Director, Noninvasive CardioVascular Diagnostic Services, USC Cardiovascular Thoracic Institute, Los Angeles, California
ASE 22 nd Annual Scientific Sessions, June 11–14, 2011
This year’s ASE Annual Scientific Sessions were held in Montreal, Quebec, Canada. The Vascular Imaging Program was a full day and was well attended, with standing-room only during some presentations.
The Carotid Artery: Bridging the Brain & Heart— S. Perese, Dr. R. Eberhardt, Dr. N. Hamburg, Dr. V. Nambi:
This session included an overview on how to technically perform a carotid artery ultrasound examination as well as a thorough presentation on how to interpret the carotid artery ultrasound. While various criteria were discussed, the importance of internally validating diagnostic criteria was reiterated by several of the presenters. The use of duplex imaging in carotid disease management and cardiovascular risk stratification was presented. Dr. Hamburg presented a three-prong approach for disease management that included prevention, risk factor management, and revascularization with various clinical cases given as examples. The traditional risk stratification methods currently used in clinical practice were also reviewed in detail. Intima-media thickness (IMT) testing was presented as a rather promising and comparative risk stratification method that should be considered in the management of carotid disease.
Duplex Imaging: Beyond the Carotids and into the Abdomen— Dr. Y. Chi, Dr. S. Kim, M. Park:
This comprehensive review on how to perform duplex imaging of the abdominal aorta, iliac, renal, and mesenteric arteries was of particular interest to echo sonographers and cardiologists, since many cardiovascular laboratories are not as well versed in assessing vascular systems beyond the carotid or peripheral arteries. The technical limitations and challenges of these examinations were reviewed and technical tips provided on how to optimize visualization of these arteries. These sessions included discussion of pathology and use of diagnostic criteria in various clinical cases. A cohesive overview of the various types of abdominal aortic aneurysms, endografts and endoleaks also covered the use of contrast in the evaluation.
“Sound” Advice for the Vascular Interventionalist— Dr. R. Eberhardt, Dr. R. Kolloui, Dr. R. Schainfeld, Dr. V. Nambi:
This vascular session was a complete overview of noninvasive peripheral arterial testing (imaging and non-imaging) of native arteries, stents and grafts, pre-operatively, and post intervention. The importance of surveillance with imaging for patency post revascularization was emphasized. The use of ultrasound in the management of vascular access complications was rather thorough in defining and describing the various types of complications that one should expect in the management of vascular access. This session also included a review of how transcranial Doppler can be used in managing cerebrovascular disease. Transcranial Doppler can be beneficial in the assessment of patients with carotid artery stenosis pre-operatively as well as during revascularization.