using native tissue allows for growth and a potentially better long-term outcome. When reconstruction fails or is not feasible, valve replacement becomes inevitable. Which valve for which position is controversial. Homograft and bioprosthetic valves achieve superior haemodynamic results initially but at the cost of accelerated degeneration. Small patient size and the risk of thromboembolism limit the usefulness of mechanical valves, and somatic outgrowth is an universal problem with all available prostheses. The goal of this article is to address valve replacement options for all four valve positions within the paediatric population. We review current literature and our practice to support our preferences. To summarize, a multitude of opinions and surgical experiences exist. Today, the valve choices that seem without controversy are bioprosthetic replacement of the tricuspid valve and Ross or Ross-Konno procedures when necessary for the aortic valve. On the other hand, bioprostheses may be implanted when annular pulmonary diameter is adequate; if not or in case of right ventricular outflow tract discontinuity, it is better to use a pulmonary homograft with the Ross procedure. Otherwise, a valved conduit. Mitral valve replacement remains the most problematic; the mechanical prosthesis must be placed in the annular position, avoiding oversizing. Future advances with tissue-engineered heart valves for all positions and new anticoagulants may change the landscape for valve replacement in the paediatric population.
Les valvulopathies chez l’enfant constitue des nombreux défis au chirurgien cardiaque pédiatrique. Il va sans dire que la réparation valvulaire est la technique de choix pour la restauration de l’anatomie valvulaire et la physiologie utilisant les tissus originaires permettant d’aboutir à un bon développement et à un résultat potentiellement meilleur à long terme. Quand la reconstruction échoue ou n’est pas faisable, le remplacement valvulaire devient inévitable. Quelle valve pour quelle position reste une question assez controversée. L’homogreffe et les bioprothèses aboutissent à des résultats initialement supérieurs de point de vue hémodynamique, mais toujours aux dépens d’une détérioration accélérée. La petite taille des patients et le risque thromboembolique limite l’utilité des valves mécaniques et la croissance de l’enfant constitue un problème universel avec toutes les prothèses disponibles. Le but de cet article est d’adresser des options de remplacement valvulaire pour les quatre valves chez l’enfant. À la lumière de la littérature actuelle et notre pratique, nous essaierons de justifier nos préférences. En résumé, une multitude d’avis et d’expériences chirurgicales existent. Aujourd’hui, les choix de valves sans controverse sont le remplacement biologique de la valve tricuspide et le Ross ou Ross-Konno si nécessaire pour la valve aortique. En outre, la bioprothèse pulmonaire peut être implantée si la taille de l’anneau le permet ; sinon ou en cas de discontinuité entre le ventricule droit et l’artère pulmonaire, il est recommandé d’utiliser l’homogreffe pulmonaire en cas d’intervention de Ross, ou un tube valvé en dehors du Ross. Le remplacement valvulaire mitrale chez les enfants reste la plus grande problématique ; la prothèse mécanique en position annulaire doit être réalisée en évitant de surdimensionner la prothèse. Des avancées futures avec de nouveaux substituts valvulaires ou d’anticoagulants sont susceptibles de changer les données du remplacement valvulaire dans la population pédiatrique.
Valvular pathology in infants and children poses numerous challenges to the paediatric cardiac surgeon. Without question, valvular repair is the goal of intervention because restoration of valvular anatomy and physiology using native tissue allows for growth and a potentially better long-term outcome. When reconstruction fails or is not feasible, valve replacement (VR) becomes inevitable. Which valve for which position is controversial. Homograft and bioprosthetic valves achieve superior haemodynamic results initially but at the cost of accelerated degeneration. Small patient size and the risk of thromboembolism limit the usefulness of mechanical valves (MVs), and somatic outgrowth is a universal problem with all available prostheses. The goal of this article is to address VR options for all four valve positions within the paediatric population. We review current literature to support our preferences.
Aortic valve replacement
Aortic valve disease is one of the most common congenital cardiac defects, occurring in 5% of all children with heart disease. The bicuspid aortic valve is the second most common pathological valve entity in the paediatric patient population that requires VR in a high percentage of patients over their lifetimes .
