Tissue Doppler and Strain
Juan Carlos Plana Gomez
1. When compared with standard Doppler, tissue Doppler uses:
A. The lesser reflectivity of tissue.
B. The faster motion of tissue.
C. Filters to exclude highly reflective tissue.
D. Filters to exclude higher velocities.
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1. Answer: D. Standard Doppler measures blood flow velocities using the Doppler effect. The change in frequency between transmitted sound and reflected sound is termed “Doppler shift” and is used to calculate the velocity of the moving red blood cells. When using standard Doppler, filters are used to exclude low-velocity objects, like the myocardium. Conversely, since tissue moves at a slower velocity, Doppler tissue imaging employs filters, which exclude high velocities.
2. Strain rate for tissue Doppler is defined as:
A. Measured tissue velocity × time.
B. Absolute difference in velocities.
C. The change in velocity between two points divided by their distance.
D. It can not be measured with Tissue Doppler.
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2. Answer: C. Strain rate (SR) may be derived from the velocity data using the equation: SR = (V1 = V2)/L, where V1 = velocity at point 1, V2 = velocity at point 2, and L = length usually set at 10 mm.
3. When compared with two-dimensional based strain, the biggest disadvantage of Doppler tissue imaging (DTI)-based strain is:
A. Only strain rate can be calculated, not strain.
B. Angle dependency.
C. Susceptibility to tethering.
D. Low sensitivity to signal noise.
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3. Answer: B. Doppler tissue imaging-derived strain, like all Doppler techniques, is sensitive to alignment. The instantaneous gradient of velocity, along a sample length, may be quantified by performing a regression calculation between the velocity data from adjacent sites along the scan line, and this instantaneous data may then be combined to generate a SR curve. Integration of this curve provides instantaneous data on deformation (strain). The comparison of adjacent velocities is extremely sensitive to signal noise. TDI is not susceptible to tethering to adjacent tissue, as the myocardial motion is measured relative to the adjacent myocardium and not relative to the transducer.
4. If two-dimensional based strain imaging is used to evaluate pathologic processes involving the subendocardium, the preferred modality should be:
A. Radial strain.
B. Longitudinal strain.
C. Circumferential strain.
D. Torsion.
E. Twist.
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4. Answer: B. Several studies have explored the deformation of the ventricle, describing myocyte arrangements as a continuum of two helical fiber geometries. In the subendocardium, the fibers are roughly longitudinally oriented, with an angle of 80 degrees with respect to the circumferential direction of the fibers located in the mid-aspect of the thickness of the myocardium. As a result, global longitudinal strain (evaluating the longitudinal fibers) should be the modality of choice when evaluating pathology involving the subendocardium. See Figure 9-13 demonstrating different forms of strain.
5. Which of the following hemodynamic parameters best correlates with a combination of mitral E-wave velocity and early diastolic longitudinal velocities of the myocardium (e′)?
A. Superior vena cava pressure.
B. Right atrial pressure.
C. Right ventricular systolic pressure.
D. Mean left atrial pressure.
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5. Answer: D. The early diastolic velocity of the longitudinal motion of the myocardium (e′) reflects the rate of myocardial relaxation. Decreased e′ is one of the earliest signs of diastolic dysfunction and is present in all stages of diastolic dysfunction. Because e′ velocity is reduced and mitral E velocity increases with higher filling pressures, the ratio between E and e′ correlates well with LV filling pressures. This combination of early mitral E velocity and early diastolic longitudinal velocities of the myocardium has a linear relationship to the pulmonary capillary wedge pressure or mean left atrial pressure.
6. When reporting global longitudinal strain (GLS), it is important to bear in mind the impact of:
A. Vendor.
B. Gender.
C. Age.
D. All of the above.
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6. Answer: D. Because of low intervendor agreement, two-dimensional strain data are not interchangeable. The JUSTICE (Japanese ultrasound speckle tracking of left ventricle study) provides reference two-dimensional strain values for the three most commonly used vendors. In their study, they also show statistically significant differences for gender and age. As a result, when reporting GLS, it is important to take in consideration the vendor used and the gender and age of the patient interrogated.
