Traumatic injuries

Traumatic injuries

Traumatic respiratory injuries are commonly life-threatening and have been a factor contributing to more than 25% of trauma-related deaths. They include asphyxia, chest trauma (blunt and penetrating), inhalation injury, near drowning, and pneumothorax.


Asphyxia is a condition of insufficient oxygen and accumulating carbon dioxide in the blood and tissues. It results from interference with respiration. Asphyxia leads to cardiopulmonary arrest and is fatal without prompt treatment.


Asphyxia results from any internal or external condition or substance that inhibits respiration, including:

  • hypoventilation that stems from opioid abuse, medullary disease or hemorrhage, respiratory muscle paralysis, or cardiopulmonary arrest

  • intrapulmonary obstruction associated with airway obstruction, pulmonary edema, pneumonia, and near drowning

  • extrapulmonary obstruction, as in tracheal compression from a tumor, pneumothorax, strangulation, trauma, or suffocation

  • inhalation of toxic agents, resulting from carbon monoxide poisoning, smoke inhalation, and excessive oxygen inhalation.


  • Neurologic damage

  • Death

Assessment findings

The patient’s history (obtained from a family member, friend, or emergency personnel) reveals the cause of asphyxia. Signs and symptoms depend on the duration and degree of asphyxia.

  • On general observation, the patient typically appears anxious, agitated or confused, and dyspneic, with prominent neck muscles.

  • Other common signs and symptoms include wheezing, stridor, altered respiratory rate (apnea, bradypnea, occasional tachypnea, and decreasing pulse oximetry), and a fast, slow, or absent pulse.

  • Inspection may reveal little or no air moving in or out of the nose and mouth. You may note intercostal rib retractions as the intercostal muscles pull against resistance.

  • You may note pale skin and, depending on the severity of the asphyxia, cyanosis in mucous membranes, lips, and nail beds.

  • Trauma-induced asphyxia may cause erythema and petechiae on the upper chest, up to the neck and face.

  • In late-stage carbon monoxide poisoning, mucous membranes appear cherry red.

  • Auscultation reveals decreased or absent breath sounds.

Diagnostic test results

  • Arterial blood gas (ABG) analysis, the most important test, indicates decreased partial pressure of arterial oxygen (less than 60 mm Hg) and increased partial pressure of arterial carbon dioxide (more than 50 mm Hg).

  • Chest X-rays may detect a foreign body, pulmonary edema, atelectasis, or pneumothorax.

  • Pulmonary function tests may indicate respiratory muscle weakness.

  • Toxicology tests may show drugs, chemicals, or abnormal hemoglobin levels.


Asphyxia requires immediate respiratory support with cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR), endotracheal (ET) intubation, supplemental oxygen, mechanical ventilation, and pulse oximetry as needed. It also calls for prompt treatment of the underlying cause, such as bronchoscopy for extraction of a foreign body; an opioid antagonist, such as naloxone (Narcan), for opioid overdose; or gastric lavage for poisoning.

Nursing interventions

  • If a foreign body is blocking the patient’s airway, perform abdominal thrust.

  • In an unconscious patient, the tongue may obstruct the airway. You may be able to open the airway by simply repositioning the patient.

  • If the patient has no spontaneous respirations and no pulse, begin CPR.

  • If needed, assist with ET intubation to provide an airway, and give supplemental oxygen or provide mechanical ventilation as ordered. Monitor ABG levels, the best indicator of oxygenation and acid-base status.

  • Ensure I.V. access, monitor I.V. fluids, and obtain laboratory specimens as ordered.

  • If the patient ingested poison, insert a nasogastric tube or an Ewald tube for lavage.

  • Give medications for opioid overdose such as naloxone as ordered.

  • Monitor the patient’s cardiac status, vital signs, and neurologic status throughout treatment.

  • Continually reassure the patient throughout treatment because respiratory distress is terrifying.

  • If asphyxia was intentionally induced, such as carbon monoxide poisoning, refer the patient to a psychiatrist. (See Asphyxia teaching topics.)


Chest trauma accounts for almost one-half of all trauma occurrences and almost one-fourth of all trauma-related deaths. Chest trauma is commonly classified as penetrating or blunt, depending on the type of injury. Penetrating chest trauma involves an injury by a foreign object, such as a knife (most common stabbing injury), bullet (most common missile injury), or other pointed object that penetrates the thorax. These are considered open injuries because the thoracic cavity is exposed to pressure from the outside atmosphere. Blunt chest trauma, which is considered a closed chest injury, results from sudden compression or positive pressure inflicted by a direct blow to the organ and surrounding tissue. Blunt chest trauma commonly occurs in motor vehicle accidents (when the chest strikes the steering wheel), falls, or crushing injury.

