The cardiac catheterization laboratory


cardiac catheterization, angiography, coronary artery disease, hemodynamics, PCI


Cardiac catheterization is the insertion and passage of small plastic tubes (catheters) into arteries and veins to the heart to obtain x-ray images (angiography) of coronary arteries and cardiac chambers and to measure pressures in the heart (hemodynamics). The cardiac catheterization laboratory performs angiography to obtain images not only of coronary arteries to diagnose coronary artery disease but also to look for abnormalities of the aorta, pulmonary, and peripheral vessels. In addition to providing diagnostic information, the cardiac catheterization laboratory performs catheter-based interventions (e.g., angioplasty with stent implantation, now called percutaneous coronary intervention [PCI]) or catheter-based treatments of structural heart disease (e.g., transaortic valve replacement [TAVR]) for both acute and chronic cardiovascular illness. Table 1.1 lists procedures that can be performed with coronary angiography. Figure 1.1 shows common vascular access routes for cardiac catheterization.

Table 1.1
Procedures That May Accompany Coronary Angiography. a
Procedure Comment
  • 1.

    Central venous access

  • Used as IV access for emergency medications (femoral, internal jugular, subclavian) or fluids, temporary pacemaker (pacemaker not mandatory for coronary angiography)

  • 2.

    Hemodynamic assessment

  • a.

    Left heart pressures

  • Routine for nearly all studies (aorta, left ventricle)

  • b.

    Right heart pressures

  • Not routine for coronary artery disease, combined pressures; mandatory for valvular heart disease; routine for CHF, right ventricular dysfunction, pericardial diseases, cardiomyopathy, intracardiac shunts, congenital abnormalities

  • 3.

    Left ventricular angiography

  • Routine for nearly all studies; may be excluded with high-risk patients, left main coronary or aortic stenosis, severe CHF, renal failure

  • 4.

    Internal mammary artery selective angiography

  • Not routine unless used as coronary bypass conduit

  • 5.

    Femoral angiography

  • Routine for femoral arterial access assessments before closure device

  • 5a.

    IC/IV/sublingual NTG

  • Useful during coronary angiography and intracoronary device manipulations

  • 6.


  • Routine for aortic insufficiency, aortic dissection, aortic aneurysm, with or without aortic stenosis; routine to locate bypass grafts not visualized by selective angiography, anomalous coronary origin

  • 7.

    Cardiac electrophysiologic studies

  • Arrhythmia evaluation, conduction tract catheter ablation procedures

  • 8.

    Interventional and special techniques

  • Coronary stents, rotoblator, etc. FFR/CFR/IVUS for lesion assessment

  • TAVR, Balloon valvuloplasty (see Chapter 6 , Interventional Cardiology Procedures)

  • Myocardial biopsy

  • Transseptal or left ventricular puncture

  • 9.

    Arterial closure devices

  • Available to reduce access site bleeding

CFR, Coronary flow reserve; CHF, congestive heart failure; FFR, fractional flow reserve; IC, intracoronary; IV, intravenous; IVUS, intravascular ultrasound imaging; NTG, nitroglycerin; TAVR, transaortic valve replacement.

a See Table 1.2 for indications.

Fig. 1.1
Vascular access routes for cardiac catheterization (also see Chapter 2 ). Radial and femoral arteries are the most common approaches for coronary angiography.

Indications for cardiac catheterization

Cardiac catheterization is used to identify atherosclerotic coronary or peripheral artery disease, abnormalities of heart muscle (infarction or cardiomyopathy), and valvular or congenital heart abnormalities. In adults, the procedure is used most commonly to diagnose coronary artery disease. Other indications depend on the history, physical examination, electrocardiogram (ECG), cardiac stress test, echocardiographic results, and chest radiograph. Indications for cardiac catheterization are summarized in Table 1.2 .

Table 1.2
Indications for Cardiac Catheterization.
Indications Procedures
  • 1.

    Suspected or known coronary artery disease

  • a.

    New-onset angina

  • b.

    Unstable angina

  • c.

    Evaluation before a major surgical procedure

  • d.

    Silent ischemia

  • e.

    Positive exercise tolerance test

  • f.

    Atypical chest pain or coronary spasm

LV, COR, vasomotor stimuli
  • 2.

    Myocardial infarction

  • a.

    Unstable angina postinfarction

  • b.

    Failed thrombolysis

  • c.


LV, COR, RH, LV support
  • d.

    Mechanical complications (ventricular septal defect, rupture of wall or papillary muscle)

LV, COR, RH, pacemaker, LV support
  • 3.

    Sudden cardiovascular death

LV, COR, R + L
  • 4.

    Valvular heart disease

LV, COR, R + L, ±AO
  • 5.

    Congenital heart disease (before anticipated corrective surgery or ASD/PFO closure)

LV, COR, R + L, ±AO
  • 6.

    Aortic dissection

  • 7.

    Pericardial constriction or tamponade

LV, COR, R + L
  • 8.


