Thoracic imaging

Chapter 2 Thoracic imaging



Different types of chest radiograph

Chest radiography has been used as the main radiological investigation of the chest since the discovery of X-rays by Röentgen in 1895 and chest radiographs constitute 25–40% of all radiological investigations. Chest radiographs are indicated in almost any condition in which a pulmonary abnormality is suspected.

The majority of chest radiographs are obtained in the main radiology department. The radiograph is obtained with the patient standing erect. Patients who are immobile or too ill to come to the main department have a chest radiograph performed using a mobile machine (portable film); the resulting radiograph differs from a departmental film in terms of projection, positioning, exposure and film used and is therefore not strictly comparable with a conventional posteroanterior (PA) film. Other types of chest radiograph are the lateral, lordotic, apical and decubitus views; these are generally taken in the main department.

Departmental films are referred to as ‘posteroanterior’ (or PA) chest radiographs and describe the direction in which the X-ray beam traverses the patient. The patient is positioned with his anterior chest wall against the film cassette and his back to the X-ray tube. The arms are abducted to rotate the scapulae away from the posterior chest and the radiograph is taken during full inspiration. The tube is centred at the spinous process of the fourth thoracic vertebra. For portable films taken in an anteroposterior (AP) projection, the patient’s back is against the film cassette and the X-ray tube is positioned at a variable distance from the patient. As the heart is placed anteriorly within the chest, it is further from the cassette and is therefore magnified in an AP radiograph. The degree of magnification depends on the distance between the patient and the X-ray tube.

For a lateral radiograph the patient is turned 90° and the side of interest placed against the film cassette. The arms are extended forwards and the radiograph is again taken in full inspiration.

Lateral decubitus views are sometimes useful for the demonstration of small pleural effusions. For this projection the patient lies horizontally with the side in question placed downwards. The film cassette is positioned at the back of the patient and the X-ray beam is horizontal centred at the midsternum. This provides a sensitive means of detecting small quantities of pleural fluid (50–100 ml) that cannot be identified on a frontal chest radiograph. However, ultrasonography is usually used as a reliable means of confirming the presence of small pleural effusions.

Lordotic films are sometimes used to confirm middle lobe collapse and for demonstrating a questionable apical opacity otherwise obscured by the clavicle and ribs. For this AP projection, the patient arches back so that the shoulders are touching the cassette with the centring point remaining the same. Linear tomography is another technique designed to reveal lesions otherwise hidden by the skeleton by blurring out everything overlying and underlying the lesion in question. This is achieved by having the X-ray tube and film cassette move at the same time but in opposite directions. These two techniques are less frequently used with the advent of computed tomography (CT).

Factors influencing the quality of a chest radiograph

The quality and thus diagnostic usefulness of a chest radiograph depend critically on the conditions under which it is obtained. Of particular importance are the radiographic exposure, the projection, the orientation of the patient relative to the film cassette, the X-ray tube to film distance, the depth of inspiration of the patient and the type of film–; combination used.

The ideal chest radiograph provides an image of structures within the chest while exposing the patient to the lowest possible dose of radiation. Most radio- logy departments have a policy of obtaining either high-kilovoltage (kVp) or low-kilovoltage chest radio- graphs. Radiographs performed at high kilovoltage (e.g. 140 kVp) have much to recommend them. Even at total lung capacity with the patient erect, nearly a third of the lungs is partially obscured by the mediastinal structures, diaphragm and ribs. With the low-kilovoltage technique (80 kVp or less) these areas are often poorly visualized. This problem is partially overcome by using films exposed at high kilovoltage. The normal vessel markings and subtle differences in soft tissue densities are better demonstrated and a further advantage is the better penetration of the mediastinum, which improves visualization of the trachea and main bronchi. The disadvantage of high-kilovoltage radiographs is the relatively poor demonstration of calcified structures so that rib fractures and calcified pulmonary nodules or pleural plaques are less conspicuous.

During exposure the X-ray beam is modified according to the structures through which it passes. The photons that have passed through the patient carry information which then must be converted into a visual form. Some of the photons emerging from the patient are aligned in a virtually parallel direction and other photons are scattered. These scattered photons degrade the final image but can be absorbed by using lead strips embedded in an aluminium sheet positioned in front of the cassette. This device is known as a grid. Photons that are travelling in parallel pass through the grid to form the image on the film.