Typically, penetrating chest trauma is fairly limited, usually involving isolated organs and lacerated tissues. In some cases, however, extensive tissue damage can occur if a bullet implodes in the chest cavity. Blunt chest trauma can cause extensive injury to the chest wall, lung, pleural space, and great vessels. Injuries resulting from blunt chest trauma include pulmonary contusion, rib fractures, pneumothorax, hemothorax, and rupture of the diaphragm or great vessels. (See Injuries associated with chest trauma, pages 326 to 331.) Blunt injuries are associated with multisystem organ injuries and carry a higher mortality than penetrating injuries.


Injuries to the chest usually involve one or more of the following:

  • hypovolemia resulting from massive blood loss

  • hypoxemia resulting from airway alteration; damage to the chest muscles, lung parenchyma or ribs; severe hemorrhage; collapse of the lungs; or pneumothorax

  • cardiac failure resulting from an increase in intrathoracic pressure or subsequent cardiac injury, such as cardiac tamponade or contusion.

Tissue damage caused by penetrating trauma, such as an impaled object or foreign body, is related to the object size as well as the depth and velocity of penetration. For example, penetrating chest trauma by a bullet has many variables. The extent of injury depends on the distance at which the weapon was fired, the type of ammunition, the velocity of the ammunition, and the entrance and (if present) exit wounds. Other factors to consider when assessing a penetrating chest injury include the type of weapon—for example, the caliber, barrel, and length of a gun, and the powder composition. An intact bullet causes less damage than a bullet that explodes on impact. A bullet that explodes within the chest may break up and scatter fragments,
burn tissue, fracture bone, disrupt vascular structures, or cause a bullet embolism.

Injury resulting from blunt chest trauma is related to the amount of force, compression, and cavitation. Blunt force that strikes the chest wall at high velocity fractures the ribs and transfers that force to underlying organ and lung tissue. The direct impact of force is transmitted internally, and the energy is dissipated to internal structures. The flexibility or elasticity of the chest wall directly affects the degree of injury. The first and second ribs take an enormous amount of blunt force to fracture and therefore are associated with significant intrathoracic injuries.


  • Acute respiratory distress syndrome

  • Bronchopleural fistula

  • Ventilator-induced lung injury such as barrel trauma

  • Infection

  • Pneumonia

  • Pulmonary emboli

Assessment findings

The patient’s history reveals a recent injury to the chest, and the patient may complain of dyspnea and chest pain. Other clinical features vary with the complications caused by the chest injury.


  • A patient with a sternal fracture—usually a transverse fracture located in the middle or upper sternum—may complain of persistent chest pain, even at rest.

  • A patient with a rib fracture may complain of tenderness over the fracture site and pain that worsens with deep breathing and movement.

  • Inspection reveals shallow, splinted respirations (a result of the painful breathing).

  • Palpation reveals slight edema and crepitus over the fracture site.

  • You may note hypoventilation on auscultation.


  • If the patient develops hemothorax, he’ll report chest pain after the injury, along with some form of respiratory distress.

  • Depending on the seriousness of hemothorax, inspection may show no obvious respiratory distress, mild respiratory distress, or severe dyspnea with restlessness and pallor or cyanosis.

  • The patient may have asymmetrical chest movements and flat jugular veins.

  • In massive hemothorax, you may observe bloody sputum or hemoptysis.

  • Palpation of hemothorax may reveal unilateral decreased fremitus and decreased chest expansion on inspiration.

  • If hemothorax is small, percussion won’t detect changes.

  • If hemothorax is moderate or massive, percussion reveals dullness over the area of fluid collection.

  • Auscultation may reveal unilateral diminished breath sounds or, in more severe hemothorax, unilateral absent breath sounds.

  • The patient with moderate or massive hemothorax also has hypotension and tachycardia.


  • If the patient develops pneumothorax, he’ll usually complain of acute, sharp chest pain and shortness of breath.

  • Inspection of the patient may show an obviously increased respiratory rate, cyanosis, agitation and, possibly, asymmetrical chest expansion.

  • Percussion reveals unilateral hyperresonance. On auscultation, breath sounds are diminished or absent on the affected side.

  • You’ll also note a crunching sound that occurs with each heartbeat—Hamman’s sign, which indicates mediastinal air accumulation.


  • If tension pneumothorax develops, the patient may complain of acute chest pain.

  • On inspection, you may observe cyanosis, increasing dyspnea, tracheal deviation, distended jugular veins, and asymmetrical or paradoxical neck movement.

  • Palpation confirms the tracheal deviation and may disclose subcutaneous crepitus in the neck and upper chest area.

  • Percussion usually reveals unilateral hyperresonance.

  • On auscultation, you’ll note unilateral absent breath sounds, muffled heart sounds, and hypotension.

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Jun 1, 2016 | Posted by in RESPIRATORY | Comments Off on Traumatic injuries

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