LV, COR, R + L, ±BX
  • 9.

    Initial and follow-up assessment for heart transplant

LV, COR, R + L, BX
AO, Aortography; ASD, atrial septal defect; BX, endomyocardial biopsy; COR, coronary angiography; LV, left ventriculography; PCI, percutaneous coronary intervention; RH, right heart oxygen saturations and hemodynamics (e.g., placement of Swan-Ganz catheter); R + L, right and left heart hemodynamics; ±, optional.

Elective procedures

For most patients, diagnostic cardiac catheterization is performed as an elective procedure. It should be deferred if the patient is not prepared either psychologically or physically.

Urgent procedures

If the patient’s condition is unstable because of a suspected cardiac disorder, such as acute myocardial infarction, catheterization must proceed. In the event of decompensated congestive heart failure (CHF) in patients with acute unstable coronary syndromes, rapid medical management is needed. Although a patient must be able to lie flat for easy catheter passage, patients with acute cardiac decompensation may benefit more from aggressive management in the catheterization laboratory where intubation, left ventricular (LV) mechanical support devices, and vasopressors can be instituted rapidly before angiography, and a rapid decision made for revascularization.


Contraindications to cardiac catheterization include fever, anemia, electrolyte imbalance (especially hypokalemia predisposing to arrhythmias), and other systemic illnesses needing stabilization ( Box 1.1 ). The clinical necessity of cardiac catheterization should also be carefully considered when the diagnostic information or therapeutic intervention from the procedure would not meaningfully impact the management of a patient.

Box 1.1
Contraindications to Cardiac Catheterization.

Absolute contraindications

  • Inadequate equipment or catheterization facility

Relative contraindications

  • Acute gastrointestinal bleeding, anemia

  • Anticoagulation (or known, uncontrolled bleeding diathesis)

  • Electrolyte imbalance

  • Infection and fever

  • Medication intoxication (e.g., digitalis, phenothiazine)

  • Pregnancy

  • Recent cerebrovascular accident (<1 month)

  • Renal failure

  • Uncontrolled congestive heart failure, high blood pressure, arrhythmias

  • Uncooperative patient

Complications and risks

For diagnostic catheterization, an analysis of the complications in more than 200,000 patients indicated the incidences of risks: death, ∼0.2%; myocardial infarction, ∼0.05%; stroke, ∼0.07%; serious ventricular arrhythmia, ∼0.5%; and major vascular complications (thrombosis, bleeding requiring transfusion, or pseudoaneurysm), ∼1% ( Box 1.2 and Table 1.3 ). Vascular complications occurred most often when the brachial approach was used and least when the radial approach was used. Risks are increased in well-described subgroups ( Box 1.3 ).

Box 1.2
Complications of Cardiac Catheterization.


  • Cerebrovascular accident

  • Death

  • Myocardial infarction

  • Ventricular tachycardia, fibrillation, serious arrhythmia


  • Aortic dissection

  • Cardiac perforation, tamponade

  • Congestive heart failure

  • Contrast reaction (anaphylaxis, nephrotoxicity)

  • Heart block, asystole

  • Hemorrhage (local, retroperitoneal, pelvic)

  • Infection

  • Protamine reaction

  • Supraventricular tachyarrhythmia, atrial fibrillation

  • Thrombosis, embolus, air embolus

  • Vascular injury, pseudoaneurysm

  • Vasovagal reaction

Table 1.3
Incidence of Major Complications of Diagnostic Catheterizations.
From Dehmer GJ, Weaver D, Matthew T, et al. A contemporary view of diagnostic cardiac catheterization and percutaneous coronary intervention in the United States. A report from the CathPCI Registry of the National Cardiovascular Data Registry, 2010 through June 2011. J Am Coll Cardiol. 2012;60:2017-2031.
Procedure-Related Complications in Patients Without STEMI
PCI Patients Without STEMI ( n = 787,980) Diagnostic Catheterization Only Patients Without STEMI ( n = 1,091,557)
Complications (%)
  • Any adverse event

4.53 1.35
  • Cardiogenic shock

0.47 0.24
  • Heart failure

0.59 0.38
  • Pericardial tamponade

0.07 0.03
  • CVA/stroke

0.17 0.17
  • Total strokes that were hemorrhagic

15.6 9.16
  • New requirement for dialysis

0.19 0.14
In-Hospital Mortality:
  • Non–risk-adjusted

0.65 0.72
  • Non–risk-adjusted excluding CABG patients

0.62 0.60
  • CABG performed during admission

0.81 7.47
CABG Status
  • Salvage/emergency

0.01/0.17 0.01/0.27
  • Urgent/elective

0.47/0.16 5.27/1.92
CABG Indication
  • PCI failure without clinical deterioration