Ross procedure
Controversy over prosthetic type for aortic valve replacement (AVR) has dropped dramatically in the past 15 years because of the growth in popularity and excellent results obtained with the Ross procedure ( Fig. 1 A and B ). Pulmonary autograft (PA) has become the first choice of AVR in children and adolescents in some institutes . PA shows excellent haemodynamic performance, superior longevity ( Fig. 2 ) , freedom from anticoagulation and haemolysis and decreased susceptibility to endocarditis. PA is also known to have the potential for growth. However, the Ross procedure is a technically demanding procedure and reoperation for bleeding and postoperative conduction abnormality is not as rare as early complications. Freedom from autograft dysfunction, including severe autograft insufficiency, ranges from 75% to 100% depending upon the duration of follow-up . Elkins et al. reported freedom from autograft replacement of 93% and freedom from severe autograft insufficiency or valve-related death of 90% at their 12-year follow-up. Autograft insufficiency is one of the leading causes of reoperation with the Ross procedure and several factors are implicated as risk factors, such as preoperative diagnosis of aortic insufficiency, presence of dilated aortic annulus, bicuspid aortic valve, rheumatic heart disease, technical imprecision, the type of insertion and inherent disease of the pulmonary valve. Elkins et al. reported a freedom from right ventricular outflow tract (RVOT) homograft replacement of 90% at 12 years for children. Rates of freedom from RVOT were also similar for other authors . Because of the diminishing availability of homografts, several conduits are used to reconstruct RVOT; however, their durability seems to be worse than that of homografts . Finally, Elkins et al. reported freedom from all valve-related morbidity of 79% at 11 years.

Husain et al. reported that freedom from replacement of the PA was 96% at 10 years. Freedom from replacement of the pulmonary homograft (PH) was 96% at 10 years.
Technical modifications, such as resection and graft replacement of a dilated ascending aorta, annular reinforcement with circumferential felt or Dacron and/or reinforcement of the entire autograft root, are all options to minimize autograft dilation and insufficiency.
In neonates and infants with left ventricular outflow tract (LVOT) obstruction, the Ross procedure, although more complex, provides excellent normalization of haemodynamics and regression of left ventricular hypertrophy by avoiding residual lesions . Despite the need for reoperation and potential for autograft root dilation, the Ross and Ross-Konno procedures remain the best choice for AVR in infants with multilevel LVOT obstruction or severe aortic insufficiency following valvuloplasty .
Mechanical aortic valve replacement
MVs are reserved for children who have connective tissue disorders or whose native pulmonary valves are unsuitable for translocation to the aortic position. AVR using mechanical prosthetic valves in children often requires annular enlargement to insert commercially available prostheses . The Yamaguchi , Manouguian and Konno procedures enable insertion of prostheses two sizes bigger than that of in situ insertion. The Konno procedure requires incision of the ventricular septum, which might cause ventricular dysfunction or conduction abnormality. In the Manouguian procedure, the incision is extended to the anterior mitral leaflet and might cause mitral insufficiency. The Yamaguchi procedure does not damage either the ventricular septum or the mitral leaflet.
Shanmugam et al. reported that no rereplacement of prosthesis was required when the patient received a prosthesis 21 mm or larger in size. Masuda et al. reported that freedom from rereplacement of aortic valve was 94% at 15 years and was at least compatible with the results of other series with mechanical prostheses by Shanmugam et al. (92% at 20 years) and Ruzmetov et al. (84% at 19 years) , and was not inferior to the results of PA reported by Elkins et al. (93% at 12 years) and Pasquali et al. (81% at 8 years) . An actuarial survival rate of 92% and a freedom from valve-related complications rate of 86% at 15 years seem quite acceptable . Regression of left ventricular dilatation in children with severe aortic regurgitation can be observed on echocardiography and magnetic resonance imaging after timely AVR .
Concerning anticoagulation problems, Akhtar et al. reported a study assessing long-term survival and anticoagulant-related complications after mechanical VR in adolescents with rheumatic heart disease. Patient survival rates at 30 days, 3 months and 1, 5 and 10 years were 95.5%, 93.2%, 87.5%, 82.9% and 82.9%, respectively. MV thrombosis occurred in 4.5% patients and was fatal in 3.4% of them. Severe haemorrhage required hospital admission in 4.5% of patients.
Although quite durable, MVs require chronic anticoagulation, which can be poorly tolerated and quite difficult to control in some children. Patient growth and acquired patient-prosthesis mismatch are not uncommon problems with mechanical AVR.
