The Association Between Dyslipidemia and Its Treatment with Erectile Dysfunction

Study, year

No. of patients

Study type

Study drugs

ED assessment


Saltzman et al., 2004


Single-arm open-label


IIEF questionnaire, RigiScan


Herrmann et al., 2006


Randomized, double-blind placebo-controlled


IIEF questionnaire


Bank et al., 2006


Randomized, double-blind placebo-controlled


IIEF questionnaire, endothelium-independent relaxation, Doppler blood flow


Gokkaya et al., 2008


Single-arm open- label


IIEF questionnaire


Dadkhah et al., 2010


Randomized, -blind placebo-controlled


IIEF questionnaire


Gokce et al., 2012


Single-center, randomized, single-bind study


IIEF questionnaire



Serum testosterone, nocturnal penile tumescence

Pedersen et al., 1999 (comment on the Scandinavian Simvastatin Survival Study 1994)


Randomized, single-bind study


IIEF questionnaire

No deterioration likely

Trivedi et al., 2013


Randomized, double-bind study


IIEF questionnaire, male ED-specific quality of life, quality adjusted life years


Bruckert et al., 1996


Crossover study

Simvastatin, pravastatin, fibrates, resins

Medical history

Hypolipidemic drugs as a possible cause of ED

Carvajal et al., 2006


Analysis of the cases of impotence of the Spanish and French pharmacovigilance system


Reports from patients

Possible cause of ED

Solomon et al., 2006


Prospective observational study


IIEF questionnaire

Possible cause

Hall et al., 2009


Observational crossover study

Hypolipidemics, meta-analysis on statins

IIEF questionnaire

Hypolipidemics, and statins may cause ED

Do et al., 2009


Case/non-case method on data within the French Pharmacovigilance System Database


Spontaneous reports


Corona et al., 2010


Crossover observational study


ANDROTEST, measurement of blood-testosterone

Statins may induce hypogonadism

Mastalir et al., 2005


Double-blind, randomized, placebo-controlled


IIEF questionnaire, ED Index of Treatment Satisfaction

No relationship between simvastatin and ED

Nurkalem et al., 2014


Single-blind randomized

Atorvastatin, rosuvastatin

IIEF questionnaire

Atorvastatin increased ED

Rosuvastatin showedno effect

13.4.3 Experimental Data

In an experimental study (Wistar rats), it was found that pretreatment with atorvastatin increased the potency of sildenafil-induced relaxation (p < 0.01), the plasma NOx concentrations, and sildenafil-induced hypotension and tachycardia [41]. These findings suggest a synergy through NO-mediated mechanisms, in the vascular relaxation. In another study, atorvastatin ameliorated sildenafil-induced penile erections in spontaneously hypertensive rats, by interfering with the Rho-kinase signaling pathway within the penis [42]. Atorvastatin benefits on erectile function were also observed in diabetic rats and diabetic rabbits [43]. Similar beneficial effects on erectile function were also observed with rosuvastatin in obese diabetic rats [44]. Simvastatin showed similar benefits in restoring erectile function when added to insulin, by inhibiting the RhoA-/Rho-kinase pathway [45].

13.5 Other Hypolipidemics and Erectile Dysfunction

Case reports or small series of patients who were treated with gemfibrozil suggest that ED might appear after 1–3 weeks of treatment and subside after withdrawal of the drug [4649]. A review of clinical trial experience with fenofibrate reported ED as an adverse effect on 1.3 % of the patients [50].

In a single-center prospective randomized placebo-controlled parallel-group trial of 160 male patients with ED and dyslipidemia, niacin was associated with improvement of erectile function compared to placebo for 12 weeks [51]. In another single-blind, one-arm study of 54 men with untreated ED, niacin had beneficial effects on erectile function when given combined with propionyl-L-carnitine and L-arginine for 3 months [52].

13.6 Conclusions

This review sought to summarize available evidence regarding the relationship between ED and dyslipidemia. Most evidence support that dyslipidemia is associated with ED through induction of impaired relaxation response upon cavernal tissue. Hypercholesterolemia decreases the gene expression of endothelium-specific cell-to-cell junction proteins and decreased endothelial content in the corpus cavernosum. High levels of ox-LDL induce lower bioavailability of NO.

Available data regarding the effects of statins on erectile function is conflicting. Experimental data point towards a beneficial effect of statins on erectile function through several mechanisms. Clinical data, however, does not confirm these beneficial effects in all cases. Available clinical studies show positive, neutral, or even negative effects on erectile function. However, existing data is not of the highest quality. Many studies are observational with all inherent limitations of this study type, and available prospective randomized studies have usually small study samples and short follow-up. Moreover, the assessment of erectile function in other studies was not based on validated methods. Finally, information regarding a dose-dependent effect or within-class differences are inconclusive.

Information regarding other hypolipidemic agents, apart from statins, is scant and fragmented. Gemfibrozil appears to have detrimental effects on erectile function, while niacin might beneficially affect erectile function; however, available data needs to be confirmed by appropriately designed and adequately powered clinical trials.



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