  • PCI complication

Bleeding Complications (%)
  • Any bleeding event within 72 hours of procedure

1.40 0.49
  • Any other vascular complication requiring treatment

0.44 0.15
  • RBC/whole-blood transfusion

2.07 N/A
CABG, Coronary artery bypass graft; CVA, cerebrovascular accident; N/A, not applicable; PCI, percutaneous coronary intervention; RBC, red blood cell; STEMI, ST-segment elevation myocardial infarction.
Box 1.3
Conditions of Patients at Higher Risk for Complications of Catheterization. a

  • Acute myocardial infarction

  • Advanced age (>75 years)

  • Aortic aneurysm

  • Aortic stenosis

  • Congestive heart failure

  • Diabetes

  • Extensive three-vessel coronary artery disease

  • Left ventricular dysfunction (left ventricular ejection fraction <35%)

  • Obesity

  • Prior cerebrovascular accident

  • Renal insufficiency

  • Suspected or known left main coronary stenosis

  • Uncontrolled hypertension

  • Unstable angina

a See also Chapter 8, High-risk Catheterization.

Catheterization laboratory data

Information gathered during the cardiac catheterization can be divided into two categories: hemodynamic and angiographic. Electrophysiologic data are discussed in Chapter 7 . The term cineangiography describes the x-ray examination of cardiac structures from the era when film was the recording medium. Use of this term (i.e., cine) persists even though the images are now acquired and stored electronically on digital computer imaging media (e.g., CD-ROM) rather than on celluloid film. The digital cineangiogram provides anatomic information about the chambers of the heart and the coronary arteries. Hemodynamic information is recorded from catheters inside the heart and consists of pressure tracings processed and stored in a digital format and cardiac output and blood oxygen saturation measurements.

Preparation of the patient

Consent for the procedure

Consent may be obtained by the operator or his or her assistant but is usually obtained by a physician. The person obtaining consent should do the following:

  • 1.

    Explain in simple terms what procedure will take place, for what reason each step of the procedure will occur, the roles of the team performing the procedure, and what is expected to be learned from the test.

  • 2.

    Explain the risks for routine cardiac catheterization. Major risks include stroke, myocardial infarction, and death (usually less than 1 in 1000). Minor risks include vascular injury, allergic reaction, bleeding, hematoma, and infection. If PCI is anticipated, consent for this should be obtained and options should be discussed in advance of the procedure such as medical therapy, stenting, or coronary bypass surgery.

  • 3.

    Explain any portions of the study used for research and the associated risks (e.g., electrophysiologic study—perforation, arrhythmia [<1:500]; pharmacologic study—varies depending on drug and study duration; intracoronary imaging or sensor-pressure wire study—spasm, myocardial infarction, embolus, dissection [<1:500]).

  • 4.

    Provide the necessary information and explanation but do not overwhelm the patient. It is good practice to include the family when explaining what will happen and possible outcomes.

After explaining all aspects of the cardiac catheterization for informed consent, it is important to remember that the final decision to undergo the procedure is always the patient’s. Informed consent entails a shared decision-making process, in which there is a two-way exchange of pertinent information. This information allows the patient (and family) to make a fully informed decision based on his or her expectations, risks of the procedure, and choice of alternatives. If the patient is reluctant to have the catheterization, the procedure can be deferred until the referring physician speaks to the patient to clarify why the procedure is necessary. A reluctant patient should never sign the consent form. When possible, the family should be present when the procedure is discussed. This approach encourages a cooperative and generally sympathetic appreciation of the procedure, the risks, and expected outcome.

Communication with patients: A nonmedical person’s understanding

The clinician establishes rapport and builds the patient’s confidence by listening and explaining. The procedure should be discussed with the patient in terms that he or she can understand. The purpose of the procedure should be clear such as “to look at the arteries in the heart” (coronary arteries) and “to examine the heart muscle” (ventricular function). Simple terms are best so that the patient can grasp the concepts. The clinician should explain what small catheters are (plastic tubes similar in size to spaghetti) and that they will be used to put x-ray contrast media (“dye”) into the arteries supplying blood to the heart. Explain that the procedure is not painful because the arteries are generally not sensitive to the passage of the small catheters. The heart muscle may be weakened (infarcted) in certain areas, and the way to identify this weakness is to take x-ray pictures of the “main pumping chamber” (i.e., the left ventricle). This example of a simple, forthright explanation facilitates the operator team–patient relationship so that confidence in the operator and team performing the procedure is established.

Laboratory atmosphere: The patient’s confidence builder

  • 1.

    In the laboratory, a confident, professional attitude should be adopted by all personnel at all times. Straightforward routine communication should occur quietly and without alarming tones. Patients should be addressed directly, by name, to let them know what their instructions are, as opposed to requests or communications to co-workers.

  • 2.

    The circulating team members should be confident, reassuring, and professional in every respect. The patient feels helpless and is tuned in to all types of stimuli (especially verbal).

  • 3.

    Extraneous conversation is distracting for the patient and the operators. This is especially true when the patient is draped in a manner that does not allow him or her to see his or her surroundings. In the laboratory, all players should be in the game; that is, focused on the patient’s needs and safety, which become paramount goals.