The sensitivity of film to direct X-ray exposure is very low and if film were used alone as the image receptor, this would result in a prohibitively large X-ray dose to the patient. Intensifying screens made of phosphorescent material are positioned on the inside of the cassettes and they convert the incident X-ray photons into visible light, which is recorded by the adjacent film. These phosphor screens are composed of either calcium tungstate or a rare-earth-containing compound. Rare- earth phosphors emit more light in response to X-ray photons and therefore less radiation is necessary to produce the image. Similarly, improvements in the quality of X-ray film have also occurred over the years. Standard film emulsions tend to lack detail in the relatively under- or overexposed areas of the radiograph and newer emulsions have been developed so that detail is similar in all areas of the chest radiograph. The choice of film–; combination has a crucial influence on the quality and ‘look’ of the radiograph produced. Further variations may result from film-processing problems.

In the intensive care setting, portable chest radiographs are often taken in less than ideal conditions. Multiple tubes, lines and dressings in conjunction with an immobile, supine patient and the use of a mobile low- kilovoltage machine often result in suboptimal radiographs. One approach to this is the development of phosphor plate technology, which is ultimately expected to replace conventional film–; radiography. The phosphor plate is placed inside a conventional cassette and stores some of the energy of the incident X-ray photons as a latent image (the image produced on a film or phosphor plate before development). The plate is scanned with a laser beam and the light emitted from the ‘excited’ latent image is detected by a photomultiplier. Thereafter this signal is processed in digital form. This digital image may be viewed either on a television monitor or on film (on which it has been laser printed). The great advantage of this system is that it can retrieve an image of diagnostic quality from a suboptimal exposure. Similar gross over- or underexposure would result in a non-diagnostic conventional radiograph. Manipulation of the digital image, particularly ‘edge enhancement’, aids the detection of linear structures such as the edge of a pneumothorax or central venous catheters (Fig. 2.1). With the advent of picture archiving and communication systems (PACS), which enable storage and transfer of digital images, many radiology departments are now ‘filmless’, with images available to view simultaneously on monitors throughout the hospital.

Other techniques

Computed tomography

Computed tomography (CT) scanning depends on the same basic physical principle as conventional radiography, namely the absorption of X-rays by tissues of different densities. The basic components of a CT machine are a table on which the patient lies and a gantry through which the table slides. An X-ray tube and a series of detectors are housed within the gantry. The X-ray tube and detectors rotate around the patient. A computer is used to reconstruct the signals received by the detectors into an image. The images acquired are transverse (axial) cross-sections of the patient. In orienting the patient’s right and left sides, it is the convention to view all CT images as if from the patient’s feet.

Because of the cross-sectional nature of CT, it can accurately localize lesions seen on only one view on plain chest radiographs. The superior contrast resolution of CT allows superb demonstration of mediastinal anatomy (e.g. lymph nodes and vessels) (Fig. 2.3) as well as calcification within a pulmonary nodule. Highly detailed thin sections of the lung parenchyma can also be obtained, allowing the complex morphology of many interstitial lung diseases to be more accurately defined. The disadvantages of CT are its relatively high cost and increased radiation exposure to the patient compared with chest radiography.

Whereas conventional CT scanning involves alternating table movement through the gantry with exposure, helical or volumetric CT involves simultaneous table movement and X-ray exposure. The technique allows faster scan times and advantages are the elimination of respiratory artefacts, minimization of motion artefacts and production of overlapping images without additional radiation exposure. Helical (spiral) CT is so named because the X-ray can be thought of as tracing a helix or spiral curve on the patient’s surface. Multiple rows of detectors are used in the newer helical CTs, so-called multidetector CT (MDCT). The technique allows viewing of images in multiple planes (Fig. 2.4) and, due to the very fast acquisition times, is increasingly used to evaluate cardiac structures such as the coronary arteries. Helical CT is also now commonly used to demonstrate pulmonary emboli, as accurate timing of a bolus of intravenous contrast allows optimal enhancement of the pulmonary arteries (Fig. 2.5).

Interventional procedures

Pulmonary and bronchial arteriography, superior vena cavography



On the normal posteroanterior radiograph (Fig. 2.9) the following structures can be identified:

The heart and mediastinum

The mediastinum consists of the organs and soft tissues in the central part of the chest. These comprise the trachea, aortic arch and great vessels, superior vena cava and oesophagus. In children the thymus gland is a prominent component. On the two-dimensional chest radiograph these structures are superimposed and cannot be clearly distinguished from each other. The mediastinum is conventionally divided into superior, anterior, middle and posterior compartments. While the boundaries of the latter three are arbitrary, it is usual to divide the mediastinum into equal thirds. The superior mediastinum is that portion lying above the aortic arch and below the root of the neck.