7. Which of the following radial strain rates obtained at the mid inferior wall during systole of a patient with ischemic cardiomyopathy is consistent with dyskinesis?
A. 0.
B. 1.
C. -1.
D. 10.
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7. Answer: C. Strain rate (SR) imaging simultaneously measures the velocities in two adjacent points as well as the relative distance between these two points. Expressed as SR = (V1 – V2)/L. Positive radial SR represents active contraction. Negative values for radial strain represent either relaxation (if measured during diastole) or dyskinesis (if measured during systole).
8. In left ventricular (LV) torsion:
A. During ejection, the basal segments of the LV myocardium rotate counterclockwise.
B. During ejection, the apical segments rotate counterclockwise.
C. During diastole, the basal segments of the LV myocardium rotate counterclockwise.
D. Basal twisting is the main component of LV systolic torsion.
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8. Answer: B. The LV myocardium has a spiral architecture with myocardial fibers that vary in orientation depending on where in the myocardium they are located. Fiber direction is predominantly longitudinal in the endocardial region, transitioning into a circumferential direction in the mid wall and becoming longitudinal again over the epicardial surface. In addition to radial and longitudinal deformation, there is torsional deformation of the LV during the cardiac cycle due to the helical orientation of the myocardial fibers. During isovolumic contraction (Phase 1), the apex shows a brief clockwise rotation and the base a short counterclockwise rotation. During ejection (phase 2), the direction of the rotation changes to counterclockwise at the LV apex and clockwise at the LV base, respectively.
9. Which of the following is a true statement about DTI?
A. It is more preload dependent than traditional Doppler imaging.
B. A normal velocity and pattern of mitral annular velocities do not always indicate normal diastolic function.
C. It is unable to discriminate passive motion from active motion.
D. M-mode color DTI has lower spatial resolution than pulsed DTI.
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9. Answer: C. Standard Doppler measurement of mitral inflow velocities can be used to assess diastolic function by measuring the early rapid filling wave (E) and the late filling wave due to atrial contraction (A). The velocities and ratios of E/A are used to determine diastolic function, but as they are reflective of the pressure gradient between the left atrium and the left ventricle, they are directly related to preload and inversely related to ventricular relaxation. Doppler tissue myocardial diastolic velocities are less load dependent. In adults, an early diastolic longitudinal (e′) velocity of the lateral aspect of the mitral valve annulus >0.10 m/s is associated with normal LV diastolic function. DTI measures only vector motion that is parallel to the ultrasound beam and is not able to differentiate between active motion (like myocardial contraction) and passive motion (like tethering). M-mode color DTI is acquired by color-coding images of tissue motion during an M-mode image acquisition. Different colors specify direction of motion and allow images to have both high temporal and spatial resolution.
10. Based on the Expert consensus for the multimodality imaging of the adult patient during and after cancer therapy, subclinical LV dysfunction is defined as:
A. GLS <16%.
B. GLS <18%.
C. 15% reduction in GLS when compared to reference values from the JUSTICE study.
D. 15% reduction in GLS when compared to baseline value.
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10. Answer: D. The current Expert consensus for the multimodality imaging of the adult patient during and after cancer therapy defines subclinical LV dysfunction as a >15% reduction in GLS when compared with baseline. This is based on the findings of N egishi et al., who showed that &Dgr; GLS 11% (95% CI: 8-15) had the best receiver operator characteristics to prognosticate subsequent EF reductions at 1 year of follow-up.
11. In asymmetric septal hypertrophic cardiomyopathy, tissue Doppler e′:
A. Is abnormal in the lateral wall.
B. Is normal in the septum.
C. Has an inverse relationship with septal thickness.
D. Has a direct relationship with septal thickness.
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11. Answer: C. Tissue Doppler can also identify abnormal regional function in areas of localized hypertrophy. In fact, it appears that the greater the extent of segmental wall thickness, the greater is the reduction in myocardial velocities. These abnormalities can often be found in asymptomatic carriers of hypertrophic cardiomyopathy genetic mutations, even in the absence of phenotypic expression.
