Thoracic organ transplantation

Chapter 15 Thoracic organ transplantation


The first human thoracic organ transplants were performed in the 1960s. In 1963 Dr James Hardy (Jackson, USA) performed a single lung transplant in a lung cancer sufferer. Controversially, the following year he transplanted a chimpanzee heart into a human recipient. In 1967 Dr Christiaan Barnard (Cape Town, South Africa) performed the first human heart transplant. More than a hundred heart transplants were performed in 1968–69, but almost all patients died within 60 days.

The 1980s heralded a new era in thoracic organ transplantation with the first long-term survivors of heart-lung (Reitz et al 1982), single lung (Cooper et al 1987) and double lung (Patterson et al 1988) transplantation. The advent of ciclosporin (Borel 1980) as the principal immunosuppressant, with a greater ability to prevent acute rejection, was considered pivotal to improved survival outcomes.

From the late 1980s to the mid 1990s there was steady growth in both the overall numbers of transplants performed and the number of centres performing them. These numbers have now stabilized and reflect the ongoing shortage of donor organs. Internationally, over 4000 heart transplants, 60 heart-lung transplants and 1600 lung transplants are performed in adults each year (Taylor et al 2005, Trulock et al 2005). The number of paediatric transplants is much smaller, with approximately 350 heart transplants, 10 heart-lung transplants, and 80 lung transplants performed (Boucek et al 2005).

Over the last 30 years, significant advances have been made in all aspects of the care of thoracic organ transplant recipients. There have been improvements in operative techniques, organ preservation and cross matching. New, less toxic immunosuppressants have been developed. There is a greater understanding of immunology and a greater ability to bridge to transplant with mechanical support devices. Current survival outcomes for patients receiving heart transplantation are more favourable than for lung transplantation with 81%, 67% and 48% survival at 1, 5 and 10 years compared with 76%, 49% and 24%, respectively (Taylor et al 2005, Trulock et al 2005). Outcomes in children are similar to those in adults.


Thoracic organ transplantation is indicated in patients with various end-stage diseases where survival is limited and quality of life poor (Table 15.1).

Table 15.1 Indications for thoracic organ transplantation



Single lung

Bilateral lung

Heart transplant

The distribution of indications for cardiac transplantation has not changed significantly over the last 10 years (Taylor et al 2005). The most common indications in adults continue to be ischaemic and non-ischaemic heart failure (45% each). Valvular disease (3–4%), adult congenital heart disease (2%) and allograft failure requiring retransplantation (2%) make up the remaining indications. What has changed is the increasing number of patients bridged to transplant using intravenous inotropic support (48%) and some type of mechanical circulatory support (21%) with a left ventricular assist device (LVAD).


Potential recipients are assessed by an experienced multidisciplinary team at a transplant centre (Box 15.2). This process involves extensive physiological, functional and psychological assessment in order to:

The assessment is usually performed as an inpatient over a 2–3 day period. Once the evaluation has been compiled, all members of the transplant team meet to discuss the findings and come to a consensus regarding the patient’s appropriateness for listing.

Physiotherapy assessment

Physiotherapy assessment of the potential transplant candidate is similar to that of any cardiorespiratory medical or surgical patient. It focuses on the impact of cardiac, respiratory and musculoskeletal limitations on exercise, functional capacity and social performance. The medical history and results of relevant investigations (e.g. imaging, arterial blood gases, lung function, angiography) should be reviewed before seeing the patient so that the patient’s unique pathophysiology and clinical status is understood.


Heart transplantation

Lung transplantation

Double lung/bilateral sequential lung transplantation

The most commonly performed double lung transplantation (DLT) procedure is bilateral sequential lung transplantation. The early experiences of double lung transplantation involved the implantation ‘en bloc’ of both lungs via a median sternotomy, utilizing an omental wrap to secure the tracheal anastomosis (Patterson et al 1988). In an effort to avoid the high incidence of airway complications associated with the original procedure, the technique of bilateral sequential lung transplantation via bilateral anterolateral thoracotomies through the fourth or fifth intercostal space connected with a transverse sternotomy or ‘clamshell incision’ is now preferred. Mobilization and pneumonectomy of the native lung and the implantation of the lung graft are conducted in the same manner as described for single lung transplantation.