The mediastinal border on the right is formed superiorly by the right brachiocephalic vein and superior vena cava. The mediastinal shadow to the left of the trachea above the aortic arch comprises the left carotid and left subclavian arteries together with the left brachiocephalic and jugular veins. On a correctly exposed chest radiograph, air in the trachea can be seen throughout its length as it descends downwards, deviating slightly to the right above the carina (where the trachea divides into the right and left main bronchi) due to displacement by the aortic arch.

The heart lies eccentrically in the chest, with one-third of the cardiac shadow to the right of the spine and two-thirds to the left. The density of the cardiac shadow on the left and right of the spine should be identical. The right cardiac border on a chest radiograph is formed by the right atrium. The left cardiac border is composed of the apex of the left ventricle and superiorly the left atrial appendage. The outline of the right ventricle, which is superimposed on the left ventricle, cannot be identified on a frontal radiograph. The maximum transverse diameter of the heart should be less than half the maximum transverse diameter of the thorax, as measured from the inside border of the ribs (the so-called ‘cardiothoracic ratio’).

Common anatomical variants

The trachea lies centrally, but in the elderly may deviate markedly to the right in its lower portion due to unfolding and dilatation of the aortic arch. A small ovoid soft tissue shadow just above the origin of the right main bronchus represents the azygos vein. This may be enlarged as a result of posture (supine position) or haemodynamic factors. It may be indistinguishable from an azygos lymph node.

Occasionally, extra fissures are seen in the lungs. The most common of these is the azygos lobe fissure; this is seen as a fine white line running obliquely from the apex of the right lung to the azygos vein. Other accessory fissures are the superior and inferior accessory fissures, both of which are in the right lower lobe.

The surfaces of the two lungs abut each other anteriorly and posteriorly and give rise to two white lines projected over the vertebral column, known as the ‘anterior and posterior junction lines’, respectively. Both of these may be seen overlying the trachea – the anterior line extending from the clavicles to the left main bronchus and the posterior line lying more medially and extending above the clavicles. The azygo-oesophageal recess line is a curved line projected over the vertebral column and extending from the azygos vein to the diaphragm. It represents the interface between the right lung and right oesophageal wall.

A small ‘nipple’ may occasionally be seen projecting laterally from the aortic knuckle due to the left superior intercostal vein. The term ‘paraspinal line’ refers to the line that parallels the left and right margin of the thoracic spine. The left is thicker than the right because of the adjacent aorta.

The lateral view

It is conventional to read the lateral film (Fig. 2.10) with the heart to the viewer’s left and the dorsal spine to the right, irrespective of whether the film is labelled ‘right’ or ‘left’. The chamber of the heart that touches the sternum is the right ventricle. Behind and above the heart lies lung, the density of which should be the same both behind the heart and behind the sternum. As the eye travels down the spine, the vertebral column should appear increasingly transradiant or ‘dark’ (Fig. 2.10A); the loss of this phenomenon suggests the presence of disease in the posterobasal segments of the lower lobes. In the middle of the lateral film lie the hilar structures with the main pulmonary artery anteriorly. The aortic arch should be easily identified but only a variable proportion of the great vessels is visible depending on the degree of aortic unfolding. The brachiocephalic artery is most frequently identified arising anterior to the tracheal air column. The left and right brachiocephalic veins form an extrapleural bulge behind the upper sternum in about a third of individuals.

The course of the trachea is straight with a slight posterior angulation but no visible indentation from adjacent vessels. The carina is not seen on the lateral view. The posterior wall of the trachea is always visible and is known as the ‘posterior tracheal stripe’.

The oblique fissures are seen as fine diagonal lines running from the upper dorsal spine to the diaphragm anteriorly. The left is more vertically oriented and is visible just behind the right. The minor fissure extends forwards horizontally from the mid-right oblique fissure. Care must be taken not to confuse rib margins with fissure lines. As the fissures undulate, two distinct fissure lines may be generated by a single fissure. The fissures should be of no more than hairline width.

The scapulae are invariably seen in the lateral view and since they are incompletely visualized, lines formed by the edge of the scapula can easily be confused with intrathoracic structures. The arms are held outstretched in front of the patient on a lateral view and these give rise to soft tissue shadows projected over the anterior and superior mediastinum. A band-like opacity simulating pleural disease is often seen along the lower half of the anterior chest wall immediately behind the sternum. The left lung does not contact the most anterior portion of the left thoracic cavity at these levels because the heart occupies the space. This band-like opacity is known as the ‘retrosternal line’.

Useful points in interpreting a chest radiograph

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