  • 4.

    Communication with the patient (and family) before, during, and after the procedure ensures a satisfied and well-cared-for individual. Communication among the team members in a professional, courteous, and quiet tone builds patient confidence and helps the procedure go smoothly.

  • 5.

    Factory worker attitudes of “another coronary” or “another ST-segment elevation myocardial infarction” (STEMI) should be avoided. Each procedure is potentially life threatening and should be undertaken seriously and with concern as if each patient were a family member.

  • 6.

    Cardiac catheterization is stressful to the patient and the operator team. This stress should be minimized by thoughtful preparation and professional attention to detail. Practical notes for the new operator include the following:

    • a.

      Immediately before the catheterization in the laboratory, a brief reiteration of the history ensures that no interval change has occurred since the last interview.

    • b.

      A reexamination of the patient’s ECG is essential.

    • c.

      A brief examination of the patient (checking heart sounds, breath sounds, and carotid and peripheral pulses) should be routine immediately before and after cardiac catheterization. No patient should be studied without the operator’s full understanding of the clinical conditions and results of previous catheterizations and other pertinent laboratory data.

    • When on the catheterization table, the patient remembers two major potentially painful points of a case: (1) the initial introduction of the local anesthetic (and sometimes radial sheath introduction) and (2) any discomfort experienced after the study has been completed. Such discomfort usually occurs while the operator or nurse is holding the femoral puncture site. If the local anesthetic injection is performed too quickly or if the arterial closure or compression after the procedure is difficult or painful, the patient will remember that the physician who performed the catheterization “hurt me.” The period between the two events is often forgotten (thanks to premedication), but these two points should be kept in mind as the major new-operator take-home messages. Patients cannot discern the operator’s skill or level of accomplishment during the procedure, but they judge the operator (and the team) on the manner and care they receive at the beginning and end of the study. Skill and accomplishment during the procedure are essential, and these are developed during the new operator’s training period.

  • 7.

    General catheterization orders:

    • Before catheterization, preferably the preceding night, precatheterization orders should be written.

    • All medications and procedural premedications should be tailored to the patient and timing of the catheterization. If the patient is using long-acting insulin (neutral protamine Hagedorn [NPH]), the dose should be reduced by 50% and the patient should not eat breakfast. The patient should be watched carefully for hypoglycemic reactions (e.g., shaking, confusion, slurred speech).

    • A more recent suggestion to avoid dehydration and increased chance of contrast-induced nephropathy is to permit or encourage the patient to drink water before the procedure and confine the nothing-by-mouth (NPO) orders to solid foods or dairy products before the procedure.

  • 8.

    Patients should wear their glasses and dentures in the laboratory to make communication easier.

In-laboratory preparations and the time-out

The staff of the cardiac catheterization laboratory is responsible for patient preparation before the start of the procedure. On the patient’s arrival in the laboratory, a staff member should review a brief checklist to ensure that all preprocedural requirements have been met. A sample checklist follows:

  • Check the patient’s ID band and known allergies.

  • Check laboratory results (key tests: hemoglobin, platelet count, electrolytes including blood urea nitrogen, creatinine).

  • Check blood pressure, all pulses (arms and legs), and baseline ECG.

  • Anticoagulant status: Check the international normalized ratio (INR) and partial thromboplastin time (PTT) and, if on heparin, the activated clotting time (ACT).

  • Recheck childbearing potential (patient may need β-human chorionic gonadotropin level).

  • Verify that the proper paperwork has been copied and filled out for the procedure and confirm that the consent form has been signed.

  • Assess the patient’s understanding of the procedure and answer the patient’s questions.

  • Check that the oral airway forms for the procedure are signed and in the chart. If not, make arrangements for their completion before the procedure.

  • Check that the intravenous (IV) line is secure and patent.

  • Check that the patient has ingested nothing solid by mouth before the procedure.

  • Check whether premedications were given as ordered.

  • Start documentation of the precatheterization condition and note any physical deficits (abnormal neurologic examination, bruising, or bleeding sites).

Cautionary note

The cardiac catheterization laboratory, like any operating area in a hospital, has potential injury risks to both patients and staff. Common risks of any operating room are listed in Table 1.4 . Good sense and proven work routines help the laboratory take precautions against accidents. Specific situations in which patient-related accidents should also be considered and attended to include the transfer and centering of the patient on the table and removing any sharp or hard-edged objects from contact with the patient.

