Age: 25 years
Gender: Female
Occupation: Student
Working diagnosis: Tricuspid atresia with transposition
The patient was diagnosed with tricuspid atresia, transposed great vessels, and moderate subvalvar pulmonary stenosis shortly after birth. The bulboventricular foramen (VSD) was moderate in size, and the patient was felt to have balanced circulation with adequate systemic and pulmonary blood flow. The patient underwent balloon atrial septostomy and was discharged home with oxygen saturations of 80% to 85%. The patient remained well during early childhood. At the age of 5 years, the patient underwent a classic RA-PA Fontan procedure.
Over the next 10 years the patient developed a slow but steady decline in exercise tolerance. In addition, she complained of symptoms of periorbital and pedal edema. She underwent serial evaluation for PLE but was noted to have a normal albumin and only mildly elevated stool alpha-1-antitrypsin.
During this time period the patient developed frequent palpitations and syncope. She was documented to have sinus bradycardia with intermittent atrial flutter with 2 : 1 conduction ( Fig. 67-1 ) as well as nonsustained ventricular tachycardia.
Echocardiography demonstrated marked right atrial and coronary sinus enlargement, mildly reduced systemic ventricular function, and a 20 mm Hg gradient across the subaortic VSD.
Cardiopulmonary stress testing demonstrated moderate impairment in exercise capacity and an increase in gradient across the VSD. The patient underwent cardiac catheterization confirming elevated Fontan pressures in the setting of an increased left ventricular end-diastolic pressure and a restrictive VSD.
Comments: Twenty-three percent of patients born with tricuspid atresia will have D-transposition of the great vessels. While the majority of patients with tricuspid atresia and normally related great vessels will require surgical intervention in the first few months of life for augmentation of pulmonary blood flow, those with transposition commonly have a clinical course marked by heart failure. Heart failure in this latter situation may occur secondary to unrestricted pulmonary arterial blood flow with or without inadequate systemic blood flow, as the aorta may arise from a diminutive outflow chamber with a potentially restrictive VSD. Any restriction at the site of the bulboventricular foramen (subaortic VSD) will further increase pulmonary blood flow at the expense of systemic blood flow (see Fig. 67-5 ). Surgical options include pulmonary artery banding to restrict pulmonary blood flow, a Damus-Kaye-Stansel procedure plus Blalock-Taussig shunt to bypass aortic outflow tract obstruction and control pulmonary blood flow, or a palliative arterial switch procedure wherein ventriculoarterial continuity is restored by connecting the aorta to the larger LV and connecting the pulmonary artery to the smaller RV. Such a procedure entails coronary artery translocation to the neoaorta. The latter option not only ensures unobstructed aortic blood flow but also restores the morphologic LV to its position as the systemic ventricle. Pulmonary artery banding has been associated with restriction of the bulboventricular foramen, or VSD, and late adverse outcome following the Fontan procedure.
PLE is a serious late complication occurring in 4% to 13% of Fontan patients. Clinical features include hypoalbuminemia, ascites, pleural effusions, diarrhea, malaise, and lymphocytopenia. Fecal alpha-1-antitrypsin levels increase prior to the development of hypoalbuminemia and clinical symptoms. The mortality rate is 40% to 56% within 5 years. Medical therapies effective in some, but not all, include high-dose spironolactone, heparin, and corticosteroids. The mechanism of PLE remains poorly understood and does not necessarily relate to poor Fontan hemodynamics. Fontan revision and orthotopic heart transplantation have sometimes been successful in refractory cases.
Other long-term complications following the atriopulmonary Fontan include thromboembolism in 10% to 25%, sinus node dysfunction and atrial arrhythmias in 20% to 56%, Fontan pathway obstruction, coronary sinus hypertension, decreased ventricular function, and increasing cyanosis secondary to collateral circulation and right-to-left shunting of various types.
The natural history of the VSD in tricuspid atresia is a relative decrease in size with an associated increase in LV-to-RV obstruction (with a form of subaortic stenosis in patients with transposed great arteries). This is often precipitated by volume unloading, as occurs with the Fontan or Glenn procedure.

Heart rate: 120 bpm
QRS axis: +69°
QRS duration: 148 msec
The patient has atrial flutter with 2 : 1 AV conduction.
Comments: Intra-atrial tachycardia is not uncommon in patients following a classic RA-PA Fontan connection. Restoration of normal sinus rhythm is thought to improve hemodynamics in these patients. Rate control in isolation is not advisable. In the face of a grossly dilated RA, medical therapies may not be effective. Consideration should be given to a Fontan conversion with a maze procedure, or in some cases to ablative therapy alone.