Bioprostheses, homografts and xenografts
Bioprostheses, homografts and xenografts in children and adolescents have been largely abandoned due to accelerated degeneration ( Fig. 3 ) . In the younger age group, there is a significant risk of structural valve deterioration, reported to range from 71% to 87% at 10 years .

Decellularized aortic valve allografts appeared to be more resistant to calcification and did not show any major structural and morphological alteration. If these results are confirmed with longer follow-up periods, this technique may be a promising alternative to AVR for a selected group of patients, especially females .
Karamlou et al. identified that younger age and lower weight at initial AVR unfavourably influenced mortality without repeated replacement, especially in the extreme cases of very young age or very low weight. Previously published reports, which showed that neonates and those aged less than 6 months compose the highest-risk group, agree with these findings . There are several reasons for poor outcome in this population. First, young age at initial operation was significantly associated with the presence of other cardiac anomalies, including important mitral valve dysfunction, which accounted for substantial mortality. Others have noted that those with concomitant cardiac lesions fare worse than those with isolated aortic valve disease . Second, the preoperative clinical status of younger patients, especially neonates, is likely to be considerably worse than those undergoing later AVR. Correlation between poor preoperative left ventricular function (fractional shortening < 25%) and late mortality has been established. Finally, younger patients (and those with lower weight) are at highest risk of prosthesis outgrowth necessitating subsequent repeated replacement or intervention, which may contribute to increased mortality. The need for concomitant aortic arch reconstruction or augmentation was also identified as an incremental risk factor for death without a second AVR.
In a recent study, Alsoufi et al. reported on 346 children who underwent AVR (215 Ross procedures; 131 placements of a mechanical prosthesis). Patients undergoing the Ross procedure were younger, more likely to have a congenital cause and less likely to have a rheumatic or connective tissue cause; they had a lower frequency of regurgitation, required more annular enlargement and had less concomitant cardiac surgery. Competing-risk analysis showed that 16 years after AVR, 20% of patients had died without subsequent AVR, 25% had undergone a second AVR and 55% remained alive without further replacement. Factors associated with early-phase death included MV and a non-rheumatic cause. MVs were also associated with constant-phase mortality. Repeated AVR was associated with the Ross procedure and a rheumatic cause. In children who received a mechanical prosthesis, younger age and smaller valve size were significant risk factors for death. Freedom from homograft replacement after the Ross procedure was 82% at 16 years of follow-up. Results from this study showed good outcomes and an acceptable complication rate with both valve choices. Given the significantly increased risk of early and late death in younger children receiving smaller MVs, the Ross procedure confers a survival advantage in this age group at the expense of increased reoperation risk, especially in patients with a rheumatic cause.
Mitral valve replacement
Different congenital malformations may affect the mitral valve either in isolation or in association with other cardiac anomalies . Improvements in surgical techniques have made it possible to obtain good results when a mitral repair is required. Anatomical analysis is of particular importance for surgical management and prognosis. As a result, the need for mitral valve replacement (MVR) is relatively uncommon in children. But in some cases, MVR is the last recourse. The most common indications for MVR in children include rheumatic disease, endocarditis, mitral stenosis in Shone’s syndrome or failed auriculoventricular (AV) canal repair. MVR carries the highest mortality for any paediatric VR and has a much poorer long-term prognosis than any other VR in children. The reported operative mortality for MVR in infants is 5% to 52%. The 5- and 10-year survival for these patients has been reported as 33% to 95% ( Table 1 ) . Because of these concerning statistics, alternatives to MVR should include aggressive attempts at valve repair and sometimes conversion from biventricular to single ventricle repair or even cardiac transplantation . MVR is common in small children who have a small mitral annulus. Unfortunately, annular enlargement options are sparse. Attempting to oversize the prosthesis at the time of MVR can produce subaortic obstruction and should be avoided. Prosthetic leaflet entrapment and conduction block after MVR pose significant postoperative morbidity and mortality. Common reasons for reoperation include prosthetic stenosis, thrombosis and endocarditis. In comparison with initial MVR, the mitral annulus can usually be upsized 2 to 3 mm in diameter at the time of redo-MVR. Low-profile bileaflet pyrolytic carbon valves are the most popular prostheses for MVR; however, all MVs require lifelong anticoagulation. Bioprosthetic xenografts and mitral homograft valves do not require anticoagulation but have limited durability of 3 to 5 years in the mitral position .

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