Table 1.4
Safety Hazards.
Safety Hazards in the Catheterization Laboratory Person at Risk
Ionizing radiation, electricity, impact with stationary equipment Staff, patient
Blood products, microorganisms Staff, patient
Pharmaceutical agents Patient
Chemical solvents, acids, bases, cleansers Staff
Ergonomic injury (lifting in awkward positions, working in tight spaces, slipping on wet floors) Staff
Falls from table, gurney, floor Patient (possibly staff during rescue attempt)

One unresolved issue is how to protect patients from falling or rolling off the catheterization table and whether all patients should be restrained on the catheterization laboratory table ( Fig. 1.2 ). Patients who are at high risk of falls include high body mass index (BMI) patients, those who cannot follow simple instructions, or patients who are agitated or uncooperative. Patients who cannot keep their arms at their sides, or keep their legs or body still on the table, are also at high risk. These are the same patients who may fall during transfer on or off the catheterization table. There is no formal algorithm for deciding who is truly at high risk. All laboratories use operator and nurse judgment at the time of the procedure. Table restraints are not always effective in preventing falls off the catheterization table. It is good practice that during the time-out and after the administration of conscious sedation, all patients should be assessed for their fall risk.

Fig. 1.2
Strap for holding patient on catheterization table. Despite restraints, patient should be closely attended to while the potential of falling is present.
(Reprinted with permission from Cath Lab Digest . Copyright HMP Communications.)

After all precatheterization requirements have been fulfilled, the patient may be taken to the angiographic suite and the technical preparations can be completed.

Catheterization suite preparations

Before the start of the catheterization procedure, the staff performs the following tasks:

  • 1.

    Establish ECG monitoring. The ECG should be considered the first of the two major lifelines. The heartbeat is monitored for rate and rhythm during the entire procedure. It is the responsibility of the staff to place the electrodes and lead wires in such a fashion that a quality trace is obtained. Care must be taken that the electrodes and lead wires do not interfere with the movement of the x-ray and cineangiographic unit. All leads should be secure, and a good signal should be present before the application of sterile drapes; it is difficult to reach under the sterile drapes to reattach loose lead wires once the procedure has begun. Radiolucent leads permit complete 12-lead ECG monitoring but are more prone to breakage than heavier cable leads.

  • 2.

    Establish IV access. The second lifeline is IV access for routine medications and fluids as well as for emergency resuscitation measures. Without good IV access, emergency drugs to counteract vagal or allergic reactions will not be effective. When the patient is in the laboratory, the nurse or physician may identify the need for additional sedation or analgesia before the start of the procedure. The IV line is also important for hydration after cardiac catheterization.

Caution must be exercised when premedicating elderly patients. If meperidine (Demerol), fentanyl, or morphine is used, a narcotic antagonist, such as naloxone (Narcan), should be available. Flumazenil (a benzodiazepine antagonist) should also be available if diazepam (Valium) or midazolam (Versed) is used.

The time-out

In any catheterization laboratory, preparations can be hectic, perhaps even frantic at times. This frenetic pace can cause problems, important steps can be missed, and patient safety can be compromised. As part of procedural safety, every patient coming to the laboratory must be assessed for his or her suitability for conscious sedation and potential complications of the catheterization procedure. Every laboratory is required to perform a preprocedure safety review, called the time-out ( Fig. 1.3 ). In the time-out before sedation, the team verifies the right patient is in the room, the right procedure is going to be performed, the right operative site will be used, and whether the patient has renal failure, allergies, or is being treated with anticoagulants so that the team has no concerns about whether to proceed. At this time, the team agrees to proceed and then specifies what analgesia and sedation dose will be given. Time-out is a Joint Commission requirement.

Fig. 1.3
The time-out towel is a reminder to conduct a safety check before proceeding with the procedure.
(Reprinted with permission from Cath Lab Digest. Copyright HMP Communications.)

When should the time-out occur?

The time-out, the immediate preprocedure pause, must occur in the location where the procedure is to be performed (catheterization laboratory suite). The time-out may precede anesthesia or it may occur in the operating room after the patient is anesthetized (participation by the patient is not expected in surgical procedures but is recommended for catheterization laboratory procedures) but just before starting the procedure. In some laboratories, a second time-out is done before the PCI after completion of the diagnostic portion of the study.

Who should participate in the time-out process?

The time-out must involve the entire operative team. At a minimum, this includes the catheterization laboratory operator, their assistant, any anesthesia provider, and the circulating nurse. Participation with active (out-loud) verbal communication by all members of the team is required. (“I concur” is the proper acknowledgment.) In particular, if there is concern about a possible error, no one should be afraid to speak up to protect the patient. Even when there is only one person doing the procedure, a brief pause to confirm the correct patient, procedure, and site is appropriate. It is not necessary to engage others in this verification process if they would not otherwise be involved in the procedure.

The out-loud verbal acknowledgment is also an important safety behavior at other times for instructions given during the procedure and received by the circulating team. Active acknowledgment of orders eliminates confusion, redundant requests, and frustration.