Cardiomegaly with RA prominence. Normal pulmonary vascular markings. There is a bioprosthetic valve in the atriopulmonary connection (unusual).
Comments: The patient had marked cardiomegaly with severe RA enlargement, which is to be expected following her classic Fontan procedure. The mediastinum is narrow secondary to the absence of the main pulmonary artery shadow, which typically comprises the upper left heart border. The main pulmonary artery lies posterior to the aorta in this patient with transposed great vessels. It has been tied off as part of the Fontan procedure to avoid competitive blood flow with subsequent elevation of the pulmonary artery pressures. There is no evidence of pulmonary venous congestion.
Exercise protocol: | 15 W ramp protocol on cycle ergometer |
Duration (min : sec): | 6 : 00 |
Reason for stopping: | Presyncope |
ECG changes: | Normal sinus rhythm with intact AV conduction |
Rest | Peak | |
Heart rate (bpm): | 106 | 145 |
Percent of age-predicted max HR: | 74 | |
O 2 saturation (%): | 96 | 92 |
Blood pressure (mm Hg): | 100/72 | 130/110 |
Peak V o 2 (mL/kg/min): | 16 | |
Percent predicted (%): | 43 | |
Ve/V co 2 : | 40 | |
Metabolic equivalents: | 4.4 |
The patient had a blunted heart rate slope.
The V o 2 work slope was reduced at 6 (60% predicted).
The peak oxygen pulse was reduced at 10 mL/beat (65% predicted).
A previous test 2 years prior demonstrated a peak V o 2 of 27.9 mL/kg/min (75% predicted).
Comments: The exercise test employed an incremental ramp protocol with increments of ¼ Watt per kg of body weight per minute. The protocol is designed to achieve an exercise duration of between 8 and 12 minutes. This duration is designed to achieve a maximal cardiac and pulmonary effort.
Oxygen saturation at rest was 96% and at peak exercise was 92%, which was within normal limits for the test altitude (5200 feet).
There has been a significant reduction in her exercise capacity from a study 2 years previously. A reduction in ventilatory efficiency is common in patients following a Fontan procedure. This may be secondary to elevated pulmonary artery pressures, elevated left heart filling pressures, chest wall deformities secondary to previous thoracotomy or VQ mismatch. Chronotropic incompetence is also common following Fontan palliation and will adversely affect exercise capacity.
Exercise testing with collection of metabolic data is a useful diagnostic tool for determining the timing of listing for heart transplantation. Such testing has been documented to be safe with a low risk of adverse events in outpatients with congestive heart failure in the setting of palliated congenital heart defects. A peak oxygen consumption of less than 14 mL/kg/min is used as a criterion for listing in an adult population without congenital heart disease. This value is not applicable to the child or young adult with congenital heart disease who will often have a higher peak V o 2 at the time of heart transplantation. A more applicable cutoff value may be a peak oxygen consumption less than 50% predicted. Similarly, a peak oxygen pulse of less than 10 mL/beat, which has been used as an indication for heart transplantation in the adult without congenital heart disease, may not be applicable in this instance.

Subcostal imaging demonstrates a single great vessel (the aorta) arising from the small RV outlet chamber. The LV communicates with the aorta via the bulboventricular foramen, which appears small and approximately the same size as the aortic valve.
Comments: TTE images are limited in this patient. The fixed orifice of the bulboventricular foramen may also have a further component of dynamic narrowing that will further compromise cardiac output during exercise.

Cardiac catheterization prior to Fontan revision demonstrated mild elevation of Fontan pressures with no gradient within the Fontan circuit suggestive of stenosis. Low mixed venous saturations were indicative of low cardiac output. TEE performed at the time of the study demonstrated no clot within the Fontan circuit. The patient was fully saturated for this altitude (5200 feet). LV end-diastolic pressure was mildly elevated. There was a significant gradient between the systemic LV through the bulboventricular foramen to the aorta (44 mm Hg at rest).
Comments: Prior to consideration of Fontan revision it is important to determine (1) the cause of previous Fontan “failure” and (2) the suitability of the patient for a successful Fontan revision. Attention needs to be paid to pulmonary artery pressures and the transpulmonary gradient, pulmonary artery size, the presence of aortopulmonary and veno-venous collaterals, systemic ventricular function, systemic AV valve insufficiency, and the presence or absence of outflow tract obstruction.

The aorta was seen arising primarily from the rudimentary RV. The diameter of the bulboventricular foramen was smaller than the aortic valve diameter in keeping with LVOT obstruction.
Comments: Note the arterial catheter approach retrograde in the aorta, across the aortic valve, through the bulboventricular foramen, and into the LV.

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