12. In diabetic patients, which of the following statements is correct?
A. HgbA1C correlates with E/e′.
B. Diabetic patients have a higher Doppler e′.
C. Asymptomatic diabetic patients do not demonstrate an abnormal E/e′.
D. The mechanism for any diastolic dysfunction is thought to be related to concomitant renal dysfunction.
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12. Answer: A. Glycemic control in diabetic patients has been associated with microvascular complications. Microvascular disease may lead to ischemia and subsequent impaired LV relaxation and increased myocardial stiffness. Advanced glycation end-products have been associated with microvascular complications of Type I diabetes mellitus and may be a pathophysiologic mechanism for diastolic dysfunction in these patients. Type I diabetic patients have worse diastolic function with lower tissue Doppler e′. Furthermore, HgbA1C is correlated with E/e′. These results demonstrate that asymptomatic diastolic dysfunction is common in patients with type I diabetes mellitus and that its severity is correlated with glycemic control. Furthermore, asymptomatic diabetic patients have increased LV filling pressure as measured by E/e′, and a larger left atrial size.
13. In which of the following conditions has e′ been shown to improve after treatment?
A. Cardiac amyloidosis.
B. Hypertrophic cardiomyopathy.
C. Dyskinesis in ischemic heart disease.
D. Aortic stenosis.
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13. Answer: D. In aortic stenosis, global LV dysfunction is common secondary to the increased afterload. This LV dysfunction may not be discernible on the basis of standard two-dimensional echocardiography alone. Because the sensitivity of DTI is superior, subclinical LV dysfunction has been detected by DTI in patients with aortic stenosis despite good ejection fraction. In patients with aortic stenosis, the degree of abnormality in regional deformation correlates with aortic valve area. Once the aortic valve is replaced, e′ can normalize.
14. Which of the following tissue Doppler indices has been shown to carry the most prognostic value after myocardial infarction (MI)?
A. Mitral E wave velocity.
B. Mitral annular e′ velocity.
C. E/e′ ratio.
D. Systolic annular velocity.
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14. Answer: C. After an MI, E/e′ has been shown to be associated with an increased risk of death or need for heart transplantation. Patients with an E/e′ ratio of >17 had a mortality rate of approximately 40% at 36 months compared with 5% in those with an E/e′ ratio of <17. In a study that included 250 nonselected patients who had an echocardiogram 1.6 days after an MI followed for a median of 13 months, the most powerful predictor of survival was an E/e′ ratio of >15. E/e′ was a stronger predictor than other Doppler echocardiographic indices, including the LV filling pulsed Doppler deceleration time. Increased E/e′ has also correlated with increased LV end-diastolic volume post-MI and has been attributed to a relationship to LV remodeling and progressive LV dilation.
15. In patients with acute heart failure:
A. Global longitudinal strain (GLS) is a powerful predictor of cardiac events and appears to be a better parameter than ejection fraction.
B. Global longitudinal strain rate (GLSR-S) is a powerful predictor of cardiac events and appears to be a better parameter than ejection fraction.
C. Global radial strain (GRS) is a powerful predictor of cardiac events and appears to be a better parameter than ejection fraction.
D. Global circumferential strain (GCS) is a powerful predictor of cardiac events and appears to be a better parameter than ejection fraction.
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15. Answer: D. Cho et al. evaluated whether two-dimensional strain offered additional benefit over left ventricular ejection fraction (LVEF) to predict clinical events in patients with acute heart failure. They found that global circumferential strain is a powerful predictor of cardiac events and appears to be a better parameter than ejection fraction in patients with acute heart failure (hazard ratio: 1.15; 95% CI: 1.04-1.28; P = 0.006).