The reverse time-out or “I need 2 minutes”

The time-out before the procedure is a routine safety requirement. However, another kind of time-out is sometimes needed when the case goes too fast. This is especially true with overeager fellows and catheterization laboratory attending physicians who sometimes want to work so fast that they outstrip the ability of the catheterization laboratory team to keep up with their demands or become confused by conflicting or changing orders from the operators. Whenever this happens, anyone working in the laboratory can call a time-out, which is stated out loud as “I need 2 minutes.” The operators should stop and take a breath. This gives the person (and the team) who called time-out a couple of minutes of uninterrupted time for them to get everything caught up and correct. For example, when the circulating nurse is asked, “Please give the patient NTG, give me a JR4 6 F, set the injector at 12 for 36, and show me the ECG…,” it is clear that this is too much to do quickly enough for the smooth operation of the laboratory, and the nurse should call for a 2-minute time-out. The called 2-minute time-out is the request back to the operators to give the nurse, technician, or team 2 minutes to get all the steps, equipment, or setup going and correctly brought together. During complex procedures, the nurse can say, “I need 2 minutes to do xyz.” Everyone will hear and should understand. The operators will relax and wait for the team to catch up. Of course the called time-out would not be appropriate if there were a critical situation in which the patient could not wait for an emergency drug or other life-sustaining intervention (e.g., LV support device or an intraaortic balloon pump [IABP] insertion).

Sterile preparations

Cardiac catheterization occurs in an operating room environment, and all preparations for the procedure must be performed using aseptic technique, with personnel in scrubs, protective hats, masks, and gowns. Some laboratories do not require masks during the back-table setup.

Vascular access site preparation

The most common vascular access sites are the right groin for the femoral approach and the right wrist for the radial artery approach. Of course, the left-side arteries are also available when needed. The usual sterile preparation begins by clipping the area of hair and vigorously applying an antiseptic solution. Shaving should be avoided because of micro-lacerations or abrasions breaking the skin barrier to infection.

During patient preparation, the staff should always be aware of the patient’s need for privacy. Curtains in the viewing area should be drawn. The patient should be kept covered as much as possible. In addition, procedure rooms are typically cold; every effort should be made to keep the patient warm and comfortable.

Sterile field preparation and patient draping

Staff members assigned to assist the physician in the procedure put on hair and shoe covers and a surgical face mask and wash hands and forearms as a surgical scrub. They then put on a sterile surgical gown and gloves. An equipment stand is prepared in a sterile fashion to hold all the catheters and other equipment to be used during the procedure. At this time, a circulating staff member opens the sterile packaged catheters and necessary equipment not included in the sterile catheter laboratory pack is taken from a circulating nurse by the scrub nurse or technician. A sterile drape is placed over the patient, starting at the patient’s upper chest and extending to the foot, covering the entire examination table. Special arm boards and drapes are used for radial procedures.

It is important for all personnel to understand sterile techniques to avoid accidentally contaminating any sterile fields. As a basic rule, no unsterile object may be passed over a sterile field. A sterile gown and gloves, rather than gloves alone, should be worn when preparing the back table and patient, especially for team members who are very short or wide or whose body may accidentally contact the sterile areas. When moving around a crowded angiographic room, all personnel should be careful to avoid bumping into or passing hands or arms over the sterile tray, table, or patient drapes. Personnel should not walk between the sterile table or equipment tray and the patient. Avoid touching the ends of catheters, extension tubes, or syringe tips in a sterile field or the exposed power injector syringe tip.

Rules for observers in the laboratory

Some hospitals have policies that limit nonhospital personnel from being in the catheterization laboratory without prior consent of the patient. Any observers in the angiographic room should respect the professional atmosphere and keep extraneous conversation to a minimum. Observers should adhere to the policy of the laboratory and wear scrubs or paper gowns and a lead apron as protection against scattered radiation. Observers should avoid sterile fields and should be aware of the precautions necessary for protection from blood and other body fluids.

No one but catheterization laboratory personnel should ever manipulate or adjust any device, equipment, or medication system in the laboratory. To prevent observers who are not laboratory personnel from becoming overly enthusiastic and attempting to assist the nurses or physicians, they should never be given sterile gloves. This is important to avoid potential liability for the laboratory, hospital, and staff.

Conscious sedation for invasive cardiac procedure

The purpose of conscious sedation is to minimize patient anxiety, discomfort, and pain associated with the procedure. The following criteria define conscious sedation:

  • 1.

    The patient at no time loses protective reflexes.

  • 2.

    The patient retains the ability to maintain an open airway continuously without help.

  • 3.

    The patient responds appropriately to verbal and physical stimulation.

If the patient can no longer do the things listed, the sedative technique evolves to deep sedation or general anesthesia. At this point, the monitoring and care of the patient must be elevated to avoid an adverse outcome.

A conscious sedation protocol has four major components: (1) preprocedural baseline assessment, (2) drug dosage and administration, (3) patient monitoring, and (4) postprocedure monitoring and assessment and discharge criteria.

Preprocedural assessment

Before the administration of sedative agents, the patient should have a complete assessment of his or her current physical condition. The clinician should pay particular attention to any preexisting conditions that would put the patient at risk for an adverse outcome if sedatives are administered. A preprocedural evaluation should include a review of the major organ systems, the time and type of the last oral intake, a history of drug and alcohol use, a history of smoking, and a history of previous experience with sedative agents.

