The American Society of Echocardiography Council on Cardiovascular Sonography has had a busy year. The Sonographer Council has 3,382 members (2,021 sonographers, 1,113 physicians, 204 student/fellows, and 44 retired members). In 2016, the Council supported several sonographer-related awards: Maryellen Orsinelli, RN, RDCS, FASE as the recipient of the 2016 Cardiovascular Sonographer Distinguished Teacher Award, 14 sonography students with the Alan D. Waggoner Scholarship, and selected two sonographers to receive travel grant awards to attend the 2016 ASE Scientific Sessions.
Members of the Council Steering Committee and Sonographer members reviewed and participated in the development of the 2016 National Education Curriculum (NEC) for sonography students. This document was endorsed by ASE and is available online for all sonographers to access- http://www.jrcdms.org/nec.htm .
The ASE Council on Cardiovascular Sonography Steering Committee is charged with i) supporting issues of importance to sonographer membership, ii) provide guidance to the ASE Board of Directors with regard to sonographer issues, iii) provide a forum for members with similar interests to network, iv) provide guidance on standards of care related to specialty fields to the Board and the Guideline and Standards Committee, and v) provide guidance to the scientific sessions Committee regarding appropriate educational offerings for sonographers. With these charges in mind, the Sonographer Council Steering Committee will be working on the following projects for the 2016–2017 calendar year (See Table 1 ).