Other lung techniques

The scarcity of donor lungs, especially for small and paediatric recipients, has led to the development of operations that allow larger lungs to be downsized. These techniques are not considered standard practice.

The split-lung technique (Couetil et al 1997) utilizes individual lobes from the donor. It may be indicated if there is localized pathology in one lobe of the donor lung or if the donor organ is larger than expected.

Living donor lobar lung transplantation (Date et al 2003, Starnes et al 1999) involves two donors (usually relatives) each donating a single lobe (usually lower lobe) for bilateral lung transplantation. The recipient is usually critically ill and cannot wait for cadaveric transplantation. It is most often performed in adolescents or young adults with cystic fibrosis.


Organ donation

Organ donation for transplantation is performed in the setting of brain death. Brain death is defined as a complete and irreversible cessation of brain activity. The main causes are severe head injury from physical trauma, often from road traffic accidents and from subarachnoid haemorrhage. In most countries, consent from family members or next-of-kin is required. It is normal practice for consent to be sought even if the brain-dead individual had expressed the wish to donate. In some countries (e.g. Spain, Belgium, Poland, France) potential donors are presumed to have given consent, although some jurisdictions allow opting out from the system. Once consent is obtained, the non-living donor is kept on ventilatory support until the organs have been surgically removed. The donor is given expert medical and nursing care to optimize organ performance. Physiotherapists sometimes assist in the removal of retained lung secretions and help to optimize ventilation (Gabbay et al 1999).

A very small number of living and non-heart beating donors are used for lung transplantation internationally. Living donor lobar transplantation remains a second-line treatment due to the inevitable risk of lobectomy to the donors. Non-heart-beating donors are individuals who do not meet brain death criteria but for whom further medical intervention is futile. Organs can be rapidly retrieved after certification of death following withdrawal of support and asystole.

Timing of organ retrieval and implantation is important and necessitates a high level of coordination between the donor and recipient transplant teams. Organ procurement occurs at the hospital where the donor is managed. The organ is kept in preservation solution while it is transported to the transplant centre for implantation into the selected recipient. Most cardiac teams aim for an ischaemic time of less than 4 hours, from the time of cross-clamping the aorta in the donor to reperfusing the organ in the recipient. Lung teams aim for less than 8 hours. Longer ischaemic times are associated with poorer early graft function (Del Rizzo et al 1999, Thabut et al 2005).

The recipient team selects the appropriate recipient based upon:

Organ allocation systems vary worldwide. In Australia and the UK, severity of illness and medical urgency are taken into account. In the United States of America, the system for allocation of heart and lungs has recently been changed, in an attempt to direct scarce organs to individuals who will derive the most benefit from them.

Immunosuppression and rejection

Rejection is a specific immune response to the donor tissue (allograft) and is part of the normal host defence system against foreign antigens. The response can occur by humoral (B lymphocyte) or cell-mediated (T lymphocyte) immune mechanisms. Immunosuppression is required to manage rejection.

The majority of thoracic organ transplant recipients remain on two or three lifelong maintenance immunosuppressive agents. Typically, one of these will be a calcineurin inhibitor (e.g. ciclosporin, tacrolimus), one will be a cell-cycle inhibitor (e.g. mycophenolate mofetil, azathioprine), and the third will be a glucocorticoid (e.g. prednisone). Immunosuppression protocols vary widely from centre to centre.

Immunosuppressants have a number of specific side effects, which are listed in Table 15.2. It is important that physiotherapists working with thoracic organ transplant recipients are familiar with these side effects. Many agents impact on the musculoskeletal system and may cause bone morbidities such as avascular necrosis, osteoporosis and reduced tissue healing. Side effects of some agents affect the patient’s ability to participate in exercise training (e.g. hypertension, nausea) or have practical implications (e.g. fine hand tremor affecting writing ability and difficulty fitting into footwear due to fluid retention).

Table 15.2 Immunosuppression and side effects

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