Preprocedural fasting is the rule. Sedative agents may impair airway reflexes, placing the patient at increased risk for aspirating gastric contents. For elective procedures, these risks can be minimized by allowing sufficient time for gastric emptying before the procedure. The patient should be NPO for solids and nonclear liquids after midnight or at least 8 hours before the start of the procedure. Clear liquids may be appropriate 1 to 3 hours before the procedure, depending on the type and dose of the sedative agent to be used.

Physical examination and airway assessment

An airway assessment should be part of the preprocedural routine. Most preprocedural checklists include the Mallampati classification, which is used to predict the ease of intubation. Mallampati scoring is as follows:

  • Class 1: full visibility of tonsils, uvula, and soft palate

  • Class 2: visibility of hard and soft palate, upper portion of tonsils, and uvula

  • Class 3: soft and hard palate and base of the uvula are visible

  • Class 4: only hard palate is visible

A high Mallampati score (class 4) is associated with more difficult intubation and a higher incidence of sleep apnea. Factors associated with difficult airway management also include:

  • 1.

    A history of sleep apnea, snoring, or stridor

  • 2.

    Dysmorphic jaw or facial features

  • 3.

    Advanced rheumatoid arthritis

  • 4.

    A short neck with limited extension caused by obesity, mass, or injury

  • 5.

    Mouth or jaw irregularities or deformities, including loose or capped teeth or dentures.

American Society of Anesthesiologists Physical Status Classification

The American Society of Anesthesiologists Physical Status Classification ( Table 1.5 ) is helpful in determining the patient’s eligibility for conscious sedation. It uses a 1 to 5 classification range, with 1 being a healthy patient and 5 being a moribund patient. Procedural sedation is appropriate for patients in classes 1, 2, and 3. Patients in class 4 and higher are better suited for general anesthesia. There are several contraindications to conscious sedation that include:

  • 1.

    Recent (<2 hour) ingestion of large food or fluid volumes

  • 2.

    A physical class 4 or greater

  • 3.

    A lack of support staff or monitoring equipment

  • 4.

    A lack of experience/credentialing on the part of the clinician.

Table 1.5
American Society of Anesthesiologists Physical Status Classification.
Class Description
1 A healthy patient (e.g., varicose veins in an otherwise healthy patient)
2 A patient with mild systemic disease that in no way interferes with normal activity (e.g., controlled hypertension, controlled diabetes, chronic bronchitis)
3 A patient with severe systemic disease that is not incapacitating (e.g., insulin-dependent diabetes, angina, pulmonary insufficiency)
4 A patient with severe systemic disease that is a constant threat to life (e.g., cardiac failure, major organ insufficiency)
5 A moribund patient who is not expected to survive for 24 hours with or without surgery (e.g., intracranial hemorrhage in coma)

Monitoring parameters

Level of consciousness.

The patient’s level of consciousness should be assessed often before and during the procedure. The level of consciousness can be assessed by the patient’s response to verbal commands or to light tactile stimulation. Once aroused, the patient should respond appropriately to verbal commands. The nurse or operator can assess this easily by periodically talking to the patient and listening to his or her response. When the patient’s only response is reflex withdrawal from painful stimuli, deep sedation is evident, and special care must be taken to ensure patency of the airway, proper ventilation, and hemodynamic stability.

Pulmonary ventilation.

Pulmonary ventilation can be monitored by the observation of spontaneous respiratory activity or, when possible, auscultation of breathing sounds. During certain invasive procedures, direct monitoring of the respiratory rate is often difficult because of sterile drapes and equipment.


Continuous assessment of the patient’s blood oxygen saturation by pulse oximetry should be a part of any conscious sedation monitoring and assessment protocol. This monitor is only a tool and not a replacement for direct observation of the patient. There can be a 1-minute delay between the onset of hypoxia and the decrease in the monitor reading.

End-tidal carbon dioxide monitoring measures exhaled carbon dioxide and is most commonly used in intubated patients receiving mechanical ventilation, but it is also used in nonintubated patients undergoing moderate or deep sedation. The measurement of end-tidal carbon dioxide (E t CO 2 ), called capnography, is useful as an adjunct to other monitoring methods in detecting hypoventilation before pulse oximetry indicates oxygen desaturation. It is a more sensitive gauge of hypoventilation than visual observation. In procedural sedation, side-stream capnography equipment usually consists of sampling probes to measure gases from the nose and sometimes the mouth. Additional oxygen can be administered through the same cannula.

The Practice Guidelines for Sedation and Analgesia by Non-Anesthesiologists published by the American Society of Anesthesiologists (ASA) outlines the following areas for patient monitoring during moderate or deep sedation states: “During moderate or deep sedation, the adequacy of ventilation shall be evaluated by continual observation of qualitative clinical signs and monitoring for the presence of exhaled carbon dioxide unless precluded or invalidated by the nature of the patient, procedure, or equipment.” The ASA amended its Standards for Basic Anesthetic Monitoring to include mandatory exhaled dioxide E t CO 2 monitoring during both moderate and deep sedation to its existing requirement.

