The ECG in patients with palpitations and syncope


The ECG in patients with palpitations and syncope

Initial assessment

The ECG is of paramount importance for the diagnosis of arrhythmias. Many arrhythmias are not noticed by the patient, but are still of clinical importance (e.g. atrial fibrillation). Symptoms, when they occur, are often transient, and the patient may be completely well at the time he or she consults a doctor. A baseline 12-lead ECG is a critical element of the initial assessment of anyone with suspected arrhythmia, but as always the history and physical examination are also extremely important. The main purpose of the history and examination is to help decide whether a patient’s symptoms could be the result of an arrhythmia, and whether the patient has a cardiac or other disease that may cause an arrhythmia.

The clinical history and physical examination


‘Palpitations’ mean different things to different patients, but a general definition would be ‘an awareness of the heartbeat’. Arrhythmias, fast or slow, can cause poor organ perfusion and so lead to syncope (a word used to describe all sorts of collapse), breathlessness and angina. Some rhythms can be identified from a patient’s description, such as:

Dizziness and syncope

These symptoms may have a cardiovascular or a neurological cause. Remember that cerebral hypoxia, however caused, may lead to a seizure, and that can make the differentiation between cardiac and neurological syncope very difficult. Syncope is defined as ‘a transient loss of consciousness characterized by unresponsiveness and loss of postural tone, with spontaneous recovery and not requiring specific resuscitative intervention’.

Fig. 2.1 shows an EEG that was being recorded in a 46-year-old woman with episodes of limb shaking, suspected of being generalized tonic–clonic seizures. She lost awareness during events, and had violent limb shaking for several seconds as she came round. She felt nauseated, but was rapidly reoriented. By chance, she had one of her ‘attacks’ while her EEG was being recorded, and from the ECG being routinely recorded in parallel, it became clear that the problem was not seizures, but periods of asystole – in this case lasting about 15 s. The numbered arrows in Fig. 2.1 mark significant features. The recording begins with a routine period of hyperventilation, with the EEG showing an eye-blink in the anterior leads and the ECG showing sinus rhythm. There are then (at arrow 1 on the record) one (or possibly two) ventricular extrasystoles, followed by a narrow complex beat (probably sinus) and another ventricular extrasystole, with a different configuration from the previous ones. Asystole follows, and after 7–8 s (at arrow 2) there is global EEG slowing, and the patient became unresponsive. After 4 s (at arrow 3), there is global attenuation (reduction in signals) in the EEG and after another 3 s, there is an escape beat whose morphology suggests a ventricular origin. This is followed by a beat with a narrow QRS complex and possibly an inverted T wave, and then there is gross artefact due to the ECG lead being checked. During that period, sinus rhythm was restored. There was then (at arrow 4) global EEG slowing for 5 s, followed by (at arrow 5) violent limb thrashing for about 12 s as the patient regained consciousness – these movements were not clonic, and were thought to represent anxiety or fear. Normal EEG and ECG activity were then resumed (at arrow 6).

Some causes of syncope are summarized in Box 2.1.

Table 2.2 shows some clinical features of syncope, and possible causes.


Diagnosis of Causes of Syncope
Symptoms and signs Possible diagnosis
Family history of sudden death Long QT syndrome, Brugada syndrome, hypertrophic cardiomyopathy
Caused by unpleasant stimuli, prolonged standing, hot places (situational syncope) Vasovagal syncope
Occurs within seconds or minutes of standing Orthostatic hypotension
Temporal relation to medication Orthostatic hypotension
Occurs during exertion Obstruction to blood flow (e.g. aortic stenosis, pulmonary hypertension)
Occurs with head rotation or pressure on neck Carotid sinus hypersensitivity
Confusion for more than 5 min afterwards Seizure
Tonic–clonic movements, automatism Seizure
Frequent attacks, usually unobserved, with somatic symptoms Psychiatric illness
Symptoms or signs suggesting cardiac disease Cardiac disease


Even when the patient is asymptomatic, the resting 12-lead ECG can be very helpful, as summarized in Table 2.3.


ECG Features Between Attacks of Palpitations or Syncope
ECG appearance Possible cause of symptoms
ECG completely normal Symptoms may not be due to a primary arrhythmia – consider anxiety, epilepsy, atrial myxoma or carotid sinus hypersensitivity
ECGs that suggest cardiac disease

Left ventricular hypertrophy or left bundle branch block – aortic stenosis

Right ventricular hypertrophy – pulmonary hypertension

Anterior T wave inversion – hypertrophic cardiomyopathy

ECGs that suggest intermittent tachyarrhythmia

Left atrial hypertrophy – mitral stenosis, so possibly atrial fibrillation

Pre-excitation syndromes

Long QT syndrome Flat T waves suggest hypokalaemia

Digoxin effect – ?digoxin toxicity

ECGs that suggest intermittent bradyarrhythmia

Second degree block

First degree block plus bundle branch block

Digoxin effect

Syncope due to cardiac disease other than arrhythmias

The ECG may indicate that syncopal attacks have a cardiovascular cause other than an arrhythmia.

ECG evidence of left ventricular hypertrophy or of left bundle branch block may suggest that syncope is due to aortic stenosis. The ECGs in Figs 2.2 and 2.3 were recorded from patients who had syncopal attacks on exercise due to severe aortic stenosis.

ECG evidence of right ventricular hypertrophy suggests thromboembolic pulmonary hypertension. The ECG in Fig. 2.4 is that of a middle-aged woman with dizziness on exertion, due to multiple pulmonary emboli.

Apr 16, 2020 | Posted by in CARDIOLOGY | Comments Off on The ECG in patients with palpitations and syncope

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