16. Which of the following cardiac conditions is associated with a normal or high e′?
A. Friedreich’s ataxia.
B. Fabry’s disease.
C. Hypertrophic cardiomyopathy.
D. Cardiac amyloidosis.
E. Myocardial hypertrophy in athletic hearts.
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16. Answer: E. Tissue Doppler velocities may help differentiate myocardial hypertrophy seen in athletes from hypertrophic cardiomyopathy, where these velocities are abnormally decreased. Similar findings have been reported in Fabry’s disease, a cardiomyopathy secondary to &agr;-galactosidase A deficiency. Patients with mutation-positive Fabry’s disease have significant reduction of e′ and higher E/e′ compared with normal control subjects, even before the development of LV hypertrophy. Tissue Doppler has been used to study myocardial performance in patients with Friedreich’s ataxia. Asymptomatic patients who are homozygous for the GAA expansion in the Friedreich’s ataxia gene have reduced myocardial velocity gradients during systole and in early diastole. Patients with a restrictive cardiomyopathy from an infiltrative disease process like cardiac amyloidosis will have impaired relaxation and therefore reduced e′ velocities.
17. In a patient with a localized basal lateral infarct with evidence of akinesis by two-dimensional Doppler imaging, the expected longitudinal tissue Doppler velocities (m/s) and strain rate (1/s) would be:
A. Tissue Doppler velocity = 0.2, strain rate = 0.
B. Tissue Doppler velocity = 0, strain rate = 0.2.
C. Tissue Doppler velocity = 0.2, strain rate = -0.5.
D. Tissue Doppler velocity = 0, strain rate = 0.
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17. Answer: A. Unlike tissue Doppler, which records myocardial motion and not necessarily contraction, strain rate measures the instantaneous velocities between two points within the myocardium. A strain rate of zero indicates akinesis. A strain rate of >0 indicates expansion, and a strain rate of <0 indicates compression. Velocities may be recorded in akinetic segments that are tethered by adjacent moving segments, in this example, from the apical and mid-lateral wall.
18. The best prediction of mortality for the patient shown in Figure 9-1A,B is obtained with the evaluation of:
A. Cardiac symptoms.
B. Global longitudinal strain (GLS).
C. Euroscore.
D. Symptoms + Euroscore.
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18. Answer: E. Kusunose et al. evaluated 395 patients with moderately severe and paradoxical severe aortic stenosis and preserved ejection fraction. On multivariate Cox analysis, symptoms (NYHA class), additive Euroscore, and GLS were independent predictors of mortality. Left ventricular GLS < -12.1% (4th quartile) was associated with a significantly reduced survival. Left ventricular GLS also provided incremental prognostic utility when added to a model based on clinical parameters (additive Euroscore + NYHA class).
19. The radial strain map in Figure 9-2 obtained from a patient with chest pain demonstrates:
A. Normal LV function.
B. Segmental dyskinesis.
C. Anterolateral hypokinesis.
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19. Answer: D. As the ventricle contracts, muscle fibers shorten in the longitudinal and circumferential directions and thicken or lengthen in the radial direction. Strain represents the change in segment length throughout a cardiac cycle. Strain rate or strain velocity is the local rate of myocardial deformation and can be derived from DTI velocities. DTI-derived strain rate is a strong index of LV contractility. In Figure 9-2, a parasternal short-axis image of the mid left ventricle is shown. The myocardium has been color coded by segment and by its percent strain value with a scale of 100% (red) and -100% (blue). The time plot at the bottom of the imaging graphs the percent radial strain of each color-coded segment. The color of the plot corresponds to the outlined color of the segment selected. Figure 9-2 shows that the best motion is seen in the mid-anterolateral wall, which has the darkest red coloring and is also plotted on the graph as the red line with a marked positive percent strain during systole. The mid-anteroseptal wall, colored white and outlined in orange, shows akinesis based upon the white color coding and the flat plot of the orange curve. Radial strain can provide quantitative data to assist in the interpretation of segmental wall motion and can be of particular use in the interpretation of stress echocardiograms.
20. The strain rate pattern in Figure 9-3 is consistent with:
A. Anteroseptal infarct.
B. Anterolateral infarct.
C. Extensive apical infarct.
D. Normal LV function.
![]() Figure 9-3
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