Sedative agents may cause arrhythmias and hypotension. Although continuous ECG monitoring is performed during preprocedural patient preparations, blood pressure should also be monitored often at 1- to 2-minute intervals during the onset of sedation and 5- to 10-minute intervals during the procedure. Hemodynamics should return to baseline before discharge.

The Aldrete Scoring System ( Table 1.6 ) can be used to assess the effects of sedation on the patient’s major systems (neurologic, respiratory, and circulatory). A score of 0, 1, or 2 is given for level of activity, level of consciousness, respiratory ability, blood pressure, and color.

Table 1.6
Aldrete Scoring System
Score Activity Respiration Circulation Consciousness Color
2 Able to move four extremities Able to breathe deeply and cough BP ±20% of baseline Fully alert and answers questions Normal pink
1 Able to move two extremities Limited respiratory effort (dyspnea) BP ±20% to 50% of baseline Arousable Pale, dusky, blotchy
0 Not able to control any extremities No spontaneous respiratory effort BP >50% of baseline Failure to elicit response Frank cyanosis
BP, Blood pressure.

Drugs for conscious sedation

First-line drugs and dosages for conscious sedation are listed in Table 1.7 .

Table 1.7
First-Line Drugs for Conscious Sedation.
Drug Dose Max Onset (min) Duration (min)
Morphine (narcotic analgesic) 1–2 mg 10 mg or 0.15 mg/kg 1–2 30–60
Meperidine (narcotic analgesic) 10–20 mg 100 mg or 1.5 mg/kg 1–2 20–40
Fentanyl (narcotic analgesic) 25 µg 200 µg or 3 µg/kg 1 10–15
Midazolam (sedative, amnesic) 0.5–1.0 mg 5–10 mg or 0.1 mg/kg 1–3 15–30

Postprocedure monitoring and discharge criteria

Patients who receive conscious sedation should be monitored for 1 to 2 hours before discharge. During this time the patient should be assessed and monitored with the same parameters used in the preprocedural assessment. When the patient returns to baseline, discharge is appropriate. The following discharge criteria should be met before the patient is sent back to the floor or home:

  • 1.

    The Aldrete score has returned to baseline (summed Aldrete scores of 9 or 10).

  • 2.

    At least 2 hours have elapsed since the last dose of sedative agents.

  • 3.

    Vital signs have returned to baseline.

  • 4.

    Ventilation (respiratory rate and oxygen saturation) has returned to baseline.

  • 5.

    The patient is mentally alert, and all protective reflexes are intact.

Outpatients who are being discharged to home should be able to ambulate appropriately for their age and condition. An escort should be available, and the patient should be instructed about not driving a motor vehicle for an appropriate period.

Postcatheterization check-up

The operator should check on the patient several hours after the procedure. Vital signs should be normal. Low blood pressure is usually a result of diuresis and responds to normal saline. Tachycardia with low blood pressure indicates blood loss until proven otherwise. The arterial access site should be checked for pain and hematoma. The operator should check the groin site and distal pulses in legs or the wrist for loss of pulse. Urine output should be >30 mL/h. Low urine output may reflect unsatisfactory volume replacement or early onset of contrast-induced renal failure. A cool or painful extremity requires immediate assessment to determine whether thrombus, spasm, or vasoconstriction is responsible for arterial occlusion. Limb ischemia, including the arm for radial cases, or an enlarging hematoma requires urgent consultation with a vascular surgeon, repeat angiography, and at times an urgent return to the catheterization laboratory.

Angiogram review

To provide the patient and family with an understanding of the coronary artery disease or other findings, a preliminary schematic diagram of the heart and coronary arteries can be provided. A similar diagram should be put in the chart to help others understand the findings. A catheterization instruction book is helpful and may contain a blank standard diagram ( Fig. 1.4 ). The booklet explains the catheterization procedure and the possible meaning of various findings on the coronary angiogram. In some cases, reviewing the actual coronary cineangiograms with the patient and family members may be helpful. After discharge, the patient may wish to see the angiograms to understand the disease better and to ask questions and receive answers specifically with regard to future treatment (after the operator discusses the findings and plans with the referring or primary care physician). Taking the time to explain the findings by referring directly to the diagram or cineangiographic film is rewarding. “No one ever took time to explain my heart problem this way, and now I understand what is wrong” is a frequent comment. The risk of a patient becoming alarmed or depressed after viewing the cineangiogram has not been borne out by experience with thousands of patients and their families. The additional burden of taking the time to show the angiograms to the patient is worth the effort. In some busy laboratories, this approach may not be feasible, but with images on disks, almost every laboratory has an open computer to share the angiograms with the patient. The operator should always discuss the findings and possible recommendations with the primary physician first because catheterization is principally a consultative service.

Feb 21, 2020 | Posted by in CARDIOLOGY | Comments Off on The cardiac catheterization laboratory

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