Transducers and Instrumentation

Chapter 3

Transducers and Instrumentation

Christopher J. Gallagher and John C. Sciarra

Piezoelectric Effect

Understanding the piezoelectric effect takes the mystery out of “Just what the hell is that little gizmo at the end of my probe, anyway?”

To make a sound wave, you need to wiggle something.

Bang-a-gong, the metal vibrates, and the sound waves go forth. Now let’s just tie a little creature to the end of a gastroscope, and have him bang-a-gong fast enough to create 7 million cycles/second for 20 minutes straight.


No go. We need a better way to get so much wiggling. The guy banging the gong just won’t do.

Millions of times per second? Better go to electricity, that’s the only thing that can give you that many wiggles per second. But how to get electricity to wiggle something? Electrify a gong?


Piezoelectric crystals to the rescue! These are quartz or ceramic things that have a magical property. When a current is applied to them, the polarized particles align perpendicular to the face of the crystal. When the current goes off, the particles no longer align. This alternating aligning and nonaligning results in the face of the crystal bowing out, then coming back, in effect wobbling just like the gong.

(Who the hell figures this stuff out the very first time, I want to know.)

OK, groovy, so this electrical thing makes a mechanical wave. How does a piezoelectric crystal “hear”?

Well, according to the Principle of Electromechanical Turn-It-Around-ness, when a wave comes into and hits the piezoelectric crystal, it causes a mechanical deformation that then makes a current change. So,

Axial and Lateral Resolution

(Here again, we’re chopping up stuff that should run together.)

Jun 4, 2016 | Posted by in CARDIOLOGY | Comments Off on Transducers and Instrumentation

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